
Nusha - Moy Zaychik

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Garven wrote:

Sorry for the delays. D:

[General][Odaril's Normal]
00:42:384 (1) - Remove new combo The new combo is here to warn for the slight speed change. So, nope.
00:49:390 (1) - ^ same
01:02:966 (4,1) - As nice as this is, I'm wary of an anti-jump in the easiest of a set. ;_; let's say that it can be fine because it's a new combo. We'll see :/
01:45:883 (1) - Worryingly soon after a spinner for the easiest of the set. Agreed, removed.
01:53:765 (2) - I found this to flow better on the opposite side of the screen. o.O ? okay
02:25:077 (1) - Didn't feel like a good spot for a spinner, imo. Lazily changed.
02:31:427 (1) - ^ Changed.
03:30:328 (2) - Spacing? For 0,04x ;_;
Nice flow in this diff. :D I thought the diff was terrible, appears it's not as terrible as I thought. :)
Thanks for the mod.

Download: Nusha - Moy Zaychik (ZLOdeuka) [Odaril's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Sorry for the delays. D:

Please set a preview point, and make sure it's the same on all difficulties. Usually right before a chorus works well, so maybe at 00:55:083?
You have hitsounds for custom set 1 that aren't being used. Please remove these files and full resubmit.
Is this mapset complete? If so, please move it to Pending instead of WIP.

Do you think you could get rid of this white noise around the heart image?

[Odaril's Normal]
00:42:384 (1) - Remove new combo
00:49:390 (1) - ^
01:02:966 (4,1) - As nice as this is, I'm wary of an anti-jump in the easiest of a set.
01:45:883 (1) - Worryingly soon after a spinner for the easiest of the set.
01:53:765 (2) - I found this to flow better on the opposite side of the screen.
02:25:077 (1) - Didn't feel like a good spot for a spinner, imo.
02:31:427 (1) - ^
03:30:328 (2) - Spacing?
Nice flow in this diff. :D

Add Odaril to tags in this difficulty.
It doesn't make sense to have a higher OD than AR. Please set AR and OD to the same rate (I found reducing OD 1 worked best) and reduce HP drain by at least 1. Such a slow dong doesn't really feel like it demands a high drain.
00:53:551 (2) - This anti-jump doesn't play well to me.
02:25:515 (1,2) - This spacing intentional?
02:34:492 - Hrm, maybe start the break here where the kiai ends?
02:52:666 (1,7) - These aren't very visually appealing. Think you can smooth out the curve a bit better?
Really nice. Wish there wasn't those little bits of over-mapping, but the flow is pretty good.

thanks, done :)
Приветы. всё есть чисто пожелания, естественно.
00:38:223 (1,2,3) - я бы сделал в одной точке, т.к. по мне переход сложноват с быстрых битов на медленный слайдер.в точке это не так заметно.
00:45:778 (5) - закончить его здесь 00:46:325 , на белой палочке)
00:47:201 (1,2) - поближе бы D:
00:48:734 - в этом тайминг поинте громкие клэпы. Да, громкость средняя. Но блин, мои наушники лажают на низах, и если в них мне так лупит по ушам, то в нормальных наушниках тем более. сбавить на 1.5-2 пункта, имхо.
00:57:711 (5,6) - эм. такая дистанция правда задумана? переназначь (6)-слайдер в реверс, будет играбельно.
01:23:986 (7) - в музыку, но что-то не то.Мб громкость попробуй уменьшить для 7го или 6го и 7го битов.
01:48:964 - спиннер зажал звук, я негодую. предлагая поставить бит, а спиннер сдвинуть хоть на 1/4 с сохранением конца, естессно.
02:58:578 (1) - я бы бит добавил, вот.
03:31:641 (1,2) - тоже аццкая дистанция, я б делал симметрию не такой симметричной)

вот и всё, удачи в продвижении, звезда.
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

