
dai - Final Answer

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Star! Inoltre sto facendo una difficulty,dopo che l'ho fatta te la passo semmai giudichi (è una insane) XD
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Firo Prochainezo

kevincela wrote:

Star! Inoltre sto facendo una difficulty,dopo che l'ho fatta te la passo semmai giudichi (è una insane) XD
No. Due Insane sono abbastanza.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

kevincela wrote:

Star! Inoltre sto facendo una difficulty,dopo che l'ho fatta te la passo semmai giudichi (è una insane) XD
No. Due Insane sono abbastanza.
La dolcezza di questa ragazza non ha limiti. NO WAAAAAAAAY
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Lunah wrote:

La dolcezza di questa ragazza non ha limiti. NO WAAAAAAAAY
Sfortunatamente non posso essere loli kawaii desu nee ^^ tutti i momenti, Lunah.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Lunah wrote:

La dolcezza di questa ragazza non ha limiti. NO WAAAAAAAAY
Sfortunatamente non posso essere loli kawaii desu nee ^^ tutti i momenti, Lunah.
Beh, io e altri cerchiamo di "aiutarti", non prenderlo come un "La mia mappa fa schifo e vogliono che la rimappo", nessuno ti ha detto questo, è una bella mappa, ma deve seguire un pò di più il ritmo, tutto qua.
kevincela* è stato molto gentile a proporti quella cosa, non c'è bisogno di essere così brutali con chi ti vuole aiutare.

E poi non ho detto "Devi usare questo ritmo", ho detto che può aiutarti e "Portarti sulla dritta via"

Se non accetti i "consigli" e le "opinioni" non mappare. scusami eh.

*avevo scritto cesc o,o
Sono innamorato forse
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Lunah wrote:

Beh, io e altri cerchiamo di "aiutarti", non prenderlo come un "La mia mappa fa schifo e vogliono che la rimappo", nessuno ti ha detto questo.
cesc è stato molto gentile a proporti quella cosa, non c'è bisogno di essere così brutali con chi ti vuole aiutare.

E poi non ho detto "Devi usare questo ritmo", ho detto che può aiutarti "Portarti sulla dritta via"

Se non accetti, non so cosa dirti.
Scusa, ma che centra cesc con tutto questo? Gli ho detto "se ho bisogno di aiuto te lo chiedo, grazie per avermelo chiesto". Il fatto che volevo rimappare Final e' passata e ti consiglio una cosa: se vuoi iniziare una discussione almeno usa le cose presente, non del passato.

Come ho detto a cesc "se ho bisogno di aiuto te lo chiedo, grazie per avermelo chiesto" lo dico anche a te.

Adesso smettila di prendertela per cose passate.
Ok, mi scusi.

GL con la map
Seems all good.

00:10:545 (11,12,13,14,15) - It's pretty hard to tell that this is a quindruplet because of how the notes are placed (11 apart from the rest, 15 stacked on top of 14). Spread them equally? or just stack them on top of each other.
00:12:545 (2) - Move this closer to (3,4,5). Make sure it touches at least the border of those notes.
00:45:879 (7,8,1) - Move these closer to each other since it's a single stream.
01:53:879 (4,5,6,7) - Too close to 3.
02:27:212 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move 5 closer to 4 or move the other notes to make the spacings consistent.
02:35:045 (6) - Rotate it and move it closer to 5.
03:15:879 (1,2,3) - This is pretty much impossible to hit :/ It'd be playable in CtB and Taiko but in Osu it's highly unlikely that someone can accurately move 1/4 beat that quickly(180bpm).
03:17:045 (7,8,9) - Move these farther from 6.
03:18:045 (3,4) - Too far from each other too, stack them on top of each other.

