
Ask the person below you anything

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I barely had any dreams, but if i had one, it would be like a full on fever dream. Onto answering the question. My favorite dream would be one where I saw four characters on a billboard in the style of pamtri, then I saw someone similar to one of the characters on the billboard. I approach them, and the dream cuts to a scene of some rebels chilling and planning.

The five characters were all Khonjin House characters. Mostly every character from the Mafia (on the billboard) and the Creator of their universe (the one I approached.)

Question: Are you introverted or extroverted?
I'm 50-50. I took the personality test and got 52% extro and 48% intro. I'd like to think that I have my extroverted moods and my introverted moods. If I meet someone that I really enjoy spending time with IRL, then I'll become a lot more extroverted. Seems like a natural response that most people would have.

same q
Introverted. Even going out somewhere with close friends gives me apprehension and some anxiety.

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Are you into video games?
oh yes

same q
Tad Fibonacci
Hell yes.
My favorites are Bloodborne, Persona 5, MGS 5, Bioshock series, the ace attorney games and Danganronpa games.
There are a lot more but listing all of them would be a hassle.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint choco

Are you interested in Greek Mythology?
not in the slightest. I don't know enough about it to say I like it

do you learn things faster/better when you're alone or with company
depends on what i'm learning and how it's to be learned.

most often, if i'm just researching things online on my own, i feel i've done better alone.

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furries. whaddya think of 'em?
I don't really like to think anything about them. Keep your stuff private and I have no problem. Don't do that in public, though.

uhhhhh same q, whatever
i'm somewhere between relatively indifferent and somewhat comfortable with them.

i've honestly thought of 'em as fine, but the whole furry fandom in itself can be a bit deterring.

things like seeing someone publicly fursuiting wouldn't really bother me.

but yeah, that's fair, i suppose.

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Fine with em. I've seen a lot of good furry artwork and they aren't harming anyone so there's no reason to hate. Their fursona is just a different way of expressing themselves I suppose. That's respectable. As long as their personality doesn't bother me or make me feel uncomfortable I have no problem with them.

fursuits may be a bit strange (and hot inside), but it's sort of like cosplay to some extent and who actually cares if it's weird.

As long as it makes the person happy and no one gets harmed, it's perfectly fine. At least I think so.

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Math. Love it? Hate it? Somewhere in-between? Lemme know in the comments below.
Tad Fibonacci
I can't imagine anyone would like math.
It's both boring and confusing as heck.
But if you dumb it down to a certain extent, math is just putting numbers into a formula so I guess it's not too bad.

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What are your favorite video games?
I love it. As long as I have a teacher who knows how to explain properly, then I'm all set. Just finished up with Series and Sequences in my class (Arithmetic and Geometric). Super fun.


My favorite video games are single player RPGs. JRPGs are cool too.

Same q

tad01123 wrote:

I can't imagine anyone would like math.
It's both boring and confusing as heck.

Tell that to the math majors. Yeesh. Big brains.

tad01123 wrote:

What are your favorite video games?

Hollow Knight, Danganronpa Series, Fire Emblem Series, Lisa Series, Dead by Daylight, Smite, Undertale/Deltarune. I feel like I'm missing some..

Resident Evil VII was also pretty good. I intend to play the remakes at some point.

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same question.
personally i love the dynasty warriors series, dragon ball budokai series, naruto storm series, undertale/deltarune (could u have guessed?), most of the pokemon games up until gen 6 (not because gen6 is bad or anything, just took me too long to get a 3ds), and this playstation 1 game called board game top shop, it's essentially just monopoly but the whole game is just so cute and i loved it as a child and even up to now.

same q

(edit: saw achromalia's post and didnt wanna feel like a dick w)
Who the hell said math was boring and confusing!? >:c

actually, nah. though i'm proficient in math, a grade ahead, it's not really something i have as much of an interest in anymore.

~ ~ ~

I honestly don't really know.

For what I've enjoyed, I tend to go back to the NFS franchise, along with Frequency, Ratchet & Clank, and... oh dear. Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies, loved that one. There's a fair plenty of others i dont care to name at the moment.

Well-- okay, I do like Undertale and Deltarune, though. well, a lot of games. even danganronpa stuff. i dunno.

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im tired...

hmm. would you care to meet up with anyone irl that you've met in the forums?
yeah, I'd totally meet up with people from here. It sounds like it would be a fun and cool experience.

same q

...probably, yeah.

there's a lot of cool people here, though Penguin, Westonini, you two would certainly be fun to hang out with.

but then again i'm not too fond of meeting up with people. eh.

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i mean i don't really know anybody here but i'm sure i'd have fun meeting everybody nonetheless!

same q
I already have by accident. My mind is still blown about that.

As for meeting other people from here, while I'm also not exactly hyped about going out with people, I probably would just because I think it'd be a pleasant experience.

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How do you express yourself creatively?

