
Enrique Iglesias - Dimelo

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Hey (:

Bueno iba a revisar el mapa , pero creo que ya tuvo suficiente modding. Lo único que no se ve muy bien es el wallpaper, porque las letras que agregaste no combinan bien con el fondo original, intenté mejorar eso.

Úsalo si te gusta:

Por cierto, volvi a descargar el mapa y el archivo "approachcircle.png" no se encuentra ahí, debes hacer un full submission.

solo modeare lo exterior xD

1 Cambia los combo colours por estos xD

Combo1 : 255,255,255
Combo2 : 255,197,89
Combo3 : 183,124,81
Combo4 : 90,63,37

para hacerlo abre el .osu con el block de notas, por ejemplo abre primero este:

Enrique Iglesias - Dimelo (vivere) [Normal].osu

te fijas donde dice colours, y remplasas los que estan por los de arriba y asi
si te equivocas simplemente re-bajas esa diff que modificaste XD o haces copia de seguridad
acto seguido abres esa diff atraves del osu y ya tenes los colores
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

Hey (:

Bueno iba a revisar el mapa , pero creo que ya tuvo suficiente modding. Lo único que no se ve muy bien es el wallpaper, porque las letras que agregaste no combinan bien con el fondo original, intenté mejorar eso.

Úsalo si te gusta:

Por cierto, volvi a descargar el mapa y el archivo "approachcircle.png" no se encuentra ahí, debes hacer un full submission.

Mion-Nya wrote:


solo modeare lo exterior xD

1 Cambia los combo colours por estos xD

Combo1 : 255,255,255
Combo2 : 255,197,89
Combo3 : 183,124,81
Combo4 : 90,63,37

para hacerlo abre el .osu con el block de notas, por ejemplo abre primero este:

Enrique Iglesias - Dimelo (vivere) [Normal].osu

te fijas donde dice colours, y remplasas los que estan por los de arriba y asi
si te equivocas simplemente re-bajas esa diff que modificaste XD o haces copia de seguridad
acto seguido abres esa diff atraves del osu y ya tenes los colores
"Kwaaii!" <3
Antu Villegas
Hey!, Hola

Estaba probando y creo que posiblemente te guste usar este hitcircleoverlay ;)

Aunque tambien creo que seria mejor si fuese mas grueso el borde

vos decime ^^
podrias poner una imagen asi como una parte de corazon en combo bursts
ademas tienes que cambiar esto del post:

Easy+: is finished. (Deberia ser "Normal")

Hard: is finished. (este esta bien)

360's insane: is finished. (este deberia ser "darck360's Insane")
Topic Starter

Kurisuchianu wrote:

podrias poner una imagen asi como una parte de corazon en combo bursts
ademas tienes que cambiar esto del post:

Easy+: is finished. (Deberia ser "Normal")

Hard: is finished. (este esta bien)