00:10:039 (8) - It looks like this slider is a part of the stream (9,10,11,12,1) because of how there's no spacing difference between 8 9 and 10 yet they're quite different in terms of timing(1/2 beat between 8 and 9, 1/4 between 9 and 10 and same for the rest of the stream). I suggest stacking (9,10,11,12,1) right on the slider end of (8). Or just move it farther so that there's a noticeable difference.
00:32:539 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Here I think you can simply add a new combo on (6),(8) and (10) instead of re-arranging them. Or just use a few repeat sliders.
00:40:373 (2) - Stick this onto 1's slider end?
00:57:873 (4,5,6) - Move these farther from 00:57:373 (1,2,3), cause as it is now it looks like this is one single stream instead of 2 triplet hits.
01:01:956 (4,5) - Stack these on top of 3? or move 4 in between 5 and 3.
01:20:039 (1) - Stack this on top of (14)? Or move it farther. It looks like it's part of the previous stream.
01:22:706 (1) - Same issue here.
01:24:039 (5,6,7,8) - Stack 6 and 7 on 8?
01:44:539 (1,2,3) - Stack these on top of eachother? Look like a triplet hit as it is.
01:55:039 (4) - Stick this onto to 3's slider end?
01:55:706 (8) - Stick this onto to 7s slider end?, away from 01:55:873 (1,2,3).
02:10:706 (1) - Move this to make it part of the previous stream
02:17:206 (7) - Stack this onto 02:17:373 (1)?

1/2 beat inconsistencies are totally fine in Insane diffs imo so I didn't point out of any of those. But the distance between 1/4 streams have to be consistent and intuitive otherwise it's really hard to time them properly.

For example, it's very likely that someone messes up on this stream by hitting it too early due to how it's placed after 8:

Than something like below. Notice there's a big difference in term of spacing because of the beat timing change.(1/2 beat between 8 and 9 so the spacing should be larger compared to 9 10 11 12 etc.

Stacking the notes who have the same beat timing can fix some of the spacing issues, but it's better to spread them so that they'll be easier to read.

Pretty challenging map, would love to see how it turns out after fixing the spacing issues. Some of these inconsistencies were probably made on purpose, and I understand if you leave those cases untouched.

Feel free to ask me for a re-check anytime. Good luck.

and excuse me for the long Nazi post x:


Lunah wrote:

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

No. Due Insane sono abbastanza.
La dolcezza di questa ragazza non ha limiti. NO WAAAAAAAAY
Comunque va bene,quando ho tempo faccio una moddata,e se ti vuoi mappo una hard al posto dell'insane XD
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

kevincela wrote:

Comunque va bene,quando ho tempo faccio una moddata,e se ti vuoi mappo una hard al posto dell'insane XD
Sinceramente la cosa piu' utile che ho bisogno adesso e' una mappa a 3 stello o meno, ma una Hard va bene.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

kevincela wrote:

Comunque va bene,quando ho tempo faccio una moddata,e se ti vuoi mappo una hard al posto dell'insane XD
Sinceramente la cosa piu' utile che ho bisogno adesso e' una mappa a 3 stello o meno, ma una Hard va bene.
That's easy.

Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Faust wrote:

That's easy.

You silly soul-seller.

Faust wrote:

That's easy.

Ehm,yea,so easy.

*runs away*
I suggest you put more effort in hitsounds. Oh wait, it's still WIP. Nvm then..
è ufficiale: non ho trovato niente da moddare...
comunque stella ^.^
Here's what I got so far, hope you like it. :3

Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [Lizzehb's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo
Thank you Lizzehb, this is much better than Boring.
Ends a little better this way I think.

Anyways, ready for mods on the most boring map ever. (But it's an easy. Can't expect much from it.)

Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [Lizzehb's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Lizzehb wrote:

Ends a little better this way I think.

Anyways, ready for mods on the most boring map ever. (But it's an easy. Can't expect much from it.)
Thank you.

Lizzehb's Easy
Some of those sliders are crazy, lol
It'd be nice if there were some clap hitsounds
00:14:712 - Make this slider symmetrical

There are a couple of obvious spacing errors that AIMod isn't finding, like..

