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you could just shorten it to "carpe diem"


Cometi wrote:

you could just shorten it to "carpe diem"
It wouldn't mean the same thing as intended. I think I'm just really bad at conveying ideas, but I think I gave it a good try.

"carpe diem" focuses solely on "make the most of now", while my signature/poem addresses the dilemma between what's prevented me from really putting any effort into suicide, which might've saved my life for the time being.

"To live for now, and decide for later": This can be misinterpreted with no previous context, so I can see how that happens, but the next line provides a little bit of it.

"Is a choice to endure, knowing death is no greater.": If you re-read these two lines on their own, then it'll start to mean something. "To live for now", "is a choice to endure", which implies that living is fairly troublesome. "and decide for later" refers to the postponement of my consideration of suicide, which is what "knowing death is no greater" also refers to. I dont feel like there's a point to killing myself, since from my perspective, "death is no greater" than living. I dont achieve anything from it, and i wont have the consciousness to enjoy anything from it.

"For what they could be, the moments i'll cherish... They'll be nice to see, before I perish.": This refers to the possibility of maybe experiencing something nice in life that I would otherwise never experience in death. I'll cherish the good moments I have until I inevitably die.

Sorry for taking it a little too seriously, but I hope you like how I simplified that concept within the poem.

I guess I kinda ruined the fun of interpreting it, though.

Oh, I'd like some feedback on this, so thanks in advance.

Achromalia wrote:


Cometi wrote:

you could just shorten it to "carpe diem"

It wouldn't mean the same thing as intended. I think I'm just really bad at conveying ideas, but I think I gave it a good try.

"carpe diem" focuses solely on "make the most of now", while my signature/poem addresses the dilemma between what's prevented me from really putting any effort into suicide, which might've saved my life for the time being.

"To live for now, and decide for later": This can be misinterpreted with no previous context, so I can see how that happens, but the next line provides a little bit of it.

"Is a choice to endure, knowing death is no greater.": If you re-read these two lines on their own, then it'll start to mean something. "To live for now", "is a choice to endure", which implies that living is fairly troublesome. "and decide for later" refers to the postponement of my consideration of suicide, which is what "knowing death is no greater" also refers to. I dont feel like there's a point to killing myself, since from my perspective, "death is no greater" than living. I dont achieve anything from it, and i wont have the consciousness to enjoy anything from it.

"For what they could be, the moments i'll cherish... They'll be nice to see, before I perish.": This refers to the possibility of maybe experiencing something nice in life that I would otherwise never experience in death. I'll cherish the good moments I have until I inevitably die.

Sorry for taking it a little too seriously, but I hope you like how I simplified that concept within the poem.

I guess I kinda ruined the fun of interpreting it, though.

Oh, I'd like some feedback on this, so thanks in advance.

the only feedback I could think of is to emphasise that not only is suicide non-beneficial to yourself, but it is also a nasty experience that those around you must suffer from witnessing, such as your family and friends. actions are not just individual, they are also communal (something that I remember learning from english); so perhaps you could include that into your poem.

you've hit the nail on the head in stipulating the senselessness of suicide considering that you won't have a consciousness to even experience the "better" state that death is to life, making it a moot action. to expand on this, you could suggest that it is thus a lose-lose situation: you lose and those around you lose.

however, you should be careful not to draw away from the personal nature that punctuates your poem: it is about you, after all.

(i don't think i need to rate your sig again :P)

Achromalia wrote:

It wouldn't mean the same thing as intended. I think I'm just really bad at conveying ideas, but I think I gave it a good try.
I understood exactly what you were trying to convey. I was going to try and explain to Cometi why "carpe diem" doesn't fit with your sig, but I was honestly too lazy.

Cometi wrote:

you've hit the nail on the head in stipulating the senselessness of suicide considering that you won't have a consciousness to even experience the "better" state that death is to life, making it a moot action.
When people truly feel the desire to commit suicide, it's not to experience the "better" state of life. It's to end the pain that they are currently experiencing. The pain that they feel is too much for them. The sense that no future is worth enduring that pain for. Depression makes you lose all compassion for what you once loved, all motivation that you once had. You can't force yourself to do anything beneficial for yourself even if you wanted to. Because everything is just so god damn difficult. Even getting out of bed and taking a shower can be the most difficult and demanding thing you've ever done. Your mind just wants to shut down and not do anything.

