
DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku - Ai Kotoba [OsuMania]

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tailsdk wrote:

heyo sorry for delay got pretty busy for a moment
no worries
00:57:696 - 00:57:915 - maybe add a note on these sounds just to make it feel less empty and i think it will play in aswell
00:59:448 - 00:59:667 - ^ and so on
i think it means trying to follow the lyrics.
but these maps focus on drums(e.g. snares, hihats),
so i think it would be kind of misleading if do so,
and because this part is trying to let player get some rest, it would be fine with less notes.
but still good suggestion

01:08:864 - 01:09:521 - this SV feels really weird to play maybe change it a little so it's not super awkward
try to do them 'lighter',
maybe because i play mania with only 18 scrollspeed.

01:14:119 (74119|0,74557|0) - i feel like they should be placed like this here it makes sense on these 01:16:966 (76966|3,77185|3) - because the sound is almost identical but it doesn't at the other part at all
01:17:623 (77623|0,78061|0) - same here and so on
i'm not sure what this part is talking about,
but i just try to change jacks.

00:48:280 (48280|1,48280|0) - these notes are using the wrong hitsound

00:29:010 - in this section i think i would focus on the white ticks sounds instread of doing the red ticks
follow the hihats
00:57:696 - 00:57:915 - same thing here as in the last difficulty
same as HD
would completely avoid this on the easiest difficulty 01:14:119 (74119|0,74557|0) -
seems ok otherwise

GL with the map and hope this mod helped and again sorry for deley :P
thank you for the mod!
Topic Starter

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

As requested in Crumpey's Mod Queue!

Change offset to 950 (im pretty sure)
but i'm not sure.
since it will be too late when i try to hit the notes on time.
would you teach me how to find the offset in the right way?
i search it by playing it and feel if it's too late or too early

for a set to be considered rankable you need at atleast 3 mania difficulties
i read the criteria and it seems to be 2.
but it's still a good suggestion to make a EZ.

all up until here 00:28:134 - the lns are copy pasted between diffs, they feel basically the exact same, i strongly suggest you change them to be different in probably the harder diff
that's not copy-paste, but i will make them the same on purpose everytime i change something.
the sv leading up to this note is incredibly deceptive, it'll need some tweaking 01:09:521 (69521|3,69521|2,69521|1) -
try to slow them down
01:09:740 (69740|2,70287|2) - avoid jacks like this
01:14:119 (74119|0,74557|0) - dont do this
01:16:966 (76966|3,77185|3,77623|0,78061|0) - again same issue
01:16:966 (76966|3,77185|3,77623|0,78061|0,84630|3,85068|3,88134|3,88572|3,90980|0,91199|0,91637|3,92075|3) - rest of the jacks
ok, they're changed now
i spy copy pasted sections throughout the map, im sure you know where these are, i suggest probably changing them
(both pics from HD, thats not all of them)
since the chorus(and the intro, too) just repeat the same synth part twice,
so i think it's reasonable(or necessary) to repeat the same LN pattern twice.

NM as a whole isnt to bad... except for the fact every ln in NM is also in HD.
it's true since i do it on purpose, but i think i will change some of them.
at least make the whole map mirrored first

Fix the ln jacks as suggested in the other mod, but also move them around a bit, its okay to have lns, just dont make them the exact same, it feels like a watered down HD diff.
edit: now fixed

Bar the copy pasting and jacks the map seems pretty sound, keep at it and im sure youll get better in no time
thank you a lot!
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
update again
make a easy diff
change diff name to Easy Normal Hard since i realize i should follow the project DIVA
Time Series
Hi! NM from my queue. Sorry for the late mod



00:07:769 (7769|0) - 並不是說這裡不對,不過我覺得這一段的滑條有點太多節奏有點單調,所以也許你可以把這個滑條改為單點,比如這樣
00:21:783 (21783|3) - 這裡和上一條一樣
01:03:608 (63608|2) - 這裡我覺得也是滑條太多,所以可以改為單點緩和一下節奏
01:14:109 (74109|3) - 這個滑條我覺得持續到紅線位置就可以了。現在它和下一個滑條間距這麼短,我不知道會不會對於NM來說太難了這個地方你已經改過了,我覺得現在這樣挺好的。不過我認為這裡的人聲部分僅僅持續到紅線的位置,所以縮短1/2拍也許更好一點
01:17:623 (77623|0) - ^
01:21:345 (81345|1) - 在前面的部分相同的位置都沒有這樣一個滑條出現,所以我覺得這個可以刪掉
01:21:564 (81564|0) - 這個滑條會不會按的時間有點太長?也許你可以在中間白線處換到左數第三條軌道上
01:24:630 (84630|3) - 我覺得這個滑條持續到紅線處就可以了
01:28:134 (88134|3) - ^
01:35:360 (95360|2) - 同樣的,我覺得這個滑條可以刪掉
01:35:579 (95579|3) - 可以和01:21:564 (81564|0) - 做相似的處理
hitsound方面我沒有聽出單個音的問題,不過我覺得00:01:199 - 這裡的hitsound音量應該比00:29:010 - 這裡大一些才對。現在我覺得00:01:199 - 的hitsound有點聽不到而00:29:010 - 的音量又有點太大了,所以也許你可以調整一下

01:02:284 (62284|0,63160|3) - 如果你仔細聽,這裡最後1/2拍其實並沒有人聲,所以我建議你把他們縮短,也可以讓滑條有一個間斷的時期。或者你也可以按照Normal裡面01:03:608 (63608|2) - 的mod改
01:10:715 - 這個位置加一個音會不會連貫一點?
01:24:620 (84620|3) - 這一段音樂全部都有滑條,所以這裡改成單鍵休息一下會不會好一點?
hitsound方面同我在Normal提到的一樣,另外為什麼01:07:540 - 到01:09:511 - 你只用了30%的音量呢?