Westonini wrote:

I already have by accident. My mind is still blown about that.
I'm curious about this

OT: I'm not all too creative, but I guess I'd say I like to spend time on organizing and making things look nice like my profile page, the waifu thread, my steam profile, etc etc. I like to write a little too.

same q
i'm still trying to figure it out, as i want to do more. but at least as of now i just use this instagram account that i've kinda set up as its own personality. or i just write. i think a lot about how to actually express what's going on up in my brain but i'm currently looking for more ways to do so.

same q, this is a good one
I used to make music, for one.

...anyways, yeah. I'd also typically just express myself best when playing the piano, but I haven't really been able to do that ever since... well, all that shit from last year.

I also draw and write poetic stuff. I do whatever first and most conveniently comes to mind.

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Tad Fibonacci
I used to draw a lot.
Drawing and video games are the 2 things that motivated me the most in my life.
I kinda quitted after high school though since my parents told me to follow other majors, they thought art wasn't a liable occupation.
That and because my art teacher straight out told me that I have no talents.
He said I'm good at copying art but trash (yes he said trash) at making them.
So I guess I was kinda depressed after that. I still draw from time to time as a hobby though but I'm not as good anymore.


Same question
i sometimes express myself with strong sentences, usually if i'm feeling stressed,depressed or feeling lonely. i don't necessarily have any explicitly creative of expressing myself considering how greatly school is holding me back from doing things i enjoy.

would you consider your haters to be your motivators?
...not really, I guess? I honestly fail to feel anything in response to anyone who'd hate me, though I don't even really know anyone in particular that does. For some reason, most people tend to think of me as either "weird" or "alright", but never "a sack of shit" from what I recall, unlike my own feelings.

I should probably be glad for that. I'm unimportant enough for people not to care I'm there. That means I'm unlikely to be harassed, unlike how others may be, unfortunately... well, I'm harassed sometimes but I don't really think it's notable. I don't know who it is, but at school, I'm often getting food and other shit thrown at me by someone. No idea why, but eh.

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Why has February been so shitty lately? The past two weeks have been really vexing for me.

What is it like for you whenever you go through self-doubt and self-hatred, blaming yourself for things, and such? How does that feel or affect you?
well it's not fun. just went through a few months where that was just all i was doing. a lot of things all fell through around the same time and i couldn't help but blame myself for all of it. when so much goes wrong at the same time, where else would your mind go at first? the whole situation just left me constantly anxious, having random moments of outwardly expressed anger (not towards others, thankfully), and overall just down in the dumps. it was probably the worst few months of my life thus far. it wasn't until recently when things started picking back up, started thinking more positively, righting my wrongs, took care of myself more, but even just thinking about being in that whole mess makes me feel a bit miserable even now.

what do you usually do to cope when you don't feel good, or how do you end up feeling better?
Sleep or shower. Usually the first one.

What do you think others would describe you as?
People describe me as easygoing and chill. I'd say that I fit that category when I'm around most people, but people who truly know me would say that I'm a goofy opinionated mofo.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance that's not in your control, what would it be?
A little height maybe?

Mint choco; yes or yes?
Mint chocolate is alright. Yes, I suppose.

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What flaw or mistake of yours in particular would you wish to correct or improve?
My lack of being capable of holding an interest in anything. It's really getting bad. I just lose interest in everything so quickly. osu is really the only long term interest I've had for a while now.

What type of weather is your favorite?
Any weather that happens not to be a consistent inconvenience, like rain, for example.

Sunny, clear skies, are nice, generally.

But for the sake of mood and appeal, I do enjoy an overcast sky.

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how would you approach a hypothetical $20,000 college debt?
Once I get started in my career that I presumably earned with my college degree, I'd put maybe like 100-200 towards it each month? I don't know. I'm sure that there's more efficient ways to go about it, I'd have to read up more about it.

What is your sleep schedule like?
It varies. I tend to sleep at around 1 AM as of the past week but could be awake for much longer at times. I'll usually wake up at 7.

that's about it, but yeah.

other times, it could be from 3-8.

i tend to amass an average of 6 hours of sleep.

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Penguin wrote:

What is your sleep schedule like?
12am to 7 am, 3am to 10am or 6am to afternoon

Have crushes?
not any tangible or known crush at the moment.

it's been like that for a good couple years. nothing's happened.

oh well.

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Penguin wrote:

What is your sleep schedule like?
whenever i feel like sleeping, i do. sometimes 10, sometimes 12, sometimes 3, sometimes whenever else in between.

usually wake up from about 9:30 - 11 regardless

same q
I was able to choose all my class schedules this time around (except Friday) to all start at 12:30 PM.

So on weekdays I go to bed normally between 1 AM - 3 AM and wake up at 10:30 AM. Weekends vary, but its normally like past 4 AM. I'm generally just a night person. Definitely not a morning person, that's for sure.

Same question.
Tad Fibonacci
I usually go to sleep at 3 or 5 am and wake up at 12 am.
I'm not proud of it though, and the holiday is ending soon so I'd better adopt a healthier sleep schedule.

Same question.
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