
ROKINA - Icicle Stinger [Taiko]

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[quote="Nwolf"]uhmuhm weff (some points may be repetitions of what newyams said because at first I just suggested things to him that he edited in before I decided to make extra post)


Hitsounds - especially in kiai - are way too quiet. At least increase them in the kiai to 90-100%, outside is optional fixed

[Inner Oni]

00:29:090 (188,189,190,191) - Try changing these four notes to k d d k to add a little bit of variety in this don-heavy part. Fits the higher sounds here.ok..I changed ddkd

01:00:143 (5,6) - Maybe change these to dons? Would make a nice pattern (don then kat) fixed

01:27:353 (152) - I find these pretty unfitting tbh, there is no other 1/4 in this part so these stand out a little bit, making it weird. ok. deleted

01:33:616 (194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203) - why less notes than 00:59:932 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ? oh,,,just missing! add 01:33:616 (193) - d

01:54:669 - I don't think you should have the 1.1 SV increase on the Inner Oni, I really don't. If you consider that this is supposed to be quite a bit easier than Taiko-Holic (even in the I-range), it should also feel like that and having the SV of... 313 BPM just doesn't work imo. An alternative would be to lower the whole map's SV to 1.3! That would make it more appropriate for weaker players and you could keep the SV increase. I want players who so high ranker play.So This map should be hell taiko mode :o

02:07:721 (529,530,531) - newyams mentions 1/4 here (idk what exactly) so uhm yeah 1/4 please ok

Thank you!! :)

・00:14:037 - 画像のような配置はどうでしょうか。00:15:090 - からの部分がドラム合わせになっているのでそちらと統一する感じです。

・00:16:985 - 画像のような配置はどうでしょうか。同じくドラム合わせです。

・00:18:774 - add kat, and 00:18:879 - change to don? 同じくドラム合わせです。
・00:21:827 - add kat? 鳴る音が増えるので休符を減らしてもいいかもしれません。
・00:24:669 - add don, 00:24:774 - change to don, 00:24:985 - change to kat? 直後のddddk_kkkで変化がつけられるのでこの部分は既出のパターンを使ってもいいかもしれません。(上の提案を採用するのであれば00:25:195 - add kat)
・00:33:616 - move to 00:34:037 - ? 00:33:406 - で強い音が鳴っているので、00:23:300 - などに倣って休符を入れるといいかもしれません。
・00:34:353 - add kat, and 00:34:985 - add don? 00:27:090 - この小節ではx_x_xxx_xxxxx_x_というリズムになっているので、こちらもそれに揃える形でどうでしょうか。
・01:36:143 - 01:36:985 - change to don, 01:37:090 - add don, and 01:37:195 (167,168,169,170) - ctrl+g? サビ前で密度を上げて盛り上げつつ、あまり難しくならないようにするために配色をよりシンプルにする(01:32:774 - この小節に倣って2/1でdを一定間隔に鳴らす)というのはどうでしょうか。
・01:38:458 - 画像のように変更するのはどうでしょうか。上記と同様の理由です。1/4の前の休符を潰すと許容範囲に収まらないほど難しくなってしまうかもしれませんが。

・01:55:721 (290,291) - ctrl+g? 運指がより分かりやすく、叩きやすくなると個人的に思いました。
・01:59:090 - change to don? 上記と同様の理由です。
・02:01:721 (335,336) - ctrl+g? 上記と同様の理由です。
・02:04:985 - 02:05:195 - add kat? サビでは今まで一度も付点リズムが出てこなかったのでこの部分も埋めてしまってもいいかもしれません。

hi~ from Game Chat
muzuからinner oniのMODをしてほしいということでよろです~


00:23:090 (14) - d

01:11:511 (19) - d

全然指摘するところが見つからないので俺的にはgood mapです


00:51:090 (266) - d 低い音なってるとおもいます

01:39:406 - add k and 01:39:511 (187) - change to d

02:00:563 (326) - k (no big)

[Inner Oni]

00:11:932 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - D d k k D d k k D という配置にしてはどうでしょう

00:13:616 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - change to d k d k d k あとからくる配置もそうだし・・・って感じ

00:34:774 (234,235,236) - change to ddd?

01:39:090 (252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260) - ddkkddkkd という配置にしてみてはどうでしょう

根拠のないmodで大変申し訳NASAです :cry:

Topic Starter

_yu68 wrote:


・00:14:037 - 画像のような配置はどうでしょうか。00:15:090 - からの部分がドラム合わせになっているのでそちらと統一する感じです。Good!

・00:16:985 - 画像のような配置はどうでしょうか。同じくドラム合わせです。これに倣って変えてみました

・00:18:774 - add kat, and 00:18:879 - change to don? 同じくドラム合わせです。fixed
・00:21:827 - add kat? 鳴る音が増えるので休符を減らしてもいいかもしれません。OK
・00:24:669 - add don, 00:24:774 - change to don, 00:24:985 - change to kat? 直後のddddk_kkkで変化がつけられるのでこの部分は既出のパターンを使ってもいいかもしれません。(上の提案を採用するのであれば00:25:195 - add kat)これにプラスして変更
・00:33:616 - move to 00:34:037 - ? 00:33:406 - で強い音が鳴っているので、00:23:300 - などに倣って休符を入れるといいかもしれません。おk
・00:34:353 - add kat, and 00:34:985 - add don? 00:27:090 - この小節ではx_x_xxx_xxxxx_x_というリズムになっているので、こちらもそれに揃える形でどうでしょうか。いい案ですが、Muzuとの比較的な問題+鬼の密度の緩急が亡くなるという観点から今回はスルーです
・01:36:143 - 01:36:985 - change to don, 01:37:090 - add don, and 01:37:195 (167,168,169,170) - ctrl+g? サビ前で密度を上げて盛り上げつつ、あまり難しくならないようにするために配色をよりシンプルにする(01:32:774 - この小節に倣って2/1でdを一定間隔に鳴らす)というのはどうでしょうか。
・01:38:458 - 画像のように変更するのはどうでしょうか。上記と同様の理由です。1/4の前の休符を潰すと許容範囲に収まらないほど難しくなってしまうかもしれませんが。ここはMuzuも変えていかないといけないので、今回はスルーで

・01:55:721 (290,291) - ctrl+g? 運指がより分かりやすく、叩きやすくなると個人的に思いました。
・01:59:090 - change to don? 上記と同様の理由です。
・02:01:721 (335,336) - ctrl+g? 上記と同様の理由です。すべてfix
・02:04:985 - 02:05:195 - add kat? サビでは今まで一度も付点リズムが出てこなかったのでこの部分も埋めてしまってもいいかもしれません。ok!

