
t=NODE - Four Seasons [CatchTheBeat]

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Dea ex machina
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on February 5, 2018 at 9:27:07 AM

Artist: t=NODE
Title: Four Seasons
Source: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Tags: Project Touhou yuy arrangement remix shikieiki yamaxanadu th09 pofv 四季-春- Dream of Wonder 六十年目の東方裁判 Fate of Sixty Years Shiki -Haru- 上海アリス幻樂団 Team Shanghai Alice fii kaitlin
BPM: 97.88
Filesize: 31166kb
Play Time: 08:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Last Judgement (6.13 stars, 1729 notes)
Download: t=NODE - Four Seasons
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

00:38:107 - The Blissful Flowers of Spring
02:37:910 - The Warming Rays of Summer
04:30:840 - The Falling Leaves of Autumn
06:16:900 - The Harsh Storms of Winter

Dedicated to Spectator and ioka

Background by ryosios

Timing taken from Lan wings' mapset
o x
:) Nice map love the song choice as well.
rank it nerd

Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

rank it nerd

Guess i gotta now!
02:37:909 - 02:38:060 - its nice spot for 1/8 triplet or 1/4 slider like you did 02:41:510 (1) -

04:03:410 (1) - unnecessary NC

04:04:310 (2) - should be NC'ed

04:27:994 (1,1) - unnecessary new combos, its pretty weird to put on them NC as there is no any strong or a distinctive sound.

05:14:554 -some suggestions 05:14:911 - I think that it should be mapped too as well and then making the shape of stream C-shaped (actually C-shaped but rotated by 30 degrees lol)

check screens and code for my suggestion of patterning that

code is for notes starting at 05:14:554 - and ending at 05:15:947 -


05:21:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it sounds same as 05:20:554 - and 05:23:982 - but here you mapped it as movementless stream, doublets would be more welcome here I guess

05:25:054 (2) - I am not into that flow-stop note, it should be more flat as sound is not that strong to use tap-doublets

05:37:897 (7,8,9) - I don't like idea of using linear triplet here, maybe try some curves like this:

05:37:897 (7) - x:268
05:37:997 (8) - x:332
05:38:097 (9) - x:380

05:49:698 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) - while I idea of linear streams is nice here, I suggest curving them a bit for more flow. Like:

05:50:298 (6) - NC for some clear of a platter

06:04:299 (2) - should be ended at 06:04:499 - as there's is new measure the sound in bachground, also as transition with 1/2 gap to next note it flows better.

06:05:599 (6,1,2) - again, more curved triplet would be welcome

06:09:699 (6) - again NC

06:12:100 - maybe 1/8 triplet here?

06:20:100 (3) - should NC instead 06:19:700 (1) -

06:26:501 (1,2,3,4) - some curves would be nice

06:32:501 (6,7) - oh its nazi, jump, like there is no music background for that sudden jump

06:41:702 (6) - NC

07:30:305 (7,1) - missed hyper dash

07:36:262 (6,7) - also I feel that should be hyper'ed too

07:38:809 (3,4) - and also here

Great map, good luck!

  1. Difficulty Spread : ok
  2. Unsnapped objects : ok
  3. Audio bitrate over 192 kbps : ok
  4. Misc. Setting : ok
  5. Metadata Issues : ok
  6. Timeline Issues : ok
  7. Combo Colors : ok
  1. 02:26:832 (1) - would be cool If you move this to a bit right
  2. 03:59:510 (4) - maybe you can move this to the left a little to make distances regular
  3. 04:56:125 - missing whistle here
  4. 05:57:699 (1,2) - considering the music here isn't that intense, why would you keep the distances here a bit large. I'd reduce it since it's kinda easy to choke
  5. 06:04:099 (1,2) - hdash between 1 and 2?
  6. 06:05:699 (1,2,3) - this part can be more emphasized imo
  7. 06:07:399 (2) - consider moving slider end to 06:07:699 -
  8. 06:08:899 (1,2) - I'd put hdash between them
  9. 06:26:501 (1,2,3,4) - no curve here? try this. Also make sure to put hdash between 4 and 5
  10. 07:16:904 (7,8,9) - really easy to choke here lol please move 8 to a bit left
  11. 07:19:004 (3,1) - missing hdash here
  12. 07:58:805 - I know what you tried here but this is gonna make many people choke at the last part lol
  13. 08:11:112 (1,2,3,4) - same issue as above. ctrl+g them?
  14. 08:37:583 (1,2) - try this.
not many things to point out, it's a solid map

good luck!
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

02:37:909 - 02:38:060 - its nice spot for 1/8 triplet or 1/4 slider like you did 02:41:510 (1) - 1/8 triplet added

04:03:410 (1) - unnecessary NC ok

04:04:310 (2) - should be NC'ed it already is

04:27:994 (1,1) - unnecessary new combos, its pretty weird to put on them NC as there is no any strong or a distinctive sound. removed one of the NCs

05:14:554 -some suggestions 05:14:911 - I think that it should be mapped too as well and then making the shape of stream C-shaped (actually C-shaped but rotated by 30 degrees lol) i think your suggestions is too boring compared to what i have now :(

check screens and code for my suggestion of patterning that

code is for notes starting at 05:14:554 - and ending at 05:15:947 -


05:21:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it sounds same as 05:20:554 - and 05:23:982 - but here you mapped it as movementless stream, doublets would be more welcome here I guess autumn season is too calm for that sort of repeated jump pattern

05:25:054 (2) - I am not into that flow-stop note, it should be more flat as sound is not that strong to use tap-doublets agreed, i've been meaning to change that

05:37:897 (7,8,9) - I don't like idea of using linear triplet here, maybe try some curves like this: curve added

05:37:897 (7) - x:268
05:37:997 (8) - x:332
05:38:097 (9) - x:380

05:49:698 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) - while I idea of linear streams is nice here, I suggest curving them a bit for more flow. Like: my aesthetic

05:50:298 (6) - NC for some clear of a platter ok

06:04:299 (2) - should be ended at 06:04:499 - as there's is new measure the sound in bachground, also as transition with 1/2 gap to next note it flows better. ok

06:05:599 (6,1,2) - again, more curved triplet would be welcome not here please :(

06:09:699 (6) - again NC fixed

06:12:100 - maybe 1/8 triplet here? doesn't sound good imo

06:20:100 (3) - should NC instead 06:19:700 (1) -
06:26:501 (1,2,3,4) - some curves would be nice
flat is justice!

06:32:501 (6,7) - oh its nazi, jump, like there is no music background for that sudden jump agreed

06:41:702 (6) - NC fixed

07:30:305 (7,1) - missed hyper dash i like that pattern right now :(

07:36:262 (6,7) - also I feel that should be hyper'ed too no thanks

07:38:809 (3,4) - and also here too unexpected :(

Great map, good luck! <3

thank you for the mod! I will get right to helping you when i can!

Spectator wrote:

  1. Difficulty Spread : ok
  2. Unsnapped objects : ok
  3. Audio bitrate over 192 kbps : ok
  4. Misc. Setting : ok
  5. Metadata Issues : ok
  6. Timeline Issues : ok
  7. Combo Colors : ok
  1. 02:26:832 (1) - would be cool If you move this to a bit right done
  2. 03:59:510 (4) - maybe you can move this to the left a little to make distances regular done
  3. 04:56:125 - missing whistle here added
  4. 05:57:699 (1,2) - considering the music here isn't that intense, why would you keep the distances here a bit large. I'd reduce it since it's kinda easy to choke reduced
  5. 06:04:099 (1,2) - hdash between 1 and 2? i like how it is :(
  6. 06:05:699 (1,2,3) - this part can be more emphasized imo i think it's fine as it is
  7. 06:07:399 (2) - consider moving slider end to 06:07:699 - done
  8. 06:08:899 (1,2) - I'd put hdash between them done
  9. 06:26:501 (1,2,3,4) - no curve here? try this. Also make sure to put hdash between 4 and 5 sigh.. ok
  10. 07:16:904 (7,8,9) - really easy to choke here lol please move 8 to a bit left git gud jk fixed <3
  11. 07:19:004 (3,1) - missing hdash here added
  12. 07:58:805 - I know what you tried here but this is gonna make many people choke at the last part lol easier pattern now
  13. 08:11:112 (1,2,3,4) - same issue as above. ctrl+g them? ok
  14. 08:37:583 (1,2) - try this. works better!
not many things to point out, it's a solid map

good luck!
thank you so much!
Very good song and very awesome map!