01:49:712 Raise the last point a little bit up so it isn't touching the other slider
Lol, Normal is shorter than easy

Might want to go through this with 25% and make sure all hits are with the music

The offset is different from the other difficulties
00:56:456 It was insane enough, that's just ridiculous
Absolutely amazing work all around :D Good luck in getting approved
Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Yay to my 400th post!! :)

[Lizzehb's Easy]
I don't like how you've placed these sliders can you fix and place them neatly please?

I don't hear any hitsounds throughout the map >.>

00:13:379 (5) - align with (4)
00:29:130 (7) align with (4)
00:29:712 (1) - New combo?
00:35:045 (7) - ^
00:31:045 (1) - align with (2)
00:33:570 (6) - align with (4)
00:48:712 (3) - Align with (1)
01:04:712 (5) - Align with (3)
01:48:045 (5) - i suggest you delete this note and extend this spinner 1/4 back.
02:14:712 (6) - align with (5)


00:17:712 (3) - align with (1)
00:20:379 (5,6) align with (1,2)
00:10:712 (2) - New combo?
00:16:379 (1) - ^
00:24:045 (6) - ^
00:24:712 (2) - align (1)

[kevincela's Hard]

00:10:045 (3) - align with (1)
00:11:712 (4) align with (2)
00:29:379 (5) - align with (1,2)


oh god....

Decrease AR & OD by -1?
00:19:045 (6) - That jump..... :cry:
01:53:879 (4) - Spacing?
02:29:879 (4) - That jump..... again....
03:18:129 (4) - unpredictible & impossible jump



Nyaa~~ *Star*

CrimmiSkye wrote:

Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Yay to my 400th post!! :)

[Lizzehb's Easy]
I don't like how you've placed these sliders can you fix and place them neatly please? Done~

I don't hear any hitsounds throughout the map >.> I was doing then and then my osu! crashed and didn't save. x-x

00:13:379 (5) - align with (4) Done~
00:29:130 (7) align with (4) Done~
00:29:712 (1) - New combo? Done~
00:35:045 (7) - ^ Done~
00:31:045 (1) - align with (2) Done~
00:33:570 (6) - align with (4)Done~
00:48:712 (3) - Align with (1)Done~
01:04:712 (5) - Align with (3) Done~
01:48:045 (5) - i suggest you delete this note and extend this spinner 1/4 back. Done~
02:14:712 (6) - align with (5)Done~

Thank you again Crimm.
Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [Lizzehb's Easy].osu
Forgot hit sounds lol but you can take the one from above if you don't like them.

Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [Lizzehb's Easy].osu

CrimmiSkye wrote:

[kevincela's Hard]

00:10:045 (3) - align with (1) No,sorry.
00:11:712 (4) align with (2) Done
00:29:379 (5) - align with (1,2) Done
Thanks for the mod :D
I also changed a slider off-position~

Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [kevincela's Hard].osu
Hey there. ^_^

Lizzehb's Easy
00:29:045 (6) - irregular spacing for the easy diff.. it isn't allowed >.>
01:01:379 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ I mean.. I know there isn't anywhere you can put 2 using distance snap, but using the same spacing that you used for 2,3,4,5,6 isn't a good idea cuz it may make beginers confused.
01:32:045 (1) - remove new combo?
01:48:045 (5) - follow distance snap.. D:

00:17:045 (1) - just a suggestion, you REALLY don't have to follow this... But I think this spacing looks better

kevincela's Hard
This diff is just <3. Nothing to mention here.

00:48:879 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:212 (1) - ^
00:49:545 (1) - ^

* only in case you followed the suggestion for 00:48:879 (1)

Nothing to mention here, buut use the same combo colours of the other diffs. D:

Star. :3
Overall : Add every timing section's volume by 1 tick

Wow, such high slider velocity on an Easy Diff
Make the Tick Rate 4
00:29:045 (6) - Move this further from 5
00:35:045 (7) - Make a triangle pattern with 5 and 6
01:02:712 (2,3,4,5,6) - Make the circles mentioned closer
01:06:712 (1) - Add finish
01:32:045 (1) - Remove NC
Make the 1/1 notes closer

Make the Tick Rate 2
01:47:379 (2) - This slider is too far from 1


You don't need this difficulty because you have "Faust"

00:10:373 (X) - You forgot a note
Crazy Diff

DragonSparta wrote:

You don't need this difficulty because you have "Faust"
Come again?

