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It's more a way of self reflection / meditation to type out thoughts for me and it can be interesting to read what's going through other peoples minds. Then there's always the chance that someone responds something interesting to one my thought essays and I learn something new / get a new perspective. I could probably spend less time on FG and or write shorter answers, I don't actually spend much time on it anyways, but I could still spend less time on it, but atm I find it's passable and makes me think about interesting things from time to time. (not to mention that even if I were to write shorter answers, all the things I didn't type would still be going through my head and all that would change would be me being more reserved and dishonest with my responses)

When I write answer, I try to write them so that I am happy with the answer given and if the answer requires a lot of words, then I have to write all of those words. I don't try to cut corners with my explanation when writing answer to question. And sometimes question just requires you to write a long essay for your answer to be understood.

...eugh. this topic.

if you express your thoughts in detail, and explain your answer in depth, you're taking the question seriously and showing exactly what you think about it. if i'm spending a few more minutes doing that, i don't really mind. we came here to spend our time away from things anyways.

it's somewhat bothersome to have others yelp for a tl;dr and generally just not give a shit about the answer. you asked, so i answered.

plus, it's fairly typical for there to be words that are too vague to simplify sentences to, and sometimes, you just have to describe it as it really is, to clarify.

there's tons of "reasons" why one would write "essays for answers". it's not like it needs much of a reason. there isn't a "should" or "shouldn't" in terms of how long your answers are, as long as they're not actual fucking spam.

i'm glad to see people explain their perspective in clarity. i can understand them better.

i think that's about as simple as it could be, if any of that makes sense. it's actually a fairly tiresome topic, as this is normally where things go when people decide i'm "taking things too seriously".

- - -

"Should"? How would I know.
I'm someone who spends time thinking about it and at the same time doing something else, mostly. As an example: I'm playing "TF2" while thinking about and writing this.
Calling those long answers "essays" feels kind of... Negative (but that's just my usual perception). Like, people writing such long answers, are writing so because of the question that was asked. Especially if you didn't say anything about the length of the answer you'd like to read. And if someone doesn't want to make it short, why wouldn't it be fine.

Thinking about it feels more and more stupid.

How's Music Day (June 21st) going in your country?
Those who does prolly has lot of free time

Ashton wrote:
June 21 ordinary day


Ashton wrote:
depending on the question im absolutely one of those people. i don’t really care whether or not anyone actually reads my answer, i just want to answer the question to the best of my ability. i don’t care if that means i give a three word answer or a whole novel. i don’t think i’m wasting my time or anything, i mean i don’t imagine anyone’s gonna care anymore than just “hmm nice”, but it’s more about answering the question so that i’m comfortable with it.

that’s really about it.


i don’t really know.

if you could be anywhere you wanted at this moment, where would you be?
Tad Fibonacci
I am at home. And I want to be home. I love being home.


Same question.
Same answer, same question.

Kyomaku wrote:

Same answer, same question.

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

I am at home. And I want to be home. I love being home.

What do you think of the world we live in?
ERA Puzzle
It's alright. Humanity is going through a growing process. The state of the world will probably always be objectively awful, and I think there are a million trillion things to criticize about the world we live in. It's fucked up in all sorts of ways. Society is awful.

But, on the other hand, it couldn't really be any other way. We can't be at this point in terms of technology, in terms of understanding the world around us, without having things go wrong or lacking understanding. There's been no precursor to a time like this. This is a completely new era for humanity. With that new era comes a whole host of new problems and issues that we've never encountered before and we certainly don't understand. We need to figure out how to make society work while things are constantly changing, and that's hard. In that sense, society on a whole is objectively horrible, but if you look at it and compare it to history it's quite good.

But there's a problem. I think the great filter is a real thing, and we're probably about to hit it. There seems to be an inherent natural destructiveness about intelligence. It seems that intelligence outstrips instincts and experiences. There's all these new things, all these new facets to society and existence that didn't exist 100, 200, 300 years ago. Completely new and revolutionary. As a side effect, it is imperative that our society adapts to fit around the new world we create. We're generally sort of okay at that... But it really seems like natural intelligence causes animals like us to grow too smart too quickly without the experience to understand the power you end up wielding when you're intelligent. We're more likely than not going to destroy ourselves because of it. We're too tribal. Our insticts are focused around a reality where competition for resources is real. Where the only thing that matters is the people close to you, and there's no damage from our actions to people very far away. It's a tribal mindset, and it's outdated.