前奏的音樂 - 對比兩個難一點的圖,我覺得你應該保留滑條而去掉單鍵才對,因為你的這一套圖主要的難點是在滑條上,這個Easy這一段有點和其他圖的風格有些不同
01:13:452 (73452|0) - 我覺得這個滑條應該拉長1/2拍而01:14:109 (74109|1) - 應該縮短1/2拍。這樣在樂句與樂句之間就可以斷開了
01:17:613 (77613|2) - 把這個滑條改成與01:21:116 (81116|0,81335|1) - 相似的組合可能會好一點
01:27:467 (87467|3,88124|2) - 同01:13:452 (73452|0) - 有相同的意見

Topic Starter

Time Series wrote:

Hi! NM from my queue. Sorry for the late mod



00:07:769 (7769|0) - 並不是說這裡不對,不過我覺得這一段的滑條有點太多節奏有點單調,所以也許你可以把這個滑條改為單點,比如這樣
00:21:783 (21783|3) - 這裡和上一條一樣
01:03:608 (63608|2) - 這裡我覺得也是滑條太多,所以可以改為單點緩和一下節奏
01:14:109 (74109|3) - 這個滑條我覺得持續到紅線位置就可以了。現在它和下一個滑條間距這麼短,我不知道會不會對於NM來說太難了這個地方你已經改過了,我覺得現在這樣挺好的。不過我認為這裡的人聲部分僅僅持續到紅線的位置,所以縮短1/2拍也許更好一點
01:17:623 (77623|0) - ^
01:21:345 (81345|1) - 在前面的部分相同的位置都沒有這樣一個滑條出現,所以我覺得這個可以刪掉
01:21:564 (81564|0) - 這個滑條會不會按的時間有點太長?也許你可以在中間白線處換到左數第三條軌道上
01:24:630 (84630|3) - 我覺得這個滑條持續到紅線處就可以了
01:28:134 (88134|3) - ^
01:35:360 (95360|2) - 同樣的,我覺得這個滑條可以刪掉
01:35:579 (95579|3) - 可以和01:21:564 (81564|0) - 做相似的處理
hitsound方面我沒有聽出單個音的問題,不過我覺得00:01:199 - 這裡的hitsound音量應該比00:29:010 - 這裡大一些才對。現在我覺得00:01:199 - 的hitsound有點聽不到而00:29:010 - 的音量又有點太大了,所以也許你可以調整一下

01:02:284 (62284|0,63160|3) - 如果你仔細聽,這裡最後1/2拍其實並沒有人聲,所以我建議你把他們縮短,也可以讓滑條有一個間斷的時期。或者你也可以按照Normal裡面01:03:608 (63608|2) - 的mod改
01:10:715 - 這個位置加一個音會不會連貫一點?
01:24:620 (84620|3) - 這一段音樂全部都有滑條,所以這裡改成單鍵休息一下會不會好一點?
hitsound方面同我在Normal提到的一樣,另外為什麼01:07:540 - 到01:09:511 - 你只用了30%的音量呢?

前奏的音樂 - 對比兩個難一點的圖,我覺得你應該保留滑條而去掉單鍵才對,因為你的這一套圖主要的難點是在滑條上,這個Easy這一段有點和其他圖的風格有些不同
01:13:452 (73452|0) - 我覺得這個滑條應該拉長1/2拍而01:14:109 (74109|1) - 應該縮短1/2拍。這樣在樂句與樂句之間就可以斷開了
01:17:613 (77613|2) - 把這個滑條改成與01:21:116 (81116|0,81335|1) - 相似的組合可能會好一點
01:27:467 (87467|3,88124|2) - 同01:13:452 (73452|0) - 有相同的意見

Topic Starter

Time Series wrote:

Hi! NM from my queue. Sorry for the late mod



00:07:769 (7769|0) - 並不是說這裡不對,不過我覺得這一段的滑條有點太多節奏有點單調,所以也許你可以把這個滑條改為單點,比如這樣
00:21:783 (21783|3) - 這裡和上一條一樣
01:03:608 (63608|2) - 這裡我覺得也是滑條太多,所以可以改為單點緩和一下節奏
01:14:109 (74109|3) - 這個滑條我覺得持續到紅線位置就可以了。現在它和下一個滑條間距這麼短,我不知道會不會對於NM來說太難了這個地方你已經改過了,我覺得現在這樣挺好的。不過我認為這裡的人聲部分僅僅持續到紅線的位置,所以縮短1/2拍也許更好一點
01:17:623 (77623|0) - ^
01:21:345 (81345|1) - 在前面的部分相同的位置都沒有這樣一個滑條出現,所以我覺得這個可以刪掉
01:21:564 (81564|0) - 這個滑條會不會按的時間有點太長?也許你可以在中間白線處換到左數第三條軌道上
01:24:630 (84630|3) - 我覺得這個滑條持續到紅線處就可以了
01:28:134 (88134|3) - ^
01:35:360 (95360|2) - 同樣的,我覺得這個滑條可以刪掉
01:35:579 (95579|3) - 可以和01:21:564 (81564|0) - 做相似的處理
hitsound方面我沒有聽出單個音的問題,不過我覺得00:01:199 - 這裡的hitsound音量應該比00:29:010 - 這裡大一些才對。現在我覺得00:01:199 - 的hitsound有點聽不到而00:29:010 - 的音量又有點太大了,所以也許你可以調整一下

01:02:284 (62284|0,63160|3) - 如果你仔細聽,這裡最後1/2拍其實並沒有人聲,所以我建議你把他們縮短,也可以讓滑條有一個間斷的時期。或者你也可以按照Normal裡面01:03:608 (63608|2) - 的mod改
01:10:715 - 這個位置加一個音會不會連貫一點?
01:24:620 (84620|3) - 這一段音樂全部都有滑條,所以這裡改成單鍵休息一下會不會好一點?
hitsound方面同我在Normal提到的一樣,另外為什麼01:07:540 - 到01:09:511 - 你只用了30%的音量呢?