02:44:810 (4,5,1) - move 1 left to emphasize the kat on it? cuz i see most of the other kat are emphasized with a larger space like 02:48:410 (4,1) - for example.
03:35:513 (1,2) - move 2 a bit left cuz it may require a dashhold to catch 2 well which make me fell emphasize 2 too much.and it very easy to choke at there.
03:43:610 (1) - move it a bit left? kinda easy too choke when this space enlargerd too fast at this calm part.
04:25:545 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - too static in movement I think.why not move this 04:26:098 (1,2,3,4) - further since there is the strong and special beat on 1?
05:23:982 (1,2,3,4) - enlarger the space on 3 4 to create a build-up feeling?
05:44:898 (1,2,3) - this antiflow 3/4 pattern require some really sharp movement to catch them well,but I don't think is fit the music well since the music here have not very strong drumhit.
06:22:100 (3) - move it further? cuz the beat on 3 is kinda different from 06:21:500 (1,2) -
06:24:000 (4,5) - don't hdash on this i think cuz 5 is a weak beat. and I thought 06:24:000 (4) - is the one need to be emphasize here.
06:43:902 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - curve it more? You place lot of 1/4 dash here but this one is kinda static. and it make me feel like it destroy some consistence.
07:19:604 (4,5,6,7,8) - this is a inconsistent spike at this portion imo. and the music here is kinda smooth so why put continuous 1/4 jumps here?
07:32:805 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make the move ment more clear? the object are all put in the middle of the screen now.
07:35:475 (2,3,4,5,6) - since the beat is very strong here. so why not put a larger jump here.
07:38:222 (6,1,2,3) -07:41:745 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as^
08:12:266 (8,9) - why are they stacked? it just make the space too small.
08:15:343 (1,2,3,4,5) - the movement are rapidly become slow at 4 5.
08:36:974 (2,3) - put a hdash here? cuz thre is a very special snare on 3,and it the only snare at this portion so why not try some special movement here.
08:45:718 (1) - make it end at 08:48:022 - cuz now it make 08:47:859 - audioable now.

actually this is my first mod on ctb lol. My playing skill suck so don't blame me. could you please reply them because I am learning ctb now.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Ellyu wrote:

Very good song and very awesome map! thank you :D

02:44:810 (4,5,1) - move 1 left to emphasize the kat on it? cuz i see most of the other kat are emphasized with a larger space like 02:48:410 (4,1) - for example. i think the way the pattern works right now is fine
03:35:513 (1,2) - move 2 a bit left cuz it may require a dashhold to catch 2 well which make me fell emphasize 2 too much.and it very easy to choke at there.
03:43:610 (1) - move it a bit left? kinda easy too choke when this space enlargerd too fast at this calm part. moved
04:25:545 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - too static in movement I think.why not move this 04:26:098 (1,2,3,4) - further since there is the strong and special beat on 1? i don't think the sound is strong enough to warrant a complete change of anything like that
05:23:982 (1,2,3,4) - enlarger the space on 3 4 to create a build-up feeling? done
05:44:898 (1,2,3) - this antiflow 3/4 pattern require some really sharp movement to catch them well,but I don't think is fit the music well since the music here have not very strong drumhit. i wanted it to be more unique instead of monotone
06:22:100 (3) - move it further? cuz the beat on 3 is kinda different from 06:21:500 (1,2) - i don't think it's strong enough for a hyper,
and any further movement will make the jump too hard to catch

06:24:000 (4,5) - don't hdash on this i think cuz 5 is a weak beat. and I thought 06:24:000 (4) - is the one need to be emphasize here. i don't think (4) needs to be emphasized that much, but I removed the hyper on (4)
06:43:902 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - curve it more? You place lot of 1/4 dash here but this one is kinda static. and it make me feel like it destroy some consistence. it's meant to serve as a recovery pattern / small break
07:19:604 (4,5,6,7,8) - this is a inconsistent spike at this portion imo. and the music here is kinda smooth so why put continuous 1/4 jumps here? i don't think this is big spike, and i don't think the music is smooth at all
07:32:805 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make the move ment more clear? the object are all put in the middle of the screen now. this was intentional.
I wanted no hypers or super large jumps here

07:35:475 (2,3,4,5,6) - since the beat is very strong here. so why not put a larger jump here. the jumps were larger at first, but reduced because they were difficult
07:38:222 (6,1,2,3) -07:41:745 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as^ ^
08:12:266 (8,9) - why are they stacked? it just make the space too small. ? it makes it clean and nicer to look at, without affecting playability
08:15:343 (1,2,3,4,5) - the movement are rapidly become slow at 4 5. fixed
08:36:974 (2,3) - put a hdash here? cuz thre is a very special snare on 3,and it the only snare at this portion so why not try some special movement here. no hypers in refrain
08:45:718 (1) - make it end at 08:48:022 - cuz now it make 08:47:859 - audioable now. i like how it is currently

actually this is my first mod on ctb lol. My playing skill suck so don't blame me. could you please reply them because I am learning ctb now.
that was great for a first ctb mod! thanks for the help!
05:14:554 -some suggestions 05:14:911 - I think that it should be mapped too as well and then making the shape of stream C-shaped (actually C-shaped but rotated by 30 degrees lol) i think your suggestions is too boring compared to what i have now :(
boring is straight movementless stream you used, and my suggestion is too add more movement and more flow, and still not layouting this 05:14:911 - make it feels is weird.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

05:14:554 -some suggestions 05:14:911 - I think that it should be mapped too as well and then making the shape of stream C-shaped (actually C-shaped but rotated by 30 degrees lol) i think your suggestions is too boring compared to what i have now :(
boring is straight movementless stream you used, and my suggestion is too add more movement and more flow, and still not layouting this 05:14:911 - make it feels is weird.
i mapped out 05:14:911 now, but i don't see how a generic C stream is any more creative than what I have
mod thingy
15:13 -wwwww: mod my mappu
15:14 Vincs: which one?
15:14 -wwwww: four seasons :^)
15:14 -wwwww: jbh said it can be ranked soon
15:14 -wwwww: need a couple more mods tho
15:14 Vincs: lemme finish my overwatch game
15:15 -wwwww: :00000
15:15 Vincs: I'll work on it after it :>
15:15 -wwwww: omg thank you :D
15:25 Vincs: you fine with an IRC mod? or does it help less than a mod on the thread?
15:26 -wwwww: irc mod is great
15:26 Vincs: oki
15:31 Vincs: 06:19:200 (4,5,6) - the spacing of the 5 feels a bit too big there, might be because of the delay while testing in the editor tho
15:32 Vincs: maybe move the 6 a bit closer to 5
15:32 -wwwww: sure
15:32 Vincs: at x128
15:33 -wwwww: x120 good?
15:34 Vincs: yea works fine, looks better that way actually
15:35 -wwwww: cool cool
15:35 Vincs: 06:25:000 (1,2) - then maybe put 2 at x276 here for the consistency? it's almost the same triple as the one mentionned before
15:37 -wwwww: done
15:42 Vincs: 08:03:997 (1,2) - this one is pretty mean
15:42 Vincs: maybe nerf it a bit to x236
15:42 -wwwww: yikes
15:42 -wwwww: yea
15:43 -wwwww: it is
15:44 Vincs: you really did a good job with the intensity at the end
15:44 Vincs: really goes well with the song
15:44 -wwwww: just made a new pattern there
15:45 -wwwww: flows better and plays nicer
15:45 -wwwww: thank you :DD
15:47 Vincs: 08:20:439 (2,4) - maybe move these two to x232, since it's a big antiflow pattern
15:47 Vincs: it goes pretty well with the intensity so you could keep it as it s
15:47 Vincs: is*
15:48 -wwwww: alright
15:48 Vincs: 08:20:439 (2,4) - this one is the same so could also apply it there :^)
15:48 Vincs: oh wait
15:48 Vincs: nvm
15:48 Vincs: wrong timestamp
15:49 Vincs: 08:05:055 (2,4) - this one I meant
15:49 -wwwww: done
15:50 Vincs: alright, can't find anything more than that
15:50 Vincs: everything else seems fine to me
15:50 -wwwww: thank you very much for the mod :D

gl with that map, it's pretty gud
Yumeno Himiko
elite storyboarder
Omg, very nice map 9/10 :)
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
Professor Gila
if you were me, i would like to:

02:37:910 (1) - shouldn't you make this part closer to 02:38:210 (2) - ? i find it somewhat wide to do jump

03:04:164 (4) - i highly suggest to drag this to the right, closer to end of slider 03:03:564 (3) - or object 03:04:614 (5) -

03:19:616 (2,1) - maybe if you'd like to drag this to the left?

