
Modding Discussion Guide (MV2) (Updated: January 3 2018)

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Modding Discussion is now live! All newly submitted maps will use Modding Discussion

Modding Discussion is the official name of Modding V2.

Submitting a map for Modding Discussion
  1. New Maps
    All maps that have been newly uploaded will now be placed in Modding Discussion.
  2. Old Maps
    A staff member has to move the mapset manually to Modding Discussion. Ephemeral is currently in charge of transferring mapsets. All existing maps in WIP and pending that don't have any mod posts in the forum have been converted across.
  3. Returning to the old modding system
    It is no longer possible to return to the old modding system. The only maps that may use the old system are those with mod posts. If maps already use Modding Discussion, the forum thread will not have a reply button. Instead, it will replaced with a button that redirects to the Modding Discussion panel.
Accessing the Modding Disccusion Page
  1. Through
    Click Discussion on the Beatmap page.
  2. Through
    Clicking Modding/Discussion on the Beatmap's page will take you to the page if it's currently in the Modding Discussion system.
Modding Discussion
  1. Mode Selection
    Changes the game mode between osu! Standard, Taiko, Catch, and Mania. Only modes the mapset has a difficulty for will show up.
  2. Beatmap Page / Difficulty Selection
    Clicking on the Artist/Title of the map will take you back to the Beatmap Information page.
    You can select a difficulty to mod using the dropdown menu. The numbers that appear beside the difficulty name is the number of pending discussions it currently has to resolve. Make sure you are on the correct difficulty before submitting mods to the map!
  3. Modding Status
    All of the mods below are for the selected difficulty. Clicking any of these will show the specific mods in the timeline and in the Discussion section.
    Mine: Mods you have contributed.
    Resolved: Mods the mapper has responded to and marked as resolved.
    Pending: Mods that haven't been replied to or marked as resolved.
    Praises: Mods that have been submitted as a Praise
    All: Every Suggestion, Problem, and Praise posted on the map's difficulty and the mapset's general section.
  4. Modding Timeline
    Displays all of the mods made for the difficulty that has a timestamp. Clicking on these will take you down to the mod posted at that current time.
  1. Map Creator
    The mapper who submitted the beatmap. It also shows the submission date and the date the map was updated last.
  2. Watch/Unwatch
    This replaces map subscription. You can track the map's status and open issues. You can access this page via the website's Home Page by clicking on modding watchlist located near the top of the page.
  3. Hype Train
    Similar to the old Star Priority system. A user can submit a Hype comment to the beatmap and it will add to the map's Hype Train. Note that the mapper can't Hype up their own map. Hype must be done in the General (All Difficulties) section to add Hype. It will not work through the General or the Timeline tabs. Players must now play through a difficulty in the beatmapset in order to add Hype to a Beatmap.
  4. Nomination
    Once a map has accumilated 5 Hype, the map is eligible for Nomination. This works as it did with the old modding system. The map requires 2 nominations by the Beatmap Nominators to move into the qualified state.
  1. Mod Section Submission
    This is what section of the map you will be submitting your concerns and suggestions to.
    General (all difficulties): General issues with the map such as metadata and general discussion on the mapset as a whole. You can also add Hype to a beatmap here by posting a comment with Hype.
    General: General issues with the difficulty such as map settings and general discussion on the specific difficulty.
    Timeline: Issues at certain points in the map. Must contain a timestamp. The majority of mods will end up in this section.
    History: Shows when issues were marked as resolved. You can click on any issue to jump to the post.
  2. Modding Field
    This is where you type your mod. If you use the Timeline section, you must include a timestamp in the post. The first timestamp placed will be the timestamp shown in the Discussion section. The General sections do not require timestamps, but may include them.
  3. Similar Post Warning
    If your timestamp submitted through the Timeline section is close to another mod already posted, you will have to confirm that the mod doesn't address the issue you are currently submitting. Please check the discussion field before checking the box!
  4. Mod Type
    This is where you submit your mod. You can choose between Note, Hype, Praise, Suggestion, or Problem. Each is fairly self-explanatory. Clicking on this will submit your mod. If you made any mistake or need to make an edit to your mod, find the post in the Discussion section.. You can add Hype to the Beatmap by submitting Hype in the General (All Difficulties) section. Notes have also been added for the mappers so they can post reminders on their mapsets.
  5. Pin
    It's there, but I don't know how it works exactly. I'm guessing it pins a message to the top of the posts, maybe only for BNs?
  1. Functions
    Sort By: Discussions can be sorted by creation time or last update in the general sections and date or timeline in the Timeline section.
    Collapse/Expand All and the ^ arrow: These will show/hide posts.
    Thumbs Up/Down: Like/Dislike the mod. Everyone but the mod submitter can use this. Thumbs up will now give the modder Kudosu! on Suggestions and Problems.
    Timeline: Shows the timestamp the issue addresses. Only available in the Timeline section.
    MAPPER icon: Displays responses/submissions from the user who made the mapset.
    permalink, edit, delete: Permalink grabs a direct link to the post. Edit allows the submitter to edit their submission. Delete allows the submitter to remove their submission.
    Respond: Reply to the submission. Pressing Enter or clicking Reply afterwards will submit your response.
    Mark as Resolved: The mapper may select this when the issue has been addressed and either accepted or denied.
    Reopen a Discussion: If the submission needs further discussion, the mapper or mod submitter may reopen the submission by responding and unchecking Resolved.
Reminders / Tips
  • -Reminders-
  1. Submit your map through Stable (Latest), Beta, or Cutting Edge to use Modding Discussion. Fallback submits to the old system.
  2. Choose the correct mode and difficulty you wish to mod!
  3. Select the proper section you are submitting your mod to.
  4. Only post ONE issue at a time. Do not submit multiple issues in a single post!
  5. The Timeline section requires at least one timestamp before you can submit your post.
  6. Check to see if the issue has already been addressed when the similar post warning pops up.
  7. Do you like the map? Give it some Hype in the General (All Difficulties) section to increase the amount of Hype on the Hype Train. This helps the map move closer to nomination.
  8. Be sure to vote on suggestions or problems, as they now award Kudosu! to mappers.
  9. You can filter the mods by using the buttons on the Map Information's Mod Status. You can for example, look at only pending posts.
  10. You can edit or delete your posts if you submitted a post and found a mistake.
  11. As the mapper, you may reopen any previously resolved issue by responding to the post and unchecking Resolved.
  12. You can edit your Beatmap description by using the mapset's page. Click on the edit icon in the top right of the description field.
Step by step guide to posting a mod
  1. Select the proper game mode at the top of the map's page you wish to mod (Standard, Taiko, Catch, Mania)
  2. Select the difficulty you wish to mod in the drop down menu. (Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, etc)
  3. Select the section you wish to post your mod in (General (all difficulties), General, or Timeline)
  4. Type your mod out in the discussion field. Use a timestamp if you are using the Timeline section. One issue per post!
  5. Select the type of mod you are making (Praise, Suggestion, Problem)
Your post will be submitted! Start over at step 3 if you wish to continue modding the same difficulty. Don't forget to Hype the map if you want to help move it forward for nomination.

