
Camellia - Dans la mer de son

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20:53 deadpon3: dude
20:53 deadpon3: czekaj szybki irc modzik zrobie bo mam -2 kds
20:53 deadpon3: xD
20:54 Minorsonek: dlaczego -? jak tys to zrobil? XD
20:54 Minorsonek: aa, denied kudosu
20:54 deadpon3: no piggeyowi usunęli mapki to poszło denied
20:54 deadpon3: xD
20:56 deadpon3: 00:18:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
20:56 deadpon3: tutaj jest tylko i wyłącznie piano więc lepiej nie dawać zbyt dużo obiektów
20:57 deadpon3: polecam pod samo piano montować kółka
20:57 deadpon3:
20:57 deadpon3: i jak juz będzie
20:57 deadpon3: to w 00:19:134 (4,5) - stack
20:57 deadpon3: bo przerwa jest
20:57 deadpon3: fajne wizualnie
20:58 Minorsonek: no ale sliderbody nic nie zmienia, a dziala jako dobry filler
20:58 deadpon3: zmienia
20:58 deadpon3: 00:19:820 (6) - tutaj za dużo emphasis na niczym
20:58 deadpon3: tail nie ma dźwięku
20:58 deadpon3: albo 5% volume albo usuń slider
20:59 Minorsonek: no tak ALE 00:19:820 - ten dzwiek jest glosniejszy od 00:19:649 - wiec slider pasuje
20:59 Minorsonek: to dam te 5% vol i bedize git
21:00 deadpon3: 00:19:134 (4) - tu też
21:00 deadpon3: wycisz
21:00 Minorsonek: 00:19:477 - tu
21:00 deadpon3: 00:21:363 (4) - tu też nie wiem po co kółko
21:00 deadpon3: jak tam wyraźnie 2 triple note
21:01 deadpon3: 00:20:506 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - w sensie tu takie
21:01 deadpon3:
21:02 Minorsonek: o kur
21:03 Minorsonek: no fakt, tylko jak to naprawic bez rozwalania calego patternu :)
21:03 Minorsonek: takie dzwieki sa chyba 4x w calej mapie
21:03 deadpon3: zwykły overmap
21:03 deadpon3: tzn
21:03 deadpon3: i tak masz pół mapy do remapu
21:03 deadpon3: ale ten triple to najmniejszy problem
21:03 deadpon3: szczerze
21:04 Minorsonek: az tak zle?
21:04 deadpon3: tak
21:04 deadpon3: ale luzik arbuzik naprawisz
21:04 Minorsonek: :(
21:04 Minorsonek: dobra to jedz po najwazniejszych kwestiach a ten pattern wymysle jakis inny bez dzwieku w tym miejscu 05:53:249 (4) -
21:05 deadpon3: 00:26:849 (1,2) - tu zdecydowanie jeden sliderek, nie pasuje tu 1/4 mapping
21:05 deadpon3:
21:05 Minorsonek: 00:27:363 - no jest tu dzwiek przeciez
21:06 deadpon3: 00:27:277 - ale tu nie ma
21:06 deadpon3: nie każdy dźwięk musi być klikany
21:06 Minorsonek: a przeciez przez te wczesniejsze 27 sekund kazdy sliderend byl albo wyciszony albo mial malutki dzwiek, nie moge dac important sounda na sliderend w tej sytuacji, musi byc albo kolko albo slider kolejny
21:07 Minorsonek: 00:27:277 - tu i 00:27:620 - masz 5% vol
21:07 Minorsonek: jest good
21:07 deadpon3: ej a patrzyłeś w AiMod ogólnie?
21:07 deadpon3: bo niezła inba tam jest
21:07 deadpon3: unsnapped obiekty
21:07 deadpon3: sporo
21:08 Minorsonek: tak ale nie mam pojecia skad to, te 1/8 slidery to pewnie dlatego ze jest odpalony 1/4 a koncza sie na "polowkach" beatow
21:08 Minorsonek: a reszta to nwm dlaczego tam jest, przeciez normalnie zesnapowane jest
21:09 deadpon3: ctrl+shift+s a jak nie pomoże to przesuń slider lekko w losowym kierunku na osi, po prostu zleciał z metronomu jakimś cudem w 03:04:219 (4) -
21:10 deadpon3: lekko się poruszy i będzie git
21:12 deadpon3: 01:13:991 (1,2,3,4) - chyba zapomniałeś kółka na red ticku
21:13 deadpon3: chociaż nie
21:13 deadpon3: to intencjonalnie
21:13 deadpon3: kurde nie można tak nagle skipować najważniejszego kółka w streamie
21:13 deadpon3: w sensie ostatniego
21:13 deadpon3: bo ono przechodzi do jumpów
21:14 deadpon3: jak jest taka luka to trochę do dupy gameplay i lekko unreadable
21:14 deadpon3: druga rzecz no bardzo ważne pod względem rytmu kółko
21:14 deadpon3: bez niego cały build up spieprzony
21:14 Minorsonek: sec, czyli 01:13:991 (1,2,3,4) - to ma byc takie same jak 01:13:477 (1,2,3,4,5) -
21:15 deadpon3: no słyszysz kick na ostatnim kółku
21:16 Minorsonek: aimod czysciutki, ok to dodam to 5 kolko ale jak to mapowalem to zdawalo mi sie ze ta druga czesc ma tylko 4 kolka
21:17 deadpon3: na każdym białym i czerwonym ticku w tej części masz kick
21:17 deadpon3: mówiąc krótko build up ciągle na 1/2
21:17 deadpon3: czyli followujesz pod każdy
21:17 deadpon3: no i poza tym strasznie się to gra jak są 4 kółka przyznasz
21:18 deadpon3: tak czujesz podczas grania że coś jest nie tak
21:19 Minorsonek: wiesz, pp mapka to to nie jest, wiec akurat nie przejmowalbym sie ze komus 4kolka nie wychodza xd
21:19 Minorsonek: ok poprawione
21:19 deadpon3: jaka pp mapka ;w;
21:19 deadpon3: ogólnie to nie czepiam się estetyki, flowu, patterningu itp narazie
21:19 deadpon3: sam rytm
21:19 deadpon3: 01:49:649 (3) - pomijasz ogólny beat tym sliderem
21:20 Minorsonek: tak, ale emphasisuje ten dluuuuugi dzwiek o co mi chodzilo
21:20 deadpon3: ale to nie jest main rhythm
21:20 deadpon3: i psujesz consistency
21:20 deadpon3: przez cały czas słyszysz main beat
21:21 deadpon3: to takie umc umc no wiesz
21:21 Minorsonek: tak, taka byla intencja, nie chce robic nudnych 1/2 nonstop jumpow, sa rozne dzwieki wiec roznie je mapuje zeby cos sie dzialo
21:21 Minorsonek: oprocz main beatu jest sporo innych dzwiekow
21:23 deadpon3: tak, są inne dźwięki które możesz odzwierciedlić patternem o jakimś specjalnym wyglądzie, flowie czy ze zwiększonym lub zmniejszonym SV, ale z powodu jednego dźwięku z długim tailem nie możesz olewać tego co tak naprawdę dzieje się w piosence
21:23 deadpon3: to undermapping
21:24 deadpon3: no i nie masz w piosence cały czas nudnych 1/2 nonstop jumpow
21:24 Minorsonek: jakby bylo tam puste miejsce - tak, ale jest tam sliderbody ktory jednak trzeba followowac wiec nie jest tak ze nic sie nie dzieje, tylko poprostu priorytet ma ten dlugi dzwiek i go podkreslam
21:24 deadpon3: nie ma priorytetu ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21:25 deadpon3: HW robi takie rzeczy (czytaj: Notch Hell) i to przechodzi ale to HW, typ może ranknąć byle gówno
21:26 Minorsonek: a tak poza tym, pattern w stylu 1/4 slider wjezdza w dluzszy (np. tu 02:41:420 (2,3) - ) to byl moj glowny koncept po uslyszeniu tej piosenki i chociaz chce ta mape ranked to jednak jesli nie ma totalnej koniecznosci wole zostawic te patterny
21:26 Minorsonek: no wlasnie, da sie - da sie
21:26 Minorsonek: wiec moze mi tez
21:26 deadpon3: xD
21:26 deadpon3: nie no przyznaj że HW to jednak celebryta
21:27 Minorsonek: zapytam sie jakichs doswiadczonych co sadza i juz, Kroytza juz zalatwilem zeby mi zmodowal, takze to te dlugie dzwieki zostawiamy na razie
21:27 deadpon3: tsa
21:29 Minorsonek: lol
21:29 Minorsonek: HW nie jest BNem
21:29 Minorsonek: wtf xd
21:29 Minorsonek: myslalem ze jest
21:32 Minorsonek: cos jeszcze o mapce?
21:32 deadpon3: myślałem że mnie spławiłeś xD
21:32 Minorsonek: yy wut? xD
21:33 Minorsonek: nie mialem tego na mysli xd
21:33 deadpon3: no bo wyskoczyłeś z tym że się doświadczonych spytasz to brzmiało trochę jak "idź pan w chuj" :D
21:33 Minorsonek: chodzilo mi o to ze nie chce rozwalac glownego konceptu mapki skoro jeszcze nie widze koniecznosci, wiec popytam innych co sadza
21:33 Minorsonek: sorki :)
21:34 deadpon3: dobra chwile bo już zacząłem mapować i pattern trzeba dokończyć
21:34 Minorsonek: k
21:42 deadpon3: 02:03:620 (4) - imo tutaj powinien się kontynuować stream z piano tak jak wcześniej robiłeś
21:43 deadpon3: bo te kicki spoko dobre slidery 1/4
21:43 deadpon3: tylko te przerwy pomiędzy tak bez uzasadnienia
21:43 deadpon3: bo piosenka leci cały czas
21:43 deadpon3: a to że mocniejszy kick ustał nie znaczy że cała piosenka stoi
21:43 Minorsonek: no ale tu jest ta sama kwestia co wczesniej - na poczatku sliderow masz najmocniejsze dzwieki i je emphasisuje na maxa czyli ignorujac reszte
21:46 deadpon3: no dobra emphasisujesz je ale co z muzą pomiędzy?
21:46 deadpon3: tam coś musi być
21:46 Minorsonek: dla lepszego emphasisu ignoruje ja
21:46 deadpon3: :I
21:46 Minorsonek: nie musi wlasnie :)
21:47 deadpon3: w 02:03:877 - zdecydowanie stream pod piano
21:47 *Minorsonek is editing [ Nitta Emi - White Eternity (Soleily & Epsilon Remix) [Yuuki]]
21:47 Minorsonek: 00:11:323 -
21:47 Minorsonek: 00:11:660 -
21:47 Minorsonek: tez skipniete dzwieki dla emphasisu i jest ranked
21:48 Minorsonek: 02:05:249 - tu pomysle, moze jakis reverse slider, na razie zostawie
21:50 Minorsonek: mam malo czasu, za jakeis 15 min spadam, zapytam jeszcze co myslisz o tym bo pewnie beda sie przyczepiac a dzwiek jest tu zdecydowanie inny niz reszta muzyki i nwm czy cos takiego moze zostac czy musze to zmienic
21:50 Minorsonek: 04:54:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
21:52 deadpon3: szczerze to w tej piosence wyłącznie pomija hi-hat ale wciąż piosenka leci 1/1 tak jak przez całą tamtą sekwencję
21:52 deadpon3: lekko dostrzegalny dźwięk
21:52 Minorsonek: what?
21:53 Minorsonek: czyli za trudny pattern na za slaby dzwiek czy co
21:53 deadpon3: tutaj masz bardzo intensywne piano, imo kiepskie miejsce na pomijanie ważnych ticków
21:53 deadpon3: tam się dopiero piosenka zaczynała
21:53 Minorsonek: aaa bo ty o tamtym
21:53 Minorsonek: no bo to byl przyklad na szybko
21:54 Minorsonek: ale jest masa map z czyms takim co ja zrobilem
21:55 deadpon3: czekaj spróbuję szybko remapnąć i przesłuchać
22:03 Minorsonek: dobra bo ja musze leciec tak jak pisalem, to wrzuc rozmowe do tematu beatmapy, ewentualnie jak masz jeszcze jakies uwagi to dopisz ponizej
22:03 Minorsonek: jutro wbije dam kudosu
22:03 deadpon3: czekaj
22:03 deadpon3: uploaduje
22:04 Minorsonek: ok
22:04 deadpon3:
22:04 deadpon3: mało kreatywny byłem dlatego symetrycznie sory xd
22:04 deadpon3: ale o takie coś chodzi
22:05 deadpon3: nie dokończyłem więc na końcu jest tylko double note
22:05 deadpon3: niestety
22:06 deadpon3: 02:02:849 (1) - żebyś nie szukał
22:06 deadpon3: tam gdzie bookmark
22:06 Minorsonek: ok
22:06 Minorsonek: to tak zrobie bo pasuje
22:07 Minorsonek: dz za moda
22:07 deadpon3: xd
22:07 deadpon3: luzik
22:07 deadpon3: juz wrzucam log
Siemka, dziś siódemka

