
Meramipop - Secret Desire - Dyes Remix -

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pls rename to

Meramipop - Secret Desire - Eyes Remix -

Kibbleru wrote:

pls rename to

Meramipop - Secret Desire - 👀 Remix -



00:03:708 (1,2) - I think making 2 move the same direction as 1 would fit better since both sounds are the same.
00:19:053 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - How about shaping these to fit more with the triples at 00:13:536 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ? esp. since movement in the first set of triples is rly sharp
00:33:363 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe increase spacing gradually? the snares go up in pitch and from playing they feel like they have the same distance
00:45:260 (1) - CtrlG? imo the shorter DS would add nice contrast to the slider from 00:44:915 (2,1) -
01:06:467 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Don't the synths gradually lower in pitch here?
I think the fact 01:26:467 (1,1) - are rly close to 01:27:156 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - make the pattern feel much weaker than 01:25:432 (1,2,1,2,1) - when playing, I'd move them slightly to the left?
01:29:225 (1) - Maybe stack its tail on 01:29:915 (1) - 's tail to give the drop more initial emphasis?
01:33:622 (2,3) - DS could be confusing here, most people would probably see it as 1/4 apart which they're not
01:36:294 (1,2) - Space these apart a bit more to fit the same intensity as the other patterns?
02:23:881 (1,2) - This is a lot easier compared to other instances of the pattern, consider increasing?
03:25:950 (2) - 03:27:329 (2) - CtrlG to fit with previous instance?
03:38:536 (1,2,1) - I feel like you should map this section to the snare like at 03:33:018 (1) -, because of how fast the sliders are and how much you have to click them, 03:38:881 (1) - feels very weak as a result.
03:56:122 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - 04:07:156 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Despite it being the strongest part of the song I still think the spacing on these can be very confusing, a lot of the time I saw it as triples or quads and not a full stream, you don't have to reduce it but I would either NC or change the spacing to make it more clear it's a stream.
04:35:347 (4,1) - Maybe space 1 out a bit more for emphasis?
04:59:743 (2) - It feels like this shape doesn't feel as...jagged as all the other instances of this pattern, like at 01:52:156 (2) -
05:03:018 (1,2,3) - Maybe change this into a stream? This feels pretty much the same as 05:01:639 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - because of how you have to click the same way.
been waiting for someone to do this song..
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

noob mod

  1. Unsnapped notes: 00:48:018 (1) - 00:53:536 (1) - 01:01:812 (1) - 01:03:018 (1) - 04:42:670 (2) - 04:43:018 (1) -
  2. 00:27:846 (1,1,1) - 改成1/8 sliders應該帶感d 感覺circle好d
  3. 00:33:363 (1,2,3,4) - sv漸快? okok
  4. 00:38:881 (1,1,1) - same
  5. 00:51:639 (1,2) - 轉成slider? same
  6. 01:27:760 (2) - 改成1/8? 1/4好似太長 1/8會比較不好打……
  7. 02:07:846 (1,2,3,4) - ultra overkill lul okok
  8. 02:15:777 (2) - :wheelchair: sliders 還原反震的slider(
  9. 02:29:743 (1,2,1) - spacing特登嘅? ye
  10. 03:56:122 (3) - NC? ok
  11. 04:49:570 (3) - :wheelchair: sliders
  12. 04:51:294 (1) - ?

Desperate-kun wrote:

Welcome back! Always nice to see great mappers return. Really fun map (though I didn't manage to pass it yet). I have some smaller concerns I noticed during play that I might as well mention.

