
Status Update

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Status: Writing a bit of a self-reflection, right here. I hope you'll read it.

Refills (aka Jax) was a mapping buddy of mine until recently. I needed friends to mod my map, so I got him. He started saying lots of bad things. I won't go into details here, but he basically told me everything was bad and it should be remapped. I completely disagreed with his opinions. I lashed at him only to be drowned out by two other modders who agreed with him. I started to throw a huge tantrum and flamed, something that was most certainly immature and retarded for a teenager like me.

I ended up unfriending and blocking him on Discord, and in osu!. Now that I'm thinking about this, I realize I have failed to mature from my old self when I was, maybe up until I was 12 years old, where my Asperger's syndrome was most obvious. I realize that this was all something I could have discussed further at a later time. It isn't too late to turn back, but as a learning experience I shall assume otherwise and let this incident scar me and my feelings for others and how I shall proceed to do things online.

I really feel so immature... I should have been able to calm myself with what I was taught, but I have failed. For the next few days, this will definitely stay on my mind.

One day, maybe, I can be sure of myself that an incident and outcry like this will never happen again.

Man, no matter how many times I play it, at the end of a Kingdom Hearts game, I always tear up when I hear Utada's beautiful voice sing Simple and Clean.
unsure of what to do today. tired already, even though i just woke up a few hours ago.
heart's still a bit heavy from the stuff from last night but otherwise, now I'm just trying to make amends on the Discord server as Aiseca advised me.
well. things've been okay, but i'm a little worried as to if that'll last much longer.

I dunno. just sensing something.

anyhow, i gotta get ready to move over to my mom's for the weekend.
Work: Resting atm. Trying to recover from exhausting week of cutting slates of paper in half.
Ender Lain
rip left hand (can't relaxing my index, mid and ring finger)

Watching Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san with my mother. She doesn't understand anything even with the English subtitles so I have to explain the incredibly obvious story.

It's also at this point that I realize MinNin's profile picture is of Takagi.
Runny nose
Here I am drinking caffeinated soda and eating mcdonalds again.

I usually have enough self-control not to buy this kind of stuff myself, but when my family unexpectedly gets it for me I can't really turn it down. Not to mention that caffeine often dunks on my ability to sleep the night I drink it.

Oh well. Better get a job and my own place if I really want full control of my life. I don't have the discipline not to eat McDonalds that someone else buys for me.

tl;dr: American stereotypes... are often true
waking up with a sore body.

it's cold.

not sure what to do today.

Read what Scub posted in general (all difficulties).


...or at least a week. I can't even anymore. Fuck my life.

jxrhythmer2002 wrote:

Read what Scub posted in general (all difficulties).


...or at least a week. I can't even anymore. Fuck my life.
I'm having difficulty picking up on anything obvious other than that there's people with issues to how you responded, and you've got issues with others.

I'm getting the idea you've wanted things to be done a certain way as a matter of stylistic choice, yes?

...I can't quite tell.

Anyhow, that's a lot of shit you're getting for it. I dont have a whole lot of advice, unfortunately, as I haven't been involved with the modding process before. I tend to keep my maps to myself.

Quitting mapping in general is a little much, but you could take a break from mapping for rank and work on something else. Take a look at how things are typically mapped, decide how you want to do thing based off of what you learn from it, and come back, either on the same map, or on a different map to start anew.

I can't do a whole lot about how it's affecting you, as it seems you've invested a lot of yourself into things. I'm a little concerned that it's playing too far into your actual life, and how it affects your general mood.

If that's how it is, you might want to take a break from things and focus on something else in your life that you can work with.

I don't think one's entire life should revolve around osu! if all osu! does is mess with them.
I feel like I want to fucking kill myself.

jxrhythmer2002 wrote:

I feel like I want to fucking kill myself.

You'll get used to it.

OT: Studying some more for exams.
Lazing around
Doing actual construction
Got IP banned from this website

you already know how i am still alive
Just figured out how to fix my avatar on the old site. I hope you guys can see it!
Ender Lain

Ok now....let's play some Doki doki fuel nightmare
i'm failing to maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

Achromalia wrote:

i'm failing to maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

I never had one.
I'm failing to maintain a calm mind with these little anti-shota kids on Discord arguing with me that a D10 is what someone is supposed to use (edit:) to* avoid being knocked off of a rock wall structure. The problem is, they've only started using dices in role-playing not even three hours ago, and I've been doing this BS for two years, nearing my third pretty soon, with more than 18 homebrews, one-shots and campaigns that I've partaken in during that time. So they better step off of my plate before they get knocked down by a Half-Orc 20 Path of the Berserker Barbarian with Rage active.