-Make the Kiai time the same across all diffs.
-All the diffs end at different points. It would be better if you made most of them end at the same point, and have the harder diffs be longer. I recommend ending at 02:21:373.
-I didn't get [kevincela's Hard] with the download. Try full submitting it.

Lizzehb's Easy:


00:10:712 (3) - New combo
00:13:379 (5) - ^
00:18:712 (1) - Not symmetrical
00:27:045 (3) - New combo
00:29:045 (6) - Too close to (5)
00:29:712 (7) - New combo
00:31:045 (1) - Remove the New Combo then add one on 00:32:379 (3)
00:31:712 (2,3) - Align with (1)? (If you do, fix the spacing after (3))
00:35:045 (5) - Add a New Combo and then remove the one on 00:35:712 (1)
00:37:379 ~ 00:40:045 - Add a break or a spinner?
01:04:045 (4) - New combo
01:17:379 (3) - New combo then remove the one on 01:18:712 (1)
01:21:379 (1) - Remove the New Combo
01:25:379 (2) - I'm not sure I like how this is mostly hidden under looks kind of odd
01:32:045 (1) - Remove the New Combo
01:46:712 (2,5) - New combo? Also, 5 is too close to 4.
01:50:045 (1) - Not symmetrical
01:54:379 (1,2,3,4) - Move these 1/2 back and then make 1 closer to the previous note? (Also, if you do this, adding a note on 01:59:379 would be nice).
02:13:379 (4) - New combo?
02:14:712 (6,7) - Align with (5) (if you do this, fix the spacing after (7))


00:16:379 (6) - Too far from (5)
00:30:045 (4) - Too far from (3)
01:49:045 (1) - I'm not sure if this slowdown fits, but feel free to keep it as is

kevincela's Hard:

01:00:045 (4, 5) - (nazi) Not symmetrical
01:12:045 (1) - ^
01:13:379 (5) - Too far out
01:52:045 (1, 2) - (nazi) Not symmetrical
01:56:045 (5) - ^
01:58:712 (5) - ^


-20 million? o.o Either reduce the score or push this for approval.

00:10:545 (11,12,13,14) - This arrangement is odd. Either remove (14) or add a note after it.
00:16:212 (9) - Add a New Combo, then remove the New Combo from (1)
00:41:295 (2) - Too close to (1)
00:46:712 (1,2,3) - I'd recommend doing something else, as this doesn't fit the song that well. If you keep it, though, align them properly.
00:48:379 (5) - Too close to (4)
00:50:712 - End it a full beat earlier, and start it 3/4 earlier so Auto gets 2000
01:08:545 ~ 01:09:045 - This pause feels unnatural o.o
01:50:712 (5) - Too close to (4)
01:52:045 (2,3) - I'm not sure if this fits, but feel free to keep it.
02:13:879 (6) - Confusing, since it's too close to the end of (5)
02:19:045 (1) - Too close to (5). Also, perhaps remove the new combo?
02:19:712 - Add a note
02:26:712 - Add a note (and possibly one at 02:26:879)
02:27:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd recommend spacing these out the same distance as the other notes. Either that, or make 6 the same spacing as these notes. Another possibility would be to make the notes farther apart as it goes along.
02:32:379 (1) - Too close to (6)
02:35:045 (6) - Either move it closer to (5) or add a new combo
02:37:212 (7,8,1) - Too close to each other IMO
02:41:045 (4) - New combo?
02:45:045 (2) - One more repeat, and then remove 02:45:462 (1)
02:46:212 (10) - This slider is in an awkward position. Move it 1/2 later in the stream.
02:48:045 - Add a note
02:48:212 (1) - Awkward slider. Consider moving it 1/4 later and not making it repeat.
02:53:212 (1,2,3,4,5) - Confusing. Shorten (1) by a repeat, add a note at 02:53:545, extend (4) by one repeat, and remove (5).
02:54:962 (4) - Awkward slider tick. Either set slider tick rate 0.5 or move the start 1/4 later and add a note where it is.
02:57:879 (2,3,4) - Too far apart IMO
02:58:045 (4,5,6,7) - No. Make this into a 1/4 stream.
03:05:045 (1,2) - Awkward sliders
03:08:379 (2) - End it 1/4 earlier
03:09:712 (1) - Too close to (3)
03:14:795 (2,3) - Swap these notes
03:13:545 (1,2,3) - Too far apart
03:19:504 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move this 1/8 later and make (7) into a single note



