
ClariS - Hirahira Hirara

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年8月9日 at 18:35:47

Artist: ClariS
Title: Hirahira Hirara
Tags: Fairy Castle clara alice
BPM: 111
Filesize: 23702kb
Play Time: 05:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Sakura (3.76 stars, 829 notes)
Download: ClariS - Hirahira Hirara
Download: ClariS - Hirahira Hirara (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Here is the official metadata source for this song:
Please make sure that the first letter of "Hirara" is capitalised in the romanisation.
Basically, you should have this:

Maybe add "Fairy Castle" to the tags as well (it's the album name).
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:


Here is the official metadata source for this song:
Please make sure that the first letter of "Hirara" is capitalised in the romanisation.
Basically, you should have this:

Maybe add "Fairy Castle" to the tags as well (it's the album name).
Thank you!" Kurai
m4m reqありです。
といっても良曲神譜なので全て提案です。 めんどかったら無視してくれてokです。

  1. Tagsが寂しいような気がします。 "clara alice"は追加してもいいかも。

  1. HPはもう少し高くても問題ないと思います。 6もしくは6.5くらいに上げたほうがDTHDした時にpp的に良いかと。
  2. 00:23:218 (1) - naziですが、00:22:137 (1,2) - に倣って同じように配置すると綺麗なると思いました。 ... 7da284.png
  3. 01:17:813 (5,1) - kiaiの中なのに、ここで少し流れを止めてるので、もっと飛ばしませんか?
  4. 01:26:461 (5) - ctrl+gして調整した方が、流れが良いような気がします。 ... e15e45.png
  5. 01:30:245 (3) - (1)(2)の中間に少し移動させるだけで流れが良くなると思います。
  6. 01:35:110 (5,6) - ここはstackさせない方が良いと思います。。
  7. 01:36:461 (2) - 次の(3)との流れを考えたらx435 y141くらいに置くのはどうでしょうか?
  8. 02:11:326 (1,2) - ここ個人的に強調したい部分です(こういう曲調好き)。
    前後(02:10:786 (2,1) - )がスライダーで構成されているので、02:11:326 (1,2) - は1/2サークルx4(間隔狭め)とかに変更してみてもいいかもしれません。
  9. 03:19:434 (1,2,3,4) - ここのパートでここだけ違う音取りですが、意図的でしょうか? パターン的に03:28:083 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - と同じような性質だと思うんですが、、、
  10. 03:57:272 (3) - これもうちょい下かな…?
  11. 04:42:137 (2) - 流れを殺しすぎな感あります。 
  12. jump超好きwwwwwwwww

全体的にめっちゃ綺麗な譜面でした。(短いmodですんません xd)


good luck
Topic Starter

Asuka_- wrote:

m4m reqありです。
といっても良曲神譜なので全て提案です。 めんどかったら無視してくれてokです。

  1. Tagsが寂しいような気がします。 "clara alice"は追加してもいいかも。

  1. HPはもう少し高くても問題ないと思います。 6もしくは6.5くらいに上げたほうがDTHDした時にpp的に良いかと。 ok
  2. 00:23:218 (1) - naziですが、00:22:137 (1,2) - に倣って同じように配置すると綺麗なると思いました。 2連のstackしなければそうしてた ... 7da284.png
  3. 01:17:813 (5,1) - kiaiの中なのに、ここで少し流れを止めてるので、もっと飛ばしませんか? 01:18:353 (1,4,5) - 終点の3点で3角形を作ってるので保留で
  4. 01:26:461 (5) - ctrl+gして調整した方が、流れが良いような気がします。 ok ... e15e45.png
  5. 01:30:245 (3) - (1)(2)の中間に少し移動させるだけで流れが良くなると思います。 なんとなく変更
  6. 01:35:110 (5,6) - ここはstackさせない方が良いと思います。。 ok
  7. 01:36:461 (2) - 次の(3)との流れを考えたらx435 y141くらいに置くのはどうでしょうか? ok
  8. 02:11:326 (1,2) - ここ個人的に強調したい部分です(こういう曲調好き)。 02:10:245 (1,2,1) - 三角形作ってるので変更しづらいです
    前後(02:10:786 (2,1) - )がスライダーで構成されているので、02:11:326 (1,2) - は1/2サークルx4(間隔狭め)とかに変更してみてもいいかもしれません。
  9. 03:19:434 (1,2,3,4) - ここのパートでここだけ違う音取りですが、意図的でしょうか? パターン的に03:28:083 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - と同じような性質だと思うんですが、、、 ほんとじゃん
  10. 03:57:272 (3) - これもうちょい下かな…? ok?
  11. 04:42:137 (2) - 流れを殺しすぎな感あります。 ok
  12. jump超好きwwwwwwwww わかるwwwwwwwww

全体的にめっちゃ綺麗な譜面でした。(短いmodですんません xd)