Приветы. всё есть чисто пожелания, естественно.
00:38:223 (1,2,3) - я бы сделал в одной точке, т.к. по мне переход сложноват с быстрых битов на медленный слайдер.в точке это не так заметно. Нормально) не исправленно
00:45:778 (5) - закончить его здесь 00:46:325 , на белой палочке)не уверена что так лучше но подправила..
00:47:201 (1,2) - поближе бы D: самый раз)
00:48:734 - в этом тайминг поинте громкие клэпы. Да, громкость средняя. Но блин, мои наушники лажают на низах, и если в них мне так лупит по ушам, то в нормальных наушниках тем более. сбавить на 1.5-2 пункта, имхо.не исправленно
00:57:711 (5,6) - эм. такая дистанция правда задумана? переназначь (6)-слайдер в реверс, будет играбельно.ноу.
01:23:986 (7) - в музыку, но что-то не то.Мб громкость попробуй уменьшить для 7го или 6го и 7го битов.не тронуто.
01:48:964 - спиннер зажал звук, я негодую. предлагая поставить бит, а спиннер сдвинуть хоть на 1/4 с сохранением конца, естессно.ууу..тут ты совсем не прав)
02:58:578 (1) - я бы бит добавил, вот.ноу
03:31:641 (1,2) - тоже аццкая дистанция, я б делал симметрию не такой симметричной)нетронуто.

вот и всё, удачи в продвижении, звезда.
спасибо )
Just a quick note in odaril's diff:

01:02:966 (4,1) - As nice as this is, I'm wary of an anti-jump in the easiest of a set. ;_; let's say that it can be fine because it's a new combo. We'll see :/
Sounds funny but I crashed on that part the first time I played it. Well it is NORMAL difficulty so like you said, wait and see.


00:45:668 (4,5): Just saying but instead of

I'd make it:

It follows the flow of the song better and sounds less harsh methinks. But whatever you do, it'll still be fine.
03:21:569 (1): remove new combo
03:28:576 (1): ^

Well, I don't really know what else needs modding, everything looks fine to me in both diffs + it's a nice song.
Go harass some MATs, maybe they've got a lot to say.
hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)


00:23:991 (5,6) - spacing. the distance here should be the same as that between 00:22:896 (1,2)
00:27:713 (1,2) - it feels not good that player wait such a long time before hitting the next note. and I think note 2 should be 1/4 earlier. I recommand you using the note 2 as end of a slider and changing 1 into a single circle.
00:31:655 (5,6) - spacing. make them not touch each other.
00:45:011 (1) - new combo?
00:50:485 (1) - remove new combo
00:50:923 (2) - add new combo
00:59:025 (7) - new combo? or make it farther away from 00:58:149 (6)
01:14:790 (9) - new combo
01:15:009 (1) - remove new combo
01:39:423 (4) - this note hears bad. remove it.


02:07:779 - add a note?
02:09:531 - ^
02:22:887 (5) - add a repeat?
03:21:569 (1,2,3,4) - it's kiai time and I think there should be more notes
03:29:452 (1,2,1) - bad end...more notes here.

nice song and good sb 8-)
Crazy Jay
00:45:778 (5) - move the end(00:46:325) to (00:46:216)
00:59:025 (7) - change dis plz
02:54:418 (1) - exchange the begin & end (ctrl+alt+r)

smooth song
Topic Starter

00:45:668 (4,5): Just saying but instead of

I'd make it:
~you are right, so much better~thx
It follows the flow of the song better and sounds less harsh methinks. But whatever you do, it'll still be fine.
03:21:569 (1): remove new combo~corrected
03:28:576 (1): ^ ~corrected

Well, I don't really know what else needs modding, everything looks fine to me in both diffs + it's a nice song.
Go harass some MATs, maybe they've got a lot to say.[/quote]