03:34:169 (3) - drag this to the right a bit?

05:09:197 (2) - same as above

05:20:768 (2,4) - put these sliders to make X position the same as 05:20:340 (4) - ?

05:31:097 (6,7,9) - i'm not sure if you'd like to put these far to the left?

05:45:198 (2) - drag this somewhat far to the right to make hyper part ;)

that's all i can mod for now... (i can mod this map again if allowed) :P

EDIT: i think the winter part should need more to be modded

additional stuffs:

-do you take all the timings from Lan wings' map?

-M4M plz? :P (i would be highly appreciate if you'd like to so i leave my map here) | Overdose only
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Professor Gila wrote:

if you were me, i would like to:

02:37:910 (1) - shouldn't you make this part closer to 02:38:210 (2) - ? i find it somewhat wide to do jump applied

03:04:164 (4) - i highly suggest to drag this to the right, closer to end of slider 03:03:564 (3) - or object 03:04:614 (5) - distance is perfectly fine to me

03:19:616 (2,1) - maybe if you'd like to drag this to the left? i intended for tap dash on each of the notes in this pattern

03:34:169 (3) - drag this to the right a bit? why?

05:09:197 (2) - same as above ^

05:20:768 (2,4) - put these sliders to make X position the same as 05:20:340 (4) - ? hypers on all these notes is completely unwarranted

05:31:097 (6,7,9) - i'm not sure if you'd like to put these far to the left? i prefer how they are now

05:45:198 (2) - drag this somewhat far to the right to make hyper part ;) this pattern is already difficult enough, adding a hyper would give way more emphasis to it then i originally intended.

that's all i can mod for now... (i can mod this map again if allowed) :P

EDIT: i think the winter part should need more to be modded

additional stuffs:

-do you take all the timings from Lan wings' map?
credited in the description

-M4M plz? :P (i would be highly appreciate if you'd like to so i leave my map here) | Overdose only
thanks for the mod
Professor Gila
"03:34:169 (3) - drag this to the right a bit? why?

05:09:197 (2) - same as above ^"

to me, i highly prefer small gap to jump in ctb mapping, and large gap for hypers ._.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Professor Gila wrote:

"03:34:169 (3) - drag this to the right a bit? why?

05:09:197 (2) - same as above ^"

to me, i highly prefer small gap to jump in ctb mapping, and large gap for hypers ._.
i don't think the smaller gap fits there well at all :(
Help, can't handle high quality maps uuuuuughh

Here's mod

- 01:41:559 (2) - Not well timed... it starts around 01:41:532 - .

- 02:26:517 (3) - Ctrl+g, make mouvements here

- 03:19:315 (1) - Kinda far from (6)

- 06:06:899 (8) - x:224, create hdash here 'cuz it feels like a convert jump.

- 07:22:604 (2) - move close to (1)

- 08:51:283 (1) - Would place this around x:400 to avoid shitmiss due to spinner leading to the complete right instead of the middle.

Hitsounds (double checked lol), combos, setups all good.

Except for the first suggestion, all these suggestions are rather unimportant since it's just opinions about the play..

pp ugh xd


Good luck!
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
thank you for mod, all applied :)
My favourite song of all time, let's go for it.

[After Winter]

You could map the intro? I understand if you don't want to due to this already being the type of map where you get 5 minutes in just to miss but... I do love the intro a lot. Style choice, of course.

00:44:422 (2,3) - I think a jump to 2 here would work really well for the pitch increase and strength increase here. x:248 on this section feels great.
01:02:738 (1) - Dash to this for the strong chime could work well. Try x:424 on it?
01:08:422 (1) - Distance to this feels a little underwhelming right now, due to the section change, I was expecting a bit of a bigger distancing. Ctrl+H and x:452 would fit nicely.
01:09:370 (3) - This one feels a little too close to the rest of the triple in my eyes, feels a tiny bit uncomfortable to play due to overmoving. A slight increase such as x:312 would be good.
01:17:896 (1) - The stronger pitch and bell hitsound you used here makes me feel as though a dash would feel more fitting here. x:396 could work well.
01:42:474 (1) - Such a small distance to 2 right now considering the strong strength and pitch increase on that note. Maybe Ctrl+G on this and move it to x:304?
01:46:178 (1) - Same with this one, pretty strong note that could do with some more emphasis, maybe try x:352 on it.
01:48:033 (1) - Dash to this one could be nice too, to emphasise the sudden change in intensity.
01:55:489 (1) - Pretty high pitched note both to and from this, dash could better emphasise that, x:288 would fit well.
01:59:176 (1) - Ensuring a player dashes to this strong note that you used the bell hitsound on would sound nice with the song, try x:124 on it.
02:15:799 (1) - Stronger notes and pitches here could do with dashes, try x:476 on them?
02:30:534 (1) - Pretty strong note, extra distancing would fit nicely to it, x:176 fits well.
02:50:510 (1) - HDash from this could fit the flute pretty well in my opinion considering the strong pitch on the next note. Maybe move this slider to x:284?
02:55:610 (6) - Distancing to this slider feels a little strong and difficult to hit right now, maybe try reducing it to something like x:212.
03:35:963 (3) - Sound here definitely isn't strong enough for that type of strong triple, I'd recommend just a normal one, try moving this to x:188.
03:41:210 (1,2,3,4) - Distancing here felt far too harsh and a lot more difficult than what the music called for, I'd suggest a different type of pattern.
03:47:060 (5) - Distancing to this feels really harsh and difficult to hit right now, I'd recommend a slight reduction like x:204 to make the backforth more managable.
03:53:510 (1) - I think that having a HDash to this to help promote the buildup through patterning would play nicely. Maybe Ctrl+H and then move it to x:440?
03:57:110 (1) - HDash to this one could also be nice for a similar reason. Try ctrl+H and x:84 maybe?
04:00:710 (1) - And again with this one. ctrl+H and x:60 feels good here.
04:06:204 (1,2) - Dashing to this section sounds nicer to me with the music, maybe do x:352 on this part?
04:14:731 (2) - Dashing to that feels good, x:156 maybe?
05:35:297 (1) - HDash to this one would feel nice considering it's the beginning of this strong drum based line.
05:58:899 (5) - This dash feels really hard to hit right now in my opinion, maybe try reducing it slightly by having it at like x:228?
06:11:900 (8) - Pretty strong backforth here, maybe reduce it slightly to make the movements feel slightly nicer. x:320 would be solid.
06:41:502 (4) - Quite a strong HDash into this kind of standstill movement is very difficult to play, but I know your style tends to have these kinds of standstill after HDash patterns. I'd suggest making the HDash slightly weaker by moving this to x:308, for flow purposes.
07:18:004 (3) - Kinda difficult pattern here to hit as a back forth in the middle of these streams, maybe reduce it slightly to x:253 to stack with 1.
07:21:304 (5) - Quite a strong distancing into this which I feel can be difficult to hit, especially considering the direction change in the slider. I'd just recommend decreasing slightly to x:152.
08:18:997 (4) - Maybe make this slider slightly more vertical? The antiflow being so strong here leads to this pattern being overly difficult in my opinion, only a slight change would be needed though.
08:37:249 (3) - A HDash to this for the strong sound here would fit well, I feel.

Alright, done. I'd recommend getting a few more mods before calling me back.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

My favourite song of all time, let's go for it.