てかほんといい曲やん....('ω') ほんと良い曲

good luck
From Discord
nazi modしに来ました

  1. AR8.2くらいあった方が1,2ジャンプとか見やすいと思った
  2. 00:31:597 (1) - ここのNCは意図的かな
  3. 01:00:786 (4,2) - ここ微妙に重なってるのちょっとカッコ悪いと思ったけど大丈夫そうだったら無視してw
  4. 01:13:218 (4) - 提案だけどこれ 01:10:786 (4) - このスライダーエンドにstack辺りに置くともっと迫力出ると思う
  5. 01:33:353 - んーーー…ここの音を取りたくて仕方がないけどジャンプの流れ壊れそうだし他のサビもあるし大丈夫そうだったら無視してクレ
  6. 02:11:867 (2) - ここctrl+Gした方がもっと強調できていいと思いまふ
  7. 02:16:732 (1,7) - これはstack?
  8. 02:35:380 (4) - これもx488 y232辺りに置くとやっぱ迫力出る
  9. 03:12:137 (10,12) - 俺はこれctrl+Gするかな 次のスライダーへの流れがこっちの方がいいと思った
  10. 03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - これは普通に縦ジャンプでいいとついつい思ってしまった
  11. 03:58:353 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 前後のこのパターンのジャンプに比べてここはちょっと小さいと思ったからctrl+S 1.100xくらいでやってみては
  12. 04:24:299 (1) - んーー流石に真ん中曲げすぎじゃないかな スライダーミスしかけた

Topic Starter

_kotachi_ wrote:

From Discord
nazi modしに来ました

  1. AR8.2くらいあった方が1,2ジャンプとか見やすいと思った
  2. 00:31:597 (1) - ここのNCは意図的かな 意図だと思います
  3. 01:00:786 (4,2) - ここ微妙に重なってるのちょっとカッコ悪いと思ったけど大丈夫そうだったら無視してw ok
  4. 01:13:218 (4) - 提案だけどこれ 01:10:786 (4) - このスライダーエンドにstack辺りに置くともっと迫力出ると思う 01:12:948 (3,4) - のスペーシングが広くなりすぎるのでキープします
  5. 01:33:353 - んーーー…ここの音を取りたくて仕方がないけどジャンプの流れ壊れそうだし他のサビもあるし大丈夫そうだったら無視してクレ keep
  6. 02:11:867 (2) - ここctrl+Gした方がもっと強調できていいと思いまふ nice!
  7. 02:16:732 (1,7) - これはstack? 連打のスペーシングにあわせてづらしてます
  8. 02:35:380 (4) - これもx488 y232辺りに置くとやっぱ迫力出る ok
  9. 03:12:137 (10,12) - 俺はこれctrl+Gするかな 次のスライダーへの流れがこっちの方がいいと思った よさげ
  10. 03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - これは普通に縦ジャンプでいいとついつい思ってしまった 何回も指摘着たら修正
  11. 03:58:353 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 前後のこのパターンのジャンプに比べてここはちょっと小さいと思ったからctrl+S 1.100xくらいでやってみては 保存してから広くするのね
  12. 04:24:299 (1) - んーー流石に真ん中曲げすぎじゃないかな スライダーミスしかけた ok

神譜面過ぎて惚れました 曲に惚れました
mod ありがとう!

  1. 01:31:326 - 02:53:488 - 03:58:353 - 04:28:624 - の緑線いらんぽい。全部同じような箇所やけど全て1つ前の緑線と同じ設定なので被ってる

  1. 00:02:678 (5) - これ保留。と、いうのはこれだけ音ズレてるぽい。1/12のkick (00:02:633 - )で合いそうやけど現状でもいけるかもしんない。bnの意見求ム。前に同じような経験したけどその時はbnにmp3改造してもらいました←他人任せ
  2. 00:03:759 (1,2,3,4) - これvocal followなんで00:03:488 - と00:03:624 - にもcircleあったほうがいいとオモ。ここみたいに 00:05:651 (3,4,5) -
  3. 01:06:461 (3,4,5,6) - 2コずつに分けてるけど歌詞は01:06:732 (4) - から始まってるので分けるなら1コと3コのグループがいいぉ
  4. 01:10:651 - circleほしい。ちょと前のこことおんなじ 01:09:434 (5,6,1) -
  5. 01:14:840 (5,6,7,8,9) - 音あるけどここまで綺麗にvocal followだったので「んっ?」ってなった。画像のがvocalなので(6)(7)(1)の間にある2つのblue tickをclickするのはどうかと。どうしても音拾うなら(6)(7)もkickにすればvocalと音も両方取れます
  6. 01:25:921 (4,5) - (4)をリバースにして01:26:732 - にcircleのほうがスキー。 他のサビも同じとこ有
  7. 01:32:272 - vocal拾わない? 他のサビも同じとこ有
  8. 01:33:353 - 音あるぽい 他のサビも同じとこ有 3回目のサビだけ04:00:110 - にもあるので5連いけそ
  9. 02:00:380 - ^
  10. 02:36:732 (1,2) - blankゥゥゥゥゥゥー 上記で説明したsnapおすすめ ココ 01:14:840 (5,6,7,8,9) - ただテケテケ音ないので画像のような感じが良い。後半にも同じのあるぽい
  11. 03:03:218 (1,2,3,4) - これも1コ3コで分けた方が良さげ 後半も同じとこあるので確認してみてー
  12. 03:20:921 - この音ほすぃ。単純にcircle入れると03:21:461 (5) - と同じような感じで被るし、そもそも 03:21:461 (5) - はvocalなんで別の取り方でいかない?こんなのとか
  13. 04:12:272 - 黄身の"身"がほしい。04:12:137 (4) - kickしない?
  14. 04:55:516 (3) - ここcircleあってもいいとオモ。(4)と同種の音なので 04:52:272 (7,1) - みたいに(4)に付ける感じで
配置は特に問題ないと思います。強いて言えばこのフレーズ 01:23:759 (1,2,3,4) - (1)(2)グループと(3)(4)グループが同じ流れなんで(3)(4)をctrl+Gで逆の流れにしたら面白いかもとか。特に 04:21:056 (1,2,3,4) - でそれを感じました
Topic Starter