Hype, Kudosu, and Nomination
  1. Hype
    Hype is used to help push maps forward to nomination like how Star Priority was previously used. Once a mapset has received 5 Hype, it becomes eligible for Nomination. Please note the following:
    Each user has a limited supply of hype (3 per 7 days) Each hype have their own individual reset periods. You'll get one hype back 7 days after using it.
  2. Nomination
    Nomination is similar to the old system. A map must receive 2 nominations from two Beatmap Nominators before being automatically moved to the qualification stage. Maps must have all Suggestions and Problems resolved before it can be ranked. BN/QAT now can reset nominations by posting a problem in the discussion field.
  3. Kudosu!
    Giving a thumbs up to a suggestion or problem in the discussion field will earn the modder Kudosu!. The amount of thumbs up received determines how much Kudosu! the modder earns. Any user besides the poster can thumbs up any post. Note you can only use 60 thumbs up per hour.
    1 Thumbs Up -> 1 Kudosu!
    2 Thumbs Up -> 2 Kudosu!
    5 Thumbs Up -> 3 Kudosu!
  1. How do I edit my beatmap description with Modding Discussion?
    You can edit your beatmap description on the new site by either submitting your map and editing it like the past, or you may simply edit it at any time by clicking on the edit icon in the top right of the description field in the mapset's page.
  2. Will I be able to mod with the older system after Modding Discussion releases?
    You should mod with the system the mapper has chosen. If they focus on Modding Discussion, mod with Modding Discussion. Otherwise your mod may go unnoticed.
  3. I don't like Modding Discussion! How do go back to the older system?
    Modding Discussion is now live. There is no way to return to the older system. Welcome to the future. However, old maps with mods may still use the old modding system.
pishifat's Video on Modding Discussion:
peppy's official post. Submit problems or feedback here: t/662559

Got questions? Notice an error? Missing something? Let me know in this thread and I'll do my best to fix it asap!