[Generalne Informacyje]
  1. Mógłbyś dać kolory combo takie stonowane jak na bg a nie jakiś jaskrawy bękart estetyki.
  2. Wyłącz Letterboxy i Widescreen jak nie masz storyboardu.
  1. 00:15:878 (1,2,3,4) - Czemu tutaj kółka są inaczej ułożone niż w 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4), kiedy pattern wcześniej zrobiłeś symetrię?
  2. 00:25:306 (1) - Ten slider jest jak wyjęty z ALIENA, gdzie ta mapa skupia się na brzydkich sliderach :V. Zrób to może jak na screenie:
  3. 00:34:220 (5,6) - Czemu tutaj jest tak mały DS, gdy masz 1/1 przerwę? Moim zdaniem jest to trochę nie do przeczytania. Może zestackuj 00:34:563 (6) z 00:34:220 (5)?
  4. 00:35:077 (1,2) - ^^^
  5. 00:36:105 (3,1) - Zestackuj kółko z końcem slidera lepiej, bo teraz jest troszkę off.
  6. 01:01:477 (2,6) - Trochę nieestetyczny ten overlap jest.
  7. 01:11:763 (4) - Ctrl + G da lepsze flow tutaj moim zdaniem.
  8. 02:40:906 - Tutaj zaczyna się kiai part, więc mapka powinna być najtrudniejsza w tym momencie, ale tutaj początek jest łatwiejszy niż początek mapki >.<
  9. 03:03:191 - Teraz tak patrząc na ten part to lepiej jakbyś usunął tamto kiai, bo poziom trudności się nie umywa.
  10. 03:05:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Rytm jest tutaj trochę mocny więc ja bym dał więcej obiektów jak slider 1/4 + kółko lub odwrotnie etc.
    Dobra nei chce mi sie dalej xD

Mapka ma potencjał, lecz są kłopoty z estetyką jak ak patrzyłęm ogólnie.
Taki szybki check poszedl najwazniejszych rzeczy.
Topic Starter

Chalwa wrote:

Siemka, dziś siódemka

[Generalne Informacyje]
  1. Mógłbyś dać kolory combo takie stonowane jak na bg a nie jakiś jaskrawy bękart estetyki. - dodalem jakies
  2. Wyłącz Letterboxy i Widescreen jak nie masz storyboardu. - widescreen wylaczylem, a do letterboxow nie widze powodu
  1. 00:15:878 (1,2,3,4) - Czemu tutaj kółka są inaczej ułożone niż w 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4), kiedy pattern wcześniej zrobiłeś symetrię? - "variety"
  2. 00:25:306 (1) - Ten slider jest jak wyjęty z ALIENA, gdzie ta mapa skupia się na brzydkich sliderach :V. Zrób to może jak na screenie: - ALIEN chujowa mapka, nie mialem intencji zadnych zeby brac z tamtad slidery, slider nie byl tez az taki zly, ale twoja wersja mi sie spodobala - poprawione
  3. 00:34:220 (5,6) - Czemu tutaj jest tak mały DS, gdy masz 1/1 przerwę? Moim zdaniem jest to trochę nie do przeczytania. Może zestackuj 00:34:563 (6) z 00:34:220 (5)? - bylo sporo testplayow, sightread i nikt nie robil nawet 100tki, stacking nie pasuje do reszty mapy
  4. 00:35:077 (1,2) - ^^^ - ^^^
  5. 00:36:105 (3,1) - Zestackuj kółko z końcem slidera lepiej, bo teraz jest troszkę off. - nwm jakim cudem byl zly stack, poprawione :)
  6. 01:01:477 (2,6) - Trochę nieestetyczny ten overlap jest. - poprawione
  7. 01:11:763 (4) - Ctrl + G da lepsze flow tutaj moim zdaniem. - o to chodzilo
  8. 02:40:906 - Tutaj zaczyna się kiai part, więc mapka powinna być najtrudniejsza w tym momencie, ale tutaj początek jest łatwiejszy niż początek mapki >.< - wcale nie musi tak byc ze kiai jest najtrudniejszy, nawet powiedzialbym ze czesciej jest non-kiai trudniejszy (np. jak jest build-up muzyki do kiai), po za tym ta sekcja nie jest az taka latwa aby robic tutaj problem z latwosci w kiai
  9. 03:03:191 - Teraz tak patrząc na ten part to lepiej jakbyś usunął tamto kiai, bo poziom trudności się nie umywa. - pomysle, jak sie pojawi jeszcze raz w modzie, to usune
  10. 03:05:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Rytm jest tutaj trochę mocny więc ja bym dał więcej obiektów jak slider 1/4 + kółko lub odwrotnie etc. - pomysle
    Dobra nei chce mi sie dalej xD - Ok, i tak troche pomogles

Mapka ma potencjał, lecz są kłopoty z estetyką jak ak patrzyłęm ogólnie.
Taki szybki check poszedl najwazniejszych rzeczy. - no rytm jest raczej good, flow tez nie najgorsze, a mody sa glownie do dopracowania estetyki mapki :) postaram sie poprawic
hi .. m4m >,<
oh shit this type of map .. i suck modding it but gonna give it my best


  1. 01:31:991 (4,5,6,7) - hmm? make it more neat
  2. 02:07:649 (1) - this one is too left.. if you play it on display 1270X720 .. the slider when off the screen .. move it a bit to the right
  3. 02:28:220 (6) - nc here
  4. 02:29:934 (1,1) - why nc this two ? if i .. i will leave it 1,2,3
  5. 03:18:278 (7,1) - can be better blanket
  6. 03:59:420 (1) - are you sure this is reverse slider? no particalar sound here 03:59:763 - and 04:00:106 - .. ok if you say you map it according to the slow background sound i still disagree with this because you start the slider with strong sound the 'tee' sound.. better if you just use a single note here 03:59:420 -
  7. 04:39:706 (3,4) - blanket this would be lovely
  8. 05:40:563 (2) - i have no clue what sound you follow here >.< .. i dont heard any sound at all lol
  9. 05:42:277 (4) - again .. no sound here .. my suggestion 05:42:106 (3) - this hit circle turn it into slider and end the slider here 05:42:449 -
  10. 05:43:991 (4) - again no sounddd lmao ... delete this more better
  11. 05:53:249 (4) - same reasons and suggestion as 05:42:277 (4) -
  12. 05:54:963 (4) - i think you get the point now xD
  13. 06:01:306 (8) - delete this note
  14. 05:59:934 (3) - nc probably here .. not here 06:00:106 (1) -
  15. 05:59:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - just my suggestion but better you make the spacing increase when the song continue because the sound it actually increasing from slow to loud
  16. 06:22:734 - what a creepy sound at the end .. nice xD
- turn down the volume a little bit down as the song continue you know since the sound of the song is about to fade away .. the creepy sound at the end doesnt count xD

that all .. goodluck bud :D
Topic Starter

YukiZura- wrote:

hi .. m4m >,<
oh shit this type of map .. i suck modding it but gonna give it my best


  1. 01:31:991 (4,5,6,7) - hmm? make it more neat - fixed a bit
  2. 02:07:649 (1) - this one is too left.. if you play it on display 1270X720 .. the slider when off the screen .. move it a bit to the right - did
  3. 02:28:220 (6) - nc here - fixed
  4. 02:29:934 (1,1) - why nc this two ? if i .. i will leave it 1,2,3 - explaination: 02:29:591 (1) - new combo loud sound, 02:29:934 (1) - SV changes, so NC indicates that, 02:30:277 (1) - NC on loud white tick which starts break
  5. 03:18:278 (7,1) - can be better blanket - fixed
  6. 03:59:420 (1) - are you sure this is reverse slider? no particalar sound here 03:59:763 - and 04:00:106 - .. ok if you say you map it according to the slow background sound i still disagree with this because you start the slider with strong sound the 'tee' sound.. better if you just use a single note here 03:59:420 - - will leave reverse slider for now
  7. 04:39:706 (3,4) - blanket this would be lovely - no need for that
  8. 05:40:563 (2) - i have no clue what sound you follow here >.< .. i dont heard any sound at all lol - here starts 00:30:620 (5,6,7) - pattern
  9. 05:42:277 (4) - again .. no sound here .. my suggestion 05:42:106 (3) - this hit circle turn it into slider and end the slider here 05:42:449 -
    - yea, there is no sound here and i will fix this pattern the other way
  10. 05:43:991 (4) - again no sounddd lmao ... delete this more better
  11. 05:53:249 (4) - same reasons and suggestion as 05:42:277 (4) -
  12. 05:54:963 (4) - i think you get the point now xD
  13. 06:01:306 (8) - delete this note - did
  14. 05:59:934 (3) - nc probably here .. not here 06:00:106 (1) - - no
  15. 05:59:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - just my suggestion but better you make the spacing increase when the song continue because the sound it actually increasing from slow to loud - its fine
  16. 06:22:734 - what a creepy sound at the end .. nice xD
- turn down the volume a little bit down as the song continue you know since the sound of the song is about to fade away .. the creepy sound at the end doesnt count xD

that all .. goodluck bud :D
Od 00:18:620 (1) - do 00:38:334 (2) - slidery za szybkie jak dla mnie
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - dziwny pattern ;/ za bardzo odstający trudnością od reszty mapy
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - ^^ to samo co wyżej
04:54:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Zmienić to na jakieś trójki ze sliderem
00:21:363 (4) - Nie wiem czy to tylko ja, ale nie słyszę w tym miejscu dźwięku do tej notki.
00:32:334 (4) - To co wyżej.
01:13:477 (1,2,3,4,5) - W muzyce wyraźnie są dwójki, nie pięć beatów. Nie będę oznaczał każdej kolejnej piątki, wiesz o co chodzi.
01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Zbyt pokręcony ten stream w mojej opinii, bardzo niewygodnie się go gra, osobiście zremappowałbym ten part, żeby był "mniej hardcorowy". Sam zamysł z czwórek tutaj pasuje.
01:46:391 (1,1,2,3) - Lekko nie pasuje do muzyki, troszkę dalej (czyli tu - 01:49:134 (1,2,3) ) poradziłeś sobie z tym znacznie lepiej.
01:50:334 (4) - Od tej notki powinien zaczynać się stream.
01:53:077 (4) - To co wyżej.
01:55:820 (4) - I znów to samo.
01:58:563 (4) - Another one.
02:01:306 (5) - And another one.
02:06:963 (1,2,3,4) - Zupełnie brak rytmu, jak się wsłuchasz to usłyszysz tam dwójkę, singletap i czwórkę, która może się kończyć tym sliderem - 02:07:649 (1).
02:27:534 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Ponownie zignorowanie rytmu piosenki. Trochę trudno mi opisać jak ma to wyglądać, ale po sliderze powinna być jedna notka, później double, ponownie slider z jedną notką na końcu, double i dopiero 1/3 part.
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Identyko jak w ranked wersji. Moim zdaniem overmapped. Ale to tylko moja opinia.
03:03:363 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Bpm jest takie samo na tych streamach, sliderstreamy mi tu nie pasują, zwłaszcza takie, które przypominają big blacka.
03:05:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rhythm.exe has just stopped working. (krótki slider, double, single, double, double, single, double, double, single, double, slider).
03:14:334 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I rzecz jasna od tego momentu powtórka poprzednich dwóch punktów.
04:04:677 (1,1,1) - Według mnie za duży spacing na tych notkach, muzyka dosłownie usypia, a tu nagle *JEB SPACING*.
04:06:048 (1,1,1) - To co wyżej.
04:53:163 (2,3) - W muzyce nie ma uzasadnienia dla tego doubla...
04:53:849 (2,3) - ...i dla tego też. Przydałby się mały remap tego partu. (wsłuchaj się uważnie to zrozumiesz o co chodzi).
04:54:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Zwróć uwagę, że w tym miejscu piosenki dźwięki stają się coraz bardziej wyraźne, idealny motyw do zrobienia streamu ze zwiększającym się spacingiem (tylko bez przesady!!!). Ale to tylko sugestia.
05:12:106 (1) - W tym miejscu zaczyna się stream part. Widziałem, że brałeś lekki przykład z ranked wersji tej piosenki. Tutaj też byłby fajny motyw ze zwiększającym się spacingiem (są trzy streamy, każdy będzie miał coraz większy spacing), podobnie jak w mapie Light It Up zrobionej prze Nozhomi. W końcu to ten sam gatunek muzyki. Ponownie tylko sugestia.
05:16:220 (1) - Slider nudny jak flaki z olejem. Tu już jest drop. Camellia na drugim dropie wariuje praktycznie w każdej piosence. A ten slider jest cholernie wolny i psuje klimat. Mógłby być dłuższy i znacznie szybszy (oczywiście z zachowaniem rytmu).
05:36:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - To samo co tutaj - 02:27:534 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5).
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Mało czytelny ten 1/3 part, plus znowu motyw z trójkątami. Myślę, że dałoby radę wymyślić coś bardziej kreatywnego.
05:42:277 (4) - Tak jak na początku notka chyba bez dźwięku.
05:53:249 (4) - To co wyżej.

To wszystko. Dodatkowo życzę Ci powodzenia, bo piosenkę wybrałeś sobie bardzo trudną, ale jednocześnie mającą gigantyczny potencjał do mappowania. Liczę na to, że zrobisz z tego porządną mapę ;)
Topic Starter

Trabanto wrote:

Od 00:18:620 (1) - do 00:38:334 (2) - slidery za szybkie jak dla mnie - ...
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - dziwny pattern ;/ za bardzo odstający trudnością od reszty mapy - mapka dochodzi do tzw. climax'u, po czym jest slow part, byc moze zmienie pattern, ale trudnosc jest odpowiednia
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - ^^ to samo co wyżej - to samo co wyzej, planuje zmienic pattern bo ten akurat ciezko sie gra
04:54:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Zmienić to na jakieś trójki ze sliderem - kazdy z tych soundow jest "rowny" sobie, nie pasowaloby, moge zmienic pattern bo ten co jest tak srednio pasuje ale zadne trojki i slidery..

