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Drink caffeine before you get tired

Best conversational topic to get to know people?
I hadn't really figured it out.

So far, it's started often from my art or music, when it comes to school. It gives others something to talk about, I suppose. I normally don't initiate, so... yeah.

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Start it with "i love you"

If a cockroach falls into water with soap, will the water be dirty or the cockroach be cleaned?
top 10 things science cant answer

do you think that men and women shouldnt be equal?
in what sense? well, can't do a whole lot regarding biology, but as far as rights 'n' stuff, as would be with any other human, then i'd certainly support the idea of equality. not sure about other stuff like pay and such, considering that i've got fuck-all knowledge of how all of that works in the first place.

for what i'd see as ideal, any human being with work should get their pay as anyone else would, which should be merited by what they do and the quality of their work, as opposed to their identity. and of course, pay varies with varying scales of businesses and the whole competitive market thing in our capitalist society. complex stuff ;w;

i hear some of this inequality has to do with caring for children, and who it is that primarily spends time with household labor, shit like that. hmm.

might be a bit dodgy, but i'm throwing around my thoughts. thing is, it seems to kinda depend. factors that can't be changed, like genetics, are pretty much fixed as things are right now. a lot of situations are involved when you pile men and women together in this sense of equality. i haven't had enough time to consider everything that's regarded in all of that.

but yeah, in order for me to form an actually well-formed opinion, i would probably have to do more research. this has never been a focal point of my interests, since i'm still mostly concerned with music and art.

so that's about all i can say regarding it, i guess.

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Tad Fibonacci
That's a very broad question.

But in my opinion, men and women was never equal in the first place, nor is anyone equal to anyone else. We all exist as individuals and we're all different and unique in our own ways.

I don't think we should be striving for equality, since equality will not always results in fairness.
For example, if men and women are equal then women are expected to serve their country in battle in times of war just like men.
But that is unfair for the women, since women are more physically incapable than men. Women has needs that they have to tend to that men doesn't have. Men are better at enduring pain, they're more capable of living in unsanitary environment. Etc.

So as to answer the question, in short I'd say that in my opinion, no one should be equal to anyone else but themselves.


What are the philosophies that you believe in and/or find interesting. (Doesn't have to be all of them)
ERA Puzzle
There's too many to write or even summarize, I'll pick just one.

Let's take a trip down Descartes lane. Ever read Descartes meditations? Well, if you haven't, it's where the phrase "I think, therefore I am" comes from. Fun fact: He never actually says that. It's just a summary of his ruminations. He basically made the argument that it's idiotic to live your life without understanding the fundamentals of reality around you. I liken it to building a house. You want to build your house on strong fundamental supports. If your base foundations are shit, your house is pretty easy to break or destroy. Nature might even tear it apart. So better build your shit with good fundamentals.

Anyway, fundamentals of reality. He decided to go back and anaylze what things are; to get a fundamental understanding of reality. Well, he very quickly encountered a problem. You can't know *shit*. Just - you can't. Your senses are deciavble, and that is easy to prove. He used 2 examples - dreams, and wax. In dreams, your brain believes them to be reality. Wax appears solid, but when heated, it melts into a liquid. In other words, you can't trust your senses. Because you can't trust your senses, you can't actually know anything other than you exist. The only reason you can know this, is because you're thinking. Everything else? Out the window. Other people? How can you know they're real? You can't really know anything is real. The only thing you can know is that *something* exists, because you can think. But who knows what that something actually is?

Well, that's an interesting thought. I have an argument based off of it. If we know something exists, we can postulate that... well... things exist. Here's my question: If something can exist, can *nothing* exist? I argue it can't. Non-existence is a fundamental clash with existence. You can't have both.

Well, if we just go along and assume that's true, there's a lot of suprising stuff you can conclude from that. If nothing can't exist, than everything must exist. Because if something didn't exist, that would be a form of non-existance. So I argue that because you know something exists, you can determine that everything exists. From that, I argue that you can say that all of reality is an interconnected, infinite whole. As in, it's all 1 thing. It's not 2 things, it's not 3 things, it's not a gajillion things. It's all 1 infinite whole piece. Any definition of something you then make (like an apple, say) is then an arbitrary definition that is really not something seperate or different from yourself. You just decide it's different. All it really is, is an iteration of a larger infinite fractal. I argue that's why you can divide something infinitely and never reach 0. It's because infinity is inifinity, and if this reality is infinite, then there never is a 0. It doesn't exist in a physical sense. You can reduce forever, and increase forever.