Update Oct 22 2017: Added info on the Hype Train. I honestly don't know much about it, but it seems to be the replacement for star priority.
Update Nov 04 2017: New info for Hype, nomination, and map status . We are also now LIVE! Modding V2 has replaced V1 for newly submitted maps!
Update Nov 12 2017: Quickly changed a few words around. Namely Modding V2 is known as Modding Discussion. MV1 isn't possible to use anymore.
Update Nov 16 2017: Kudosu is now live!
Update Dec 13 2017: Added section for Kudosu, Hype, and Nomination. Some other additions.
Update Dec 18 2017: Hype is now separate from Praise, and added info on the number beside the difficulty selection menu.
Update Jan 01 2017: Changed hype from 5 to 3 and from a month to week CD. Also the sort by function.
Update Jan 03 2017: Using hype doesn't require the user to play through the mapset, so removed.
Really informative and helpful post!

But... I want to transfer my map to moddingV2, who should I write to?
Topic Starter

ASPIRIN wrote:

Really informative and helpful post!

But... I want to transfer my map to moddingV2, who should I write to?
Contact Ephemeral. He's your best bet for getting it transferred.
ohh It's a really good guide! Thanks!
faster method of finding the mv1 page
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Sinnoh wrote:

faster method of finding the mv1 page
That works. I need to update this again shortly. You can also use the beatmaps thread option inside the editor.
Its now default for all maps submitted, even with latest stable.
Also why isn't this get pinned, it's very useful.
Topic Starter

Error- wrote:

Its now default for all maps submitted, even with latest stable.
Also why isn't this get pinned, it's very useful.
Oh thanks. I'll have to test with Fallback then. I'm assuming Beta will also submit to V2.

Time to update this.

*edits to do*
  1. You can use Sinnoh's method, or the beatmap thread option in the editor to quickly access V1.
  2. Fallback doesn't upload to V2 still.
  3. is a thing found on
  4. It's basically a subscribe feature. Good for tracking your own maps, or maps you've modded.
  5. Maps need 12 Hype for the nomination button to appear: This replaces Star Priority completely.
  6. Hype can only be obtained through the General (All Difficulties) tab. The General and the Timeline tabs do not add Hype.
  7. All maps submitted before the update to stable will be using MV2, while older maps may still use the old system. Not sure how this affects maps submitted on Fallback.

Updated! Thanks for the help all.
its confirmed using fallback will use v1
Any interest in converting this guide to a wiki page? I feel like it deserves a place there for sure.
Luel Roseline
This modding system is not only good for debate anythings but also check faster than before.

However, email system isn't support this.
Topic Starter

peppy wrote:

Any interest in converting this guide to a wiki page? I feel like it deserves a place there for sure.
I'd be glad to convert this to a wiki page. Unfortunately, I'm not experienced in Github, so I'd have to learn it from scratch. Doesn't seem like it will take too much effort though.

Luel Roseline wrote:

This modding system is not only good for debate anythings but also check faster than before.

However, email system isn't support this.
You can "Watch" a beatmap and you'll get e-mails whenever an update is posted to the map: as an example.
Luel Roseline

Some others are working on this for you. Once it's up you should be able to easily submit updates (you can use the github website to perform edits)
How can i change the description?
Smol update @Lanturn
If maps already uses v2, the forum thread will now NOT shows reply, instead, it will replaced with a button that redirects to modding v2 panel.
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updated. Been busy most of the week, so the guide isn't in tip top shape. Hopefully it'll suffice for now.
hello, I am currently using fallback and already submitted a map through it. is it possible to change my map thread into modding discussion if I update the map from client latest version?

haven't tried it. my laptop can't handle latest ver very well (read : old laptop).

