
fighting thread where me and ryoid watch the fight

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please fight
get your anger out
entertain me and ryoid
This thread is now about poptarts.

babble4 wrote:

Ryoid wrote:

Its looks like it was finnished already
I think we need to move to another thread
lets make a fighting thread

Ryoid wrote:

babble4 wrote:

lets make a fighting thread
Why not?
But it has 50% to become quality and 50% to become a shit
Post at your own risk :)
Topic Starter
But it has 50% to become quality and 50% to become a shit
Post at your own risk :)
whats wrong with a shitpost (:
Topic Starter
This thread is now about poptarts
i will shove the poptarts up your ass

EDIT - wOOPSIES i double posted im about to be shot to death

babble4 wrote:

But it has 50% to become quality and 50% to become a shit
Post at your own risk :)
whats wrong with a shitpost (:
Yeah, who care anyway (:
Argh. I'm really angry.
DJ Enetro

(Let's see if you guys can be entertained by my real rage.

Best regards, Dark Enetro)
worst fl player

_SkyFall wrote:

Argh. I'm really angry.
E n t h u s i a s m at it's finest

DJ Enetro wrote:


(Let's see if you guys can be entertained by my real rage.

Best regards, Dark Enetro)
You're autistic. I'm gay.

DJ Enetro wrote:


(Let's see if you guys can be entertained by my real rage.

Best regards, Dark Enetro)
"yeah im so cool, fuck off xDDDDDDDD
you don't want to see my dark side,,,"

enetro probably wants to be the edgiest person around

requesting exile on him thanks
DJ Enetro
Exiled don't work when I'm not posting threads since how long, I don't want to count

As I said before I'm legit autistic. I see it as a good thing

DJ Enetro wrote:

As I said before I'm legit autistic. I see it as a good thing
You don't give a good first impression of autistic people.

DJ Enetro wrote:

(Let's see if you guys can be entertained by my real rage.

Best regards, Dark Enetro)
DJ Enetro

Tae wrote:

You don't give a good first impression of autistic people.
and I absolutely don't care about being a dick to you.

With Hostile Regards,
Dark Enetro

DJ Enetro wrote:

Tae wrote:

You don't give a good first impression of autistic people.
and I absolutely don't care about being a dick to you.

With Hostile Regards,
Dark Enetro
stop this act pls

DJ Enetro wrote:

Tae wrote:

You don't give a good first impression of autistic people.
and I absolutely don't care about being a dick to you.

With Hostile Regards,
Dark Enetro
Just when I thought you couldn't get become any more of an insufferable cunt, you prove me wrong.
Stop being an absolute ass and grow the fuck up.
DJ Enetro
I don't see anything wrong with roleplay, even if it means taking an alternate, completely negative persona.
I'm pretty sure your regular personality is also an edgy cunt that nobody in OT actually likes.

DJ Enetro wrote:

I don't see anything wrong with roleplay, even if it means taking an alternate, completely negative persona.
people who roleplay like this tend to do it to escape the harsh reality that is their miserable life.
they want to act tough because theyre a spineless wimp, the wall being their computer screen.

Aomi wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

I don't see anything wrong with roleplay, even if it means taking an alternate, completely negative persona.
people who roleplay like this tend to do it to escape the harsh reality that is their miserable life.
they want to act tough because theyre a spineless wimp, the wall being their computer screen.
We've already established that he only does this shit for the attention, so who knows how pathetic he must be irl to act like he does.
DJ Enetro

Tae wrote:

I'm pretty sure your regular personality is also an edgy cunt that nobody in OT actually likes.
And I'm pretty sure that everyone's thoughts are subject to change at any time.

Aomi wrote:

people who roleplay like this tend to do it to escape the harsh reality that is their miserable life.
they want to act tough because theyre a spineless wimp, the wall being their computer screen.
I mean if you have a good reputation irl then I'll understand but many people do play to escape offline interactions like Blitzfrog

DJ Enetro wrote:

And I'm pretty sure that everyone's thoughts are subject to change at any time.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

DJ Enetro wrote:

I mean if you have a good reputation irl then I'll understand but many people do play to escape offline interactions like Blitzfrog
Blitzfrog is a bad example to use. (:
DJ Enetro
After all this is a fight thread...

*oh shit*
DJ Enetro
at the same time you guys spend quite a bunch of time on the computer, even staying up past 1AM.
my host doesn't do such things.

Making comebacks,
Dark Enetro

DJ Enetro wrote:

at the same time you guys spend quite a bunch of time on the computer, even staying up past 1AM.
my host doesn't do such things.