So yeah, that's cool.


What's your favorite keyboard?

Edit: Typos and stuff.
Well, shit. I should've gotten to the other question earlier, but don't really think I'd be able to say anything among the likes of Puzzle. So uh...


As for keyboards...

I'm pretty sure I can assume what was meant, but I'd rather opt for the keyboards that you play. I have more experience with those keyboards as opposed to all these "membrane" and "mechanical" keyboards that I've got no interest in. If it's relatively comfortable and easy to work with, and well, types out whatever I need to type, then I'm fine.

So, yeah. Keyboard synthesizers.

I don't remember the brands or models. Shit.

So this is probably one of the least satisfying answers I can give.

Uhhh... I suppose my laptop's keyboard is good enough.

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Any topics you happen to have a depth of knowledge in?
ERA Puzzle

Achromalia wrote:

Any topics you happen to have a depth of knowledge in?

Science, in general. I don't really know specifics of math behind stuff but I understand a lot of theory about... sciency stuff. Chemistry and biology I'm not so hot on, but if it involves cosmology, astrology, physics, and theoretical physics, I can probably talk your ear off about it. I even have a couple of my own personal theories and was writing a scientific paper for awhile; though I doubt that'll ever get finished - let alone published.

To an extent; philosophy.

Manga-style art. I've been drawing for a little over a year now, and while that doesn't sound like a long time, I'm a quick learner. I have some knowledge in that area then.

Psychology. I understand people really well.

Improving. My whole life has been centered around the idea of the pursuit of perfection. I feel like shit if I'm not doing something productive, and I'm very analytical. This has naturally led me to going through a long process of learning how to learn efficiently. I've been at it since I was like, I dunno, 14 or something. I'm 23 now. I understand it very well and it's probably the thing I'm most proud of and best at. Except for maybe psychology.

I forgot a question. I'm dumb.

Question: Whats your passion? What's the one activity you love to do? What thing do you want to become great at, for reasons intrapersonal or extrapersonal?
I’m going to get a lot of flak for this
because of its reputation, but I have a genuine passion for astrology.
I used to think it was a pseudo-science used to lure people into believing generalized information based on 12 zodiac signs lmao.
As I’ve delved more into it, I’ve seen that majority of the population who denounce astrology are because of the people who follow it:

(Millennials and Gen Z who go “omg!!! So me! I relate so much to this.” Or ”Yooo this shit wiiild what the dude this is me as fuck bro.”) and the negative connotations that appear with the mere mention of “astrology.”

To anyone reading this, I’ll just let you know that there are aspects, houses, degrees, nodes, and placements that provide the most information. It’s not just your date of birth or those daily, monthly horoscopes you see in your magazines, contrary to popular belief.

I have a lot of activities I like to do, mostly by myself. I like to take short road trips, learn new things while traveling, and occasionally cook and burn a dish or two.
I want to be able to fully develop my relationships. I shy away from most emotional displays, and I just don’t respond or try to change the topic when that happens. Unless I really care for them..but then again, I’d probably just try to nitpick at the situation and list what they could have done better. I realize how my flaws could hurt others, so I just stay silent or provide mediocre advice when others vent emotionally. I’ve garnered a reputation as an insensitive asshole for this many times, honestly.

Q1) Do you have any well-liked world figure you dislike, and why?

Alternative question that’s just been nagging at me:
What do people that believe in reincarnation think of the term “yolo?”

Puzzle wrote:

I feel like shit if I'm not doing something productive, and I'm very analytical. This has naturally led me to going through a long process of learning how to learn efficiently. I've been at it since I was like, I dunno, 14 or something.
Looks like we've got some strangely specific common ground. 14 was pretty much where I had become so trapped within my own thoughts that I contemplated my way out of shit. Even avoided suicide with a strangely dodgy and not-so-stable line of reasoning regarding how life and death seemed to be equally pointless as one another, and that ending myself wouldn't really... well, have a point. Rationalizing things can be a scary thing, just so happened that I kept myself alive by doing so.

I feel a need to be productive, though this primarily is directed towards both my art and music. If I don't think I've done anything worthwhile with my time, I'll definitely start feeling pretty shitty. It plays a pretty big part in my music, where i frequently experience creative blocks.