  1. 01:06:639 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This stream is the only one which changes from more curved to almost straight. It looks not so nice aesthetically and you used less curved streams later (like 01:31:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ) so I'd suggest to make something similar in shape, it's very minor though. agreed, fixed
  2. 02:07:846 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps felt too extreme to play, especially since the transition from the sliders into this pattern isn't so smooth. Wouldn't it fit better to give these a small spacing to highlight the pause in the beat and then a huge jump towards 02:08:536 - when the beat continues? yea changed
  3. 02:12:674 (1,2,3) - Until here, 1/4-sliders always had 1/4-gaps afterwards so this rhythm felt unintuitive to me. What about using slow halfbeat sliders for (1,2)? i think kicks represent the snares better
  4. 02:18:881 - Just wanna mention that this verse was the hardest section of the map for me, because I find the stop-and-go motion of the streams (like 02:19:915 (1,2,3,4,1) - ) to be much more difficult than the spaced streams or jumps used in the rest of the map. It was kinda anticlimatic to have the difficulty peak in the verse instead of a more intense section but I know different players are going to feel different about this so it's more of a comment than a suggestion of any kind. ;; i really like how this turned out tho
  5. 03:55:777 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - In these parts it was kinda unclear what's halfbeats and what's stream. Both have highly varied spacing throughout the map so it's difficult to tell. Maybe you could make this more clear by having equal spacing at the start of each stream (for example between these notes 03:56:122 (3,4,5) - ) so it's more obvious that a stream is starting, or you could atleast use some NCing to signal the change. nerfed spacing and rearranged NC
Good luck! I'd shoot a star but you don't really need the priority :D

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

wtf r u rrt...


  1. 我參考咗一下其他map,tags可以加呢啲:
    シークレットデザイア 凋叶棕 霍青娥
  2. 好多unsnap啊=。=可以check一下aimod


  1. 00:25:777 (1,2,1,2) - 有少少唔係好明想表達啲乜野,好明顯睇到00:26:639 (3,4,5) - 係一個變大嘅趨勢,但係00:25:777 (1,2,1,2) - 呢度前者嘅1,2突然放大間距,後者縮小間距接住00:26:294 (2,1) - 又突然放大,有少少怪。。我建議00:25:777 (1,2) - 縮小一下間距,可以突出前面1/4啲slider間距放大,note縮小然後接三連再放大嘅效果 有道理,stack了
    00:31:295 (1,2,1,2) - same,我覺得00:36:812 (1,2,1,2) - 呢個效果幾好 same
  2. 00:47:156 (1) - 呢度係特登?因為呢度係snare,冇咩特殊嘅bass sound,我建議都係圓圈好啲拉 唔好睇
  3. 01:26:122 (1) - 我覺得其實個slider可以再誇張多小小

    01:40:260 (1) - same
  4. 03:49:398 (6) - just suggest,既然係普通彎slider可以唔使red anchor xd
  5. 04:02:846 (1) - 同之前一樣,個slider可以再誇張小小,既然係比較高潮嘅部分
  6. 04:29:053 (1) - 可以用高sv將slider拉翻大幅度小小?其實分別唔大
  7. 05:01:122 (2) - 我覺得呢個slider可能有少少難讀圖,建議ctrl+g一下,咁既然唔會影響flow流程,又容易讀圖,不過咁樣slider嘅走勢會好奇怪xd uh no lul

Meg wrote:

for yuko

  1. 00:52:501 (4) - how about use 1/4 slider + circle instead 1/2 slider? i guess it makes intuitive more 00:51:984 (3,4) - this is acutally following vocals before 00:52:846 (1,2) - turns into following bass so i think 1/2 is better
  2. 01:48:536 (1) - ctrl+G? agreed
  3. 03:56:122 (3) - i think here should be put NC, maybe this stream is looked 1/2 rhythm by the tendency so far. rather, feels all-NC-pattern is good even agreed
  4. 03:57:760 (2) - try this? i tried, but not as good as current rhythm imo
  5. 04:00:605 (3) - nazi. this shape should be makes clean blanket with 04:00:950 (1) - not sure if i got it right... fixed i guess
  6. 04:07:156 (5) - same as above same
  7. 04:53:363 (1) - looks too low SV lol, i need x0.5 at least :roll: i wanna make this same as long length as 04:54:053 (2,3,3) - xd
  8. 04:58:536 (4) - add NC ok
  9. 05:03:622 (2) - ^ 11/10 NC
  10. 05:11:812 (3) - hmm i think this stack breaks the flow. if me, i would put this slider on upper side. but... flow to next slider will be bad. plz consider xd yea this 1 is hard to touch lol i think stacking is fine given the rhythm
  11. 05:22:846 (4) - same xddd

