
Poppin'Party - 1000-Kai urunda sora

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00:07:414 (1,2,3,4) - 换气这儿可以不要音符 把234摆成三角形
00:56:814 (4,1) - 好远。。
01:57:968 (2) - 出屏幕外了
02:38:683 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - 这几个滑条位置可以再斟酌一下
02:41:979 (3) - 可以换成一个短的 接下一个
02:45:276 (8) - new combo
02:54:507 (12) - new combo
03:36:292 (6,7,8) - 有点迷 短滑条可以去了 当然也许能成为一个很不错的更
03:38:188 (6,7) - 位置交换一下 567间距一样
04:16:265 (1,2,3,4) - 弄成三个长滑条
04:22:529 (10) - 跑出屏幕外了
04:36:869 (8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - 过度不是很平滑
04:41:155 (1,2,3) - 这个123应该跟456一样吧

好听 还有我涨了不少姿势呢
总之 谢谢mapper啦
Topic Starter

cjn1508 wrote:

00:07:414 (1,2,3,4) - 换气这儿可以不要音符 把234摆成三角形
00:56:814 (4,1) - 好远。。
01:57:968 (2) - 出屏幕外了
02:38:683 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - 这几个滑条位置可以再斟酌一下
02:41:979 (3) - 可以换成一个短的 接下一个
02:45:276 (8) - new combo
02:54:507 (12) - new combo
03:36:292 (6,7,8) - 有点迷 短滑条可以去了 当然也许能成为一个很不错的更
03:38:188 (6,7) - 位置交换一下 567间距一样
04:16:265 (1,2,3,4) - 弄成三个长滑条
04:22:529 (10) - 跑出屏幕外了
04:36:869 (8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - 过度不是很平滑
04:41:155 (1,2,3) - 这个123应该跟456一样吧

好听 还有我涨了不少姿势呢
总之 谢谢mapper啦
:) :) :)
嗯~~~~~ 你好哇~ 我來水摸

你的滑條可以簡單點 多用COPY 還有多用小工具轉向
大至上是滑條太短. 所以不好看

00:52:858 (5,1) - 1/1 的間距跟 1/2一樣 音樂上有停頓 感覺放在00:52:858 (5) - 疊住會有不錯的效果
01:09:836 (2) - 這個可以刪掉.
01:48:243 (1) - 多給他1格 感覺上比較順暢 (因為前後都是1/2 的空間 不然別人玩的時候在機械手按拍子就會亂掉)<-這點不明白可以再找我問 因為我覺得自己說得不清楚
02:03:737 (1) - ctrl+g 要注意來回滑條之後的方向 是否對準你之後要去的位置 / 順不順暢
03:04:726 (2) - 這個我覺得可以做3連打唷. 音樂上有支援
04:09:672 (1,2) - 感覺可以換1/1的滑條
04:12:309 (1) - 沒聽到聲音 可以換個1/1 移上前.放在紅線上 之後的白線放上圓
04:16:265 (2) - 可以轉成減速滑條到04:16:512 -
04:16:595 (3) - 可以跟上面一樣 做成3/4滑條 之後 04:16:924 - 放1/1滑條 -> 04:17:254 (4) - 不要
04:42:639 (1) - 拉長至04:43:792 -
04:45:111 (6) - 滑條尾巴有重音是很奇怪的.. 雖然我有時候都會這樣做
04:49:726 (3,4) - 這個疊住不好讀
04:51:045 (3) - 也是重音問題
05:08:353 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡是連打耶~
05:10:331 (1,2) - 滑條太短顯得後面的2找不出來
05:13:792 (9,10,11) - 可以給他們一個大間距 因為音樂上支援
05:14:287 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - 不知道在跟什麼音-.-'!!!


感覺上節奏掌握比我好 ;)

可是排版方面你要多看別人的RANK圖 找你喜歡的MAPPER 學習

加油 :)
Topic Starter

gary00737 wrote:

嗯~~~~~ 你好哇~ 我來水摸

你的滑條可以簡單點 多用COPY 還有多用小工具轉向
大至上是滑條太短. 所以不好看

00:52:858 (5,1) - 1/1 的間距跟 1/2一樣 音樂上有停頓 感覺放在00:52:858 (5) - 疊住會有不錯的效果
01:09:836 (2) - 這個可以刪掉.
01:48:243 (1) - 多給他1格 感覺上比較順暢 (因為前後都是1/2 的空間 不然別人玩的時候在機械手按拍子就會亂掉)<-這點不明白可以再找我問 因為我覺得自己說得不清楚
02:03:737 (1) - ctrl+g 要注意來回滑條之後的方向 是否對準你之後要去的位置 / 順不順暢
03:04:726 (2) - 這個我覺得可以做3連打唷. 音樂上有支援
04:09:672 (1,2) - 感覺可以換1/1的滑條
04:12:309 (1) - 沒聽到聲音 可以換個1/1 移上前.放在紅線上 之後的白線放上圓
04:16:265 (2) - 可以轉成減速滑條到04:16:512 -
04:16:595 (3) - 可以跟上面一樣 做成3/4滑條 之後 04:16:924 - 放1/1滑條 -> 04:17:254 (4) - 不要
04:42:639 (1) - 拉長至04:43:792 -
04:45:111 (6) - 滑條尾巴有重音是很奇怪的.. 雖然我有時候都會這樣做
04:49:726 (3,4) - 這個疊住不好讀
04:51:045 (3) - 也是重音問題
05:08:353 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡是連打耶~
05:10:331 (1,2) - 滑條太短顯得後面的2找不出來
05:13:792 (9,10,11) - 可以給他們一個大間距 因為音樂上支援
05:14:287 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - 不知道在跟什麼音-.-'!!!


