I'm mostly going to talk about that final sentence, though you can talk about the rest of that rule too if you wanted. This started from a discussion concerning this map on the thread and then in the mentorship discord.Standard Rules wrote:
Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders which overlap themselves in a way that makes any section unreadable or ambiguous cannot be used, such as burai sliders and hold sliders without straightforward slider borders. When perfectly overlapping two slider bodies, the first slider must be fully faded out before the second slider is fully faded in.
The rule currently disallows perfectly stacking slider bodies from being too close to each other in time. It's in place so that reading a slider isn't ambiguous and that it isn't mistaken for a circle. However I believe there are cases where breaking this rule does not make a slider ambiguous to read, and following it would affect the quality of the pattern, e.g. in the map I linked.
There's also cases where sliders of different lengths but still with perfectly overlapping bodies can still be fairly clear to read, e.g. the start of Karen's Nobore. This means that even if a slider is not completely clear and visible, it does not necessarily make it ambiguous and unreadable.
My suggestion would be to move this final sentence to the guidelines, so that it can still be observed to make sure sliders are not ambiguous, but can still be broken under edge cases where ambiguity would not be affected like in the maps I linked.