Wilchq wrote:

00:21:363 (4) - Nie wiem czy to tylko ja, ale nie słyszę w tym miejscu dźwięku do tej notki.- remap tego patternu
00:32:334 (4) - To co wyżej. - remap tego patternu
01:13:477 (1,2,3,4,5) - W muzyce wyraźnie są dwójki, nie pięć beatów. Nie będę oznaczał każdej kolejnej piątki, wiesz o co chodzi. - fakt, rozwalilo to patterny i cala sekcja jest zrobiona od nowa, sa dwojki teraz
01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Zbyt pokręcony ten stream w mojej opinii, bardzo niewygodnie się go gra, osobiście zremappowałbym ten part, żeby był "mniej hardcorowy". Sam zamysł z czwórek tutaj pasuje. - lekko zmienilem aby lepiej szlo pod flow i nie trzeba bylo tak kursorem az dokladnie ostre katy robic, ale jednak "hardcore" troche zostal
01:46:391 (1,1,2,3) - Lekko nie pasuje do muzyki, troszkę dalej (czyli tu - 01:49:134 (1,2,3) ) poradziłeś sobie z tym znacznie lepiej. - pasuje do muzyki, w tej dalszej czesci jest inny dzwiek pod ktorego mapuje (01:49:649 - czy 01:52:391 - dokladnie ten dzwiek), a tutaj gdybym zrobil tak samo powinien byc on tu 01:47:249 - a jest tu calkiem inny dzwiek, dlatego aktualne slidery followuja tylko te mocne dzwieki na white tickach)
01:50:334 (4) - Od tej notki powinien zaczynać się stream. - nie, poniewaz tutaj 01:50:506 (1) - jest duzo glosniejszy dzwiek, i robiac przerwe emphasisuje go
01:53:077 (4) - To co wyżej.
01:55:820 (4) - I znów to samo.
01:58:563 (4) - Another one.
02:01:306 (5) - And another one.
02:06:963 (1,2,3,4) - Zupełnie brak rytmu, jak się wsłuchasz to usłyszysz tam dwójkę, singletap i czwórkę, która może się kończyć tym sliderem - 02:07:649 (1). - poprawione, dodalem jako sliderki jako wypelniacze
02:27:534 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Ponownie zignorowanie rytmu piosenki. Trochę trudno mi opisać jak ma to wyglądać, ale po sliderze powinna być jedna notka, później double, ponownie slider z jedną notką na końcu, double i dopiero 1/3 part. - jest ok, nie slysze aby rytm sie nie zgadzal, pasuje
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Identyko jak w ranked wersji. Moim zdaniem overmapped. Ale to tylko moja opinia. - WAIT, JEST RANKED WERSJA?to duzo ulatwia xd jednak nie, chujowa jest XD --- co do overmappedu tutaj, uwazam ze jest spoko tak jak jest, muzyka osiaga tutaj szczyt i musi byc najtrudniej w calym diffie
03:03:363 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Bpm jest takie samo na tych streamach, sliderstreamy mi tu nie pasują, zwłaszcza takie, które przypominają big blacka. - jest ok
03:05:934 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rhythm.exe has just stopped working. (krótki slider, double, single, double, double, single, double, double, single, double, slider). - nie, nie mapuje pod wszystko, mapuje pod wybrane (najwazniejsze) dzwieki, glosny poczatek white tick (dlugi slider) a potem ten taki drugi dzwiek od blue do blue ticka
03:14:334 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I rzecz jasna od tego momentu powtórka poprzednich dwóch punktów.
04:04:677 (1,1,1) - Według mnie za duży spacing na tych notkach, muzyka dosłownie usypia, a tu nagle *JEB SPACING*. - wlasnie wrecz powoooooooli przyspiesza do spinnera zeby byc znowu szybka, te dzwieki sa wyrazne, testowane tez przez wiele graczy i zwykly singletap wystarczy do klikniecia
04:06:048 (1,1,1) - To co wyżej.
04:53:163 (2,3) - W muzyce nie ma uzasadnienia dla tego doubla...
04:53:849 (2,3) - ...i dla tego też. Przydałby się mały remap tego partu. (wsłuchaj się uważnie to zrozumiesz o co chodzi). - uwazam ze jest ok
04:54:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Zwróć uwagę, że w tym miejscu piosenki dźwięki stają się coraz bardziej wyraźne, idealny motyw do zrobienia streamu ze zwiększającym się spacingiem (tylko bez przesady!!!). Ale to tylko sugestia. - przyspieszajace sliderki 1/4 mysle beda lepsze
05:12:106 (1) - W tym miejscu zaczyna się stream part. Widziałem, że brałeś lekki przykład z ranked wersji tej piosenki. Tutaj też byłby fajny motyw ze zwiększającym się spacingiem (są trzy streamy, każdy będzie miał coraz większy spacing), podobnie jak w mapie Light It Up zrobionej prze Nozhomi. W końcu to ten sam gatunek muzyki. Ponownie tylko sugestia. - nawet nie wiedzialem o istnieniu ranked wersji (po zobaczeniu jej teraz, stwierdzam ze chujowa, jakby nie Camellia),a jedyne Dans la mer de son na ktorym tylko lekko sie wzorowalem to wersja od Akali (unranked oczywiscie), co do streamow to je lekko zremapuje tylko wymysle jakies fajne patterny
05:16:220 (1) - Slider nudny jak flaki z olejem. Tu już jest drop. Camellia na drugim dropie wariuje praktycznie w każdej piosence. A ten slider jest cholernie wolny i psuje klimat. Mógłby być dłuższy i znacznie szybszy (oczywiście z zachowaniem rytmu). - pomysle, ale moim zdaniem ten co jest jest ok
05:36:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - To samo co tutaj - 02:27:534 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5).
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Mało czytelny ten 1/3 part, plus znowu motyw z trójkątami. Myślę, że dałoby radę wymyślić coś bardziej kreatywnego. - ten akurat pomysle nad zmiana, w tej formie co jest to kiepski sam widze
05:42:277 (4) - Tak jak na początku notka chyba bez dźwięku.- remap tego patternu
05:53:249 (4) - To co wyżej.- remap tego patternu

To wszystko. Dodatkowo życzę Ci powodzenia, bo piosenkę wybrałeś sobie bardzo trudną, ale jednocześnie mającą gigantyczny potencjał do mappowania. Liczę na to, że zrobisz z tego porządną mapę ;) - dzieki za moda i podeslanie ranked wersji, postaram sie zrobic z tego porzadna mapke, troche tez zepsulo ja to ze mapowalem codzeinnie po malym kawalku przez miesiac, przez co widac ze jest taka troche nieconsistent, ale zrobie co moge by ja ulepszyc i pchac na ranked na co licze
Dodatkowo przerobilem troche 02:19:306 - do 02:27:191 - (zwiekszony spacing, lekka zmiana flow)
m4m stuff woah this is gonna contain some general stuff. I'll just go with thoughts one by one as I had by playing / watching this map in editor. Hopefully you don't mind my pseudo-philosophical wording or whatever.

Firstly, hitsounds. They're not present, but that's obviously in wip, however I want to make sure that you use more of soft sampleset, for example in this section 03:03:191 - . The sampleset for drums is very different from skin to skin, and for mine it's really obnoxious to hear them here. Soft samplesets are always soft.

00:10:392 (1,2,3,4) - for such aspiring gimmicky and technical maps, this is fully generic. You're using same spacing on all of the notes, with 00:10:735 (3,4) - these two having obviously a higher pitch, and in the map are not emphasized at all.
00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - here it's more emphasized, but I'd prefer if you let (1,2) have very little to no spacing from each other. It gives more room for contrast.
00:19:820 (6) - and the piano part here, this one has a really loud pitch, yet given like 0 spacing.
00:23:591 (6,7) - really odd placement there, they' really close to previous circles and its 1/1, it could easily be understood as 1/2, and even if it realized that its 1/1, It feels rather obnoxious for them to be here, just you know, you see circles close and you have to force yourself to wait.
00:29:420 - ended on a fairly noticeable piano.

00:40:563 (1,3) - notice their visual distance from each other, and then look at this 00:40:563 (1,5) - . one is closer the other is distanced. In order to make it tidy, make (1,5) have same visual distance as (1,3) do. If you don't understand what that is, take a look at pishifat video about aesthetics.
00:43:820 (4,6) - more visual spacing errors, look how far they are, 00:43:991 (5,7) - these are at medium distance 00:43:477 (2,5) - while these are the closest. This is really jarring when you switch from hexagrid consistent spacing to random, unplanned visual distance.
00:44:677 (1) - suggest to make this symmetrical.

01:03:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Now this really buzzed my eyes. There's no system of placement for these triples. No neat rotation, no symmetry, no consistency, it's utter chaos, and doesn't feel good for my aesthetic sensors. Like it's a steady buildup, nothing too special, which suggests a clean and planned pattern should work much better, not random placement. this is the simplest I could come up with. It's even more vexing when you see symmetry 01:07:991 (1,2,3,4) - between other objects.
01:10:734 (1,2,3,4) - this is a flawed way of grouping 4 objects, as they're all of a same sound group, same combo, placing the (4) over there feels out of place, and you should consider repatterning in order to group 4 objects together visualy. Like double symmetry, all in part of one rotation/movement, you know the stuff.
01:12:791 (5,6,7,8) - you should NC the first one, and change the placement of the pattern. Having it here overlapping with the previous one in unconsistent manner looks really odd. If you'd place on the left side, it'd feel more tidy, as more of the screen is being filled, without one side being heavily focused. Also for the love of god, please make 01:12:791 (5,7) - to be the same as 01:12:963 (6,8) - , not different rotation and spacing from two sliders.
01:13:477 - also if you plan on reversing some of my arguments by saying "but I want chaos" then this is completely contradicting with the song going more intense, while this section of the buildup has obvious symmetry, no overlaps, and intuitive placement.
01:21:706 (1,2) - starts with rotation, continues without rotation on same combo 01:22:391 (3,4) - resulting in poor grouping and uncanny visuals.
01:32:677 (1,3,5,7) - it is important to have them all spaced from each other consistently. You can take this pattern 01:32:677 (1,2) - , copy paste it, rotate it by 20 degrees or 30 or w/e, place at will. Then copy paste the 4 circles, rotate by the amount you did previously, and place it on the second pattern, if you understand the instructions, you will see how miraculously you get tidy structure.

01:18:963 - feel free to increase spacing on every following new combo, because the pitch in the background is increasing, suggesting an increase of intensity.

01:24:706 - every one of this is being ignored 01:26:077 - when the apparent snare awes my mind completely. I'd really suggest making use of this rather than the hihat here 01:25:391 (6,6) - or whatever it is following, even if consistent it doesn't mean it is right. Same goes for the entire section.
01:39:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - make use of the noticeable snares on blue ticks to make a 5stack.
01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - by ending all of these on blue ticks, you give a lot of space to the player, and make a lot less annoying sliderbreaks.

01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - soft hitsounds please, and the spacing is too large since the background noise doesn't exist, meaning its without a rhythm, and should be mapped peacefully. Especially since in the section you use simpler spacings and patterns without streamjumps.

02:02:849 - okay so this is utter chaos. Not sure if you're taking inspiration from a l i e n, but being without a system of visuals or flow is not the way to go unless you really know what you're doing. You're mixing simple and complex slider shapes a lot, without any meaning to them, all on same sounds. The flow is completely unintuitive, and I felt really annoyed when I played this, without my eyes being filled by some blankets, by some rotation, by some consistency. There's just free placement and chaotically placed anchors. However, as negatively as I've described the section, you actually did a good job on making those random slidershapes not look bad on their own, it looks like they drew inspiration from moderns maps, mostly camellia, mappers like probox, lasse, nathan. But they don't hold any system to it, and I'm sorry but I can't help you anymore rather than make you think how can you make this be better. Make symmetry, make use of smaller collection of sliders, don't mix it up, plan it a bit. Do some blankets, rotation, and I'm pretty sure you know what is flow, and how to incorporate it too.

02:41:249 - the kiai is not really anything spectacular for being a kiai in a camellia map. You use simply rhythms, and consistently, ending up being easier then most stuff before. You could easily make use of some 1/4 timing and making 1/4 jumps. For example making use of the snare on an active click, and doing the interactive 1/4 movement often seen, and fun to play, which would be fitting more to the nature of the map with gimmicky fast sliders, tons of streams and 1/4 usage.

02:45:963 (2,3) - 1/4 spacing and then 02:46:734 (1,2) - 1/2 spacing being lower, way too contradictive and easy to misread on both parts.

Yeah this will be mostly it, same general stuff could be applied to the second half too. I can see that you're closing in on figuring out the aesthetic concepts, hopefully this will help you plenty. Make sure to much more often rotation, it makes perfect patterns, and much easier then by human hand.

06:22:734 (1) - gj looks really nice. my map for m4m
Topic Starter

MaridiuS wrote:

m4m stuff woah this is gonna contain some general stuff. I'll just go with thoughts one by one as I had by playing / watching this map in editor. Hopefully you don't mind my pseudo-philosophical wording or whatever.