Topic Starter

00:23:991 (5,6) - spacing. the distance here should be the same as that between 00:22:896 (1,2) ~ok
00:27:713 (1,2) - it feels not good that player wait such a long time before hitting the next note. and I think note 2 should be 1/4 earlier. I recommand you using the note 2 as end of a slider and changing 1 into a single circle. ~ok
00:31:655 (5,6) - spacing. make them not touch each other. ~ok
00:45:011 (1) - new combo? ~ok
00:50:485 (1) - remove new combo ~ok
00:50:923 (2) - add new combo ~ok
00:59:025 (7) - new combo? or make it farther away from 00:58:149 (6) ~ok
01:14:790 (9) - new combo ~ok
01:15:009 (1) - remove new combo ~ok
01:39:423 (4) - this note hears bad. remove it. ~ok

nice song and good sb 8-)[/quote]

Topic Starter

Crazy Jay wrote:

00:45:778 (5) - move the end(00:46:325) to (00:46:216) I'm confused by this ... Leaving aside the so
00:59:025 (7) - change dis plz o.o no
02:54:418 (1) - exchange the begin & end (ctrl+alt+r) ~no

smooth song
Hitomi May
думаю модинг попробую сделать
хоть не особо умею)
Topic Starter

Hitomi May wrote:

думаю модинг попробую сделать
хоть не особо умею)

просто хотябы просмотри что тебе не нрав?
мб подправлю)
В след. раз пиши Mod4mod пожалуйста

Odaril's Normal
00:44:135 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - look through this combos
01:52:452 (1,2,3) - ^ same problem
01:58:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

В остальном вроде хорошая мапа, интересный Сб
A mod for the Hard... You should add another diff imo. My Normal isn't much beginner-friendly, so add an Easy.
A few things to fix beforehand:
- no preview point is set
- the high speed warning also displays on my diff, although there's no speed change then. Make it difficulty specific.

The hitsounds are too low. Make them louder. Right now it's hard to play because there's no sound to base one's timing on.
Generally, avoid slow downs to match notes held by the singer (like 00:24:648 (6) - or 00:32:092 (6) - or 00:38:880 (5) - etc) because it is always surprising, especially when the speed is cut by half (like here), and stops the movement of the mouse. Moreover, if there are notes after said slider, the spacing still is the same, and so is the mouse movement: you go from fast to slow to fast again, and it's really confusing.
00:24:648 (6,1) - This overlap is easily avoidable (you'd need to change the shape of the slider to keep the spacing consistent, maybe a circle that goes to the right, and the circle placed on the left), and that particular pattern would look a lot better.
00:30:779 (3,4,5) - Spacing here is inconsistent (the notes aren't spaced evenly and there is the same time difference) and the overlap makes the pattern look bad.
01:20:374 (5,6) - Although it is nice, the overlap with (3) makes it pretty much not possible to see.
01:20:483 (6,7) - This jump is unexpected because the spacing was regular so far. Remove it ?

I'm adding a fixed version of my dff, too:
Download: Nusha - Moy Zaychik (ZLOdeuka) [Odaril's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Vass_Bass wrote:

В след. раз пиши Mod4mod пожалуйста

Odaril's Normal
00:44:135 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - look through this combos
01:52:452 (1,2,3) - ^ same problem
01:58:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

В остальном вроде хорошая мапа, интересный Сб
спасибо :)учту
Privet my friend!

Sorry for delay :(

1) If you make a fade in/out, you should open OSB and find "0.0" like 0.002917588. you should change this, otherwise the the frame will be lost.
2) I have 2 OSB, delete the wrong one
3) All diff are not set the preview point

[Oda-chan's Normal]
00:44:135 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This thingy are disaster. The problem is the notes in timeline, not at beat placement. You should re-arrange the circle and slider at timeline, otherwise, the player will be chaos to play this, especially there's some two notes at same tick and wrong sound
01:52:452 (1,2,3) - ^
01:58:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

03:10:840 (2) - Stack with 03:09:088 (4)?

