
Your thoughts on the user above you

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Great colors on your avatar


hello. it's been a hejckin long while. >:c
ERA Puzzle

Perfection wrote:

Great colors on your avatar

Thanks. I really like your sig. Like a lot.

Achromalia wrote:



hello. it's been a hejckin long while. >:c

What does a skeleton screech sound like?
y'know that girl that kind of looks like tohka but with different eyes, yeah that's what I meant
should be accepted even harder >:C

let the infinitely tight hugs commence!
Has a scary profile pic
Tad Fibonacci
Pfp doesn't appear on the old site.
pfp appears on the old site -w-
skelly boy
ERA Puzzle

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

y'know that girl that kind of looks like tohka but with different eyes, yeah that's what I meant


Ot: You're as ancient as an old willow tree by a river

Kind of

I mean not really, but you get the point
Probably one of the few people who even actively care.


Today's already off to a terrible start.

Puzzle wrote:

Ot: You're as ancient as an old willow tree by a river

Kind of

I mean not really, but you get the point
lol i get what you mean my man.

ot: in terms of your creative work, i really think you'll get somewhere. so hang in there my guy.
Seems pretty friendly
that 3d yandere thing turned into 2d avatar pic
seems to be working on something interesting. it has good potential.
Blanc Kisaragi
A user that is newer than me
nice name
teach me mapping too

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

teach me mapping too

KatouMegumi wrote:

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

teach me mapping too
ERA Puzzle
constitutional chemical Fe supports
note on the glass of water.
ERA Puzzle

Achromalia wrote:

note on the glass of water.

Clever. You might have to replace it a bunch though~
Curious about what kind of art you make.
ERA Puzzle

GSG95 wrote:

Curious about what kind of art you make.

I can throw you a couple of drawings if you want.

Most of it's just weeb shit really

Puzzle wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

note on the glass of water.
Clever. You might have to replace it a bunch though~
Even better. The more I have to replace it, the more I get to see it and remind myself of it.
really interesting person
You probably liked Bleach.

KatouMegumi wrote:

that 3d yandere thing turned into 2d avatar pic

Far from it actually, she's a Kuudere. Kuudere = Best dere.

Vuelo Eluko wrote:

imagine playing all the modes at once
I should start doing that again. Y'know, actually playing all the modes. Not no RX on o!standard, and more of o!taiko and o!catch. o!mania's fun, but I don't really see myself growing a lot in osu! with just one gamemode.

Then again, playing all those Graveyard maps did help me improve for o!taiko, and if I were to set my SS to 40 on HD plays, then I could definitely read AR10 on o!catch. Maybe that's why I played o!mania so much. :thinking:


OT: I don't know you very well, but your coin game reminds me of that interest rate mechanic in SAO:FB.
I think you enjoy muffins.
Remember when I asked you to teach me mapping? Well ironically, I'm teaching another FG regular right now.
seems to be a pretty loyal fan to a certain anime.
casual weeb. hmm.
Edgy as fuck, takes osu forums way too seriously.
dont forget this is a game about clicking circles
Can probably click circles better than me
ERA Puzzle
Very purple. Purple is my favorite color so I suppose that's somehow relevant.
Can map better than me

Changed his avatar to something less appealing

Corvidae wrote:

Edgy as fuck, takes osu forums way too seriously.
dont forget this is a game about clicking circles
seems like it'd interesting to address this.

to begin, it'd be rather hard to consider me edgy as far as definitions go. i'm not irritable by any means, nor am i nervous or tense. i just am a serious and articulate person, and enjoy interacting with several friends here.

is there really any standard for how "seriously" someone should act on a forum unrelated to the game? consider that this is under Off-Topic, meaning this has nothing to do with osu!, and that we had really just come here to interact or find something to do out of boredom. for many of those who've stayed around, it'd also be because of the interesting sense of community around here. we really just talk to each other, whether it be casual conversations, or essays on questions regarding deeper topics. there's no real standard in this sense.

we do what we want.

the fact that osu! is a circle-clicking game that this subforum is listed under has no real relevance to this particular subforum anyways. it's not really much of a point worth making an argument with.

- - -

OT: generally has a pretty cool demeanor -w-
president next-vinxis
good at taiko. has been pretty nice to be around in the forums.

Achromalia wrote:

good at taiko.
>can't pass 4.32* :pensive:

OT: music man prez :ok_hand::sunglasses::fire::100:
yea I wish osu, forum at least, supports emoji
I agree as well
Love Live Kotori Minami is his waifu
Always shitpost on every thread in FG
ERA Puzzle
Provides really interesting tidbits of information that are really in-depth every now and again.
Tad Fibonacci
I know your new avatar is Renge but for some reason I thought she kinda looks like the girl in your signature in that particular picture.
(Especially the eye and hair color)
still don't understand your signature though
Cute name and profile pic. Pretty aesthetic but, nothing I’d call jaw dropping amazing.
im not cute wtf
ur cuter
ah...who are you?
trash player/modder/mapper that comes here when he has nothing else to do
Your name is familiar, I was really active in forums maybe 3 years ago? But you only joined in 2017, odd.
A lot of people have Kotori in their usernames, you see. KotoriIsMyWaifu (me), Kotori on osu, Kotori-Chan, My Angel Kotori, sionKotori, just to name a few.
oooooooh, I got it, there was a dude named Nameless years ago on FG who loved Kotori too
knows of Nameless. i recall Nameless being around when i started interacting in FG and OT.

also, is pretty damn nice.
ERA Puzzle
I can't decide if I should feel good about your userpage thanking me for wasting my time on it or bad because it's telling me my time is wasted. Which TOTALLY ISN'T TRUE
Woah calm down there