The pain is so real and so strong that there is no thinking of the future, and how it can be all temporary with the correct help. The only thing your mind is hyperfocused on is the loneliness, the uncertainty of everything, the sense of having no control over anything. You just want to end it all. Believe me, when people commit suicide, they absolutely think about how it will affect people close to them. But they don't care. They can't care. It's because depression makes you selfish and apathetic in that regard.

Honestly, the only way to truly understand suicide and depression is to go through it all. To experience for one's self how depression takes control of your mind and wrecks havoc.

That's something that I wish noone has to ever go through though. Unfortunately, it's more common than you'd think. I'm a huge advocate for Mental Health Awareness and I believe that we as a society need to put more effort and time into caring for each other's mental health. We're all human beings, we should all help each other out.

Also, I don't think Achro is trying to explain the "senselessness" of suicide. I believe he's trying to convey the state of uncertainty and indecisiveness that comes before the major decision of suicide.

ot: 7/10

Penguin Sanchez wrote:

Also, I don't think Achro is trying to explain the "senselessness" of suicide. I believe he's trying to convey the state of uncertainty and indecisiveness that comes before the major decision of suicide.

he explained:

Achromalia wrote:

I dont feel like there's a point to killing myself, since from my perspective, "death is no greater" than living. I dont achieve anything from it, and i wont have the consciousness to enjoy anything from it.

The uncertainty and indecisiveness comes from the very fact that he would even contemplate death over life in the first place. The uncertainty is expressed through the broader theme of existential nihilism that is often carried with suicidal thoughts. Achromalia is conjunctively depicting the uncertainty of death/life whilst deciding that death is "no greater" than living.

Penguin Sanchez wrote:

Cometi wrote:

you've hit the nail on the head in stipulating the senselessness of suicide considering that you won't have a consciousness to even experience the "better" state that death is to life, making it a moot action.

When people truly feel the desire to commit suicide, it's not to experience the "better" state of life. It's to end the pain that they are currently experiencing. The pain that they feel is too much for them. The sense that no future is worth enduring that pain for. Depression makes you lose all compassion for what you once loved, all motivation that you once had. You can't force yourself to do anything beneficial for yourself even if you wanted to. Because everything is just so god damn difficult. Even getting out of bed and taking a shower can be the most difficult and demanding thing you've ever done. Your mind just wants to shut down and not do anything.

I should have clarified the "better" state of life to be one in which suffering does not exist.

ot: 7/10, it'd be nice if the arrows were perfectly centred.
Ender Lain

Penguin Sanchez wrote:

When people truly feel the desire to commit suicide, it's not to experience the "better" state of life. It's to end the pain that they are currently experiencing. The pain that they feel is too much for them. The sense that no future is worth enduring that pain for. Depression makes you lose all compassion for what you once loved, all motivation that you once had. You can't force yourself to do anything beneficial for yourself even if you wanted to. Because everything is just so god damn difficult. Even getting out of bed and taking a shower can be the most difficult and demanding thing you've ever done. Your mind just wants to shut down and not do anything.

The pain is so real and so strong that there is no thinking of the future, and how it can be all temporary with the correct help. The only thing your mind is hyperfocused on is the loneliness, the uncertainty of everything, the sense of having no control over anything. You just want to end it all. Believe me, when people commit suicide, they absolutely think about how it will affect people close to them. But they don't care. They can't care. It's because depression makes you selfish and apathetic in that regard.

Honestly, the only way to truly understand suicide and depression is to go through it all. To experience for one's self how depression takes control of your mind and wrecks havoc.

That's something that I wish noone has to ever go through though. Unfortunately, it's more common than you'd think. I'm a huge advocate for Mental Health Awareness and I believe that we as a society need to put more effort and time into caring for each other's mental health. We're all human beings, we should all help each other out.