kunka wrote:


  1. 01:31:326 - 02:53:488 - 03:58:353 - 04:28:624 - の緑線いらんぽい。全部同じような箇所やけど全て1つ前の緑線と同じ設定なので被ってる 消しました

  1. 00:02:678 (5) - これ保留。と、いうのはこれだけ音ズレてるぽい。1/12のkick (00:02:633 - )で合いそうやけど現状でもいけるかもしんない。bnの意見求ム。前に同じような経験したけどその時はbnにmp3改造してもらいました←他人任せ BN任せ
  2. 00:03:759 (1,2,3,4) - これvocal followなんで00:03:488 - と00:03:624 - にもcircleあったほうがいいとオモ。ここみたいに 00:05:651 (3,4,5) - ok
  3. 01:06:461 (3,4,5,6) - 2コずつに分けてるけど歌詞は01:06:732 (4) - から始まってるので分けるなら1コと3コのグループがいいぉ 確かに
  4. 01:10:651 - circleほしい。ちょと前のこことおんなじ 01:09:434 (5,6,1) - vocal followだから避けたい
  5. 01:14:840 (5,6,7,8,9) - 音あるけどここまで綺麗にvocal followだったので「んっ?」ってなった。画像のがvocalなので(6)(7)(1)の間にある2つのblue tickをclickするのはどうかと。どうしても音拾うなら(6)(7)もkickにすればvocalと音も両方取れます 次に指摘されたら考慮します
  6. 01:25:921 (4,5) - (4)をリバースにして01:26:732 - にcircleのほうがスキー。 他のサビも同じとこ有 自分は対象がスキデシタ
  7. 01:32:272 - vocal拾わない? 他のサビも同じとこ有 キープさせてください><;
  8. 01:33:353 - 音あるぽい 他のサビも同じとこ有 3回目のサビだけ04:00:110 - にもあるので5連いけそ 同じくキープさせてください
  9. 02:00:380 - ^ ^
  10. 02:36:732 (1,2) - blankゥゥゥゥゥゥー 上記で説明したsnapおすすめ ココ 01:14:840 (5,6,7,8,9) - ただテケテケ音ないので画像のような感じが良い。後半にも同じのあるぽい ここも同じく
  11. 03:03:218 (1,2,3,4) - これも1コ3コで分けた方が良さげ 後半も同じとこあるので確認してみてー ok~
  12. 03:20:921 - この音ほすぃ。単純にcircle入れると03:21:461 (5) - と同じような感じで被るし、そもそも 03:21:461 (5) - はvocalなんで別の取り方でいかない?こんなのとか ok
  13. 04:12:272 - 黄身の"身"がほしい。04:12:137 (4) - kickしない? ok
  14. 04:55:516 (3) - ここcircleあってもいいとオモ。(4)と同種の音なので 04:52:272 (7,1) - みたいに(4)に付ける感じで 入れづらいのでキープさせてください
配置は特に問題ないと思います。強いて言えばこのフレーズ 01:23:759 (1,2,3,4) - (1)(2)グループと(3)(4)グループが同じ流れなんで(3)(4)をctrl+Gで逆の流れにしたら面白いかもとか。特に 04:21:056 (1,2,3,4) - でそれを感じました 最後だけ変更しました!(niceです)

00:02:543 - can you maybe add a circle here to folow that 1/4 sound

00:08:894 (8) - x312 y100

00:11:326 (1) - maybe try 1/2 slider + circle for that strong voice

00:17:272 (5) - x208 y132 and reduce 00:17:543 (1,2,3) - spacing of 00:17:272 (5,1) -

00:44:299 (2) - follow the song here pls xd

00:45:921 (1) - overlap with 00:45:110 (3) - triggers me xd

00:50:245 (1) - make this same shape as 00:49:164 (3) - for vocals consistency

00:59:705 - add a note on top of 00:59:840 (2) - pls

01:06:732 (1,2,3) - make those jumps

01:10:786 (4) - stack this with 01:09:705 (1) - 's tail.