[After Winter]

You could map the intro? I understand if you don't want to due to this already being the type of map where you get 5 minutes in just to miss but... I do love the intro a lot. Style choice, of course. heavily considered doing that for a long time, but i came to the conclusion that mapping the intro would be too drawn out :(

00:44:422 (2,3) - I think a jump to 2 here would work really well for the pitch increase and strength increase here. x:248 on this section feels great. moved to x:242
01:02:738 (1) - Dash to this for the strong chime could work well. Try x:424 on it? moved to x:416
01:08:422 (1) - Distance to this feels a little underwhelming right now, due to the section change, I was expecting a bit of a bigger distancing. Ctrl+H and x:452 would fit nicely. done
01:09:370 (3) - This one feels a little too close to the rest of the triple in my eyes, feels a tiny bit uncomfortable to play due to overmoving. A slight increase such as x:312 would be good. increased
01:17:896 (1) - The stronger pitch and bell hitsound you used here makes me feel as though a dash would feel more fitting here. x:396 could work well. fixed
01:42:474 (1) - Such a small distance to 2 right now considering the strong strength and pitch increase on that note. Maybe Ctrl+G on this and move it to x:304? increased distance a different way
01:46:178 (1) - Same with this one, pretty strong note that could do with some more emphasis, maybe try x:352 on it. fixed
01:48:033 (1) - Dash to this one could be nice too, to emphasise the sudden change in intensity. fixed
01:55:489 (1) - Pretty high pitched note both to and from this, dash could better emphasise that, x:288 would fit well. done
01:59:176 (1) - Ensuring a player dashes to this strong note that you used the bell hitsound on would sound nice with the song, try x:124 on it.yep fixed
02:15:799 (1) - Stronger notes and pitches here could do with dashes, try x:476 on them? fixed
02:30:534 (1) - Pretty strong note, extra distancing would fit nicely to it, x:176 fits well. fixed
02:50:510 (1) - HDash from this could fit the flute pretty well in my opinion considering the strong pitch on the next note. Maybe move this slider to x:284? trying to do minimal hdashes here :(
02:55:610 (6) - Distancing to this slider feels a little strong and difficult to hit right now, maybe try reducing it to something like x:212. done
03:35:963 (3) - Sound here definitely isn't strong enough for that type of strong triple, I'd recommend just a normal one, try moving this to x:188. a bit too small for my tastes, did x:168
03:41:210 (1,2,3,4) - Distancing here felt far too harsh and a lot more difficult than what the music called for, I'd suggest a different type of pattern. did a far easier pattern
03:47:060 (5) - Distancing to this feels really harsh and difficult to hit right now, I'd recommend a slight reduction like x:204 to make the backforth more managable. good call
03:53:510 (1) - I think that having a HDash to this to help promote the buildup through patterning would play nicely. Maybe Ctrl+H and then move it to x:440? i really wanna stick with the minimal hdashes for this season :(
03:57:110 (1) - HDash to this one could also be nice for a similar reason. Try ctrl+H and x:84 maybe? no
04:00:710 (1) - And again with this one. ctrl+H and x:60 feels good here. ty
04:06:204 (1,2) - Dashing to this section sounds nicer to me with the music, maybe do x:352 on this part? fixed
04:14:731 (2) - Dashing to that feels good, x:156 maybe? done
05:35:297 (1) - HDash to this one would feel nice considering it's the beginning of this strong drum based line. done
05:58:899 (5) - This dash feels really hard to hit right now in my opinion, maybe try reducing it slightly by having it at like x:228? done
06:11:900 (8) - Pretty strong backforth here, maybe reduce it slightly to make the movements feel slightly nicer. x:320 would be solid. fixed
06:41:502 (4) - Quite a strong HDash into this kind of standstill movement is very difficult to play, but I know your style tends to have these kinds of standstill after HDash patterns. I'd suggest making the HDash slightly weaker by moving this to x:308, for flow purposes. yea ok
07:18:004 (3) - Kinda difficult pattern here to hit as a back forth in the middle of these streams, maybe reduce it slightly to x:253 to stack with 1. i think it's perfectly fine as it is
07:21:304 (5) - Quite a strong distancing into this which I feel can be difficult to hit, especially considering the direction change in the slider. I'd just recommend decreasing slightly to x:152. u got it
08:18:997 (4) - Maybe make this slider slightly more vertical? The antiflow being so strong here leads to this pattern being overly difficult in my opinion, only a slight change would be needed though. idk how this makes it easier, since people probably won't hold dash once they see the angle, but changed anyways
08:37:249 (3) - A HDash to this for the strong sound here would fit well, I feel. zero hdash at the ending

Alright, done. I'd recommend getting a few more mods before calling me back.
ty for mod, i have some hope in me for ranking it now
o x
[Last Judgement]
first is rhythm last bit is gameplay.
  1. 03:17:665 - A note should be at this point, you have been placing objects on the same sound before and after this point so to keep it consistent with the beats you follow it would be better to just place a note here. This wouldn't have been a problem if there was a slider tick here but there isn't.
  2. 04:42:840 - Not sure why you broke the pattern of going 4 singles into 2 sliders, the music never changed from before and it starts to take away from what sounds you were trying to emphasise with sliders to begin with. It would also play nice if you used the same pattern as 04:41:125 (1,2,3,4) but flipped like you did with 04:38:554 (5,6) at 04:40:268 (5,6)
  3. 04:56:982 (2) - This should be a slider and 04:57:197 (3) this should be a single note, the slider end is a stronger sound than all the others so you should try and emphasise this instead of having it on a slider end.
  4. 05:05:982 (3) - The slider should start at 05:05:929 if you are not following the piano.
  5. 05:12:411 (2,3,4) - This part should be mapped in 1/6, 05:12:482 place single note here, 05:12:518 (3) - this slider should start at 05:12:554 and end at 05:12:697 with a single note placed at 05:12:768
  6. 05:15:267 (11) - delete this and make 05:15:196 (10) a slider ending at 05:15:304

  7. 00:38:107 (1) - would be cool if the section up to 01:38:775 was able to be only plate walked, the reason I am suggesting this is because the way everything is mapped the longer you play the harder the map gets so having the intro of this map havthing the ability to be platewalked would be cool, this would require; 01:08:422 (1) to be moved to x:420 and 01:17:896 (1) being moved to x:344 and 01:25:159 (5) being moved to x:244
  8. 02:45:110 - It would be a cool concept to have jumps getting further and further as the flute plays higher notes, this would only take effect to 02:50:810 if you do this than the objects should be like this; 02:46:910 (1) x:268, 02:47:210 (2) x:444, 02:48:710 (1) x312, 02:49:010 (2) x:456, 02:50:510 (1) x:264, 02:50:810 (2) x:109
This is all I have to say about the gameplay, I really like how the winter season is mapped and it flows really nicely, good job.

Thanks for requesting mod, good luck on rank!
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

wwwww_ wrote:

[Last Judgement]
first is rhythm last bit is gameplay.
  1. 03:17:665 - A note should be at this point, you have been placing objects on the same sound before and after this point so to keep it consistent with the beats you follow it would be better to just place a note here. This wouldn't have been a problem if there was a slider tick here but there isn't. im kinda following the flute sounds, i dont think this is a strong enough sound to warrant a note :(
  2. 04:42:840 - Not sure why you broke the pattern of going 4 singles into 2 sliders, the music never changed from before and it starts to take away from what sounds you were trying to emphasise with sliders to begin with. It would also play nice if you used the same pattern as 04:41:125 (1,2,3,4) but flipped like you did with 04:38:554 (5,6) at 04:40:268 (5,6) i think that's boring. i wanted to emphasize the end of that mini section by using sliders only.
  3. 04:56:982 (2) - This should be a slider and 04:57:197 (3) this should be a single note, the slider end is a stronger sound than all the others so you should try and emphasise this instead of having it on a slider end. i really like this pattern... ill think about changing it but the triplet pattern is more interesting and fun to play imo
  4. 05:05:982 (3) - The slider should start at 05:05:929 if you are not following the piano. following the background piano sounds, yes
  5. 05:12:411 (2,3,4) - This part should be mapped in 1/6, 05:12:482 place single note here, 05:12:518 (3) - this slider should start at 05:12:554 and end at 05:12:697 with a single note placed at 05:12:768 i mean, technically yes, but for simplicity sake i used the current rhythm. if i use the rhythm you suggested, it sounds horrible, very bunched up.
  6. 05:15:267 (11) - delete this and make 05:15:196 (10) a slider ending at 05:15:304 sure

  7. 00:38:107 (1) - would be cool if the section up to 01:38:775 was able to be only plate walked, the reason I am suggesting this is because the way everything is mapped the longer you play the harder the map gets so having the intro of this map havthing the ability to be platewalked would be cool, this would require; 01:08:422 (1) to be moved to x:420 and 01:17:896 (1) being moved to x:344 and 01:25:159 (5) being moved to x:244 the very first draft had that idea in mind, but i decided that at the end of the day, this map was overall for experienced players. i don't want the beginning to be toooo boring
  8. 02:45:110 - It would be a cool concept to have jumps getting further and further as the flute plays higher notes, this would only take effect to 02:50:810 if you do this than the objects should be like this; 02:46:910 (1) x:268, 02:47:210 (2) x:444, 02:48:710 (1) x312, 02:49:010 (2) x:456, 02:50:510 (1) x:264, 02:50:810 (2) x:109 i like the concept but the problem is that some of these jumps are already borderline hyperdashes, and i don't want to cross that line just yet :(
This is all I have to say about the gameplay, I really like how the winter season is mapped and it flows really nicely, good job.