Firstly, hitsounds. They're not present, but that's obviously in wip, however I want to make sure that you use more of soft sampleset, for example in this section 03:03:191 - . The sampleset for drums is very different from skin to skin, and for mine it's really obnoxious to hear them here. Soft samplesets are always soft. - ill try to add some

00:10:392 (1,2,3,4) - for such aspiring gimmicky and technical maps, this is fully generic. You're using same spacing on all of the notes, with 00:10:735 (3,4) - these two having obviously a higher pitch, and in the map are not emphasized at all. - i want jumps here (ranked version has literally nothing here, i wanna keep diffilcuty in the whole map to avoid boringness) and i dont see the reason to emphasise 3,4 more
00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - here it's more emphasized, but I'd prefer if you let (1,2) have very little to no spacing from each other. It gives more room for contrast. - i dont want to have much contrast here, jumps are almost the same, just organised in simple and well designed pattern
00:19:820 (6) - and the piano part here, this one has a really loud pitch, yet given like 0 spacing. - just look at flow, everything goes "up", but on this sound you have to take your cursor "down" so its emphasised well enough
00:23:591 (6,7) - really odd placement there, they' really close to previous circles and its 1/1, it could easily be understood as 1/2, and even if it realized that its 1/1, It feels rather obnoxious for them to be here, just you know, you see circles close and you have to force yourself to wait. - firstly, it was tested many times by players from 30k to 1k rank, and no one misread that, secondly, map starts here so you can just "retry", thirdly, i think it just follows the music well and unless i find better way to do that, ill leave this pattern
00:29:420 - ended on a fairly noticeable piano. - i do not follow piano here, 00:28:734 - 00:29:077 - 00:29:249 - these 3 sounds are equal and i do emphasise them by skipping rest

00:40:563 (1,3) - notice their visual distance from each other, and then look at this 00:40:563 (1,5) - . one is closer the other is distanced. In order to make it tidy, make (1,5) have same visual distance as (1,3) do. If you don't understand what that is, take a look at pishifat video about aesthetics. - no, i dont wanna break my pattern here, if you didnt notice, (5) is here the strongest sound so its emphasised well now
00:43:820 (4,6) - more visual spacing errors, look how far they are, 00:43:991 (5,7) - these are at medium distance 00:43:477 (2,5) - while these are the closest. This is really jarring when you switch from hexagrid consistent spacing to random, unplanned visual distance. - its fine
00:44:677 (1) - suggest to make this symmetrical. - sure

01:03:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Now this really buzzed my eyes. There's no system of placement for these triples. No neat rotation, no symmetry, no consistency, it's utter chaos, and doesn't feel good for my aesthetic sensors. Like it's a steady buildup, nothing too special, which suggests a clean and planned pattern should work much better, not random placement. this is the simplest I could come up with. It's even more vexing when you see symmetry 01:07:991 (1,2,3,4) - between other objects. - yea, fixed similar way
01:10:734 (1,2,3,4) - this is a flawed way of grouping 4 objects, as they're all of a same sound group, same combo, placing the (4) over there feels out of place, and you should consider repatterning in order to group 4 objects together visualy. Like double symmetry, all in part of one rotation/movement, you know the stuff. - fixed
01:12:791 (5,6,7,8) - you should NC the first one, and change the placement of the pattern. Having it here overlapping with the previous one in unconsistent manner looks really odd. If you'd place on the left side, it'd feel more tidy, as more of the screen is being filled, without one side being heavily focused. Also for the love of god, please make 01:12:791 (5,7) - to be the same as 01:12:963 (6,8) - , not different rotation and spacing from two sliders. - i dont see the need for NC but fixed, slider shapes are fine
01:13:477 - also if you plan on reversing some of my arguments by saying "but I want chaos" then this is completely contradicting with the song going more intense, while this section of the buildup has obvious symmetry, no overlaps, and intuitive placement. - i want symmetry but not that much
01:21:706 (1,2) - starts with rotation, continues without rotation on same combo 01:22:391 (3,4) - resulting in poor grouping and uncanny visuals. - you got it wrong, there is a linear jumps between sliders, the first one is rotated a bit to keep flow from stream, but you can see sliderheads are just linear
01:32:677 (1,3,5,7) - it is important to have them all spaced from each other consistently. You can take this pattern 01:32:677 (1,2) - , copy paste it, rotate it by 20 degrees or 30 or w/e, place at will. Then copy paste the 4 circles, rotate by the amount you did previously, and place it on the second pattern, if you understand the instructions, you will see how miraculously you get tidy structure. - wtf? i did EXACTLY the same thing, whats wrong here? spacing is pixel perfect here

01:18:963 - feel free to increase spacing on every following new combo, because the pitch in the background is increasing, suggesting an increase of intensity. - i could do that, but im pretty bad at streams, so its better for overall map consistency to leave it like that, trust me :) + i feel like it represents the music well, you can see pattern here 04:28:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - its exactly what i was thinking of when i heard this section for the first time, ill leave as it is

01:24:706 - every one of this is being ignored 01:26:077 - when the apparent snare awes my mind completely. I'd really suggest making use of this rather than the hihat here 01:25:391 (6,6) - or whatever it is following, even if consistent it doesn't mean it is right. Same goes for the entire section. - i dont feel like its good, my way plays better
01:39:534 (1,2,3,4,5) - make use of the noticeable snares on blue ticks to make a 5stack. - i cant map every sound, the map would be ridiculously stupid if every sound would have a note
01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - by ending all of these on blue ticks, you give a lot of space to the player, and make a lot less annoying sliderbreaks. - its fine

01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - soft hitsounds please, and the spacing is too large since the background noise doesn't exist, meaning its without a rhythm, and should be mapped peacefully. Especially since in the section you use simpler spacings and patterns without streamjumps. - did soft hitsounds, but streamjumps are fine, music is waaaayyy different that previous, so it doesnt have to follow previous patterns

02:02:849 - okay so this is utter chaos. Not sure if you're taking inspiration from a l i e n, but being without a system of visuals or flow is not the way to go unless you really know what you're doing. You're mixing simple and complex slider shapes a lot, without any meaning to them, all on same sounds. The flow is completely unintuitive, and I felt really annoyed when I played this, without my eyes being filled by some blankets, by some rotation, by some consistency. There's just free placement and chaotically placed anchors. However, as negatively as I've described the section, you actually did a good job on making those random slidershapes not look bad on their own, it looks like they drew inspiration from moderns maps, mostly camellia, mappers like probox, lasse, nathan. But they don't hold any system to it, and I'm sorry but I can't help you anymore rather than make you think how can you make this be better. Make symmetry, make use of smaller collection of sliders, don't mix it up, plan it a bit. Do some blankets, rotation, and I'm pretty sure you know what is flow, and how to incorporate it too. - fixed one straight slider to more curvy one 02:03:106 (2,2) - , secondly, alien sucks and plz dont compare me to that shit, thirdly, yes i was inspired by modern style camellia mappers (its why i've mapped camellia song, bcs that kind of maps are masterpieces), but you didnt guessed well about the mappers, mostly byfar (and some rrtyui) slider styles, from probox i took only this 05:16:220 (1) - , lastly about flow - i did ask some mappers about this map when it was just made and first thing i've heard was that this section isnt agressive enough, so i did some changes to break flow sometimes and more agressive looking slider just to achieve that, and i think now its much better than well organised slider flowing to themselves perfectly.

02:41:249 - the kiai is not really anything spectacular for being a kiai in a camellia map. You use simply rhythms, and consistently, ending up being easier then most stuff before. You could easily make use of some 1/4 timing and making 1/4 jumps. For example making use of the snare on an active click, and doing the interactive 1/4 movement often seen, and fun to play, which would be fitting more to the nature of the map with gimmicky fast sliders, tons of streams and 1/4 usage. - little 1/4 slider into larger 1/2 slider was my concept to map this song, i wont change that, it represents the music well and looks well too, ill consider removing kiai

02:45:963 (2,3) - 1/4 spacing and then 02:46:734 (1,2) - 1/2 spacing being lower, way too contradictive and easy to misread on both parts. - oh fck, what i've done, fixed :)

Yeah this will be mostly it, same general stuff could be applied to the second half too. I can see that you're closing in on figuring out the aesthetic concepts, hopefully this will help you plenty. Make sure to much more often rotation, it makes perfect patterns, and much easier then by human hand. - its good that map has only aesthetics problems, ill work on them!

06:22:734 (1) - gj looks really nice. - :) my map for m4m
Thanks for mod, will do your map today
oh yea wtf? i did EXACTLY the same thing, whats wrong here? spacing is pixel perfect here
idk im retarded, I never use rotation of 10 degrees, so that's why it looked odd to me xd

00:15:878 (1,2,3,4) - zachowaj ten sam pattern jak tu 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - (to samo zrobiłeś tu 00:07:649 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - )
00:42:963 - przerwa niezbyt tutaj pasuje, wsadz tu małego reverse-slidera.
00:45:706 - ^ (i reszte pauz pomiędzy też)
00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - za bardzo oddalone są te kółka, łatwo stracić combo na sliderach. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - tutaj praktycznie to samo, choc troche mniej. (nieprzyjemne przy okazji)
01:01:134 (1) - zawiń troche bardziej ten slider, aby slider-end bardziej nakierowywał na 01:01:477 (2) -
01:01:820 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - spaceing troche za duzy mi sie wydaje, zescaluj w dół na oko o 0,100x
01:22:391 (3,4) - a tutaj możesz np. wjechać ze streamem ze sliderów w 1/8
01:26:163 (3,4) - fajnie nakierowujesz sliderem na kolejne kółko, choć pomijasz miejscami to:
01:27:534 (3) - chociażby tutaj, 01:38:506 (3) - tutaj pasowałoby bardziej w górę moim zdaniem - przelecisz mapę, to coś pewnie znajdziesz.
01:28:220 (7) - brzydkie trochę.
01:39:534 (1,2,3,4) - niepotrzebny overlap - nie wygląda ładniej?
01:46:391 (1,1,2,3) - 5% volume na koncówkach sliderów
01:49:649 (3) - ogarnij ten slider bez czerwonego punktu, ładniej sie wpasuje w kółko
02:00:106 (1,2,3) - 5% (mozesz uzywac tego czesciej, bardzo pasuje na tego typu sliderach konczących sie na niebieskich tickach)
03:25:134 (1) - usuń te kółko i przedłuż slider
04:31:649 (3,4) - znów mozesz wjechać z slider streamem (02:39:191 (3,4) - tutaj w sumie zalezy od Ciebie, bo jest krótsza przerwa)

Popracuj troche nad wyglądem sliderów (niektóre są okropne) + patternem streamów. powodzenia.
Topic Starter

-NeBu- wrote:


00:15:878 (1,2,3,4) - zachowaj ten sam pattern jak tu 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - (to samo zrobiłeś tu 00:07:649 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ) - ok
00:42:963 - przerwa niezbyt tutaj pasuje, wsadz tu małego reverse-slidera. - nie pasuje pod rytm, a przerwa dobrze podkresla poprzednie dzwieki
00:45:706 - ^ (i reszte pauz pomiędzy też)
00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - za bardzo oddalone są te kółka, łatwo stracić combo na sliderach. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - tutaj praktycznie to samo, choc troche mniej. (nieprzyjemne przy okazji) - o to chodzi, narastajace tempo tak jak mozna zauwazyc na poczatkowych jumpach (coraz wieksze) 00:51:534 (1,2,3,4) - a np. 00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) -
01:01:134 (1) - zawiń troche bardziej ten slider, aby slider-end bardziej nakierowywał na 01:01:477 (2) - - nie ma takiej potrzeby
01:01:820 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - spaceing troche za duzy mi sie wydaje, zescaluj w dół na oko o 0,100x - nie ma takiej potrzeby, w tej mapie nie ma ani jednego glosniejszego momentu niz ten, musi byc spacing
01:22:391 (3,4) - a tutaj możesz np. wjechać ze streamem ze sliderów w 1/8 - nice idea, i nawet tak zrobilem, ale stwierdzilem ze rozwala to consistency mapki, bo ten part jest w wielu miejscach, i np. 01:44:677 (4) - nie wyobrazam sobie 1/8 sliderkow przed hard partem(01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1) -), wiec zostaje jak jest
01:26:163 (3,4) - fajnie nakierowujesz sliderem na kolejne kółko, choć pomijasz miejscami to:
01:27:534 (3) - chociażby tutaj, 01:38:506 (3) - tutaj pasowałoby bardziej w górę moim zdaniem - przelecisz mapę, to coś pewnie znajdziesz. - nie koniecznie trzeba nakierowywać na kółko, wystarczy aby trzymało się flow
01:28:220 (7) - brzydkie trochę. - poprawilem lekko
01:39:534 (1,2,3,4) - niepotrzebny overlap - nie wygląda ładniej? - sure
01:46:391 (1,1,2,3) - 5% volume na koncówkach sliderów - sure
01:49:649 (3) - ogarnij ten slider bez czerwonego punktu, ładniej sie wpasuje w kółko - nice, duzo lepiej teraz :)
02:00:106 (1,2,3) - 5% (mozesz uzywac tego czesciej, bardzo pasuje na tego typu sliderach konczących sie na niebieskich tickach) - zrobilem tak w calej tej sekcji
03:25:134 (1) - usuń te kółko i przedłuż slider - nie, slider nie moze sie konczyc na tak waznym soundzie white ticku
04:31:649 (3,4) - znów mozesz wjechać z slider streamem (02:39:191 (3,4) - tutaj w sumie zalezy od Ciebie, bo jest krótsza przerwa) - tak jak pisalem wczesniej, nie wszedzie to pasuje, a dzwieki sa te same wiec chce aby bylo jednakowo

