
OT COURT II: A-Breaking Laboratory & R.O.S.Q. vs Asht. Co

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OT COURT II: A-Breaking Laboratory & R.O.S.Q. vs Asht. Co

The time has arrived, OT Court will soon begin session!

To reiterate why we are holding this court, Asht. Co is in violation of denizen rights and competitive freedom, sued by the OT Royal Society of Quality and A-Breaking Laboratory, respectively. By employing mind control devices on the denizens, Asht. Co is crossing a line that should never be crossed, and opens up unfavorable consequences to the denizens in the land of OT.

Before we begin, First let us confirm that everyone is here. The clerk position was never filled in, so I, OT Royal Scientist abraker, will take on the task that everything runs smoothly. The court expects the following people to be present:

  • - Plaintiff: Royal OT Scientist abraker

    - Prosecutor: tad01123

    - Defendant: Ashton

    - Defendant's Attorney: sippingashton

    - bailiff: Penguin

    - Judge: Aiseca

    - Clerk: Royal OT Scientist abraker

    - Court Reporter: Vuelo Eluko

Please may the denizens listed present yourself in this court at your earliest possible convenience.
Well at least you are suing him respectfully.
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Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
Tad Fibonacci
The prosecution is ready, your honor.


this will be interesting.... *sips black orange pekoe tea*

Ashton will be here very shortly
I'm 10-8
*setting up popcorn stall*
Greetings to all!

Judge AI, present in the courtroom.

I expect both sides and the Denizens following this case to be civil while this trial is on going. Any form of nuisance and serious attempt to interrupt and or slow down the process of this case would not be tolerated.

I will only be available for another 3 hours, I apologize if I delay the trial.
⭕ 00:23:261 (3) - Check thread title; should be "Laboratory".
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Court is now waiting for the court reporter, Vuelo Eluko.
I think if it's abraker there also needs to be a court proofreader.
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I believe that job goes to whoever is documenting the case. The closest position to that would be the court reporter.
I think it's the job of court reporter to do those sketches of people in the courtroom, as well.
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If Vuelo Eluko doesnt present himself soon, we will start without him.
Vuelo Eluko

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Now that everybody is present we can begin. First we will start with the opening statements from the Plaintiff and the Defendant.

Plaintiff's Statement

As owner of A-Breaking Laboratory, I was shocked to find that the company faced a crisis on /p/6947496 when an unauthorized individual, Ashton, claimed that I have sold the company to him for 400 billion pp. The evidence Asht. Co presented for this transaction was absolutely forged and made up. In addition to unilaterally taking over my work, he took advantage of the opportunity to used the company resource for his own gain, and steal it under his own company, Asht. Co. My company was hijacked and used for its resources and I will not let this act go unpunished!

As Head of OT Royal Society of Quality, there are huge concerns regarding the technology Asht. Co has claimed to have developed. The technology, which records say is a mind controlling device, threatens the the ability each denizen being of control of the work they contribute in OT. This will effectively allow Ashton to control the masses in order to define quality in his own image. As a representative of denizens in need, OT Royal Society of Quality does not believe any denizen would want to be subject to absolute control by such means. As a maintainer of quality, OT Royal Society of Quality must protect each individual's ability to contribute toward quality. Therefore, no such technology shall be allowed in OT and Asht. Co is to cease operations.

I can confirm abraker has sold the rights to me. The evidence provided in the thread was incorrect at first but then someone kindly fixed it. No sognature was required as the transaction was made with peppy coins.

Asht. Co heavily believes and supports the health of ot! Denizens and as such, we ensure everything we release to the public has been thoroughly tested and approved by healthcare professionals.

I, or any of my employees have never made any mention to mindcontrol whatsoever. I recognize the danger of mind control and as you’ve said, would never put such a dangerous formula out to the public let alone my own factories!
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The case will now proceed

An overwiew of everybody's roles:

Judge Aiseca sees over the case and enforces justice. Everybody is to respect the judge.

Prosecutor tad01123 is to communicate with plantiff abraker and bring forth any evidence and refuting statements forward.

