
Daniel Ingram - Equestria Girls

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017 at 02:12:26 a.m.

Artist: Daniel Ingram
Title: Equestria Girls
Source: My Little Pony Equestria Girls
Tags: MLP MLPEG Friendship is Magic Twilight Sparkle Applejack Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Rebecca Shoichet Ashleigh Ball Andrea Libman Shannon Chan-Kent Kazumi Evans Meghan McCarthy Soundtrack Children's Music OST Movie Cafeteria Song Vicho Vicho-kun CDFA Reditum Collab Collaboration
BPM: 98
Filesize: 32694kb
Play Time: 03:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. CDFA's Magical Friendship (3 stars, 321 notes)
  2. Gericho's Magical Hard (2.71 stars, 370 notes)
  3. Gericho's Magical Normal (1.72 stars, 239 notes)
Download: Daniel Ingram - Equestria Girls
Download: Daniel Ingram - Equestria Girls (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

~ Even if you don't like this kind of things, you have to admit that this song is catchy as fuck ~
Shohei Ohtani
how the fuck is my diff higher star rating than Collab Hard
Hello, can i make a insane GD? c: here's a preview of the ritmy
pm-me :D
Que buen mapa !!!! Bien echo!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
<3 song
Topic Starter
~ U P D A T E D ~


-_vicX_- wrote:

Que buen mapa !!!! Bien echo!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)


  1. 00:37:990 (2,3,1) - Here a rhythm more like 00:33:092 (2,3,4) - would fits better and improve the consistency of the session.

  2. 00:49:010 (2) - A 1/2 slider would fit better here and get better with the rhythm of the instumental than a simple circle

  3. 01:01:898 (2,1) - I think the flow between these two is not good, something similar to this would be better

  4. 01:13:652 (4) - How about putting this in x:300 y:272 to leave more symmetrical, this way seems very uncomfortable.

  5. 01:55:973 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This seems to be very intense for beginners, I mean, three sessions in a row with 1/2 circles, it seems a bit difficult for beginners, what about replacing 01:57:045 (2,3,4) - with a 1/1 slider?

  6. 03:14:991 (4) - How about an NC to emphasize the end of the map?


  1. 00:30:031 (1,2,3,4) - I think two sliders like these 00:37:684 (1,3) - would follow the vocal better in this sequence, circles appear to me very "straight" and incompatible with the sequence

  2. 01:57:580 (3) - Sorry for being stupid, but this can be more symmetrical xD

  3. 02:13:384 (1) - I think this NC would be more meaningful here 02:13:652 (2) -

  4. 03:15:527 (5) - Same as normal diff


  1. 00:49:010 (7,8) - In some parts of the diff it seems easier than the previous difficulty, this is one of the moments because this part would be much better represented with a stream, the same as there is in the hard difficulty.

  2. 01:10:839 (7) - You should delete this note, it forces a part of the stream that simply does not exist

  3. 01:10:973 (8,9,10,11) - In my point of view this does not seem straight as it should be

  4. 01:24:366 (2) -01:58:652 (2) - I really do not see the need for a slider so "weird" in one part without this kind of thing, nor is the vocal different to give emphasis with a slider like that

  5. 01:43:920 (1) - Why did you map here with a spinner and here 01:09:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - no? These are practically the same sessions

  6. 02:18:205 (1) - As it is the last diff I expected it to be clickable here

thats it Gero, sorry if its not enough ;w;
Topic Starter


  1. 00:37:990 (2,3,1) - Here a rhythm more like 00:33:092 (2,3,4) - would fits better and improve the consistency of the session. Changed.
  2. 00:49:010 (2) - A 1/2 slider would fit better here and get better with the rhythm of the instumental than a simple circle Added one more note in this section.
  3. 01:01:898 (2,1) - I think the flow between these two is not good, something similar to this would be better
    I changed it by something else.
  4. 01:13:652 (4) - How about putting this in x:300 y:272 to leave more symmetrical, this way seems very uncomfortable. Fixed.
  5. 01:55:973 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This seems to be very intense for beginners, I mean, three sessions in a row with 1/2 circles, it seems a bit difficult for beginners, what about replacing 01:57:045 (2,3,4) - with a 1/1 slider? This is not that difficult due that the BPM is 112.
  6. 03:14:991 (4) - How about an NC to emphasize the end of the map? Yeah.