360's insane: is finished. (este deberia ser "darck360's Insane")
  1. Usa los mismos colores para todas las diff, Los colores de Easy parecen ser los mejores por que se ven bien con los Skin Elements.
  2. "Star2" es muy grande, debería ser 52x50
  3. Agregar los Sliderb0,1... del skin default no son necesarios, sugiero que los elimines.
  4. Es necesario agregar "approachcircle"
  1. 00:16:753 (2) - Muevelo 2 grids a la derecha, para que el spacing sea el correcto. No olvides mover las siguientes notas también.
  2. 00:20:406 (6,7) - Unstack, Los stacks son muy difíciles para los principiantes.
  3. 00:23:536 (1) - Muevelo un poco para que no este en el mismo lugar que el borde del ultimo slider.
  4. 00:23:536 (1,2) - La misma sugerencia de los stacks.
  5. 00:25:101 (4,5) - El spacing no es el mismo es un poco mas amplio, reducelo 1/2 grids.
  6. 00:27:188 (7) - Probablemente muchos repeats para una dificultad como esta, Reduce a solo 2 repeats y agrega 2 circulos ó 1 slider.
  7. 00:41:536 (2,3) - Reduce el spacing un poco usando distance snap (Recuerda 0.8x)
  8. 00:44:927 (6) - Uh este está muy lejos reduce el spacing.
  9. 00:46:493 (8) - ^
  10. 00:47:797 (1,2,3,4) - Aunque los jumps son pequeños, las notas están posicionadas en 1/2 así que sugeriría que uses el spacing normal.
  11. 00:50:145 (2,3) - Sugiero eliminar este stack.
  12. 00:56:145 (4,5) - ^
  13. 01:00:580 (3) - Muchos repeats? Sugiero usar solo 2 y agregar circulos ó un slider.
  14. 01:20:927 (2) - Esto está muy lejos, acercalo más a la otra nota.
  15. 01:38:406 (3) - ^
  16. 01:40:232 (2) - Sugiero quitar el stack, especialmente por el slider anterior.
  17. 01:59:797 (1) - Sería bueno separa este slider y luego seguir con la secuencia (Por el New Combo)
  18. 45,805 - Este timing point no está bien posicionado por unos cuantos ms, posiciónalo justo en la linea blanca.
  19. Lo mismo pasa con los otros timing points, asegurate que están bien posicionados (Los que inician o terminan un Kiai)
  20. Asegurate que todo en la dificultad está correctamente espaciado con 0.8x, vi por ahí algunos errores menores que no los señalé pero están ahí , asi que si quieres los arreglas.

  1. Haz un re-snap a todas las notas ya que no están correctamente... "Snaped"
  2. 00:23:536 (1) - Remueve el New combo.
  3. 00:37:887 (1,2,3) - Distancialos un poco de acuerdo con distance snap.
  4. 00:53:017 (9,1) - Este stack se ve mal , recomiendo quitarlo.
  5. 01:37:884 (1) - Quita el New Combo.
  6. 02:08:145 (6) - New Combo.
  7. 02:10:232 (1) - Remueve el New Combo.
  8. 02:37:101 - Kiai time debería terminar aquí
  9. 45,805 - Este timing point no está bien posicionado por unos cuantos ms, posiciónalo justo en la linea blanca.
  10. Lo mismo pasa con los otros timing points, asegurate que están bien posicionados (Los que inician o terminan un Kiai)
Darck360's Insane
  1. 00:19:232 (2) - Muevelo a: 00:19:362, suena mejor.
  2. 00:50:666 (8,1) - Swap los New Combo.
  3. 01:02:927 (10) - Sería genial si bajaras el volumen poco a poco para este slider.
  4. 01:09:449 (4) - New Combo para mantener la consistencia.
  5. 02:14:666 (5) - ^
  6. 02:37:101 - Kiai time debería terminar aquí.
  7. 45,805 - Este timing point no está bien posicionado por unos cuantos ms, posiciónalo justo en la linea blanca.
  8. Lo mismo pasa con los otros timing points, asegurate que están bien posicionados (Los que inician o terminan un Kiai)
Cool (:
vivere <3333 :)
nice map.
Topic Starter
All fixed~

Edit: Updated (=


Slider Tick Rate ~ 2

00:20:927 (7,1) - spacing

01:00:580 (3) - remove a single return. spinner here and start 01:03:188 (1) and finish here 01:05:275

01:09:971 (5) - new combo

01:19:362 (3,1) - spasing

01:53:275 (1,2,3,4) - ^

02:28:(753) (1) - finish

02:30:319 (5,1) - spasing

02:37:101 - finish


02:00:840 (1) - move a 02:01:623 (1). 02:00:840 ~ 02:01:362 - slider mb?