00:56:540 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - These are very far apart. You might be able to keep it, but I'd change it if I were you.
00:57:373 (1,2,3) - ^
01:01:873 (3,4) - ^
01:03:206 (9,10,11) - Uneven, and looks odd (Note: When I say uneven, I mean that one or more groups of notes are way too close to each other. I recommend making all the notes in these streams 2 level 3 grids in one direction, 2 in one direction and 1 in another, or 2 in one direction and 2 in another away from the previous note.)
01:22:206 (12,13,14,15,16,1) - ^
01:29:373 (10) - New combo (or put one somewhere in there, that combo is quite long)
01:38:039 (1,2,3,4,5) - Uneven, and looks odd
01:44:539 (1,2,3) - This confused the hell out of me. You might be able to keep it, but I don't think it fits.
01:48:539 (10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1) - ^
01:52:039 (2,3,4) - ^
01:53:873 (7,8,9) - ^
01:55:873 (1) - Too close to (8), but you might be able to keep it
02:10:289 (4,5) - Too close compared to the rest of the stream
02:10:706 (1) - Too far compared to the rest of the stream. Move it closer.
02:17:373 (1) - Stack it perfectly under (7)
02:18:748 (1) - Extend it to 02:21:373?

For three of the diffs, it's mostly cosmetic issues, but for [Final], a lot of work needs to be done. Either fix it and aim it for approval (or end it earlier, like maybe 02:20:039 or 02:21:373) or remove it entirely. kevincela's Hard was mostly fine though. I won't star it for now, but call me back when this is fixed and I probably will.
Epic stuff you got there.
I couldn't find anything so I'll just leave you a star.
Fix'd,but not sure if i did right.

Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [kevincela's Hard].osu
Download: dai - Final Answer (Firo Prochainezo) [Faust].osu