I'd say I'm rather analytical as well. I'm prone to research whatever comes across my mind if it happens to have my immediate interest. I'll normally try to stick to practicality. When it comes to music, I tend to explore the depths of various new genres, which has led me to discover and enjoy over a hundred musical genres that I'd very nearly be able to complete the English alphabet with. I recently got interested in personalities, so naturally, I wound up diving into the cognitive functions and the concept of the 16 personalities that arise from said functions, among some other related things.

May I add that you may have confused astrology and astronomy there? Unless you do happen to have an interest in horoscopes and zodiac signs, of course. Astronomy is the field of study regarding celestial objects and related phenomena, like black holes, or dark matter, quasars, supernovas, all that stuff. Probably what you meant.

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OT: My main two passions are music and art. I'll enjoy listening to different genres of music, as well as sharing that music with others. I also enjoy exchanging thoughts with others in discussions, or even debates (though i'm not much of a debater and prefer to stick to what I know, otherwise I'll present little to no definitive stance, since I prefer to have whatever information I can get so I can develop a well-informed perspective from the amalgamation of other perspectives being considered).

I hope to improve in various things, though my passions take up a lot of that desire, so my main points of intended improvement are sound design and digital art techniques. The source of that desire seems to be a mixture of both intrapersonal and extrapersonal reasoning. I want to express myself better, and share some things that others can reflect on or even find solace in. I'd love to create something, not only because I really enjoy creating things, but also that I'd like to make something that others can look to for entertainment, and even as an escape from the stress they may be experiencing in their life. Maybe it'll help them out a bit like other creative works have helped me in recent years.


OT v2: I'm not sure what world figures I dislike right now as I frankly don't know very many I even care about at this point. I normally don't have very many people that I truly dislike or despise, that the majority of others would find likeable.

- - -

same question!
I used to look through OT without the intention of joining because I thought the arguments were extremely, and for a lack of better words, dumb. I joined OT officially around what 2 months ago? Don't remember, but I probably came here on a whim. I used to request graphics in the Art section, and would just browse through the osu! website. I think the only thing keeping me here atm is the lack of communication I'm giving irl. I'll probably leave when I'm bored or busy again.

To what extent do our mental representations determine our perception of things?
ERA Puzzle

Achromalia wrote:

May I add that you may have confused astrology and astronomy there?

You're right, and I have. Oopsie. I meant astronomy. I hate astrology, actually. I mean, I don't hate it, but I do think it's really dumb. Actually, maybe I do hate it. I'm not sure.

Journal wrote:

I like how we ninja each other

There's no question, so I'll just answer OT about well liked figure unless I get ninja'd.

Donald Trump, if he even counts. Why? Because he lies, and he's divisive. Partisan politics are becoming more and more prevalent because of people like him, and he's everything I dislike about partisan politics personified. Of course, he's only an extension of an otherwise much more deepseated problem. People aren't educated for the long term. Humans are not used to holding the power we currently hold. We don't have the correct morals in places because of it. That is very quickly proving to be disastrous: We've expanded too far, too fast, and it's showing in our climate, both literal and political. We're at a precarious point in history that will probably be remembered for the rest of time and considered as a turning point in the human history book if we manage to survive this era. Anyway, my point is, Donald Trump is like a symptom of this problem, personified. He represents everything I hate about short-sightedness and a lack of empathy in the long run towards other humans.

Other than that, uh. I don't really keep up with many "world" figures - which I'm interpreting to mean as famous - so not really.

Question: What brought you to these forums? What keeps you here?

Journal wrote:

I used to look through OT without the intention of joining because I thought the arguments were extremely, and for a lack of better words, dumb. I joined OT officially around what 2 months ago? Don't remember, but I probably came here on a whim. I used to request graphics in the Art section, and would just browse through the osu! website. I think the only thing keeping me here atm is the lack of communication I'm giving irl. I'll probably leave when I'm bored or busy again.

To what extent do our mental representations determine our perception of things?
Boredom and curiosity. Stayed for the community of people here, and really grew to love it.

Unrelated, but I had redacted a part on Donald Trump, primarily because I didn't have concrete reasons in mind and didn't feel confident in what I knew since I'm not fond of politics, but I guess I'll rewrite some stuff now. I've found his divisive politics to just be a generally shitty way of going about things. A lot of what he's doing seems to only make things worse, and he pulls some pretty shady shit, especially when it comes to the events leading up to... well, actually, almost every event ever. Since my memory is shit and my lack of knowledge in politics is worse, I'll end it there. I don't find what he's generally been doing to be worth any admiration. Thus, I don't really find myself liking him at all.


