
osu!mania General Discussion

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I'm as the leader of this tournament want to ask osu!mania players for a recommendation maps for our mappool!

4K :
7K :

There is no rules! Only the stars that determine the diffculty. (I know SR osu!mania sucks but yee)
7K-press, LN, BMS, anything!

Thank you!
Topic Starter

egas00 wrote:


I'm as the leader of this tournament want to ask osu!mania players for a recommendation maps for our mappool!

4K :
7K :

There is no rules! Only the stars that determine the diffculty. (I know SR osu!mania sucks but yee)
7K-press, LN, BMS, anything!

Thank you!
Whoops, really didnt see this one! How is the tourney going?
Still selecting mappool from the suggestion box until May 13!
And then the registration will open. :D
Does anyone else play like this? I think I've gotten used to it now.
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I do think thats one of the best key configs! I find myself faster when I am using keys that are in the downside of the keyboard. But because mine is really dead I have to use the numbers D:

juankristal wrote:

I do think thats one of the best key configs! I find myself faster when I am using keys that are in the downside of the keyboard. But because mine is really dead I have to use the numbers D:
I have to play without keycaps or barely play at all. That's what I was referring to.
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LOL gg me. I can't do that tho haha. I can't hit the key and i cant hear the clicky sound x.x

juankristal wrote:

LOL gg me. I can't do that tho haha. I can't hit the key and i cant hear the clicky sound x.x
It works for me. New achievement :D/

Anyone? please help!

The score and percent did not showing in game! :(
What should i do! :(


Topic Starter

Sashime wrote:

Anyone? please help!

The score and percent did not showing in game! :(
What should i do! :(


Did you try doing shift+tab?

juankristal wrote:

Sashime wrote:

Anyone? please help!

The score and percent did not showing in game! :(
What should i do! :(


Did you try doing shift+tab?
Oh! Thank you, i forgot it.

Yes, i click shift+tab
Please, don't do V2 scoring, nobody like it, It's a HUGE step back.
Topic Starter

Todestrieb wrote:

Please, don't do V2 scoring, nobody like it, It's a HUGE step back.
Hey, we have a lot of time to make stuff better related to score v2! There is some stuff that HAS to be changed or discus at least (such as visual mods giving score advantage or the values or whatever). I think a score v2 for tournaments is indeed needed to make stuff more interesting and perhaps change the meta a little bit.

Will be hard to get used of combo being a thing but hey, mania is that kind of gamemode where you cant really underperform too much so giving combo a little bit more of importance is good in my opinion, underperforms and upsets will likely be something that we can see in MWC 4K now :D

Still, we HAVE to give all the feedback that we can to make it as close as perfection.
Soul Evans
I've been pretty much down on my 4k after 4 extensive months of playing 7k while i did rank up tons and got really good at 7k, i feel like in 4k i haven't improved at all. So i was thinking about doing a 2 month streak of playing nothing but 4k, but i don't want my 7k improvement to slow down either, aaaaa this is a really hard decision.

Soul Evans wrote:

I've been pretty much down on my 4k after 4 extensive months of playing 7k while i did rank up tons and got really good at 7k, i feel like in 4k i haven't improved at all. So i was thinking about doing a 2 month streak of playing nothing but 4k, but i don't want my 7k improvement to slow down either, aaaaa this is a really hard decision.
If you are like me, you would go a couple days without mania and then shit out 1 or 2 decent scores, call it day, and repeat. I just play casually most of the time as if I am a noob (whether that's is on purpose or not is for my subconscience to decide), and then pick a random day to unleash all that stored power.

So... I feel like a suck most of the time, but not always. Play 4k or 7k casually and go out sometimes? I dunno how that will work out as you are not me :D
Soul Evans

abraker wrote:

Soul Evans wrote:

I've been pretty much down on my 4k after 4 extensive months of playing 7k while i did rank up tons and got really good at 7k, i feel like in 4k i haven't improved at all. So i was thinking about doing a 2 month streak of playing nothing but 4k, but i don't want my 7k improvement to slow down either, aaaaa this is a really hard decision.
If you are like me, you would go a couple days without mania and then shit out 1 or 2 decent scores, call it day, and repeat. I just play casually most of the time as if I am a noob (whether that's is on purpose or not is for my subconscience to decide), and then pick a random day to unleash all that stored power.