Fixed some issues. Added Hitsounds.
  1. I'd like to hear more hit sounds especially in Easy, Normal and Final.
  2. Something that caught my attention is that Normal uses Slider Speed: 1.80 and Hard uses Slider Speed: 1.60, That's really odd and illogical, The only way to fix that is to re-map any of the diffs but I guess that's not happening, So just try to be careful with guest diffs next time.
  3. Preview Point is different for "Faust" and "Hard".
Lizzehb's Easy
  1. I suggest to reduce HP Drain -1.
  2. 00:18:712 (1,1,1) - I don't like how these sliders are over each other, It looks really messy. Here's a suggestion.
  3. 00:27:045 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing is no consistent in this pattern, You need to keep spacing consistent if the notes have the same spacing between them in the timeline, Fix spacing between (5)&(6).
  4. 00:39:379 (X) - I was spacing a circle here, consider adding it to suit the drums.
  5. 01:22:712 (1,2) - Sliders are over each other, You need to avoid things like that specially on Easy. Try this instead, It's not perfect but you get the point.
  6. 01:48:379 (1) - This spinner is too short for easy imo. I highly suggest to replace it with a slider.
  7. 01:54:379 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders are not following the rhythm correctly, select them all and move them 1/2 backward.
  8. The end point of this diff is too random, I suggest to finish the diff here: 02:21:379 -
  1. 00:40:379 (1) - This slider is not following the main rhythm correctly so it doesn't sound good, Something like this sounds much better.
  2. 01:09:379 (1) - Perhaps finish at the end of this spinner ?
  3. 01:19:379 (2) - This slider starts too early, If you listen carefully the rhythm you are trying to follow starts here: 01:20:045 - So you should try this. Plus that spacing you were using it's a bit mean for Normal :3
  4. 01:28:379 (1) - This New Combo doesn't seem necessary, It looks like you are about to start a New Combo spam, I suggest to remove it.
  5. Except for those "out of rhythm" things I pointed out everything seems pretty nice in this diff.
kevincela's Hard
  1. The Combo Colours seem to bright for the wallpaper (It gets even brighter during kiai D:) Try these ones.
  2. Ok no major problems here.
  1. 00:26:879 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I don't like this stream is too confusing. I suggest to remove that repeating slider and add more circles OR add more repeating sliders after that one.
  2. 00:48:712 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The New Combo spam makes the jumps even harder to play because it adds confusion, I suggest to get rid the New Combo Spam.
  3. 02:13:712 (6,7) - This anti jump killed the flow completely, I suggest to use normal spacing or stack the notes.
  4. 02:42:712 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Oh these patterns, I'm not sure if that is Ok even for Insane, because It seems really hard to read even for "Insane Players" (I've tested it with other player Rank #400~) mainly because the jumps are too exaggerated and the spacing is completely inconsistent. I highly suggest to make it a bit easier to read.
  5. 03:20:045 (8) - Using Red Lines (Uninherited sections) to change slider speed is unrankable, with no exceptions.

  1. 1 unsnapped object.
  2. Really Hard, But No Major problems
  3. Is this Ok for rankings ?
I'll star this hoping to see some major fixes. Otherwise I'll regret "starring" this and that will make me sad :(

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Something that caught my attention is that Normal uses Slider Speed: 1.80 and Hard uses Slider Speed: 1.60, That's really odd and illogical, The only way to fix that is to re-map any of the diffs but I guess that's not happening, So just try to be careful with guest diffs next time.
If you see,my hard and normal have different bpms,and Normal's bpm is lower than my hard,so i think it's all right.Anyway,later i'm going to fix all in my diff.

-kevincela- wrote:

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Something that caught my attention is that Normal uses Slider Speed: 1.80 and Hard uses Slider Speed: 1.60, That's really odd and illogical, The only way to fix that is to re-map any of the diffs but I guess that's not happening, So just try to be careful with guest diffs next time.
If you see,my hard and normal have different bpms,and Normal's bpm is lower than my hard,so i think it's all right.Anyway,later i'm going to fix all in my diff.

Ok, So I asked in #modhelp, the mapset must have the same BPM , so use 180 for Easy and Normal too, then slowdown the sliderspeed.
Hard is OK.

00:32:956(6,7,8,9,10) - spacing doesn't really make sense. The way it's oriented, it doesn't even look at they are 1/4 apart. Secondly, the music doesn't change in away to provoke something like this.. it's not major tho.
00:40:373(2) - i would move this a little closer to the end of the slider to be more clear, but i guess it's fine
00:40:706(4,5,6,7,8,1) - pretty much almost completely unreadable until several tries or actually looking in edit in my opinion.
00:57:373(1,2,3) - spacing makes no sense. The music does provoke any sort of spacing like this, and it's hard to read. if these spacings happened continuously through a portion of the song, it may work better. Still, the spacing is kinda intense for a 1/4 beat.
01:01:873(1,2,3) - ^ this sort of spacing makes it look like a 1/2 note
02:04:706(1) - slider makes more sense ending at 02:05:373 in my opinion.
02:17:206(7) - move this note on top of the new combo