感覺上節奏掌握比我好 ;)

可是排版方面你要多看別人的RANK圖 找你喜歡的MAPPER 學習

加油 :)

Thanks!! 大部分都有用!! :) :)
嗨~ 路過幫你MOD一下 目前正在學習幫別人MOD :)


一些可以在編輯使用的工具 連打的工具可以上方的編輯點開 然後把將滑調轉換的選像點下去就會有很完整的點打出現了
一般來說滑條的錨點可以少一點 滑條會看起來比較圓滑


Fans Insane

NC: New combo
Flow: 移動動線

00:39:507 (1) - 這個NC可以移除
00:52:858 (5,1) - 這個是想要呈現錯位的感覺嗎? 建議5移到X :41 Y:200 可以比較明顯
00:55:496 (6,1) - ^ 6移到 x :337 y:53
00:57:803 (3,5) - 5疊在3尾巴
01:03:243 (5,2) - 2疊在5尾巴
01:05:386 (1) - 前面的滑條頗快 到這裡突然變太慢 不太好 建議這個可以先降到1倍速 再依序慢慢的降到你想要的慢速滑條
01:10:001 (2,3) - 這兩個突然跳太遠了 會反應不及 需要平衡一下
01:37:364 (1,2) - 這兩個疊在一起應該比較好
01:41:814 (4,5) - 角度太折了 會卡手 且flow也不太好看
02:04:150 (4,5) - 這兩個連打疊得太近了 修一下吧
02:09:672 (1,2) - 這個的 1 2 跟後面這個 02:10:990 (1,2) - 我覺得前面可以+一點距離 前面那個有點近
02:15:276 (3,6) - 6疊在3尾巴
02:15:935 (6,9) - 9疊在6尾巴
02:25:166 (1,2) - 1稍微下挪點
02:27:968 (7,8,9) - 沒有疊好
02:53:188 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這邊這個錯位就變成有點難讀譜了 建議做成星型比較好看
02:54:095 (7,8) - 連打有點遠修正 靠近些
03:10:331 (5) - NC
03:24:672 (6,7,8) - 疊在一起比較好看
03:26:320 (5,6) - 角度太折了 卡手
03:43:133 (1,2,3) - 沒疊好
03:50:716 (2,3) - flow不優 可以把3移到x:385 y361 連帶這顆 03:51:210 (5) - 移到x:183 y342 參考看看
04:11:650 (5,6) - 直接把5放在6上面吧
04:26:897 (5,6) - 連打6靠近5一點吧
04:27:803 (5,6,7,8,9) - 連打疊好比較好看
04:45:276 (6) - NC
05:22:199 - 這點之後似乎有變速 可能要加一條紅線補正

加油~ :)
Topic Starter

leo16834 wrote:

嗨~ 路過幫你MOD一下 目前正在學習幫別人MOD :)


一些可以在編輯使用的工具 連打的工具可以上方的編輯點開 然後把將滑調轉換的選像點下去就會有很完整的點打出現了
一般來說滑條的錨點可以少一點 滑條會看起來比較圓滑


Fans Insane

NC: New combo
Flow: 移動動線

00:39:507 (1) - 這個NC可以移除
00:52:858 (5,1) - 這個是想要呈現錯位的感覺嗎? 建議5移到X :41 Y:200 可以比較明顯
00:55:496 (6,1) - ^ 6移到 x :337 y:53
00:57:803 (3,5) - 5疊在3尾巴
01:03:243 (5,2) - 2疊在5尾巴
01:05:386 (1) - 前面的滑條頗快 到這裡突然變太慢 不太好 建議這個可以先降到1倍速 再依序慢慢的降到你想要的慢速滑條
01:10:001 (2,3) - 這兩個突然跳太遠了 會反應不及 需要平衡一下
01:37:364 (1,2) - 這兩個疊在一起應該比較好
01:41:814 (4,5) - 角度太折了 會卡手 且flow也不太好看
02:04:150 (4,5) - 這兩個連打疊得太近了 修一下吧
02:09:672 (1,2) - 這個的 1 2 跟後面這個 02:10:990 (1,2) - 我覺得前面可以+一點距離 前面那個有點近
02:15:276 (3,6) - 6疊在3尾巴
02:15:935 (6,9) - 9疊在6尾巴
02:25:166 (1,2) - 1稍微下挪點
02:27:968 (7,8,9) - 沒有疊好
02:53:188 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這邊這個錯位就變成有點難讀譜了 建議做成星型比較好看
02:54:095 (7,8) - 連打有點遠修正 靠近些
03:10:331 (5) - NC
03:24:672 (6,7,8) - 疊在一起比較好看
03:26:320 (5,6) - 角度太折了 卡手
03:43:133 (1,2,3) - 沒疊好
03:50:716 (2,3) - flow不優 可以把3移到x:385 y361 連帶這顆 03:51:210 (5) - 移到x:183 y342 參考看看
04:11:650 (5,6) - 直接把5放在6上面吧
04:26:897 (5,6) - 連打6靠近5一點吧
04:27:803 (5,6,7,8,9) - 連打疊好比較好看
04:45:276 (6) - NC
05:22:199 - 這點之後似乎有變速 可能要加一條紅線補正

加油~ :)

谢谢!好了很多 :) :)
from m4m

Fans Insane

00:05:633 - 怎么感觉timing好迷,一开始这里的吉他音是比较大所以推荐弄个2连,你在00:05:716 - 放一个note不合适
00:05:716 (1,2,3,4) - 感觉你抓音好迷,这段是跟人还是跟吉他想清楚
但是到了00:14:287 - 你又不跟吉他了该有note又没note
00:16:265 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里也是然后00:17:913 (2) - 又是在跟了之前一直没跟的背景的钢琴 00:17:748 - 和 00:17:748 - 的人声又漏了
00:20:880 - 这里没音你却放了个滑条 overmap
00:22:858 (2) - 同

00:39:177 - 蜜汁绿线,作图要作好看点,像写代码一样(跑远了
00:39:012 (1,3) - 还是尽量不要弄这种叠或者贴边摆,要么就把它弄成一种模式化的东西
00:40:990 (5,2) - 和00:41:155 (6,3) - 要叠就间距一样的叠
00:42:309 (5,2) - 同上上,后面我就不再多说了
00:43:628 (4,5) - flow有点硬 00:43:957 (5) - 变速要NC,后面我也不多说了
00:43:957 (5,6) - 要包就包好一点要么就不要包
00:49:232 (6,9) - note和滑条尾叠
00:51:869 (1,5) - 这种可以叠就叠吧,后面也不多说了自己斟酌
00:55:001 (3,6) - 这种贴的就不太好看
00:55:825 (1,2) - ^
01:42:474 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - flow还是有点僵硬的感觉
01:55:166 (1,3,5) - 做成间距一样多好