  1. 00:30:031 (1,2,3,4) - I think two sliders like these 00:37:684 (1,3) - would follow the vocal better in this sequence, circles appear to me very "straight" and incompatible with the sequence
  2. 01:57:580 (3) - Sorry for being stupid, but this can be more symmetrical xD Changed.
  3. 02:13:384 (1) - I think this NC would be more meaningful here 02:13:652 (2) - Yeah.
  4. 03:15:527 (5) - Same as normal diff Same as above.


  1. 00:49:010 (7,8) - In some parts of the diff it seems easier than the previous difficulty, this is one of the moments because this part would be much better represented with a stream, the same as there is in the hard difficulty. I'm following the music in this part. So it should be okay to leave it as it is. Added.
  2. 01:10:839 (7) - You should delete this note, it forces a part of the stream that simply does not exist Deleted.
  3. 01:10:973 (8,9,10,11) - In my point of view this does not seem straight as it should be It's okay for me.
  4. 01:24:366 (2) -01:58:652 (2) - I really do not see the need for a slider so "weird" in one part without this kind of thing, nor is the vocal different to give emphasis with a slider like that Same as above.
  5. 01:43:920 (1) - Why did you map here with a spinner and here 01:09:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - no? These are practically the same sessions
  6. 02:18:205 (1) - As it is the last diff I expected it to be clickable here Applied both.

thats it Gero, sorry if its not enough ;w;
Topic Starter

  • [General]
  1. agrega 'mlp' a los tags
  2. 00:54:331 - sure it's not 112bpm instead of 111? D: estuve probando, y podrías eliminar 01:02:403 - 01:02:938 - estas 2 líneas rojas, y cambiar la que está como 111bpm a 112bpm y moverla a 00:54:370 -. Así arreglarías el retardo que se produce 01:01:334 (7,8,1) - con estos. SIN EMBARGO! 00:54:331 (1) - esto quedaría un poco desfasado, así que que ahí ve tú cómo lo haces, pero lo mejor sería dejar esa única línea roja de 112bpm donde te mencioné.
  3. why no kiais? :C
  4. 03:11:484 - considera agregar un red line acá para ajustar la última parte que está claramente desfasada. los players con hr te lo van a agradecer xd
  5. el ar/od/hp como que se ve un poco desordenado a través del spread. AR8 OD7 HP7 en un mapa de 2.7? O.o

    [CDFA's Magical Friendship]
  6. 00:39:214 (7) - would be better to unstack this for better emphasis.
  7. 01:08:830 (4,1,2) - tbh the flow here doesn't really work that good, also you're adding a jump after that and the transition seems a bit too forced. maybe something like this wouldnt hurt?
  8. 01:38:295 (5,6) - this is the only overlap you make of that kind in the entire map which feels a bit inconsistent tbh, consider moving it a bit.
  9. 02:35:348 (6,7) - you might not be focusing on blankets, but this one would look way better with one D:
  10. 02:38:696 (6) - delete note?
  11. 02:55:438 (7) - nc here instead of 02:57:045 (1) - ?

    [Gericho's Magical Hard]
  12. 00:57:574 - en vez de terminar el slider en el tick blanco, considero que deberías empezar este en ese tick ya que las vocales se enfatizan más ahí. considera 00:57:303 (2,3) - hacer ctrl+g al ritmo y luego lo reajustas.
  13. 01:05:884 (3,4) - creo que sería mejor si le quitas el stack ya que cortas el movimiento del jugador en una parte intensa como lo es ese tick blanco
  14. 01:23:027 (3,4) - similar ^
  15. 01:57:580 (3) - puedes borrar el nodo de al medio. lo sé, sé que no afecta en nada pero me causó gracia xd
  16. 02:00:527 (5,1) - podrías hacer que tengan la misma distancia que 01:59:991 (3,4) - estos.
  17. 03:13:652 - en el sb donde aparece vicho 2 veces seguidas, creo que el 2do aparece demasiado rápido, si te fijas para 03:13:920 - ya desapareció xd

