21:24 agu: fruko can you tell me what you exactly mean by this one
21:24 agu: "On Fatale Oni, the ending is harder. Consider making it same or easier since it breaks the spread."
21:24 agu: at inner oni
21:24 frukoyurdakul: look at the difference
21:24 frukoyurdakul: you have more notes on inner oni, make them the same
21:24 frukoyurdakul: I meant
21:25 agu: ah I see
21:26 frukoyurdakul: nice :^)
21:33 agu: to give you kind of a perspective I kinda see harder diffs as equal in a sense
21:33 agu: idk how to explain it but for instance a diff might be harder for different reason than the other
21:33 agu: I'
21:33 agu: ll nerf it a bit at least
21:33 frukoyurdakul: I understand, and it's acceptable on guest diffs
21:34 frukoyurdakul: But, mapping something harder on an easier diff means that you're making a different approach on the section, which I'll ask later "why?"
21:34 frukoyurdakul: do you see my point there?
21:35 agu: I dunno man, I see your point but it's kinda like
21:35 agu: extra implies that it's an extra diff, not necessarily that it's harder
21:35 agu: kinda like a bonus difficulty I guess
21:36 agu: but I agree that I should nerf inner a bit
21:36 frukoyurdakul: we're cool then :^)
21:36 frukoyurdakul: even if I agree with you, it's not me that set the rules (or guidelines)
21:36 frukoyurdakul: It might get popped or DQed because of this reason
21:37 agu: being a BN is scary
21:37 frukoyurdakul: am I scary? ;w;
21:39 agu: nah
21:39 agu: I mean you're in a scary position
21:39 agu: don't you get kinda messed up if something you qualify gets dqed
21:39 agu: maybe not messed up is the right word but
21:40 frukoyurdakul: I got it
21:40 frukoyurdakul: although, I'm on a probation, so for now I can't qualify anything
21:40 frukoyurdakul: I can only bubble. And, once, a bubbled map from me got popped, and I've tried to defend myself but the arguments were sold
21:41 frukoyurdakul: solid* , so I agreed with the nominator that pops it.
21:41 frukoyurdakul: It's not good, yeah, but it'll teach you more
21:41 agu: hmm I see
22:03 agu: thanks for the mod btw
22:03 agu: applied stuff now
22:03 frukoyurdakul: okay I will check it now
22:04 frukoyurdakul: well, like in 10 minutes
22:04 agu: lmao
22:12 frukoyurdakul: hmm
22:13 frukoyurdakul: how about inner oni od=6 and fatale oni od=7 ?
22:13 frukoyurdakul: for some reason I forgot to mention about it
22:13 agu: I'll check later
22:14 frukoyurdakul: okay, I'll just post it to the recheck mod.
23:10 agu: done I think
23:10 frukoyurdakul: hmm let's see
23:11 agu: you can probably tell me in-game if you wanna
23:11 agu: hopefully there's not anything else I forgot qq
23:11 agu: if there's not much
23:11 frukoyurdakul: did you apply kantan ones?
23:11 agu: yeah
23:11 frukoyurdakul: okay then let's do a final check
23:12 agu: wait what does star mean
23:13 agu: on the map
23:13 frukoyurdakul: it means it has potential
23:13 frukoyurdakul: nothing important
23:13 frukoyurdakul: 00:37:301 (238) - what does this finisher represent?
23:13 agu: ah alright
23:13 agu: thank
23:13 agu: which diff
23:13 frukoyurdakul: fatale oni
23:13 agu: oh
23:14 agu: think it might have been an accident
23:14 agu: idk
23:14 frukoyurdakul: okay, you can remove it then
23:14 frukoyurdakul: since you don't have it on inner oni or oni
23:15 frukoyurdakul: fatale oni seems fine except that
23:16 frukoyurdakul: inner oni: 00:21:634 (117) - kat?
23:16 agu:
23:16 agu: changed
23:17 frukoyurdakul: 00:45:801 (312) - finisher
23:17 frukoyurdakul: 00:51:134 (357,359) - also these ones
23:17 agu: my bad
23:17 agu: done
23:17 frukoyurdakul: np np
23:18 frukoyurdakul: 01:04:967 - why did you end the 1/3 wise snapping?
23:18 frukoyurdakul: it's not consistent with fatale oni
23:19 agu: on inner?
23:19 frukoyurdakul: yeah
23:20 agu: update the map and look what you think
23:20 agu: about what I changed there now
23:21 frukoyurdakul: hmm
23:21 frukoyurdakul: 01:07:801 - you can also edit these parts
23:21 agu: you think ddk[d d k]?
23:21 frukoyurdakul: possibly, yeah
23:21 frukoyurdakul: but
23:22 frukoyurdakul: d [k d d k] would work better
23:23 agu: there
23:23 frukoyurdakul: yes much better
23:24 frukoyurdakul: hmm
23:25 frukoyurdakul: 01:25:634 - 01:26:301 -
23:25 frukoyurdakul: k ddddk
23:25 frukoyurdakul: as in deleting 01:25:717 (657,658,659) - these 3
23:25 frukoyurdakul: same for 01:26:301 - 01:26:967 - this gap
23:25 frukoyurdakul: and then you can delete 01:27:051 (673,675) - those two
23:26 frukoyurdakul: same for other stanza
23:26 agu: you think it's fine if I prefer to keep it as is?