然后挺关键的一点00:40:001 - 到00:43:957 - 是一个part
00:45:276 - 到00:49:232 - 是一个part,这两个part(节奏)都是一样的,为什么你放的note(节奏模式)是不同的

04:47:913 - 这里开始到这里04:52:529 - 一个节奏
04:58:463 - 这里开始到这里05:03:078 - 相同节奏


01:52:529 (1,2) - 个人认为ctrl g这里flow比较好打
03:18:737 (6,4) - 像这里就是没叠好的了(虽然说后面不说了但是还是忍不住说了 :o )
04:16:924 - 你这里是不是没把音量变回来
04:31:265 (1,2,3,5,6) - 像这种明显可以摆成弧形连打的形状
04:42:639 (1) - 好丑...
04:45:770 (2) - ^ 活用红锚点
05:15:606 (3) - ^
05:20:880 (3) - 拉弧形三点就够啦
05:23:446 (1) - 转盘请结束到05:26:821 - 这里,后面都没音了


总之加油吧,比我刚开始作图的时候好太多了,特别是flow方面 :)

Topic Starter

Yugu wrote:

from m4m

Fans Insane

00:05:633 - 怎么感觉timing好迷,一开始这里的吉他音是比较大所以推荐弄个2连,你在00:05:716 - 放一个note不合适
00:05:716 (1,2,3,4) - 感觉你抓音好迷,这段是跟人还是跟吉他想清楚
但是到了00:14:287 - 你又不跟吉他了该有note又没note
00:16:265 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里也是然后00:17:913 (2) - 又是在跟了之前一直没跟的背景的钢琴 00:17:748 - 和 00:17:748 - 的人声又漏了
00:20:880 - 这里没音你却放了个滑条 overmap
00:22:858 (2) - 同

00:39:177 - 蜜汁绿线,作图要作好看点,像写代码一样(跑远了
00:39:012 (1,3) - 还是尽量不要弄这种叠或者贴边摆,要么就把它弄成一种模式化的东西
00:40:990 (5,2) - 和00:41:155 (6,3) - 要叠就间距一样的叠
00:42:309 (5,2) - 同上上,后面我就不再多说了
00:43:628 (4,5) - flow有点硬 00:43:957 (5) - 变速要NC,后面我也不多说了
00:43:957 (5,6) - 要包就包好一点要么就不要包
00:49:232 (6,9) - note和滑条尾叠
00:51:869 (1,5) - 这种可以叠就叠吧,后面也不多说了自己斟酌
00:55:001 (3,6) - 这种贴的就不太好看
00:55:825 (1,2) - ^
01:42:474 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - flow还是有点僵硬的感觉
01:55:166 (1,3,5) - 做成间距一样多好

然后挺关键的一点00:40:001 - 到00:43:957 - 是一个part
00:45:276 - 到00:49:232 - 是一个part,这两个part(节奏)都是一样的,为什么你放的note(节奏模式)是不同的

04:47:913 - 这里开始到这里04:52:529 - 一个节奏
04:58:463 - 这里开始到这里05:03:078 - 相同节奏


01:52:529 (1,2) - 个人认为ctrl g这里flow比较好打
03:18:737 (6,4) - 像这里就是没叠好的了(虽然说后面不说了但是还是忍不住说了 :o )
04:16:924 - 你这里是不是没把音量变回来
04:31:265 (1,2,3,5,6) - 像这种明显可以摆成弧形连打的形状
04:42:639 (1) - 好丑...
04:45:770 (2) - ^ 活用红锚点
05:15:606 (3) - ^
05:20:880 (3) - 拉弧形三点就够啦
05:23:446 (1) - 转盘请结束到05:26:821 - 这里,后面都没音了


总之加油吧,比我刚开始作图的时候好太多了,特别是flow方面 :)


感谢!大部分都修改过了 :) :)
hello, since KantanDez having crappy internet, I'll be the one who will mod this map instead of him (from here : p/6083587).
I'm noob modder so pls no bully.

  1. Source should be BanG Dream!
  2. just a suggestion though, why not set previous time on 03:03:902 - instead for highlighting the chorus?
Fans Insane
  1. 00:08:353 (1,2) - I recommend to remake them with same shape, copy 00:09:672 (2) - on 00:08:353 - then rotate to 90degree clockwise would be great
  2. 00:05:716 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3) - no hitsounds on long period of time isn't rankable iirc, please put at least whistle on white ticks such as 00:05:716 - 00:07:034 - 00:08:353 - etc. where the guitar''s rhythm was there
  3. 00:26:814 (1) - this spinner should end in 00:29:452 - as vocals are ending, also it would be great if you mapper the next vocal section starting on 00:31:100 -
  4. 00:39:672 (3) - avoid overlap with 00:39:012 (1) - for visual matter, around 435|185 should be enough
  5. 01:33:902 (4) - 01:34:562 (1) - why not 2 circles for consistency? these were the only two i've seen you mapped as 1/4 sliders on this whole instrumental section
  6. 02:14:287 (3) - overmapped, there's no 1/4 rhythm and here and please make 02:14:617 - clickable for that strong drum
  7. 02:16:265 (7) - NC, then remove NC on 02:16:924 - ,then NC again on 02:17:584 - ,and finally remove NC on 02:18:243 - for making it consistent (6 combo per color)
  8. 03:04:562 - 03:04:644 - you missed those drums ;w;
  9. 04:16:265 (2) - NC here as you have large gap with 04:14:946 (1) -
  10. 04:41:155 (1,2,3) - vs. 04:42:144 (4,5,6) - why their distance different while the combo color is still the same? I can suggest adding NC on 04:42:144 (4) - or make 'em same spacing
  11. 05:01:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - circular flow here plays kinda boring so ye add some interesting patterns instead like zig-zags or triangles or something
  12. 05:23:446 (1) - this should be ended on 05:26:633 - for the ending vocals w
good luck and please tell KantanDez that he's gay
Topic Starter

Akitoshi wrote:

hello, since KantanDez having crappy internet, I'll be the one who will mod this map instead of him (from here : p/6083587).
I'm noob modder so pls no bully.

