
Chihara Minori - Greed's Accident

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02:53:750 (2) - wrong spacing ;w;! too close to (1)

+0+ other things look fine!
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orioncomet wrote:

02:53:750 (2) - wrong spacing ;w;! too close to (1) (Fixed :o )

+0+ other things look fine!
Oh dear..... (; ._.)
So is this going on? If yes, can I make a Taiko diff out of it? Just asking.
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mekadon wrote:

So is this going on? If yes, can I make a Taiko diff out of it? Just asking.
Sorry. I can't fit another person into the map.
(Epilepsy warning for kiai/flash, I don't think its needed but its fine~)

No problems here
Little little IRC mod, fixed a typo on one of the tags and changed the artist to Chihara Minori, according to this:

The maps are fine so...

(No need to kudosu this, btw)
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Thanks Beuchi. I had a hard time trying to find the original artist.... :|
Oops. Almost forgot about this song ;_;
Sorry ;_;
I wish i could have modded it, even after i played it a lot of times, so i already know it's awesome, so yeah have my stars ^^

You have 2 files .osb into the folder. Remove the unused one and full submit.

You need an "approachcircle.png" into the folder. Add it and do a full submission.

You need a "spinner-approachcircle.png" into the folder. Add it and do a full submission.


[Shinde's Selfishness]

03:09:250 (1,1,2,3,4) - Notes too silenced like that are not rankable and confusing when playing. Fix them, please.

[Pure Greed]

02:33:550 (6,7,8,9,10) - Sudden 2x BPM stream is not good.
02:50:550 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ (But at least I think this is fine.)

Really well done with the map, I really wanted to rank this but sadly I have to pop :( Please fix everything and contact me for have your bubble back.
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The skin is set to forced default to make up for what is not there. I'll have the .osb removed.

[Pure Greed]

02:33:550 (6,7,8,9,10) - Sudden 2x BPM stream is not good. I'll use a new combo and shape it to make it more readable. Its not a x2 BPM stream btw.
02:50:550 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ (But at least I think this is fine.) It should work out just fine. I checked into it myself a few times.
Oh, I failed again about didn't notice the forced skin...

Alright then. Since other fixes aren't so big when everything is done I'll rank this! Just let me know when it's ready.

EDIT: Ranked~
Congrats whyme!
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Awesome. Thanks osuplayer.
Grats whymedood
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And strangely enough, one of the difficulties has screwed up information which disabled the SB (which didn't happen till after being ranked) ..... just my luck. :x

*Sadly watch the map unranks*
Aw =(
I saw it fixed gogogo
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Okay, fixed it... :|

*ninjaed by abalee*
I'm too slow orz

Sakura Hana wrote:

I'm too slow orz


Get it re-ranked alreadyyyy~~
Happy belated birthday, whymeman. :)
And happy Christmas :P
Shohei Ohtani
wtf happened to the rating~.
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CDFA wrote:

wtf happened to the rating~.
I'm not worried too much about the rating :|

Besides, if a few people like the map then i'm happy enough. Also, thanks Kirby :~3 .
Muffin Turtle
Why do you have the random Gundam skin or whatever anime that is? Just so you know this is one of Yuki's (from Haruhi Suzumiya) character songs, I don't know why you went all-out with a skin that has nothing to do with the song when you could of did a Haruhi skin or even no skin. I find the skin completely out of place. I think skins should be related to the song, not just your favorite anime that doesn't have anything to do with the song.
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Muffin Turtle wrote:

Why do you have the random Gundam skin or whatever anime that is? Just so you know this is one of Yuki's (from Haruhi Suzumiya) character songs, I don't know why you went all-out with a skin that has nothing to do with the song when you could of did a Haruhi skin or even no skin. I find the skin completely out of place. I think skins should be related to the song, not just your favorite anime that doesn't have anything to do with the song.
......... What?
Firo Prochainezo

Muffin Turtle wrote:

Why do you have the random Gundam skin or whatever anime that is? Just so you know this is one of Yuki's (from Haruhi Suzumiya) character songs, I don't know why you went all-out with a skin that has nothing to do with the song when you could of did a Haruhi skin or even no skin. I find the skin completely out of place. I think skins should be related to the song, not just your favorite anime that doesn't have anything to do with the song.
You're absolutely right, but too bad this beatmap was ranked a long time ago.
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If you're only posting this to troll on my map, go do it somewhere else. I already know which anime the song came from and the character playing the song. Besides that, if there was an actual GOOD video to use with the map then maybe I would have done so. Still, it doesn't hurt to think outside of the box at times if you do it right. If it irritates you that badly, then why not just remap your own version?
Or change the images somehow lol
ITT: More Muffin Turtle bitching about maps that were ranked a millennium ago.
Muffin Turtle
I'd just like to say sorry for being mean about your skin selection, I honestly wasn't trying to troll or be rude, I simply expressed my opinion, but maybe it came off in a mean way. Everyone has opinions of their own, and I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything, and I'm glad you gave me an honest answer about why you chose your skin. I'll try to be more sensitive whenever saying an opinion so I won't come off as rude. I'm not trying to continue the argument or anything, trying to end it and apologize, so don't make me in trouble D: Sorry guys.
Hi, you're arrogant. Please whine some more.
This is definitely not the place to have a conversation like this any further, if you want to argue over making comments on old maps take it to PM

Muffin Turtle commented on one of the maps elements and whymeman responded explaining the reasoning for it, it doesn't need any troll comments after that. Thanks
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This is still going.....? :|

Anyways, enough with the crap posts. If I see anymore, you'll end up not being able to post for some time.
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