Popracuj troche nad wyglądem sliderów (niektóre są okropne) + patternem streamów. powodzenia. - dzieki, postaram sie poprawic estetyke, po to glownie szukam modow :)
  1. 01:22:049 (2,3,4) - you should add NC for these reverse since your stream's note count/combo on 01:18:963 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is only 4
  2. 01:53:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the center of this stream should be 01:53:934 (1) - for piano's pitch change, not 01:53:849 (8) - :(
  3. 01:56:249 (4) - just a suggestion tho why not this rhythm instead of covering those bass with all reverse? it can give more fun + challenge tbh
  4. 02:00:106 (1,2,3) - you should keep the piano rhythm like how 01:57:363 (1,2,3) - was made, i know it's different intensity but it's awkward to switch the rhythm ;;
  5. 02:11:591 (3) - kind of concerned about offscreen, consider to move it lower
  6. 02:29:591 (1) - it's still 1/3 based rhythm, so slider should be ended on 02:29:820 -
  7. 02:29:934 (1) - also its pretty sad to skip 02:30:049 - my friend
  8. 02:34:391 (1,2) - the song is so calm, yet the spacing is so scary >.>
  9. 02:38:849 (2,3,4) - 04:31:306 (2,3,4) - nc, same explanation with my 1st bullet
  10. 02:40:049 - 02:40:220 - 02:40:391 - 02:40:563 - 02:40:734 - it will be look cool if you play with SV changes, like starting to 0.8 > 1 > 1.2 > 1.4 > 1.6 for each kicks, (and maybe increase 02:40:906 (1) - too)
  11. 02:57:363 (1) - for aesthetic thingy, the head part looks kinda broke lol
  12. 02:58:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - uhhhh im pretty sure it's not only 1/2... 02:58:477 - 02:58:991 - sounds really loud yet you skipped them ;;
  13. 02:59:420 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ also if u want some polished circular angles, you may try ctrl + shift + d method next time :p
  14. 03:07:306 (7) - put NC for consistency with other parts
  15. 03:21:877 (2,3,4) - isnt should be 1/8 sliderstream like 03:21:191 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ? they sounds pretty same
  16. 05:06:363 (2) - should be added nc for aesthetic with 05:05:249 (1,1,1,1,1) -
  17. 06:34:391 - don't forget to increase volume starting here and 5% silence on 06:35:763 - too w
good luck mod this pls, only 1~2 diffs is ok for fair drain time
Hey! Here for the M4M
I think this is gonna be a more general mod since I do see general issues with the mapset imo

  1. You shouldn't have anything in the source, the map isn't really used in any game or movie soundtrack etc. That's when sources should be used, not for the album names etc. So please remove the source, you can add it into the tags however.
  1. You didn't really add that many hitsounds. You did change samplesets but that isn't enough feedback relative to the song for the player, so please add more hitsounds
  2. 00:07:648 - Personally, this part is pretty overspaced since it's just a calm part, yet it utilizes jumps similar to ones used in the kiai like 02:41:249 (1,2) - . 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Especially this pattern is pretty big. I do like however how you used the symmetry to express the repetition of the sounds, but please tone the spacing down a bit. Also here 00:59:762 (1,2,3,4) - this spacing is really overkill compared to spacing used in the kiai and you could lower this relative to what you want to do
  3. 00:08:164 (4) - Also something which applies to a lot of parts in your map, this note feels really unemphasized despite it's pitch being higher than 00:07:648 (1,2,3) - . In the editor it will be noticeable that the distance between 00:07:821 (2,3) - and 00:07:992 (3,4) - is different, however while playing it's not. You should find a way how to make it feel more emphasized like higher spacing than the rest like here 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - or different movement than the rest. This also applies to 00:31:820 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - or 00:43:820 (4,5) - for example, but please make sure to recheck the whole map for these kind of errors
  4. Something that should also be mentioned is the fact that you seem to be using visuals randomly. Even if you do maybe have intentions behind the visuals, they don't really get to the player which is really important for all of your ideas used in mapping. The way it is organized now feels pretty loose sometimes - The symmetry like the part at the start is definitely noticable, however the slidershapes 00:41:934 (1,3) - seem very unorganized and unfitting. Also, variety is good for songs like this, but it's better to use variety in the more intense parts while keeping the calmer parts more organized and so on.
  5. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - While testplaying I found these 3/4 sliders to play really uncomfortable and veeery different from 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:50:163 (1,2,3,4) - . This is because you use rather big distance to the hitcircles combined with a mixture of very weird angles unlike the first two patterns. I get that you wanted those patterns to play different from the start patterns, however, raising the distance alone is enough here, the angles play really bad and way to different from the other patterns than what you intend.
  6. 00:50:163 (1,2) - Also for 3/4 sliders like this where the sound on the tail is not audible or only very barely audible, please set the volume there to 5% and silence them so that the player doesn't get too much feedback from sounds which you can't really even hear
  7. 02:02:849 (1,2,3,4) - These 1/4 jumps aren't really too readable and also don't play that comfortable because they look like 1/2 jumps, you should make the 1/4 jumps more noticable by (for example) a special arrangement which you only use for these 1/4 jumps
  8. 06:01:477 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You could maybe use the same patterns like you used at the start since they are the same sounds (00:07:649 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - )
  9. Speaking about the gameplay too: It also feels very random, stuff like this 02:02:849 (1,2,3,4) - 02:04:220 (1,2,3,4) - is virtually the same in the song, yet it plays really different in game. Or here 02:08:334 (1,2) - 02:09:363 (1,2) - where it's the same in the song, yet how it plays is different: For 02:08:334 (1,2) - You need to move back and forth and to this 02:08:849 (3) - there is no slider leniency but here 02:09:363 (1,2) - you have somewhat circular flow and use slider leniency to 02:09:620 (3) - . This is something really affecting for the map so I suggest you maybe compare more parts in the song and see how they play in-game
  10. Also again, variety to avoid boringness is ok, but the variety shouldn't make it so that the gameplay or the idea behind the placements gets obstructed
Ok I'll stop there since there seems to be a few things you need to improve on: Visual organization and gameplay. Idk if you already do or if people already tell you to do it but I suggest watching pishifat's videos and practice more on unsubmitted maps.
Also, if you maybe thought that you had intentions behind all timestamps mentioned: Either the idea behind it didn't get to me or there is a better way in executing it. So you should also work on how to make the idea get to the player more
If you have any concerns, questions (or complaints lol) don't hesitate to PM me! I do apologize if I did offend you
Topic Starter

Akitoshi wrote:

  1. 01:22:049 (2,3,4) - you should add NC for these reverse since your stream's note count/combo on 01:18:963 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is only 4 - done
  2. 01:53:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the center of this stream should be 01:53:934 (1) - for piano's pitch change, not 01:53:849 (8) - :( - tried to do that, but it looks too ugly + it does change the whole section (for example i should then change it here 01:59:334 (8,1) - ) so i keep it as it is for now
  3. 01:56:249 (4) - just a suggestion tho why not this rhythm instead of covering those bass with all reverse? it can give more fun + challenge tbh - 1: i wanna keep 01:47:763 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern that was introduced to player before, 2: reverse doesnt require to move your cursor so player can prepare for spaced 1/4 sliders 01:56:677 (1,2,3,4) - , this section isnt as loud as other ones so i dont want to increase difficulty here
  4. 02:00:106 (1,2,3) - you should keep the piano rhythm like how 01:57:363 (1,2,3) - was made, i know it's different intensity but it's awkward to switch the rhythm ;; - done
  5. 02:11:591 (3) - kind of concerned about offscreen, consider to move it lower - done
  6. 02:29:591 (1) - it's still 1/3 based rhythm, so slider should be ended on 02:29:820 - - sure
  7. 02:29:934 (1) - also its pretty sad to skip 02:30:049 - my friend - no, it isnt, i follow the loudest sound here
  8. 02:34:391 (1,2) - the song is so calm, yet the spacing is so scary >.> - lowered a bit
  9. 02:38:849 (2,3,4) - 04:31:306 (2,3,4) - nc, same explanation with my 1st bullet - yea, did
  10. 02:40:049 - 02:40:220 - 02:40:391 - 02:40:563 - 02:40:734 - it will be look cool if you play with SV changes, like starting to 0.8 > 1 > 1.2 > 1.4 > 1.6 for each kicks, (and maybe increase 02:40:906 (1) - too) - nice idea, did
  11. 02:57:363 (1) - for aesthetic thingy, the head part looks kinda broke lol - should be better now
  12. 02:58:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - uhhhh im pretty sure it's not only 1/2... 02:58:477 - 02:58:991 - sounds really loud yet you skipped them ;; - i could add some 1/4 sliders, but if you hear closely, every circle has the same sound on it, and to be consistent ill keep that, 02:58:220 (3) - this exact sound is what the section is mapped for
  13. 02:59:420 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ also if u want some polished circular angles, you may try ctrl + shift + d method next time :p - yea, idk why i did it handly, fixed
  14. 03:07:306 (7) - put NC for consistency with other parts - did
  15. 03:21:877 (2,3,4) - isnt should be 1/8 sliderstream like 03:21:191 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ? they sounds pretty same - sound is 1/8 but it isnt really the same as previous ones, that's why i emphasise it by spacing, but not by 1/8 slider to indicate its different sound but still important one
  16. 05:06:363 (2) - should be added nc for aesthetic with 05:05:249 (1,1,1,1,1) - - did
  17. 06:34:391 - don't forget to increase volume starting here and 5% silence on 06:35:763 - too w - silenced sliderend for now, i will have someone to do hitsounds after some mods, so he'll do volume stuffs
good luck mod this pls, only 1~2 diffs is ok for fair drain time - thanks for mod, ill take top 2 diffs

_DT3 wrote:

Hey! Here for the M4M
I think this is gonna be a more general mod since I do see general issues with the mapset imo

  1. You shouldn't have anything in the source, the map isn't really used in any game or movie soundtrack etc. That's when sources should be used, not for the album names etc. So please remove the source, you can add it into the tags however. - done, tags copied from ranked version
  1. You didn't really add that many hitsounds. You did change samplesets but that isn't enough feedback relative to the song for the player, so please add more hitsounds - do you like applying mods while your beatmap is hitsounded? hitsounds will be later
  2. 00:07:648 - Personally, this part is pretty overspaced since it's just a calm part, yet it utilizes jumps similar to ones used in the kiai like 02:41:249 (1,2) - . 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Especially this pattern is pretty big. I do like however how you used the symmetry to express the repetition of the sounds, but please tone the spacing down a bit. Also here 00:59:762 (1,2,3,4) - this spacing is really overkill compared to spacing used in the kiai and you could lower this relative to what you want to do - about the first part: this section is calm, yes, but at the same time, sounds are pretty loud and noticeable, for such difficulty of the map, spacing isnt really that huge to be the problem; about the second part: here i did slowly increase intensivity of the jumps, starting from here 00:51:534 (1,2,3,4) -, then 00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) -, then 00:57:020 (1,2,3,4) - , up to this point 00:59:762 (1,2,3,4) -, song slowly reaches its climax here 01:01:134 (1) - so i do wanna keep that spacing
  3. 00:08:164 (4) - Also something which applies to a lot of parts in your map, this note feels really unemphasized despite it's pitch being higher than 00:07:648 (1,2,3) - . In the editor it will be noticeable that the distance between 00:07:821 (2,3) - and 00:07:992 (3,4) - is different, however while playing it's not. You should find a way how to make it feel more emphasized like higher spacing than the rest like here 00:13:135 (1,2,3,4) - or different movement than the rest. This also applies to 00:31:820 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - or 00:43:820 (4,5) - for example, but please make sure to recheck the whole map for these kind of errors - its emphasised by a break, could aswell add slider here, and sliderbody would emphasise it as well as break does, 00:31:820 (1,2,3,1,2,3) here i did the same thing, by changing flow + break
  4. Something that should also be mentioned is the fact that you seem to be using visuals randomly. Even if you do maybe have intentions behind the visuals, they don't really get to the player which is really important for all of your ideas used in mapping. The way it is organized now feels pretty loose sometimes - The symmetry like the part at the start is definitely noticable, however the slidershapes 00:41:934 (1,3) - seem very unorganized and unfitting. Also, variety is good for songs like this, but it's better to use variety in the more intense parts while keeping the calmer parts more organized and so on. - ill try to do that, aesthetic things is mostly what im asking for in mods
  5. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - While testplaying I found these 3/4 sliders to play really uncomfortable and veeery different from 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:50:163 (1,2,3,4) - . This is because you use rather big distance to the hitcircles combined with a mixture of very weird angles unlike the first two patterns. I get that you wanted those patterns to play different from the start patterns, however, raising the distance alone is enough here, the angles play really bad and way to different from the other patterns than what you intend. - changed the last pattern a little bit, however, as i said before, i slowly increase intensivity here before climax, that's why this sliderpattern is getting harder and harder and harder
  6. 00:50:163 (1,2) - Also for 3/4 sliders like this where the sound on the tail is not audible or only very barely audible, please set the volume there to 5% and silence them so that the player doesn't get too much feedback from sounds which you can't really even hear - did
  7. 02:02:849 (1,2,3,4) - These 1/4 jumps aren't really too readable and also don't play that comfortable because they look like 1/2 jumps, you should make the 1/4 jumps more noticable by (for example) a special arrangement which you only use for these 1/4 jumps - this section is intense, 1/4 jumps are noticeable, i think you didnt watch the whole map to see how i do 1/4 sliderbased jumps
  8. 06:01:477 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You could maybe use the same patterns like you used at the start since they are the same sounds (00:07:649 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ) - did
  9. Speaking about the gameplay too: It also feels very random, stuff like this 02:02:849 (1,2,3,4) - 02:04:220 (1,2,3,4) - is virtually the same in the song, yet it plays really different in game. Or here 02:08:334 (1,2) - 02:09:363 (1,2) - where it's the same in the song, yet how it plays is different: For 02:08:334 (1,2) - You need to move back and forth and to this 02:08:849 (3) - there is no slider leniency but here 02:09:363 (1,2) - you have somewhat circular flow and use slider leniency to 02:09:620 (3) - . This is something really affecting for the map so I suggest you maybe compare more parts in the song and see how they play in-game - 02:02:849 (1,2,3,4) and 02:04:220 (1,2,3,4) is just copy pasted, is there a better way to do the same stuff than copy and paste?
    For the second part, its really what this map is about, camellia agressive slider map and my intention was to keep atention from player, so map isnt boring and this section is "difficult" in its way, thats why there are some flow-breaks etc.
    Lastly, 02:08:334 (1,2) - this and 02:09:363 (1,2) - are different sections separated by 02:08:849 (3) - , thats why
  10. Also again, variety to avoid boringness is ok, but the variety shouldn't make it so that the gameplay or the idea behind the placements gets obstructed
Ok I'll stop there since there seems to be a few things you need to improve on: Visual organization and gameplay. Idk if you already do or if people already tell you to do it but I suggest watching pishifat's videos and practice more on unsubmitted maps.
Also, if you maybe thought that you had intentions behind all timestamps mentioned: Either the idea behind it didn't get to me or there is a better way in executing it. So you should also work on how to make the idea get to the player more
If you have any concerns, questions (or complaints lol) don't hesitate to PM me! I do apologize if I did offend you
GL! - do this map really looks like i didnt watch any of pishi's videos? ill try to be consistent with my visual style, but personally i think you look at my map using glasses from anime simply beatmaps with perfect structure and easy pp. Maybe thats the reason you've skipped the most important entire kiai times and modded only slow parts which needs more polishing its true, but they are just "fillers" to my map which concept starts here 02:08:334 -
--- Anyway, thanks for mod, you did help
  1. 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - Forcing this pattern for symmetry is not a good idea, I'd suggest reducing the spacing here
  2. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  4. 01:49:477 (2) - The blanket is not good, fix it
  5. 03:08:163 (11) - Center this please
  6. 06:22:734 (1) - WOT