Also, I don't think Achro is trying to explain the "senselessness" of suicide. I believe he's trying to convey the state of uncertainty and indecisiveness that comes before the major decision of suicide.
Exactly. This is what I meant. It's been a pretty big struggle to prevent that apathy from completely taking over, and I've managed to do really well, but at the cost of my ability to emotionally react properly. I dont really know how to react IRL, so either I copy what I've seen to try to make conversations go smoothly so I dont look weird for not reacting appropriately, or I just dont interact at all.

Cometi wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

I dont feel like there's a point to killing myself, since from my perspective, "death is no greater" than living. I dont achieve anything from it, and i wont have the consciousness to enjoy anything from it.
The uncertainty and indecisiveness comes from the very fact that he would even contemplate death over life in the first place. The uncertainty is expressed through the broader theme of existential nihilism that is often carried with suicidal thoughts. Achromalia is conjunctively depicting the uncertainty of death/life whilst deciding that death is "no greater" than living.
Okay, you've understood a bit, but I think you've let your own feelings into the interpretation. It seems that by what you're describing, it's as if i abhor suicide, or suicidal people, or rather, you abhor the thought of people considering suicide. I'm not making a statement on it being mindless and senseless. As potentially controversial as this statement is, I would be rather neutral on life between death. I dont really favor either choice, in my mind. I decide to live because I'm too lazy to really look for a reason why suicide actually would do anything. So I thought about what the point of it would be, and just gave up on it. I dont think it's a certainty I'd never choose to go through suicide, but I at least doubt it, and with my neutral standpoint, I'm able to postpone it. I'm too lazy to really resist against my instinctual will to survive anyways.

Yes, suicide hurts people, directly and indirectly. Being numb and tired of living, it'd be hard to really care, because... well, you have no reason to, considering the perceived futility of life itself in the first place.

In my standpoint, neither is greater than the other. I let nature do the work and pull me towards life, because i dont have the motivation or conviction to commit to either of them. I'd be okay with existing without a reason to. It'd feel strange, sure, but honestly, I dont care about it. Apathy counters it.

Strangely enough, apathy is both a benefit and a detriment. It's painfully limiting and depressing to go through, but somehow, in some ways, it actually has really helped me out with being rational and practical in an objective sense. It does have some side-effects on the sense of morality and ethics, though, since, well, you dont care.


OT: 8.99/10
Ender Lain
. . . . 7
lol que haces por acá Jack xD

me gustó bastante, tus signs te salen muy bien
I think it's an 8.

It's nice and simple, and the font is pleasing as well. However, it's a bit bland for my taste.
E m i
id say a 6.5

compliments the user's pfp but thats about it. its cute though
about a 7.36
Ender Lain
myb 6.7
bunnies get a 9/10, but hopping on air is about a 7.4/10
i like the colour, and i don't know why you got so many ranks from that owo
Ender Lain
nanomortis deja vu art?

it's getting old.

...sounds like you wrote that poem yourself and it contains a lot of effort, gg

osu is holy indeed

I'm not entirely sure on why I'd care much about that. bbcode is visible.
bbcode is always visible on new website wdym

ot: 9.5/10
Nice and simple, 7/10

Consistent, but it's getting a little old.

keremal wrote:

bbcode is always visible on new website wdym
I wasn't using the new site wdym

The problem was that your [/url] had been a couple lines down, separated by one line saying you'd be a better std player, which doesn't classify as a link. had you simply put [/url] on the end of the same line as [url=http://url] then you'd be fine.
9.8 getting old bro, sorry + even if you are on the old website or new, they updated both you where the bbcode is visible FYI
Why the 1337?

(Just asking a question don't rate me pls)

Radiohead wrote:

9.8 getting old bro, sorry + even if you are on the old website or new, they updated both you where the bbcode is visible FYI
Could you provide an example?

Typically when bbcode is visible after finalizing your post, that means it was incorrectly used. The code used for formatting, text size, listing, etc., should not be visible.

If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

OT: oh hi again
10/10. That's deep
11/10 very nice!
do you even have a signature?

oh, okay.
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