    [Gericho's Magical Normal]
  18. 01:48:473 (3) - 01:54:366 (1) - estos son los únicos sliders 2/1 que usan en los "kiais" (a excepción de 01:59:188 (2) - el cual queda bien), lo que hace sentir esta sección bastante más lenta que las demás.
    El resto se ve bien

perdón si el mod no es el mejor, pero soy malo modeando diffs tan bajitas xd


00:40:133 (1,2,3,4,5) - I found this interesting because the rhythm is more dense at this part in the Gericho's Magical Hard,
also as kind of a general note you tend to follow the vocal line pretty accurately except for a few points where I think you should adjust: 02:10:705 - 02:46:598 -

Gericho's Magical Hard
00:40:133 (2) - I have my reservations about spacing 1/4 gaps like this on hard diffs especially because it looks similar to the common 1/2 spacing
01:01:898 (1) - I think this is an NC mistake because normally NC's are per measure(this isn't)
01:27:580 (5) - this NC makes more sense because its more pattern and emphasis based so you could keep it, but I personally prefer if it were more consisten to the one measure concept already in effect
01:40:973 (5,1) - since gero just established the 1/4 spacing convention with things like 01:35:080 (1,2,3) - it would make more sense to unstack this and space it accordingly
01:53:830 (1,2) - against 1/4 spacing idea here
02:02:670 (1) - for NC's you usually NC after the large white tick if something before as seen by many NCs here 00:30:031 -
02:08:830 (4,1) - I would personally make this 1/4 spacing more consistent with 02:04:545 (5,1) -
02:55:973 (1) - would be consistent to the per measure NC
03:00:795 (1,2) - I would personally make this 1/4 spacing more consistent with 02:51:688 (4,1) - (also 03:06:152 (4,5) - )

Gericho's Magical Normal
I'm just gonna say general comments
I think the regular 1/2 spacing is too high for spread, I think the circles should overlap more
the NC work on this is really inconsistent to me. Just to make some example, 00:30:031 (1,2,3) - is one measure nc based, then some point you do some 2 measure NC at 01:02:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - then on top of that you do vocal phrase based NC with 01:11:509 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - AND THEN pattern based NC with 01:36:152 (1,2) - , I think overall this needs to be worked on, I would stick to the 2 measure NC as a base (because the overall density of this is low) and maybe in the more dense sections go down to 1 measure NC

for me fluttershy is the best pony :p
Good luck with this set!! :D
i couldnt find anything personally, so take stars
nice set
hola ~
  • i think its not big problem couse in ur map since I didnt see any flash effects here,but can it still be included?

  • 02:06:151 (3) - object's end is not snapped! (that tell me Mr.AiMod)
    01:49:813 (4,1) - not a very good transition, since the note touches the slider slightly. can it be raised a little higher?
  • 00:44:265 (4) - what about make this plase how on screen here for better rhythm,becasue I hear there in the beginning two blows
    01:04:545 (5) - naybe try stack with 01:05:884 (3,4) -

  • 01:03:473 (3) - make the turn a bit nicer as in Hard diff
    01:20:884 - add a circle owo
    03:14:723 (1,2,1) - u can make it how in Hard too

why its not ranked yet? lol
buena suerte mi querido amigo (:

sraaaaars ~ wwww

Good Luck ;)
Topic Starter

  • [General]
  1. agrega 'mlp' a los tags Hecho.
  2. 00:54:331 - sure it's not 112bpm instead of 111? D: estuve probando, y podrías eliminar 01:02:403 - 01:02:938 - estas 2 líneas rojas, y cambiar la que está como 111bpm a 112bpm y moverla a 00:54:370 -. Así arreglarías el retardo que se produce 01:01:334 (7,8,1) - con estos. SIN EMBARGO! 00:54:331 (1) - esto quedaría un poco desfasado, así que que ahí ve tú cómo lo haces, pero lo mejor sería dejar esa única línea roja de 112bpm donde te mencioné. Ya edite el mp3 por lo tanto no hay variaciones a partir del cambio a 112.
  3. why no kiais? :C Aañadido.
  4. 03:11:484 - considera agregar un red line acá para ajustar la última parte que está claramente desfasada. los players con hr te lo van a agradecer xd En realidad no veo algún cambio aquí.
  5. el ar/od/hp como que se ve un poco desordenado a través del spread. AR8 OD7 HP7 en un mapa de 2.7? O.o Ya son consistentes.