  1. Source should be BanG Dream!
  2. just a suggestion though, why not set previous time on 03:03:902 - instead for highlighting the chorus?
Fans Insane
  1. 00:08:353 (1,2) - I recommend to remake them with same shape, copy 00:09:672 (2) - on 00:08:353 - then rotate to 90degree clockwise would be great
  2. 00:05:716 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3) - no hitsounds on long period of time isn't rankable iirc, please put at least whistle on white ticks such as 00:05:716 - 00:07:034 - 00:08:353 - etc. where the guitar''s rhythm was there
  3. 00:26:814 (1) - this spinner should end in 00:29:452 - as vocals are ending, also it would be great if you mapper the next vocal section starting on 00:31:100 -
  4. 00:39:672 (3) - avoid overlap with 00:39:012 (1) - for visual matter, around 435|185 should be enough
  5. 01:33:902 (4) - 01:34:562 (1) - why not 2 circles for consistency? these were the only two i've seen you mapped as 1/4 sliders on this whole instrumental section
  6. 02:14:287 (3) - overmapped, there's no 1/4 rhythm and here and please make 02:14:617 - clickable for that strong drum
  7. 02:16:265 (7) - NC, then remove NC on 02:16:924 - ,then NC again on 02:17:584 - ,and finally remove NC on 02:18:243 - for making it consistent (6 combo per color)
  8. 03:04:562 - 03:04:644 - you missed those drums ;w;
  9. 04:16:265 (2) - NC here as you have large gap with 04:14:946 (1) -
  10. 04:41:155 (1,2,3) - vs. 04:42:144 (4,5,6) - why their distance different while the combo color is still the same? I can suggest adding NC on 04:42:144 (4) - or make 'em same spacing
  11. 05:01:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - circular flow here plays kinda boring so ye add some interesting patterns instead like zig-zags or triangles or something
  12. 05:23:446 (1) - this should be ended on 05:26:633 - for the ending vocals w
good luck and please tell KantanDez that he's gay

ok thank you !! I fixed most of the tips :)
hi from #modreqs :D

00:08:049 (5,6,7) - stack?
00:08:379 (7) - new combo here, on the white tick
00:09:533 (1) - disable new combo here
00:09:533 (1) - overlap, could cause reading problem since there's a 1/1 gap between this and 00:08:873 (8) - . probably moving this further away
00:14:148 (2) - sharp angle doesn't fit, consider turning this into a curve slider
00:16:621 (5) - new combo here, because the sound if different from the previous combo
00:18:599 (3,4,1) - again, stack or not? if yes, then stack properly.
00:21:236 (1) - there's no reason to put a new combo here
00:34:093 (6,7) - you should use the same slider shape here since these two sounds are pretty similar
00:49:258 (5) - new combo here
00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - these can represent the song better by increasing distance between each object, like this:01:04:093 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as above
01:32:774 (1) - from this until 01:36:731 (3) - , slider velocity should be much higher because the of the song's intensity, maybe at least 1.5x
01:42:500 (1,2,3) - these are place to close to the previous note -> low emphasis, consider moving these further away
01:34:093 (5) - new combo should start here, not 01:34:588 (1) -
01:35:412 (4,5) - same as above
01:38:049 (4,1) - here as well
01:39:368 (4,1) - and here too
01:44:643 (5,1) - these too
01:45:961 (4) - new combo here
01:47:280 (2) - combo should start here, not 01:46:950 (1) -
01:48:269 (1,2) - same here
02:20:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the same as 00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - , can better represent the song by increasing distance after each note
02:37:637 (8,9) - move herefor aesthetic
02:38:544 (5) - should stack with 02:38:379 (4) - because there is no clear sound there
02:38:709 (6) - new combo here
02:57:500 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as 00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5), maybe try this?03:00:714 (2,3) - move herefor aesthetic
03:14:313 (5) - new combo here
03:24:698 (6,7,8) - stack properly please
03:32:774 (7) - new combo here, not 03:33:269 (1) -
03:36:236 (5,6) - stack properly
03:36:731 (8) - new combo here
03:36:895 (9,10) - stack properly
03:39:945 (3,4) - move herefor aesthetic
03:40:687 (7) - new combo here
03:43:159 (1,2,3) - stack properly
03:47:280 (4) - new combo here
04:11:676 (5,6) - stack properly
04:21:566 (6) - new combo here
04:32:445 (2) - move here04:33:351 (6,7) - same here
04:33:599 (8,9) - stack properly
04:34:093 (1,2,3,4,5) - here too
04:34:752 (6) - new combo here
05:16:621 (4,5,1) - stack properly

  1. inconsistent combo, new combo should start on long white ticks in the timeline
  2. ridiculously complex sliders, sliders don't need that many white anchors, 1 is enough. too many can make the slider looks dull.
Anyway, nice map, nice song. Good luck!
Hello mod from my queue~
Fans Insane
  1. Oookay since you said this is your 3rd map (which makes you relatively new) I'll try to keep this more on the overall side (with examples). That will help you more I hope
  2. First of all, always time your maps properly, now here your ending from 05:20:906 - is kinda lackingly timed, the music is slowing down, but you only use one additional timing point. It's not enough to properly time that, atleast it doesn't sound correct enough (like, you can already notice it's slowing down since your additional timing point, which is on a sound that is on the 1st tick, isn't located on the tick but after it). So first of all time the ending
  3. For your AR OD and HP, those can kinda wait since they are very easy to fix, but just saying they kinda don't look too fitting for this
  4. Then you need to hitsound this with more thought, for example the current sliderslides on the parts with soft hitsound variable are way too loud and so on
  5. For playability parts, couple things. Keep it consistent, like when you have larger spacing here 02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - than the last kiai of the song. Then awkward combinations of sharp angles and linear flow like for example 02:50:247 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - don't really work if they don't clearly emphasis something in the music.
  6. Then for visuals, a lot of things but I'll give few here. Basically just always try to make everything look as cool as you can, that will improve you. For example avoid overlaps that clearly aren't executing some idea or just look plain bad even when doing that (such as 00:57:829 (3,5) - or 05:10:357 (1,2) - where it actually doesn't really make sense to have it positioned like that anyways); Don't use too many different slider shapes without any meaning behind them (like at 01:16:950 (1,2,3) - 04:57:170 (1,2,3,4) - or just the whole beginning section, kinda same with the ending section too). Actually the slider shapes aren't just visually kinda questionable here, but making strongly curved sliders can affect flow negatively too if not put thought into how to execute it
  7. Also finally you could also look a little at your NCing (for example 01:27:500 (6,1,2) - 01:34:093 (5,1,2) - and so on) there were places that didn't really make sense the way they were. Just usually NC according to the white ticks, but if the music is emphasising smth else (like for example the fairly common 1/2 before the white tick emphasis) you can NC according to those kind of stuff too.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Stormiverse wrote:

hi from #modreqs :D

00:08:049 (5,6,7) - stack?
00:08:379 (7) - new combo here, on the white tick
00:09:533 (1) - disable new combo here
00:09:533 (1) - overlap, could cause reading problem since there's a 1/1 gap between this and 00:08:873 (8) - . probably moving this further away
00:14:148 (2) - sharp angle doesn't fit, consider turning this into a curve slider
00:16:621 (5) - new combo here, because the sound if different from the previous combo
00:18:599 (3,4,1) - again, stack or not? if yes, then stack properly.
00:21:236 (1) - there's no reason to put a new combo here
00:34:093 (6,7) - you should use the same slider shape here since these two sounds are pretty similar
00:49:258 (5) - new combo here
00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - these can represent the song better by increasing distance between each object, like this:01:04:093 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as above
01:32:774 (1) - from this until 01:36:731 (3) - , slider velocity should be much higher because the of the song's intensity, maybe at least 1.5x
01:42:500 (1,2,3) - these are place to close to the previous note -> low emphasis, consider moving these further away
01:34:093 (5) - new combo should start here, not 01:34:588 (1) -
01:35:412 (4,5) - same as above
01:38:049 (4,1) - here as well
01:39:368 (4,1) - and here too
01:44:643 (5,1) - these too
01:45:961 (4) - new combo here
01:47:280 (2) - combo should start here, not 01:46:950 (1) -
01:48:269 (1,2) - same here
02:20:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the same as 00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - , can better represent the song by increasing distance after each note
02:37:637 (8,9) - move herefor aesthetic
02:38:544 (5) - should stack with 02:38:379 (4) - because there is no clear sound there
02:38:709 (6) - new combo here
02:57:500 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as 00:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5), maybe try this?03:00:714 (2,3) - move herefor aesthetic
03:14:313 (5) - new combo here
03:24:698 (6,7,8) - stack properly please
03:32:774 (7) - new combo here, not 03:33:269 (1) -
03:36:236 (5,6) - stack properly
03:36:731 (8) - new combo here
03:36:895 (9,10) - stack properly
03:39:945 (3,4) - move herefor aesthetic
03:40:687 (7) - new combo here
03:43:159 (1,2,3) - stack properly
03:47:280 (4) - new combo here
04:11:676 (5,6) - stack properly
04:21:566 (6) - new combo here
04:32:445 (2) - move here04:33:351 (6,7) - same here
04:33:599 (8,9) - stack properly
04:34:093 (1,2,3,4,5) - here too
04:34:752 (6) - new combo here
05:16:621 (4,5,1) - stack properly

  1. inconsistent combo, new combo should start on long white ticks in the timeline
  2. ridiculously complex sliders, sliders don't need that many white anchors, 1 is enough. too many can make the slider looks dull.
Anyway, nice map, nice song. Good luck!
Thanks!! most of repair :)
Topic Starter

TheKingHenry wrote:

Hello mod from my queue~
Fans Insane
  1. Oookay since you said this is your 3rd map (which makes you relatively new) I'll try to keep this more on the overall side (with examples). That will help you more I hope
  2. First of all, always time your maps properly, now here your ending from 05:20:906 - is kinda lackingly timed, the music is slowing down, but you only use one additional timing point. It's not enough to properly time that, atleast it doesn't sound correct enough (like, you can already notice it's slowing down since your additional timing point, which is on a sound that is on the 1st tick, isn't located on the tick but after it). So first of all time the ending
  3. For your AR OD and HP, those can kinda wait since they are very easy to fix, but just saying they kinda don't look too fitting for this
  4. Then you need to hitsound this with more thought, for example the current sliderslides on the parts with soft hitsound variable are way too loud and so on
  5. For playability parts, couple things. Keep it consistent, like when you have larger spacing here 02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - than the last kiai of the song. Then awkward combinations of sharp angles and linear flow like for example 02:50:247 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - don't really work if they don't clearly emphasis something in the music.
  6. Then for visuals, a lot of things but I'll give few here. Basically just always try to make everything look as cool as you can, that will improve you. For example avoid overlaps that clearly aren't executing some idea or just look plain bad even when doing that (such as 00:57:829 (3,5) - or 05:10:357 (1,2) - where it actually doesn't really make sense to have it positioned like that anyways); Don't use too many different slider shapes without any meaning behind them (like at 01:16:950 (1,2,3) - 04:57:170 (1,2,3,4) - or just the whole beginning section, kinda same with the ending section too). Actually the slider shapes aren't just visually kinda questionable here, but making strongly curved sliders can affect flow negatively too if not put thought into how to execute it
  7. Also finally you could also look a little at your NCing (for example 01:27:500 (6,1,2) - 01:34:093 (5,1,2) - and so on) there were places that didn't really make sense the way they were. Just usually NC according to the white ticks, but if the music is emphasising smth else (like for example the fairly common 1/2 before the white tick emphasis) you can NC according to those kind of stuff too.
Good luck!
Thanks !! :)
00:48:599 (3) - this slider broke the floow
00:55:851 (7) - add NC
00:56:840 (3) - leave the slider in x:368 y:236 becomes more comfortable
00:58:489 (5) - NC
00:59:148 (1) - remove NC
01:35:494 (1) - put this slider in the previous white tick
01:37:060 - add circle
01:41:016 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - arrange these jumps they are very uncomfortable
01:42:747 - add circle have sound
01:53:873 (3) - NC
02:05:412 (4) - floow break
02:25:110 - add circle
02:31:950 (7) - should not that slider start here? 02:31:785 (6) -
02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - uncomfortable jump
02:41:016 (4) - floow break
03:22:225 (11) - NC

i've added the most relevant errors on the map (in my opinion)

the music and map is very good

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

yShadowXOP_ wrote:

00:48:599 (3) - this slider broke the floow
00:55:851 (7) - add NC
00:56:840 (3) - leave the slider in x:368 y:236 becomes more comfortable
00:58:489 (5) - NC
00:59:148 (1) - remove NC
01:35:494 (1) - put this slider in the previous white tick
01:37:060 - add circle
01:41:016 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - arrange these jumps they are very uncomfortable
01:42:747 - add circle have sound
01:53:873 (3) - NC
02:05:412 (4) - floow break
02:25:110 - add circle
02:31:950 (7) - should not that slider start here? 02:31:785 (6) -
02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - uncomfortable jump
02:41:016 (4) - floow break
03:22:225 (11) - NC

i've added the most relevant errors on the map (in my opinion)

the music and map is very good

Good luck :)
Thanks very much!! :)
提几点 回复别人mod的时候最好在quote中对方每一条mod的后面都写上自己是否接受以及理由,这样摸图者可以得到良好反馈,你自己的回复也可以让后面的摸图者知道可能你有使用一些特殊的梗或者有特殊的音效分布之类
例如:(以下时间轴和物件以及建议均为瞎写的 不是在摸这张图 这张图我稍后(咕)会贴一篇mod)
00:10:856 (3) - NC
00:10:856 (3) - NC fixed :arrow: 用不同颜色或者其他标记来写出你自己的话
00:10:856 (3) - NC ok.
00:10:856 (3) - NC 好的
00:10:856 (3) - NC I think it's not necessary.
00:10:856 (3) - NC Maybe not NC will be better
00:10:856 (3) - NC 这里我不NC主要是想与后面保持一致
hello there

improper timing. the offset should be somewhere around 10ms sooner (around 5734)

[box=[Fans Insane:1337]]
00:06:071 (1) - sv seems high for such a quiet section
00:08:049 (5) - fix stacking
00:18:599 (6) - ^
00:25:514 (5) - the singer isn't exactly in time for these notes here. i would recommend something like timing-wise and possibly muting the ends of sliders
00:31:942 (3) - switching between the instrumental and the vocals here is a bit confusing and overmapped
00:33:755 (5) - what does this correspond to in the music?
00:37:382 () - something should probably go here, spinner or otherwise
00:54:854 (2) - this pattern's distance snapping and placement is all over the place
01:04:085 (2) - ^
01:14:305 (1) - this slider is partially off-screen. also, something to consider here and several other places in the song: this slider is pointing in the complete opposite direction of the next combo. this is fine in gimmicks, but otherwise throws off the flow of the map.
01:15:294 (3) - blanket fix
01:16:613 (6) - this jump is extreme for this section; too much of a spike in difficulty
01:17:602 (2) - off-screen
01:35:239 (4) - very out of place in this section of 1/4 jumps; double the distance of others
01:35:898 (2) - ^ (except more than double this time)
01:47:766 (3) - stacking
01:56:338 (8) - i've noticed here and in other sections rather crooked triples and streams. use distance snapping and object scaling to make these straighter, or place a slider with few points as a reference as you place the stream
02:02:931 (5) - again, very oddly spaced clump
02:33:426 (1) - ^
02:38:371 (4) - stacking
02:54:030 (6) - consider starting a new combo here
03:03:096 (1) - and here
03:17:437 (2) - stacking
03:24:690 (6) - ^
03:40:184 (1) - again, try to smooth stream out
03:43:151 (1) - stacking
03:45:459 (5) - this is a really tight curve for a 4* map; consider widening this a bit
03:48:920 (2) - clump again
04:16:283 (1) - these 1/4 stream jumps aren't representing anything in the music. i would remove them altogether
04:27:821 (5) - tight and uneven curve again
04:28:810 (1) - more odd spacing
04:33:591 (8) - stacking (just the tiniest bit off)
04:34:085 (1) - stacking
04:36:640 (5) - tightest curve and most uneven stream in here
05:22:135 (7) - the slower tempo actually happens before you have it placed, and these notes are off as a result
a word of advice: try to listen to the music as you place notes. your main goal in mapping is to match the map to the song as much as possible.

good luck friendo ♡
Greetings from #modreqs
taking you up on that M4M here.
M4M Map:
(There's 10 42 second maps, so just pick and choose as many as you feel is justified from this mod) :P


I - Hitsounds:
Good, clear use of hitsound control. :)

II - Design:
Your map doesn't have any storyboards. Go to song_setup/design and disable widescreen support to reduce lag.
Combo Colours are not a matter of urgency, but there could be potential to use only bright colours to reflect the mood of the song.

III - Timing:
Have you considered the preview point? Just a suggestion, but having it start just before a Kiai moment might be worthwhile. (Example: 03:04:093)
SV's in the calm sections feel a little too fast to me (opinion) Will go into more detail later.

[Fans Insane]