Defendant Ashton and Defendant's Attorney sippingashton are to refute the statements and evidence brought forth by Prosecutor tad01123

Bailiff Penguin is to make ensure nobody rips somebody else apart

Court Reporter Vuelo Eluko is to ensure everything is properly recorded in case someone decides to edit something. It is recommended to capture the current post as well as the previous. The first edit in this case has been recorded by me for your convenience:

Prosecutor tad01123 will now present the first evidence forward

Tad Fibonacci
The prosecution will now make it's opening statements:

On the day January 19th, 2019. Ashton had made a forum thread on OT claiming to have repossessed A-Breaking Laboratory with 400 billion PP.
He also ordered a shut-down alert but instead of shutting down the company, he would keep the company running under the name "Asht.Co" with any sales made by the products will go directly to Ashton. This also includes older products which have been developed and published by A-Breaking Laboratory.

Here's proof of what happened:

The evidence which Ashton have submitted was nothing but some text which he himself typed out. Further more, it does not come into a form of an official legal contract, so it the contract does not hold any legal validity.

Later on the same day, abraker - the rightful owner of A-Breaking Laboratory came back to his company and kicked out Ashton who have illegally took possession of A-Breaking Laboratory.


The next day, January 20th 2019. Ashton had made another forum thread on OT this time simply titled as " Recruiting!".
In the forum thread which by now have been highly edited, Ashton was trying to recruit people into "his" company, "Ash.Co" which actually is A-Breaking Laboratory which is rightfully owned by abraker.
To apply for the company, Ashton asked for people's personal information which includes name, reason for joining and any other information that one's willing to share.


But as you can see clearly, the thread was edited by Ashton 7 days ago due to community back-lash.
In the original post, Ashton simply asked people to be the test subject to his mind controlling machine which is a dangerous and inhumane product that need to be investigated further.

Sadly, I do not have the original screen shot of the original post so I cannot prove that Ashton said anything of sort. But I will be delighted if someone do have the original post saved and shared with the court so that all of the shady things that Ashton did can be tried by the court of law.

Overall, Ashton have violated the following rules due to his actions:
- Transaction contract forgery.
- Intrusion of private property. (This is when Ashton hijacked A-Breaking Laboratory and was eventually kicked out by abraker)
- Illegal recruiting in the name of a company that he does not own nor is a part of.
- Official documents illegal editing. (This is when he edited his recruit thread)
- Scam and fraud. (Ashton claimed to have bought A-Breaking Laboratory without any official documents to back up that claim and the 400 billion PP was never delivered to abraker - The rightful owner of the company)
- The illegal gathering of people's personal information. (When he asked for people's personal info in his fake recruiting thread)

Further more, with reasons stated above, there are grounds to suspect Ashton on the illegal activity of human testing and the development of a mind controlling device.
But with this we shall have to wait for more evidence to be submitted.
Tad Fibonacci
Also, Ashton's statements just now does not hold any grounds.

The transaction still needs official signature and contracts for something as big as a company. Buying it with "Peppy coin" does not remove the requirement of an official signature. Royal OT scientist abraker also never accepted any transaction regarding his company with Ashton.

Also the statement contradicts with another official statement that Ashton made which he said that he have bought A-Breaking Laboratory with 400 billion PP and not Peppy coins.

Vuelo Eluko
This post will be edited as this case goes on to minimize thread clutter. For edits, a new box will be placed underneath the original for which the edit occurred for in chronological order, not in the same box as the original post. "Original" post boxes have their titles bold to ensure that they are easy to parse through if the number of edit boxes becomes large.

An archive will also be maintained and kept accessible to all parties. Archive (google drive)

This post is preferred when officially referencing or contesting previous statements made, as the posts themselves are vulnerable to being "stealth edited". Hotlink to this post

Please note that "Originals" may not be the actual first permutation of the post, but merely the first permutation that was sighted and documented. Also note that the titles of the boxes do not take to bbcode on the new site and so this post is best browsed with the old site to have Originals and Edits stand apart more clearly. "Stealth edits" may or may not be documented depending on whether it's a big enough edit for the court reporter to notice. The date of "stealth edits" will be approximated with "circa".

Edits to this post, as well as irrelevant posts, will not be documented.

Moving forward, changing the persona presenting an original post via edits will not be possible.


Firstly I would like to apologize for the lack of clarity Ashton has provided with many of you today. I am in high hopes that my following statements will make it clear that Asht. Co, and any associations with it have not been getting involved with any illegal activity.