    [CDFA's Magical Friendship]
  6. 00:39:214 (7) - would be better to unstack this for better emphasis. I don't think so.
  7. 01:08:830 (4,1,2) - tbh the flow here doesn't really work that good, also you're adding a jump after that and the transition seems a bit too forced. maybe something like this wouldnt hurt? I'd rather to keep it like that, because CDFA's style is like this.
  8. 01:38:295 (5,6) - this is the only overlap you make of that kind in the entire map which feels a bit inconsistent tbh, consider moving it a bit. This is fine.
  9. 02:35:348 (6,7) - you might not be focusing on blankets, but this one would look way better with one D: Fixed.
  10. 02:38:696 (6) - delete note?
  11. 02:55:438 (7) - nc here instead of 02:57:045 (1) - ? Yeah.

    [Gericho's Magical Hard]
  12. 00:57:574 - en vez de terminar el slider en el tick blanco, considero que deberías empezar este en ese tick ya que las vocales se enfatizan más ahí. considera 00:57:303 (2,3) - hacer ctrl+g al ritmo y luego lo reajustas. Hecho.
  13. 01:05:884 (3,4) - creo que sería mejor si le quitas el stack ya que cortas el movimiento del jugador en una parte intensa como lo es ese tick blanco
  14. 01:23:027 (3,4) - similar ^ Prefiero dejarlo, me gusta así.
  15. 01:57:580 (3) - puedes borrar el nodo de al medio. lo sé, sé que no afecta en nada pero me causó gracia xd Cierto.
  16. 02:00:527 (5,1) - podrías hacer que tengan la misma distancia que 01:59:991 (3,4) - estos. Arreglado.
  17. 03:13:652 - en el sb donde aparece vicho 2 veces seguidas, creo que el 2do aparece demasiado rápido, si te fijas para 03:13:920 - ya desapareció xd Arreglado.

    [Gericho's Magical Normal]
  18. 01:48:473 (3) - 01:54:366 (1) - estos son los únicos sliders 2/1 que usan en los "kiais" (a excepción de 01:59:188 (2) - el cual queda bien), lo que hace sentir esta sección bastante más lenta que las demás. No creo que haya mucho problema con dejarlo así.
    El resto se ve bien

perdón si el mod no es el mejor, pero soy malo modeando diffs tan bajitas xd



00:40:133 (1,2,3,4,5) - I found this interesting because the rhythm is more dense at this part in the Gericho's Magical Hard,
also as kind of a general note you tend to follow the vocal line pretty accurately except for a few points where I think you should adjust: 02:10:705 - 02:46:598 - You're right, but it doesn't matter that much in my opinion.

Gericho's Magical Hard
00:40:133 (2) - I have my reservations about spacing 1/4 gaps like this on hard diffs especially because it looks similar to the common 1/2 spacing Since the BPM is really slow in this song, I don't see any problems by keeping a jump with these two sliders.
01:01:898 (1) - I think this is an NC mistake because normally NC's are per measure(this isn't) Right.
01:27:580 (5) - this NC makes more sense because its more pattern and emphasis based so you could keep it, but I personally prefer if it were more consisten to the one measure concept already in effect Yeah.
01:40:973 (5,1) - since gero just established the 1/4 spacing convention with things like 01:35:080 (1,2,3) - it would make more sense to unstack this and space it accordingly Moved.
01:53:830 (1,2) - against 1/4 spacing idea here Same as above.
02:02:670 (1) - for NC's you usually NC after the large white tick if something before as seen by many NCs here 00:30:031 - Alright.
02:08:830 (4,1) - I would personally make this 1/4 spacing more consistent with 02:04:545 (5,1) -
02:55:973 (1) - would be consistent to the per measure NC Sure thing.
03:00:795 (1,2) - I would personally make this 1/4 spacing more consistent with 02:51:688 (4,1) - (also 03:06:152 (4,5) - ) Yes, Yes, Yes.