Kibbleru wrote:

hey its a new rrtyui map

00:25:087 (1,2,3,4) - think reversing these sliders would give better emphasis, doesn't seem too sensible to have these flow the same as 00:23:881 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - etc. wot the fuq tht wud play lik ass no thx
00:36:122 - ^ ^
00:50:432 (2) - i think it would be cooler to stack these on the end of 00:50:087 (1) - it would also force the player to actually follow the slider properly uhh tried but still prefer not stacking
00:53:191 -
01:27:156 (1,2,3,4) - why don't you try more spacing here? wot
02:07:846 (1,2,3,4) - .-. .-.
02:32:156 (1,2) - blanket ty np thts not suppose 2 b a blanket..
03:00:432 (2,3) - mm why stop the motion here >< fixed fixed
03:42:156 - is this rankable the other way around? o wait i think they made that rule into a guideline
03:56:122 (3,4,5,6) - wow this is gunna be so misleading LOL
04:00:605 (3,1) - make these 2 more or less curve with each other pls yea yea
04:03:708 (1,2) - tbh i think its better to just make it a 1/1 strong beat on slidertail lul
05:00:432 (2,2) - why don't you do something similar to 04:59:053 (2,2) - ? with the similar slider kind of idea cuz im gya
00:59:053 (1) - lmfao i swear i saw this slider in a certain rrtyui map b4 01:04:570 (1) - g

pw384 wrote:

thank you RLC for visualizing the LaTeX code!

ok no more memes

  1. 00:23:191 (2,3,4) - 正三角形更带感啊 。那flow就美麗
  2. 00:50:087 (1) - 我仔细听了一下觉得这个slider需要一点slider art 沒有啊,這裡的規律就是小節開始的那個有art,小節前的那個沒有
  3. 01:06:467 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 间距逐渐减小更好?我操,好像的確是這樣,你數的對
  4. 02:03:708 (1,2,1) - 强迫症死了 hao
  5. 02:08:536 (1) - 为了突出这里我觉得不能再跟前面的stack了,不如stack到02:08:881 (3) - 的头上?這裡重做了
  6. 03:29:829 (1,1) - 最后两个note ctrl + G 一下似乎很不错(?) 那就太爆炸了還是算了
  7. 03:56:122 (3) - 求你加个NC 支持

Xilver wrote:


HP+1? yea


00:03:708 (1,2) - I think making 2 move the same direction as 1 would fit better since both sounds are the same. yea
00:19:053 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - How about shaping these to fit more with the triples at 00:13:536 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ? esp. since movement in the first set of triples is rly sharp uhh but i like the current idea xd
00:33:363 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe increase spacing gradually? the snares go up in pitch and from playing they feel like they have the same distance yea, increased sv as well
00:45:260 (1) - CtrlG? imo the shorter DS would add nice contrast to the slider from 00:44:915 (2,1) - hmm idk if it will play better, clrl+g for now
01:06:467 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Don't the synths gradually lower in pitch here? yea
I think the fact 01:26:467 (1,1) - are rly close to 01:27:156 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - make the pattern feel much weaker than 01:25:432 (1,2,1,2,1) - when playing, I'd move them slightly to the left? tbh dont really get this lol
01:29:225 (1) - Maybe stack its tail on 01:29:915 (1) - 's tail to give the drop more initial emphasis? hm i think stacking on head gives more emphasis?
01:33:622 (2,3) - DS could be confusing here, most people would probably see it as 1/4 apart which they're not yea ctrl+g'd
01:36:294 (1,2) - Space these apart a bit more to fit the same intensity as the other patterns? uhh moved a really bit, not much space to touch here
02:23:881 (1,2) - This is a lot easier compared to other instances of the pattern, consider increasing? seems fine to me
03:25:950 (2) - 03:27:329 (2) - CtrlG to fit with previous instance? im not sure which is more intuitive honestly, applied yours
03:38:536 (1,2,1) - I feel like you should map this section to the snare like at 03:33:018 (1) -, because of how fast the sliders are and how much you have to click them, 03:38:881 (1) - feels very weak as a result. ok
03:56:122 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - 04:07:156 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Despite it being the strongest part of the song I still think the spacing on these can be very confusing, a lot of the time I saw it as triples or quads and not a full stream, you don't have to reduce it but I would either NC or change the spacing to make it more clear it's a stream. fixed
04:35:347 (4,1) - Maybe space 1 out a bit more for emphasis? ?? i think its adequately spaced..
04:59:743 (2) - It feels like this shape doesn't feel as...jagged as all the other instances of this pattern, like at 01:52:156 (2) - yea i couldnt think of anything cool here so just made it like a bigger version of (1)
05:03:018 (1,2,3) - Maybe change this into a stream? This feels pretty much the same as 05:01:639 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - because of how you have to click the same way. yea it was a stream originally (low to high one), but then i realized it didnt play well because then 05:03:536 (1,1,1) - would lack an emphasis so i decided to make them kicks
thanks for mods!
i did a small recheck over discord, fixed a hitsound, offscreen etc.

