edit: nvm, sou retardado
Thanks for checkin' it out ~Chewin wrote:
- 00:46:108 (1) - I think new combo is useless here I add a new combo every 4 measures (well, as close as I can get it). This looks alright to me
- 01:56:525 (2) - This slider almost touches HP bar :\ I can suggest you to move it to x240 y200 so overlap the 01:57:567 (3) with 01:56:317 (1) and move 01:57:775 (4) to x376 y272. Much better. Even though little things like that can bug me, in this case, It doesn't. I can't come up with a better way to position it anyway without ruining the symmetry (your fix isn't symmetrical though:()
- 01:59:858 (2) - Make the same thing or just flip horizontally the previous part
- 02:02:150 (5) - Aww also this slider touches the hp bar >.< Move it D:Like the last one, it doesn't bug me that much in this case. However, fixing this one while keeping the symmetry is easy, so fixed!
thanks a lot for your mod!SapphireGhost wrote:
Most of this mod is just general overlap / blanketing / prettiness suggestions, as an advance warning.
- Tick Rate 2 on [Collab] and [Doomsday] would be great here, the sliders are rather empty at the moment and ticks provide HP recovery. (Not on [Normal] because the ticks would disappear and it would be noisy.) mmk.. on doomsday's diff it was already tick 2, but i ended up changing it to 1 to be the same in other diffs. changed it back and did it on [Hard] as well (BD, jeri.. if you have some problem with this, just lemme know)
- Yeah, the difficulty gap between [Doomsday] and [Normal] is sort of large. Not sure if it's worth making another difficulty, but it definitely could be seen as an issue, so... maybe. checking this
- There are several HP Bar / score number overlaps in this difficulty. It would probably look better to fix those, but it's a small issue. In general, though, the map felt a bit "messy" at times, such as notes overlapping or covering slider tracks. I've pointed out some of the more noticeable aesthetics issues, nothing too big.
00:28:817 (3,4,5) - (3) and (5) are touching here just a bit, if you could space them out a bit more to prevent that. omg nazi. ok, done
00:36:317 (1,2,3,4,5) - (1,2,3,4) should be spaced more evenly. Also, (4) and (5) could blanket more nicely. fixed the first thing, the second.. i'm not sure
00:47:775 (2,3,4) - Hm, is the 1/4 here following anything? Maybe remove (3). i liked that 1/4, but you're not the first one complaining about it, soo removed (3)
01:41:317 (1,2,3) - I don't think the song justifies an anti-jump here, so this is likely to just be confusing. askdjh i like that antijump D: his voice goes on a slower rhythm on that part (i guess o-o) are you sure i can't keep it? :c
- I could nazimod this difficulty if you wanted me to but it'd take a really long time, I'd just be pointing out overlaps / blankets.
01:37:983 - Hm, not sure about this. Yes, the break is good for consistency, but at this Approach Rate it also ends up being really short. You could remove the break on all difficulties, or maybe remove 01:40:483 (1) - on this difficulty, or anything else you can think of. fucking consistency Dx removed (1), even though i think it sounds a bit weird like this
02:39:650 (5,6) - For a more significant overlap, change this pattern so (6) isn't being covered by the track of (5) to avoid confusion. mmk, fixed
03:00:483 - This break seemed to be in a portion of the song that could be easily mapped, if you'd like to have a break maybe put it in the soft section that comes a bit after this? so.. if i put on that section, the break will be too small ._." since this is a long song, i thought having a break that isn't so small would be helpful for newbies D: if you still think it's better to map this part and leave the shorter break, just lemme know
Anyway, forum PM me after fixes and stuff so I can re-check this.
Download: Nickelback - Rockstar (Wiinter) [Collab].osuSapphireGhost wrote:
02:52:983 (7,1,2,3,4) - The notes here touch a bit, if you could readjust them slightly to avoid that. tiny tiny tiny but fixed
03:26:317 (2,3,4,5,6) - (2) and (6) would look nicer if the start and end did not overlap. no
changed some stuffgiO- wrote:
AR +1
OD +1
00:30:067 (5) - NC?