Thanks for requesting mod, good luck on rank!
thank you very much for the mod!

From my modding queue

Kudosu only when helpful!

  1. Don't know why you changed the preview point, but I think the old one was better since it was actually part of the map, the new one is part of the preview which is confusing when you skip the preview since then you don't hear that section at all (I also like the old one more but that's not important here).
  2. 05:25:697 (1) - Is it really necessary to toggle kiai time just for this single note? It has no real impact so it can be deleted imo.
  3. When you place a timing point and an inherited point at the same time you are only allowed to change the SV with the inherited point but nothing else. Therefore please adjust the following timing points so that the inherited points are rankable: 04:04:310 - , 04:30:840 - , 05:25:697 - , 07:33:705 - , 07:43:116 - , 07:52:535 - , 07:58:805 - and 08:37:249 - .
I don't know much about hitsounds, so it may be that the following 2 suggestions are nonsense, please keep that in mind!
  1. My modding assistant states that there are unused hitsound files. Sometimes the assistant is wrong though, maybe you check that yourself before deleting anything. The mentioned hitsounds are: normal-slidertick3.wav, normal-sliderwhistle5.wav, soft-sliderwhistle2.wav, soft-sliderwhistle3.wav and soft-sliderwhistle4.wav.
  2. drum-hitclap3.wav and drum-hitfinish4.wav have a delay over 5ms which is unrankable (unless there is a special purpose for it). Please change them.
Every season is great!
  1. 01:11:896 (4,1) - No real issue here, but for me it would feel better rhythm-wise to make here a change of movement direction like you did beforehand. Same goes for upcoming similar parts.
  2. 01:57:330 (1,2) - As it is right now you need to accelerate to catch 01:58:560 (2) - even though it is completely silent. I would make the flow of the slider and the single note in a way where the single note is perfectly in the flow the slider produces so that the silent note is better emphasized (= not overemphasized). I would just reduce the distance a bit.
  3. 02:15:799 (1) - Putting this to the right site instead of the left matches the flow of the rest of the section better.
  4. 02:48:410 (4,1,2) - It would make sense to me if 02:50:210 (4,1,2) - had more spacing than 02:48:410 (4,1,2) - because of the build-up in the music but not the other way round.
  5. 03:04:914 (1,2,3,4) - I think it is a bit early to introduce consecutive back and forth notes here (I think it is more stylistic to save that for the section that starts at 03:06:714 - ). I would change it to something less movement-change based like the rest of the pattern you mapped in this section.
  6. 03:06:414 (6,1) - Making here a hyperdash is fitting imo since it would introduce the new section better - you already did that beforehand to introduce new sections. It would also fit rhythm-wise since you made 03:20:816 (3,1) - a hyperdash as well. nevermind I am blind like a mole
  7. 03:26:816 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is quite hard compared to the rest of the section, especially 03:28:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . I would nerf it a bit to match the difficulty of the the rest of the section better.
  8. 04:13:625 (3,1) - I would buff the distance a bit to emphasize 04:13:783 (1) - better.
  9. 04:42:840 (1,2) - It makes rhythm-wise no sense to introduce 1/2 sliders here, making it similar to 04:41:125 (1,2,3,4) - is rhythm-wise correct imo.
  10. 04:55:482 (2) - The piano is pretty remarkable here so I wouldn't make it one slider but instead following the piano here.
  11. 05:18:572 (4,1) - This should be atleast a proper dash if not a hyper rhythm-wise.
  12. 05:26:297 (3,4) - I don't see a reason why this should be a hyper, I would make it a normal dash instead.
  13. 07:06:303 (9,1) - This antiflow doesn't match the flow of the other patterns at all, I would put 07:06:503 (1) - to the right instead (the direction of the slider is unimportant then imo).
  14. 07:57:041 (4,5,1) - I would reduce the distance here a little bit to nerf this a bit - it is pretty hard to catch imo which makes no sense right before the intense part of Winter.
  15. 08:45:718 (1,1) - Is it really necessary to make here two spinners instead of one? I didn't even realize the gap when I testplayed the map.
  16. 08:48:185 (1,1) - According to RC you need to have atleast 1/2 distance between the end of a spinner and the next object. I think 1/2 is a bit too big here but 1/4 would be better imo than 1/8 as it is right now (I think you should talk with a BN/QAT if an exception of the rule is ok here because the bpm is so low).
Hopefully my mod was atleast a bit helpful, it is not easy to mod a 9 min song ^^

Please try to rank it! It is an unique map which would be an enrichment for the ranked section! The bns are already aware of this map and want to see it ranked one day too so don't miss out on that opportunity :)

Good Luck!

P.S.: Forget about the mod for Ofuzake Mode. I am not planning to rank this anytime soon (and I don't know if i will ever try it), so use your time for something else ;)
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Sanyi wrote:

From my modding queue

Kudosu only when helpful!

  1. Don't know why you changed the preview point, but I think the old one was better since it was actually part of the map, the new one is part of the preview which is confusing when you skip the preview since then you don't hear that section at all (I also like the old one more but that's not important here). The start of the song is really amazing imo, i wanted people to at least hear it since most would skip the intro.
  2. 05:25:697 (1) - Is it really necessary to toggle kiai time just for this single note? It has no real impact so it can be deleted imo. i think it's impact is strong enough. it's the first real strong note in the whole song. it also pays homage to lan wings' preview point.
  3. When you place a timing point and an inherited point at the same time you are only allowed to change the SV with the inherited point but nothing else. Therefore please adjust the following timing points so that the inherited points are rankable: 04:04:310 - , 04:30:840 - , 05:25:697 - , 07:33:705 - , 07:43:116 - , 07:52:535 - , 07:58:805 - and 08:37:249 - . as far as i know, the new RC disregards this rule as green always takes precedent, but "fixed"
I don't know much about hitsounds, so it may be that the following 2 suggestions are nonsense, please keep that in mind!
  1. My modding assistant states that there are unused hitsound files. Sometimes the assistant is wrong though, maybe you check that yourself before deleting anything. The mentioned hitsounds are: normal-slidertick3.wav, normal-sliderwhistle5.wav, soft-sliderwhistle2.wav, soft-sliderwhistle3.wav and soft-sliderwhistle4.wav.removed
  2. drum-hitclap3.wav and drum-hitfinish4.wav have a delay over 5ms which is unrankable (unless there is a special purpose for it). Please change them. removed these hitsounds
Every season is great!
  1. 01:11:896 (4,1) - No real issue here, but for me it would feel better rhythm-wise to make here a change of movement direction like you did beforehand. Same goes for upcoming similar parts. i think it flows better as it is
  2. 01:57:330 (1,2) - As it is right now you need to accelerate to catch 01:58:560 (2) - even though it is completely silent. I would make the flow of the slider and the single note in a way where the single note is perfectly in the flow the slider produces so that the silent note is better emphasized (= not overemphasized). I would just reduce the distance a bit. done
  3. 02:15:799 (1) - Putting this to the right site instead of the left matches the flow of the rest of the section better. much of the previous patterns have been on the right side. it was getting too cramped.
  4. 02:48:410 (4,1,2) - It would make sense to me if 02:50:210 (4,1,2) - had more spacing than 02:48:410 (4,1,2) - because of the build-up in the music but not the other way round. done
  5. 03:04:914 (1,2,3,4) - I think it is a bit early to introduce consecutive back and forth notes here (I think it is more stylistic to save that for the section that starts at 03:06:714 - ). I would change it to something less movement-change based like the rest of the pattern you mapped in this section. ok :(
  6. 03:06:414 (6,1) - Making here a hyperdash is fitting imo since it would introduce the new section better - you already did that beforehand to introduce new sections. It would also fit rhythm-wise since you made 03:20:816 (3,1) - a hyperdash as well. nevermind I am blind like a mole :)
  7. 03:26:816 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is quite hard compared to the rest of the section, especially 03:28:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . I would nerf it a bit to match the difficulty of the the rest of the section better. around the middle of each season i wanted a slight difficulty boost, i think this is fine
  8. 04:13:625 (3,1) - I would buff the distance a bit to emphasize 04:13:783 (1) - better. slightly buffed
  9. 04:42:840 (1,2) - It makes rhythm-wise no sense to introduce 1/2 sliders here, making it similar to 04:41:125 (1,2,3,4) - is rhythm-wise correct imo. i think it makes sense, i explained my reasoning in a previous mod reply
  10. 04:55:482 (2) - The piano is pretty remarkable here so I wouldn't make it one slider but instead following the piano here. feels gross switching the instrument im mainly following just for this little pattern
  11. 05:18:572 (4,1) - This should be atleast a proper dash if not a hyper rhythm-wise. made it more of a dash
  12. 05:26:297 (3,4) - I don't see a reason why this should be a hyper, I would make it a normal dash instead. done
  13. 07:06:303 (9,1) - This antiflow doesn't match the flow of the other patterns at all, I would put 07:06:503 (1) - to the right instead (the direction of the slider is unimportant then imo). i think the drums call for something more unique than following the already flow-y pattern.
  14. 07:57:041 (4,5,1) - I would reduce the distance here a little bit to nerf this a bit - it is pretty hard to catch imo which makes no sense right before the intense part of Winter. reduced!
  15. 08:45:718 (1,1) - Is it really necessary to make here two spinners instead of one? I didn't even realize the gap when I testplayed the map. this was to manipulate the spinner fruits to go a specific way, and since the second spinner starts on a different note, i think it's justified
  16. 08:48:185 (1,1) - According to RC you need to have atleast 1/2 distance between the end of a spinner and the next object. I think 1/2 is a bit too big here but 1/4 would be better imo than 1/8 as it is right now (I think you should talk with a BN/QAT if an exception of the rule is ok here because the bpm is so low). will get help from qat/bn on the matter
Hopefully my mod was atleast a bit helpful, it is not easy to mod a 9 min song ^^ very helpful, thanks for the mod! :)