02:37:101 - finish kiai time


00:51:319 (3) - move a 00:51:449 (3). 00:51:319 (2) - circle

Cool song ~

S T A R ~
Topic Starter

ZLOdeuka wrote:




Slider Tick Rate ~ 2

00:20:927 (7,1) - spacing

01:00:580 (3) - remove a single return. spinner here and start 01:03:188 (1) and finish here 01:05:275

01:09:971 (5) - new combo

01:19:362 (3,1) - spasing

01:53:275 (1,2,3,4) - ^

02:28:(753) (1) - finish

02:30:319 (5,1) - spasing

02:37:101 - finish


02:00:840 (1) - move a 02:01:623 (1). 02:00:840 ~ 02:01:362 - slider mb?

02:37:101 - finish kiai time


00:51:319 (3) - move a 00:51:449 (3). 00:51:319 (2) - circle

Cool song ~

S T A R ~

Thanks !

Edit: Updated ^^
Hi vivere

- in the song folder I saw the slideb set, but it's not complete. You need to add sliderb0 and sliderb1 so it'll show up. Or you can delete all the sliderb png, then full submit it
- add an approach circle, take it from the template skin if you want
- 1.8 mb for the bg? wow...
- the hitsound on both Normal and Hard is very few, try adding a 1/1 clap pattern like in darck's diff. That way your hitsound will be a lot better
- what is the viv in the tag means?

Make the kiai in this diff the same with Hard diff
00:15:188 (1) - shorten this slider 1/2 beat
00:27:188 (7) - ^
00:28:753 (8) - add finish at the end of the slider?
00:41:797 (3) - I don't see how this timing section is used, remove it if it's not used
00:56:666 (5) - unstack this?
01:20:145 (1) - spacing is too far, if this is a jump it's not a very good one
01:40:232 (2) - unstack this?
01:51:449 (2) - ^ or stack it perfectly under 01:48:058 (1)
02:08:927 (2) - fix the spacing please
02:30:840 (1) - this sounds better if you move it back 1/2 beat
02:31:884 (x) - add a note here if you do ^
I don't like the spacing inconsistencies here, try to use only 1 spacing, 1x distance snap is a good one

HP drain + 2 please
01:35:014 (2) - anti jump?
01:54:449 (4,5) - not a good stack, might as well stack them all or spread them
02:18:319 (10) - add finish?
02:29:014 (4,5,6,7) - hmm what are this notes following to? mapping the vocal is better here imo
in the harder diff, the spacing could be more variant, but try not to overuse them. Especially for the normal spacing between notes

[darck's Insane]
This is play more like a hard then an insane
00:52:493 (4) - remove this and lengthen 00:51:449 (3) by 1/4 beat
01:46:232 (10) - the whistle sounds weird imo, remove it?
Plays very nice, but the pattern are to flat. Next time try to make a more interesting pattern (symmetry, cutting slider, etc)

Good luck with your map ;)
Topic Starter

Sallad4ever wrote:

Hi vivere

- in the song folder I saw the slideb set, but it's not complete. You need to add sliderb0 and sliderb1 so it'll show up. Or you can delete all the sliderb png, then full submit it
- add an approach circle, take it from the template skin if you want
- 1.8 mb for the bg? wow...
- the hitsound on both Normal and Hard is very few, try adding a 1/1 clap pattern like in darck's diff. That way your hitsound will be a lot better
- what is the viv in the tag means?

Make the kiai in this diff the same with Hard diff
00:15:188 (1) - shorten this slider 1/2 beat
00:27:188 (7) - ^
00:28:753 (8) - add finish at the end of the slider?
00:41:797 (3) - I don't see how this timing section is used, remove it if it's not used
00:56:666 (5) - unstack this?
01:20:145 (1) - spacing is too far, if this is a jump it's not a very good one
01:40:232 (2) - unstack this?
01:51:449 (2) - ^ or stack it perfectly under 01:48:058 (1)
02:08:927 (2) - fix the spacing please
02:30:840 (1) - this sounds better if you move it back 1/2 beat
02:31:884 (x) - add a note here if you do ^
I don't like the spacing inconsistencies here, try to use only 1 spacing, 1x distance snap is a good one