Minorsonek wrote:

do this map really looks like i didnt watch any of pishi's videos? ill try to be consistent with my visual style, but personally i think you look at my map using glasses from anime simply beatmaps with perfect structure and easy pp. Maybe thats the reason you've skipped the most important entire kiai times and modded only slow parts which needs more polishing its true, but they are just "fillers" to my map which concept starts here 02:08:334 -
--- Anyway, thanks for mod, you did help
Heh, I didn't really look at it from an anime perspective x)

Glad I could help though! I'll shoot a star for the sake of it
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:

  1. 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - Forcing this pattern for symmetry is not a good idea, I'd suggest reducing the spacing here
  2. 00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - ^ - here i did slowly increase intensivity of the jumps, starting from here 00:51:534 (1,2,3,4) -, then 00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) -, then 00:57:020 (1,2,3,4) - , up to this point 00:59:762 (1,2,3,4) -, song slowly reaches its climax here 01:01:134 (1) - and symetry sliders follow the same idea, they getting harder and harder
  4. 01:49:477 (2) - The blanket is not good, fix it - did
  5. 03:08:163 (11) - Center this please - did
  6. 06:22:734 (1) - WOT - ???
Heyo sorry about that! That M4M Thingy

00:35:934 (2,3,1) - Make (1) and (2) the same visual distance of 3
00:40:563 (1,5) - Its a little off
01:28:734 (2,6,7) - Make the spacing even
01:33:706 (7,2) - Tad of overlap
01:36:791 (1,3) - Make the same visual distance as (2) and (4)
01:36:791 (1,3) - Doesn't really go with the music play around with it. I hear more sounds
02:58:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Might be more pleasing with 1/4 sliders due to the sound in the music
03:21:706 (1,1) - Slight overlap. Might be editor but check it.
03:25:134 (1,1) - I'd love some of that slider art on this long break. Would fit really well to fit the rest of the camellia maps :3
03:55:306 (1,2,3) - Give (2) the same visual distance to make (1) and (3) even
04:03:077 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1) - Section is a little hard with the calmness of the music.
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Hard to read. Space it or change it
06:18:406 (1,2,3,4) - THis could be a better pattern. imo

Overall seems good. Needs mroe slider art tho ;)
Good luck on mapping and ranking/loving

Topic Starter

Xoul wrote:

Heyo sorry about that! That M4M Thingy

00:35:934 (2,3,1) - Make (1) and (2) the same visual distance of 3 - no, idea behind these jumps was different
00:40:563 (1,5) - Its a little off - sure
01:28:734 (2,6,7) - Make the spacing even - should be better now
01:33:706 (7,2) - Tad of overlap - moved a little bit, but overlaps here are unavoidable
01:36:791 (1,3) - Make the same visual distance as (2) and (4) - fixed
01:36:791 (1,3) - Doesn't really go with the music play around with it. I hear more sounds - i dont map every sound, i emphasise the important ones
02:58:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Might be more pleasing with 1/4 sliders due to the sound in the music - i emphasise 02:58:391 (4) - this exact sound, and every circle has it, i dont wanna 1/4 sliders here
03:21:706 (1,1) - Slight overlap. Might be editor but check it. - fixed
03:25:134 (1,1) - I'd love some of that slider art on this long break. Would fit really well to fit the rest of the camellia maps :3 - im really bad at sliderarting, so it would make map worse, ill think of it but the only way i can add sliderarts here is by copying from other maps, idk if its cool
03:55:306 (1,2,3) - Give (2) the same visual distance to make (1) and (3) even - fixed
04:03:077 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1) - Section is a little hard with the calmness of the music. - it isnt, rhythm is slower than 1/2 so its easy to hit and its last section before faster part
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Hard to read. Space it or change it - changed
06:18:406 (1,2,3,4) - THis could be a better pattern. imo - yea

Overall seems good. Needs mroe slider art tho ;)
Good luck on mapping and ranking/loving - thanks for mod

Sakurauchi Riko
hi M4M

00:20:849 (1,2,3) - how about making this jump horizontal so you make a transition between the different sounds of 00:20:163 (7,8,9) - 00:21:534 (1,2,3) -
00:23:077 (4,5,6) - visual spacing issue, 1/2 and 1/1 rhythm are visually spaced equally which causes missreading
00:43:820 (4,5) - this is lower spaced than objects before although this has heavy downbeat, so this is spacing emphasis issue
00:49:306 (4,5) - same thing here and so on .. you get it
00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) - i dont think a huge spacing increase is justified here, the music barely changes in intensity so the jumps should be visually somewhat equal
00:55:649 - here begins a consistent 1/2 beat sound, you should somehwat represent it because currently the map doesnt change at all but the rhythm in the music does
00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - this incredibly high 1/4 spacing causes missing sliderends while playing, this is really not comfortable to play with that huge spacing
01:12:791 (1,2,3,4) - rotate this by -20° clockwise and the jumps will be much much better to play (you change the angle of the cursor movement which feels comfortable and its a good transition between the circles and sliders, too)
01:29:591 (6,7,1,2,3) - awkward wide angles with inconsistent spacing plays really awkward
01:36:791 - in the following few measures you miss a lot of 1/4 beats, are you sure you wanna skip them? i think you'd map closer to the music if you represent all of these sounds. and since the sound of the coming long stream is the same as your skipped beats, it would make much more sense to map the missed ones
01:41:420 (7) - you should make an angle here instead of 01:41:591 (9) - because theres strong sound
01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - how about decreasing the spacing consistently here for these groups since the pitch of the sounds gets lower over time, too?
01:58:649 - you should map this as this is part of the following stream
02:07:649 (1) - might be offscreen, too lazy to set to 4:3 and check. this touches the hp bar heavily which is bad aesthetic too
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - nobody expects this to be 1/3, as a player you assume this is 1/2, lower the spacing here drastically
02:45:706 (1,2,3) - this flow is really awkward,
02:58:391 (4,5,6,7) - these are different from 02:58:049 (2,3) - but they are in same pattern, change direction or something to make it not look like this sounds all the same because it does not
04:04:677 (1,1,1) - way too much spacing here for a slow part, they should at least overlap
04:55:649 (1) - might be offscreen
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - same as above, 1/3 not expectable with huge spacing
06:00:963 - try to represent this noise in any way, there are million options. currently it looks same like before but the noise proves that its not
06:22:734 (1) - well ok xD i'd be annoyed as a player to play this long as slider but looks cool

sorry I suck at modding such maps/song cuz I absolutely hate "songs" with random noises (basically camellia lol) xD
this song gave me a headache

Best of Luck! :)
Topic Starter

Sakurauchi Riko wrote:

hi M4M

00:20:849 (1,2,3) - how about making this jump horizontal so you make a transition between the different sounds of 00:20:163 (7,8,9) - 00:21:534 (1,2,3) - - almost every jump in this section is vertical, so i wanna keep that
00:23:077 (4,5,6) - visual spacing issue, 1/2 and 1/1 rhythm are visually spaced equally which causes missreading - fixed
00:43:820 (4,5) - this is lower spaced than objects before although this has heavy downbeat, so this is spacing emphasis issue - fixed
00:49:306 (4,5) - same thing here and so on .. you get it - fixed
00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) - i dont think a huge spacing increase is justified here, the music barely changes in intensity so the jumps should be visually somewhat equal - music slowly builds up to this part 01:01:134 (1) -
00:55:649 - here begins a consistent 1/2 beat sound, you should somehwat represent it because currently the map doesnt change at all but the rhythm in the music does - i want to emphasise the most important sounds, the 1/2 beat is way under 00:59:762 (1) - or especially 01:00:449 (5) - sound
00:55:649 (1,2,3,4) - this incredibly high 1/4 spacing causes missing sliderends while playing, this is really not comfortable to play with that huge spacing - that was my intention, as i mention before, i want map to slowly get harder and harder to prepare for this section 01:01:134 (1), and testplays showed that most players wont miss sliderends here anyway
01:12:791 (1,2,3,4) - rotate this by -20° clockwise and the jumps will be much much better to play (you change the angle of the cursor movement which feels comfortable and its a good transition between the circles and sliders, too) - fixed different way
01:29:591 (6,7,1,2,3) - awkward wide angles with inconsistent spacing plays really awkward - i want to emphasise this sound 01:29:763 (7,1) - between these two, its why
01:36:791 - in the following few measures you miss a lot of 1/4 beats, are you sure you wanna skip them? i think you'd map closer to the music if you represent all of these sounds. and since the sound of the coming long stream is the same as your skipped beats, it would make much more sense to map the missed ones - fixed
01:41:420 (7) - you should make an angle here instead of 01:41:591 (9) - because theres strong sound - here, i map for the constant sound which every circle has and i skip piano (or whatever it is) in the background
01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - how about decreasing the spacing consistently here for these groups since the pitch of the sounds gets lower over time, too? - ill leave that for now
01:58:649 - you should map this as this is part of the following stream - no, 01:58:734 (1) - here is strong sound and circles after that have different sound than 01:58:649 - so it wont make sense
02:07:649 (1) - might be offscreen, too lazy to set to 4:3 and check. this touches the hp bar heavily which is bad aesthetic too - fixed
02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - nobody expects this to be 1/3, as a player you assume this is 1/2, lower the spacing here drastically - here song reaches its climax and this sound is the loudest one in map, its good it has spacing, even ranked version have this pattern
02:45:706 (1,2,3) - this flow is really awkward, - should be better
02:58:391 (4,5,6,7) - these are different from 02:58:049 (2,3) - but they are in same pattern, change direction or something to make it not look like this sounds all the same because it does not - they are the same sounds, listen closely and ignore 1/4 beats
04:04:677 (1,1,1) - way too much spacing here for a slow part, they should at least overlap - i dont think so, rhythm here is way different so i want to emphasise that, and it isnt really that hard to play to tell it doesnt fit here
04:55:649 (1) - might be offscreen - fixed
05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - same as above, 1/3 not expectable with huge spacing - same as above
06:00:963 - try to represent this noise in any way, there are million options. currently it looks same like before but the noise proves that its not - added slider
06:22:734 (1) - well ok xD i'd be annoyed as a player to play this long as slider but looks cool - sliderarts is what makes camellia map, its bad that my map have only 1, but im not an artist :)

sorry I suck at modding such maps/song cuz I absolutely hate "songs" with random noises (basically camellia lol) xD
this song gave me a headache - lul, someone hates camellia, lul

Best of Luck! :)
Hello! Let me mod some.

General: Firstly thing i wanna suggest you improve hitsounds. add claps and finishes for more music expression 05:03:877 (1) - this for exmaple. Some moments looks randomly by sample changes 00:40:563 - for example this
Second thing: You need more polishing on your spacing extremely for beginning 00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) - thiss got less music expression than this stuff 01:17:249 (1,2) - but still got same spacing which a kind of questionable
00:10:391 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - so this overspaced too. so better to recheck your spacing in beggining and make some polishes on it and more structurise it.
Put 00:07:649 - redline volume equals to greenline volume. Its unrankable issuse cuz RC

00:20:163 (7,8) - seeing on your overall spacing of beginning this kind of stuff can be confused. 00:18:791 (2,3) - 1\2 00:20:163 (7,8) - 1\1 got rly same spacing. So place NC, can resolve this problem a bit
01:32:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - dont sure that it's rly fits to music o can be logical variation of your rythm lol
02:39:534 (1,3,4) - avoid that pixel overlaps
03:19:305 (4,5) - that doesnt work cuz 03:19:134 (2,3,4) - space tripple give a big space impacting
05:23:334 (2,3) - very close
05:50:677 (2,4) - same stuff about pizel overlapping

So i can't go more deeper for kind of nazi or polishing suggestion stuff. Map looks really randomly for me. Some shapes looks rly unconsostience between each other. You should make more visual polishes to make this map like puzzle.
But on positive side, your rythm and some emphasize looks rly good.

