As part of the Ranking Criteria's reconstruction, the United Beat-Knights of Ranking Criteria have been discussing subsections (such as timing, metadata, skinning, etc.) with the experts of each field. I'm here to announce what kind of rules and guidelines we agreed upon for the Timing subsection in this draft. Notice this is not the final result, as we need the feedback of the community first before getting it officially bumped into the wiki!
Before posting, please think through if what you want to add belongs in any game-mode specific drafts of the Ranking Criteria. Thanks!
The proposal starts with the glossary.
All rules are exactly that: RULES. They are NOT guidelines and may NOT be broken under ANY circumstance.
Guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation.
Make sure to read the entire draft! It will be up to discussion for two weeks and close on the 18th of March!
As part of the Ranking Criteria's reconstruction, the United Beat-Knights of Ranking Criteria have been discussing subsections (such as timing, metadata, skinning, etc.) with the experts of each field. I'm here to announce what kind of rules and guidelines we agreed upon for the Timing subsection in this draft. Notice this is not the final result, as we need the feedback of the community first before getting it officially bumped into the wiki!
Frequently Asked Questions
(read this in all cases before posting)- Is it necessary to read the entire draft before commenting or asking questions?
-> Yes, else you may complain about/mention things that are not related to this draft or are actually already present here. - Is this the entire new Ranking Criteria? I feel like this is missing a lot of things...
-> This is not the entire Ranking Criteria. This draft aims to be the rules and guidelines that end up under the Timing header.
The proposal starts with the glossary.
Common terms
- BPM: An acronym for “beats per minute” used to determine the tempo of a song.
- Offset: The millisecond position when a timing point’s BPM correlates to a song.
- Uninherited Timing point: A point used to change a map’s BPM, offset, or time signature. Indicated by a red line in the editor and informally called a "red line."
- Inherited Timing point: A point that inherits elements from the previous timing point, and is not used to modify a map’s timing. Indicated by a green line in the editor and informally called a "green line."
- Single-BPM Timing: Timing which only requires one BPM.
- Multi-BPM Timing: Timing which changes BPM according to a song’s composition without irregularity due to a song’s fluctuation.
- Variable-BPM Timing: Timing which changes BPM irregularly due to a song’s fluctuations.
All rules are exactly that: RULES. They are NOT guidelines and may NOT be broken under ANY circumstance.
- Uninherited timing points must be used to accurately map the song's time signatures. If an incorrect time signature lasts for more than one bar, a uninherited timing point must be added on the next downbeat to reset the time signature. For time signatures unsupported in the editor, metronome resets or editing of the .osu file are acceptable.
- Maps with Single-BPM and Multi-BPM timing must be perfectly timed. This means BPM and offset are exactly synchronized with the song.
- Uninherited timing points must be the same in every difficulty of a mapset. Each point must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty.
- There must not be extra uninherited timing points in any difficulty. These can affect main-menu pulsing, the Nightcore mod, and cause timing to shift due to millisecond rounding errors. Resetting metronomes to be as musically accurate as possible through uninherited timing points is acceptable.
- No two uninherited or two inherited timing points can be placed at the same point. Having two uninherited or two inherited timing points on top of each other will cause unintended behavior for slider velocity and volume settings.
- An inherited timing point cannot be placed before the first uninherited timing point. Without having any settings to inherit, an inherited timing point does not function properly. If you wish to alter hitsounds or slider velocities before the first uninherited timing point, it must be moved back one full measure so that inherited timing points may be used.
- A map’s first uninherited point cannot be used to toggle kiai. Doing this will cause the kiai to flash before objects appear. An inherited point in the same position as the first uninherited point must be used to toggle kiai instead.
- If objects cannot be snapped using the editor’s supported beat snap divisors, a change in BPM must be used to accommodate for it. Objects cannot be unsnapped.
- An objects which is wrongly snapped due to passing through a new uninherited timing point must have its end snapped within the new timing section. For spinners and osu!mania long notes, this can be achieved through dragging an object’s tail in the timeline. For sliders, this can be achieved through slider velocity manipulation or editing of the .osu file.
- An objects which is wrongly snapped due to ending slightly before a new uninherited timing point must have its end snapped to the new timing point. For spinners and osu!mania long notes, this can be achieved through dragging an object’s tail in the timeline. For sliders, this can be achieved through slider velocity manipulation or editing of the .osu file.
Guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation.
- Maps with Variable-BPM timing should be timed as accurately as possible without negatively affecting gameplay. This means that your BPM and offset are mostly synchronized with the song, but can include minor changes to aid intuitive gameplay when necessary. Complex timing during breaks or spinners is optional.
Make sure to read the entire draft! It will be up to discussion for two weeks and close on the 18th of March!