Making comebacks,
Dark Enetro
so you're saying that it's irregular for people to stay up past 1AM on the internet, but you spend your time on OT not using common sense at all and refusing to accept advice from others just because you don't like them even though they were trying to solve your problem of being an asshole on forums (not discord lol)
DJ Enetro
Fam he didnt say that. Sorry if that's what I implied or that's how you interpreted it. (The part where you say that I say it's irregular for others to stay up past 1AM on the internet)
Oh no he's talking to himself in third person.
We're doomed.
I don't think this is the best place to have a "fight" like this one: forums are much more suited to longer, more organized, and well thought out packages of information. I think the "battleground" for your "fight" is an IRC client where you can fling these super short sentences much more quickly--the debate will go much faster that way since there's no time delay!
too late, this thread is now a NEW PAGE


also, babble4 and ryoid are really going to enjoy this
Jun Maeda
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

Brisk Clarity wrote:

I don't think this is the best place to have a "fight" like this one: forums are much more suited to longer, more organized, and well thought out packages of information. I think the "battleground" for your "fight" is an IRC client where you can fling these super short sentences much more quickly--the debate will go much faster that way since there's no time delay!
Smart people aren't aloud here
It has hurt my brain

I can only read 5 words per sentence

I double posted once again
But this is a shit post
Nobody will care ha

You don't give a good first impression of autistic people
Your starting up a good fight
Get the popcorn

And that's a very nice , high quality picture

I'm so late replying ;(
DJ Enetro
TBH not many people care about making quality posts in OT. That stuff is more for osu-related subforums.
I feel like you talk about "quality" in like 50% of your posts. Why are you such a tryhard, christ
DJ Enetro
Well i'm looking for a solid answer that's not common sense. :thinking:
The answer is that most people don't care about such things. Actively crusading to "improve the quality of threads and OT in general!!" just means that you're talking about asinine BS way more often than you should be. Basically, you should relax and stop seeing this as some kind of weird goal that you're trying to achieve.
Where's the blood between those 2???
DJ Enetro
You tried, this is a verbal fight.

DJ Enetro wrote:

TBH not many people care about making quality posts in OT. That stuff is more for osu-related subforums.
I didn't say that you should make higher-quality posts--far from it in fact I was trying to expedite the process of saying stupid shit! All I said was that, instead of using this forum and waiting around 5 minutes to an hour for a reply, you could go on an IRC (like Discord or Skype) and "fling these super short sentences much more quickly." Capisce?

Brisk Clarity wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

TBH not many people care about making quality posts in OT. That stuff is more for osu-related subforums.
I didn't say that you should make higher-quality posts--far from it in fact I was trying to expedite the process of saying stupid shit! All I said was that, instead of using this forum and waiting around 5 minutes to an hour for a reply, you could go on an IRC (like Discord or Skype) and "fling these super short sentences much more quickly." Capisce?

mostly unrelated, but reading this post I imagined you accidentally spelling that word as "Capsize?" and i thought that was hilarious
That does sound kind of appropriate; despite probably never having been used that way, "get capsized" sounds like a pretty good insult.

...Actually it doesn't, but you're right it does sound funny if read that way.
Topic Starter
f i g h t f i g h t f i g h t f i g h t w o o

DJ Enetro wrote:

You tried, this is a verbal fight.
No dud, this is a sword fight
Can't you see dem swords??
Blitzfrog telling Enetro where he's going wrong. What the fuck have we come to

Tae wrote:

Blitzfrog telling Enetro where he's going wrong. What the fuck have we come to
I dunno about you
But I came to Asuna Yuuki
Nevermind you're still as much of a dipshit as you were before.

Tae wrote:

Nevermind you're still as much of a dipshit as you were before.
Gotta love the confidence and the irony xd
Could you repeat that but in English this time, thanks.
DJ Enetro

Tae wrote:

Could you repeat that but in English this time, thanks.
Shut up man, look it up if you don't fucking understand you insufferable sore dick.

DJ Enetro wrote:

Tae wrote:

Could you repeat that but in English this time, thanks.
Shut up man, look it up if you don't fucking understand you insufferable sore dick.
Hey fuck you and your shitty attitude, you can take it and leave if you don't like being here.
Enetro, the first person to reply to my first OT post.
Claimed I had no quality content.
Was correct.

Still triggered me.

DJ Enetro wrote:

Tae wrote:

Could you repeat that but in English this time, thanks.
Shut up man, look it up if you don't fucking understand you insufferable sore dick.
Sorry but could you repeat that in a way those of us with common sense could understand?