Shoes are a good example. How many people do you think, for the shoes you wear on your feet, were involved in the process of creating those shoes? How peoples actions affected those shoes, the creation of them, the shipments, the retail, to finally getting to you? The answer is, seriously, millions. Millions and millions of people from all around the globe. Just for you to get some shoes. Everybody has a pair of shoes, right? Then what's it like if nearly everyone has a pair of shoes and for each pair of shoes millions of people were somehow involved with or affected those shoes?

We're all connected now. The way of thinking about only the immediate vicinty of people is outdated. It's no longer like, ah, yeah, there's a tribe of a few thousand people over there, lets make war with them, and that's an isolated incident. If any wars happen here in the modern age, that's not isolated. The whole globe feels the effects of that, whether people realize it or not.

There are plenty of people who in some way, consciously or not, realize that. We're a global society. But on the whole, we really act like we're not. We act like our actions and our decisions only affect us, immediately. We act like we're a society that's maybe a city big, or a state big, or a country big. But we're not. We're a fucking planet big, now. And in that sense, We don't see the whole picture. We have no foresight. It's not our natural state. It's not what we were evolved to do. We were evolved to survive in a world where we were our own biggest competitors. That or nature. It's not like that anymore. We haven't really learned that, as a people. It's bad.

So, yeah. The worlds alright. Going down a shitty path, but what other path is there to go down? We're probably fucked. That's how I look at things.

Not too much going on, but overall stable.


Let's say:
M is 26 years old. T is as twice as old as M. Q is a quarter younger than T. S is ten times younger than M. Take T's age and subtract it by S's age, and you get?
17 yeah 16 or maybe 15

Which comes first, egg or cat
egg make chicken
chicken come before cat

edit: no question

what makes you the happiest about yourself?
How I'm clearly becoming more sociable. This usually makes me very happy about myself. I used to be someone who isolated themselves from the world. Since, I believe a month or two ago, I've been getting more sociable, mainly online. However, I've also changed in real life, as I can now talk, as long as I'm not the one starting the conversation. I still have my weak points. Socialising is still scary. But it's now quite fun to set challenges and goals for myself and try to work towards them. I want to improve.

However, with my changed attitude towards socialising, I've noticed that I've been craving interaction with others. Being alone in my room often makes me quite depressed. I can't find the fun in being alone anymore. I guess it's because I love challenging myself, so I should put challenges of my own into the things that I do. Could be something I try today.

That was some interesting self-evaluation.
Same question.
One thing that I am very proud of having is my logical brain. I am very good at pretty much every field that requires logical thinking, mostly math and programming and I am very proud of that though I am not sure why.

ERA Puzzle
My ability to continue moving. Stuff fucks me over pretty consistently but I keep working hard. I think that's something to be very proud of.

Dunno, as long as there's no big problems

I think I'm making progress towards the lifestyle I'd like to obtain.

Remind me, whose fault is it that I can't play some "foreign" games... The EU?
Probably. Article 13 is a pain in the ass, I know.

Solve this equation:
log2 x^3 - 12 = 0

How long did it take for you to solve it?
Tad Fibonacci
Hah, nice try Kotori. I ain't solving any math.

What was your dream when you were a kid?

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

Probably. Article 13 is a pain in the ass, I know.

Solve this equation:
log2 x^3 - 12 = 0

How long did it take for you to solve it?

Unless I fucked up by speed through it it should be 16, probably took me 15 seconds to solve from the moment I wrote it into paint.

OT: My dream when I was a kid was to pharmacist to find a cure to an incurable illness that I have though in the end I discovered that I didn't like chemestry as much as other subject such as math, programming and physics so I left the dream behind.

Yep 16 is correct, it's pretty easy since you just equate log2 x^3 to log2 2^12, then cancel log2 on both sides and you get x^3 = 2^12. From there, x^3 = 4096, so x = 16.

Well, I knew that grown-ups had these things called jobs and I wanted to do something where I'd be handling children (like maybe a party organizer or a math teacher), so that their lives would be as carefree as mine. Easier said than done when you're Singaporean, because everything is expensive. Also, my ambitions have changed since then. I'm not very good with my social skills, so I'm looking to take up a profession in the digital technology sector. Yeah, like programmers and hackers (with good intentions such as eradicating computer viruses).

