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In terms of "what had a lot of influence in the past", kids my age.
In terms of "what had me change a lot in the past", when I saw a wall - continuously rising - representing the gap between me and the other ones I tried to overcome.

Magicphoenix wrote:

If you were to give a chance to travel back to the past once, what time would you travel to? And why
DJ Enetro
Maybe just to where my parents were when they were young. But that’s it really. I don’t like to think about the past much.

Which song, out of the two below?

bad apple

Dinosaurs are vegans?
Some are, some aren't.

Rook wrote:

Is there anything you're really passionate about, and if so, what inspires you to keep at it?
DJ Enetro
Learning the Japanese language.

The summer program that I am working towards (click “here” on my sig to find out about that) keeps me chained to it. (In a good way.)

Any words you’re thinking about? If so, why?
tired. shit. unproductive. manage.

I'm tired. I feel like shit because I was forced to sleep early and couldn't sleep for a while. I'm making an effort to get rid of my academically unproductive nature as I've got school to worry about now. I'll do what I can to manage.

DJ Enetro wrote:

Any words you’re thinking about? If so, why?
Coffee, cider, diplomacy and joint effort.

First one because I really need it. The rest remains to be revealed.

What political party/ideology do you have the most affinity towards?
Right-Libertarianism. I'm don't identify with a single party here, but I definitely favour the Tories over Labour.

actually, what?
politics are bad in my brain.

how do you feel about subscription fees stacked on things you pay for?
I dread the day they reach the app store.

Do you believe in any potentially otherworldly entities?
Not until they're evident I don't.

Though it's always nice to have the thought and wonder if maybe there really is something out there, but for now, one can't be too sure.

Achromalia wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

Any words you’re thinking about? If so, why?

how's your day so far?
slow and early.

Do you fare well in any academic subjects? (e.g. Mathematics, English, etc.)
I do really well in most subjects when I make an active effort. My grades dropped a bit because I used so much of my spare time on others and working with politics, but otherwise, I would likely get straight A's or B's across the board. However, I think my best subjects are languages, history, religion and politics. It's just easier for me to express myself there. I'm also fairly good at biology and geography/geometry, mostly because I was really into that at one point.
I think my worst ones would have to be physics and theoretical mathematics. Might only be me, but the teachers weren't really all that good at making you understand the subject matter, and would often move forward with only one or two in class truly grasping it.

What are your parents like?
They're alright.

My mom is a little on the emotional side and is pretty caring, to the point of paranoia that any harm may be brought on me, whether it be a legitimate concern of my safety, or a forceful nagging of "did you eat yet?" and me responding with "i'm fine". I appreciate it but i think it gets a bit overbearing. Nowadays, she's prone to being a little bitter and sour about things, especially if it involves my dad. She does what she can for me, by the looks of it. She's in her 40's but I dont remember exactly how old she is.

My dad is a critical person, someone assertive and practical. He's really irritable quite often and it doesn't take much to stress him out. He also had an affinity for music and art as he is also a pianist as I am, and he is fond of drawing and occasionally paints. He can be rather judgmental at times but is typically understanding. He's probably the best driver I know, since he's a retired CHP (California Highway Patrol) officer, and manages to cut through a sizeable bit of traffic. He's 69 years old at the moment, a father old enough to be my grandfather.

That's as far as things go on a surface level.

TeeArctic1 wrote:

What are your parents like?
DJ Enetro
My mother is from Indonesia (and since she has relatives there, I visit them every now and then and hence can speak a bit). I see her as hardworking but at the same time a little too over-independent. If possible, she does not want to ask others for help.

As for my father, well, he’s stubborn, at least in the fact that he wants to run a business. Born in Vietnam, apparently he ran cross-country and now he cooks for a living (in a restaurant). Apparently, my mom says that he is not helping to pay the bills at the moment (phone, electricity, and others).

Both had parents that would not hesitate to spank their children if misbehavior arose. My mom still hits my little brother at times, when it comes to talking back.

Are you at your/your relative’s house right now, and what are you doing?
yes I am, i'm just wondering through the forums like I usually do

What's your most painful experience?
I broke my wrist once.

What is the origin of your username?
I wanted a name that'd actually fit me. Something that'd have meaning behind it that helped to describe me. I wanted something I could be comfortable with.

I came up with Achromalia. Achromatic (the lack of color) + Anomalia (spanish for "anomaly"). Achro-malia, or "an anomalous lack of color". I'm a rather detached person IRL. I feel like despite everyone supposedly being capable of strong emotion (color, in this context), I seem to lack that expressiveness in emotion (lack of color). I think of it to be an unusual trait or quality of mine that I have a mixed opinion of.