Secondly, pp and peppy coins are two exactly same things. They are currency osu players use, it is called differently depending on where the person is from. Ashton should have kept a consistent use of the term however it should certainly not be something to get called on.

With that out of the way, it appears abraker lacks official papers that signify that his “a-braking laboratory’s” company was ever verified, and unless he presents official papers that signify so his company was technically open for anyone to take. Ashton was generous and gave abraker money for his company, even though there technically was no exchange syndrome all since abreaking laboratory’s never existed in the first place. It’s simply a crazed scientist who somehow believes he owns an entire corporation. To prove Asht. Co is a verified company, however, I will attach the official papers of verification:

With this information Ashton has never broken a law and instead lacked clarity in terms of communication. After consulting with him we have concluded the following statements to be 100% true with no misconceptions:

1. Ashton has not purchased the rights to abreaking laboratory’s, as there were no rights in the first place.

2. Ashton has bought the technology’s and resources of abrakers supposed (unofficial) corporation. Because the corporation is unofficial, however, evidence of purchase is not needed

*sips pineapple chai tea*
Vuelo Eluko
(With the permission of all relevant parties, a small correction has been made to previously recorded statements, as per my request. Previous timeline archived at Aiseca's request, but is not considered relevant in this trial)

Gerald R. Ford wrote:

History and experience tell us that moral progress comes not in comfortable and complacent times, but out of trial and confusion.
Tad Fibonacci
To my knowledge, A-Breaking Laboratory does not have any verification.
HOWEVER, A-Breaking Laboratory was more of a personal business than a full blown company with employees.
Because A-Breaking Laboratory isn't really a company, the company's name was never registered and so the name "A-Breaking Laboratory" is free for anyone to take.
But the only thing that can be taken is the name, nothing else since every single product that A-Breaking Laboratory released is the financial and intellectual property of abraker.
Ashton DID NOT take the name of "A-Breaking Laboratory", he intruded on abraker's private property. He also illegally claimed possession of any sales that A-Breaking Laboratory's products would make which is the financial and intellectual property of abraker.


He claimed that he will change abraker's "A-Breaking Laboratory" to "Asht. Co".
To which that statement directly contradicted the evidence that Ashton have submitted to the court.

The document indicates that it's a company registration under the name of "Asht. Co" so if "Asht. Co" is an official registered name for a company, Ashton cannot re-use the name for another company.

Furthermore, we all should question the validity of the document that Ashton had submitted to the court. Ashton is a person with the history of contract forgery and so it would not be too strange to assume that he also forged this one.
The "Official Verification of Asht. Co" does not come into the form of an official verification. The document lacked professionalism and there's no proof that the verification is valid.
The document is also a file on google docs which is read only except for the owner of the document.
The only person who can freely change the content of this document is it's owner, which is Ashton.

So we can establish that Ashton can change the document into anything he wants at anytime, further lowering the document's value as official evidence.
The document also states: "This paper may be used in court only if the funder is present at the trial".
So there is NO ONE who can be an eye witness to make sure that the contents of the document have never been tampered with.
Or even if there is a witness then the term: "This paper may be used in court only if the funder is present at the trial" is broken, making the document worthless.

Also the timing of this "Official Verification" is really strange too.
The document clearly states that it's been made on January 28th, 2018.
However, Ashton didn't even exist at the time as on his profile we can see he joined Osu! 3 years ago on February 4th, 2016.

Since this document is "Official" we can exclude the possibility of an error.
And so the only logical explanation is that Ashton have forged the evidence, adding another offense: Falsifying and submitting false evidence to the court of law.
Tad Fibonacci
And even though, Ashton have been stating over and over again that he have given money to abraker:

the founder, abraker, has solds its rights to me for 400 billion pp.
Ashton was generous and gave abraker money for his company, even though there technically was no exchange syndrome all since abreaking laboratory’s never existed in the first place.
No sognature was required as the transaction was made with peppy coins.
There was no transaction contract or any other form of evidence that indicates Ashton have actually given abraker any amount of money.
And even if there is then there was no agreement made by abraker since there is no contract. Ashton was just giving abraker money for free.

But to clarify, to this day, abraker have never received any form of payment from Ashton nor was there a mutual buy and sell contract.
ace attorney 7 is looking pretty great so far

It seems you’ve foolishly waddled down the path I wanted you to take. In fact, you have just admitted Ashton’s innocence!

