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I only remember about "Mario Kart (DS)" and "Tales Runner"............ *Vietnam Flash'*
Either way, I'm a casual, in the online side.

EDIT: Wait, I forgot the musical part.


FuZ wrote:

Who is your favorite mythological god/goddess?
Artemis and Ratatoskr.

How many apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
3 or 4 times, but that was like 15 years ago lol. After that I have lived in the same house.

Which OS was the the best you have used in PC?
Windows 7 will always be the best for me. Win98 has a special place in my heart though.

Have you ever been to a concert/music festival? and if so, what was it?

What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
I've seen that many would think I don't care about people at first. I have an attitude that is bland, unenthusiastic, and utterly boring, and my voice sounds as if I'm a robot, because most of the time when I'm talking to people I'm not familiar with, I tend to be really monotone. Thus, everyone thinks I'm weird, boring and uncaring. The uncaring part comes from how I rarely show much emotion. I don't exactly feel much emotion. It's not that it isn't there, but rather it's just a diminished feeling that seems to be rather weak whenever expressed. Even when I say hi to some people, I sound as if I dreaded talking to them.

I guess it's due to my emotional apathy and the depression that weighed me down the last couple of years, but I still try to make sure I sound normal. The problem with that is that I feel like I'm trying to act out the feeling people want me to have, so it doesn't even feel real anymore.

Do you imagine yourself ever being able to be friends with someone who is apathetic and boring? Should it matter if you only choose friends that are always energetic and always happy as opposed to anyone else?

Worst fad ever?
the "tl;dr" one. shows the inability to care for anything that requires the length to properly analyze something.

xXOsuPersonXx wrote:

Worst fad ever?
I didn't get the question, and I'm too lazy to look for details.

EpicFailure wrote:

What's behind you?
a chair

Do you like Ice Cream?
yep .w.

so far, I've been most satisfied with the "standard and boring" vanilla. seriously, it feels rather common. maybe because it's really good.

Do you tend to take your life seriously when it comes to your wellbeing?
kinda but somethings like the way I eat I tend to not realy care about

Have you ever ate or drank something that came from a country you dont live in
"Mexican candy" is really popular where I live in Southern Cali, so I've had that before. I think I've also eaten Japanese chips or something like that, I can't remember.

J25_games wrote:

Have you ever ate or drank something that came from a country you dont live in
It'll be the alcohol that I consume(casually). They usually vary but a large portion of it is imported.

Given the choice and the opportunity to do so, would you migrate to another country? Why?
Most likely not. As problematic as the US can be, I'd say that for mostly anywhere that I'd want to go, I'd have to go under a new set of problems, ones I won't be familiar with. I don't know where I'd want to go, either. Adapting to a new environment, especially a country that doesn't share the same language as I do, would take a while, though it's not as troublesome. At the moment, I don't know enough to really trust myself with making the decision to move to another country, and thus-- I'd probably stay here. As far as I'm aware, I'm not being persecuted or anything.

Is there a certain genre of music, or range of genres that you dislike? If so, which one/ones?
DJ Enetro

If Grade 12 or under: Any colleges you like?
Otherwise: What about college do you most associate yourself with?
I haven't been to one other than CSU (California State University), and I haven't had much of an experience of any of them to be able to judge. Out of everything, I only know about CSU, and I don't even know that much about it either, so...

I don't have an opinion on it.

Do you think the "lack of motivation" people have is just a bullshit way to say they dont want to change, or do you think they really dont have that energy despite wanting to?
Motivation is weird because it happens so spontaneously. Like when I want to work on a project I usually can't be bothered. One day though I'll have a sudden bout of motivation and I'll finish it. I think the "lack of motivation" excuse is valid.

Do you think cursive handwriting should be removed from the school curriculum? Why/why not?

(If you live in a country that doesn't teach cursive handwriting in the first place, what's one part of your school curriculum that you would remove?)
I think it shouldn't be removed because it can come in handy sometimes.

Would you rather stop playing osu! forever or would you prefer dying in 10 years?

Cometi wrote:

Motivation is weird because it happens so spontaneously. Like when I want to work on a project I usually can't be bothered. One day though I'll have a sudden bout of motivation and I'll finish it. I think the "lack of motivation" excuse is valid.
It'd be cool to get to see my motivation be that spontaneous. For me, it's more like a heavy boulder I'm pushing upwards, somewhat like Sisyphus. I believe the excuse is valid as well. Sometimes, I genuinely have nothing in me that really allows for me to do anything. I just cant bring myself to do anything, and for some reason, I don't seem to really have any sort of drive for much of anything.


OT: Hmm.

Well fuck, that's actually an interesting one. I somewhat enjoy osu, and my experiences with some of the people i've met here have made appreciate humanity a bit more. Dying in 10 years? Well, of course, my first thought is that i'd rather not, but i can imagine living a nice bit of life just to abruptly die once i'm 25. If it were only 5 years, then I'd probably prefer quitting osu! forever.

Not sure really.

I'd say I'm fine quitting with osu!. I can still talk to the handful friends I've met now, and there isn't much of a downside from quitting osu, considering i could get rsi playing the game. I really enjoy osu!, but i'm not exactly dedicated to it.