waiting for storyboard so no bubble yet but let me reserve this with the star icon
00:26:467 (1,2,3) - This seems like an overmap, when listening on 25% speed the blue tick sounds like a note, but it actually appears to be the snare sound from 00:26:467 - fading. 00:26:898 - There is a silent hihat here so a triple would suit more there tbh.
00:31:984 (1,2,3) - 00:37:501 (1,2,3) - 00:43:018 (1,2,3) - applies to all of these.
Topic Starter
ur right tbh
taech mi spid rabking
03:58:191 (1,2,3) - wait what??? Guys is KysStar actually Gay?? didnt he Just map a Dong Here!!!!
04:32:674 (1,2,1) - 哦我的妈 哥儿们 你们见证到了吗woc 这不是大屌吗 原来星爷是搞给?????????????

2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia:  ██████╗  █████╗ ██╗   ██╗
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██║ ███╗███████║ ╚████╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██║ ██║██╔══██║ ╚██╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ╚██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝

Emilia wrote:

Finally, I feel like I meet a great map again after a while :D
Topic Starter

Emilia wrote:

03:58:191 (1,2,3) - wait what??? Guys is KysStar actually Gay?? didnt he Just map a Dong Here!!!!
04:32:674 (1,2,1) - 哦我的妈 哥儿们 你们见证到了吗woc 这不是大屌吗 原来星爷是搞给?????????????

2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia:  ██████╗  █████╗ ██╗   ██╗
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██║ ███╗███████║ ╚████╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ██║ ██║██╔══██║ ╚██╔╝
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ╚██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║
2017-12-06 00:25 Emilia: ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
@bn/qat: plz dont deny kd cuz he actually modded it via irc but was too shy 2 post log ooooooo:
@emilia: fUK YOU FUk c YOUf cUKFo yco UFkc yOUFKYO fuCKOU

Emilia wrote:

nice storyboard
disabled countdown

  1. 00:17:329 (1,2) - probably want to swap NCs here
  2. 00:19:743 (1,2,3) - maybe do back-and-forth thing like you did with 00:14:225 (1,2,3) -
  3. 02:10:950 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - personally i think straight line is neat, but would be better if there was a slight shift between 02:11:122 (3,1) - to help give synth some emphasis. (might need to make fixes to sb though)
  4. 03:00:950 (1) - i think it would be better to start stream here rather than at 03:01:122 (2) -
  5. 03:30:605 (1) - to 03:51:294 (1) - this section is so sick
  6. 04:43:708 (1,1) - i feel like that the SVs here should be lowered, music is still pretty quiet and not really building up
i can qualify in 12 hours i guess
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:


  1. 00:17:329 (1,2) - probably want to swap NCs here yea
  2. 00:19:743 (1,2,3) - maybe do back-and-forth thing like you did with 00:14:225 (1,2,3) - it's bundled with the triplets actually (00:13:018 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - traingles) vs (00:18:536 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - linear) so i wanted the 1/2s to be something different from each other too
  3. 02:10:950 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - personally i think straight line is neat, but would be better if there was a slight shift between 02:11:122 (3,1) - to help give synth some emphasis. (might need to make fixes to sb though) yea
  4. 03:00:950 (1) - i think it would be better to start stream here rather than at 03:01:122 (2) - yea
  5. 03:30:605 (1) - to 03:51:294 (1) - this section is so sick yea
  6. 04:43:708 (1,1) - i feel like that the SVs here should be lowered, music is still pretty quiet and not really building up the vocal goes higher in pitch tho, and if i changed that 04:45:087 (1,2,3) - this wouldn't make sense anymore but imo the buildup from low to high (as in 04:42:329 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ) and then from high to low (04:45:087 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ) before the kiai kicks in is really cool so i wanna keep that
i can qualify in 12 hours i guess
Topic Starter
thanks aoba chan and kibbo chan lov y'all owo
Yay :D
thanks for ranking this :D
Nakano Itsuki
Asahina Momoko
05:26:467 - not a fan of this section and not because it's a copy/paste

05:29:398 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - a lot of dynamic sounds going on here. it's a complete misrepresentation of music to map it all as a stack since it's a crescendo/diminuendo.