01:41:326 (2,3,4) - revrse 1/2 slider?

02:04:570 (2,3) - unstack and make it a jump

03:32:137 (3) - 1/4 triplet to emphasis vocals

03:33:488 (5,6) - mute slider ends

03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - no emphasis on 03:39:434 (1,1,1) - those with your pattern, pls make normal back&fourth jump build up, this makes no sense.

03:47:813 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this jump section (and everywhere in your kiais at that section) should be decreasing in spacing according to the vocals
and 03:50:786 (1,2,3,4) - those increasing, pls refleat the song with your spacing.

Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:


00:02:543 - can you maybe add a circle here to folow that 1/4 sound There is no sound here

00:08:894 (8) - x312 y100 ok

00:11:326 (1) - maybe try 1/2 slider + circle for that strong voice I express the lyrics of "sakura" with slider only

00:17:272 (5) - x208 y132 and reduce 00:17:543 (1,2,3) - spacing of 00:17:272 (5,1) - I do not change it because I want to avoid distance away from a quiet part

00:44:299 (2) - follow the song here pls xd ok

00:45:921 (1) - overlap with 00:45:110 (3) - triggers me xd ok

00:50:245 (1) - make this same shape as 00:49:164 (3) - for vocals consistency I think there is no problem

00:59:705 - add a note on top of 00:59:840 (2) - pls ok

01:06:732 (1,2,3) - make those jumps If there is further pointed out change it

01:10:786 (4) - stack this with 01:09:705 (1) - 's tail. This is not intentionally stack

01:41:326 (2,3,4) - revrse 1/2 slider? I will keep it.

02:04:570 (2,3) - unstack and make it a jump ok

03:32:137 (3) - 1/4 triplet to emphasis vocals ok

03:33:488 (5,6) - mute slider ends ok

03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - no emphasis on 03:39:434 (1,1,1) - those with your pattern, pls make normal back&fourth jump build up, this makes no sense. I made the same pattern with Ctrl+G

03:47:813 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this jump section (and everywhere in your kiais at that section) should be decreasing in spacing according to the vocals If there is further pointed out change it
and 03:50:786 (1,2,3,4) - those increasing, pls refleat the song with your spacing. I will keep it.

Thank you Sotarks :)
Hi, from Forum PM I guess :d

• 00:02:678 (5) - Minor stuff but because it's not a singular beat, I think it'd better be a 1/8 slider, but it's up to you
• 00:10:516 (4,1) - Using 2 reverse slider for 2 different vocal continuously, it feels like you're not following vocal pretty well. I would change 00:11:326 (1) - into 3 circles, just to express the "sakura" differently, and to have a bit emphasis for it
• 00:23:218 (1,2,3) - lately you were using like 0.2-0.3x spacing for triples, so why are you stacking them now?
• 00:24:299 (1,1,2) - They are literally the same in instrument, different patterns is not what I recommended tbh. Why not just making them all circles? Or if you wanna keep the sliders, change these 00:24:840 (2,3) - into sliders too, because in this section, that is the only place where you used 2 circles instead
• 00:39:975 (2,3) - Spacing is kinda unexpected, as you used similar spacing to 00:39:434 (1,2) - for 1/2 beat, so players might misread this as 1/2 too
• 00:41:597 (1) - I'd increase spacing a bit, for more emphasis
• 00:59:840 - aren't you gonna map the vocal here?
• 01:13:759 (6,1,2,3,4) - talking about playability, this seems to be too much clickable, while the song has a change in intensity for 01:14:029 (1,2,3,4) - so I think this pattern might be better, as it reduce the intensity you're having for 2 specific patterns
• 01:20:516 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same thing about the concept. Vocal didn't have any changes except for lowering pitch, so why did you have a different jump direction for 01:21:597 (5,6,7,8) - while you were going counter clockwise for 01:20:516 (1,2,3,4) - ?
• 01:33:353 - you have a missing beat here too
• 01:41:326 (2,3,4) - I would increase the spacing a bit more, so players might easily know that they are 1/2, not 1/4 like you were doing throughout the map
• 01:55:110 (1,2,3) - I noticed this is the only place where you use red anchor for sliders of this patterns, which is weird because if you wanna create some diversity, you should do this more regularly instead of just this 1 time
• 02:02:678 (3) - Same thing I mentioned before, I mean I can't hear any strong beats that need this spacing to emphasize it, so why did you choose to have such huge spacing?
• 02:11:326 (1,2) - I can tell that you wanna reduce the intensity a bit here, but the spacing is still a bit too much tho. How about this?
• 02:28:353 (4,5,6) - Woah the sudden direction change of this triple really freaks me out though xd why not ctrl+g them?
• 02:37:813 (2) - It's like 2 white ticks go by, so I suggest stacking it with 02:36:732 (1) - instead, to make the pattern cleaner. Also was the sliderwhistle on sliderbody intentional? It sounds pretty off to me
• 02:54:570 (1,2,1,2) - Ok I think this is too much, comparing to 01:32:407 (1,2,1,2) - they were not even that big tbh.
• 03:09:164 (3,4) - Why not making these 1/4 sliders?
• 04:41:597 (1,2,3) - Spacing should be decreased a bit more, so players can feel the emphasis you have on 04:43:759 (1) - tho