前奏的音樂 - 對比兩個難一點的圖,我覺得你應該保留滑條而去掉單鍵才對,因為你的這一套圖主要的難點是在滑條上,這個Easy這一段有點和其他圖的風格有些不同
01:13:452 (73452|0) - 我覺得這個滑條應該拉長1/2拍而01:14:109 (74109|1) - 應該縮短1/2拍。這樣在樂句與樂句之間就可以斷開了
01:17:613 (77613|2) - 把這個滑條改成與01:21:116 (81116|0,81335|1) - 相似的組合可能會好一點
01:27:467 (87467|3,88124|2) - 同01:13:452 (73452|0) - 有相同的意見

Topic Starter
00:36:226 (36226|2) - to2
01:21:992 (81992|1) - to1
00:07:759 (7759|0) - move LNs in this part around,let it look more random
00:18:270 (18270|3) - ^
01:13:233 (73233|1,74109|1) - to0 and 01:13:452 (73452|1) - to1
Quick Draw
Nice map! The offset was an easy fix haha, no probs~
Topic Starter

Quick Draw wrote:

Nice map! The offset was an easy fix haha, no probs~
but you not only found the offset=971 but tell how to move all of them together!
i just moved the timing points separately before i know that.
cut since there's lots of personal imformation, i'm not sure it should be posted.

and thank CrumpetFiddler again, really a nice guy.
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self mod today
looks good today
00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2,28562|1) - C+h
looks good today
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self mod today
looks good today
looks good today
looks good today
NM request from my modding quene

00:00:971 - 建议在column 3加一个note
00:13:233 - 建议在column 1加个note
00:13:890 (13890|1) - 建议挪到column 3 然后在 00:14:109 - column 1加一个note
00:28:124 - 建议在column 1加一个note
00:32:503 (32503|0,32503|1,32722|2,32941|3,32941|0,33160|1,33160|2,33160|0,33379|3,33379|2) - 这里感觉改成这样更舒服些
00:37:978 (37978|2) - 建议挪到column 1
00:42:576 (42576|0) - 建议改成single note
Topic Starter

Murasame wrote:

NM request from my modding quene

00:00:971 - 建议在column 3加一个note
00:13:233 - 建议在column 1加个note
00:13:890 (13890|1) - 建议挪到column 3 然后在 00:14:109 - column 1加一个note
00:28:124 - 建议在column 1加一个note

00:32:503 (32503|0,32503|1,32722|2,32941|3,32941|0,33160|1,33160|2,33160|0,33379|3,33379|2) - 这里感觉改成这样更舒服些

00:37:978 (37978|2) - 建议挪到column 1
00:42:576 (42576|0) - 建议改成single note
Hey, from my queue


  1. 00:13:233 - 00:14:109 - I suggest remove these, I know you wanna show the getting to transient climax gradually by beats, 00:14:766 - this note is really nice and I can understand why you ignore 00:14:876 - cuz it's Easy diff, but these two not necessary to add cuz no beat here.
  2. 00:27:248 - Same
  3. 00:46:080 - I dont know what does it mean, I know you catch bass sound here like 00:54:620 - 00:55:058 - , so bass at this part should be 00:45:861 (45861|2) - and 00:46:299 (46299|1) - ,so why you make this 00:46:080 (46080|0) - here
  4. 00:49:584 - same
  5. 01:07:102 (67102|3) - delete it, cuz hear it conscientiously, is not same with 01:07:321 (67321|1) - or 01:05:569 (65569|1) - , it's another sound
  6. 01:13:890 (73890|2) - I don'y think make note here to show rhythmic pause is good idea
  7. 01:16:956 (76956|2,77175|1) - if these two means human vocal sound, you'd better delete this 01:17:394 (77394|0) -
  8. 01:20:898 (80898|3,81335|2) - same reason
  9. 01:24:620 (84620|0) - I suggest make this LN stop at 01:24:839 - , cuz 01:25:058 - here is a new part of song, it cannot show rhythmic pause if you still hold col [1], when you both hand are free then ready to hit before next part of climax, player will feel good. So how about have a try?
  10. 01:27:905 (87905|0) - 01:31:408 (91408|3) - 01:34:912 (94912|2,95350|3) -
  11. 01:39:073 (99073|1) - What is the LN means? I think no matter cymbal or vocal or background soundtrack both not, especially vocal and cymbal, you can not sure where it stop really, so how about change to note?
    This diff is really neat and all problems are so small, nice song and great diff

  1. 00:14:985 (14985|3,14985|2) - no need make 2 hs [Finish] here,
  2. 00:36:007 - add a note here, why here only have 1 note? look at your 00:32:503 - and 00:39:511 - , if you add a note at col [2] will make a mini-jack here 00:36:226 - so I suggest
  3. 00:57:029 - add a note at col [3], it's normal diff, I think you can add the cymbal note
  4. 00:58:781 - add a note at col [4], ^
  5. 01:00:533 - add a note at col [1], ^
  6. 01:02:284 - add a note at col [1], ^
  7. 01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - you can delete 1 note respective, listen to it, here have no beats only bass
  8. 01:39:073 - same with Easy
    This diff is ok, I think Normal also looks good

  1. 01:39:073 - same
    I can not find any problems of this diff, congratz

hope it can be ranked, good luck. :)
Topic Starter

_Stan wrote:

Hey, from my queue


  1. 00:13:233 - 00:14:109 - I suggest remove these, I know you wanna show the getting to transient climax gradually by beats, 00:14:766 - this note is really nice and I can understand why you ignore 00:14:876 - cuz it's Easy diff, but these two not necessary to add cuz no beat here.
  2. 00:27:248 - Same
  3. 00:46:080 - I dont know what does it mean, I know you catch bass sound here like 00:54:620 - 00:55:058 - , so bass at this part should be 00:45:861 (45861|2) - and 00:46:299 (46299|1) - ,so why you make this 00:46:080 (46080|0) - here
  4. 00:49:584 - same
  5. 01:07:102 (67102|3) - delete it, cuz hear it conscientiously, is not same with 01:07:321 (67321|1) - or 01:05:569 (65569|1) - , it's another sound
  6. 01:13:890 (73890|2) - I don'y think make note here to show rhythmic pause is good idea
  7. 01:16:956 (76956|2,77175|1) - if these two means human vocal sound, you'd better delete this 01:17:394 (77394|0) -
  8. 01:20:898 (80898|3,81335|2) - same reason
  9. 01:24:620 (84620|0) - I suggest make this LN stop at 01:24:839 - , cuz 01:25:058 - here is a new part of song, it cannot show rhythmic pause if you still hold col [1], when you both hand are free then ready to hit before next part of climax, player will feel good. So how about have a try?
  10. 01:27:905 (87905|0) - 01:31:408 (91408|3) - 01:34:912 (94912|2,95350|3) -
  11. 01:39:073 (99073|1) - What is the LN means? I think no matter cymbal or vocal or background soundtrack both not, especially vocal and cymbal, you can not sure where it stop really, so how about change to note?
    This diff is really neat and all problems are so small, nice song and great diff