助かりました!!!ありがとうございます! :)

Audio Quality could be better, if you can find a better file please use it, otherwise it's ok

01:27:300 - maybe add a k here for additional buildup, since the music gets more intense here than in the first half of the triplet
01:36:353 (29) - delete, this triplet feels kind of out of place here imo since i don't feel a change in the music in comparison to the 2 notes before and the 2 notes afterwards, also not having this triplet would build up better into the next 2 ddd ddd triplets

rest looks fine tbh

00:17:406 (23) - you can delete this note to give a bit of a break here (i'd also suggest deleting 00:19:932 (31) - to be consistent with my next suggestion, but i feel like deleting 23 too would flow more interestingly)
00:33:406 (40) - i'd also suggest deleting this to not make the pattern too long, since i feel like this is kind of a little bit too long without 4/1 breaks for a futsuu at this bpm
00:46:879 (22,23) - i'd suggest deleting these here too to leave a bit of a break, because continuous patterns like these can get very tiring for newer players especially at this high bpm
01:41:195 - this pattern is too long with too many 5plets etc inbetween imo, i'd suggest adding at least 2-3 4/1 breaks

rest looks fine, just lacking breaks a bit tbh

00:40:564 - i feel like the kiai isn't mapped well to the music, you are ignoring the main line of the music, which suggests doubles here and mapping triplets instead. I feel like using a rythm with doubles that emphasizes the main melody in the kiais would work a lot better and make the kiai sections more distinctive

this is the type of rythm i'm talking about, i'd suggest following something like that throughout the whole kiai
01:13:827 - to 01:27:721 - i feel like you are using a too consistent rythm for a part like this, which isn't really building up well. I'd suggest not using a consistent 2/1 rythm but starting off with less notes and building up the density toward the end
01:41:195 - here again i'd suggest something similar to the first kiai, using doubles to emphasize the main melody, but starting from 01:54:669 - the rythm you have now is good, since it emphasizes the heavy bass drums that kick in at this part, just change the first half to a more melody oriented rythhm please

rest looks good tbh

00:06:879 - here you're ignoring the main melody again, i would suggest using doubles here to emphasize it and make the map more interesting
00:33:196 (159,160,161) - this triplet should be ddk, since the pitch goes up toward the last note very drasticly
00:40:564 - here again, you are not emphasizing the main melody, please find a way to do so by using red tick spacing or something like that, the flow of this map could be so much more interesting
01:14:248 - i think this part isn't mapped very well to the music and would build up better if you mapped it to the sounds in the background here instead of improvising (something like this and keep mapping to those sounds until 01:20:985 - )
01:40:985 - for the last kiai again i would suggest trying to use the 1/2 doubles where possible to emphasize the main melody better (like in the muzu the 2nd half is fine, since the steady rythm emphasizes the strong bass drums that kick in)

rest should be okay, just mainly some general issues

[Inner Oni]
00:06:879 - you emphasized the main melody really nice here, maybe use this as an example for the oni and muzu (just not as dense lol)
00:22:985 (137) - i feel like this could be a k since it's the same sound as the last note

the diff looks okay actually, some patterns might play a bit weird, maybe take a closer look at the map again and fix some small things that you notice, i'll come back to this again after you've applied this mod

00:53:143 (80) - i'd suggest deleting this note to add more emphasis on the strong sound at 00:53:195 -

rest looks ok tbh, might look at it again closer after the rest is applied but it seems solid

If you have trouble understanding something please contact me and i can try to explain in easier english or japanese.
good luck!

Chromoxx wrote:


Audio Quality could be better, if you can find a better file please use it, otherwise it's ok

01:27:300 - maybe add a k here for additional buildup, since the music gets more intense here than in the first half of the triplet This part only follows melody.
01:36:353 (29) - delete, this triplet feels kind of out of place here imo since i don't feel a change in the music in comparison to the 2 notes before and the 2 notes afterwards, also not having this triplet would build up better into the next 2 ddd ddd triplets Deleted a note and adjusted color.

rest looks fine tbh

00:17:406 (23) - you can delete this note to give a bit of a break here (i'd also suggest deleting 00:19:932 (31) - to be consistent with my next suggestion, but i feel like deleting 23 too would flow more interestingly)
00:33:406 (40) - i'd also suggest deleting this to not make the pattern too long, since i feel like this is kind of a little bit too long without 4/1 breaks for a futsuu at this bpm
00:46:879 (22,23) - i'd suggest deleting these here too to leave a bit of a break, because continuous patterns like these can get very tiring for newer players especially at this high bpm
01:41:195 - this pattern is too long with too many 5plets etc inbetween imo, i'd suggest adding at least 2-3 4/1 breaks

rest looks fine, just lacking breaks a bit tbh I reconsidered about breaks. Thanks for your suggestion!

00:53:143 (80) - i'd suggest deleting this note to add more emphasis on the strong sound at 00:53:195 - I think the sound is already emphasized enough by d note.

rest looks ok tbh, might look at it again closer after the rest is applied but it seems solid

If you have trouble understanding something please contact me and i can try to explain in easier english or japanese.
good luck!
Thanks Chromoxx c:
Topic Starter

Y O U T A wrote:

hi~ from Game Chat
muzuからinner oniのMODをしてほしいということでよろです~


00:23:090 (14) - d

01:11:511 (19) - d

全然指摘するところが見つからないので俺的にはgood mapです


00:51:090 (266) - d 低い音なってるとおもいます

01:39:406 - add k and 01:39:511 (187) - change to d

02:00:563 (326) - k (no big)

[Inner Oni]

00:11:932 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - D d k k D d k k D という配置にしてはどうでしょう

00:13:616 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - change to d k d k d k あとからくる配置もそうだし・・・って感じ

00:34:774 (234,235,236) - change to ddd?

01:39:090 (252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260) - ddkkddkkd という配置にしてみてはどうでしょう

根拠のないmodで大変申し訳NASAです :cry:

詳しくは書いてないですが、各所納得いく場面は変更いたしました。 :(
Topic Starter

Chromoxx wrote:


Audio Quality could be better, if you can find a better file please use it, otherwise it's ok

00:40:564 - i feel like the kiai isn't mapped well to the music, you are ignoring the main line of the music, which suggests doubles here and mapping triplets instead. I feel like using a rythm with doubles that emphasizes the main melody in the kiais would work a lot better and make the kiai sections more distinctive

this is the type of rythm i'm talking about, i'd suggest following something like that throughout the whole kiai
01:13:827 - to 01:27:721 - i feel like you are using a too consistent rythm for a part like this, which isn't really building up well. I'd suggest not using a consistent 2/1 rythm but starting off with less notes and building up the density toward the end
01:41:195 - here again i'd suggest something similar to the first kiai, using doubles to emphasize the main melody, but starting from 01:54:669 - the rythm you have now is good, since it emphasizes the heavy bass drums that kick in at this part, just change the first half to a more melody oriented rythhm please

rest looks good tbh

00:06:879 - here you're ignoring the main melody again, i would suggest using doubles here to emphasize it and make the map more interesting
00:33:196 (159,160,161) - this triplet should be ddk, since the pitch goes up toward the last note very drasticly
00:40:564 - here again, you are not emphasizing the main melody, please find a way to do so by using red tick spacing or something like that, the flow of this map could be so much more interesting
01:14:248 - i think this part isn't mapped very well to the music and would build up better if you mapped it to the sounds in the background here instead of improvising (something like this and keep mapping to those sounds until 01:20:985 - )
01:40:985 - for the last kiai again i would suggest trying to use the 1/2 doubles where possible to emphasize the main melody better (like in the muzu the 2nd half is fine, since the steady rythm emphasizes the strong bass drums that kick in)

rest should be okay, just mainly some general issues

[Inner Oni]
00:06:879 - you emphasized the main melody really nice here, maybe use this as an example for the oni and muzu (just not as dense lol)
00:22:985 (137) - i feel like this could be a k since it's the same sound as the last note

the diff looks okay actually, some patterns might play a bit weird, maybe take a closer look at the map again and fix some small things that you notice, i'll come back to this again after you've applied this mod

If you have trouble understanding something please contact me and i can try to explain in easier english or japanese.
good luck!

Thank you soooooooo much!!! :D
recheck, no kds

Kantan-Muzu look fine now

01:20:879 - add a d to follow the melody
01:54:669 - i'm not sure about the introduction of ddk triplets like 01:55:511 (289,290,291) - in the last kiai, it may feel weird just introducing them now... maybe change the ones like this to ddd or something

diff generally follows the main melody of the song a lot better than before!