There's a few suggestions that should be applied more than just 1 timestamp I pointed out, so remember to check them all out :3
Pretty decent map owo)b
Good luck~
Sakurauchi Riko

00:01:597 (3,4) - flip them horizontally and re-arrange to same position for better looking. also these 2 sounds are a bit different from 00:00:516 (1,2) - so you do the same in your map, which is pretty nice imo
00:14:570 (4) - i tihnk a 1/2 slider or even a reverse slider would fit better here to the vocals, you have the same rhythm at 00:07:813 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - but there are actual vocals on each 1/2 tick, unlike 00:14:840 (5,6) -
00:39:975 (2,3) - these are too far away from each other because they are 1/4 snapped. you have the same visual spacing for some (many) 1/2 rhythms so the player doesnt really expect 00:39:975 (2) - to be snapped on the blue tick because 00:40:516 (3) - is so far away. Actually im not sure if you really wanna skip the sound at 00:40:245 - , yes 00:40:516 (3) - is getting emphasized but sacrificing a sound for that isnt a good idea everytime. mapping red tick would fit more to the music
00:45:921 (1,2,3) - these are really heavy curved, you usually use really slight curves in your slidershapes, so this looks really out of place
01:14:029 (1,2) - these are too far away form each other make the spacing much lower here, the sounds are so weak and quiet - it doesnt fit if you use a large spacing like that. also consider making 01:14:299 (2,3,4) - this a 1/4 reverse slider because you use triples for strong sounds and these are really weak so a slider fits here much better imo
02:01:056 (1,2) - imo these shouldnt be higher spaced than 02:00:516 (1,2) - . 02:00:516 (1,2) - is higher pitched than 02:01:056 (1,2) - so a high spacing only fits there
02:02:137 (2) - again i dont think skipping the red tick is a good idea because the following sound on the white tick isnt actually THAT strong. if you keep extended slider i'd still say you should nerf the spacing as it is very similar to your 1/2 visual spacing
02:11:326 (1,2) - make this smaller spacing than the placements surrounding them, the music gets noticeably calmer
01:15:651 (1,1) - and 02:37:813 (2,1) - make spacing here consistent (2nd one a lot better spacing because of 1/4 snap)
03:11:867 (9) - how about NC to indicate rhythm change?
03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - a bit weird that you use strict symmetry out of a sudden, i'd rotate all of this a bit - but thats just personal preference. fine how it is
05:03:218 - maybe you can add lower volume for the rest of the spinner where are no sounds

really good map, not much to say - hope you could take something useful out of this
hope this will be ranked soon !
Best of Luck :)
Topic Starter

Yamicchi wrote:

Hi, from Forum PM I guess :d

• 00:02:678 (5) - Minor stuff but because it's not a singular beat, I think it'd better be a 1/8 slider, but it's up to you Change it if BN judges it is not good
• 00:10:516 (4,1) - Using 2 reverse slider for 2 different vocal continuously, it feels like you're not following vocal pretty well. I would change 00:11:326 (1) - into 3 circles, just to express the "sakura" differently, and to have a bit emphasis for it I do not use circles because it is a quiet part
• 00:23:218 (1,2,3) - lately you were using like 0.2-0.3x spacing for triples, so why are you stacking them now? At the end of the slider stack is better
• 00:24:299 (1,1,2) - They are literally the same in instrument, different patterns is not what I recommended tbh. Why not just making them all circles? Or if you wanna keep the sliders, change these 00:24:840 (2,3) - into sliders too, because in this section, that is the only place where you used 2 circles instead If there is a problem with this, change it
• 00:39:975 (2,3) - Spacing is kinda unexpected, as you used similar spacing to 00:39:434 (1,2) - for 1/2 beat, so players might misread this as 1/2 too I distinguished it using NC
• 00:41:597 (1) - I'd increase spacing a bit, for more emphasis ok
• 00:59:840 - aren't you gonna map the vocal here? I changed it with sotarks mod but I decided to pick it up with vocals as well
• 01:13:759 (6,1,2,3,4) - talking about playability, this seems to be too much clickable, while the song has a change in intensity for 01:14:029 (1,2,3,4) - so I think this pattern might be better, as it reduce the intensity you're having for 2 specific patterns ok
• 01:20:516 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same thing about the concept. Vocal didn't have any changes except for lowering pitch, so why did you have a different jump direction for 01:21:597 (5,6,7,8) - while you were going counter clockwise for 01:20:516 (1,2,3,4) - ? I made a slight change
• 01:33:353 - you have a missing beat here too I think when BN recommends to change
• 01:41:326 (2,3,4) - I would increase the spacing a bit more, so players might easily know that they are 1/2, not 1/4 like you were doing throughout the map I distinguished it using NC
• 01:55:110 (1,2,3) - I noticed this is the only place where you use red anchor for sliders of this patterns, which is weird because if you wanna create some diversity, you should do this more regularly instead of just this 1 time Change it if it is a problem
• 02:02:678 (3) - Same thing I mentioned before, I mean I can't hear any strong beats that need this spacing to emphasize it, so why did you choose to have such huge spacing? same
• 02:11:326 (1,2) - I can tell that you wanna reduce the intensity a bit here, but the spacing is still a bit too much tho. How about this?
• 02:28:353 (4,5,6) - Woah the sudden direction change of this triple really freaks me out though xd why not ctrl+g them?
• 02:37:813 (2) - It's like 2 white ticks go by, so I suggest stacking it with 02:36:732 (1) - instead, to make the pattern cleaner. Also was the sliderwhistle on sliderbody intentional? It sounds pretty off to me I like it now
• 02:54:570 (1,2,1,2) - Ok I think this is too much, comparing to 01:32:407 (1,2,1,2) - they were not even that big tbh. I raise the spacing little by little with each kiai
• 03:09:164 (3,4) - Why not making these 1/4 sliders? ok
• 04:41:597 (1,2,3) - Spacing should be decreased a bit more, so players can feel the emphasis you have on 04:43:759 (1) - tho I think there is no problem