  1. 00:14:985 (14985|3,14985|2) - no need make 2 hs [Finish] here,
  2. 00:36:007 - add a note here, why here only have 1 note? look at your 00:32:503 - and 00:39:511 - , if you add a note at col [2] will make a mini-jack here 00:36:226 - so I suggest
  3. 00:57:029 - add a note at col [3], it's normal diff, I think you can add the cymbal note
  4. 00:58:781 - add a note at col [4], ^
  5. 01:00:533 - add a note at col [1], ^
  6. 01:02:284 - add a note at col [1], ^
  7. 01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - you can delete 1 note respective, listen to it, here have no beats only bass
  8. 01:39:073 - same with Easy
    This diff is ok, I think Normal also looks good

  1. 01:39:073 - same
    I can not find any problems of this diff, congratz

hope it can be ranked, good luck. :)
i'll reply to the mod after i fix them.
Topic Starter
still fixing.
just finish my algorithm midterm today
Topic Starter

_Stan wrote:

Hey, from my queue


  1. 00:13:233 - 00:14:109 - I suggest remove these, I know you wanna show the getting to transient climax gradually by beats,
    00:14:766 - this note is really nice and I can understand why you ignore 00:14:876 - cuz it's Easy diff, but these two not necessary to add cuz no beat here.
    i think it sounds the same as 00:13:671 (13671|3) -
    but it's true that ignroe one for eazy diff.
  2. 00:27:248 - Same
  3. 00:46:080 - I dont know what does it mean, I know you catch bass sound here like 00:54:620 - 00:55:058 - , so bass at this part should be 00:45:861 (45861|2) - and 00:46:299 (46299|1) - ,so why you make this 00:46:080 (46080|0) - here
  4. 00:49:584 - same

    these groups of notes are placed to follow the hihats every two thick white snaps.
  5. 01:07:102 (67102|3) - delete it, cuz hear it conscientiously, is not same with 01:07:321 (67321|1) - or 01:05:569 (65569|1) - , it's another sound
  6. 01:13:890 (73890|2) - I don'y think make note here to show rhythmic pause is good idea
  7. 01:16:956 (76956|2,77175|1) - if these two means human vocal sound, you'd better delete this 01:17:394 (77394|0) -
  8. 01:20:898 (80898|3,81335|2) - same reason
  9. 01:27:905 (87905|0) - 01:31:408 (91408|3) - 01:34:912 (94912|2,95350|3) -

    these are placed to follow the synth, namely the 1/2 LN in other diffs,
    because i think 1/2 LN is too hard to easy diff.

  10. 01:24:620 (84620|0) - I suggest make this LN stop at 01:24:839 - , cuz 01:25:058 - here is a new part of song, it cannot show rhythmic pause if you still hold col [1], when you both hand are free then ready to hit before next part of climax, player will feel good. So how about have a try?
    good suggestion!
    i think single note is more reasonable since i can follow the snare(W) here.

  11. 01:39:073 (99073|1) - What is the LN means? I think no matter cymbal or vocal or background soundtrack both not, especially vocal and cymbal, you can not sure where it stop really, so how about change to note?
    fixed. other diffs are the same
    This diff is really neat and all problems are so small, nice song and great diff

  1. 00:14:985 (14985|3,14985|2) - no need make 2 hs [Finish] here,
  2. 00:36:007 - add a note here, why here only have 1 note? look at your 00:32:503 - and 00:39:511 - , if you add a note at col [2] will make a mini-jack here 00:36:226 - so I suggest
  3. 00:57:029 - add a note at col [3], it's normal diff, I think you can add the cymbal note
  4. 00:58:781 - add a note at col [4], ^
  5. 01:00:533 - add a note at col [1], ^
  6. 01:02:284 - add a note at col [1], ^
  7. 01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - you can delete 1 note respective, listen to it, here have no beats only bass
    but i think there are
  8. 01:39:073 - same with Easy
    This diff is ok, I think Normal also looks good

  1. 01:39:073 - same
    I can not find any problems of this diff, congratz

hope it can be ranked, good luck. :)
thank you so much,
what a detailed and inspiring mod,
i just spend three days to decide whether i should change them.
am here

looks much better, nice job

Difficulties: all done
Spread: looking good
Hitsounds: a bit complex but are done
Metadata: good
AiMod: nothing
Other: nothing

00:14:766 (14766|0,14876|1) - these are significantly stronger than other 1/4th sounds like 00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2) - so i would prefer them as jumptrills (doubles) to give some variation. and it makes it different to normal

00:45:204 (45204|1,45204|0,45642|1,45642|2,46080|0,46080|1) - this isnt the most exciting pattern so i would move some

00:55:277 (55277|3,55277|0,55715|0,55715|3,56153|0,56153|3) - ^^

01:07:321 (67321|1,67430|0,67540|2,67540|1,67540|3) - same as before and make the triple a double because the notes above it (01:07:978 (67978|1,67978|0,67978|2,68416|1,68416|0,68416|3) - ) are stronger

01:07:540 - these SVs are not normalised. please average them. if you dont know how and want me to do it PM me on forum or ingame

01:10:825 (70825|1,70934|2,71043|0,71043|3) - same with the doubles

01:24:620 (84620|3) - i think you should delete this LN and focus on the drums for emphasis

01:38:854 (98854|2,98963|1,99073|0,99073|3) - same as before with doubles

00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2,28562|1) - i think this roll is too quiet to be featured in a normal and you should only add the 1/4th sounds that are prominent

00:53:525 (53525|0,53525|3,53963|3,53963|0) - since these are for different sounds, i would make them different patterns

00:55:277 (55277|0,55277|3,55715|0,55715|3) - ^^

01:21:554 (81554|3) - this bit is very empty and i think you could add a few notes to make it different to easy. but make sure its consistent with the rest of the section

01:24:620 (84620|0) - like in hard i think you should delete this and emphasise the drum

01:35:569 (95569|0) - like before

00:00:971 - this whole section is too empty for my liking and i think it would be better if you added some LNs to make it more interesting

00:28:343 (28343|2) - i would delete this to emphasise the other sounds personally. up to you though

00:30:533 - i highly recommend making this a double to show that the snare sound is there. sounds very anti-climactic without it honestly

