
Jason Paige - Pokemon Theme (TV Edit)

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10th Birthday of the show (and the American series in general).
I'm talking about the series officially registered and promoted as Pokémon, not Pocket Monsters. We already had the awkward celebration for the Japanese series.
144.91 BPM/4,024 Offset

Spacing is right on for the most part. Good stuff.

Topic Starter
Thanks. Changed timing to that. Also added hitsounds to Hard.

EDIT: And Normal's done kinda. Gotta look over that some more. In case you were wondering, some of the 'background noises' you hear are part of the opening.They're pretty much all from a Pokeball or a Pokemon making a sound. Watch the intro here if you don't believe me/wanna see: (Choose the high quality option, it's better)

Wizard Of Orz
-nothing except i think the spacing is a bit wide
-nothing except make hp drain regular and circle size 4
00:29:488 1,1,1 kill that ebil spacing
00:36:112 ^
00:42:737 ^^
00:53:295 ^^^
00:58:678 ^^^^ (maybe you can keep this part)
00:29:488 1,1,1 kill that ebil spacing
00:36:112 ^
00:40:046 either kill the claps or kill that
00:58:678 ^^^ (maybe you can keep this part)

i see you havent changed your ways of evil ekaru
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Changed those settings on Normal. I didn't bother changing my jumps. They're not even that big, they're easy to do, and they make sense to me.

LFTC = Looking for Timing Check
Try 144.95 BPM/4,030 Offset.
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^Thanks, changed it to that. Until another mod comments on the timing.
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Gabe is a mod queue now. Didn't you know this? No, not in the mod queue, he IS a mod queue. He said it himself!

...Someone drag gabe in here.

Also, I have the correct artist and song now. Before you ask, what I mean by TV Edit is... It's literally the TV Edit. And I still need another timing check. And I still need to know how much Insane sucks. And how half-assed Easy is. And... *gets shot*
(these fixes are debatable, but felt better to me. Spacing these is also needed if changed)
00:14:17 (2) - Make this 1/2 beat later
00:17:68 (2) - Shorten by 1/2 beat
00:20:17 (1) - No. Change it.
00:27:83 (5) - Move 1/2 beat later
00:41:07 (4) - 1/2 beat later, 1/2 beat shorter.
00:45:21 (3) - shorten by 2 repeats
00:49:76 (1) - 1/2 beat later

00:21:62 (5) - Preferably not. (The slight overlapping)
00:26:58 (1,2,3) - Preferably follow the song a bit better. (the "in" in "inside" is about the least accented note in the song, and nothing for "that's?")

00:14:48 (4) - I understand it's actually falls on that blue tick, but i 50'd it in both of my plays of this. So do whatever you want.

AHHHH I HATE THE SCOUNDS. Damn TV edits and their sounds that go with them....
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Fixed all of those things. And maybe I should actually bother getting the video. That might make it easier on some people's minds.

00:18:93 (3) - Too close to 2.

Normal is fine.

Hard is fine.
Topic Starter
Fixed, thanks.
After about 20 minutes of arguing if 00:10:03 (3) - should stay where it is or whether it should move 1/2 back, we have concluded that I've gone deaf and that it should stay where it is.

Ekaru has resnapped normal, as the first 2 beats weren't snapped. And maybe Hard.


I give thee...


And a bubble.
Bear with me. >>


00:05:27 (4) - Decrease length by a full beat (so it ends on "best")
00:07:75 (3) - Increase length by 1/2 beat
00:28:03 (5) - Increase length by 1/2 beat
00:44:80 (1,2,3) - Here's what I'd do here:
-Delete 2.
-Put 3 where 2 was in the timeline.
-Add 2 more repeats to 3.

I would also consider lowering the slider velocity a bit. Beginners may consider it too fast. Don't forget to double check distance spacings.


00:07:75 (4) - Decrease length by 1/2. Add some beats in the space afterwards.
00:12:10 (5) - Either decrease length by a full beat or increase by 1/2 beat. I'll let you decide.
00:18:31 (3,4) - Shift 1/2 beat forward in the timeline. Distance snap afterward of course.
00:25:14 (3) - See 00:12:10 (5)
00:27:83 (4) - Shift 1/2 beat forward, decrease length by 1/2 beat.
00:34:86 (5) - Decrease length by 1/2.
00:48:11 (4) - Delete the repeat. Add a beat 1/2 before 1 (at around the 00:50 mark)

Make sure everything's distance snapped.


00:10:23 - Add a beat here (1/2 after 3). Sounds better.
00:45:63 (4) - Decrease length by 1/2.

Otherwise, good. :)

Also, you might want to consider using the traditional poke ball colors as your combo colors:
Poke ball - red
Great ball - dark blue
Ultra ball - slightly dark yellow
Master ball - dark purple

Just a thought though.

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Fixed all those things, except I kept Easy's slider velocity the same, because in my attempt to fix it, I'd create a giant mess. XP

Oh and video's added.
All issues above are fixed, so I'll rebubble. :)
Ekaru I have a japanese orgasm. =)

PS (Add VideO)

wut? I can't see half of my numbers.

Fix it.

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Congratulations guys!

In less than 26 minutes, all three difficulties were SS'd! Congratulations, and mad props!

...DAMN that was quick.
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What, how the hell is it beating God Knows/Hare Hare Yukai? LIES! LIES! LIES!

...Is this what I get for mapping a song that a few people know? ;(

Ekaru wrote:


What, how the hell is it beating God Knows/Hare Hare Yukai? LIES! LIES! LIES!

...Is this what I get for mapping a song that everybody knows? ;(
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3rd this morning, 1st when I got home, and it's *finally* going down again. I don't like how so many people played this map, because I'm not too confident in it. XP So hopefully it'll get off the most played in the last 24 hours for good by tomorrow. :D WOOT! FINALLY!

EDIT: ...Or not.
Could you attach the original skin elements? =P
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Here are luigi's hit circles there were removed because of a graphical issue:

These belong to Luigihann, since he made them a while ago, so they're his. There you go.
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