OT: Not entirely sure what you mean here. Mental representations? You mean, how we normally interpret things to be, being indicative of... how we interpret things? An edit would be nice, and I'll come back to this.

- - -

Do you frequently find yourself being critical of others' decisions, somehow automatically finding flaws in their reasoning?
ERA Puzzle

Achromalia wrote:


OT: Not entirely sure what you mean here. Mental representations? You mean, how we normally interpret things to be, being indicative of... how we interpret things? An edit would be nice, and I'll come back to this.

- - -

Do you frequently find yourself being critical of others' decisions, somehow automatically finding flaws in their reasoning?

It really depends. There's a lot I understand, and can accept. What I can't accept is a flaw or a decision/mistake that stems from anti-intellectualism. It's okay to make a mistake. It's okay to have flawed reasoning. It is not okay to be proud of ignorance and to want to continue to exist in a world where you never try to better yourself. That's like, the BIG no no in my books. To not try to improve is basically admitting your perfect. And we all know nobody is perfect. It's cognitive dissonance on such a massive scale that I want to tear my hair out.

So I guess it really depends. There are a lot of people I'm critical of, and a lot of people I try to encourage - more critique versus critic. I like helping where I can.

I like Journal's question, so I'll ask it again, but I'll try and be more specific. Do you believe that your perception of things around you is reality? How much do you think your view of the world around you biases and influences your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions?
Do I believe on everything that I see? Yes and no at the same time
No - There's more into things than it should be specially humans. People lie of course, that's why we have been given brains to think
Yes - My family and friends are trustworthy
How does this influence me? Made me careful about things, just like how a normal person does, I don't trust strangers

Same question

What's with the SocSci, Psychology textbook questions lately
ERA Puzzle

Meah wrote:

Same question

What's with the SocSci, Psychology textbook questions lately

It's cause I'm here and I started stirring up the philosophical talks like a good oldie-newcomer.

As for the question, I believe that perception is reality. It's written everywhere.

The way you percieve things dictates how you act and feel to a large extent. General Relativity and Special Relativity is all about the fact that two people can observe the same event, and both can say two different things happened, and both be correct. In Quantum Mechanics, a superpositioned partical does not conform to a singular state until it's observed. It's both a scientific truth and a philisophical one.

I'll ask the same question, because I think it's interesting to get peoples perspectives and interpretations of the question.

Puzzle wrote:

I like Journal's question, so I'll ask it again, but I'll try and be more specific. Do you believe that your perception of things around you is reality? How much do you think your view of the world around you biases and influences your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions?

For easy reference of future posters.
Tad Fibonacci
I don't think that my perception of things around me is reality. However, they do reflect reality to a certain extent.
Reality exist regardless of my perception.

And of course, I do believe that my actions, thoughts, feelings, etc are highly influenced by how I perceive things. It's not the only thing that can directly affects me as an individual, but it's certainly one of the more influential component.


If there are two things that are exactly the same. However, one is real and one is fake and there is seemingly no way of knowing which one is real and which one is fake.
But supposedly, you do know which one is real and which one is fake.

Then, which one do you think would have a higher value?
What's real is what exists to everyone and being able to share commodities with a greater population maximizes utility, so I'd say that the real thing has more value.

It's 2am. Should I go to sleep?
Are you asleep yet?
Depends on the situation. But sleeping when you get two "free" days mostly doesn't exist in the first of them.

Is "How far can we see [something (a path, a road)]" equivalent to asking "What's the longest distance we can see through [something]"?
(I'm not even sure I'm making any sense.)
ERA Puzzle

45Traeath wrote:

Is "How far can we see [something (a path, a road)]" equivalent to asking "What's the longest distance we can see through [something]"?
(I'm not even sure I'm making any sense.)

I... Think I get what you're saying. I think. Are you trying to say - lets use an example. Lets say the object is an apple.

"How far can we see an apple" versus "What's the longest distance we can see through an apple." It's a spatially relative question, correct? Because you have to measure the distance against a background. So how far you would be able to see the apple would be dictated by your ability to see past, and around the apple, and so in a way; through it?

I'm taking it to mean the question you're asking is if measured distance is always a relative thing. If so, the answer to your question is yes. Your ability to see the apple is dictated by your ability to see "through" the apple, in a sense, though it's more around the apple than through it.

Question: What do you think dictates morality?
i've taken my break and i'm back to visit for one more.

now! morality! that one thing that i don't really work well with! give me a second to sound like an idiot.