23:26 agu: actually never mind
23:26 agu: I'll change it
23:26 frukoyurdakul: you think it fits better though don't you?
23:27 frukoyurdakul: if you do, after you change them, 01:28:967 - k ddk ddk ddk ddk or something until
23:27 frukoyurdakul: 01:30:301 - this part
23:28 agu: that sounds pretty good
23:28 frukoyurdakul: nice
23:29 frukoyurdakul: 01:51:967 - what I meant is
23:29 frukoyurdakul: (kkk)kkddk d k
23:30 agu: oh
23:30 agu: done
23:30 frukoyurdakul: nice nice
23:31 frukoyurdakul: now oni
23:31 frukoyurdakul: 00:14:079 (56) - unsnapped
23:31 frukoyurdakul: move to red tick
23:31 frukoyurdakul: and it also doesn't have finisher
23:32 agu: fixed
23:32 frukoyurdakul: 00:28:801 (146) - finisher like inner oni
23:32 frukoyurdakul: and fatale oni
23:32 agu: sure
23:33 frukoyurdakul: 00:45:801 (243,245) - finishers :^)
23:33 frukoyurdakul: 00:51:134 (281,283) -
23:33 frukoyurdakul: same
23:33 agu: fixed
23:34 frukoyurdakul: 01:46:301 (632,633,634,635) - you can emphasize the keyboard in 1/3
23:35 agu: yeah
23:35 agu: done
23:36 frukoyurdakul: muzukashii now
23:36 frukoyurdakul: on intro you changed the wrong volume
23:36 frukoyurdakul: the first one should be 50% and the 2nd one should be 70%
23:36 agu: fml
23:36 agu: fixed
23:37 frukoyurdakul: 00:28:801 (114) - optional, but you can put a finisher
23:37 agu: think I'll go without
23:38 frukoyurdakul: 00:45:801 (195,197) - finishers since you have on the first section
23:38 agu: fixed the second one too
23:39 frukoyurdakul: 01:36:467 (409) - for some reason finisher works well here
23:39 frukoyurdakul: I guess it's because from the gap
23:39 frukoyurdakul: what do you think?
23:39 agu: I think I could add it
23:39 frukoyurdakul: okay, 01:39:634 - you can also do some 1/3 snappings starting from this
23:40 frukoyurdakul: double snaps would be good
23:40 frukoyurdakul: like dk dd dk kd
23:40 frukoyurdakul: with some 1/2 breaks
23:40 frukoyurdakul: to 01:40:967 - here
23:41 agu: I think I'll just make it dk dk dk
23:41 frukoyurdakul: your choice entirely
23:41 frukoyurdakul: and lastly, 01:52:967 (498) - you can add finisher
23:41 agu: added
23:42 frukoyurdakul: on futsuu now
23:43 frukoyurdakul: 00:43:634 (124) - change to don finisher to keep it consistent with all the others
23:43 frukoyurdakul: and, 00:51:634 (148) - you don't have a finisher on this, adding it will be better
23:43 agu: yeah
23:44 agu: I guess
23:44 frukoyurdakul: 01:36:467 (281) - finisher since we added on muzu
23:44 frukoyurdakul: hmm?
23:44 agu: it just seemed a bit weird with the notes before to me before
23:44 frukoyurdakul: such as?
23:44 agu: no biggie
23:45 agu: it just seemed a bit hardish with the notes before
23:45 agu: if that makes sense
23:45 frukoyurdakul: hmm
23:45 agu: but I'll add it
23:45 frukoyurdakul: well, we'll see in the future :^)
23:45 agu: 00:17:967 (43) - I mean I don't have one here
23:45 agu: wait fuck
23:45 frukoyurdakul: huh?
23:45 frukoyurdakul: you already have one there
23:46 agu: never mind I'm derping
23:46 frukoyurdakul: lol
23:46 frukoyurdakul: okay that's it for futsuu
23:47 agu: soon done o.o
23:48 frukoyurdakul: kantan seems fine
23:48 frukoyurdakul: but I've just noticed
23:48 frukoyurdakul: on kantan and futsuu, 01:25:634 - you used kats here
23:48 frukoyurdakul: on muzu, you used dons
23:49 frukoyurdakul: I think kat represents the higher sounds better on this
23:50 agu: I guess look at muzu now?
23:51 frukoyurdakul: yes good
23:51 frukoyurdakul: update once more and I'll check the aimod and stuff
23:52 agu: yeah I updated
23:53 frukoyurdakul: okay
23:53 frukoyurdakul: are you ready for a bubble?
23:53 frukoyurdakul:
23:53 agu: I guess o.o