00:33:160 - ^^ etc etc wont mention anymore

00:51:773 (51773|2,51992|1,52211|3,52430|0,52868|2,53087|1,53306|3,53525|0) - these two are literally the same pattern maybe move some

01:39:073 - maybe add one for cymbal and emphasis since its the end of the song yknow

balancing between normal and easy feels off but its nothing serious, will be easily fixed when a BN comes along.

other than that, really solid map, nice job.

ps. if you want me to fix SVs contact me and ill do them for you.

good luck o/
Ayachi Meme
from mod q

00:04:474 - this could be a double like the start?? same as other beats like this, (i hope you know what i mean)
01:02:284 (62284|2) - i think this should end when the ln on column 1 starts

00:13:452 (13452|0) - this should be a ln too should it not?
00:27:467 (27467|1) - here too
00:35:788 (35788|2,35898|1) - these should both be doubles
00:57:029 - here to 01:07:321 - looks like you copy pasted and did ctrl h, then moved a few things around, very mirrored left is hard and right is normal
pretty inconsistent with the doubles and triples coming towards the end of the map, could use a look over by you

not much wrong with the normal diff : )

good luck <3
Topic Starter

error_exe777 wrote:

am here

looks much better, nice job

Difficulties: all done
Spread: looking good
Hitsounds: a bit complex but are done
Metadata: good
AiMod: nothing
Other: nothing

00:14:766 (14766|0,14876|1) - these are significantly stronger than other 1/4th sounds like 00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2) - so i would prefer them as jumptrills (doubles) to give some variation. and it makes it different to normal

00:45:204 (45204|1,45204|0,45642|1,45642|2,46080|0,46080|1) - this isnt the most exciting pattern so i would move some

00:55:277 (55277|3,55277|0,55715|0,55715|3,56153|0,56153|3) - ^^

01:07:321 (67321|1,67430|0,67540|2,67540|1,67540|3) - same as before and make the triple a double because the notes above it (01:07:978 (67978|1,67978|0,67978|2,68416|1,68416|0,68416|3) - ) are stronger

01:07:540 - these SVs are not normalised. please average them. if you dont know how and want me to do it PM me on forum or ingame

01:10:825 (70825|1,70934|2,71043|0,71043|3) - same with the doubles

01:24:620 (84620|3) - i think you should delete this LN and focus on the drums for emphasis

01:38:854 (98854|2,98963|1,99073|0,99073|3) - same as before with doubles

00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2,28562|1) - i think this roll is too quiet to be featured in a normal and you should only add the 1/4th sounds that are prominent

00:53:525 (53525|0,53525|3,53963|3,53963|0) - since these are for different sounds, i would make them different patterns

00:55:277 (55277|0,55277|3,55715|0,55715|3) - ^^

01:21:554 (81554|3) - this bit is very empty and i think you could add a few notes to make it different to easy. but make sure its consistent with the rest of the section

01:24:620 (84620|0) - like in hard i think you should delete this and emphasise the drum

01:35:569 (95569|0) - like before

00:00:971 - this whole section is too empty for my liking and i think it would be better if you added some LNs to make it more interesting

00:28:343 (28343|2) - i would delete this to emphasise the other sounds personally. up to you though

00:30:533 - i highly recommend making this a double to show that the snare sound is there. sounds very anti-climactic without it honestly

00:33:160 - ^^ etc etc wont mention anymore

00:51:773 (51773|2,51992|1,52211|3,52430|0,52868|2,53087|1,53306|3,53525|0) - these two are literally the same pattern maybe move some

01:39:073 - maybe add one for cymbal and emphasis since its the end of the song yknow

balancing between normal and easy feels off but its nothing serious, will be easily fixed when a BN comes along.

other than that, really solid map, nice job.

ps. if you want me to fix SVs contact me and ill do them for you.
i think it's
0.75 * (1/2) + 1.25 * (1/2) = 1
0.8 * (2/3) + 1.4 * (1/3) = 1

good luck o/
new timing points

Topic Starter

error_exe777 wrote:

new timing points


it works great on the first 4 triples
but seems strange after the 6 ticks blank.
i'm still trying
Topic Starter

error_exe777 wrote:

am here

looks much better, nice job

Difficulties: all done
Spread: looking good
Hitsounds: a bit complex but are done

i'm not sure if you are talking about sth like this.
it's because i try to catch Every hihats and snare sounds in this song,
and there're always some hihats sounds appear in strange places like this.

Metadata: good
AiMod: nothing
Other: nothing

00:14:766 (14766|0,14876|1) - these are significantly stronger than other 1/4th sounds like 00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2) - so i would prefer them as jumptrills (doubles) to give some variation. and it makes it different to normal

01:07:321 (67321|1,67430|0,67540|2,67540|1,67540|3) - same as before and make the triple a double because the notes above it (01:07:978 (67978|1,67978|0,67978|2,68416|1,68416|0,68416|3) - ) are stronger

01:10:825 (70825|1,70934|2,71043|0,71043|3) - same with the doubles

01:38:854 (98854|2,98963|1,99073|0,99073|3) - same as before with doubles
they seem like the same problem i tried before,
it's ture that they should be doubles,
but patterns like this are even much blander(and ppfarming-like) than singles

while patterns like this are too hard to play and lacking of rhythm

finally i choose singles for this, because i think the cymbal after them needs more emphasis.

btw i'll definitely use doubles if i were making 7Ks.

00:45:204 (45204|1,45204|0,45642|1,45642|2,46080|0,46080|1) - this isnt the most exciting pattern so i would move some
00:55:277 (55277|3,55277|0,55715|0,55715|3,56153|0,56153|3) - ^^
try to fix, but there seems to be only two available patterns
01:07:540 - these SVs are not normalised. please average them. if you dont know how and want me to do it PM me on forum or ingame
01:24:620 (84620|3) - i think you should delete this LN and focus on the drums for emphasis

00:28:343 (28343|3,28452|2,28562|1) - i think this roll is too quiet to be featured in a normal
this is so ture
and you should only add the 1/4th sounds that are prominent
but i think you mean the 1/2 ones

00:53:525 (53525|0,53525|3,53963|3,53963|0) - since these are for different sounds, i would make them different patterns
00:55:277 (55277|0,55277|3,55715|0,55715|3) - ^^
ture, and fixed
01:21:554 (81554|3) - this bit is very empty and i think you could add a few notes to make it different to easy. but make sure its consistent with the rest of the section
01:35:569 (95569|0) - like before
i think it's ok to have some rest in the LN hell,
especially it's the only part allowed by the song

01:24:620 (84620|0) - like in hard i think you should delete this and emphasise the drum

00:00:971 - this whole section is too empty for my liking and i think it would be better if you added some LNs to make it more interesting
it's hard to add only some LN because of consistency,
and beginning of the song can be easier imo.