I haven't seen any species quite like us humans when it comes to defining the standards of morality. Not to the degree we have. I'm inclined to believe that it's we who dictate reality, or rather, our minds.

and that's it! i forgot how to use basic critical thinking skills and gave up for now. this isn't really my initial answer but i really have no confidence in what i'm saying, so it's not a position i'm willing to take, as i don't know if any of it makes sense to me.

i'd rather know what i'm talking about and ethics are among the things i'm tragically shitty at talking about.

sorry ;w;

- - -

Alright. Simple question. If you're to get food at some nondescript restaurant, would you rather dine-in, or order it to-go?
Depends on whether I'm busy or not

Something that you deeply crave for right now

- - -

what things do you think are absolute bullshit?
Anti-vaxxers. Seriously. I just don't get it. The science has proven it all, it's 2019 and parents are still allowing their children to be at greater risk of dying. Even if vaccines did cause autism, it's better than if they died, right?

saaaaame questionnnnn
ERA Puzzle
Same answer. Also cognitive dissonance. Shit is literally contradictory and paradoxical. Like, it can make people's brains fucked. I hate it so much. Just fucking stop HOLDING CONTRADICTORY OPINIONS YOU FUCKWITS.

Yeah, I really hate it.

Would you punch a paraplegic in the face for a million dollars?
fuck yeah dude. I'd obviously tell them beforehand and offer them like 10k+ if they agree to let me punch them tho.

What's your favorite form of content to watch when you have downtime? IE: netflix, youtube, twitch, etc etc
YouTube is the only thing I really use all the time. I'd pick up Crunchyroll premium if everything wasn't blocked due to Singapore not being a prime demographic for airing anime (i.e. viewership won't cover licensing costs), and I'm not watching anime illegally. Not only due to the risk of malware, but I personally find piracy to be more immoral than the average person.

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

Did read you this wrong?

From my post in this thread almost half a year ago
noticed the mistake, though my brain tried to correct it.

I technically read it correctly, but its grammar is incorrectly structured, the order is off.


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is the sun up by now when you read this?
ERA Puzzle

Do you lose things like your phone and keys often?

I do. I've literally put my phone in the fridge before because I just don't think about it when I'm carrying it around. I'm an idiot.
not that often, actually.

i'll occasionally forget something but it's normally not that bad.



- - -

ever feel detached when you're around other people?
Sometimes yeah, I feel like I'm not really a part of what's going on, or that interacting with these people is a pointless waste of time. Really depends on the people themselves though and my own mental state

ERA Puzzle
That depends entirely on how you define detached. Some definitions yes, some no. In the sense that I think this question was asked; yeah, sometimes I do.

Do you think education is what ultimately defeats instinct? And do you think education can go beyond instincts? If so, does that mean that people tend to operate on a very 'misguided' level, as a society?

That's like three questions, sorry, I'm cheating.
Tad Fibonacci
First question - in what sense and how? Education and instincts are 2 different things. Why would instincts needs to be defeated by education?
Second question - what does "go beyond" here means?
Third question - again, "misguided" in what sense?

Your questions are too vague for me to come up with a definite answer. But I think you're trying to ask the question that should people follow their "instincts" or what they've been taught.

If that's the case, then I'd say it's complicated. Humans are complex creatures and instincts or education aren't the only things that dictates how a human should act.
Humans are able to judge a situation and act accordingly, and through the act of educating themselves, they discovered more ways of dealing with certain situations.
But instincts is what's been leading people to learn in the first place.
You could say that learning is a part of human instincts. So I don't know why would education need to defeat instincts.
Education make humans more successful in their lives but instincts is what's keeping them alive in the first place.

About education going beyond instincts part, going beyond in what sense? In the sense of humans accomplishment? Then yes, education is better than instincts at delivering that. In the sense of developing oneself? Not really.

As for your last question, "people tend to operate on a very 'misguided' level, as a society". That depends on the individual. Also, the "misguided" word here is too vague. Who misguided them? What counts as being misguided? Who decides if a person is misguided or not?


What would be your perfect Sunday?
ERA Puzzle
I'll have to clarify then. I'm on mobile or I'd format it correctly with quotes.