Though, as a recent producer name, I felt like changing it to something a bit more recognizably defined.

My Soundcloud and Discord accounts currently go under the name "Achomatism".

Achromalia wrote:

Do you fare well in any academic subjects? (e.g. Mathematics, English, etc.)
Well, History and English courses have always been fairly easy for me. I was able to take honors and advanced placement classes in those subjects and pass with relative ease. I performed quite well in Mathematics as well until I had this shitty pre-calc teacher. Big oof. However, now that that's in the past, I believe I'll be able to do as well as I once did in that subject.

For whatever reason, Science has always been my weak-point. Most people refer to it as the most interesting and fun subject of them all, but personally I don't find it too engaging. Not sure why, but I'm normally bored or confused in those classes. It may be because of my lack of enthusiasm for that subject that it's my poorest of the bunch. But who knows. I still do fine in those classes so it's whatevs.


What's the longest distance you've traveled in one run? Like, physically running.
20km jog

Dinosaurs sings?
I don't know, never heard one even crying.

-Seren- wrote:

do you have any siblings?

Dinosaurs have TV shows?
I don't know if you remember or have ever heard of The Land Before Time series. Started off with movies and then somewhere down the line had a TV show. There are probably other dino TV shows out there that I'm missing but whatevs, I can't be bothered to think right now.

What's your preferred music genre?
Heavy Metal, sometimes Death Metal.

Same question.
Indie or jazz

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
probably in college

how has your week been?
DJ Enetro
from Sunday: I still have to get used to my school schedule

from last Tuesday: seems ok.

Been through any natural disasters?
yes but not that often. I remember having a hurricane once but it wasn't that severe. a few trees got damaged others got disconnected from their roots. other than that it wasn't too bad

CatzerTM wrote:

What's your most painful experience?
My most painful experience was probably getting pepper sprayed by law enforcement grade pepper spray..

Story time! I used to work as a security guard a few years ago, so we all carried gear like that. Tasers, stun guns, batons, pepper spray, etc etc. So one night I got really drunk with all of my coworkers after work and I thought that it would be fun to get pepper sprayed! So I got a full dose of it straight into my eyes. It was the most sobering experience I've had. I was rolling on the floor, slamming the ground with my fist trying to distract myself from the pain in my eyes. I'm fairly sure that I nearly broke my hand from punching the ground and the wall so hard. It took nearly an hour for me to be able to open my eyes again. I was in pain for the rest of the night and the following days to come. Taking a shower the next morning was horrific, as all of the pepper spray that got into my hair came running down my face back into my eyes. It took a week for the pain and the swelling of my eyes to go away. Overall it was a fun experience and I'm glad I tried it.

What is your favorite recreational outdoors activity to do?
I suppose I enjoy hiking, even if I rarely if ever go outside. In the few experiences I've had hiking, I had some pretty nice experiences, save for that one time I got sick for a good 15 minutes and almost had to vomit. I recovered from it though and continued on my way, stopping at one place to draw the scenery. It relaxing, even if my body isn't so great at handling physical exertion.

Westonini wrote:

What's your preferred music genre?
DJ Enetro
Anything I consider “electronic”, though that is a wide spectrum. I prefer not to be specific in all honesty.

Australia or Indonesia, and why?
what in the fuck kind of question
Considering indonesia would execute me if I so much as stepped foot in their country, I think my answer is fairly obvious.

Westonini wrote:

What's your preferred music genre?
r&b as of late

same q
I love house music.

What is your favorite drink?
Normally I'd say water, but you probably want something more interesting than that.
So instead:

Westonini wrote:

I normally prefer the fruity sodas like Fanta, Squirt, etc. Preferably the orange flavored ones tho.

What's your current or planned major?
i don't know, actually.

i haven't found anything interesting to do that my school encourages/enforces, so there isn't really anything to major in for me.

how would you spend your last day living, if you planned for it?
If I knew when it is, it depends on what would be missing.
At the moment, I clearly still haven't spent a barbecue time with my friends.
But since I don't know, "method YOLO", screw around and do what I feel like having to do.

Tornado wrote:

What did happen to you and people never believed you?
Let's reload this.

Nothing (worth the lack of belief from them).

[Luanny] wrote:

who is the cutest for ya?
- MAKS -

How to become a mermaid with all forces? xD
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