On design mode, warning.png should enable the Diff. Specific in this diff. Otherwise warning.png will display on Oda-chan's Normal.

01:00:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These pattern are uncomfortable for me, maybe?
01:14:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:43:693 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^

Not Bad
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Privet my friend!

Sorry for delay :(

1) If you make a fade in/out, you should open OSB and find "0.0" like 0.002917588. you should change this, otherwise the the frame will be lost.
2) I have 2 OSB, delete the wrong one
3) All diff are not set the preview point

On design mode, warning.png should enable the Diff. Specific in this diff. Otherwise warning.png will display on Oda-chan's Normal. ups~ Thx ^^

01:00:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These pattern are uncomfortable for me, maybe?
01:14:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:43:693 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^

left as is

Not Bad
thx =*
:oops: hi

pretty good

not too much thing I can say

but remenbe to put the timing point before the note, especially in the volume-changing timing point.

hmm I dont really feel the x2 part is necessary, but, that's your choice. and it's not too hard.><

Topic Starter

Tonoko wrote:

:oops: hi

pretty good

not too much thing I can say

but remenbe to put the timing point before the note, especially in the volume-changing timing point.

hmm I dont really feel the x2 part is necessary, but, that's your choice. and it's not too hard.><

Thx Tonoko ;)
Hello there :)

[Odaril's Normal]


I'll do it in french for him (too lazy to write everything in english =w=)

00:26:180 (1) - Un 'tit peu caché par le slider précédant IMO
00:40:413 (4) - 1 grid a gauche (nazi ftw)
01:41:503 (3) - Spacing volontaire ?
02:30:770 (3) - New combo ?

T'as oublié un preview point crétin !


I don't like very much the 2x part, don't fit very well with the song IMO

02:34:492 - Move the blue break at 02:34:492
03:28:576 (9) - New combo
03:29:452 (1) - No new combo
03:30:328 (5) - New combo ((5),(6) and (7) have a different spacing, that's why you should add a new combo)

Nice mapset !
~Starz'd !

(Odaril will kill me when he'll see this mod, but well... =w=)
Leorda, you didn't mod the latest version. I checked your mod and you pointed out things that didnt' exist. :V

Fight69 wrote:

Hello there :)

[Odaril's Normal]


I'll do it in french for him (too lazy to write everything in english =w=) feignasse

00:26:180 (1) - Un 'tit peu caché par le slider précédaent IMO hm, ok
00:40:413 (4) - 1 grid a gauche (nazi ftw) ok
01:41:503 (3) - Spacing volontaire ? non :/
02:30:770 (3) - New combo ? Pourquoi pas ?

T'as oublié un preview point crétin ! Si tu avais regardé mon mod quelques posts avant, tu aurais vu que je l'avais vu, sous-être !!!

(Odaril will kill me when he'll sees this mod, but well... =w=)
Volontiers. :D
Bah tu vois t'as pas été complètement inutile ! o/

Download: Nusha - Moy Zaychik (ZLOdeuka) [Odaril's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

_llkey_18 wrote:

:-* _llkey_18
Topic Starter

larch wrote:


Спасипа смешарик)
Colin Hou
  1. how about translate 'normal/hard' to russian as the diffs' names? (idk whether osu support it or not)
  1. 00:54:865 (T) - too short, not neccessary imo
  2. 02:05:151 (T) - ^
  3. 01:06:032 (1) - feels out of music, not suggest using a spinner here, well, only a suggestion. (i think 01:48:948 (1) this is a good spinner, for example)
  4. 01:55:736 (1) - ^
  5. 02:02:743 (1) - ^
  6. 02:16:099 (1) - ^
  7. 03:12:154 (1) - ^
  8. 01:24:424 (T) - a note here? just the same place of 7
  9. 02:33:397 (T) - ended too early for this section?
  10. this diff playes well, the spinners are maybe my personal taste, so you don't need to care too much, I'm only writting something after i played your map :P
  1. hey your preview point, Odaril
that's all, nice one and star~
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. how about translate 'normal/hard' to russian as the diffs' names? (idk whether osu support it or not)
hmm, that's interesting, I think