Gericho's Magical Normal
I'm just gonna say general comments
I think the regular 1/2 spacing is too high for spread, I think the circles should overlap more I changed the CS, so it should be perfectly fine now.
the NC work on this is really inconsistent to me. Just to make some example, 00:30:031 (1,2,3) - is one measure nc based, then some point you do some 2 measure NC at 01:02:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - then on top of that you do vocal phrase based NC with 01:11:509 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - AND THEN pattern based NC with 01:36:152 (1,2) - , I think overall this needs to be worked on, I would stick to the 2 measure NC as a base (because the overall density of this is low) and maybe in the more dense sections go down to 1 measure NC Worked on the NC patterns.

for me fluttershy is the best pony :p
Good luck with this set!! :D

hola ~
  • i think its not big problem couse in ur map since I didnt see any flash effects here,but can it still be included? Yes.

  • 02:06:151 (3) - object's end is not snapped! (that tell me Mr.AiMod) Fixed.
    01:49:813 (4,1) - not a very good transition, since the note touches the slider slightly. can it be raised a little higher? Moved a bit.
  • 00:44:265 (4) - what about make this plase how on screen here for better rhythm,becasue I hear there in the beginning two blows He's following vocals in this part.
    01:04:545 (5) - naybe try stack with 01:05:884 (3,4) - Why?

  • 01:03:473 (3) - make the turn a bit nicer as in Hard diff Fixed.
    01:20:884 - add a circle owo Added.
    03:14:723 (1,2,1) - u can make it how in Hard too This antijump is good enough.

why its not ranked yes? lol
buena suerte mi querido amigo (:

sraaaaars ~ wwww

Good Luck ;)



  1. I've edited the mp3 by myself to avoid some variations, due that the song itself had some issues.
  2. Added a good quality video.

Artist: Daniel Ingram
Title: Equestria Girls
Source: My Little Pony Equestria Girls
Links: Official Site
16:34 *Voli is playing [ Daniel Ingram - Equestria Girls [CDFA's Magical Friendship]]
16:39 Voli: that was rly clean
16:40 Gero: and it's from 2014 xD
16:40 *Voli is editing [ Daniel Ingram - Equestria Girls [CDFA's Magical Friendship]]
16:40 Voli: 00:40:468 (3) - 2 minisliders?
16:40 Voli: its weird how the vocals are skpped there
16:40 Voli: and the rest of them are followed
16:41 Gero: right
16:41 Gero: I'll change that
16:41 Voli: oki
16:42 Gero: changed
16:43 Voli: 01:24:383 (2) -
16:43 Voli: ??
16:43 Voli: LOL
16:43 Voli: i feel it can use some gero tidying
16:43 Gero: don't ask me what is it
16:43 Voli: loool
16:43 Gero: sure I can fix it
16:44 Gero: I'll keep his weird shape anyway xD
16:44 Voli: yea
16:44 Voli: just make it a bit cleaner
16:44 Voli: 01:58:668 (2) -
16:44 Voli: you prob have to copy it
16:44 Voli: lol
16:45 Gero: okay
16:45 Gero: changed both
16:45 Voli: oki
16:45 Voli: 02:38:713 (6) - is ovvermapped i think]
16:45 Voli: the stream starts at 02:38:847 (7) -
16:46 Gero: oh I forget to fix that one
16:46 Voli: k tahts all for this diff
16:47 Gero: could you check NCs in CDFA's difficulty?
16:47 Voli: oh
16:47 Voli: okay
16:47 Gero: I can fix them by myself, but just in case lol
16:47 Voli: o yea one more thing
16:47 Voli: how about shortening this one 00:44:294 (5) -
16:48 Voli: and making the ''just'' clickable with a note
16:48 Voli: that would be more fitting imo
16:48 Gero: yeah it would be but I'd rather to leave it like that, it's consistent with Hard as well
16:48 Voli: like that
16:48 Voli: o
16:49 Voli: 00:57:061 (6) - nc
16:50 Voli: 01:00:543 (6) - nc
16:50 Voli: 01:01:883 (1) - remove nc
16:50 Voli: 01:02:954 (1) - add nc
16:50 Gero: yeah fixed them all, there was a NC on a 1/4 circle lmao
16:50 Voli: lmao
16:50 Voli: 01:13:133 (1) -
16:50 Voli: remove
16:50 Voli: 01:13:668 (3) - add
16:50 Voli: i think
16:51 Voli: well im not sure
16:51 Voli: it follows that lyrical sequence
16:51 Voli: man this part is nced so weirdly
16:51 Voli: 01:15:543 (1) - this should be removed and added here 01:15:811 (2) -
16:51 Gero: I'm gonna fix it
16:52 Voli: but then this is fucked again 01:16:883 (1) -
16:52 Voli: xD
16:52 Voli: yea
16:52 Voli: could you go over it?
16:52 Gero: sure
16:52 Voli: ill check the other diffs then
16:52 Gero: alright
16:55 Voli: hard seems good, except i would add a note with nc 00:49:651 - here, it feels unfinished
16:56 Gero: added
16:57 Voli: normal good too
16:57 Voli: tell me when you're ready
16:58 Voli: do you have metadata confirmed?
16:59 Gero: yup
16:59 Gero: p/6313026
16:59 Voli: good
17:00 Gero: that picture is from the movie's credits
17:00 Gero: and the source from the official page, so it should be enough
17:00 Voli: yee it's good