00:12:545(2,3) - this happens a few time in the song. Although it's playable, it's just a little to continue the stream so far away. If it was just a jump it might be better, but it's not
00:19:045(6) - ^ yea.. wat? it's probably possible to not get an 100 on combo 5, but um.. it's still quite insane spacing even if combo 5 is a reverse slider.
00:41:212(x) - add a note?
00:47:212(x) - ^
00:48:545(x) - add a note, or you should move the new combo somewhere else, cuz it seems a little hard to read.
00:48:879(1,2,1,2,1,2) - do you really need new combos here? I think one is enough.
01:02:379(4,5) - although i can't even here these notes, i don't think they should be on blue ticks...
01:07:379(2) - move closer to previous note.
01:27:879(5,6,7) - do something more creative instead of stacking?
01:47:379(x) - add note
01:51:462(11) - start slider 1/4 tick ealier
01:53:962(3) - move onto combo 4
02:14:212(1) - i would end this note at 02:14:379 and put a note at 02:14:545. just a suggestion tho
02:26:712(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing doesn't make. It only happens once in the whole song, and the music does not become calmer at all.
02:35:045(6) - move the slider closer to the previous note.
02:37:545(8) - i would move this note further away from the new combo
02:45:045(2) - i would move this note closer to the new combo
02:47:962(7) - remove finish
02:48:045(x) - add note with finish (you don't have to end follow the last to steps, but that 7 on a blue tick makes no sense. Even if you can't hear a difference, you really shouldn't just put random notes on blue ticks)
02:53:545(2,3,4) - ok.. pretty much impossible to read, at least for the first time, and more impossible to do for the first time. Move combo 3 on to onto combo 2 and 4
02:57:962(3) - move 1/4 tick forward and move closer to combo 4
03:05:045(1,2) - blue ticks don't match anything.
03:08:712(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the music is still in 4/4 meter, this 3 3 3 does not feel correct when playing
03:13:545(1,2,3) - weird spacing. i recommend moving them closer together
03:14:712(1,2,3,4) - i would move 2 on top of 1, and move 3 on top of 4


This is still hard. You should finish at around the same time as the harder difficulties.
The song also seemed a tiny bit off. Maybe you could try 8036, but offset right is fine i guess.

00:42:036(7) - why are these 3 claps while all other instances of this pattern are whistles? (i guess you did it again at 01:40:702, but it seems fine since you did it twice)

looks fine.


00:10:712(2) - move 1 right
00:36:712(x) - add note
00:37:045(x) - ^
00:38:712(spinner) - end spinner here? Although the spinner follows the music, i'm not sure about putting a note 1/2 away from the end of spinner in normal, but you seem to have enough time for the spinner.
01:26:045(1) - i know you can't finish here, but i would recommend changing some notes around to put a finish here. It just makes more sense that way.
01:28:379(1) - remove combo

Lizzehb's Easy

00:10:712(3) - I'm not an expert on combos, but it might work better adding a new combo here
00:13:379(5) - ^
00:18:712(1,1) - make more symmetrical?
00:41:379(1,2) - move up one grid
01:54:379(1,2,3,4) - snap these on the white ticks. the red ticks don't make much sense
02:21:379(x) - add note
02:22:379(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - move 1 red tick forward. then readjust the new combo at 02:32:045 accordingly
02:48:045 - end the song here. it makes more sense to me.

Yea this song was over that 10 minute limit i had, but oh well. i like the song, so i guess you can count yourself lucky xD.
Cool map. the way some notes are organized and placed sound kinda cool sometimes, but just some spacings just feel awkward and hard to read sometimes... fun to play tho.


winber1 wrote:


00:32:956(6,7,8,9,10) - spacing doesn't really make sense. The way it's oriented, it doesn't even look at they are 1/4 apart. Secondly, the music doesn't change in away to provoke something like this.. it's not major tho.
00:40:373(2) - i would move this a little closer to the end of the slider to be more clear, but i guess it's fine
00:40:706(4,5,6,7,8,1) - pretty much almost completely unreadable until several tries or actually looking in edit in my opinion.
00:57:373(1,2,3) - spacing makes no sense. The music does provoke any sort of spacing like this, and it's hard to read. if these spacings happened continuously through a portion of the song, it may work better. Still, the spacing is kinda intense for a 1/4 beat.
01:01:873(1,2,3) - ^ this sort of spacing makes it look like a 1/2 note
02:04:706(1) - slider makes more sense ending at 02:05:373 in my opinion.
02:17:206(7) - move this note on top of the new combo