*sips white hot chocolate with chai tea*

As mentioned in the statement above Ashton has not purchased any rights to abrakers business, instead he has purchased the technology and resources, any misconceptions Ashton may have led you to believe should be forgotten as those statements above are finalized and put into simple terms.

Asht. Co has operated under the same name for 10 years and just because he has purchased the technology and resources of another person does not mean that he cannot reuse or maintain his current name.

I can assure you every evidence I provide at court is 100% liable. Before Asht. Co distributed it’s goods to osu, it worked as a very small business in Japan selling cute anime body pillows. Using the date my account was created as proof for the contract to be fake is rediculous.

Furthermore, if I or Ashton were to lay a hand on the document and change it by any means he would not only lose my company but get in heavy trouble with the law. Google docs does in no way reevaluate the legibility of a document.

This trial is clearly because of abrakers lack of sophistication. He simply regrets making so many mistakes:
1) Not validating and securing his company
2) Impulsively selling his resources and technology to Ashton

This is rediculous.
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I DO NOT regret not validating and securing my company. Do not spout lies!

abraker wrote:

I DO NOT regret not validating and securing my company. Do not spout lies!


Thank you for admitting your incompetence in front of the judge.

Whether you regret it or not is irrelevant.
Tad Fibonacci
Mister sippigashton, the information you give us changes every time you make a new statement.
You've changed your story from Ashton buying a company to giving money to abraker then to buying the rights of the products.
It is you who are incompetent for not having your story straight from the beginning.

And no, I did not admit Ashton's innocence. I proved that Ashton's offense is even more serious than it first shows.

I will now disprove your argument in a single sentence: "Where's proof?".
You've shown no actual proof to further your argument that isn't from outside source.

As mentioned in the statement above Ashton has not purchased any rights to abrakers business, instead he has purchased the technology and resources
There is no proof of this whatsoever. abraker have never received any money from Ashton nor did he do any transaction with him.
So I'm afraid Ashton have lied about the whole ordeal to the court.

Asht. Co has operated under the same name for 10 years and just because he has purchased the technology and resources of another person does not mean that he cannot reuse or maintain his current name.
First of all, you cannot re-use a registered company name for another company. Even if A-Breaking Laboratory is the property of Ashton, he cannot change it's name to "Asht. Co" since the name was already taken by another company even if that company was his.
So the fact that Ashton tried to change the name to "Asht. Co" could be proof for illegal activities.

And you've stated that Asht. Co have been operating for 10 years and have never gone through a company's name change.
To which I find this hard to believe.
Remember, Asht. Co is even older than Ashton so how can Ashton be the founder of the company?
You cannot use the argument that Ashton bought Asht. Co and it's only coincidental that it has the same name as his since Ashton's name and signature is completely and clearly shown in the "Official Company Verification".

Using the date my account was created as proof for the contract to be fake is rediculous.
I assure you, the only ridiculous thing is how is Ashton not in jail yet for all the fraud and scam that he did.

I can assure you every evidence I provide at court is 100% liable.
No you cannot, the evidence you provided have already been proven to be unreliable since you can modify it at anytime you want.

if I or Ashton were to lay a hand on the document and change it by any means he would not only lose my company but get in heavy trouble with the law.
But yet, you cannot prove that you or Ashton have never modified it so the document's validity is still in question.

Mister sippingashton, you claimed that Asht. Co have been operating for 10 years now and before that Asht. Co was a anime waifu body pillow seller but again, you lacked any evidence.
There is no record of the existence of Asht. Co on the Osu! forums until just recently when you tried to illegally repossess abraker's property.
For a 10 years old company that's a little odd no? How can you manage to keep the company running without ever doing any businesses?
Before you use that argument let me remind you that not having a record of a company's businesses is illegal.

On the contrary, even though A-Breaking Laboratory isn't half that old yet.
All of OT have witnessed it's contributions through it's products like the Osu!pill and 𝓢𝓚𝓘𝓛𝓛.


So the prosecution will now accuse mister Ashton of the following offenses:
- Scam and Fraud.
- Official document forgery.
- Intrusion of private property.

I shall humbly ask for the judge to give his opinion on the matter and decide on a verdict.
It's prerogative of the jury to decide on innocence or guilt.
Vuelo Eluko

B1rd wrote:

It's prerogative of the jury to decide on innocence or guilt.
in civil disputes it's not actually required but it is an option, both parties seemed to have waived that right though.


