
[duplicate] Adjust The Level Mod

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Another Idea!
- Nowadays osu! Level's Difficulty Are Always On A Format (On A Pointed Amount) How About Adding A Mod Where The Player Can Adjust The Circle Size, Approach Rate, Overall Difficulty & HP Drain.
- Well Though That Can Be Adjusted In The Editor, But To Playing it Again and Want to Scored it The Player Must Update it To Last Version.
- So At This Mod The Player Can Adjust The CS, AR, OD, HP Without Editing The Map, For The Score Multiplier It Can Be Counted Like Does The CS, AR, OD, HP Point is Much Lower or Higher?
- If Its Higher than Increase The Multiplier, If Its Lower Than Decrease The Multiplier, If There's An Amount Higher or Lower Then, Making it Unraked or The Multiplier Count is Decreased and Increased By The Amount That The Player Inserted.
- The Point Is -
The Player Can Adjust The CS, AR, OD, HP Randomly According to Their Wantings.

Caput Mortuum
Don't Type Like This
Duplicate Btw
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