[Inner Oni]
01:54:669 - 1.1x SV is a bit over the top here, you said something earlier about not wanting to change it because it's supposed to be a hard difficulty or something. That's what the Taiko Holic difficulty is for. This difficulty isn't really that hard and using 1.1x SV here is a bit unneccesary imo.
00:33:301 (223,224) - ctrl G and delete the finisher, sound goes upwards here

to be honest i feel like this difficulty still needs a lot of work. The patterns in the Taiko Holic diff are more comfortable to play than this, which already says something, going through all this stuff individually would be pretty pointless and cost too much time, just please rework this difficulty in a way that it will become more smooth to play as i already hinted in the last mod.

[Taiko Holic]
01:36:932 (49) - delete this note, the length and start of this stream comes completely unexpected and doesn't fit the song.
00:53:143 (80) - again, delete this note. You said the pitch change to d is enough emphasis, but it definitely isn't. By that logic that note is the same strength as 00:53:406 (85) - 00:53:564 (88) - 00:53:721 (91) - 00:53:879 (94) - . also starting the stream at 00:53:090 - is a bit too over the top in general and doesn't really follow the music imo.
02:03:195 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - this stream is longer than the last finale stream at 02:06:774 - even though it really shouldn't be. I would highly suggest deleting a note at 02:03:985 (31) - to emphasize the sound at 02:03:932 (30) - like you did with all the other patterns here to keep consistency. You may argue that the part here is a bit more intense and you put the longer stream here because of that, but it is by no way intense enough to warrant a stream of this length here, which is even longer than the final stream.

I'm not willing to discuss about the things pointed out in the taiko holic diff, since they are pretty serious imo. It's only deleting 3 notes, which when looking at a diff like this isn't actually asking too much and probably also lenient compared to what other BNs would suggest.

Call me back when Taiko Holic stuff is fixed and the Inner Oni is reworked to play smoother.
Topic Starter

Chromoxx wrote:

recheck, no kds

Kantan-Muzu look fine now

01:20:879 - add a d to follow the melody ok!
01:54:669 - i'm not sure about the introduction of ddk triplets like 01:55:511 (289,290,291) - in the last kiai, it may feel weird just introducing them now... maybe change the ones like this to ddd or something No....If I use ddd or kkk,this map so simple construction. So,I don't change~ :(

diff generally follows the main melody of the song a lot better than before!

[Inner Oni]
01:54:669 - 1.1x SV is a bit over the top here, you said something earlier about not wanting to change it because it's supposed to be a hard difficulty or something. That's what the Taiko Holic difficulty is for. This difficulty isn't really that hard and using 1.1x SV here is a bit unneccesary imo.
00:33:301 (223,224) - ctrl G and delete the finisher, sound goes upwards here

to be honest i feel like this difficulty still needs a lot of work. The patterns in the Taiko Holic diff are more comfortable to play than this, which already says something, going through all this stuff individually would be pretty pointless and cost too much time, just please rework this difficulty in a way that it will become more smooth to play as i already hinted in the last mod.

And I'll try to change clearly.... :o

Call me back when Taiko Holic stuff is fixed and the Inner Oni is reworked to play smoother.
Inner Oni could be a bit more dense 1/2 wise in the first kiai, maybe make stuff like 00:40:564 (282,283,284,285,286) - a full 1/2 pattern
Topic Starter

Chromoxx wrote:

Inner Oni could be a bit more dense 1/2 wise in the first kiai, maybe make stuff like 00:40:564 (282,283,284,285,286) - a full 1/2 pattern

Chromoxx wrote:

recheck, no kds

[Taiko Holic]
01:36:932 (49) - delete this note, the length and start of this stream comes completely unexpected and doesn't fit the song.
00:53:143 (80) - again, delete this note. You said the pitch change to d is enough emphasis, but it definitely isn't. By that logic that note is the same strength as 00:53:406 (85) - 00:53:564 (88) - 00:53:721 (91) - 00:53:879 (94) - . also starting the stream at 00:53:090 - is a bit too over the top in general and doesn't really follow the music imo.
02:03:195 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - this stream is longer than the last finale stream at 02:06:774 - even though it really shouldn't be. I would highly suggest deleting a note at 02:03:985 (31) - to emphasize the sound at 02:03:932 (30) - like you did with all the other patterns here to keep consistency. You may argue that the part here is a bit more intense and you put the longer stream here because of that, but it is by no way intense enough to warrant a stream of this length here, which is even longer than the final stream.

I'm not willing to discuss about the things pointed out in the taiko holic diff, since they are pretty serious imo. It's only deleting 3 notes, which when looking at a diff like this isn't actually asking too much and probably also lenient compared to what other BNs would suggest.

Call me back when Taiko Holic stuff is fixed and the Inner Oni is reworked to play smoother.
1st, 2nd: changed. I had different opinions thought there seems to be no sense to keep them anymore.

3rd: The stream is actually longer than last stream, but the difference of only four notes doesn't matter because both streams are enough long. Between 32 and 28. so small difference. Then I tried your suggestion and I felt beatmap became too boring by five streams of same length. I won't apply it.
will look at it again later today in search of another solution. definitely not ok with it as it is now though since there isn't enough to suddenly justify a stream of this length. There'll probably be a more interesting to play solution than just cutting the stream there so i'll check it out but it would be cool if you can try searching for another solution too.

I have an example suggestion on how to solve this problem without making the stream section boring with repeating lengths:
02:03:774 (27,29) - delete these notes and 02:03:669 (25,26) - ctrl G. would sound good with the music and also create some variety, having a slightly longer stream at 02:03:932 - to emphasize the part there while also leaving a short point of relief at 02:03:827 - to make the whole thing a bit smoother to play.
This is just an example suggestion, there are definitely other ways to cut the stream that also fit. If you like what i suggested here feel free to implement it. If not, please find another way of cutting this stream.
Thanks :D
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:

Chromoxx wrote:

recheck, no kds

[Taiko Holic]
01:36:932 (49) - delete this note, the length and start of this stream comes completely unexpected and doesn't fit the song.
00:53:143 (80) - again, delete this note. You said the pitch change to d is enough emphasis, but it definitely isn't. By that logic that note is the same strength as 00:53:406 (85) - 00:53:564 (88) - 00:53:721 (91) - 00:53:879 (94) - . also starting the stream at 00:53:090 - is a bit too over the top in general and doesn't really follow the music imo.
02:03:195 (16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - this stream is longer than the last finale stream at 02:06:774 - even though it really shouldn't be. I would highly suggest deleting a note at 02:03:985 (31) - to emphasize the sound at 02:03:932 (30) - like you did with all the other patterns here to keep consistency. You may argue that the part here is a bit more intense and you put the longer stream here because of that, but it is by no way intense enough to warrant a stream of this length here, which is even longer than the final stream.

I'm not willing to discuss about the things pointed out in the taiko holic diff, since they are pretty serious imo. It's only deleting 3 notes, which when looking at a diff like this isn't actually asking too much and probably also lenient compared to what other BNs would suggest.

Call me back when Taiko Holic stuff is fixed and the Inner Oni is reworked to play smoother.
1st, 2nd: changed. I had different opinions thought there seems to be no sense to keep them anymore.

