
Truth or Dare!

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ERA Puzzle
There was a girl I fell in love with when I was 12. At around 14, I confessed to her. She said if I had told her sooner there would have been a chance for us in the past; but she didn't want to date now because I lived much further away from her (in another city) and it wasn't feasible anymore. We continued talking for a month or two. Eventually, she text me telling me she was going to commit suicide. We talked back and fourth for about 2 hours, and she said she had swallowed a whole bottle of pills. I ended up calling 911 to try and get someone to help her, but I didn't know her address. The operator couldn't do anything without an address.

A few minutes later, she text me "I love you". I tried getting ahold of her and couldn't. I ended up calling one of our mutual friends and she said the girl was taken to the hospital; her brother had found her. She ended up okay. 2 weeks later I text her again, asked her how she was doing and how things were going. We shared maybe 3 texts, then I never talked to her again. Eventually I lost the phone, and her number. I never asked her what she meant when she sent me that text before she was taken to this hospital. At the time I had just figured she was delirious or something, in so much of a messed up mental state that it was the only thing she could think of. Maybe she just wanted to comfort me with her 'dying' words (I'm sure she thought she was dying, even if she ended up living.)

A year or so later, I lost my ability to really feel emotion. She's the only person I've ever loved like that. My biggest regret in life was not asking her if she was serious when she had sent that text. I've never told anyone that.

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ERA Puzzle
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Ninja'ed. Again.

22 I guess. Truth
ERA Puzzle
What's the most AWKWARD thing you've ever done?

we're doin' this wrong, uhhhh

we wait for them to answer, then continue. can we just restart the count once it's answered?
Ok president
Difficult question, as I'm generally really awkward and have tons of memories in that area, but nothing stands out to me, but there is one story where I know I made someone else feel really awkward. Needs a "little" intro for the story though, so that it makes sense.

I mostly grew up on the internet, didn't really have irl contacts, so I did not really have much of a mental association with gender and gender orientation. Basically, what eventually started bothering me was, that if I had the mental image of a person being female, I would automatically have more fun, be excited and have overall more motivation to invest time and attention into the friendship. Absolutely natural, but not for me at the time, it just annoyed me that one little information, that is only in my head, made such a big difference on my perception (since online you sometimes don't even know someones gender and sometimes only assume). It was only logical from my perspective, it felt unfair and annoying, I would want to have the same fun and excitement, the same emotions, no matter the gender. Didn't want to be manipulated by hormones.

So with the intro done, the story itself begins. Basically, there was a friend I had in a videogame that I started talking about this topic with. I've had many long conversations with him before about life / problems etc, so I didn't really think too much about it. I started sharing thoughts like "hypothetically, what if I were to fall in love with a person and that person turns out to be male" etc and was looking for genuine advice. I was telling him that I know what my hormones like and that it's clearly females, but since in my case, I primarily met people online, gender never really played a role on a mental/logical level and I strictly separated that from hormones, putting a much higher importance on what my conscious mind thinks, which in the context of my confusion and problem, really puzzled me, I just genuinely didn't know what to do with "gender" and the "what if's" of falling in love with someone rationally online.

While taking, I did feel that this topic made him feel really uneasy and awkward, but what I didn't know is, that it actually made him so uncomfortable, that he just litereally disappeared afterwards, never met him again. I did know him for over a year and had his email and did exchange emails a few times prior, but never heard or saw anything from him ever again. He was actually a good friend, I wonder if I litereally made him feel so awkward, that he decided to avoid me? Maybe he was thinking that I was trying to confess in a really awkward way, which obv wasn't the case, but who knows what went through his head really.

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ERA Puzzle

Oof. That sounds... confusing, I think. Damn.


well, shit. that's definitely quite an awkward one.

mildly depressing, even.

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15, 16.

Amp it up achro
20 21
22. Truth.

I was so late that the chain was finsihed by the time I read the post and posted mine. oops
Achro, is there anyone you want dead?
Not really. I don't have anyone in mind.

I don't really care enough to wish death on... anyone.

Which feels a bit strange to say. It's simultaneously looked at as positive and negative for varying reasons.

- - -

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Cool cool
ERA Puzzle
ERA Puzzle
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ERA Puzzle
21 edit 22

What are the most perverted or vile things that have crossed and lingered in your mind?
ERA Puzzle

Achromalia wrote:

What are the most perverted or vile things that have crossed and lingered in your mind?

The fuck? Why you gotta do this to me man. I dont even know where to start.

I dont really know about vile. I'm not sure if I think of many vile things. But I sure as fuck can pervert up a storm, I guess. Fuck, man.

Can I just answer girls? Is that adequate enough? Girls, in general. Yep, nothing to see here.

Fuck you, man.
I just know what terrible questions to ask. You can return the favor once I get to 22, so no need to worry.

Since your answer's... kinda dodgy, the best I can do is assume. I think it's sufficient though, so fair enough.

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ERA Puzzle

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101112 cats


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ERA Puzzle
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