So... I feel like a suck most of the time, but not always. Play 4k or 7k casually and go out sometimes? I dunno how that will work out as you are not me :D
My stamina will get worse in that case, for 7k maybe but for 4k my stamina is really essential for 4k since 6 star stuff are really dense so even when i see myself doing better than what i normally do at half of the map, i just die down because stamina
I'm still not sure why that happens. Like you are not training any muscles really, right? How I understand it is that the efficiency controlling fingers that fast comes from learning to do it. I always found myself tapping faster when I remember my technique for doing so - tap as briefly as possible and keep fingers off keytops as much as possible (like pretend the keyboard is hot as the sun or something). Would this imply we forget these things this easy or am I wrong and we actually do train our muscles on this? I really never understood. :?

There is also reading, but let's assume your ability to read doesnt degrade for the sake of what I am trying to say/ask.
Soul Evans
Just because i'm able to do hard maps doesn't mean i wont burn out in the process, like for me, i get an A on a 4k map and i find my arms dead from exhaustion.
When you play a hard map that's like, the max thing you can barely S or A you get a feel that your fore arms are burning and feeling tired, keep that feeling for too long, and you end up unable to play the map properly because your arms get really tired from the process of playing a difficult map. and yes in some cases you don't really rust but that's like for easy maps you don't really feel burn out from playing (unless it's like a 97-98% on a jumpstream map), but for maps that reaches your limits that's when you feel that you're draining stamina.

Soul Evans wrote:

Honestly I am not sure why players use the word stamina to describe their ability to maintain on a map. The term usage "have enough stamina to do a map" is so wrong imo. To me, that implies you are barely keeping up with the map. What you call "using stamina" to me is the resultant opposing force your fingers experience over time which comes from directing your fingers to go the opposite way they are going, which causes strain in the ligments. It's just lack of control in simple terms. If you have fine control of your finger movements such that you are not forcing them to move fast, then you shouldn't even feel any strain causing stamina depletion over time.

You can feel the burn out for either of two reasons: your reading ability is efficient enough but your hitting ability is not efficient enough or your read ability is not efficient enough and as a result your hitting ability is not efficient enough. Jumpstream and broken stream maps require good reading efficiency while jack maps require good hitting ability. If you are having trouble on dumpstreams and/or broken streams, then you reading ability is the bottle neck. If you are having trouble on jack maps like sewing machine or something similiarly easier, then your hitting ability is the bottle neck.

Soul Evans wrote:

My stamina will get worse in that case, for 7k maybe but for 4k my stamina is really essential for 4k since 6 star stuff are really dense so even when i see myself doing better than what i normally do at half of the map, i just die down because stamina
High level VSRG stuff is quite similar to high level guitar playing in this aspect. Speed comes from good finger technique, not from finger strength. Playing faster than your finger technique can handle results in your fingers tensing up, causing the mid-song muscle fatigue you described. With better finger technique, you can play the same song at the same (or greater) speed using less strength, less movement and therefore with less muscle fatigue.

On a slightly different note, playing songs where your fingers are constantly tensing up is probably not a good thing. You may be developing bad finger technique and get finger/hand injuries in the process. Playing at the limits of what you can comfortably play is better for preventing injuries and developing finger technique. Look at how some of the most skillful guitar players practiced, and you'll find they worked their way up to insane speeds by doing exactly this.
You still need to play relatively hard things (for your skill level) to improve technique. Playing something that is too easy makes it much harder to actually change your technique and see the difference that better technique makes.

Bobbias wrote:

You still need to play relatively hard things (for your skill level) to improve technique. Playing something that is too easy makes it much harder to actually change your technique and see the difference that better technique makes.
Agreed, let me rephrase that part of my previous post: Pushing the limits of what you can comfortably play is better for preventing injuries and developing finger technique. I.e., do challenge yourself, don't strain yourself.
Soul Evans
May i ask you, in what way do you think people would play to the point where their hands will get injured? you see, the it's very rare to get RSI from mania so that means there is only one possibility, Carpel tunnel, but that's if you played maps way out of your league+playing it constantly, i don't think players would go that far honestly. You should take into account that while you are right about finger technique, but the one i'm referring to when it comes to stamina. Let me ask you this, have you ever tried a Jumpstream marathon map? something like Icyworld charts, or even maps like blue army or we luv lama, well if that's the case yes well imagine that burning feeling increases for a long time to the point where you just can't handle it and end up failing to follow to the map, that's what i'm suffering from, to be unable to continue a map because i lost my stamina, if i had infinite stamina i could have easily played that map with an S or something higher in % it's like a runner in parkour, he knows how to do a backflip and trained on it but after he took a 4 month break he finds it difficult to execute, but he knows how to do it but his legs failed him.

Soul Evans wrote:

or even maps like blue army or we luv lama
Those used to burn, but I can do them without feeling a thing now since I learned to read the patterns.

