This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Dienstag, 24. Juli 2018 at 11:00:46
Artist: LiSA
Title: Kimi ni Pierrot
Tags: risa oribe launcher Osatia JenHideo Waku Sotarks bite you death byd armin a_r_m_i_n Shunao ShogunMoon Garden SnowNiNo_ NiNo
BPM: 177
Filesize: 6623kb
Play Time: 02:45
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ranked #9
(mapset by Me, Sotarks, Garden, SnowNiNo_, Shunao, bite you death and Osatia)
<<Previous || Next>>
Normal ~ by Me
Hard ~ by Shunao
Insane ~ by SnowNiNo_
Insane ~ by bite you death, Osatia & Me
Extra ~ by Garden
Extreme ~ by Me
Emotions ~ by Sotarks
Hitsounds/MP3/Metadata ~ by Sotarks
Thanks for Icons ![](
Artist: LiSA
Title: Kimi ni Pierrot
Tags: risa oribe launcher Osatia JenHideo Waku Sotarks bite you death byd armin a_r_m_i_n Shunao ShogunMoon Garden SnowNiNo_ NiNo
BPM: 177
Filesize: 6623kb
Play Time: 02:45
Difficulties Available:
- byd's Insane (ft. Osatia x A r M i N) (4,76 stars, 572 notes)
- Extreme (5,62 stars, 636 notes)
- Garden's Extra (5,19 stars, 548 notes)
- NiNo's Light Insane (4,21 stars, 533 notes)
- Normal (2,17 stars, 284 notes)
- Shunao's Hard (3,13 stars, 422 notes)
- Sotarks' Emotions (5,87 stars, 606 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
(mapset by Me, Sotarks, Garden, SnowNiNo_, Shunao, bite you death and Osatia)