00:12:545(2,3) - this happens a few time in the song. Although it's playable, it's just a little to continue the stream so far away. If it was just a jump it might be better, but it's not
00:19:045(6) - ^ yea.. wat? it's probably possible to not get an 100 on combo 5, but um.. it's still quite insane spacing even if combo 5 is a reverse slider.
00:41:212(x) - add a note?
00:47:212(x) - ^
00:48:545(x) - add a note, or you should move the new combo somewhere else, cuz it seems a little hard to read.
00:48:879(1,2,1,2,1,2) - do you really need new combos here? I think one is enough.
01:02:379(4,5) - although i can't even here these notes, i don't think they should be on blue ticks...
01:07:379(2) - move closer to previous note.
01:27:879(5,6,7) - do something more creative instead of stacking?
01:47:379(x) - add note
01:51:462(11) - start slider 1/4 tick ealier
01:53:962(3) - move onto combo 4
02:14:212(1) - i would end this note at 02:14:379 and put a note at 02:14:545. just a suggestion tho
02:26:712(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing doesn't make. It only happens once in the whole song, and the music does not become calmer at all.
02:35:045(6) - move the slider closer to the previous note.
02:37:545(8) - i would move this note further away from the new combo
02:45:045(2) - i would move this note closer to the new combo
02:47:962(7) - remove finish
02:48:045(x) - add note with finish (you don't have to end follow the last to steps, but that 7 on a blue tick makes no sense. Even if you can't hear a difference, you really shouldn't just put random notes on blue ticks)
02:53:545(2,3,4) - ok.. pretty much impossible to read, at least for the first time, and more impossible to do for the first time. Move combo 3 on to onto combo 2 and 4
02:57:962(3) - move 1/4 tick forward and move closer to combo 4
03:05:045(1,2) - blue ticks don't match anything.
03:08:712(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the music is still in 4/4 meter, this 3 3 3 does not feel correct when playing
03:13:545(1,2,3) - weird spacing. i recommend moving them closer together
03:14:712(1,2,3,4) - i would move 2 on top of 1, and move 3 on top of 4


This is still hard. You should finish at around the same time as the harder difficulties.
The song also seemed a tiny bit off. Maybe you could try 8036, but offset right is fine i guess.

00:42:036(7) - why are these 3 claps while all other instances of this pattern are whistles? (i guess you did it again at 01:40:702, but it seems fine since you did it twice)

looks fine.


00:10:712(2) - move 1 right
00:36:712(x) - add note
00:37:045(x) - ^
00:38:712(spinner) - end spinner here? Although the spinner follows the music, i'm not sure about putting a note 1/2 away from the end of spinner in normal, but you seem to have enough time for the spinner.
01:26:045(1) - i know you can't finish here, but i would recommend changing some notes around to put a finish here. It just makes more sense that way.
01:28:379(1) - remove combo

Lizzehb's Easy

00:10:712(3) - I'm not an expert on combos, but it might work better adding a new combo here
00:13:379(5) - ^
00:18:712(1,1) - make more symmetrical?
00:41:379(1,2) - move up one grid
01:54:379(1,2,3,4) - snap these on the white ticks. the red ticks don't make much sense
02:21:379(x) - add note
02:22:379(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - move 1 red tick forward. then readjust the new combo at 02:32:045 accordingly
02:48:045 - end the song here. it makes more sense to me.

Yea this song was over that 10 minute limit i had, but oh well. i like the song, so i guess you can count yourself lucky xD.
Cool map. the way some notes are organized and placed sound kinda cool sometimes, but just some spacings just feel awkward and hard to read sometimes... fun to play tho.


I must admit, I knew all about 00:57:373(1,2,3) and I intended to fix it, but never actually got around to it due to lack of highlighting and was soon forgotten. I apologize.

Thank you for your excellent modding. :)
I am impressed.

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