When I ask if education defeats instinct, Im effectively asking if you believe that the things you are taught drives you away from your natural assumptions. This is a very complicated question because I think a lot of your answer depends on things you've experienced in your life. Let's use suicide as an example. Instinctually, you resist the idea of suicide. It's the things that you learn about the world that drive you towards a desire to end your own life (excluding mental illnesses that are created by chemical imbalances in the brain.) There are less negative examples, as well. For instance, I've learned that to improve upon the things that I do I have to drop my natural disposition towards believing I do them well. My mind creates an ego-wall with what I believe is the intention to make me more confident (and arguably more attractive to others because of it, on a very primal level.) However, if I really want to become effective, I have to break that wall down and admit I am bad to make progress. Doesnt it then seem very counter-intuitive to think that I have a natural disposition towards believing I'm good? I find this a very strange aspect of evolution and human psyche. And this is where I get the idea that education defeats instincts (in general terms.) There are a lot of places where I'll look at myself, and think my intuitions are totally misguided. And my instincts want to lead me into a perpetual cycle of ego and self-belief that are completely self-destructive. My ego doesnt lead me to improving, unless I accept education. This is my personal experience, and I'm very curious to see what other people think on the matter.

My second question, then, was intended to ask if you believe theres an existence that transcends an instinctual one. Are we creatures that operate on pure instinct, or ones who are really capable of free-will? I guess I'm saying if there is free will, it's something that stems from education. I want to know if you feel the same or if you have a different view.

The third question is conditional on your answer to the second question. If you agree with me, and think that education is the path towards being able to freely decide, it stands to reason that not everyone can be educated about all things and make completely logical decisions that are based on education and rationality as opposed to emotion and instinct. If this is the case, then the word misguided implies the idea that we make mistakes as a society. Of course, this goes without saying, but I'm attacking the depth of those mistakes. How far does our ineptitude reach, and how much do we depend on emotion instead of reason?

Of course, you have to keep in mind that these questions are asked in generalities. There are of course specific instances where our instincts and intuitions lead us true, and emotion is a valuable thing. That's why we have it. I guess the point I'm really trying to get at is humans are not well suited to their current environment. We operate on an emotional level designed to protect ourselves in a tribal sense... not a national one, or a continental one, and especially not in a global one. And yet, we are now an effectively connected global whole. Or emotional scope is dangerous then because we act to satisfy very immediate natural responses as a society instead of the long-term rational ones. What we have now is valuable, but that value only reaches so far. I think education is the only way to defeat that limited scope. The more we know, the better we become... But I also want to know what others think. Sorry for being so vague, originally.

Ot: hmm... Relaxing music. Warm sunshine. Some tea. No pressures on my shoulders except for trying to accomplish the things I want to get done. That sounds perfect~

Question: same. What's your perfect Sunday
Oh gosh, so many scenarios.
Rainy day where I catch up with old acquaintances at a grape farm without overthinking about the future, a cloudy day where my friend and I frequent our local museums with a nice picnic afterwards and a nice debate on multiple issues, or a sunny day where I go rock-climbing with strangers..


Any one of those will do for me.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Tad Fibonacci
@Puzzle I think this video addressed some of the things that you said.

OT: My older brother insisted on buying a really expensive Bluetooth speaker. I advised him against it but he bought it anyways. It was his money though so I didn't really cared much about it. He got bored with it after a few days and it's barely even used in months. Now it's a glorified dust collector.
I mean, not a really good advice since he didn't listen to it but it's recent so it's the only one I can remember atm. Most of my advices tends to end in that way though.


Same question.

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

OT: [...].
Actually, that question was asked backwards; it's like, "What's the best piece that someone gave to you".
But whatever.

I've yet to take some time thinking about a real, professional one, unless the answer I'm going to give is valid.

"Sleep is life."

What's with people not taking their time just because Humanity is making "progress"?
ERA Puzzle
Man, I'm supposed to be drawing early today, but these forums games posts are making it hard, I wanna answer them.

The problem is infatuation. This is kind of similar to what I was talking about earlier. People aren't emotionally 'designed' for their environment. So we get some cool things, and then we're like "Yeah, let's just go freaking CRAZY" without understanding that these cool things don't last forever and our resources aren't infinite. We don't like to give to the future, we like to acquire now because we're used to a world where acquiring the now rewards us in the future. It's just simply not like that anymore. We're too big. Anyway, my answer is because that's what we're supposed to do... historically. We just haven't really realized that past histories don't apply to us as much anymore. Things are really changing. It's an effect that ranges from the largest company to the smallest individual. Things seem to be getting better though.

You have one shot to whoo your crush. What skill/talent do you show off?
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