HP drain + 2 please
01:35:014 (2) - anti jump?
01:54:449 (4,5) - not a good stack, might as well stack them all or spread them
02:18:319 (10) - add finish?
02:29:014 (4,5,6,7) - hmm what are this notes following to? mapping the vocal is better here imo
in the harder diff, the spacing could be more variant, but try not to overuse them. Especially for the normal spacing between notes

[darck's Insane]
This is play more like a hard then an insane
00:52:493 (4) - remove this and lengthen 00:51:449 (3) by 1/4 beat
01:46:232 (10) - the whistle sounds weird imo, remove it?
Plays very nice, but the pattern are to flat. Next time try to make a more interesting pattern (symmetry, cutting slider, etc)

Good luck with your map ;)

Thanks :>

PS: Updated


02:16:232(3) - remove whistle on the slider(not 02:16:232 and 02;18:319)

00:48:319(3) - remove clap
00:56:145(4) - remove finish at the end of slider and add a whistle hitsound in the end
01:00:580(3) - add clap at the 2nd repeating arrow(01:01:623)
01:38:406(3) - remove finish
01:38:666(4) - add finish

3rd kiai time start at 01:05:275

00:33:917(6) - make symetric

00:56:666(6) - remove clap
01:04:493(2) - finish at the end of the slider
01:06:319(2) - clap
01:06:580(3) - remove clap
01:38:406(7) - remove clap
01:07:362(4) - clap

darck360's Insane

00:45:188(9) - remove clap at the beginning
00:51:449(3) - make symetric
00:56:406(1) - remove finish and add clap

Colin Hou
  1. actually, when i saw 'by: Vivere' on the BG, i thought you were the singer
  2. and even in darck360's diff, there is still by: Vivere lol
  1. use AR7, 8 is not the best choice and, this is a Hard diff +_+
  1. 00:55:623 (4,5,6,7) - strange stack, set stack leniency +2 in this diff
Topic Starter

H-boy wrote:



02:16:232(3) - remove whistle on the slider(not 02:16:232 and 02;18:319) 02:17:275 :P

00:48:319(3) - remove clap ok
00:56:145(4) - remove finish at the end of slider and add a whistle hitsound in the end mmm... ok
01:00:580(3) - add clap at the 2nd repeating arrow(01:01:623) ^
01:38:406(3) - remove finish ^
01:38:666(4) - add finish ^

3rd kiai time start at 01:05:275 ~

00:33:917(6) - make symetric No

00:56:666(6) - remove clap ok
01:04:493(2) - finish at the end of the slider ^
01:06:319(2) - clap ^
01:06:580(3) - remove clap ^
01:38:406(7) - remove clap ^
01:07:362(4) - clap ^

darck360's Insane

00:45:188(9) - remove clap at the beginning ok
00:51:449(3) - make symetric No :/
00:56:406(1) - remove finish and add clap ^

Thanks for you mod ^^

Colin Hou wrote:

actually, when i saw 'by: Vivere' on the BG, i thought you were the singer lol
and even in darck360's diff, there is still by: Vivere lol Changed xD

use AR7, 8 is not the best choice and, this is a Hard diff +_+

00:55:623 (4,5,6,7) - strange stack, set stack leniency +2 in this diff

Ty ^^

Topic Starter
need more mods :<
Beat placement is good, for all the difficulties, but I personally feel, this map-set can be made a LOT better, if you focus a little more on your sliders.

00:44:927 (6,7) - Minor Spacing
00:56:666 (5,1) - ^
01:19:362 (3,1) - Critical Spacing!
01:55:884 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Shouldn't be in a normal, in my opinion =p

00:33:971 (6) - Ugly.
00:55:623 (4,5,6,7) - Combo Colors + Background, makes this hard to read.
01:13:884 (1) - My heart cries when I see sliders like this :<
01:35:014 (2) - ^

[darck360's Insane]

00:52:493 (4) - doesn't follow music, and makes no sense. recommend you delete it.