3rd: The stream is actually longer than last stream, but the difference of only four notes doesn't matter because both streams are enough long. Between 32 and 28. so small difference. Then I tried your suggestion and I felt beatmap became too boring by five streams of same length. I won't apply it.
upload ok 8-)

Hey tasuke can you make SV changes a bit smoother? it's a bit confusing to read ;w;

01:34:458 - move this to 01:34:564
01:37:827 - this to 01:37:879
01:54:248 - I suggest doing a gradual SV increase from here because 01:54:669 feels too abrupt lol

no kds pls
Topic Starter

Midnaait wrote:


Hey tasuke can you make SV changes a bit smoother? it's a bit confusing to read ;w;

01:34:458 - move this to 01:34:564
01:37:827 - this to 01:37:879
01:54:248 - I suggest doing a gradual SV increase from here because 01:54:669 feels too abrupt lol

no kds pls
I had overlooked your last sentence :o
fixed only first point. I prefer to make SV change on barline in order to emphasize the song better.

Tried millions times, and finally came up with a good one.
o boi
is this happening???
i will try modding it this week
Topic Starter

Arrival wrote:

i will try modding it this week

Really??????? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
okay so


01:39:511 - I think these sliders aren't very good emphasizing wise and it would be best for this part to be left empty (you've got them on kantan futsuu and muzukashii)


00:33:406 (11) - not willing to use a finisher for this kind of sound ? i believe it would make the diff a bit more interesting for beginners (or at least here 02:00:985 (12) - )


00:13:616 - to 00:16:564 - what do you think about this , i think it suits better the song overall

00:32:774 (54) - removing this note would emphasize these 3 00:32:985 (55,56,57) - better


00:16:458 - add a d here ?

00:37:827 (186,191) - consider putting these two as finishers too i think it fits very well with your other ones after

02:00:248 (326,327,328,329,330,331,332) - what do you think about kddk dk here ? considering you emphasize the K here 02:01:195 (333) - i feel like this note 02:00:985 (332) - is unnecessary.

[Inner Oni]

02:01:406 - I think the diffspike is quite too big here, consider at least deleting 02:04:300 (489,490) - to make a small break, so you keep the difficulty spike but doesnt contrast TOO MUCH with the rest of your difficulty.

taiko holic is awesome

call me back
Topic Starter

Arrival wrote:

okay so


01:39:511 - I think these sliders aren't very good emphasizing wise and it would be best for this part to be left empty (you've got them on kantan futsuu and muzukashii) I will discuss the point with tasuke 912 and decide.

Muzukashii fixed all point
00:13:616 - to 00:16:564 - what do you think about this , i think it suits better the song overall

00:32:774 (54) - removing this note would emphasize these 3 00:32:985 (55,56,57) - better


00:16:458 - add a d here ? ok

00:37:827 (186,191) - consider putting these two as finishers too i think it fits very well with your other ones after ok,and 00:37:511 (185) - changed k

02:00:248 (326,327,328,329,330,331,332) - what do you think about kddk dk here ? considering you emphasize the K here 02:01:195 (333) - i feel like this note 02:00:985 (332) - is unnecessary.
kddk dk is ok.But 02:00:985 (332) sounds kick clearly,so no change
[Inner Oni]

02:01:406 - I think the diffspike is quite too big here, consider at least deleting 02:04:300 (489,490) - to make a small break, so you keep the difficulty spike but doesnt contrast TOO MUCH with the rest of your difficulty.
I changed it slightly.

taiko holic is awesome

call me back
okay give me a moment to make a quick recheck
waiting for the tasuke diff upload
holy smokes it is finally happening
Topic Starter

01:39:511 - I think these sliders aren't very good emphasizing wise and it would be best for this part to be left empty (you've got them on kantan futsuu and muzukashii)ok,FIXED

ALL OK. tasuke912's diff uploaded
Topic Starter

Arrival wrote:

Thank you so much!
hoooooly :eyes:
Topic Starter
11:13 JUDYDANNY: オハヨウゴザイマス
11:13 EdamaMe411: holy shit~
11:13 EdamaMe411: ohayo~
11:13 JUDYDANNY: アイシクルスティンガーってもう誰かに頼んだ?
11:14 EdamaMe411: daremohennjikitenai
11:14 EdamaMe411: まだ決まってないよ~
11:16 JUDYDANNY: BN降ろされる前にチェックしますかー()
11:16 EdamaMe411: ww
11:16 EdamaMe411: それはとても感謝
11:17 EdamaMe411: まじでほりっくは EZ仕様
11:19 JUDYDANNY: むりです()
11:19 EdamaMe411: これは仕方ない
11:19 EdamaMe411: HTしかできない
11:23 JUDYDANNY: HTですらかなり苦しいです()
11:25 JUDYDANNY: kono
11:25 JUDYDANNY: この魚怖すぎるわ
11:25 JUDYDANNY: いつみてもホラー
11:25 EdamaMe411: みんなにBGパクられててつらい
11:25 JUDYDANNY: 歯とかどうなってんねん。。。。
11:26 EdamaMe411: でも本家のMVめっちゃかわいいんだよなあ
11:28 JUDYDANNY: え、そうなのw
11:28 EdamaMe411: めっちゃポップな感じw
11:36 JUDYDANNY: なんか
11:36 JUDYDANNY: Muzukashiiゴリ押しで休憩作った?
11:36 EdamaMe411: うーん
11:37 EdamaMe411: まあ、無理やり形作ってみた
11:37 EdamaMe411: やっぱMuzu違和感?
11:37 JUDYDANNY: まぁ個人的にはかなり。。
11:37 JUDYDANNY: 今日えだまめさんはお休み?
11:37 EdamaMe411: うむ
11:37 EdamaMe411: 肥満
11:37 EdamaMe411: 暇
11:38 JUDYDANNY: なるほどじゃあお昼過ぎにでもガッツリ見て行こうかな
11:38 EdamaMe411: ここでやっていく感じ?
11:38 EdamaMe411: いいぞ~
11:38 JUDYDANNY: 今はちょっと暫く適当になんか譜面プレイしたいw
11:38 EdamaMe411: ならマルチ市よ
11:38 EdamaMe411: 見てほしい譜面あるし
11:39 JUDYDANNY: いいぞ~
11:40 EdamaMe411:
11:40 EdamaMe411: つくってみた
11:44 EdamaMe411: 物量足らんかった?
13:48 EdamaMe411: もどった
13:48 EdamaMe411: また声かけて
13:57 EdamaMe411: おぽおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお
14:05 JUDYDANNY: ごめんまだ1時間くらい後になりそう。。
14:08 EdamaMe411: まじか。。。。
14:09 EdamaMe411: 仕事?
15:36 EdamaMe411: 無理な感じかな。。。
15:44 JUDYDANNY: おわった!
15:44 JUDYDANNY: いけます!
15:45 EdamaMe411: よかった=
15:45 EdamaMe411: 基本的に直すdiffはむず?
15:45 JUDYDANNY: になるとは思う
15:45 EdamaMe411: おk
15:46 EdamaMe411: いこうか
15:49 JUDYDANNY: もうしばらくまってていいよw 意見をまとめる時間がほしい
15:49 EdamaMe411: わかた
15:49 EdamaMe411: 適当に動画見てくる
16:05 JUDYDANNY: うーん、やっぱりこれむむむ。。。
16:05 JUDYDANNY: FutsuuのSR低すぎるw
16:06 EdamaMe411: SRの広がりがあるから難しいも制限来るよね。。
16:06 EdamaMe411: アイコン上のNのSR上限ってなんだっけ
16:07 JUDYDANNY: え、そこまで気にしたことなかったな。。たしかomakenostroke2.4でランクドしたような
16:07 EdamaMe411: ほうほう。。
16:08 EdamaMe411: むズだけ変更するのむズ遭難?
16:08 EdamaMe411: そうなの?
16:16 JUDYDANNY: えっと
16:16 JUDYDANNY: 意見だけ言うか
16:16 JUDYDANNY: とりあえず
16:17 EdamaMe411: うむ
16:18 JUDYDANNY: doujiniあわせてこの.osuで見てもらえるといいかな
16:19 JUDYDANNY: 00:13:616 -
16:20 JUDYDANNY: まずここからかな
16:20 JUDYDANNY: なんかリズムがうん、むずかしいよねここ
16:20 EdamaMe411: これ、入れた後で消せばいい感じ?
16:20 JUDYDANNY: アップするときにMは消せばいいです
16:21 JUDYDANNY: 比較でみてもらえたらなーって
16:21 JUDYDANNY: File> Open difficutly選んで こういう画面にしてもらって
16:22 EdamaMe411: いれた
16:22 EdamaMe411: Ctrl+Oだね、
16:22 EdamaMe411: りょうかい
16:25 JUDYDANNY: 00:13:616 - からだけど、やっぱりここは前の
16:25 JUDYDANNY: パートからの物量意識で少な目にしてた?
16:26 EdamaMe411: そうね
16:26 EdamaMe411: でもバリバリ違和感あったから
16:26 EdamaMe411: これのほうがしぜんかな
16:26 EdamaMe411: おにとそんな変わんないのが痛いところだけど
16:28 JUDYDANNY: こんなのでも多分いけそう
16:28 EdamaMe411: これ全部直す感じ?
16:29 JUDYDANNY: 全部というと青線ひいてるとこ?
16:29 JUDYDANNY: ちなみに青線以外も実はしれっと変えてるとこあるからw  直すというか気になったところ?
16:30 EdamaMe411: おうふw
16:30 JUDYDANNY: だいたい気になった個所は どっかきになったら  他も同じようなとこだからってこと
16:30 EdamaMe411: さっきの地帯は全社の提案のがいいね
16:30 EdamaMe411: 前者
16:31 JUDYDANNY: dkd-dk-k-k-kだと  ただ単純に物量差がFutsuuとありまくりなんだよね
16:31 JUDYDANNY: そこをきにするならって感じが後者
16:31 JUDYDANNY: いわば妥協案
16:32 EdamaMe411: まあGDだからってのも含めて気にしない
16:32 JUDYDANNY:じゃあこれで?
16:36 JUDYDANNY: 00:20:353 - ~
16:37 JUDYDANNY: 青線ひいてないけど  1/2がどこもかしこも一か所はほしいかなぁ
16:37 EdamaMe411: そこは
16:37 EdamaMe411: 同じにしてみた
16:37 EdamaMe411: Mと
16:37 JUDYDANNY: あ、今青線見ながら直してるのね
16:37 EdamaMe411: うmn
16:37 EdamaMe411: だからへんしんおくれるw
16:38 EdamaMe411: あああ
16:38 EdamaMe411: さっきの画像の奴神
16:38 EdamaMe411: さいよう。とてもしっくりくる
16:44 JUDYDANNY: 一応言っておきます
16:44 JUDYDANNY: 青線の通りに直したら
16:44 JUDYDANNY: 物量多すぎるので
16:44 JUDYDANNY: まだ減らさないといけないですw
16:44 JUDYDANNY: 一回見直したら puushかfastアプロダでMuzukashiiの状態渡してもらえる?
16:44 JUDYDANNY: 物量多すぎるので→F-MとM-Ono
16:45 JUDYDANNY: 物量さがやばくなるw
16:48 EdamaMe411: おk
16:57 EdamaMe411:
16:57 EdamaMe411: できた
16:59 JUDYDANNY: ok
16:59 JUDYDANNY: yatttekuru
16:59 EdamaMe411: さすがにみれないか
16:59 JUDYDANNY: やっぱスペはできないかw
16:59 EdamaMe411: うんw
16:59 EdamaMe411: まあやってきた
16:59 EdamaMe411: て
17:02 JUDYDANNY: ええっとじゃあここからIRCはじめるか
17:02 *JUDYDANNY is editing [ ROKINA - Icicle Stinger [Muzukashii]]
17:02 EdamaMe411: おkます
17:02 EdamaMe411: さっきのMはけしてもおk?だいぶ足す方
17:02 EdamaMe411: 助かった
17:03 JUDYDANNY: けしてもいいですよー
17:03 JUDYDANNY: こっちは持ってるし、またほしかったらデータあげるだけなのでw
17:03 EdamaMe411: >w<
17:03 JUDYDANNY: 00:23:932 (18,19) - kkではなくて?
17:03 JUDYDANNY: 00:20:353 - からの1/2配色で
17:04 JUDYDANNY: 00:24:353 (21,22,23,24) - kkd-k-d-k-dってことか、言いたいことは多分こう
17:04 EdamaMe411: おk
17:04 EdamaMe411: 00:25:406 (25,26,27) - もddkにした
17:04 JUDYDANNY: そこは音が突然変異してるしdddでもいいと思うよ
17:04 EdamaMe411: まじか
17:04 EdamaMe411: おk
17:04 EdamaMe411: ddd
17:05 JUDYDANNY: 突然変異というか、音がなんか増えてるから?w
17:05 EdamaMe411:  音当然変異は草
17:05 JUDYDANNY: 00:27:090 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - ここ言ってなかったね、青線なかったんだけどここも隠してました
17:05 JUDYDANNY: どっちかの1/1あいてるブランク埋めてほしい
17:05 JUDYDANNY: 理由は物量差による力不足が前パートからできてる
17:06 JUDYDANNY: 00:28:353 (37,38) - ここの間にkがいいかなぁと
17:06 EdamaMe411: おk
17:07 JUDYDANNY: 00:30:248 - ここも
17:07 JUDYDANNY: 00:35:721 - ここをmoveto左の1/1あいてるとこw
17:07 EdamaMe411: そんなにノーツラインつなげて平気?