Soul Evans wrote:

that's what i'm suffering from, to be unable to continue a map because i lost my stamina,
Is there possibility you just read less efficiently, hence forcing your fingers to strain while trying to keep up?
Soul Evans
I can 99% FC 5* jumpstreams and still feel the burn in my arms, so it's not a reading problem

Soul Evans wrote:

I can 99% FC 5* jumpstreams and still feel the burn in my arms, so it's not a reading problem
99% and feeling burns. Maybe you are forcing yourself to press keys and/or pressing keys too hard?
Osu!Mania is confined within it's play field. When will such limits be broken?
ok so I'm here to discuss who is the fastest player

The FASTEST o!m player EVER !!! OMG ^^
130 KPS!!11


step mania wrote:

Honestly anyone who says KPS doesn't equal into skill is wrong. KPS IS EVERYTHING!1!
8-) 8-)

Noderum wrote:

step mania wrote:

Honestly anyone who says KPS doesn't equal into skill is wrong. KPS IS EVERYTHING!1!
If we play 14k vibro can we get OVER 200 KPS AND BE #1 PLAYER OF ALL TIME?!!1?!

Yuudachi-kun wrote:

If we play 14k vibro can we get OVER 200 KPS AND BE #1 PLAYER OF ALL TIME?!!1?!
daily reminder kps=skill
high kps high acc = greatest player


step mania wrote:

high kps high acc = greatest player

U JusT JeaLoUs U Can'T KPS PausE amiTsu SpaM XXXX LoRD KorEaN GoD

holY Shit CaN yoU eveN FooL MoonS ? KPS MeTEr
^^ ofcourse
daily reminder: succ players never know their succ ^^

Noderum wrote:

step mania wrote:

Honestly anyone who says KPS doesn't equal into skill is wrong. KPS IS EVERYTHING!1!

step mania wrote:

i got like 200 kps in this am i #1 now or what ?????????????????????????

Fantasy wrote:

Attang has been slacking it so I'm hear to remind everyone that kps = skill.

That's it, move on with your life now.

Noderum wrote:

Attang has been slacking it so I'm hear to remind everyone that kps = skill.

That's it, move on with your life now.

Hello new to Osu! here but I am wondering if there is a may to get the extra beatmaps from the download section as 1 complete file instead of multiple files?
Topic Starter

jbomb99 wrote:

Hello new to Osu! here but I am wondering if there is a may to get the extra beatmaps from the download section as 1 complete file instead of multiple files?
There is something called beatmap packs which are on the beatmaps section->beatmap packs.
[ Scarlet Red ]

Conservation wrote:

step mania wrote:


i got like 200 kps in this am i #1 now or what ?????????????????????????

In that case let me just mash my keyboard really quick and join the mania world cup :^)
Does it count as a necropost if its a pinned topic? Maybe this thread is worth bringing back
general discussion ay? Well is it bad to not have your keys you press spread out and just have them lined up straight in a row because its cramped and you can't tap as fast?

jpsn wrote:

general discussion ay? Well is it bad to not have your keys you press spread out and just have them lined up straight in a row because its cramped and you can't tap as fast?
some players use the cramped playstyle, inteliser actually set some really good scores with it (ie rose quarts j5 93p aaa, but it's definitely worse if you're trying to improve. your fingers are constantly bumping into each other, especially your thumbs. i reccomend at least 3 keys of space between your inputs minimum, though you should play with the keybindings to see how much space works for you. i used to use qwop (6 keys of space between the inputs) for a while, and after switching to it from qwer i immediately improved. that said, a few months ago i switched to qw end pgdn (10+ keys of space) and noticed immediate improvement after switching to those keybinds as well. if i go back to qwop, i dont lose skill, but its just most comfortable for me to use qw end pgdown. play around with the spacing of your keybinds to find out what works best for you

PositoniX wrote:

jpsn wrote:

general discussion ay? Well is it bad to not have your keys you press spread out and just have them lined up straight in a row because its cramped and you can't tap as fast?
some players use the cramped playstyle, inteliser actually set some really good scores with it (ie rose quarts j5 93p aaa, but it's definitely worse if you're trying to improve. your fingers are constantly bumping into each other, especially your thumbs. i reccomend at least 3 keys of space between your inputs minimum, though you should play with the keybindings to see how much space works for you. i used to use qwop (6 keys of space between the inputs) for a while, and after switching to it from qwer i immediately improved. that said, a few months ago i switched to qw end pgdn (10+ keys of space) and noticed immediate improvement after switching to those keybinds as well. if i go back to qwop, i dont lose skill, but its just most comfortable for me to use qw end pgdown. play around with the spacing of your keybinds to find out what works best for you
wow thanks for the reply!
my rank does not appear
Hola, no se como piñas se hacen las teclas largas, nunca me salen con buena precision, como mejoro esa wea?
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