00:11:016 (1,2,3) - Slider might work better as a 1/1 slider so that there isn't an unnecessary beat on the slider tail.
00:18:599 (6,7,1) - Stacking choice, or stacking alignment error? the two circles could line up better with the slider here in this section. something like this.
00:23:214 (2) - Don't think that shape works too well with that SV, given that you've almost doubled SV within the same combo.
00:26:676 (8,9) - This rhythm feels a little unintuitive. I know it's supposed to be following the vocals here, but the pulse is a little stronger here on the red tick, rather than the blue one.
There's some issues I'm finding in the section spanning from 00:40:027 - 00:59:807. A lot of spacing choices don't feel as though they work too well in this section, given its relative intensity levels in the music. Be careful with stacks into objects like 00:47:610 (5,6,1) as the player will struggle to snap to the next point after they've been made to wait on a stack. consider moving stack or slider closer to each other.
00:50:577 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This spacing and pattern works well here. Consider using this pattern as a guideline for making adjustments to some of the other patterns here.
01:26:181 (4,5,6,1,2) - Good use of SV here :D
01:32:610 (1,1) - Objects might work better stacked as they are representing the same musical idea in the song. (opinion) Possibly apply the same logic across the next few seconds of music as well.
01:42:170 (1,2,3,1,2,3) versus 01:42:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) is quite a big change to stream density. I wonder if it might benefit from a slight spacing adjustment on either one of those sets.
02:09:038 (2,1) - This space in music feels a little strange, given the intensity of 02:07:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - that came beforehand.
02:14:313 (3) - (Opinion) This could work well as a slider that only repeats once, with a circle on the white tick.
02:27:829 (6) - Very Small aesthetic thing, but might be better to move this circle slightly higher up on the grid.
02:31:785 (6,7) - Slider first, Circle after. That way, it matches 02:30:796 (1,2)
02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - circles versus intensity again. Consider this configuration
02:38:379 (4,5) - Might not be a good idea to stack these as they are 1/2 beat apart.
02:38:709 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Pretty pattern! :)
02:54:533 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This build up section works really well!
02:59:643 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2) - This section, not so much. Consider making 02:59:972 (4,5) - Slider then circle. (infact, after testing that whole section with that one tweak, it played soo much better!)
03:17:445 (2,3,4) - Stacking
03:21:731 (6) - Might want to move that out from under where (3) in the combo is. (Opinion)
03:22:143 (10,1) - Stacking
03:23:873 (9,1) - Why is this a new combo? (Just curious)
03:43:159 (1,2,3) - Stacked objects all directly overlap. Not sure whether this was your intention here.
03:48:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (Opinion) Note 1 in the combo gives great emphasis on the snare. You could allow that emphasis to continue throughout this combo.
04:34:340 (4,5) - Stacking
05:01:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This combo could reflect the music a little better.
05:08:049 (7,8,1) - Again, snapping to the next note in the new combo given the two prior obects are stacked, at a distance, and have a 1/2 beat divider.
05:22:143 (7,1,2,1) - Ending is not quite timed right. Might want to use a few more sliders in these final few moments to give a bit of accuracy lenience as the bpm slows down in the song.

Looking very promising! best of luck with this map, and future iterations! :D
Topic Starter

grindiee wrote:

hello there

improper timing. the offset should be somewhere around 10ms sooner (around 5734)

[box=[Fans Insane:1337]]
00:06:071 (1) - sv seems high for such a quiet section
00:08:049 (5) - fix stacking
00:18:599 (6) - ^^
00:25:514 (5) - the singer isn't exactly in time for these notes here. i would recommend something like ^ timing-wise and possibly muting the ends of sliders
00:31:942 (3) - switching between the instrumental and the vocals here is a bit confusing and overmapped
00:33:755 (5) - what does this correspond to in the music?I correspond the vocies
00:37:382 () - something should probably go here, spinner or otherwise
00:54:854 (2) - this pattern's distance snapping and placement is all over the placefixed
01:04:085 (2) - ^
01:14:305 (1) - this slider is partially off-screen. also, something to consider here and several other places in the song: this slider is pointing in the complete opposite direction of the next combo. this is fine in gimmicks, but otherwise throws off the flow of the map.
01:15:294 (3) - blanket fix^
01:16:613 (6) - this jump is extreme for this section; too much of a spike in difficultyok
01:17:602 (2) - off-screen ^
01:35:239 (4) - very out of place in this section of 1/4 jumps; double the distance of others fixed
01:35:898 (2) - ^ (except more than double this time)
01:47:766 (3) - stacking fix
01:56:338 (8) - i've noticed here and in other sections rather crooked triples and streams. use distance snapping and object scaling to make these straighter, or place a slider with few points as a reference as you place the stream
02:02:931 (5) - again, very oddly spaced clumpfixed
02:33:426 (1) - ^
02:38:371 (4) - stackingthe vocies have a brief pause , i think it is better
02:54:030 (6) - consider starting a new combo herefixed
03:03:096 (1) - and here^
03:17:437 (2) - stacking^
03:24:690 (6) - ^^
03:40:184 (1) - again, try to smooth stream out
03:43:151 (1) - stacking
03:45:459 (5) - this is a really tight curve for a 4* map; consider widening this a bit
03:48:920 (2) - clump again
04:16:283 (1) - these 1/4 stream jumps aren't representing anything in the music. i would remove them altogether
04:27:821 (5) - tight and uneven curve again
04:28:810 (1) - more odd spacing
04:33:591 (8) - stacking (just the tiniest bit off)fixed
04:34:085 (1) - stacking ^
04:36:640 (5) - tightest curve and most uneven stream in here
05:22:135 (7) - the slower tempo actually happens before you have it placed, and these notes are off as a result

a word of advice: try to listen to the music as you place notes. your main goal in mapping is to match the map to the song as much as possible.

good luck friendo ♡
:) :) thanks!!!
Topic Starter

[Crz]Sword wrote:

提几点 回复别人mod的时候最好在quote中对方每一条mod的后面都写上自己是否接受以及理由,这样摸图者可以得到良好反馈,你自己的回复也可以让后面的摸图者知道可能你有使用一些特殊的梗或者有特殊的音效分布之类
例如:(以下时间轴和物件以及建议均为瞎写的 不是在摸这张图 这张图我稍后(咕)会贴一篇mod)
00:10:856 (3) - NC
00:10:856 (3) - NC fixed :arrow: 用不同颜色或者其他标记来写出你自己的话
00:10:856 (3) - NC ok.
00:10:856 (3) - NC 好的
00:10:856 (3) - NC I think it's not necessary.
00:10:856 (3) - NC Maybe not NC will be better
00:10:856 (3) - NC 这里我不NC主要是想与后面保持一致
好的!感谢大大 :) :)
Topic Starter

Respirte wrote:

Greetings from #modreqs
taking you up on that M4M here.
M4M Map:
(There's 10 42 second maps, so just pick and choose as many as you feel is justified from this mod) :P


I - Hitsounds:
Good, clear use of hitsound control. :)

II - Design:
Your map doesn't have any storyboards. Go to song_setup/design and disable widescreen support to reduce lag.
Combo Colours are not a matter of urgency, but there could be potential to use only bright colours to reflect the mood of the song.