Although what may seem like a harmless pill is actually infused with addictive drugs. On top of being unsure of what the symptoms are, he even blatantly says "shit's so good you'll come back for more". This is clearly illegal activity that needs to be settled.

abraker illegally murders denziens simply for his own gain.

publically shamed a number of people causing an indisputable amount of emotional stress.

abraker releases top secret information illegally:

Together both Ashton and I are suing abraker for:

-Production and distribution of illegal substances


-Heavy emotional distress

-Leaking important police files

You may still find the evidence unsuitable but perhaps you should have checked abrakers track record before acting so arrogantly.
Tad Fibonacci

Ashton wrote:



Although what may seem like a harmless pill is actually infused with addictive drugs. On top of being unsure of what the symptoms are, he even blatantly says "shit's so good you'll come back for more". This is clearly illegal activity that needs to be settled.

abraker illegally murders denziens simply for his own gain.

publically shamed a number of people causing an indisputable amount of emotional stress.

abraker releases top secret information illegally:

Together both Ashton and I are suing abraker for:

-Production and distribution of illegal substances


-Heavy emotional distress

-Leaking important police files

You may still find the evidence unsuitable but perhaps you should have checked abrakers track record before acting so arrogantly.
I admit that abraker does not have the cleanest track record, but this court is about the disputes between abraker and Ashton regarding A-Breaking Laboratory and it's products.
And so whatever abraker did outside of the mentioned situation is highly irrelevant.

If you want to "counter sue" you can do that after this court in a different case.
But for now, we need to focus on the case at hand, resolve the dispute between Ashton and abraker and awaits the judge's verdict.

P/S: The new site sucks, please link the old site next time.

tad01123 wrote:

Ashton wrote:



Although what may seem like a harmless pill is actually infused with addictive drugs. On top of being unsure of what the symptoms are, he even blatantly says "shit's so good you'll come back for more". This is clearly illegal activity that needs to be settled.

abraker illegally murders denziens simply for his own gain.

publically shamed a number of people causing an indisputable amount of emotional stress.

abraker releases top secret information illegally:

Together both Ashton and I are suing abraker for:

-Production and distribution of illegal substances


-Heavy emotional distress

-Leaking important police files

You may still find the evidence unsuitable but perhaps you should have checked abrakers track record before acting so arrogantly.

I admit that abraker does not have the cleanest track record, but this court is about the disputes between abraker and Ashton regarding A-Breaking Laboratory and it's products.
And so whatever abraker did outside of the mentioned situation is highly irrelevant.

If you want to "counter sue" you can do that after this court in a different case.
But for now, we need to focus on the case at hand, resolve the dispute between Ashton and abraker and awaits the judge's verdict.

This is highly relevant! If abraker insists on maintaining his so called company than he must be checked thoroughly otherwise he is not even fit!! This is rediculous!!!!

Your honour I kindly request you do not dismiss these highly important informations.

Edit: it also appears the prosecutor is guilty of promoting nazi propaganda!
Tad Fibonacci
Edit: it also appears the prosecutor is guilty of promoting nazi propaganda!

That's not what you called it is.
I clearly explained what it is in the same thread.

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The court will go on recess until the situation with the judge is resolved. Please refrain posting nonsense in this thread meanwhile
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Aiseca is no longer the judge for this case. Judge b1rd will now see over this case and enforce justice. Everybody is to respect the judge. Court will now resume.
As the previous judge has been indisposed with a mild case of flesh-eating parasites, the newly appointed Judge B1rd now preside over the case.

*tap tap tap* The court will now resume session.

Let me first remind everyone that editing posts is impeding the course of justice. From this point on, anyone who edits their posts will be liable to be found in contempt of court.

The prosecution's objection is upheld. The defence will refrain making any allegations against the prosecution that is outside the scope of this case.

The prosecution has offered compelling evidence of an illegitimate appropriation of the plaintiff's private property. However I remind the prosecution that to reach a guilty verdict the prosecution must prove the the defendant committed the act of mind control, as is the central charge of the case. To this effect, the prosecution must provide evidence and/or testimony.

Vuelo Eluko wrote:

in civil disputes it's not actually required but it is an option, both parties seemed to have waived that right though.
In a normal civil case, however this one is of enough gravity to necessitate a jury.