17:07 JUDYDANNY: 気になるなら30:248はなくてもいいよ
17:07 JUDYDANNY: 若しくは
17:07 EdamaMe411: 30248はなし
17:07 JUDYDANNY: 00:29:195 - ~no
17:08 JUDYDANNY: (40)から
17:08 EdamaMe411: その次fix
17:09 JUDYDANNY: のように、 繋げ方と1/2の箇所を入れ替えたりという手もなくはない
17:09 EdamaMe411: う~ん。。。。
17:09 EdamaMe411: 30248無しってだけで行きたい
17:09 JUDYDANNY: はいはい~
17:10 JUDYDANNY: 00:45:406 -
17:10 JUDYDANNY: k?
17:10 JUDYDANNY: 00:52:143 - ^
17:11 EdamaMe411: おk
17:13 JUDYDANNY: 01:14:248 -
17:13 JUDYDANNY: ~
17:13 JUDYDANNY: 青線関係ないけど
17:13 JUDYDANNY: 思い切ってもっと削ってみない?
17:14 JUDYDANNY: 具体的には1/2ノーツをなくす(01:15:195 (29) - 、01:16:879 - 、01:18:564 - 、01:25:300 - 、
17:15 EdamaMe411: まあブレイクパートだし、切るものありかb
17:15 JUDYDANNY: 01:25:827 - ここも
17:16 JUDYDANNY: 01:46:037 (51,52,53,54) -
17:16 JUDYDANNY: あれ、さっきここ前パートは配色違ったようなw
17:16 JUDYDANNY: 00:45:406 (24,25,26,27) -
17:16 JUDYDANNY: あ、やっぱり
17:16 JUDYDANNY: どっちかに統一で
17:16 JUDYDANNY: d--d--k-d-kdかd--d--d-k-kd
17:17 EdamaMe411: dk k d
17:17 EdamaMe411: にします
17:17 EdamaMe411: あと、さっきのとこ全部削った。
17:18 JUDYDANNY: はい
17:18 JUDYDANNY: 01:47:932 - できればもうちょっと配色変更の意図を教えてほしいかなぁってとこ
17:19 JUDYDANNY: d-ddd-d-dという流れにしたのは何か理由があってで?
17:19 EdamaMe411: 01:51:511 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90) -
17:19 EdamaMe411: ここのddddd、kkkkkの布石のつもりだったが
17:19 EdamaMe411: 単調かな
17:20 EdamaMe411: さすがに5連打内の2色は厳しいと思って
17:20 JUDYDANNY: 単調という見方ではなくて、これまでの流れが変わったからという見方になると思う 大半のプレイヤーは
17:20 EdamaMe411: あ~
17:21 EdamaMe411: まあそうか。
17:22 EdamaMe411: 配色変えた
17:22 EdamaMe411: 素直に二色通り。
17:22 EdamaMe411: 01:51:090 (75) - からは変更してない
17:23 JUDYDANNY: 01:57:827 - はつなげると流石に長い
17:23 JUDYDANNY: はい
17:25 EdamaMe411: 01:59:511 - もか
17:26 JUDYDANNY: そこはつけてもいい01:56:143 - と同じで 1回かさましって感じで
17:26 EdamaMe411: おk
17:27 JUDYDANNY: 01:55:511 - あとはここかなぁ
17:27 JUDYDANNY: xx-xx-xがものすごく誰かにつっこまれそう
17:28 JUDYDANNY: こういった形はどう?
17:28 JUDYDANNY: (1)は01:54:669 - から
17:28 JUDYDANNY: x-xx-xx-x--x--xが
17:28 JUDYDANNY: x-xx-xx-x-xxx-xに変わる感じ
17:29 JUDYDANNY: この形だとその後の02:00:563 (35,36,37,38,39) - の作りもリズムを変える必要なく割と自然にいけそう
17:30 EdamaMe411: おk
17:30 EdamaMe411: さいようds
17:32 JUDYDANNY: 02:01:405 (40,41,42,43,44) - 、02:03:090 (51,52,53,54,55,56) - ^  02:03:090に関して配色が気になるようなら変更どうぞ
17:33 EdamaMe411: d ddd k dに統一
17:35 JUDYDANNY: あx-xx-xxじゃなくてx-xxx-xにしたのね
17:35 EdamaMe411: 最後は変化させたほうがいいかなって思ったんだけど。、。
17:35 EdamaMe411: そう
17:36 EdamaMe411: あああ
17:36 EdamaMe411: でも
17:36 EdamaMe411: 前半からの肉付けって形のほうがいいかも
17:37 EdamaMe411: d dd dk dの形にした
17:41 JUDYDANNY: ok
17:41 *JUDYDANNY is editing ROKINA - Icicle Stinger [O]
17:41 JUDYDANNY: Oniもミテキマシタ
17:43 EdamaMe411: ふむ
17:49 JUDYDANNY: 気になったとこ入れただけなので
17:51 JUDYDANNY: さっきと同じ要領で見てもらえたらと思いますん
18:08 EdamaMe411:
18:08 EdamaMe411: できた
18:08 EdamaMe411: 時間書かてしまった
18:11 EdamaMe411: OH。。>>>
18:11 EdamaMe411: 起きて!!!おはよう!
18:15 EdamaMe411: わあああ
18:15 EdamaMe411: じゅだし~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18:16 EdamaMe411: サイレンスくらいそう
18:16 EdamaMe411: おきて~~~~
18:19 JUDYDANNY: www
18:19 JUDYDANNY: おきましたサイレンスはまだ大丈夫だな!
18:19 EdamaMe411: よかたw
18:20 EdamaMe411: 今から犬の散歩行くところだったww
18:20 EdamaMe411: まだ大丈夫
18:20 JUDYDANNY: まだ大丈夫なのね
18:21 EdamaMe411: うん
18:24 JUDYDANNY: 結構変えましたね
18:24 JUDYDANNY: 提案って感じの青線の方が多かったのにw
18:25 JUDYDANNY: 一回休憩とってもいいよ?散歩するなら
18:26 EdamaMe411: 悪くはなってないよね?
18:26 EdamaMe411: 流れ的に変えたほうがいい気声だったからww
18:26 EdamaMe411: そうね、一回散歩連れてってあげたいかな。何時から再開でいい?
18:29 JUDYDANNY: 19:15頃にする?
18:29 EdamaMe411: おk
18:29 JUDYDANNY: はいはい~
18:29 EdamaMe411: 必ず生きて戻ってくる
18:29 JUDYDANNY: wwww
18:29 JUDYDANNY: それフラグ()
18:56 EdamaMe411: ただいま
18:56 JUDYDANNY: オカエリ
18:56 EdamaMe411: いけるで!
18:56 JUDYDANNY: ムズイ。。
18:57 EdamaMe411: おしいww
18:58 JUDYDANNY: moutyotto譜面プレイしてからやります
18:59 EdamaMe411: あい
19:04 JUDYDANNY:ぐだります
19:04 EdamaMe411: それや美奴じゃなかったけ
19:04 EdamaMe411: やばい
19:05 JUDYDANNY: もう一回やってくる
19:05 EdamaMe411: おk
19:07 JUDYDANNY:生き残ってたけどやっぱりさっきよりスコア落ちてグダグダにw
19:07 EdamaMe411: 十分すぎるくらい強い
19:12 JUDYDANNY: しんせかいはクリアできない。。。
19:12 EdamaMe411: w
19:12 EdamaMe411: そろそろ親に呼ばれそうやで、少しでも見てほしさある
19:12 JUDYDANNY: あ、そうなのね
19:13 EdamaMe411: そう!今日はお帰りが早い
19:16 JUDYDANNY: 00:33:827 (167,168,169,170,171,172,173) -
19:16 JUDYDANNY: ここノーツ1/2が不足してる
19:16 EdamaMe411: おk
19:18 JUDYDANNY: 00:27:090 (125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136) - ここ比較点ね
19:18 JUDYDANNY: osuが突然死したw
19:18 EdamaMe411: wwww
19:18 JUDYDANNY: 心臓発作おこさないでほしい
19:18 EdamaMe411: たまにあるよね
19:19 EdamaMe411: 配色変え、比較店とどう配置にした
19:19 JUDYDANNY: 00:37:616 (190,195) -
19:19 JUDYDANNY: このfinishはよくわからない
19:20 JUDYDANNY: 01:54:037 (290,291) - dKじゃない? なんかノイズ的なやつの音のピッチ的には
19:21 JUDYDANNY: 01:47:090 - このfinishも、、、ここMuzukashiiもだな
19:21 EdamaMe411: 一個目は僕もわからんけど、あらいばるがいれろ!!って言ったから犬のように従ってしまった
19:22 EdamaMe411: なおした
19:22 EdamaMe411: むズも直しといた
19:22 JUDYDANNY: いや意味わからんでしょw  このdiffだけなぜか入ってるし
19:22 JUDYDANNY: 入れるにしても
19:22 JUDYDANNY: (190)(195)じゃなくて、00:37:195 (187,192) - でしょう。。。
19:23 JUDYDANNY: (ちなみに187,192も入れなくていいです)
19:23 EdamaMe411: 入れちゃったじゃんwww
19:23 EdamaMe411: 消します
19:23 JUDYDANNY: wwwwwww
19:24 JUDYDANNY: Oniはこんなもん  だと思うけど
19:24 EdamaMe411: おおお
19:24 EdamaMe411: ありがと~
19:25 JUDYDANNY: Inner以上はまた今度にするかw
Topic Starter
We will resume IRC at a later date 8-)
are you kidding me? :thinking:
Inner Oni