There's a few suggestions that should be applied more than just 1 timestamp I pointed out, so remember to check them all out :3
Pretty decent map owo)b Thank you~
Good luck~

Sakurauchi Riko wrote:


00:01:597 (3,4) - flip them horizontally and re-arrange to same position for better looking. also these 2 sounds are a bit different from 00:00:516 (1,2) - so you do the same in your map, which is pretty nice imo I thought it very boring to use copy etc from the beginning of map
00:14:570 (4) - i tihnk a 1/2 slider or even a reverse slider would fit better here to the vocals, you have the same rhythm at 00:07:813 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - but there are actual vocals on each 1/2 tick, unlike 00:14:840 (5,6) - ok
00:39:975 (2,3) - these are too far away from each other because they are 1/4 snapped. you have the same visual spacing for some (many) 1/2 rhythms so the player doesnt really expect 00:39:975 (2) - to be snapped on the blue tick because 00:40:516 (3) - is so far away. Actually im not sure if you really wanna skip the sound at 00:40:245 - , yes 00:40:516 (3) - is getting emphasized but sacrificing a sound for that isnt a good idea everytime. mapping red tick would fit more to the music I thought it would be pointed out
00:45:921 (1,2,3) - these are really heavy curved, you usually use really slight curves in your slidershapes, so this looks really out of place ok
01:14:029 (1,2) - these are too far away form each other make the spacing much lower here, the sounds are so weak and quiet - it doesnt fit if you use a large spacing like that. also consider making 01:14:299 (2,3,4) - this a 1/4 reverse slider because you use triples for strong sounds and these are really weak so a slider fits here much better imo ok
02:01:056 (1,2) - imo these shouldnt be higher spaced than 02:00:516 (1,2) - . 02:00:516 (1,2) - is higher pitched than 02:01:056 (1,2) - so a high spacing only fits there I shortened the distance a little
02:02:137 (2) - again i dont think skipping the red tick is a good idea because the following sound on the white tick isnt actually THAT strong. if you keep extended slider i'd still say you should nerf the spacing as it is very similar to your 1/2 visual spacing ^
02:11:326 (1,2) - make this smaller spacing than the placements surrounding them, the music gets noticeably calmer
01:15:651 (1,1) - and 02:37:813 (2,1) - make spacing here consistent (2nd one a lot better spacing because of 1/4 snap) I think this is better
03:11:867 (9) - how about NC to indicate rhythm change? ok
03:38:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - a bit weird that you use strict symmetry out of a sudden, i'd rotate all of this a bit - but thats just personal preference. fine how it is Please let me keep it.
05:03:218 - maybe you can add lower volume for the rest of the spinner where are no sounds ok

really good map, not much to say - hope you could take something useful out of this
hope this will be ranked soon ! Make it Ranked!
Best of Luck :)
Thank you Yamicchi and Sakurauchi Riko :)
- Frontier -