Was there any decision that your parents made for you that you felt was unfair?
That "for me", huh...
Well it's not a decision per se, because it's just about choosing what to buy, in terms of clothes and furnitures.
I'm trying to get out of this home.
I might be seen as crazy and I'm fine with it, but there's nowhere for me to feel safe (or to be more harsh: "I don't want to call where I'm living a home, even if it seems stable from an external point of view"), hence that answer I wrote before:

45Traeath wrote:

I think I'm making progress towards the lifestyle I'd like to obtain.

If that question was less... "Broad"?
Well, I would have answered with "Their decision to let me out of my mother's belly".

What's something unrealistic (or not), that you want to believe it will happen?
(Whether you want it to happen or not is of your own choice.)
I don't really understand the question, but I'll give it a shot.

I struggle with trust, so a part of me does believe that my friend may not actually like being around me. And she'll suddenly completely leave me because she simply can't stand me.
This thought fills me with dread. I despise it.
This is very unlikely, but I am prepared for this to turn out true regardless.

Same question.
I apologize, but your questions are always so damn wordy. Hopefully my revision will do it justice: "What's something unrealistic that you wish would happen?"

I've always been fascinated by being able to just create anything my mind comes up with.

If I could create my own reality and live in it, and experience it, or at least just be able to express and create everything that I've envisioned through art or music, that'd be really nice.

But sadly, I don't have the skill and memory to do so.

I'm still going to do my best.

- - -

Would you care to look at or listen to the work-in-progress projects I've got?

Achromalia wrote:

I apologize, but your questions are always so damn wordy. Hopefully my revision will do it justice: "What's something unrealistic that you wish would happen?"

I've always been fascinated by being able to just create anything my mind comes up with.

If I could create my own reality and live in it, and experience it, or at least just be able to express and create everything that I've envisioned through art or music, that'd be really nice.

But sadly, I don't have the skill and memory to do so.

I'm still going to do my best.

- - -

Would you care to look at or listen to the work-in-progress projects I've got?

I think that he meant 'What's something unrealistic/realistic that you want to (not) happen?'.
So either:
What's something unrealistic that you want to happen?
What's something unrealistic that you don't want to happen?
What's something realistic that you want to happen?
What's something realistic that you don't want to happen?

Depends on the type of music. I tend to be least stubborn when it comes to listening to new metal (especially symphonic). Also, I'd prefer to stay to the music I already know for now. Having consistent music is really helping me cope with a lot right now. Maybe in the near future.

(I'm not going to do another question, someone else can also do Achro's.)

i guess SQ
I definitely would, I am always open for new song.

possibly, i might like it

All open!

"I had chicken for dinner."
Take the second letter of the sentence.
Think of a word that starts with that letter.
Now make a sentence of it.
What is that sentence you made?

Carmlillball wrote:

Achromalia wrote:


So either:
What's something unrealistic that you want to happen?
What's something unrealistic that you don't want to happen?
What's something realistic that you want to happen?
What's something realistic that you don't want to happen?

I should be the one doing the apologizing, then ( . .)
It's "any of the four kinds that Carm' understood".

"Have an [R-18]."

Did you have an occasion to use anything you've learnt at school outside of it yet?
Did I have the chance to use anything i've learned from school?

Technically, yeah.

Kind of hard to answer with specifics considering that there's a multitude of opportunities you may or may not realize, and that there's a fuckton of things you've utilized that had been developed back in school, typically being elementary-level concepts and such regarding language and arithmetic.

- - -

Any particular reasons why you'd prefer to live?
I want to see the world, meet different people, and experience a bit of everything. So much to do, so much to live for. Just imagine what we haven’t yet discovered on this Earth.
1) I like to help others.
2) The people I know

Same question.
No particular reason tbh, just enjoying life and just curious about where my life is leading me forward


Would you rather become self-aware or not?
Whether I'm self-aware is dependent on the situation. I've said it a lot already but I have autism (for real) so I'm likely to be self-aware for important matters like how I do in school but less likely for things such as me being annoying on Discord servers for me being too much of a nerd (I share with those people what I learn in school regardless of if they're interested or not). Don't ask me why I'm only self-aware in certain situations, I don't know either. I'd like to become fully self-aware though since the benefits outweigh the consequences.

What is one thing that many people love or hate but you are indifferent towards?
Isekai. I just can’t get enough of those lmao


I'm pretty indifferent to it. I like some bands and artists but I'm not very involved with it. I do listen to pop sometimes.

However, most of the metal fandom seems to despise pop to some pretty extreme levels.


A lot of people hate moe but if it wasn't clear enough from my avatar.

I love moe

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