00:50:483 (5) - ^
01:05:066 (6) - ^
01:40:275 - remove this timing section, you have already previous http://puu.sh/fav4
02:09:233 (5) - do something like this http://puu.sh/fawp adding new combo at (6) beat http://puu.sh/fawA
02:19:650 (5) - NC
make this 03:00:692 - break start from 03:01:317 -
03:31:316 (2,3,4) - move them like this http://puu.sh/fayN (1.1x distance snap)
03:40:900 (5) - NC
add spinner to 04:06:733 - from 04:08:400 -
00:52:775 (4) - spacing and curve it like this http://puu.sh/faGu , points: x:432 y:232 , x:396 y:276 , x:420 y:348
Nice mapset
mmk.. dei uma ajustada nos hitsounds seguindo as sugestões e dei umas arrumadas numas coisas na collab que tu não mencionou. x3 brigada pelo mod drag <3Dragvon wrote:
Hi ♥ oin <3
No kiai :< ? akjsdhkajshdasjk
Hmm... você vai ficar mto brava se eu sugerir outro padrão para alguns hitsounds? Lá vai ♥ :Eu estou pondo finish, porque é o único acentuado das suas samples :< Achei o claps praticamente... Sei lá, mal ouço... O Refrão ta ok. Mas acho melhor da uma olhadinha nas outras partes. Seria a mesma coisa. mhm.. vou tentar manter o pattern. *nem tinha pensado em fazer isso* aceitei todas as sugestões though
- 00:15:483 (4,5) - Finish no 4. Remova do fim de 5;
00:17:983 (1,3) - Claps no começo de 1, finish no fim. Finish em 3.
00:21:317 (1,5) - Semelhante ao anterior. Finish no começo de 5. (Não esqueça do (1)!)
00:28:817 (3,6,1) - Finish neles (Fim do 1).
00:35:483 (2,4,1) - Finixe
00:42:150 (2,5,2,3) - /\ Nos fim de sliders.
00:47:984 (2,3,5,7) - 2: Claps na primeira | 3 & 5: Finish | 7: Troque Finish por whistle
00:55:066 (3) - No claps. Finish no 4
00:57:150 (6) - Finish começo.
00:52:150 (1) - idem /\ (Sim, ta fora de ordem esse no meu mod xD)
Notas tão num ritmo intuitivo e de boas~
Hitsounds, idem ao easy :~~ *corre como o vento*
01:00:900 (1,2) - Que tal um slider 1/2 com um repeat?
02:14:233 (1) - /\
03:03:400 (5,5,6) - Imo voce poderia adicionar mais uma nota depois deles. Usando o finish pra acentuar a última. (No caso do slider, um repeat)
00:52:775 (4,5) - Imo if the 4 turn into a slider with another repeat it will sound and look nice~ Wiinter
02:12:567 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Axei essa "parada" meio meh~ (As duplas) Wiinter
02:31:733 (5) - Finish in the last note to complement (3).Wiinter
thanks for the recheckRoddie wrote:
Time for a recheck!
No need to kudosu this post.
FolderTiming Points
- It's not really a big deal but consider removing the osb file.
changed all in my parts
- 01:34:650 to 01:38:087 (Easy, Normal and Collab)-Why not add a timing point here and set it as a soft Sampleset? It just doesn't sound right for this part of the song with a normal Sampleset. ): If you happen to do that, rearrange the hitsounds. Once you finish that, you can add a timing point on 01:39:087 and set it as a normal Sampleset.
- 04:03:192 (Easy, Normal and Collab)-It's best to place this timing point on 02:02:983. Try it out and see for yourself. (:
- 01:00:379 (Easy, Normal)-It was discussed in-game. I suggested setting the timing point to soft Sampleset and setting the volume to 30%.
- 01:34:546 (Doomsday)-I would say that this timing point is useless. Consider removing it.
- 02:14:546 (Doomsday)-^Pretty much the same thing.
- 03:29:546 (Doomsday)-^
Easyfixed all except 02:24:754 (2, 4). i like that pattern >:
- 01:04:233-Perhaps add a new combo here?
- 02:00:483-It's probably best to remove this combo here.
- 02:01:733-Put a new combo here.
- 02:24:754 (2, 4)-Move these two grid to the right.
- 02:49:650 (3)-Move this one gird up.
- 03:21:317 (4)-How about adding a whistle on the end?
- 00:13:400-A new combo is not necessary here in my opinion. Consider removing it. i don't agree D: the beat is different, so i'll keep it
- 00:46:942 (5)-Stack this note properly on the end point of the previous slider. i was using 0 distance spacing, but ok
WiinterAnd that's it.
- 02:32:775 (3)-There is a bit of a small error for the spacing on this note. Use the distance snap to fix that. fixed
Call me back once you finish looking through my mod post.
giO- wrote:
AR +1 is better I don't want it to be too quick, so I'll leave it as-is
00:10:483 (9,10,11,12,13) - you can make some nice pattern instead of stacked notes I'm happy with it as is. wanted to keep this bit more calm, so I stacked them, limiting mouse movement
00:26:942 (3) - NC nope
00:29:233 (5) - NC and remove here 00:29:442 (1) - nope. trying to keep to a new combo every 4 beat measures
02:47:150 (2) - unstack and move somewhere Guess that would work better. Done
02:54:442 (5,6) - move like this http://puu.sh/faDp I'm happy with it how it is. I'm a symmetry freak
SapphireGhost wrote:
01:16:942 (2,3,4,1) - Overlap here is rather unappealing, if you could adjust the pattern to fix that. Rotate (1), maybe? You mean the overlap between the fading (3) and the (2) slider? I think that's minor enough to excuse. Besides, I like that pattern D:
01:46:317 (1,2) - This blanket could be a tiny bit better. Indeed. buuuut it's so minor I think it looks fine to me as it is.