Good luck with this o/
Topic Starter

NeilPerry wrote:

Hello! Let me mod some.

General: Firstly thing i wanna suggest you improve hitsounds. add claps and finishes for more music expression 05:03:877 (1) - this for exmaple. Some moments looks randomly by sample changes 00:40:563 - for example this - ill add hitsounds later, when map design and rhythm will be perfect
Second thing: You need more polishing on your spacing extremely for beginning 00:54:277 (1,2,3,4) - thiss got less music expression than this stuff 01:17:249 (1,2) - but still got same spacing which a kind of questionable - you are comparing two different sections without taking into account that first spacing was used as a contrast to emphasise that music is getting faster and faster to reach this moment 01:01:134 (1) -
00:10:391 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - so this overspaced too. so better to recheck your spacing in beggining and make some polishes on it and more structurise it. - it isnt overspaced, lul
Put 00:07:649 - redline volume equals to greenline volume. Its unrankable issuse cuz RC - did

00:20:163 (7,8) - seeing on your overall spacing of beginning this kind of stuff can be confused. 00:18:791 (2,3) - 1\2 00:20:163 (7,8) - 1\1 got rly same spacing. So place NC, can resolve this problem a bit - ..., do 00:18:791 (2,3) - has the same spacing like 00:20:163 (7,8) - for you? really?
01:32:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - dont sure that it's rly fits to music o can be logical variation of your rythm lol - ?? it does perfectly, every strong sound is here 01:32:677 (1,3,5,7) - and every other sound is 01:32:849 (2,4,6,8) - and that's what pattern does
02:39:534 (1,3,4) - avoid that pixel overlaps - fix
03:19:305 (4,5) - that doesnt work cuz 03:19:134 (2,3,4) - space tripple give a big space impacting - this pattern fits perfectly here
05:23:334 (2,3) - very close - what's the problem here?
05:50:677 (2,4) - same stuff about pizel overlapping - fix

So i can't go more deeper for kind of nazi or polishing suggestion stuff. Map looks really randomly for me. Some shapes looks rly unconsostience between each other. You should make more visual polishes to make this map like puzzle. - What's the point of modding if not "polishing suggestion stuff"?
But on positive side, your rythm and some emphasize looks rly good. - Thanks for mod

Good luck with this o/
Cherry Blossom
Hello, M4M.


  1. 00:52:220 (5,6) - it would be nice if you increase the distance between them to not make them confusing with the 1/4 gaps you used here 00:52:906 (1,2) - . Make it like 00:57:706 (5,6) - . Same for 00:54:963 (5,6) -
  2. 01:34:649 - this note is really audible and it sounds weird that you didn't follow or mapped it, it would be nice if you put a circle on this tick.
  3. 02:01:391 - i could say the say thing as ^, it would be nice to follow this tick because there is the same piano note as the one you followed with streams.
  4. 02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is too sudden and the spacing is really large, so you need to be very careful and fast to be able to handle this pattern which looks like a difficulty spike. Imo it would be really better if you nerf the distance between these 1/3 circles. Same for 05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
  5. 02:41:420 (2,3) - i wonder why the spacing between them is different from 02:42:791 (2,3) - 02:43:477 (5,1) - and even 02:46:906 (2,3) - etc. is that intentional ?
  6. 04:20:848 (9,10) - Increase the distance between them, it looks really weird to play because the distance between previous triples is higher, and a low distance is kind of slowdown when the song doesn't really justify it.
  7. 04:27:620 - here you also missed a strong beat that should be followed or played, and it will also avoid the polarity issue between 04:27:534 (3,1) - and keep a regular 1/2 gap between them.

Good Luck ~
i dont need a mod back on anything

to note: using the same combo color multiple times in a row is unrankable, as it makes it hard to distinguish between successive combos. i would recommend changing this asap.
00:19:820 (6) - dont really like this slider since there isnt a noise on the tail and 00:22:734 (3) - 00:24:106 (1) - 00:25:306 (1) - here you use sliders with sounds on the tail
00:23:077 (4) - 00:34:049 (4) - no noise here?
00:26:849 (1,2) - again dont like these cause you dont use them previously, very random to start using this slider technique here
00:52:563 (6,7) - 00:55:306 (6,7) - etc.. no reason to start stacking these
01:01:134 (1) - i think this would be better as a 1/2 slider with a circle on the blue tick since there is a strong sound on the red tick
01:01:820 (4,5,6) - space equally between 01:01:477 (2,3) - ?
01:24:449 - this bookmark section: i dont hear what you are mapping triples too, seems like you are adding things randomly to the music that arent there
01:31:991 (4,5,6,7) - why are these kicksliders?
01:36:791 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - give these a 1/4 gap instead of a 1/8 gap
01:58:563 (4,1) - 02:01:306 (4,1) - there is a piano sound you are missing between these 2 circles
02:29:934 (1) - this slider body has an important sound under it that i think should be clickable
03:01:134 (3,4) - theres a sound between these circles, too
03:05:934 (1,4,1) - i think the tails should be circles instead
03:19:305 (4,5) - pretty important sound between these circles
03:59:420 (1) - should just be one long slider instead of a repeat slider
04:25:049 (1,2) - 04:27:791 (1,2) - unstack so it matches the 1/4 spacing you use for doubles in this section?
04:30:963 (1,1,1,1) - give these a 1/4 gap instead of a 1/8 gap
04:33:706 - in the section starting here i think there are some rhythm problems. i'll point out some very important sounds that aren't mapped. overall i think the melody is largely ignored and the rhythms don't represent the song well here. 04:33:706 (1) - the first blue tick under this slider is one of the notes in the melody, same with the blue tick between these: 04:34:049 (2,3) - . 04:34:734 (5,6) - there are 3 melody notes on the blue ticks around 6 as well as 6, and no note on 5. this continues throughout this section and i think its something to consider as this is probably the most energetic part / climax of the song
05:11:763 (1,1) - this is 4 1/4 sounds, not 2 1/2 sounds.
06:22:734 (1) - cool slider :~D
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello, M4M.


  1. 00:52:220 (5,6) - it would be nice if you increase the distance between them to not make them confusing with the 1/4 gaps you used here 00:52:906 (1,2) - . Make it like 00:57:706 (5,6) - . Same for 00:54:963 (5,6) - it isnt confusing because rhythm was introduced before, BUT changed to jumps, should be better
  2. 01:34:649 - this note is really audible and it sounds weird that you didn't follow or mapped it, it would be nice if you put a circle on this tick. - i dont follow this sound in this pattern
  3. 02:01:391 - i could say the say thing as ^, it would be nice to follow this tick because there is the same piano note as the one you followed with streams. - i want maximum emphasise on 02:01:477 (1) - this loud important sound, so added 1/4 slider instead of circle here 02:01:306 (4) - and it should be enough
  4. 02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is too sudden and the spacing is really large, so you need to be very careful and fast to be able to handle this pattern which looks like a difficulty spike. Imo it would be really better if you nerf the distance between these 1/3 circles. Same for 05:38:163 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - - what you say is true but when i did this pattern someone who mod my map said something like "pattern copied from ranked ver" so i did check out ranked version of this song and it has the same pattern and its ranked so i dont think i should change that
  5. 02:41:420 (2,3) - i wonder why the spacing between them is different from 02:42:791 (2,3) - 02:43:477 (5,1) - and even 02:46:906 (2,3) - etc. is that intentional ? - spacing repaired, only 02:43:477 (5,1) - here was intentional higher, rest is equal
  6. 04:20:848 (9,10) - Increase the distance between them, it looks really weird to play because the distance between previous triples is higher, and a low distance is kind of slowdown when the song doesn't really justify it. - fixed
  7. 04:27:620 - here you also missed a strong beat that should be followed or played, and it will also avoid the polarity issue between 04:27:534 (3,1) - and keep a regular 1/2 gap between them. - moved whole pattern 04:27:363 (1,2,3) - by one tick to the right

Good Luck ~ - Thanks!

dsco wrote:

i dont need a mod back on anything - as u wish

to note: using the same combo color multiple times in a row is unrankable, as it makes it hard to distinguish between successive combos. i would recommend changing this asap. - if you back to this thread, plz tell me how to fix that, when did i do the same combocolor multiple times in a row? i even changed my skin to default to check, but i dont see any of this
00:19:820 (6) - dont really like this slider since there isnt a noise on the tail and 00:22:734 (3) - 00:24:106 (1) - 00:25:306 (1) - here you use sliders with sounds on the tail - this slider fits here bcs sound 00:19:820 - here is "longer" than one tick
00:23:077 (4) - 00:34:049 (4) - no noise here? - yes, ill add hitsounds to fix it or if it wont help then ill remove
00:26:849 (1,2) - again dont like these cause you dont use them previously, very random to start using this slider technique here - i didnt have an opportunity to use this, its still early in the map so it isnt confusing player
00:52:563 (6,7) - 00:55:306 (6,7) - etc.. no reason to start stacking these - fixed
01:01:134 (1) - i think this would be better as a 1/2 slider with a circle on the blue tick since there is a strong sound on the red tick - no, here i follow the most louder sounds which you can hear 01:01:134 - 01:01:477 - 01:01:649 - 01:01:991 - and i want to keep that
01:01:820 (4,5,6) - space equally between 01:01:477 (2,3) - ? - should be better
01:24:449 - this bookmark section: i dont hear what you are mapping triples too, seems like you are adding things randomly to the music that arent there - you propably think about skipped sound here 01:24:706 - but i want keep it for now
01:31:991 (4,5,6,7) - why are these kicksliders? - music calls for it
01:36:791 (1,2,3,4) - ^ - here previously was only 1/2 rhythm but many moders pointed out there is some sounds between so i did kicksliders and i think it is better now
01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - give these a 1/4 gap instead of a 1/8 gap - tried, but 1/8 fits better
01:58:563 (4,1) - 02:01:306 (4,1) - there is a piano sound you are missing between these 2 circles - did 1/4 slider
02:29:934 (1) - this slider body has an important sound under it that i think should be clickable - i want to emphasise the loudest one
03:01:134 (3,4) - theres a sound between these circles, too - fixed
03:05:934 (1,4,1) - i think the tails should be circles instead - no, slider fits here
03:19:305 (4,5) - pretty important sound between these circles - ok, but have you any idea how to fix that without breaking pattern?
03:59:420 (1) - should just be one long slider instead of a repeat slider - fixed
04:25:049 (1,2) - 04:27:791 (1,2) - unstack so it matches the 1/4 spacing you use for doubles in this section? - fixed, but im not sure its good
04:30:963 (1,1,1,1) - give these a 1/4 gap instead of a 1/8 gap - if before you may be right, here its DEFINITELY 1/8
04:33:706 - in the section starting here i think there are some rhythm problems. i'll point out some very important sounds that aren't mapped. overall i think the melody is largely ignored and the rhythms don't represent the song well here. 04:33:706 (1) - the first blue tick under this slider is one of the notes in the melody, same with the blue tick between these: 04:34:049 (2,3) - . 04:34:734 (5,6) - there are 3 melody notes on the blue ticks around 6 as well as 6, and no note on 5. this continues throughout this section and i think its something to consider as this is probably the most energetic part / climax of the song - i get your idea but i dont want to map every sound (why not make one big stream so every sound is mapped?) therefore i've chosen the most important sounds. 04:33:791 - this sound here is nothing compared to this 04:33:706 - so i wont change that, ill consider doing something here 04:34:134 - but ill leave for now, 04:34:734 (5) - 04:36:106 (5) - these two are alternating between circle and 1/4 slider for variety, rest is constant rhythm
05:11:763 (1,1) - this is 4 1/4 sounds, not 2 1/2 sounds. 05:09:020 (1,1) - want to match with it
06:22:734 (1) - cool slider :~D - tried my best with slidearting :) Thanks
Hi, M4M
- This is just my opinion but those 00:13:478 (3,4,3,4) feel too spaced for the beginning of a song. Especially considering that this part of the song is so calm. I think it's a good idea to emphasize the higher pitch through spacing but maybe tone it down a notch since the actual song hasn't even started yet. Same could be applied for the stuff up until 00:40:563 - since this is where the song actually starts. Instead of trying to make things too spaced when there is no need to just for the sake of avoiding boringness you're better off not mapping that part at all. If you take a look at every ranked technical map they always start easy and get progressively harder as the song gets more intense.