00:28:343 (28343|2) - i would delete this to emphasise the other sounds personally. up to you though
00:30:533 - i highly recommend making this a double to show that the snare sound is there. sounds very anti-climactic without it honestly
00:33:160 - ^^ etc etc wont mention anymore
true but then it will end up a normal.
00:51:773 (51773|2,51992|1,52211|3,52430|0,52868|2,53087|1,53306|3,53525|0) - these two are literally the same pattern maybe move some
01:39:073 - maybe add one for cymbal and emphasis since its the end of the song yknow

balancing between normal and easy feels off but its nothing serious, will be easily fixed when a BN comes along.

other than that, really solid map, nice job.

ps. if you want me to fix SVs contact me and ill do them for you.

good luck o/
thanks a lot,
so glad you can give it a chance.

ps. still trying SVs
Topic Starter

Ayachi Meme wrote:

from mod q

00:04:474 - this could be a double like the start?? same as other beats like this, (i hope you know what i mean)
i'm not sure if i can catch it.
but i think i should emphasize the snares here

01:02:284 (62284|2) - i think this should end when the ln on column 1 starts
longer ones are for cymbal
shorter ones are for synth

00:13:452 (13452|0) - this should be a ln too should it not?
00:27:467 (27467|1) - here too
i've listened to this thousands of times,and i think they are different.
but it's true that they are so confusing.

00:35:788 (35788|2,35898|1) - these should both be doubles
it seems like the same problem i tried before,
it's ture that they should be doubles,
but patterns like this are even much blander(and ppfarming-like) than singles

while patterns like this are too hard to play and lacking of rhythm

so finally i choose singles for this

00:57:029 - here to 01:07:321 - looks like you copy pasted and did ctrl h, then moved a few things around, very mirrored
my gosh it seems like i try to move them around and end up the mirrored version of hard.
fixed now

left is hard and right is normal
pretty inconsistent with the doubles and triples coming towards the end of the map, could use a look over by you
i'm not sure if i can catch this too, since i use triples only for snares.

not much wrong with the normal diff : )

good luck <3
thanks for your mod

00:00:971 - add here some F hitsound
00:29:000 - should be triple
00:57:029 - same
00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - same same same, bpm is pretty low, so it will not be so hard
01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - should be doubles, there are no crashes like 01:07:978 - 01:08:854
01:09:511 - better to make - this
01:11:043 - make triple
01:25:058 - same
01:39:073 - same
don't be afraid of triples ;)

Looks good!

Looks good, but 00:14:985 - 00:29:000 - 00:57:029 - 00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - 01:11:043 - 01:25:058 - make doubles, although it's "Easy" no needs to make it "Super easy", newbies aren't some 1 y.o kids that can't play doubles

Very clean map, good luck!
NM req from myqueue~

From 00:00:971 (971|0) - here untill 00:29:000 (29000|0) - here, it seems too quiet, you can add more note for other sounds.
And at the kiai, this is only advice from me, change the LN to following vocal sound, it'll be better (for me)
00:43:890 - you can add single here for kick sound
00:45:642 -, 00:47:394 -, 00:49:146 -, 00:50:898 -, 00:52:649 -, 00:54:401 -, 00:56:153 -, here too
00:57:905 - maybe add single here for vocal
00:59:657 -, 01:01:408 -, 01:04:912 -, here too
01:23:306 (83306|0,83744|1,84182|2) - I don't know those LN for what, but I suggest you to make that following the vocal, so, 01:23:744 (83744|1) - this LN should start at 01:23:963 -, and add single at 01:23:744 - maybe in col 3.
Nice song, good luck~
Topic Starter

Mage wrote:


00:00:971 - add here some F hitsound
00:29:000 - should be triple
00:57:029 - same
00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - same same same, bpm is pretty low, so it will not be so hard
01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - should be doubles, there are no crashes like 01:07:978 - 01:08:854
01:09:511 - better to make - this
01:11:043 - make triple
01:25:058 - same
01:39:073 - same
don't be afraid of triples ;)

Looks good!

Looks good, but 00:14:985 - 00:29:000 - 00:57:029 - 00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - 01:11:043 - 01:25:058 - make doubles, although it's "Easy" no needs to make it "Super easy", newbies aren't some 1 y.o kids that can't play doubles

Very clean map, good luck!
Topic Starter

Mage wrote:


00:00:971 - add here some F hitsound
i agree that they are super loud even though i edited the song to make it not that scary,
so i use triple to interpret it, but they are still not cymbals.

00:29:000 - should be triple
the main problem is hitsounds,
since 2 F's,2 hit-normals or 2 C's are so loud that will overpower the other one.(and F is too loud itself)
but it's true that i should think of this carefully.

00:57:029 - same
00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - same same same, bpm is pretty low, so it will not be so hard
01:07:540 - 01:08:416 - should be doubles, there are no crashes like 01:07:978 - 01:08:854
seems like every mod has a different suggestion about this,
though i feel they are the same.

01:09:511 - better to make - this
i think it makes the singles kind of nowhere-to-go
01:11:043 - make triple
01:25:058 - same
01:39:073 - same
don't be afraid of triples ;)

Looks good!

Looks good, but 00:14:985 - 00:29:000 - 00:57:029 - 00:58:781 - 01:00:533 - 01:02:284 - 01:04:036 - 01:11:043 - 01:25:058 - make doubles, although it's "Easy" no needs to make it "Super easy", newbies aren't some 1 y.o kids that can't play doubles
this is true. add them after i come out with solution to the hitsounds because of the diff spread.
Very clean map, good luck!
thank you for modding this!
Topic Starter

FadillSan wrote:

NM req from myqueue~

From 00:00:971 (971|0) - here untill 00:29:000 (29000|0) - here, it seems too quiet, you can add more note for other sounds.
i think it follows the spread itself and also among the diffs.
And at the kiai, this is only advice from me, change the LN to following vocal sound, it'll be better (for me)
i don't like to follow the vocal parts.
00:43:890 - you can add single here for kick sound
00:45:642 -, 00:47:394 -, 00:49:146 -, 00:50:898 -, 00:52:649 -, 00:54:401 -, 00:56:153 -, here too
since i want to catch the hihats here
it would be kind of misleading and less rhythmic to do so.