05:34:743 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as above.

it doesn't matter if there is a specific theme/patterns that you're following, that's inexcusable due to how badly the music is being misrepresented.
Lince Cosmico
If -Tochi made the SB then the map is good
02:10:605 (1,2,3) - storyboard heart place and cursor moving are upper than object place. please correct it.

Name_Entry wrote:

02:10:605 (1,2,3) - storyboard heart place and cursor moving are upper than object place. please correct it.
Topic Starter

banter wrote:

05:26:467 - not a fan of this section and not because it's a copy/paste

05:29:398 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - a lot of dynamic sounds going on here. it's a complete misrepresentation of music to map it all as a stack since it's a crescendo/diminuendo. i mapped it all as stacks for the sake of having 05:31:294 (1,2,3,4) - more noticeable that it's a reverse of 05:28:536 (1,2,3,4) - and not just because it's a copypaste. doing anything otherwise would completely ruin that atmosphere

05:34:743 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as above. same

it doesn't matter if there is a specific theme/patterns that you're following, that's inexcusable due to how badly the music is being misrepresented.

Vert wrote:


Vert wrote:

Oh rly, you didn't even included rrtyui in tags?
"List of inspirations" or however u gonna call it won't solve every problem.
Now i see you are going for ranked and you will be known for someone's else stuff, that's not fair.
I've already seen in many mapping groups posts like - "I can't draw sliders, I'll copy Skystar's one" and attached image with rrtyui's slider.
For me its just so unfair to literally copy some patterns from other maps and make a map from it without even referencing authors in tags.
Firstly i thought it is only unranked troll but today i see this qualified and my face was like wtf, this map doesn't even show if i search for "rrtyui" in-game.
Of course, other mappers should be in tags too, but not including rrtyui when he did most of this map is really a shame on you.

My main point here is: Most people won't look in this thread to see reference list, they will instead think that you made all of this.
Topic Starter
yea i did make all of this, otherwise map would've gotten nuked the day it was submitted
i mean, its the fact that rrtyui 'technically' didn't contribute anything - as in he didn't map anything here, it was all done by skystar.

that's debatable but i think either adding or not adding would be fine here.

Kibbleru wrote:

i mean, its the fact that rrtyui 'technically' didn't contribute anything - as in he didn't map anything here, it was all done by skystar.

that's debatable but i think either adding or not adding would be fine here.
You said he didnt map anything here, that's true - he didn't put any slider/circle here.
But the map overall isnt only sliders and circles - he gave "concept" "idea" or however you can call it.
That's something map needs first to then put these sliders and circles to create the map.
Tag is really nothing though, you can call a QAT if you really think it needs adding his name into tag.

Minorsonek wrote:

Kibbleru wrote:

i mean, its the fact that rrtyui 'technically' didn't contribute anything - as in he didn't map anything here, it was all done by skystar.

that's debatable but i think either adding or not adding would be fine here.
You said he didnt map anything here, that's true - he didn't put any slider/circle here.
But the map overall isnt only sliders and circles - he gave "concept" "idea" or however you can call it.
That's something map needs first to then put these sliders and circles to create the map.
i’d argue that putting rrtyui into the tags would be even more confusing. ranking criteria requires people to add guest mappers/collabers to the tags, so adding rrtyui to them would imply that he helped create the map, rather than being the main inspiration for it. he didn’t help make the map, so not adding his name to the tags makes sense.

if we had to add tags every time somebody copied another gimmick/concept then every map would just be a giant clusterfuck of “who did what”

Doormat wrote:

Please mind your language no need to be so offensive with your words mate! :)

Have a nice day!
Nao Tomori
just put rlc skystar james djpop in tags of every map, problem solved

-Tochi wrote:

Name_Entry wrote:

02:10:605 (1,2,3) - storyboard heart place and cursor moving are upper than object place. please correct it.
oh i didn't know this solution. thanks
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