cdfa in 2017 lul


  1. ¿Usa AR8 en la diff de cdfa? es bien raro que uses el mimo AR que en tu diff que es bastante mas fácil, subile el OD a 7 también

  1. 01:10:990 (1,2,3,4,1) - the stream not being perfectly in line trigger me xd
  2. 01:45:275 (1,2,3,4,1) - same
  3. 01:38:847 (6) - vocals and music changes at the end of the slider, this beat sounds super bad being mapped as slider tail, also because that's the place where your NC should be.
  4. 01:43:133 (4) - same
  5. 02:36:704 (4) - ^, there are more, but these three are the ones that sounds worst.

  1. 02:00:275 (4,5,1) - el espaciado xd

  1. 01:47:954 (1,2,3) - espaciado
  2. 02:45:811 (1,2) - estos son muy difíciles de seguir para los nuevos, hace algo mas sencillo
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

cdfa in 2017 lul


  1. ¿Usa AR8 en la diff de cdfa? es bien raro que uses el mimo AR que en tu diff que es bastante mas fácil, subile el OD a 7 también Listo.

  1. 01:10:990 (1,2,3,4,1) - the stream not being perfectly in line trigger me xd Changed.
  2. 01:45:275 (1,2,3,4,1) - same Same as above.
  3. 01:38:847 (6) - vocals and music changes at the end of the slider, this beat sounds super bad being mapped as slider tail, also because that's the place where your NC should be.
  4. 01:43:133 (4) - same
  5. 02:36:704 (4) - ^, there are more, but these three are the ones that sounds worst. I'd rather to keep them as they are to be consistent with the way he mapped it. I'm pretty confident that he was mapping only vocals that's why those sliders end there.

  1. 02:00:275 (4,5,1) - el espaciado xd Listo.

  1. 01:47:954 (1,2,3) - espaciado Lo mismo.
  2. 02:45:811 (1,2) - estos son muy difíciles de seguir para los nuevos, hace algo mas sencillo Cambie un poco la forma de los sliders, pero la idea la deje tal cual.
Topic Starter
ok :)
saved digo, grats!

Sorry but the metadata seem wrong to me.
Shouldn't the title be "Cafeteria Song"?

Also, the source should be "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls" with a :

Could you tell me what source you used please?

Chewin wrote: ... teria_Song)

I think it's actually correct
Unfortunately, a wiki is not an official source. I checked the sources they used and couldn't find anything regarding the actual name of the song.
And even in the wiki it's written "(Cafeteria Song)". :(
mmm maybe ask to some metadata qat about this, because I'm really not sure if we should include (Cafeteria Song), here is the itunes (should be considered official as the artist/company website links to it): ... 1103045811

the title is Equestria Girls, the thing is if we should include the cafeteria thing or not

amazon: ... B01EBCRYEM

too much ponys for today >:( :( :o
Rest in peace CDFA

GG Gerito :3
i am soooo late ;w; congratz on rank!