*sips tad's tears*

Proof of transaction is not needed. How many times must I reiterate this? In fact, no transaction was ever needed as abraker's technologies, as he has said hiself in the past, were never secured.

On top of this, the opposing party is yet to provide evidence of abrakers property ever existing in the first place, and evidence that I envaded it. The only mentions we have towards abreaking labratory is within public threads, avaliable to anyone. On top of this using posts made by Ashton as evidence is not sufficient, anyone could say they have stolen the property, it doesn't mean they have. Ashton was foolish for sure, but not to a point where he has broken the law.

You cannot prove that the document I have provided is fake, so please refrain from accusing me it is fake. Asht. Co has been around for 10 years and just because it wasn't present within the forums for that amount of time doesn't mean it has never existed.
Tad Fibonacci
Proof of transaction is not needed. How many times must I reiterate this? In fact, no transaction was ever needed as abraker's technologies, as he has said hiself in the past, were never secured.
If proof of transaction is not needed, then you cannot prove that Ashton have bought the rights to abraker's products.
And abraker said that his company was never verified, not the company's products as they are abraker's financial and intellectual property.

the opposing party is yet to provide evidence of abrakers property ever existing in the first place
I did, and I have provided proof clearly. How else can Ashton claim possession of them if they don't exist? What you said is just absurd.
A-Breaking Laboratory's inventions and products have been present and well received by the denizens of OT.

This is what KupaH have to say regarding the Osu!pill:

And this is another satisfied customer regarding another product of A-Breaking Laboratory:

You cannot prove that the document I have provided is fake
I didn't have to, I simply pointed out how shady and unreliable it is.
I suspect the validity of the document will be decided upon after an investigation is done of Asht. Co.

Also, other than the mentioned accusations. Your honor, judge B1rd have told me to focus on the matter of an illegal pursuit of the research and development of a mind controlling device that threatens the denizens of OT.
To remind to court of that matter, I shall quote a part of one of my statements regarding the matter:

The next day, January 20th 2019. Ashton had made another forum thread on OT this time simply titled as " Recruiting!".
In the forum thread which by now have been highly edited, Ashton was trying to recruit people into "his" company, "Ash.Co" which actually is A-Breaking Laboratory which is rightfully owned by abraker.
To apply for the company, Ashton asked for people's personal information which includes name, reason for joining and any other information that one's willing to share.

But as you can see clearly, the thread was edited by Ashton 7 days ago due to community back-lash.
In the original post, Ashton simply asked people to be the test subject to his mind controlling machine which is a dangerous and inhumane product that need to be investigated further.

Sadly, I do not have the original screen shot of the original post so I cannot prove that Ashton said anything of sort. But I will be delighted if someone do have the original post saved and shared with the court so that all of the shady things that Ashton did can be tried by the court of law.
Even now, I have yet to find any decisive evidence that proves Ashton was recruiting for the test subject of his mind controlling device.
But undeniable proof has been presented that Ashton did edited his original post drastically.
And in my opinion, proof is everything in the court of law.
But in the case of evidence being tampered with, making them unreliable or just straight out destroyed. We need to rely on the witness's testify instead.
Luckily for us, there are witnesses that have witnessed the original post.
Even though the original post was altered, we can still get them to testify to reveal what the content of the original post was like.

The prosecution will now call the following witnesses to the court to testify about the thread that Ashton had made "Recruiting!":
- ColdTooth
- Vuelo Eluko (This witness is so happens to be one of the court's staff so summoning him would be of no problem)
- Serraionga
- Meah

All of the mentioned people is a possible witness of the original thread.
And also I do not hope for all of them to show up to court to testify, but I do hope that we can get at least 2 so that we can have enough evidence to help the court decide on a verdict.

I kindly request the prosecutor to show valid evidence Ashton has possession of abrakers resources. I can assure you he has nothing, and I do sincerely apologize for any misconception she may have given you however as I will say again: he did not break any law.

Your honour, b1rb, with all due respect, I highly encourage you to make your verdict soon. No amount of witnesses will change the fact Ashton is innocent and this has dragged on too long.
Tad Fibonacci
I kindly request the prosecutor to show valid evidence Ashton has possession of abrakers resources.
I did not say that Ashton has possession of abraker's property, I said Ashton tried to illegally repossess abraker's property.