  1. Unused hitsound: soft-sliderslide3.wav
  2. I think you should reduce Stack Leneincy rate to make players not confused about 1/4-beat streams and stacks.
  1. 00:11:326 (1) - I think you could make it circles instead or something so that you can emphasize the "sakura".
  2. 00:22:137 (1,2) - I think you could make the structure here better, overlapping looks these kinda weird.
  3. 00:41:597 (1,2) - you could blanket if you care
  4. 00:59:705 - There is a sound here tho (._.)
  5. 02:06:461 (2) - Compared this to 00:44:299 (2,3) - , they are totally the same pattern but why they're mapped differently?
  6. 02:55:651 (1) - Maybe try to ctrl+g this note to give better flow to 02:55:380 (2) -, and 02:56:191 (2) -.
  7. 03:04:299 (1,2,3) - I think make the notes' movement goes back and forth might be boring to players. Might try to make a variety here.
  8. 03:27:272 (3) - Compared to this please 03:18:624 (3,4,5) -, why they are not the same?
  9. 03:42:678 (1) - This is kinda breaks the flow since the slider-end is meant to go right side. The note is forcing the players to move back to the left side again which makes the map flows unnaturally.
  10. 04:00:516 (1) - maybe ctrl+g?
  11. 04:15:110 (5) - Try to move this to the right side more to make it consistent.
  12. 04:55:110 (2) - It touches the hp-bar. So consider moving it lower to avoid having difficulty in reading notes.
  13. 05:01:056 - I think you should place a note here to emphasize the drum sound instead of leaving nothing and add a spinner here (since the spinner itself don't have a sound on its head.)
nice song
Toyosaki Aki

  1. 曲的に静かな入りなのでintensityを少し抑えるために00:04:840 (1,2) - と00:07:002 (1,2) - を1/1 sliderにするのどうでしょう
  2. 00:58:083 (2,3,4) - と01:06:732 (1,2,3) - のdrumの音同じに聞こえるんでpatternもどちらかに統一すると良いかもしれない(?) 二番以降も同じ
    更に細かいことを言うと01:06:732 (1,1) - のoverlapが少し気になりました
  3. 01:14:570 - ここすごい目立つ音鳴ってるしclickableにしませんか
  4. 2番のサビやラスサビとのconsistencyのために空けてるとは思うんですが、01:14:840 - に1/4 slider置きませんか
    一応うっすら鳴ってる気もしますし、ここ空いてるせいで01:15:110 (3,4,5,6) - の連打の入りが少し分かりにくいかもしれないと思ったので
  5. 01:33:353 - 02:55:516 - 04:00:380 - 04:30:651 - このドラムskipしてるのは何か理由が :thinking:
  6. 05:01:056 - spinnerずらしてadd circleするのどうですか?

Topic Starter

- Frontier - wrote:


  1. Unused hitsound: soft-sliderslide3.wav 01:23:218 (3) - 01:39:975 (1,2) - 02:45:380 (3) - 03:02:137 (1,2) - 03:50:245 (3) - 04:07:002 (1,2) - 04:20:516 (3) - 04:37:272 (1,2) - I am using it against these
  2. I think you should reduce Stack Leneincy rate to make players not confused about 1/4-beat streams and stacks. If it is pointed out by BN it will change
  1. 00:11:326 (1) - I think you could make it circles instead or something so that you can emphasize the "sakura". I will keep it.
  2. 00:22:137 (1,2) - I think you could make the structure here better, overlapping looks these kinda weird. I think that this is fine
  3. 00:41:597 (1,2) - you could blanket if you care this is blanket
  4. 00:59:705 - There is a sound here tho (._.) It is in accordance with lyrics
  5. 02:06:461 (2) - Compared this to 00:44:299 (2,3) - , they are totally the same pattern but why they're mapped differently? ok
  6. 02:55:651 (1) - Maybe try to ctrl+g this note to give better flow to 02:55:380 (2) -, and 02:56:191 (2) -. I want to avoid shortening the distance
  7. 03:04:299 (1,2,3) - I think make the notes' movement goes back and forth might be boring to players. Might try to make a variety here. I will keep it.
  8. 03:27:272 (3) - Compared to this please 03:18:624 (3,4,5) -, why they are not the same? Due to the difference in lyrics
  9. 03:42:678 (1) - This is kinda breaks the flow since the slider-end is meant to go right side. The note is forcing the players to move back to the left side again which makes the map flows unnaturally. I think there is no problem
  10. 04:00:516 (1) - maybe ctrl+g? no
  11. 04:15:110 (5) - Try to move this to the right side more to make it consistent. ok?
  12. 04:55:110 (2) - It touches the hp-bar. So consider moving it lower to avoid having difficulty in reading notes. ok
  13. 05:01:056 - I think you should place a note here to emphasize the drum sound instead of leaving nothing and add a spinner here (since the spinner itself don't have a sound on its head.) ok
nice song
Thank you - Frontier -
Topic Starter

Toyosaki Aki wrote:


  1. 曲的に静かな入りなのでintensityを少し抑えるために00:04:840 (1,2) - と00:07:002 (1,2) - を1/1 sliderにするのどうでしょう 00:05:110 - や00:07:272 - のピアノの音を無視しないようにしてます
  2. 00:58:083 (2,3,4) - と01:06:732 (1,2,3) - のdrumの音同じに聞こえるんでpatternもどちらかに統一すると良いかもしれない(?) 二番以降も同じ
    更に細かいことを言うと01:06:732 (1,1) - のoverlapが少し気になりました 歌詞の”まばゆ”を表しているので01:06:732 (1,2,3) - 2番も同じく02:28:894 (1) - "いろの"を表してこういう感じにしてます overlap 直しました
  3. 01:14:570 - ここすごい目立つ音鳴ってるしclickableにしませんか ok
  4. 2番のサビやラスサビとのconsistencyのために空けてるとは思うんですが、01:14:840 - に1/4 slider置きませんか kunkaさんからも指摘されてるので治します
    一応うっすら鳴ってる気もしますし、ここ空いてるせいで01:15:110 (3,4,5,6) - の連打の入りが少し分かりにくいかもしれないと思ったので
  5. 01:33:353 - 02:55:516 - 04:00:380 - 04:30:651 - このドラムskipしてるのは何か理由が :thinking: 01:31:326 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - こういうジャンプにkickは場違い間がありますし変更しづらいのでこのままで
  6. 05:01:056 - spinnerずらしてadd circleするのどうですか? ok


Short irc
2017-08-03 00:19 Karen: ACTION is editing [ ClariS - Hirahira Hirara [Sakura]]
2017-08-03 00:20 Karen: 00:59:705 - still sounds strange that this isn't mapped because it's the only place you do this
2017-08-03 00:21 Yasaija 714: Hmm...I adjusted according to the lyrics, but I will fix it
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: lyrics are random
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: consistency > vocal
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: and i'm a normal modder, if you don't agree just don't change
2017-08-03 00:22 Yasaija 714: ok
2017-08-03 00:23 Karen: don't just all fixed because bns
2017-08-03 00:27 Karen: 02:01:326 (2) - move it to right?
2017-08-03 00:27 Karen: flow looks better
2017-08-03 00:29 Yasaija 714: ok fix it
2017-08-03 00:36 Karen: o im back
2017-08-03 00:36 Karen: did you remove the audio track of the video
2017-08-03 00:37 Karen: my tool says it has sound zzz
2017-08-03 00:39 Yasaija 714: I thought I was gone...
2017-08-03 00:39 Karen: yea it's gone
2017-08-03 00:39 Yasaija 714: But I do not have the technology to edit video
2017-08-03 00:40 Karen: that's fine i checked the video
2017-08-03 00:40 Karen: combo2 and combo3 too similar
2017-08-03 00:40 Yasaija 714: Thank you ;;
2017-08-03 00:41 Yasaija 714: Try changing the color slightly
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: ok
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: and why ar8.2?
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: i think 8 is enough
2017-08-03 00:42 Yasaija 714: Because it was said that jump is easy to understand with some mod
2017-08-03 00:43 Yasaija 714: But I thought ar8 would be better
2017-08-03 00:43 Karen: yes ar8 is best for me
2017-08-03 00:44 Yasaija 714: Changed to ar8
2017-08-03 00:44 Karen: ok update then i'll bubble
2017-08-03 00:46 Yasaija 714: ok update
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:


Short irc
2017-08-03 00:19 Karen: ACTION is editing [ ClariS - Hirahira Hirara [Sakura]]
2017-08-03 00:20 Karen: 00:59:705 - still sounds strange that this isn't mapped because it's the only place you do this
2017-08-03 00:21 Yasaija 714: Hmm...I adjusted according to the lyrics, but I will fix it
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: lyrics are random
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: consistency > vocal
2017-08-03 00:22 Karen: and i'm a normal modder, if you don't agree just don't change
2017-08-03 00:22 Yasaija 714: ok
2017-08-03 00:23 Karen: don't just all fixed because bns
2017-08-03 00:27 Karen: 02:01:326 (2) - move it to right?
2017-08-03 00:27 Karen: flow looks better
2017-08-03 00:29 Yasaija 714: ok fix it
2017-08-03 00:36 Karen: o im back
2017-08-03 00:36 Karen: did you remove the audio track of the video
2017-08-03 00:37 Karen: my tool says it has sound zzz
2017-08-03 00:39 Yasaija 714: I thought I was gone...
2017-08-03 00:39 Karen: yea it's gone
2017-08-03 00:39 Yasaija 714: But I do not have the technology to edit video
2017-08-03 00:40 Karen: that's fine i checked the video
2017-08-03 00:40 Karen: combo2 and combo3 too similar
2017-08-03 00:40 Yasaija 714: Thank you ;;
2017-08-03 00:41 Yasaija 714: Try changing the color slightly
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: ok
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: and why ar8.2?
2017-08-03 00:41 Karen: i think 8 is enough
2017-08-03 00:42 Yasaija 714: Because it was said that jump is easy to understand with some mod
2017-08-03 00:43 Yasaija 714: But I thought ar8 would be better
2017-08-03 00:43 Karen: yes ar8 is best for me
2017-08-03 00:44 Yasaija 714: Changed to ar8
2017-08-03 00:44 Karen: ok update then i'll bubble
2017-08-03 00:46 Yasaija 714: ok update
Thank you Karen!! :)
oops i wanted to mod this but too slow ;;
bubble omedetou~ *:・٩(´・ω・)۶*:・
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