All in all, I have to explain dices to these libtards when they haven't even seen a full-blown character sheet. Now that I'm looking back in the history of the channel, the apparent DM doesn't even have reason as to why things happen, literally making the reason that boulders begin to fall down a mountain is due to the weather "suddenly" changing. I know that DMs can do whatever they want in their campaigns if it's a homebrew, but at least have more reason than a cloudburst out of nowhere. Weather changes don't even strike anything, and he didn't explain what about the weather changed either.

I'm slowly dying inside at a faster rate than everyone else.

jxrhythmer2002 wrote:

I feel like I want to fucking kill myself.

You went massive big brain and went full toxic mode on modders on your map, specifically me. Keeping in mind you quite literally asked my opinion on the map.

im a bad modder basically
nao tomori and sotarks roasted me
I would probably ask you to kill yourself but I won't because I myself am dying inside, that's my status update.

Furthermore the toxic shit got on to Twitter (Will Stetson tweeted it out) and now hundreds of people know about it. It's causing some other problems such as two people who I made GDs for to threaten me by wanting to remove them from their maps, which is really driving me crazy. All because the person above me wanted to (perhaps not intentionally, it could have been partially my fault here too) bring me down.
Don't stress yourself out too much over something like mapping of all things. Everyone knows mapping is evil.


OT: Even more studying.

jxrhythmer2002 wrote:

I would probably ask you to kill yourself but I won't because I myself am dying inside, that's my status update.

not good.

and just considering the notion you could've told them to kill themselves, ehh... that's not helping.

the reaction is somewhat understandable, but a bit much.


- - -

moving again.
Man, today was the most unproductive I've had in years. I was away from home all fucking day and I couldn't do anything productive. I sat around doing nothing. I probably wouldn't have done my homework, but I could have still worked towards my three 100% files in BBS, y'know? Man.
JX, I won't give a fvck even if you are under fire from the community right now. If you need someone to talk about things you want to clear out of your mind atm, feel free to approach me anytime. I won't mind spending my time on you. And as well, I am not the type of person who sees someone's misery as entertainment.

-.-) Cutting, cutting 2019 calendars right now at work. Need 30k sets by December first.
Dragon Nest

Aiseca wrote:

JX, I won't give a fvck even if you are under fire from the community right now. If you need someone to talk about things you want to clear out of your mind atm, feel free to approach me anytime. I won't mind spending my time on you. And as well, I am not the type of person who sees someone's misery as entertainment.

Thanks but it's okay, it's really my own fault to be honest so I'll figure this shit out myself.

Stopped thinking too much about mapping and just went back to playing the game.
Ender Lain

Playing Midori Green Adventure.....geh!
Apparently I'm too new to be even considered a chance to role-play in an event where I have the upper hand on understanding key concepts of the rules that said event derives several mechanics from. I go into explaining what my character does to the point of typing paragraphs. Apparently not okay. I roll a dice. Apparently not okay. I get a legitimate value higher than the ability check DC. APPARENTLY NOT OKAY. They even went so far as to DELETE the evidence that anything that I just mentioned never existed, just to say that I never did it in the first place. That opens up for a sh*t ton of problems. One, why did my character get promoted to a new class? Did she just exist and get poofed into said class? Two, why did you even delete it? Was it because the person was me? If it was anyone else that you actually knew, would you consider it to be okay and not delete my efforts of trying to save the skin of the group? Was it because I don't know anyone considerably well enough to be able to do jack sh*t? Seriously, these admins are being f*cking stupid, and it's getting on my goddamn nerves.
Planning to upload a certain video to my YT channel by the end of the month...
i have been working on a draft post that i will post soon... and my mind is running wild on everything. Plus i finished homework™
new top play, ayy
Thinking about taking care of the request thread tomorrow.
Maybe not entirely in the day. Either I do a straight course, without the "Random SFW", or I make it bit by bit.

I still have to stop the procrast' for my own life.
I fucked up.
Ditto above
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