03:31:108 (3,1,2) - Maybe you could remove the overlap between (3) and (2) while at the same time improving the blanket between (1) and (2), that would be amazing. I'll remove that overlap. I'll leave the blankets how they are though.
03:34:650 (1,2) - Same thing. ^
Roddie wrote:
[*]01:34:546 (Doomsday)-I would say that this timing point is useless. Consider removing it. oops. this one was supposed to continue the Kiai, so it ended bang on that hitcircle. fixed this. both points remain
[*]02:14:546 (Doomsday)-^Pretty much the same thing. This one is pointless, however. removed
[*]03:29:546 (Doomsday)-^[/list] ^
thanks for your helpnarakucrimson wrote:
- No kiais except for Doomsday's difficulty? Why? D:
Honestly, I was expecting kiais in all difficulties. They totally fit the song. I suggest using Doomsday's kiais in all difficulties. tee'hee.. i still don't think kiai fits the songs, but since everyone who checked this map pointed that out, i think i'm the one who's wrong, soo.. added
Metadata:- Having an Easy and a Normal (and taking Collab out of this criteria), it's rather awkward to have a difficulty named "Doomsday". To fit the other difficulty names, it would be better to call it [Doomsday's Hard]. Of course, if you have a reason to keep the name, I'd like to hear it. that's up to doomy, but i don't think it's necessary to change it, considering the fact many maps have guest diffs named "mapper's nickname" only. but if he wants to change it~
- To be honest, I didn't like at all the claps in the intro. They sound awful imo, but that's just an opinion. Keep them if you want. i was in doubt here.. removed
- 00:53:816 (1) - A new combo here sounds kinda out of place, I'd like to see it in the next note - which is on a big white tick - instead. So please, remove it here and add it to the next circle. mmk
- 01:01:316 (1) - Oops. seems like you forgot the new combo here! Or did you do this on purpose? i didn't even know this made a difference, so yeah. added
- 01:02:566 (2,3) - This seems a bit... What was the word, clustered? I mean the pattern is too compressed and it might confuse new players. Try "spreading" it, something like this:
k- 01:52:567 (2,4) - Again, overlaps like this can be a little too confusing. Try this:
fixed, i guess- 03:11:316 (2,3,4) - This sounds rather too noisy, and I would take the chance of this being an Easy to make a long slider that went from the start of (2) to (4). asda that'd be way too long >.<
- I can't say that this is a very good Easy difficulty. Everything is mostly separated by 1/1 and there aren't any interesting rythms that like, catch your eye or anything. It even looks as if you hadn't put much effort on it. So for next time, I'd advise to try to variate a bit! If you need help, you can always find me on irc.
- Again those claps on the beginning are awful D: fixed again
- 00:13:400 (1) - I don't really think that this new combo is needed, care to remove it? mmk
- Only one little break? Are you serious? You should add another break, since this song is over 3 minutes!bleh.. added a break
- Other than the rename thingy, everything looks fine!
Well that's all for now! I must say that I wouldn't have bubbled this as it was... But meh.
- Same as in Normal - I would advise to add another break since the song is quite long. Though, this could be an exception since you would have to delete a mapper's part in the collab, which isn't quite the same as deleting a part of your own difficulty
i don't honestly think the break is a big deal.. 4 mins isn't thaat long, and + the thing you said about being a collab. however, if it's really that bad, i might delete it.
- 00:27:983 (3) - I wasn't quite expecting this. The vocals totally suggest a stop in there, and somehow that was what I was following. Can you remove this circle please? D: i can't agree with this, it sounds weird without that note (probably because i'm used to it) and i don't think it sounds bad enough to be like.. a must delete it, so i'm gonna keep this one ._.
- 00:49:858 (2) - Too many 1/2s in a row. This just doesn't feel good after so many of those. How about extending this slider to make it 1/1 long, then adding a circle after it? Like this.
But then the next object doesn't really feel so good. So here's a screenshot of how I would like you to fix this pattern in the timeline:mk
Call me back later!
narakucrimson wrote:
Ok! We already modified some stuff in Easy, but here are a few more things that you could change:Well yeah, that's all. Still not very fun imo, but meh. Call me back, and no kudosu please.
- 02:02:567 (3) - Please remove the finish. It just creates an effect of the volume going up and I don't really see a reason for that. mmk
- 02:12:567 (3,4) - Since the music focuses on the vocals in this part, I'd suggest you to remove these two and make something like this:
It's not that hard, even if it seems it is, and it makes a better emphasis in the music.
Also please note that the I was placed at 02:12:567 - when I took that screenshot. ook, fixed
Backfire wrote:
Grats Mrs. Panda.