00:57:905 - maybe add single here for vocal
00:59:657 -, 01:01:408 -, 01:04:912 -, here too
i don't like to follow the vocal parts.
01:23:306 (83306|0,83744|1,84182|2) - I don't know those LN for what, but I suggest you to make that following the vocal, so, 01:23:744 (83744|1) - this LN should start at 01:23:963 -, and add single at 01:23:744 - maybe in col 3.
for synth
Nice song, good luck~
thank you for your mod!
Topic Starter
-self modding-
trying to lower the hitsound volume
testing better SVs for hard
Topic Starter
NM as requested in here
00:13:233 (13233|2,13452|1,14109|0,14328|1) and 00:27:248 (27248|0) - I'd suggest changing these to LNs
00:27:467 (27467|3) - Shouldn't it be a LN like before
01:21:992 (81992|0,82868|2) and 01:36:007 (96007|3,96883|2) - Since it is kinda empty here, mapping these notes doubles aren't gonna change the difficulty that much
01:34:255 (94255|2) - Move to 0
01:09:202 - The SV here is... unreadable. Players can't guess that the speed will change there in their first few play (including me(Im suck)) so consider changing this so it could be readable
00:14:766 (14766|0) and 00:35:788 (35788|2) and 01:10:825 (70825|1) and 01:38:854 (98854|2) - Since it is a hard diff, I'd suggest map these as doubles
00:38:197 (38197|0) - Change this to a double
There aren't many things to this map ^w^)b Hope this help and gl for ranking
Topic Starter

[B A D] wrote:

NM as requested in here
00:13:233 (13233|2,13452|1,14109|0,14328|1) and 00:27:248 (27248|0) - I'd suggest changing these to LNs
00:27:467 (27467|3) - Shouldn't it be a LN like before
01:21:992 (81992|0,82868|2) and 01:36:007 (96007|3,96883|2) - Since it is kinda empty here, mapping these notes doubles aren't gonna change the difficulty that much
01:34:255 (94255|2) - Move to 0
01:09:202 - The SV here is... unreadable. Players can't guess that the speed will change there in their first few play (including me(Im suck)) so consider changing this so it could be readable
00:14:766 (14766|0) and 00:35:788 (35788|2) and 01:10:825 (70825|1) and 01:38:854 (98854|2) - Since it is a hard diff, I'd suggest map these as doubles
00:38:197 (38197|0) - Change this to a double
There aren't many things to this map ^w^)b Hope this help and gl for ranking
Topic Starter

[B A D] wrote:

NM as requested in here
00:13:233 (13233|2,13452|1,14109|0,14328|1) and 00:27:248 (27248|0) - I'd suggest changing these to LNs
00:27:467 (27467|3) - Shouldn't it be a LN like before
i think only this two 00:13:890 (13890|2,27905|0) are the same as those i use LN
01:21:992 (81992|0,82868|2) and 01:36:007 (96007|3,96883|2) - Since it is kinda empty here, mapping these notes doubles aren't gonna change the difficulty that much
i'll try this
01:34:255 (94255|2) - Move to 0
it will make it looks like it is a part of the LN stairs.

01:09:202 - The SV here is... unreadable. Players can't guess that the speed will change there in their first few play (including me(Im suck)) so consider changing this so it could be readable
ok, i'll keep working on this
00:14:766 (14766|0) and 00:35:788 (35788|2) and 01:10:825 (70825|1) and 01:38:854 (98854|2) - Since it is a hard diff, I'd suggest map these as doubles
great, why i just tried to double them both.
00:38:197 (38197|0) - Change this to a double

There aren't many things to this map ^w^)b Hope this help and gl for ranking
thank you!
Topic Starter
self mod today
looks good today
looks good today
looks good today
Not here for a mod, not now atleast ;)

just a follow up from my previous map

> i spy copy pasted sections throughout the map, im sure you know where these are, i suggest probably changing them

> NM as a whole isnt to bad... except for the fact every ln in NM is also in HD.
I did a quick skim through all your diffs and you map as a whole is starting to look pretty damn soilid. good to see <3
Topic Starter

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

Not here for a mod, not now atleast ;)

just a follow up from my previous map

> i spy copy pasted sections throughout the map, im sure you know where these are, i suggest probably changing them

> NM as a whole isnt to bad... except for the fact every ln in NM is also in HD.
I did a quick skim through all your diffs and you map as a whole is starting to look pretty damn soilid. good to see <3
wow thank you for follow-up
didn't realize it was a problem that time XD
i think i'll make a program to search copy pasta and hitsound inconsistency this winter vacation


BG is poor quality, replace it

Your hitsound vol use is odd... 100% to 33% to 5% to 70%? it shouldn't vary that much

Don't do this

All these hitsounds and no bass drum?


00:28:124 (28124|1) - Almost 30% of the way into the map and we've had a grand total of 1 pattern. Very boring and repetitive and it's not even mapped to pitch. Try being more creative

01:09:511 (69511|2) - The SV leading up to this hand is unpredictable and practically impossible to hit blind. This is because you used the same SV as the previous hands which have shorter gaps between them.

This map feels like it was mapped in 25 minutes


00:49:146 - Why are there just random gaps in this section?



Needs work: This map feels very generic and uninspired. Each difficulty is comprised of about 3-4 total patterns throughout the whole file. The song isn't that exciting but there's so much more room for creativity beyond basic drum mapping. I can see you've put a decent amount of work into this and I appreciate the RC check you have in your description but I don't think this is ready to be ranked. Despite the work you've put into it, it feels like you could've made this whole thing in an hour. In its current state it's not able to be improved without massively remapping a good portion of it, this is why the mods in the thread have generally been quite short.
Topic Starter

Litharrale wrote:



BG is poor quality, replace it

Your hitsound vol use is odd... 100% to 33% to 5% to 70%? it shouldn't vary that much
5% is actually where i want to mute the hitsound,
but ture they can be replaced by muted hitsound or sth.