- 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - Way too spaced for a 1/4 beat gap. Even more spaced then some half beat gaps. 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - this was just right
- 01:03:191 (5,1,2,3) - move the slider a bit so it doesn't overlap with the triple
- 01:10:049 (7,8,9) - make this triple go from right to left, i think it would improve the flow a bit
- 01:13:306 (4) - Also maybe move this a bit more to the left
- 01:32:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this just feels out of place. I think throwing in a couple of sliders would help.
- 01:34:649 - there is a clear sound here. You can add a note and make it into a double but make it less spaced.
- 01:46:391 (1,1) - space those a bit more
- 01:46:734 (1) - don't think this NC is needed
- 02:40:392 (3,4) - make those have the same spacing as the other 2
- 02:43:477 (1) - stack this slider as well in order to mantain the same pattern. Also why is this 02:43:649 (1) - a NC?
- 02:46:391 (1) - ^
- 02:48:277 (2,3) - Make like the other 2 pls.
- 02:49:134 (1) - again a NC just for the sake of it. You can increase the SV and make it stand out without having to NC. It just feels out of place.
- 02:51:877 (1) - same. I understand what you're trying to do but there is no reason for it.
- 02:52:391 (2,3,5,6,2,3,5,1) - Finally done right, GJ.
- 02:56:935 (2,3) - Way too spaced. Just imagine playing the map for the first time, the first few singles are stacked on the beginning of the sliders and then suddenly this. Anyone would be frustrated cause who would expect such a bit jump in a 1/4.
- 02:57:363 (1) - again no need to NC
- NC's should only start on those 03:49:134 (1,1,1) - and that's it. Those 03:49:820 (1,1,1) - are totally out of place
- 03:57:591 (1,2,1) - make those 1 combo
- 03:58:963 (2) - Add NC
- 03:59:420 (1) - remove NC
- 04:00:334 (2) - Add NC
- 04:00:791 (1) - remove NC, No one uses NCs like that
- 04:21:020 (10,11,12) - move this so it forms a square with the rest of the triples
- 04:22:563 (4) - Move this more to the left
- 04:53:591 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this could be done better. Feels a bit too messy.
- 05:03:877 (1,1,1,1) - those are ok as the music changes drastically on every beat but those 05:05:420 (1,2,3,4,5) - are not
- 05:23:334 (2,3) - maybe you could increased spacing a bit as those seem two objects look too close to each other
- 06:07:306 (3,4,3,4) - same as in the beginning, too spaced for such a calm part of the song. The song as basically ended by this point. This should be a part where you shouldn't be able to miss anymore after you managed to fc the rest of the song.
- 06:18:791 (3,4) - this still seems too spaced for the intensity of the music
- 06:22:734 (1) - Maybe put a spinner? The slider also works as is.

I really like the map so far but it's going to be tough to rank, i think.
Hopefully you'll find some of this useful, GL!

Here's my map:
just thought that i'd mention that the reason you should give those buzz-sliders a 1/4 gap instead of 1/8 is that its very easy to break on 1/8 sliders that have no gap in between them, so much so that it is recommended in the ranking criteria to do this
Topic Starter

Cyron wrote:

Hi, M4M
- This is just my opinion but those 00:13:478 (3,4,3,4) feel too spaced for the beginning of a song. Especially considering that this part of the song is so calm. I think it's a good idea to emphasize the higher pitch through spacing but maybe tone it down a notch since the actual song hasn't even started yet. Same could be applied for the stuff up until 00:40:563 - since this is where the song actually starts. Instead of trying to make things too spaced when there is no need to just for the sake of avoiding boringness you're better off not mapping that part at all. If you take a look at every ranked technical map they always start easy and get progressively harder as the song gets more intense. - i get your point but spacing is so small compared to spacing later on, so contrast is shown here and that's what song calls for, i wont make 1* diff here and make it boring part or remove this part and NOT every ranked camellia has low spacing when song is calm

- 00:58:391 (1,2,3,4) - Way too spaced for a 1/4 beat gap. Even more spaced then some half beat gaps. 00:52:906 (1,2,3,4) - this was just right - song is getting faster and faster and faster and faster and i want to emphasise that, i've explained it enough times in previous mods
- 01:03:191 (5,1,2,3) - move the slider a bit so it doesn't overlap with the triple - sure
- 01:10:049 (7,8,9) - make this triple go from right to left, i think it would improve the flow a bit - flow is fine in current state
- 01:13:306 (4) - Also maybe move this a bit more to the left - no reason for that
- 01:32:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this just feels out of place. I think throwing in a couple of sliders would help. - no, listen to the music, every loud sound is on "down" side and every weaker sound is on "up" side, fits perfectly
- 01:34:649 - there is a clear sound here. You can add a note and make it into a double but make it less spaced. - sounds are everywhere, if i map every sound map would be one long stream, im emphasising the most important ones here
- 01:46:391 (1,1) - space those a bit more - its just after hard part, give player time to recover his hand + spacing isnt that low to be considered a bad one
- 01:46:734 (1) - don't think this NC is needed - it is, lol
- 02:40:392 (3,4) - make those have the same spacing as the other 2 - did, kinda
- 02:43:477 (1) - stack this slider as well in order to mantain the same pattern. Also why is this 02:43:649 (1) - a NC? - song is different here? didnt you notice?
- 02:46:391 (1) - ^ -- both NCs for slider velocity changes + song is different
- 02:48:277 (2,3) - Make like the other 2 pls. - did
- 02:49:134 (1) - again a NC just for the sake of it. You can increase the SV and make it stand out without having to NC. It just feels out of place.
- 02:51:877 (1) - same. I understand what you're trying to do but there is no reason for it.
- 02:52:391 (2,3,5,6,2,3,5,1) - Finally done right, GJ.
- 02:56:935 (2,3) - Way too spaced. Just imagine playing the map for the first time, the first few singles are stacked on the beginning of the sliders and then suddenly this. Anyone would be frustrated cause who would expect such a bit jump in a 1/4. - wtf this was, fixed of course, mistake :)
- 02:57:363 (1) - again no need to NC
- NC's should only start on those 03:49:134 (1,1,1) - and that's it. Those 03:49:820 (1,1,1) - are totally out of place
- 03:57:591 (1,2,1) - make those 1 combo
- 03:58:963 (2) - Add NC
- 03:59:420 (1) - remove NC
- 04:00:334 (2) - Add NC
- 04:00:791 (1) - remove NC, No one uses NCs like that - for NCs, i keep my version, listen to the music carefully
- 04:21:020 (10,11,12) - move this so it forms a square with the rest of the triples - no, every 4th object is different (for example here 04:19:649 (10) -)
- 04:22:563 (4) - Move this more to the left - no reason for that
- 04:53:591 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this could be done better. Feels a bit too messy. - should be better
- 05:03:877 (1,1,1,1) - those are ok as the music changes drastically on every beat but those 05:05:420 (1,2,3,4,5) - are not - they are ok, listen to the music
- 05:23:334 (2,3) - maybe you could increased spacing a bit as those seem two objects look too close to each other - ...
- 06:07:306 (3,4,3,4) - same as in the beginning, too spaced for such a calm part of the song. The song as basically ended by this point. This should be a part where you shouldn't be able to miss anymore after you managed to fc the rest of the song. - if player fc'ed the rest of the song, he'll definitely not miss here
- 06:18:791 (3,4) - this still seems too spaced for the intensity of the music - fixed
- 06:22:734 (1) - Maybe put a spinner? The slider also works as is. - spinners suck

I really like the map so far but it's going to be tough to rank, i think.
Hopefully you'll find some of this useful, GL! - Thanks for mod

Here's my map:
sorry for the inconvenience so much happened in the last week
From my queue!

I tried playing through this (emphasis on tried)


Please increase the volume of the hit sounds a bit since they are a little bit overshadowed by the music in some parts!
(hitsounds needs quite the balance of presence in this)

01:39:534 (1,3) - this overlaps (if intentional please ignore this but if it's not do fix it!)
02:56:249 (6,7) - the sample set here is soft (i dont think that it's intentional)
03:00:449 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - barely any sound heard here (also this needs more presence)
05:13:134 (1,1) - this slow may be unexpected (it caught me off guard)
05:14:849 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - also isnt too quick of a transition for a spaced stream this large?
Over all the hitsound volume is the only thing that's bothering me rn
But it'sa good map

Again sorry for the late mod!

(Ps. im not used to modding this high of a diffculty so i apologize if it fell flat)
Erm, ok.

M4M map here:
sorry im late :P

Beginning is too spaced, comparing to the rest of the map. I think someone else has pointed this out, and I agree.

00:52:734 (7,1,2,3,4) - While I can see you trying to show emphasis through flow, the rest of the map plays as uncomfortably that this emphasis doesn't mean anything special.

Flow is by far my biggest concern. As you don't seem very experienced with rhythm and spacing, adding another factor into the mix can make it way harder to manage them. For the sake of being easier to manage, just keep sharp jumps and make it less hard to flow. You know what I mean if you compare your map to one of monstrata's.

Spacing overall felt kinda random. I can see some clear usage of contrast in some places, but taking the whole map into consideration, I cannot easily tell which parts are intense or not. Not to big of a problem, but I can't point out any specific examples cus this is across the whole map. Making sections clearly spaced differently would help, mainly reduce spacing in calm, and buildup sections to make the intense parts stand out.

01:07:991 (1,2,3,4) - 01:09:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I deleted the objects and heard the same sounds. Understand that changing rhythm is only ok when the song changes, or under specific conditions.

01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - Buffer the 1/8s please.

01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is alot harder to play than I think you want it to be. Replace with repeating 1/4 or something.

02:04:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This part actually feels well mapped, cus the section supports your mapping ideas.

02:13:820 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This is a perfect example of what I mean by spacing needs to be consistent. The song does not change anywhere close to what the map suggests. This happens everywhere, not just in obvious spots like this.

02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - With the entire map into context, this is not very readable. I would just use passive repeating sliders.

02:41:249 - This kiai hold my biggest concern about the map as a whole. This looks the same as the rest of the map, which is very bad if you wanted the kiai to be the most intense part of the map. Nerf everything else. Make only this section awesome and spectacular while everything else build up the ideas you are going to express. Remember that your objects and patterns are put within the context of the map as a whole.

Imma stop repeating myself, but you get the idea.
Topic Starter

Zxozmo wrote:

sorry for the inconvenience so much happened in the last week
From my queue!

I tried playing through this (emphasis on tried)


Please increase the volume of the hit sounds a bit since they are a little bit overshadowed by the music in some parts!
(hitsounds needs quite the balance of presence in this)

01:39:534 (1,3) - this overlaps (if intentional please ignore this but if it's not do fix it!) - replaced with circles
02:56:249 (6,7) - the sample set here is soft (i dont think that it's intentional) - fixed
03:00:449 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - barely any sound heard here (also this needs more presence) - that's why every sound is covered by single repeated slider to let player rest here
05:13:134 (1,1) - this slow may be unexpected (it caught me off guard) - its fine, music is different here and regardless of speed - this slider doesnt require any movement
05:14:849 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - also isnt too quick of a transition for a spaced stream this large? - its fine
Over all the hitsound volume is the only thing that's bothering me rn
But it'sa good map

Again sorry for the late mod! - Thanks for it anyway

(Ps. im not used to modding this high of a diffculty so i apologize if it fell flat)


mindmaster107 wrote:

Erm, ok.

M4M map here:
sorry im late :P

Beginning is too spaced, comparing to the rest of the map. I think someone else has pointed this out, and I agree. - Previously spacing was larger, then i've nerfed it, for now its ok for me and ill keep it as it is right now

00:52:734 (7,1,2,3,4) - While I can see you trying to show emphasis through flow, the rest of the map plays as uncomfortably that this emphasis doesn't mean anything special. - if you didnt notice, this section gets harder and harder to this point 01:01:134 (1) - bla bla bla, i've explained it enough before, if you want go check it in previous mods

Flow is by far my biggest concern. As you don't seem very experienced with rhythm and spacing, adding another factor into the mix can make it way harder to manage them. For the sake of being easier to manage, just keep sharp jumps and make it less hard to flow. You know what I mean if you compare your map to one of monstrata's. - gtfo with that mapper, its camellia song not anime, if you wanna compare my map, do it with camellia mappers like byfar,rrtyui,probox,pono etc.

Spacing overall felt kinda random. I can see some clear usage of contrast in some places, but taking the whole map into consideration, I cannot easily tell which parts are intense or not. Not to big of a problem, but I can't point out any specific examples cus this is across the whole map. Making sections clearly spaced differently would help, mainly reduce spacing in calm, and buildup sections to make the intense parts stand out. - spacing isnt the only factor which makes intensivity of the map

01:07:991 (1,2,3,4) - 01:09:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I deleted the objects and heard the same sounds. Understand that changing rhythm is only ok when the song changes, or under specific conditions. - rhythm here is the same lol, what you wanted? only triples anywhere? reverse slider do the same job as triple in this case where every sound is equal

01:43:649 (1,2,3,4) - Buffer the 1/8s please. - what do you mean? it is 1/8

01:45:020 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is alot harder to play than I think you want it to be. Replace with repeating 1/4 or something. - its exactly as hard as i want it to be, this isnt really that hard to play

02:04:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This part actually feels well mapped, cus the section supports your mapping ideas. - yhm, thanks?

02:13:820 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This is a perfect example of what I mean by spacing needs to be consistent. The song does not change anywhere close to what the map suggests. This happens everywhere, not just in obvious spots like this. - still dont get your "spacing issue" idea, but fixed spacing in this place, i agree it was too huge here

02:28:906 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - With the entire map into context, this is not very readable. I would just use passive repeating sliders. - it is, very similar to ranked version of this map

02:41:249 - This kiai hold my biggest concern about the map as a whole. This looks the same as the rest of the map, which is very bad if you wanted the kiai to be the most intense part of the map. Nerf everything else. Make only this section awesome and spectacular while everything else build up the ideas you are going to express. Remember that your objects and patterns are put within the context of the map as a whole. - removed kiai

Imma stop repeating myself, but you get the idea.
it's getting more toxic here lol
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