Natsu wrote:

mmm maybe ask to some metadata qat about this, because I'm really not sure if we should include (Cafeteria Song), here is the itunes (should be considered official as the artist/company website links to it): ... 1103045811

the title is Equestria Girls, the thing is if we should include the cafeteria thing or not

amazon: ... B01EBCRYEM

too much ponys for today >:( :( :o
Unfortunately again, iTunes and Amazon are not considered trustworthy sources :(
In any case, the title still seems to be wrong. It either is "Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song)" or just "Cafeteria Song".
I'll ask Doyak what should be done here.
Topic Starter
Why no one of you guys checked my previous post about it? Alright let's explain it. Title was took from the official credits of the movie, so adding something else in it will be considered not official anymore "Equestria Girls" is enough, that's why "Cafeteria Song" is on tags, now regarding the source, it's actually correct as well if you check the official site it's written "My Little Pony Equestria Girls" nothing else were added in it.

Artist: Daniel Ingram
Title: Equestria Girls
Source: My Little Pony Equestria Girls
Links: Official Site

It should be enough.
I agree with Kurai here. I couldn't find any references using "Equestria Girls" only (this reminds me of this old map).

I think you can go with either "Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song)" or "Cafeteria Song". I found an official reference to the first choice. ... 4933412001 (searching through MLP kid's site felt so weird)

and the second choice would be as what Kurai found.

About the source, I couldn't find a title without ':' too (the title logo doesn't count as a proper text). So unless if you find one I think you need to change it as well.

I also need a proper reference for the artist. Generally I couldn't find any official references, and probably the only thing I see is that itunes link has it as "Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity & Fluttershy" but idk. The composer doesn't automatically become the artist so I think you need to provide a reference for that.

Please reply here if you have any objections.
Topic Starter
Doyak, check my previous post. There's something regarding artist as well. I'm not on my home now, I can explain it in a couple of hours in case it's needed.
ah... alright...

I still don't get about the source though, I don't see anywhere saying it directly? The one you screenshot'd is actually a part of "My Little Pony Equestria Girls movie" and in which case you should include that too imo. Also I don't think providing foreign websites as reference doesn't get over English references.

And if you want others to read your previous posts, please write on the map description. I don't want to browse through every pages of every qualified maps' thread just to see if they actually provided the metadata or not.
at the end of this trailer

btw about gero's website just change the .mx to .us?
uhh if you mean the logo thing, I said it doesn't count as a proper text. Actually I think if we search through every corners of all official references we may find more of them without ':' because they wouldn't write every single ones 100% strictly. But I think in most cases when they need to provide the proper title they go with ':' .

Doyak wrote:

uhh if you mean the logo thing, I said it doesn't count as a proper text. Actually I think if we search through every corners of all official references we may find more of them without ':' because they wouldn't write every single ones 100% strictly. But I think in most cases when they need to provide the proper title they go with ':' .
Well Gero's image looks more legit than youtube and the logo should be legit, isn't basically the same as cases where the CD Labed is used as metadata source. ... 8503524001

you can check this one as well isn't using :, is the same site (the official one) as gero posted:

So I think we shouldn't assume if : is on purpose or not (since we can't know if they are doing it on purpose or no), since there are like 3 differents forms of the source all from official sources, I think it should be up to the mapper to use : or not
Okay I guess this is enough then.

Good to have all the required references now, good luck~
here made a 7 star map, it doesn't have proper hitsounds so please change them if you like. Timing also isn't perfected, made this in a rush sorry.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Joe Castle

SenpaiKiseki wrote:

here made a 7 star map, it doesn't have proper hitsounds so please change them if you like. Timing also isn't perfected, made this in a rush sorry.
A 7* pony map was the last thing we wanted from this game.

Joe Castle wrote:

A 7* pony map was the last thing we wanted from this game.

cool, atleast it's ranked now, was kind of sad when my beatmap didn't get through :(. Please critisize my beatmap, it's the first that i made.
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