00:05:827 - remove?
00:07:616 - をremoveして代わりに00:10:143 - add? バスドラの有無
00:08:774 - k?
00:10:985 - remove? same as 00:07:616 - .
00:23:143 - add d? 唸り拾えそうな気も
about00:25:405 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162) - , 00:06:037 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - と違いすぎませんか。。?
about01:33:616 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203) - さめ。
00:59:932 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 似た様な音のところが全て1/4+1/2構成なので同様に治すことを推奨。

00:50:248 (364,365) - dk?

00:33:406 - not finish?
00:34:827 - ここに入れる意味があまり感じられないのですが..
00:45:985 - ここに入れるよりは00:46:458 (331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338) - ここのどこかに1/4を混ぜた方が流れとしては愛想()00:40:564 (279,280,281,282,283,284) - →00:42:248 (293,294,295,296,297,298,299) - →00:43:932 (308,309,310,311,312) - →00:45:616 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330) -

01:05:827 (23,24,25,26,27) - x-xxx-x? (23)の隣接を手放すことで伴奏バスの音単符によるリズムも安定感がついて カルムによさそうです
01:09:195 - k...? 個人的な意見で 伴奏の流れに愛想でした
01:13:616 - add d? 個人的な(ry
01:14:248 - ~ 01:27:721 - もう少し密度落とせません?
01:27:616 - 1/2多すぎるし、メロディラインに沿わせるならなくてもよさそう?
01:33:616 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203) - もう少しスネアの変化とか、他に拾えるものもありそうな気が

01:50:090 - remove?
01:55:300 (389,390,391,392,393) - ddd-d-kにしてうしろのパターンも再編成してみてはどうです? dkdk続きすぎてddkが少し無理やり感がみえる.. 連打のタイミングでバックの音も気持ち下がり気味なのでそういった変化も取れるかと
01:56:985 (407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420) - same
01:58:879 (428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439) - kが露骨に多すぎてこれまでの音取と明らかに違うので少しd音を混ぜてください
02:02:037 - same as にたようなとこ

  1. 01:27:300 - add k?
Topic Starter
Inner Oni

00:05:827 - remove?
00:07:616 - をremoveして代わりに00:10:143 - add? バスドラの有無
00:08:774 - k?
00:10:985 - remove? same as 00:07:616 - .
00:23:143 - add d? 唸り拾えそうな気も
about00:25:405 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162) - , 00:06:037 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - と違いすぎませんか。。?
about01:33:616 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203) - さめ。
00:59:932 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 似た様な音のところが全て1/4+1/2構成なので同様に治すことを推奨。

00:50:248 (364,365) - dk?

00:33:406 - not finish?
00:34:827 - ここに入れる意味があまり感じられないのですが..
00:45:985 - ここに入れるよりは00:46:458 (331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338) - ここのどこかに1/4を混ぜた方が流れとしては愛想()00:40:564 (279,280,281,282,283,284) - →00:42:248 (293,294,295,296,297,298,299) - →00:43:932 (308,309,310,311,312) - →00:45:616 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330) -

01:05:827 (23,24,25,26,27) - x-xxx-x? (23)の隣接を手放すことで伴奏バスの音単符によるリズムも安定感がついて カルムによさそうです
01:09:195 - k...? 個人的な意見で 伴奏の流れに愛想でした
01:13:616 - add d? 個人的な(ry
01:14:248 - ~ 01:27:721 - もう少し密度落とせません?
01:27:616 - 1/2多すぎるし、メロディラインに沿わせるならなくてもよさそう?
01:33:616 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203) - もう少しスネアの変化とか、他に拾えるものもありそうな気が

01:50:090 - remove?
01:55:300 (389,390,391,392,393) - ddd-d-kにしてうしろのパターンも再編成してみてはどうです? dkdk続きすぎてddkが少し無理やり感がみえる.. 連打のタイミングでバックの音も気持ち下がり気味なのでそういった変化も取れるかと
01:56:985 (407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420) - same
01:58:879 (428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439) - kが露骨に多すぎてこれまでの音取と明らかに違うので少しd音を混ぜてください
02:02:037 - same as にたようなとこ

  1. 00:19:774 - remove?
    • 大音までにひっつける程のパワーでもないので8分をどこかしらで手前で作った方が落差表現ができるかと
  2. 00:32:721 (77,78) - dk? 00:31:090 (53,54,55,56) - や 00:31:616 - ddkkd-
    • kkddd-kdkからの流れから見ても 次の繋ぎのためのddk-kを意識するための変化よりも通常通りの4拍目katが自然に感じました
  3. 00:33:721 - ,00:40:458 - , 02:01:300 - not remove?
  4. 00:53:616 (88,89,90,91,92,93) - kddkdd? 00:53:616 (88,92) - 細部の破裂音のトーンが高→低に感じる。。。
  5. 02:02:721 - remove...? 長すぎませんか。。。?
    :?: 02:05:353 (53,54) - kd?  
    • - 02:05:406 - と後者の対応する部分の02:06:248 - とのメロディラインのピッチ差で というのも
      02:04:774 (43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) - と
      02:05:721 (59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) -が と全く同じなので何かしら変えた方がよりプレイ感につながると思います、提案はあくまで一案として。。
[Inner Oni]
IRC Log in Japanese
09:06 JUDYDANNY: おぱようこさいまず
09:06 EdamaMe411: pokita
09:35 EdamaMe411: ちょっと見てほしい
09:36 EdamaMe411: ものがある。大イブきついけど
09:36 EdamaMe411: だいぶん
09:36 JUDYDANNY: hai
09:38 EdamaMe411: upぢてるからまててw
09:39 EdamaMe411:
09:39 EdamaMe411: koresa,
09:40 EdamaMe411: かなりきついけど、マジアリさんがランク狙いたいんだって・・一応直してみたけど、きっついw
09:40 *JUDYDANNY is playing [ kaitendaentai - Hizai ni Negu [Metaphysical]] <Taiko>

09:44 JUDYDANNY: なんじゃこやあ。。。
09:44 EdamaMe411: でしょw
09:46 EdamaMe411: これでむずといんな~の間作ったつもりなんdなけど、音楽破たんしててリズムぶっ壊れた
10:08 JUDYDANNY: 曲とmapperの相性が合ってればこその譜面ってのはあるからね
10:08 *JUDYDANNY is editing [ kaitendaentai - Hizai ni Negu [EM's Oni]]

11:19 JUDYDANNY: はい
11:19 JUDYDANNY: おつかれ~
11:21 EdamaMe411: ありあり!!!!!!!!!!!
11:22 EdamaMe411: あ~あと、icicleあとホリック見る感じ?
11:23 JUDYDANNY: みるか
11:26 *JUDYDANNY is editing [ ROKINA - Icicle Stinger [Inner Oni]]