Rukaru wrote:

hello, I am currently using fallback and already submitted a map through it. is it possible to change my map thread into modding discussion if I update the map from client latest version?

haven't tried it. my laptop can't handle latest ver very well (read : old laptop).
You can send a forum PM to Ephemeral and ask to change to v2~
Topic Starter
Updated with a tiny bit of Kudosu! info. If anyone knows more info, feel free to post.

Unconfirmed, seems like more votes give more Kudosu!. 1 = 1 2/3 = 2 and like 5 = 3

Cooldown seems to be about an hour for votes.

Lanturn wrote:

Updated with a tiny bit of Kudosu! info. If anyone knows more info, feel free to post.

Unconfirmed, seems like more votes give more Kudosu!. 1 = 1 2/3 = 2 and like 5 = 3

Cooldown seems to be about an hour for votes.
- Ly0572 -
elloo~ is there any way to see who liked the map in new site? :3

im just curious

- Ly0572 - wrote:

elloo~ is there any way to see who liked the map in new site? :3

im just curious
If you hover your mouse over the hearts, then you can see who favourited the map.
- Ly0572 -

kaythen wrote:

- Ly0572 - wrote:

elloo~ is there any way to see who liked the map in new site? :3

im just curious
If you hover your mouse over the hearts, then you can see who favourited the map.
Oh lol thanks xD
I've heard these by MariahCarey

1. Mapper must respond all "Suggestion" and "Problem" posts and check "Resolved" mark to rank his mapset
2. There is no any other way to replace "Bubble Pop" currently
Topic Starter
Thanks Kawashiro, added the info in. Also added a section on Hype, Nomination, and Kudosu, as well as some other things.

What exactly does the Pin do? anyone?
Modding V2 is changing fast. So here is new informations

1. BN/QAT now can reset nominations by post "Problem"
2. Now it requires 5 hype to rank a map

and I also dont know how does pin works lol
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Thanks Kawashiro. Also you can now use line breaks.
now everything won't be so cluttered anymore!
great stuff
Luel Roseline
Add more new things(?)

Same as old modding system, you can't hype so hype button changes to leave feedback button.


That's all.
Topic Starter
Ah right. Pending counts. Looks like the hype limit is set in motion now. And Praise / Hype has been separated into their own buttons.

Updated, thanks Luel. The Graveyard / WiP is pretty self explanatory so I don't feel the need to add it in.
So why I need any kudosu now if I have hype?
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Terton wrote:

So why I need any kudosu now if I have hype?

Kudosu still might have purpose down the line. It just isn't implemented as of yet.
For now, everyone can hype a map even if they don't play it
Topic Starter
Will remove it. ty Kawashiro.
I have a question, if a new map releases about a few weeks ago, but it breaks the ranking criteria by breaking the 5 min drain time rule, and only having 3 min, and 1 diff, it should go to loved, as the community loves the map, then, without kudosu, how will it get into loved? Maybe shift it to 100 Hype? But than it would make kudosu completely worthless. Make it have a kudosu system? But how will it recognize if the map is going for loved? That's my concern, hope i'll get an answer!

Zozimoto wrote:

I have a question, if a new map releases about a few weeks ago, but it breaks the ranking criteria by breaking the 5 min drain time rule, and only having 3 min, and 1 diff, it should go to loved, as the community loves the map, then, without kudosu, how will it get into loved? Maybe shift it to 100 Hype? But than it would make kudosu completely worthless. Make it have a kudosu system? But how will it recognize if the map is going for loved? That's my concern, hope i'll get an answer!
loved doesnt need kudosu anymore......

Rivals_7 wrote:

Zozimoto wrote:

I have a question, if a new map releases about a few weeks ago, but it breaks the ranking criteria by breaking the 5 min drain time rule, and only having 3 min, and 1 diff, it should go to loved, as the community loves the map, then, without kudosu, how will it get into loved? Maybe shift it to 100 Hype? But than it would make kudosu completely worthless. Make it have a kudosu system? But how will it recognize if the map is going for loved? That's my concern, hope i'll get an answer!
loved doesnt need kudosu anymore......
oh shit sorry i'm an idiot
Thx for the post!!!!

Now I understand it all :3
The-Pro Gamer
How can I get some one to nominate my map or people to see it and at least vote or say what they dont like at the map?

The-Pro Gamer wrote:

How can I get some one to nominate my map or people to see it and at least vote or say what they dont like at the map?

bn would help u if they arent busy
Is there any way to use kudosu yet?
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