
osu!, the buggiest game yet

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So a lot of people will say that im just a noob who sucks at the game and did this from rage, now while i dont deny the fact im bad all these bugs are some that you come across no matter how bad/ good you are and need to be fixed asap
ok lets start off with the settings:
so for some reason whenever i apply ANY kind of setting unless its related to the looks of osu (skins and such) then all the settings (excluding keybindings for some reason) are reset o default.
Map selection:
The game sometimes decides to just randomly delete maps completely and i really wanna know why because it deleted some of my favourite maps and i dont remember the names so bye bye maps.
Standard osu!:
So starting off easy, pause menu (yes it has some annoying bugs):
So first of all when you pause theres a chance for the game in one frame to just randomly unpause making you pause again and its just annoying.
Second one is like the first one but it just quits the map.
Sometimes it just straight up refuses to open up.
Ok so lets go over the crucial part of this, the absolutely pathetic implementation of hit detection:
So this is pretty self explanatory, the hit detection sucks and heres why:
so first of all the most common one is when your cursor is on the circle, you wait for the approach circle to be in the right place for a "300" and you press and it says miss.
sometimes the game just straight up refuses to detect anything resulting in you pressing for a long time yet the game does nothing.
The sliders are pretty broken as well, it happened so much that when i hit a slider perfectly, follow it without braking and at the end it says "miss" or in the middle it just randomly breaks.
spinners are pretty aids as well mainly for the fact that sometimes the game just kills you when you come across one (so you can be full hp and when its time to spin you just die)
the hp is also retarded, you can sometimes be hitting every single circle for a solid "300" yet the game slowly drains your hp and you eventually die (even on maps with really low hp drain)
(now next one im pretty sure is my side but i will leave this anyways in case its not only me) The cursor randomly jumping:
yeah well you dont need to think about that one, cursor skips, end of story but i have tried different sensitivities and switched from mouse and tablet and cursor kept (but really seldom) jumping and it was ALWAYS the same distance and its really annoying.
sometimes mods can either turn themselves on for no reason or when you go to turn off a mod its turns back on (not particularly a big one but still annoying)
just all round hit detection stuff, no need to explain
taiko and ctb i didnt play much so i have nothing to report
the game does weird stuff when you use a laser mouse

All this is just a little bit of the vast majority of bugs i have found and so there might be even more, cmon osu dev team i love this game its my favourite and the game has been up for almost 11 years AND youre making a lot of money (or at least enough) to fix the game so why not do it? its such a big and good game

and i swear to god if someone will go "OH WELL PROS AND STREAMERS DONT HAVE THOSE BUGS" just dont, they do it happens but instead of going bad shit crazy over them they just ignore them or go like "umm ok?" and continue with the game

AND JUST TO SAY AGAIN BECAUSE I KNOW PEOPLE WILL SAY IT yes, i do suck at the game but no, this (this thread) is not because i just wanna "let my rage out" these are some annoying bugs that need to be addressed asap
What version of osu! are you using?
I’ve come across the ‘deleting’ map bug. What it actually normally is, is osu! Getting confused and skipping over the map. Preform a hard reset in this case (press F5 let it process, then press F5 again and process again). If that doesn’t work make sure your not acidently cleaning the folder with a program such as Icleaner etc.

The gameplay side I’ve never come across those things you mentioned. And for the cursor check if you have mouse acceleration on.(also don’t swap back and forth between mouse and tablet frequently it will messed up your memory).

Also please keep in mind this game is free. I will admit the game isn’t perfect, but considering peppy doesn’t ask for money to play it’s pretty well built and maintained.
Sandy Hoey
I’m pretty sure that hit detection is good in this game and it is user error for all misses due to timing or aim. Also make sure you click f10 to disable mouse buttons ingame if you use a keyboard because the mouse buttons may interfere with keyboard inputs.
Make sure you are playing ranked maps for the go drain. So maps are difficult, but all ranked maps are possible. Unranked maps have no standards and can be absolute trash.
Bad laser mice are not made for the level of accuracy and control that this game requires. All of the issues you have that are the result of the laser mouse happen outside the game as well, but you don’t notice since it doesn’t matter as much
A lot of focus for devs (really all focus) is on the development of osu!lazer which is a client replacement for the current one. Many of these bugs will be fixed in lazer, but a real ease date is not set yet. If you have more bugs that have not been confirmed for the current client, please post in the Help forum
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