  1. 00:54:865 (T) - too short, not neccessary imook~
  2. 02:05:151 (T) - ^ok~
  3. 01:06:032 (1) - feels out of music, not suggest using a spinner here, well, only a suggestion. (i think 01:48:948 (1) this is a good spinner, for example)not corrected
  4. 01:55:736 (1) - ^not corrected
  5. 02:02:743 (1) - ^not corrected
  6. 02:16:099 (1) - ^not corrected
  7. 03:12:154 (1) - ^not corrected
  8. 01:24:424 (T) - a note here? just the same place of 7ok~
  9. 02:33:397 (T) - ended too early for this section?ok~
  10. this diff playes well, the spinners are maybe my personal taste, so you don't need to care too much, I'm only writting something after i played your map :P
  1. hey your preview point, Odaril
ok ~

that's all, nice one and star~
Thx ~ ^^
Nicemap :)
Topic Starter

Thite wrote:

Nicemap :)
thx my friend ^^
y u c a
hi :3


01:24:643~add rhythm
01:42:379~start spiner
01:49:824 (2) remove whistle
01:50:262 (3) add whistle
01:55:736~start spiner


you use many spiner D:
i think you should add rhythm

main volume is small
nomal's volume is 5
so your diff's volume should change 5

01:24:424~add rhythem
02:33:835 add note?
03:11:935 ^?

good song~:3
Topic Starter

y u c a wrote:

hi :3 Hello~ ^^


you use many spiner D: I will try
i think you should add rhythm

main volume is small
nomal's volume is 5
so your diff's volume should change 5

01:24:424~add rhythem no
02:33:835 add note? no
03:11:935 ^? no

good song~:3
Thx~ :3
Nice to me :3

Topic Starter
La Cataline
irc stuff
seems alright
song makes me sick
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La Cataline wrote:

irc stuff
seems alright
song makes me sick

very helpful Thx ~
Its really good O.O' better than mine anyway~
Star :D
Your spacing seems to be rather inconsistent, but it's not too bad as you do have new combos when the spacing drastically changes and I'm able to read it.
00:25:962 (2) - This note is kinda hard to see as it is hidden under the slider.
01:06:907 (1) - Need a New Combo on this.
01:48:948 (1) - ^
01:56:393 (1) - ^
02:03:400 (1) - ^
02:09:969 (1) - ^
02:16:975 (1) - ^
03:06:023 (1) - ^
03:13:030 (1) - ^
Your spinners were like that due to a glitch, but they should have new combos on them.
I don't really think the fast section fits, but it's playable so, it's your choice.

Seems fine, I guess I can shoot a star.
Topic Starter

AnGelL wrote:

Its really good O.O' better than mine anyway~
Star :D

wow... Thx :)
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

Your spacing seems to be rather inconsistent, but it's not too bad as you do have new combos when the spacing drastically changes and I'm able to read it.
00:25:962 (2) - This note is kinda hard to see as it is hidden under the slider.
01:06:907 (1) - Need a New Combo on this.
01:48:948 (1) - ^
01:56:393 (1) - ^
02:03:400 (1) - ^
02:09:969 (1) - ^
02:16:975 (1) - ^
03:06:023 (1) - ^
03:13:030 (1) - ^
Your spinners were like that due to a glitch, but they should have new combos on them.
I don't really think the fast section fits, but it's playable so, it's your choice.

Seems fine, I guess I can shoot a star.


Thx rust

y u c a wrote:


01:24:643~add rhythm いいえ
01:42:379~start spiner いいえ too soon
01:49:824 (2) remove whistle やだ
01:50:262 (3) add whistle やだ
01:55:736~start spiner いいえ
02:24:639^ いいえ
02:31:208^ いいえ
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