Please try to rank it! It is an unique map which would be an enrichment for the ranked section! The bns are already aware of this map and want to see it ranked one day too so don't miss out on that opportunity :)

Good Luck!

P.S.: Forget about the mod for Ofuzake Mode. I am not planning to rank this anytime soon (and I don't know if i will ever try it), so use your time for something else ;)
Professor Gila
apart from timing taken from Lan wings' map, almost every hitobjects are similar to it :o

but neverthless, you remapped it for ctb

i appreciate that :) :) :)

a job well done!

(and the hitsounds also taken from Lan wings' map)
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Professor Gila wrote:

(and the hitsounds also taken from Lan wings' map)
they were taken from ekoro's set with some adjusting to make them similar to lan wings' diff (and i got permission quite a long time ago)
Professor Gila
mmmmm yeah i see

duhh i forgot .-.

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • Tags
  1. Add: 'Shiki' , '-Haru-'. They are the japanese romaji of '四季-春-'.
  2. Add: '東方花映塚'. The full name of the game is '東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View' which include the kanji part.
  3. You may also add the tags of the game developer such as '上海アリス幻樂団' and 'Team Shanghai Alice'.

[ Last Judgement]

  • Gameplay
  1. 02:38:210 (2,3,4,5,6) - Curve it more? There is no movements in gameplay.
  2. 02:40:910 (5,6,7,8,1) - ^
  3. 03:28:016 (8,1,2) - Transition at 03:28:316 (1,2) - is a bit strange because of the anti-flow jump there. How about something like this: *Screenshot
  4. 04:25:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as 02:38:210 (2,3,4,5,6) - .
  5. 04:44:554 - 04:49:697 - The whole part here can be fully caught without dashing. Consider increasing distances for dashing.
  6. 04:55:482 (2) - Change this to the timeline pattern like 04:52:054 (2,3) - so the beat at 04:55:697 - can be mapped.
  7. 06:37:301 (6,7) - Reduce the distance here slightly to allow easier recovery after the hyperdash at 06:37:101 (5,6) - .
  8. 07:01:903 (2) - How about flipping this horizontally and place at the original position - x:319? The flow seems a bit smoother.
  9. 07:06:103 (8,9,1) - Transition of (9,1) is quite surprising and unexpected. Maybe you can change the placements of (8,9) to this: *Screenshot

I am not a storyboarding expert so I cannot say anything about that, maybe you can find someone good at that to mod / check. For the gameplay part it is well done.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

alienflybot wrote:


█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • Tags
  1. Add: 'Shiki' , '-Haru-'. They are the japanese romaji of '四季-春-'. done
  2. Add: '東方花映塚'. The full name of the game is '東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View' which include the kanji part. done
  3. You may also add the tags of the game developer such as '上海アリス幻樂団' and 'Team Shanghai Alice'. done

[ Last Judgement]

  • Gameplay
  1. 02:38:210 (2,3,4,5,6) - Curve it more? There is no movements in gameplay. done
  2. 02:40:910 (5,6,7,8,1) - ^ done
  3. 03:28:016 (8,1,2) - Transition at 03:28:316 (1,2) - is a bit strange because of the anti-flow jump there. How about something like this: *Screenshot done
  4. 04:25:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as 02:38:210 (2,3,4,5,6) - . done
  5. 04:44:554 - 04:49:697 - The whole part here can be fully caught without dashing. Consider increasing distances for dashing. done
  6. 04:55:482 (2) - Change this to the timeline pattern like 04:52:054 (2,3) - so the beat at 04:55:697 - can be mapped. ok done :(
  7. 06:37:301 (6,7) - Reduce the distance here slightly to allow easier recovery after the hyperdash at 06:37:101 (5,6) - . done
  8. 07:01:903 (2) - How about flipping this horizontally and place at the original position - x:319? The flow seems a bit smoother. done
  9. 07:06:103 (8,9,1) - Transition of (9,1) is quite surprising and unexpected. Maybe you can change the placements of (8,9) to this: *Screenshotdone

I am not a storyboarding expert so I cannot say anything about that, maybe you can find someone good at that to mod / check. For the gameplay part it is well done. will do
thanks for the mod!
sb is good & rankable :)

Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
Hello! Winter hype!

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ Last Judgment]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:43:791 (1,2) - Guess you may want to add a dash here, just to keep consistent with 00:39:685 (5,1) - which the hitsound is emphasized by a dash.
  2. 00:48:212 (3,4) - Same here, maybe add a dash? Since adding a dash here would make 00:48:843 (4,5) - a dash too, maybe the following solution helps: *Screenshot
  3. 00:55:159 (1,2) - Add a dash here? You can achieve by moving 00:55:475 (2,3,4,5,6) - altogether to the right.
  4. 01:05:896 (4,5) - Aren't these notes not fitting the song? How about this: I think it should follow the sound at 01:05:975 - which is 1/8 tick after (4). Maybe you can remove (5) as well and change the pattern here a little bit.
  5. 01:57:330 (1) - Curve this more, I think the movement can be increased slightly for this slider as it is longer than the previous ones.
  6. 02:28:347 (4,1) - Add a dash here? Since 02:27:741 (2,3,4,1) - is becoming progressively stronger in the music right there. In addition, 02:28:666 (1,2) - can also be emphasized by a dash like what you have done at 02:30:534 (1,2) - . So one solution is to move 02:28:666 (1) - to the left.
  7. 03:07:614 (4,5) - Strange to have a dash here. I think it can be removed so the beat at 03:08:514 (1) - is emphasized more by the dash. Also, 03:08:514 (1,2) - is good for a dash spot. Hence one way to change is to move 03:08:214 (5,1) - altogether to the left slightly.
  8. 04:09:994 (1) - Curve more?
  9. 06:43:702 (6,7) - Reduce the distance here? I find myself keep missing this because of the overshooting. You can move 06:43:902 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - altogether to the right slightly to fix it.
  10. 08:34:490 (1,2,3) - Strange. I find 08:34:490 - 08:35:134 - similar to 08:33:159 - 08:33:790 - so both parts should be mapped with the same timeline. As it is impossible to put a 1/1 reversed slider here to cross with multiple offset lines, how about replacing 08:34:490 (1,2) - with circles and add dashes between each other?