I will say again: he did not break any law.
That is to be decided by the judge, though I have brought out some evidence that shows the contrary.

No amount of witnesses will change the fact Ashton is innocent and this has dragged on too long.
I assure you, witnesses will be the key to solve this case. So you should just sit tight, listen to what they have to say once they've shown up to the court and prepare for the cross-examination.
Vuelo Eluko
Although I did contribute a jovial mocking post (a meme) to the thread that prosecutor tad is referring to, I do not actually recall what the original contained. It was some time ago; all I can say is that the post does appear briefer than it did on the day on which I replied. It would seem to me that something was redacted from its original contents. The intent of this omission is unclear, although it does appear that the edit occurred after Plaintiff abraker's call for legal action due to the original content of said thread.
Tad Fibonacci

Vuelo Eluko wrote:

Although I did contribute a jovial mocking post (a meme) to the thread that prosecutor tad is referring to, I do not actually recall what the original contained. It was some time ago; all I can say is that the post does appear briefer than it did on the day on which I replied. It would seem to me that something was redacted from its original contents. The intent of this omission is unclear, although it does appear that the edit occurred after Plaintiff abraker's call for legal action due to the original content of said thread.
Exactly, Ashton only edited his thread post only after abraker threatens to pursue legal action.

abraker's first thread post about pursuing legal action against Ashton:

abraker's thread post looking for volunteers:

Ashton's "Recruiting!" thread and the time which he edited the thread:



Vuelo Eluko wrote:

Although I did contribute a jovial mocking post (a meme) to the thread that prosecutor tad is referring to, I do not actually recall what the original contained.

If the original content of the post was in fact illegal activity you would have responded with a much more serious response and immediately claimed evidence. However, as nobody has introduced any evidence to the eyes of court it's clear nothing serious was originally posted.

Vuelo Eluko wrote:

It was some time ago; all I can say is that the post does appear briefer than it did on the day on which I replied. It would seem to me that something was redacted from its original contents.

You are right, the original post originally was much longer as it included a rule sheet of what was expected at my company, however that was later edited out as I realized the rules would be given to people who have successfully joined my corporation.

The fact it was edited two days after abrakers announcement is also important, I would have edited it immediately after the announcement to increase the chances of anyone snapping evidence.

Thank you Vuelo Eluko for presenting your testimony at court, it's highly appreciated! We cannot finish this case until the most accurate conclusion has been achieved, and you have contributed greatly to this case!
Tad Fibonacci
If the original content of the post was in fact illegal activity you would have responded with a much more serious response and immediately claimed evidence.
I disagree, no one has took Ashton seriously since he has a reputation of shitposting.
Even if what he claimed was illegal, no one took him seriously.
Only until the situation has gotten more serious that people have started to realize the dangers of the technology Ashton's researching.

These are the reactions of the denizens of OT when Ashton was announcing the shut down of A-Breaking Laboratory:

You are right, the original post originally was much longer as it included a rule sheet of what was expected at my company, however that was later edited out as I realized the rules would be given to people who have successfully joined my corporation.
I would request that you share that so called "rule sheet" to the court and give sufficient proof that it was in the original post.

The fact it was edited two days after abrakers announcement is also important, I would have edited it immediately after the announcement to increase the chances of anyone snapping evidence.
Once again, I disagree.
The first thread post abraker made was a threat to use legal actions, which Ashton didn't care for too much since he thought it was only a threat.
Only until abraker was asking for volunteers for a trial did Ashton edited his post to avoid run ins with the law.

The fact it was edited two days after abrakers announcement is also important, I would have edited it immediately after the announcement to increase the chances of anyone snapping evidence.
That's what you would do but the fact is Ashton did edit his post right after abraker pursuing legal actions.
I think sharing what you would do to the court is highly irrelevant since you've stated yourself that Ashton is dumber than a normal person.

Providing the court with a rule sheet is irrelevant to this matter!

I have concisely and clearly explained what the defendant has done and unless you find glaring contradictions it’s simply speculation now. I would advise you to sit tight and wait for the Judges verdict unless you have evidence to present to the courtroom.
Tad Fibonacci
The rule sheet IS relevant to this case since you said yourself that it's one of the part that Ashton have edited out in the original post.
And since no copy of the original post is available, we need to examine every information that is relevant to the post.
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