Players make scores but have no way to display them permanently other than getting a high pp play or #1 on leaderboards. Additionally, scores on unranked maps will never display on profile. I propose an extra profile section so that:
Edit: 1/5/19 [ Additional features ]
- Players can display any scores on their profile as a challenge for other players, likely their friends, to beat
- Players have an easy way to keep track their improvement across maps they regularly play
- Date achieved
- Name of beatmap, and link to it
- Optional link to screenshot of results screen
- Optional link to replay file
- Score
- Combo
- Accuracy
Edit: 1/5/19 [ Additional features ]
- Ability to download all of the maps in the list. Currently players use favorites to have a list of maps to download from, which has not really been the point in favorites as far as I understand. So this would offer a more accessible and easier way to recover the maps.
- An additional "heart" column for indicating whether the you favorited the map or not. Favorites would still remain since their main purpose is to provide a visual indicator for maps many players like, and an extra column for this wouldn't hurt. That said, the current favorites profile section would become redundant and I see it being replaced by request.
- An additional column for gamemode indication. It would take an extra click for players browsing the list to know if the difficulty is standard or mania or some other gamemode. An indication would allow browsing through the maps less annoying.
- An extra column for stars. If players are browsing they prob want to know if the difficulty is within their play range
- An option to filter by gamemode and star difficulty to make the browsing process easier
- An option to hide columns because there is prob too many listed at this point to fit. This would behave as a global setting for the player who is browsing.