Call me back after the fix!
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

alienflybot wrote:

Hello! Winter hype!

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ Last Judgment]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:43:791 (1,2) - Guess you may want to add a dash here, just to keep consistent with 00:39:685 (5,1) - which the hitsound is emphasized by a dash.
  2. 00:48:212 (3,4) - Same here, maybe add a dash? Since adding a dash here would make 00:48:843 (4,5) - a dash too, maybe the following solution helps: *Screenshot
  3. 00:55:159 (1,2) - Add a dash here? You can achieve by moving 00:55:475 (2,3,4,5,6) - altogether to the right.
  4. 01:05:896 (4,5) - Aren't these notes not fitting the song? How about this: I think it should follow the sound at 01:05:975 - which is 1/8 tick after (4). Maybe you can remove (5) as well and change the pattern here a little bit.
  5. 01:57:330 (1) - Curve this more, I think the movement can be increased slightly for this slider as it is longer than the previous ones.
  6. 02:28:347 (4,1) - Add a dash here? Since 02:27:741 (2,3,4,1) - is becoming progressively stronger in the music right there. In addition, 02:28:666 (1,2) - can also be emphasized by a dash like what you have done at 02:30:534 (1,2) - . So one solution is to move 02:28:666 (1) - to the left.
  7. 03:07:614 (4,5) - Strange to have a dash here. I think it can be removed so the beat at 03:08:514 (1) - is emphasized more by the dash. Also, 03:08:514 (1,2) - is good for a dash spot. Hence one way to change is to move 03:08:214 (5,1) - altogether to the left slightly.
  8. 04:09:994 (1) - Curve more?
  9. 06:43:702 (6,7) - Reduce the distance here? I find myself keep missing this because of the overshooting. You can move 06:43:902 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - altogether to the right slightly to fix it.
  10. 08:34:490 (1,2,3) - Strange. I find 08:34:490 - 08:35:134 - similar to 08:33:159 - 08:33:790 - so both parts should be mapped with the same timeline. As it is impossible to put a 1/1 reversed slider here to cross with multiple offset lines, how about replacing 08:34:490 (1,2) - with circles and add dashes between each other?

Call me back after the fix!
all applied! thanks for the mod, these are really nice changes :)

Hoyylll it's happening OWO
the shadow of ____
Hi, I probably should have noticed/spoken up sooner but as of recent maps, I don't think "東方Project" is a valid source anymore. Instead, the recent maps seem to favor more of the game's direct source titles instead of just touhou.

So the correct source of this map should be "東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View."

best of luck ranking the map!

Californian wrote:

Hi, I probably should have noticed/spoken up sooner but as of recent maps, I don't think "東方Project" is a valid source anymore. Instead, the recent maps seem to favor more of the game's direct source titles instead of just touhou.

So the correct source of this map should be "東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View."

best of luck ranking the map!
While it's not unrankable, the above source is preferred, so no pop is required. Just change it on the next BN check. touhou project isn't as accurate but works just fine
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
Will change source next BN check :) thanks
Absolute Zero
Just a reminder to address the mod above for source; I would agree that would be preferable.

[Last Judgement]
00:41:580 (5) - Don't think this should be a 1/4 slider as I don't really hear anything that justifies the end of the slider. This comment applies to other sections like 00:45:370 (4) and 00:52:949 (5).
00:46:317 (2,3,4,5,6) - This feels weirdly underspaced compared to something like 00:38:738 (2,3,4,5).
00:48:212 (3) - Stronger sound is on the end of this slider right here. Make these two hitcircles with a dash in between instead. You run into a similar problem as places like 00:48:212 (3) and 00:54:843 (5).
01:22:633 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feels like this stream is a bit overmapped tbh--if you could give justification for these 1/4 streams that would be nice.
01:31:791 (2,3,4,5) - Personally I don’t really like this pattern here—It’s kinda bland and standstill.
01:33:054 (1,2) - Would accompany the pitch increase with a stronger dash.
01:36:528 (4,1) - This is completely walkable but still is a pitch increase. I would increase distancing.
01:49:889 (1,2,3,1,2) - These sliders are pretty constricted to the center. I would consider making the pattern more mobile.
02:00:439 (3) - I think this slider works better as a 1/2 slider.
02:15:486 (2,1) - Increase distancing a little more to accent the huge pitch change. I would move (2) leftwards.
02:24:059 (2,3) - I would making this (3,4) larger than (2,3), even making (2,3) almost stagnant. This is because the melody doesn’t change pitch until (3,4).
03:28:766 (3,4,5,6) - I think this pattern is excessive for the soft sounds it’s hitting.
04:34:910 (4,5) - The bell sound is quite strong; I would consider making this a stronger dash to reflect that.
04:44:125 (4,1) - Consider increasing this to a hyper because of the new phrase and a strong bell and higher pitch in the melody.
04:58:268 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - The same music is treated differently between these two patterns.
05:13:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - what the fuck was the accordionist drunk here (working snapping out)
05:15:411 (1) - Covering a note with a slider at 05:15:518. Make this three hitcircles instead.
05:51:298 (1,2) - I always miss this pattern for some reason—I’m used to it being a 1/4 hypers like at 05:50:698 (5,6). Maybe it’s just me.
07:19:704 (5,6,7,8) - Personally, I’m not a huge fan of this pattern as it kinda sticks out a little too much compared to the flow you have before. You can keep it if you want, but I would suggest changing it.
08:34:490 (1,2,3,4) - What are these notes following?
08:36:974 (2,3) - Would make this a hyper to accent the drum.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Absolute Zero wrote:

Just a reminder to address the mod above for source; I would agree that would be preferable. yya

[Last Judgement]
00:41:580 (5) - Don't think this should be a 1/4 slider as I don't really hear anything that justifies the end of the slider. This comment applies to other sections like 00:45:370 (4) and 00:52:949 (5). the slider was to hold out the sound that its mapped over
00:46:317 (2,3,4,5,6) - This feels weirdly underspaced compared to something like 00:38:738 (2,3,4,5). the reason it's different is because it still provides a different movement for each note while being a different pattern than the one you mentioned. will space them out though instead of changing completely
00:48:212 (3) - Stronger sound is on the end of this slider right here. Make these two hitcircles with a dash in between instead. You run into a similar problem as places like 00:48:212 (3) and 00:54:843 (5). definitely trying to avoid too many dashes at the start so all applied except for that part
01:22:633 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feels like this stream is a bit overmapped tbh--if you could give justification for these 1/4 streams that would be nice. overmapped ur right, changed
01:31:791 (2,3,4,5) - Personally I don’t really like this pattern here—It’s kinda bland and standstill. i like the pattern but i spaced it out to make it less standstill
01:33:054 (1,2) - Would accompany the pitch increase with a stronger dash. done
01:36:528 (4,1) - This is completely walkable but still is a pitch increase. I would increase distancing. done
01:49:889 (1,2,3,1,2) - These sliders are pretty constricted to the center. I would consider making the pattern more mobile. was aiming for some slight symmetry here, it's my _ _ _ _ _!
02:00:439 (3) - I think this slider works better as a 1/2 slider. i feel like im missing too much of the sound that way :(
02:15:486 (2,1) - Increase distancing a little more to accent the huge pitch change. I would move (2) leftwards. big agree
02:24:059 (2,3) - I would making this (3,4) larger than (2,3), even making (2,3) almost stagnant. This is because the melody doesn’t change pitch until (3,4). done
03:28:766 (3,4,5,6) - I think this pattern is excessive for the soft sounds it’s hitting. lowered spacing but i think its fine
04:34:910 (4,5) - The bell sound is quite strong; I would consider making this a stronger dash to reflect that. did that
04:44:125 (4,1) - Consider increasing this to a hyper because of the new phrase and a strong bell and higher pitch in the melody. done done
04:58:268 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - The same music is treated differently between these two patterns. ya fix
05:13:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - what the fuck was the accordionist drunk here (working snapping out) owob wasnt sure what consensus you came to so its still the same
05:15:411 (1) - Covering a note with a slider at 05:15:518. Make this three hitcircles instead. ya
05:51:298 (1,2) - I always miss this pattern for some reason—I’m used to it being a 1/4 hypers like at 05:50:698 (5,6). Maybe it’s just me. i feel like it plays fine :,
07:19:704 (5,6,7,8) - Personally, I’m not a huge fan of this pattern as it kinda sticks out a little too much compared to the flow you have before. You can keep it if you want, but I would suggest changing it. at long last i have changed this pattern
08:34:490 (1,2,3,4) - What are these notes following?