Apart from that, your sliders also make go :<
Topic Starter

Xeno32 wrote:

Beat placement is good, for all the difficulties, but I personally feel, this map-set can be made a LOT better, if you focus a little more on your sliders.

00:44:927 (6,7) - Minor Spacing
00:56:666 (5,1) - ^
01:19:362 (3,1) - Critical Spacing!
01:55:884 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Shouldn't be in a normal, in my opinion =p

00:33:971 (6) - Ugly. ?
00:55:623 (4,5,6,7) - Combo Colors + Background, makes this hard to read. No D:
01:13:884 (1) - My heart cries when I see sliders like this :< wth? I like this
01:35:014 (2) - ^ ^

[darck360's Insane]

00:52:493 (4) - doesn't follow music, and makes no sense. recommend you delete it. Ok :>

Apart from that, your sliders also make go :< :/

Ty :>

PS: Updated
00:20:927 (7) - this sliders it's ugly a bit .. change it
00:30:319 (1) - why this spin here?
00:38:145 (1) - ^
00:47:797 (1,2,4) - very finishes isn't good IMO
01:09:971 (1,2,3) - i don't like of their sliders, it's so ugly IMO
01:40:753 (1) - why this spinner?
01:45:449 (1) - ^
01:48:058 (1) - IMO its a bad slider =/

00:53:275 (1,2,3,4) - be creative :D
01:40:753 (2,4,6) - ^
01:55:623 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:12:319 (1,2,3,4) - ^ O.o

darck360's Insane
it's perfect ;)

i like the song :D good look vivere


00:20:927 (7) - not good one
00 47 792 1,2,3,4 distance snap
01 32 406 ^
01 54 840 flip horizon and rotate clockwise 90
01 57 449 should use 1,2 template
02 32 406 should parallel to slider 1


I think kiai time should same in all diff
distance snap in many point isn't fixed I think it's around 1.3-1.2x fixed it.
00 18 580 flip horizon maybe
00 41 536 should straight to previous one
00 59 014 should parallel to 1,2,3
01 12 319 maybe reverse selection it
01 17 014 not beautiful one and should symmetry to 5
01 21 188 should be new combo and rotate it
02 05 797 should be equal to slider 1
02 10 753 should be same as 1,2,3 in reverse one

Insane is very smooth map ! I only miss at 00 57 840 ! Can you get rid of it? It'll be better I think : D

ah! one more thing, the brown combo color is too confuse , it's the same as background . Can you fix it, please? :(

Star !

vivere wrote:

BAT/MAT Request please. ^^
Guess I can't do much now >.<

what i can do is give a star :D
good luck :3
kudos stared.
Topic Starter

Weezy wrote:

vivere wrote:

BAT/MAT Request please. ^^
Guess I can't do much now >.<

what i can do is give a star :D
good luck :3

Hyguys wrote:

Thanks guys <333!
Topic Starter

Slowmotion wrote:

00:20:927 (7) - this sliders it's ugly a bit .. change it
00:30:319 (1) - why this spin here?
00:38:145 (1) - ^
00:47:797 (1,2,4) - very finishes isn't good IMO
01:09:971 (1,2,3) - i don't like of their sliders, it's so ugly IMO
01:40:753 (1) - why this spinner?
01:45:449 (1) - ^
01:48:058 (1) - IMO its a bad slider =/

00:53:275 (1,2,3,4) - be creative :D
01:40:753 (2,4,6) - ^
01:55:623 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:12:319 (1,2,3,4) - ^ O.o

darck360's Insane
it's perfect ;)

i like the song :D good look vivere

artpiggo wrote:


00:20:927 (7) - not good one
00 47 792 1,2,3,4 distance snap
01 32 406 ^
01 54 840 flip horizon and rotate clockwise 90
01 57 449 should use 1,2 template
02 32 406 should parallel to slider 1