Don't do this
All these hitsounds and no bass drum?
i'm not sure what does bass drum mean, is that the kick i use C in 00:29:876 (29876|2)?
all W hitsounds are used to follow the snares but not the kicks
and it's also the most important part i want to catch.


00:28:124 (28124|1) - Almost 30% of the way into the map and we've had a grand total of 1 pattern. Very boring and repetitive
i agree with you about this, though i have no idea what can i do with the song now.
will think of it

and it's not even mapped to pitch. Try being more creative
if i map it according to pitch then it would more repetitive,
because the song is repeating itself eight times here

01:09:511 (69511|2) - The SV leading up to this hand is unpredictable and practically impossible to hit blind. This is because you used the same SV as the previous hands which have shorter gaps between them.
ok, i'm still trying this

This map feels like it was mapped in 25 minutes
so glad i cut the mp3 or it would be 75mins.

00:49:146 - Why are there just random gaps in this section?
i think they're not random, but the hats sound like they're two groups here.
i'll try to listen to this more carefully



Needs work: This map feels very generic and uninspired. Each difficulty is comprised of about 3-4 total patterns throughout the whole file. The song isn't that exciting but there's so much more room for creativity beyond basic drum mapping. I can see you've put a decent amount of work into this and I appreciate the RC check you have in your description but I don't think this is ready to be ranked. Despite the work you've put into it, it feels like you could've made this whole thing in an hour. In its current state it's not able to be improved without massively remapping a good portion of it, this is why the mods in the thread have generally been quite short.
thank you at least i can have a mod!
will work on making it not that repetitive.
Topic Starter
wow i can't edit my post

you missing the sound here:
01:07:759 (67759|2,68197|2,68635|1,69073|1) -

You got good patterns for your hitsounds, it is just the way you apply hitsound is bad.
Your way to hitsuond is really time consuming for you,hard to mod for others, and also increase map file size.

Your current way of making hitsound uses multiple audio file for the same sound
For example:
soft-hitclap.wav = soft-hitclap2.wav
soft-hitclap3.wav = soft-hitfinish2.wav
and so on.

You should only have 1 WAV file for each sound

Here is my hitsound difficulty, I will use different WAV files than you are, so don't worry about overwriting yours.

You can copy this to your map using my Magic Copy program from here:

let me know if you have any question
I can't edit my post for some reason...

I forgot to mention that my hitsound went too far (past kiai), and you didnt map that last part lol.
It wont be copied by the program if you didn't map that part. so you don't need to worry about that, you can also delete if you want.

As for what Lith said, it's true this song is quite boring in terms of structure, and there isn't much you can do with only 4 columns.
Maybe you can add some LN for vocal ?
Topic Starter

dudehacker wrote:

I can't edit my post for some reason...

I forgot to mention that my hitsound went too far (past kiai), and you didnt map that last part lol.
It wont be copied by the program if you didn't map that part. so you don't need to worry about that, you can also delete if you want.

As for what Lith said, it's true this song is quite boring in terms of structure, and there isn't much you can do with only 4 columns.
Maybe you can add some LN for vocal ?
thank you for suggestion!
i'm considering to add some vocal LNs in chorus, and edit the intro of the song
to make the song itself not that repetitive

i can't edit my post either :o
Topic Starter

dudehacker wrote:


you missing the sound here:
01:07:759 (67759|2,68197|2,68635|1,69073|1) -

You got good patterns for your hitsounds, it is just the way you apply hitsound is bad.
Your way to hitsuond is really time consuming for you,hard to mod for others, and also increase map file size.

Your current way of making hitsound uses multiple audio file for the same sound
For example:
soft-hitclap.wav = soft-hitclap2.wav
soft-hitclap3.wav = soft-hitfinish2.wav
and so on.

You should only have 1 WAV file for each sound

Here is my hitsound difficulty, I will use different WAV files than you are, so don't worry about overwriting yours.

You can copy this to your map using my Magic Copy program from here:

let me know if you have any question
what should i do if i want to apply two different hitsound on one note,
is it necessary to use override hitsound?

but anyway i'll learn how to use the copier first, and try your hitsound!
Topic Starter
need much time this time lol.

SyShawn wrote:

what should i do if i want to apply two different hitsound on one note,
is it necessary to use override hitsound?
The only way to use multiple (2 to 3) hitsounds on 1 note is to use Whistle Finish Clap stacked together.

If you want more hitsound on 1 note, you have to put rest of the sounds into Storyboard.

Im not sure what you mean by override hitsound, if you mean things like "hat.wav" then, no it is not mandatory.
The reason I like them is because I can easily tell what the sound is by looking at the name.

btw here is a basic guide for hitsound, might be helpful for you:
Topic Starter

dudehacker wrote:

SyShawn wrote:

what should i do if i want to apply two different hitsound on one note,
is it necessary to use override hitsound?
The only way to use multiple (2 to 3) hitsounds on 1 note is to use Whistle Finish Clap stacked together.

If you want more hitsound on 1 note, you have to put rest of the sounds into Storyboard.

Im not sure what you mean by override hitsound, if you mean things like "hat.wav" then, no it is not mandatory.
The reason I like them is because I can easily tell what the sound is by looking at the name.

btw here is a basic guide for hitsound, might be helpful for you:
i mean Custom Sample Overrides in wiki ... _Overrides
but i find your tutorials are much more helpful,
so is LordRaika's userpage
ah u mean those

I don't think you have to use them. they are good for purpose of having multiple hitsounds on 1 note though.
You can hitsound everything with stuff like "hat.wav" , "kick.wav" , "snare.wav" etc
hey m4m here

01:20:241 (80241|3,80460|3,80898|3,81335|3) - i think it's too much stack here
01:23:306 (83306|1,83963|1,84182|1) - anchor
01:37:321 (97321|2,97978|2,98197|2) - another anchor

ok just that since i only good for high rated diff (perhaps XD)

I think 100% volume hit sound is too loud. I suggest using 60/70% volume :)

01:02:065 (62065|0) - Make it to the column 1 isn't suitable I think. How about making it to the column 4? This is because you make the player use the left hand so much in this case.

Everything is fine I think. Good luck with ranking it Shawn ~
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