Do you think it would be ideal to convince yourself with optimism, or do you think optimistic ideals would be considered lying to yourself?
I think it's perfectly fine to convince yourself with optimism. Even if your optimistic ideals are incredibly far fetched and not realistic, it will still help you reach somewhere that's better off from where you started. As long as you're always pushing forward, do whatever it takes to help you along the way.

I don't really follow my own advice though.... so yeah..

Do you use osu! and the forums as a way to cope with whatever hardships you might be facing in life, or do you just see it as more so a form of entertainment to keep yourself from boredom? I guess it could be both.
I guess both, but mostly it'd be the former. osu! and the forums are just nice stress relievers in general.

Penguin Sanchez wrote:

Do you use osu! and the forums as a way to cope with whatever hardships you might be facing in life, or do you just see it as more so a form of entertainment to keep yourself from boredom?
Mostly "Answer B".

Rii wrote:

any future ideas?
Not very many, aside from ways to get myself out of what shitty quality of life I'm about to endure in the near future. If anything, as far as a thought-out plan goes, I just hope to hone in on my skills and produce music, releasing a nice and short EP, and improve on my digital art skills so that I can start doing commissions, and then create a form of income through those so that I can hopefully develop a stable income for my dad and I, as it seems unlikely that I'd be living with my mom and her bf during that period of time.

Have you ever gone through an extreme circumstance, such as a near-fatal incident, an experience with poverty and/or massive debt, or a point where you've nearly starved or dehydrated to the brink of death?
no, but i've been homeless before -.-
i had to live in my parents' nursery with my family for about a year before we moved to an actual house, and that was a rental

how's life?
Life is pretty alright, my dude.

Do you have a guilty pleasure song/movie? (Pick one or both) And if so, what is it?
Hmm. I usually would say I don't like vocals in my songs, but some of them, like GroundBreaking, were pretty good. It felt awkward to listen to a song with vocals and actually like it, given that I tell everyone I prefer instrumentals.

I guess as far as songs, something like these would be guilty pleasures, because these get a little "edgy" and i feel as if i'd be seen as edgy just because of the song, or that someone would just outright hate the "edginess" of said songs:

The latter is probably the guiltiest of pleasures. I liked Undertale a lot at the time, and well, I still kinda do, but i just felt like this would be seen as cringy, especially because of how "edgy" it is. Somehow, I loved it. It's probably still cringy today, so eh.

Do you tend to try anything new, or do you prefer to stay within the familiarity of your current routines?
^ I personally feel like criticisms that stem from 'It's cringy' or 'It's too edgy' are lazy reasons to why people don't like certain things anyway... so feeling a weird sense of guilt about someone else's judgment on the media you may like is quite unnecessary.

OT: I'm a awkward and anxious person, routines bore me but the new also petrifies me, I follow the safest side of my heart and, mostly, try to do whatever I want to do on a day to day basis lol.

DJ Enetro
I don't even have a routine tbh, so probably the latter.
Even if I did, no two moments are ever the same.

What classes are you taking in school? If you're out of school/college, what are you doing rn?
Well, for my GCSEs, imma take computer science, history(probably) and french.

have you ever hated someone like, really badly?
On a personal level, not really. If we count politicians, historical figures, etc. then definitely.

Do you have a favourite smell and what is it?
the smell of my sister's vape

do you like to do anything other than osu? if so, what?
Modding games, not a modder myself, but i like customizing my games

Any exotic food you tried?
Yes. I've long since forgotten the name of the dish but I do recall that I didn't find it appetizing.

Any recent frustrations?

Well, to be more direct, matters involving separating parents and the common tug-of-war in who has custody of me, I'm trying to see if i can help support my dad so he at least has someone who gives a shit about his deteriorating health and the fucking financial issues we have, then i'm also dealing with shit involving my lazy ass not doing shit in school and causing me to fail classes, then I've been trying to figure out how i'm going to try to live in however way this familial divide turns out, i'm trying to keep my sanity in one piece as I struggle to endure this shit, and depression and it's fuckbuddy apathy have been messing with my ability to live normally and comfortably.

Maybe it's not as much as the utterly depressing shit other people have to go through, so maybe I shouldn't be complaining.

I don't know.

Why am I complete shit at efficiently dealing with this?
Maybe because it's your first time dealing with that kind of situation, if we exclude the length of the current problem from the consideration?

GSG95 wrote:

What time do you prefer to wake up?
I like to get up very late if I don't have to study early in the university, maybe around 10-11 AM, otherwise I get up at 6 AM

Best day of the week? (Weekends doesn't count)
Thursday, it's always nice to see the week come to an end.

Favorite kind of cereal?
DJ Enetro
Probably Mini-Wheats.

Your opinion on those who try to use any non-English language on FG/OT?
Not much of an opinion. I don't mind them, unless I'm the one they're talking to and they use that to their advantage, and even then, I'd probably just ignore it as I would have nothing important to say about it.

How's my handwriting? -- p/6606875#p6606875
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