Puzzle wrote:

I can't decide if I should feel good about your userpage thanking me for wasting my time on it or bad because it's telling me my time is wasted. Which TOTALLY ISN'T TRUE

I'd recommend choosing the green option
ERA Puzzle

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

Woah calm down there

Puzzle wrote:

I can't decide if I should feel good about your userpage thanking me for wasting my time on it or bad because it's telling me my time is wasted. Which TOTALLY ISN'T TRUE

I'd recommend choosing the green option

Well, when you put it that way...
ferric supplement advocate.
I want supplements for calcium
ERA Puzzle

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

I want supplements for calcium

I'm not sure where you could find some in your country but I'm certain you could. Calcium supplements are pretty cheap, too.
Magical girl fan?
ERA Puzzle

Meah wrote:

Magical girl fan?

No. I don't even think I've ever really watched a "magical girl" anime. The closest thing to that which I think I like is uh... Touhou?
nano.ripe, how does one learn from which anime one of her songs are from? i cant tell apart,
Grats on passing your licensure exam, why seafaring though? it's mainly for males
Forgot that the person above him is actually male, also his friend iirc
eriri megumi
I have a gd in qualified are you proud of me senpai
loli pop girl is better :wheelchair:
Dutch center
ERA Puzzle
Please stop posting that in every thread
He does that all the time. At this point, it doesn't even phase me anymore.

OT: Shinkansen.
ERA Puzzle
Well, it phases me into a state of "Please go somewhere else" and I dont like it.

Ot: I had to Google what that is. Why do... bullet trains? I'm confused. What have I got to do with bullet trains?
Tad Fibonacci
Your name reminds me of when I was a kid.

I had several puzzles that I kept scrambling around and then re-assemble them until one day a piece went missing.
I almost cried when I realized that the puzzle will never be whole again.
ERA Puzzle

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

Your name reminds me of when I was a kid.

I had several puzzles that I kept scrambling around and then re-assemble them until one day a piece went missing.
I almost cried when I realized that the puzzle will never be whole again.

This makes me sad for child tad.

That's not very good. In fact, it's kind of bad.

Well, knowing that it's bad, I decided to write a poem - which I hope child tad would find quite rad.

Maybe it would have cheered him up. Maybe then little tads cup would be half full - instead of half empty.

Just like the missing puzzle piece being gone, and the cup being empty,

Maybe a rad poem for sad child tad would encourage him to see things slightly differently.

But that's in the past now, and Tad, I'm sure, is quite fine. Still, who would deny the chance to write a nice rhyme?
nice poem

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

I have a gd in qualified are you proud of me senpai

wow gratz! You have potential.

OT: my #1 fan
Hmm, another new person?
The user above has potential and motivation

keremal wrote:

loli pop girl is better :wheelchair:

I just fixed it you can shut up now

He recently changed his name
Striped pantsu
As been quite anoying recently, I guess I can give him/her another chance though.
Straight forward, and doesn't care if their words sound rude to others.
ERA Puzzle

Rebmare wrote:

Straight forward, and doesn't care if their words sound rude to others.

Have you seen what Meah has been posting here lately?
Unfortunately no, but I would be glad if you could enlighten me
seems to have been unaware of Meah's recent spam sessions of inane posts with the addition of a particular music video.
Yeah I was too lazy to come to FG for a few days, but when I was here in FG years ago Meah was a very sweet girl. So that's my opinion on her still
ERA Puzzle

Rebmare wrote:

Yeah I was too lazy to come to FG for a few days, but when I was here in FG years ago Meah was a very sweet girl. So that's my opinion on her still

You know, it was the same for me. I have no idea tf happened to Meah but yeah. I mean, I generally try not to comment on it, but it's kind of annoying when the posts are literally not even remotely related to the thread and it's just the same fucking video like 12-13 posts in a row. I guess it's not really that big of a deal but every time I see it I just think; "Really?".

Anyway, my point is Sam's at least a little justified with his comment.
Oh wait, she posted just a video? She posted that on the ot discord server recently, if we're thinking same thing at least
ERA Puzzle
Yeah. In like a million different threads.
Let's just clear up the drama really quick, I never mean't to be rude to Meah all I did was say that recently she had been annoying by spamming her video in every thread even when it had absolutely nothing to do with whichever thread the video was posted in. I specifically worded my sentence so that it refers only to their recent act and not personally attack them (although maybe I failed at doing that, I am not too sure what my level of english is like). That's why I said "has been annoying recently" instead of "is annoying".
ERA Puzzle

samX500 wrote:

Let's just clear up the drama really quick, I never mean't to be rude to Meah all I did was say that recently she had been annoying by spamming her video in every thread even when it had absolutely nothing to do with whichever thread the video was posted in. I specifically worded my sentence so that it refers only to their recent act and not personally attack them (although maybe I failed at doing that, I am not too sure what my level of english is like). That's why I said "has been annoying recently" instead of "is annoying".

I agree. I don't wanna attack anyone either. I just don't like the floodspammyspams.
I don't think this was much of any sorta drama, other than another incident that people are just rather tired of.

Meah's still someone i'm rather indifferent to, for now.
ERA Puzzle
I can't wait for MCC to come to PC. I'm gonna buy that shit so fucking fast

Anyway, I'm just thinking about that cause that DM you sent me about sc2 and Halo 3
Tad Fibonacci
Wait, Meah's a woman?
ERA Puzzle
I honestly don't even know but that's what I was told way back

I'm pretty sure anyway but this like years ago so I could be wrong
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