It's a bit rich for you to be calling someone insufferable, I must say. Go back to being a waste of oxygen, thanks.
DJ Enetro
Like I said before I don't care about my hypocrisy.

Take note that Dark Enetro's posting is in red.

DJ Enetro wrote:

Like I said before I don't care about my hypocrisy.

Take note that Dark Enetro's posting is in red.
...good god you really take things too far
DJ Enetro
(Tfw you see that you posted last and when you find out that someone just replied you get triggered)

DJ Enetro wrote:

Like I said before I don't care about my hypocrisy.

Take note that Dark Enetro's posting is in red.
Dark Enetro woah aren't you so edgy.
Like I said before, your life must be fucking pathetic for you to be acting like this.
this thread

DJ Enetro
Yet you get depressions from my assholiness. I cannot seem to comprehend why you are so insistent about this when you said you wouldn't mind, even if it would make it better for you when I stop being stupid. (Not dumb, there's a difference.)
everyone just
stfu stupids

DJ Enetro wrote:

Yet you get depressions from my assholiness.
That's a very big (and untrue) claim to make.
I can't wait for the day where you look at your past self and realise how fucking autistic you were (oh wait).
Wowzers! It seems that kai just made a new page. Congratz! =^-^=
Lmao, Tae x Enetro
Ship has sailed
Those Who Fight Love Each Other~! :3 =w=
I really enjoy a dish of salt.

Your Ice Princess,

Blitzfrog wrote:

Lmao, Tae x Enetro
Ship has sailed
Go back to whatever you've being doing this past month.

LessWrong wrote:

Inspector Darwin looks at the two arguers, both apparently unwilling to give up their positions. “Listen,” Darwin says, more kindly now, “I have a simple notion for resolving your dispute. You say,” says Darwin, pointing to Mark, “that people’s beliefs alter their personal realities. And you fervently believe,” his finger swivels to point at Autrey, “that Mark’s beliefs can’t alter reality. So let Mark believe really hard that he can fly, and then step off a cliff. Mark shall see himself fly away like a bird, and Autrey shall see him plummet down and go splat, and you shall both be happy.”

We all pause, considering this.

“It sounds reasonable…” Mark says finally.

“There’s a cliff right there,” observes Inspector Darwin.


A long dwindling scream comes from the nearby cliff, followed by a dull and lonely splat. Inspector Darwin flips his clipboard to the page that shows the current gene pool and pencils in a slightly lower frequency for Mark’s alleles.
I feel like we should all follow Mark's example.

ColdTooth wrote:

I really enjoy a dish of salt.

Your Ice Princess,
I really enjoy a shipment of loafs, fresh from the bakery.

With Friendly Regards,

Serraionga wrote:

ColdTooth wrote:

I really enjoy a dish of salt.

Your Ice Princess,
I really enjoy a shipment of loafs, fresh from the bakery.

With Friendly Regards,

This is a box of pussies, goddamnit.
The more you hate the more you love? Inb4 Tae x Enetro lives happily ever after.

Meah wrote:

The more you hate the more you love? Inb4 Tae x Enetro lives happily ever after.
Please stop shipping me with people when I actually have a boyfriend.
To my knowledge, he isn't Enetro.
But.. It was not me :o

ColdTooth wrote:

Serraionga wrote:

I really enjoy a shipment of loafs, fresh from the bakery.

With Friendly Regards,

This is a box of pussies, goddamnit.
Put your finger there for maximum pleasure
I'm gay thank you very much.
DJ Enetro

Blitzfrog wrote:

Lmao, Tae x Enetro
Ship has sailed

Meah wrote:

The more you hate the more you love? Inb4 Tae x Enetro lives happily ever after.

nice one. It actually made me chuckle

On a final note Tae, I already realize I'm autistic but don't give a flip, thanks.

-nice one.

DJ Enetro wrote:

On a final note Tae, I already realize I'm autistic but don't give a flip, thanks.

-nice one.
By realise, do you mean that you were diagnosed with it?

please don't tell me that Dark Enetro isn't a joke
but it isnt
DJ Enetro
You can just ignore me if you think I'm an asshole.

im like
leaving this place
DJ Enetro
I was talking to Foxtrot.

DJ Enetro wrote:

I was talking to Foxtrot.
So it isn't a joke? That's kind of tragic in a pitiful way
Topic Starter
go tae
i vote tae
its an election now

babble4 wrote:

go tae
i vote tae
its an election now
I vote for enetro
Let see who win
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