alienflybot wrote:

08:34:490 (1,2,3) - Strange. I find 08:34:490 - 08:35:134 - similar to 08:33:159 - 08:33:790 - so both parts should be mapped with the same timeline. As it is impossible to put a 1/1 reversed slider here to cross with multiple offset lines, how about replacing 08:34:490 (1,2) - with circles and add dashes between each other?
^ explanation, was two sliders before to cover the sound (1) starts on
08:36:974 (2,3) - Would make this a hyper to accent the drum. really wanna keep my vision of no hypers at the end :'(
thanks very much :D
Foxy Grandpa

00:07:879 - u should really map here cuz it sounds nice
06:16:900 - could u lower the bpom here its a little fast thx

okay call me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

FoxyGrandpa wrote:


00:07:879 - u should really map here cuz it sounds nice never
06:16:900 - could u lower the bpom here its a little fast thx not done

okay call me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all applied!
sb finished! thanks for waiting :)
Foxy Grandpa
alright looks good!

Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Storyboarder wrote:

sb finished! thanks for waiting :)

FoxyGrandpa wrote:

alright looks good!

email notification
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
hey its me ABSOLUTE ZERO here's your bubble fii:
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Absolute 0 wrote:

hey its me ABSOLUTE ZERO here's your bubble fii:
wow thanks!
dedicated to every1 except me
Absolute Zero
just coming back for this quick stuff
00:55:475 (2,3,4,5) - Saw this as well--same overmap argument as mentioned before--I only hear sounds every 1/2.
08:37:249 - Two conflicting timing points here in terms of sample set. Change the uninherited to S:C5.

08:34:490 (1,2,3,4) - please fix this as we discussed, should definitely be 1/1 and is not unrankable at all, dunno why afb said that
hp -> 6

6* marathon and it's hp5, too forgiving for sure

hopefully the twitter meme dies, gl
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Absolute Zero wrote:

just coming back for this quick stuff
00:55:475 (2,3,4,5) - Saw this as well--same overmap argument as mentioned before--I only hear sounds every 1/2.
08:37:249 - Two conflicting timing points here in terms of sample set. Change the uninherited to S:C5.
applied both, thanks :)

Ascendance wrote:


08:34:490 (1,2,3,4) - please fix this as we discussed, should definitely be 1/1 and is not unrankable at all, dunno why afb said that
hp -> 6

6* marathon and it's hp5, too forgiving for sure

hopefully the twitter meme dies, gl
fixed the slider to 1/1 but im not gonna change the hp, i feel the map is too long and im not trying to kill someone at the very end after all the buildup

thanks :)
after closer inspection the snapping at 05:13:697 - until 05:15:197 - and maybe a few after are really really off. If it's noticeable simply by playing, idk if a simplification really covers it. The snapping i got is here:

You might want more opinions on it, I gathered a few myself
05:13:697 (1) - the snapping in this section is off by a mile. The instrument lands on an awkward array of snaps so I can see why you would choose to simplify the whole thing. However, when you map 05:14:554 (1) as completely different when it's very similar to 05:13:697 (1) , it definitely throws the whole thing out of whack and makes it more apparent that you aren't playing along to the instrument itself and a rather artificial rhythm put in. I'm not quite sure if this is what you were going for I just wanted to point this out to see if you were aware. To add on top the hitsound doesn't do a good job either at covering this up, and infact, ends up worsening the problem.

I cannot 100% confirm what the snapping is but this is what a couple of my other friends agree on
I made this post as I was curious to know if this was intentional or not, on the off chance that you were aware of the wrong snapping
Absolute Zero
Had a very long discussion with Nokashi, celerih, Hareimu, and Fii about this a while ago and decided that it's best that we approximate in evenly for playing and to an extent (as much as I hate to use this word) aesthetics. The relatively exact snapping actually plays on 1/12 and 1/16 ticks, and looks visibly uneven in play. I'm not going to post the screenshot as it is a sore sight.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
05:13:697 - and 05:14:554 - are not mapped to the same instruments.
@AZ Yes I can see that but having 05:13:697 (1) and 05:15:411 (1) play as constant 1/4s and 05:14:554 (1) as constant 1/6 does feel like a sin, given the fact there is almost no contrast between the 3 sections. This is why I stated it come across as very artificial.

edit: @wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what are the different instruments you're mapping?

Absolute Zero wrote:

Had a very long discussion with Nokashi, celerih, Hareimu, and Fii about this a while ago and decided that it's best that we approximate in evenly for playing and to an extent (as much as I hate to use this word) aesthetics. The relatively exact snapping actually plays on 1/12 and 1/16 ticks, and looks visibly uneven in play. I'm not going to post the screenshot as it is a sore sight.
there was no 1/16 and only 1 1/12 in the snapping I discussed with others. The "approximation" sounds not even close to resembling the music either. Like I said, it was very noticeable when playing that the snapping was wrong. A map should be timed as closely as possible, and as we saw with Despacito, CTB has no clickable aspect, making it easier to use complex rhythms without affecting playability. If aesthetics are a problem, follow different instruments.
Absolute Zero

Kisses wrote:

@AZ Yes I can see that but having 05:13:697 (1) and 05:15:411 (1) play as constant 1/4s and 05:14:554 (1) as constant 1/6 does feel like a sin, given the fact there is almost no contrast between the 3 sections. This is why I stated it come across as very artificial.

edit: @wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what are the different instruments you're mapping?

I'd be willing to accept consistent resnapping but I'm generally against specific snapping to a drunk accordionist.
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Kisses wrote:

edit: @wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what are the different instruments you're mapping?
accordion and then the percussion

Ascendance wrote:

there was no 1/16 and only 1 1/12 in the snapping I discussed with others.
the snapping you discussed with others is incredibly off as well.
find something that works better then instead of implying i'm not doing a good enough job fixing your map
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Ascendance wrote:

find something that works better then instead of implying i'm not doing a good enough job fixing your map
That wasn't my point. Snapping the notes to the exactly to how they're presented by the insanely off-time accordion results in something virtually unappealing to look at or play unless in a standstill pattern, and mapping a different instrument is not an option as it will not fit the entire rest of the section I already mapped.
@AZ I hold the same opinion

-wwwww wrote:

Kisses wrote:

edit: @wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what are the different instruments you're mapping?
accordion and then the percussion
The percussion does include some 1/6 snaps but it's definitely not a continuous, maybe overmapping would be what some people would go for but it does clash with a problem that I'll state below.

You've mapped the accordion > percussion > accordion all in the space of a few seconds. Switching layers this frequently sounds incredibly off putting and focusing on one instrument is much preferred over mapping different instruments as you please. It does come off as awkward to switch to percussion from the accordion after when the accordion is still very much audible to the player and you've shown so much focus to it at the start
Don't really understand at all but I don't wanna start anything I guess. Kisses' post sums it up pretty nicely but I don't expect a change so I won't pursue anything, gl with your map
Topic Starter
Dea ex machina

Kisses wrote:

The percussion does include some 1/6 snaps but it's definitely not a continuous, maybe overmapping would be what some people would go for but it does clash with a problem that I'll state below.

You've mapped the accordion > percussion > accordion all in the space of a few seconds. Switching layers this frequently sounds incredibly off putting and focusing on one instrument is much preferred over mapping different instruments as you please. It does come off as awkward to switch to percussion from the accordion after when the accordion is still very much audible to the player and you've shown so much focus to it at the start
Yes, that's valid, I'll change it to the accordion.
Absolute Zero
In the end I just wanted to get more opinions on the issue so I decided to just bring it up again and if it's smoothest this way then I don't have too much of an attachment to the snaps cuz I was a little torn myself


Topic Starter
Dea ex machina
Yep, we came to a consensus and found a way to make it work with as close to the correct snapping as we could.
The thread could have gone smoother but the snaps are much better now. The only other things that sound off to me are 05:16:348 (1,2,3) - , I have 1,2 a 1/16 tick earlier (gray) and 3 on 05:16:643 - and ending on red still. This section is really weird T_T
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