11:27 JUDYDANNY: 00:35:932 (241,242,243,244,245,246) - d-k-ddd-k?
11:27 JUDYDANNY: de
11:27 JUDYDANNY: 00:40:564 - ~
11:27 JUDYDANNY: to
11:27 EdamaMe411: おk
11:27 JUDYDANNY: 01:41:195 - ~ga
11:28 JUDYDANNY: 違いすぎる
11:28 JUDYDANNY: むしろ悪化してる
11:28 JUDYDANNY: 00:40:774 (280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294) - あら
11:28 JUDYDANNY: から
11:28 JUDYDANNY: 00:42:458 (295,296,297,298,299,300) -
11:28 JUDYDANNY: はやりにくい
11:29 JUDYDANNY: 最初は01:41:195 - ~の2小節の方が随分わかる
11:29 JUDYDANNY: わかりやすい
11:29 JUDYDANNY: 00:43:932 (311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341) - はいい感じ
11:29 EdamaMe411: 悪化してるtことろは1ッ回目と同じ配置にしてみた。。。
11:30 JUDYDANNY: 01:44:564 (282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315) -  は後ろのddd-k-k-ddk-kが気になる
11:31 EdamaMe411: 01:47:090 (306) - ~ddd-d-kkd-d-k-k-dにした
11:31 JUDYDANNY: 00:47:300 (339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368) - はまぁいいとして
11:31 JUDYDANNY: 01:47:932 (315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344) -
11:31 JUDYDANNY: こっちが
11:32 JUDYDANNY: 01:48:669 - まず必要
11:32 JUDYDANNY: 01:49:090 (324,325,326,327) - なおそう
11:32 JUDYDANNY: xxx-x
11:32 EdamaMe411: うい
11:33 JUDYDANNY: 01:50:458 (336,337,338,339,340,341,342) - を00:49:827 (360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367) - っぽい音を拾う何かにしては?
11:33 JUDYDANNY: 一緒でもいいけど、
11:34 JUDYDANNY: 01:51:827 (349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359) - ここも今までのこと踏まえて見直してほしい
11:34 EdamaMe411: 01:47:090 (306) - に16分入れてみた
11:35 JUDYDANNY: 01:56:564 - kの01:58:248 - dの方がやりやすいような気が?  なんかものすごくこけるのは私だけかしら
11:36 JUDYDANNY: 01:47:090に16分入れてみた   は  01:47:090 ~ddd-d-kkd-d-k-k-dにしたと同じなのですが。。。もしかしてコピミス?
11:37 EdamaMe411:  あれ
11:37 EdamaMe411: ミスってるかも
11:38 EdamaMe411: 01:50:564 -
11:38 EdamaMe411: lここ
11:44 JUDYDANNY: 02:05:616 (494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502) - kkd-d-ddkkdあ
11:44 JUDYDANNY: か
11:44 JUDYDANNY: kdd-d-kddkd?
11:44 JUDYDANNY: 01:58:879 (417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425) - のddk-k-kkdddが見えたので kkd-d-ddkkdはありかなぁとおもったことと、
11:45 JUDYDANNY: kdd-d-ddkdk-k-kはどうも変に感じる。。
11:46 EdamaMe411: kddkdさいようで
11:49 EdamaMe411: 02:07:301 (519) - ~ddkdkkdkdにしてみた。02:07:721 (527) - をdにしたかったもんで
11:50 JUDYDANNY: はいい
11:50 JUDYDANNY: あっぷしでください~
11:53 EdamaMe411: したZZE!
11:56 JUDYDANNY: おk
11:56 JUDYDANNY: やりますか~
11:56 EdamaMe411: お願いした~><
11:59 JUDYDANNY: 01:20:985 -
12:00 JUDYDANNY: これ加速いらないかも
12:00 JUDYDANNY: OniとInner
12:00 JUDYDANNY: なんかやっぱり変に感じる
12:00 JUDYDANNY: 入れたら無限にほしくなりそう
12:00 EdamaMe411: おk
12:01 EdamaMe411: たしかにえ
12:01 EdamaMe411: w
12:01 JUDYDANNY: 01:50:458 (337,338,339,340,341,342,343) - ddk-d-k-d-k-kとかddk-d-k-d-d-kでもいいのよ? 今のでもいいけどw
12:03 EdamaMe411: なおした
12:03 JUDYDANNY: 01:52:458 (358,359,360) - kkdとかでもいいいのよ? 今のだったら前の方がよかった気がする
12:03 EdamaMe411: d  
12:03 EdamaMe411: d-d-k
12:03 JUDYDANNY: hai
12:04 EdamaMe411: 01:52:143 (354,355,356,357) - ならここddd dにしる
12:04 EdamaMe411: する
12:05 JUDYDANNY: 00:46:458 - 若干finishが気になるけど、 今のままでもいいです
12:06 EdamaMe411: たしかに00:46:458 (333) -
12:07 EdamaMe411: ここ気になるから直してみたんだけど、宇ぷるからそこだけ見てくれない?
12:07 JUDYDANNY: はい

12:13 JUDYDANNY: これでよくない?
12:14 EdamaMe411: それなw
12:14 EdamaMe411: ふぃxx

12:19 JUDYDANNY: saigo dekinaiw
12:19 JUDYDANNY: 00:42:721 (298,301) -
12:19 JUDYDANNY: naottenai
12:19 JUDYDANNY: 01:43:090 (269,270,271,272,273,274,275) - 比較点
12:20 JUDYDANNY: いやこれなおしたのか?
12:20 JUDYDANNY: あれ、前もともとどうだtったっけ
12:20 JUDYDANNY: いや、なおってないよねこれ
12:20 EdamaMe411: 治ってないと思う
12:21 EdamaMe411: もうしわけねい。けした 
12:21 JUDYDANNY: 00:43:090 (300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308) -
12:21 JUDYDANNY: kokoha
12:21 JUDYDANNY: どう変えた?
12:23 EdamaMe411: d-d-k-kkd-d-k
12:24 JUDYDANNY: はい

Call me back after solved them. (¦3[___]


  1. 00:19:774 - remove?
    • 大音までにひっつける程のパワーでもないので8分をどこかしらで手前で作った方が落差表現ができるかと
  2. 00:32:721 (77,78) - dk? 00:31:090 (53,54,55,56) - や 00:31:616 - ddkkd-
    • kkddd-kdkからの流れから見ても 次の繋ぎのためのddk-kを意識するための変化よりも通常通りの4拍目katが自然に感じました
  3. 00:33:721 - ,00:40:458 - , 02:01:300 - not remove? not
  4. 00:53:616 (88,89,90,91,92,93) - kddkdd? 00:53:616 (88,92) - 細部の破裂音のトーンが高→低に感じる。。。dkdd始動の方がプレイ感が良い気がしました かなり速い譜面なので間隔を重視したい
  5. 02:02:721 - remove...? 長すぎませんか。。。?HOLICなので許されます
    :?: 02:05:353 (53,54) - kd?  
    • - 02:05:406 - と後者の対応する部分の02:06:248 - とのメロディラインのピッチ差で というのも
      02:04:774 (43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) - と
      02:05:721 (59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) -が と全く同じなので何かしら変えた方がよりプレイ感につながると思います、提案はあくまで一案として。。ここをkdにしてしまうと前のstreamの終盤と被ってしまうので, この後のパターンの方を弄ってみました。
Topic Starter
Topic Starter



y e s
mashallah this map

>Tasuke Kantan
* 01:04:143 - 01:04:985 - 01:05:827 - at least add here note example d d d? to emphasis the noticeable piano sound here and to remove the breaks section ahaha

ok maybe just it ahh since the rest diffs are safe and good to go except the taiko huuliicccc wwooow oh goshh <3

Piranhaaaaa, amazonassss (mama so nice)
The break works to express calmness and emphasize other part relatively. I'd like to keep

tasuke912 wrote:

The break works to express calmness and emphasize other part relatively. I'd like to keep
as you wish (`_J`)7 besstt

duhh surono what hav
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:


tasuke912 wrote:

The break works to express calmness and emphasize other part relatively. I'd like to keep
as you wish (`_J`)7 besstt

duhh surono what hav
Speedrank smh
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