I think kiai time should same in all diff
distance snap in many point isn't fixed I think it's around 1.3-1.2x fixed it.
00 18 580 flip horizon maybe
00 41 536 should straight to previous one
00 59 014 should parallel to 1,2,3
01 12 319 maybe reverse selection it
01 17 014 not beautiful one and should symmetry to 5
01 21 188 should be new combo and rotate it
02 05 797 should be equal to slider 1
02 10 753 should be same as 1,2,3 in reverse one

Insane is very smooth map ! I only miss at 00 57 840 ! Can you get rid of it? It'll be better I think : D

ah! one more thing, the brown combo color is too confuse , it's the same as background . Can you fix it, please? :(

Star !
fixed, Thanks

PS: too, sliders changed in Normal and Hard :>

PS 2: Updated!
· El Kiai Time está hecho para darle énfasis a los coros en la canción. Los coros se mantienen iguales durante todas las dificultades, así que te recomiendo uses los mismos Kiai Time en todas las diff, incluso la de darck.
· Los colores se confunden con el BG, en especial el café más oscuro. Utiliza un color que se distinga claramente del fondo
· Linda skin

La verdad siento que el spacing está algo raro, la diferencia entre 1/2 y 1/1 sigue siendo muy poca, con cosas como esta.
00:21:710 (1,2,3) - Preocupado por que el spacing es similar a 1/1 de distancia. Trata de hacer que se vea así
01:19:362 (3,1) - Spacing. Acerca (1) a (3)

00:52:232 (6,7) - Spacing. Este es bastante ovbio .-.
Wow, exclenete trabajo mejorando los sliders, estas son las cosas que me hacen sentir orgulloso, mejoras rápidas :D! ¿Ves que si puedes hacer sliders agradables a la vista?

Muy bien! Me sorprende lo que has mejorado con hitsounds!

Los mapas estan bien, re-revisa tu spacing una ultima vez y avisame cuando hayas hecho los mods.
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

· El Kiai Time está hecho para darle énfasis a los coros en la canción. Los coros se mantienen iguales durante todas las dificultades, así que te recomiendo uses los mismos Kiai Time en todas las diff, incluso la de darck. Hecho.
· Los colores se confunden con el BG, en especial el café más oscuro. Utiliza un color que se distinga claramente del fondo Listo.
· Linda skin Gracias :$

La verdad siento que el spacing está algo raro, la diferencia entre 1/2 y 1/1 sigue siendo muy poca, con cosas como esta.
00:21:710 (1,2,3) - Preocupado por que el spacing es similar a 1/1 de distancia. Trata de hacer que se vea así
01:19:362 (3,1) - Spacing. Acerca (1) a (3)

00:52:232 (6,7) - Spacing. Este es bastante ovbio .-. No entiendo >.<!!, pero ya esta "corregido" y creo que esta bien lol
Wow, exclenete trabajo mejorando los sliders, estas son las cosas que me hacen sentir orgulloso, mejoras rápidas :D! ¿Ves que si puedes hacer sliders agradables a la vista? Para que me vas a hacer poner colorado <.<

Muy bien! Me sorprende lo que has mejorado con hitsounds!

Los mapas estan bien, re-revisa tu spacing una ultima vez y avisame cuando hayas hecho los mods.
Mod for you <33333
00:21:971 Whistle
00:22:493 ^
00:23:014 ^^
00:23:536 Spacing Ftw
00:43:882 New combo
01:02:666 (omfg 666) Clap
01:20:145 Spacing :VVVVVV
01:40:232 *trollface*
02:33:188 (all combo) *trollface* , if u didn't understand just pm me

00:49:623 :V

Only this. btw
Topic Starter

Hyguys wrote:

Mod for you <33333
00:21:971 Whistle
00:22:493 ^
00:23:014 ^^
00:23:536 Spacing Ftw
00:43:882 New combo
01:02:666 (omfg 666) Clap
01:20:145 Spacing :VVVVVV
01:40:232 *trollface*
02:33:188 (all combo) *trollface* , if u didn't understand just pm me

00:49:623 :V

Only this. btw
Thx Bakentai :>
Topic Starter

vivicat wrote:

vivi <3
Kenezz's Star~
Wajuu! :3
Topic Starter

KenezzEdward wrote:

Kenezz's Star~
Wajuu! :3
Add an Easy ? It will make the spread better. And you need an easier diff.
It would be better if Normal and Hard didn't have the same slider speed... oh well
The darkest grey blends with the background.

The spacing is this diff is very inconsistent. It seems to change with every new combo. For a Normal, it's too hard to play, especially for the easiest diff of the mapset.
This is way too hard to be the easiest diff of the mapset (it's even too hard for a regular Normal).
00:20:927 (7,1) - Spacing issue: they are space the same way as (6,7) but the time gap is 1/2 and not 1/1. It makes that pattern confusing, not to mention the 1/4 kick sliders that feel really out of place in a Normal.
(nazi) 00:46:493 (9) - one grid right so the spacing is consistent
00:54:580 (1,2) - The spacing is the same as it was in the previous combo, but the time difference is 1/2 and not 1/1. Again, it makes the pattern very confusing.
00:56:666 (5) - Is slightly too close to (4).
01:09:971 (1,2,3) - This kind of slider is too confusing imo for the easiest diff of the mapset.
01:17:797 (2,3) - Ugly overlap.
01:19:362 (3,1) - Spacing: the distance is almost the same as between (2) and (1) and the time gap is not the same.
01:20:145 (1,2) - Same. Not to mention the spacing is not consistent within the combo. The spacing between two consecutive notes is never the same in this combo.
01:32:406 (1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing: the distance is not the same while the time difference is.
01:39:188 (1) - Confusing kick slider. You should remove one repeat and replace it with a circle.
01:42:840 (1) - I'm not sure having a note so soon after the spinner in the center if the screen is a good idea. You should place it either down so that the spacing is consistent with (2), either up.
02:04:232 (1) - Same. Here you can just flip the slider so that it starts closer to the bottom of the screen.
02:10:232 (1,2,3) - 1/4 kick sliders fell out of place in a Normal diff, especially the third one which has 6 repeats and is extremely confusing, regarding the previous patterns.
02:13:884 (4) - Feels out of place again.
02:28:493 (1) - Same.
02:35:014 (8) - The slow down here makes no sense. It actually is confusing because unexpected after such a long 1/2 stream.

Irregular spacing here again. I'm only pointing out the worst errors, but you should self-mod your map very thoroughly.
00:15:188 (1,2,3) - They are not spaced evenly while the time gap is the same.
00:21:449 (5,1,2) - Same.
00:58:493 (2,3,4) - Same.
01:13:884 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This part lacked hitsounds :(
02:29:014 (4,5,6,7,8) - This stream doesn't make much sense and is actually confusing to play because of the spacing used.

darck360's Insane
00:51:449 (3,4) - Weird rhythm... You should delete (4) and make (3) end when it was.
00:57:840 (1) - You should delete this note. Notes starting on blue ticks are confusing and hard to read, because the spacing you use doesn't make much difference between a 3/4 gap and a 1/1 gap.
01:20:666 (2) - This slider's repeat is hidden by hitbursts.
Antu Villegas

Elegi :B



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Star ^^
Topic Starter

SilentAssasint wrote:

Star ^^
Para la proxima, no te retractes de lo que digas <3. Ah... y gracias por la star ^^
Antu Villegas

vivere wrote:

SilentAssasint wrote:

Star ^^
Para la proxima, no te retractes de lo que digas <3. Ah... y gracias por la star ^^
Yo lo "convencí" de que lo arreglara -.-"
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