III - Timing:
Have you considered the preview point? Just a suggestion, but having it start just before a Kiai moment might be worthwhile. (Example: 03:04:093)
SV's in the calm sections feel a little too fast to me (opinion) Will go into more detail later. add it

[Fans Insane]

00:11:016 (1,2,3) - Slider might work better as a 1/1 slider so that there isn't an unnecessary beat on the slider tail.
00:18:599 (6,7,1) - Stacking choice, or stacking alignment error? the two circles could line up better with the slider here in this section. something like this.
00:23:214 (2) - Don't think that shape works too well with that SV, given that you've almost doubled SV within the same combo.
00:26:676 (8,9) - This rhythm feels a little unintuitive. I know it's supposed to be following the vocals here, but the pulse is a little stronger here on the red tick, rather than the blue one.
There's some issues I'm finding in the section spanning from 00:40:027 - 00:59:807. A lot of spacing choices don't feel as though they work too well in this section, given its relative intensity levels in the music. Be careful with stacks into objects like 00:47:610 (5,6,1) as the player will struggle to snap to the next point after they've been made to wait on a stack. consider moving stack or slider closer to each other. ok
00:50:577 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This spacing and pattern works well here. Consider using this pattern as a guideline for making adjustments to some of the other patterns here.
01:26:181 (4,5,6,1,2) - Good use of SV here :D
01:32:610 (1,1) - Objects might work better stacked as they are representing the same musical idea in the song. (opinion) Possibly apply the same logic across the next few seconds of music as well.
01:42:170 (1,2,3,1,2,3) versus 01:42:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) is quite a big change to stream density. I wonder if it might benefit from a slight spacing adjustment on either one of those sets.fixed
02:09:038 (2,1) - This space in music feels a little strange, given the intensity of 02:07:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - that came beforehand.fixed!
02:14:313 (3) - (Opinion) This could work well as a slider that only repeats once, with a circle on the white tick.
02:27:829 (6) - Very Small aesthetic thing, but might be better to move this circle slightly higher up on the grid.
02:31:785 (6,7) - Slider first, Circle after. That way, it matches 02:30:796 (1,2)fixed
02:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - circles versus intensity again. Consider this configuration
02:38:379 (4,5) - Might not be a good idea to stack these as they are 1/2 beat apart.
02:38:709 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Pretty pattern! :)
02:54:533 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This build up section works really well!
02:59:643 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2) - This section, not so much. Consider making 02:59:972 (4,5) - Slider then circle. (infact, after testing that whole section with that one tweak, it played soo much better!)
03:17:445 (2,3,4) - Stacking
03:21:731 (6) - Might want to move that out from under where (3) in the combo is. (Opinion)
03:22:143 (10,1) - Stacking
03:23:873 (9,1) - Why is this a new combo? (Just curious)
03:43:159 (1,2,3) - Stacked objects all directly overlap. Not sure whether this was your intention here.^
03:48:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (Opinion) Note 1 in the combo gives great emphasis on the snare. You could allow that emphasis to continue throughout this combo. idea!I fixed it
04:34:340 (4,5) - Stacking
05:01:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This combo could reflect the music a little better.
05:08:049 (7,8,1) - Again, snapping to the next note in the new combo given the two prior obects are stacked, at a distance, and have a 1/2 beat divider.
05:22:143 (7,1,2,1) - Ending is not quite timed right. Might want to use a few more sliders in these final few moments to give a bit of accuracy lenience as the bpm slows down in the song. I extend a few seconds

Looking very promising! best of luck with this map, and future iterations! :D

Thanks! very useful for your reqs :)
Here is a star.
Po-pin-pa, Pin-po-pa, Po-pin-pa-pa-pin-po-pa~
super super super super late mod sorry :(

I don't think you should map vocals
00:26:750 (8) - starting a slider on a blue tick doesn't feel right for most players especially when theres a loud beat on 00:26:832 -
00:26:420 (7) - this doesnt seem to go to anything i would delete it and add a 1/2 slider here 00:26:503 -
01:16:942 (1,2,3,4) - the sliders dont really seem to fit aesthetics wise it seem like you just made random shapes
00:39:854 - you can place a beat here since there's a loud beat
00:42:657 (1,2,3,4) - you may want to just copy on of the sliders and rotate them have all different shapes doesnt look good
01:06:393 (3,4) - try to avoid overlaps like this
01:06:393 (3,4,5,6,1) - try to keep more consistent spacing between the sliders
01:52:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the flow in these jumps is bad imo 01:52:217 (5,1) - you have clockwise here 01:52:712 (2,3) - but then you switch to counter clockwise
01:52:547 (1,4) - dont overlap your jumps like this
01:55:679 (4) - this could be a triple
01:58:975 (8,1) - you break flow here and the jump is REALLY big compared to everything prior
02:09:690 (1) - this could be a slider

the aesthetics of the map are all of the place and general structure needs work try to not use so many differant slider shapes and random jump patterns

nice song though c: gl~~
[Fans Insane]
  1. 00:18:920 - For this 1.7x SV, I think it's too much considering the song had only changed in terms of more impactful guitar strums. I suggest either deleting the change or putting it at 1.5x.
  2. 00:35:157 - Would be better if you could put something here like in 00:27:244 (9,1) - .
  3. 00:37:382 - The vocal here feels like too significant to be missed. Maybe have an object here or something?
  4. 00:42:657 (1,2,3,4) - 00:47:931 (1,2,3,4) - I really recommend making the spacings in these parts the same. I don't think the music has changed yet.
  5. 01:01:942 (5,5) - Random sliders imo. It would make a bit more sense to just map them with circles. Meanwhile, 01:01:118 (1,1,1) - can provide some resting points so I think they are fine.
  6. 01:36:723 (5,6) - Could've been executed better. I'm really not sure how, but having an NC on 01:36:723 (5) - should be a good start.
  7. 01:40:679 (1,2,3) - The slow, clockwise flow on 01:40:679 (1) - being followed by a wide angled counterclockwise flow feels really weird to play imo.
  8. 01:47:766 (2,3,4) - Stack these properly.
  9. 01:48:261 (6) - This could work just fine without the 1/4 repeat.
  10. 02:01:613 - Here is a great opportunity to map a triple and get rid of the pause.
  11. 02:03:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - In what I can hear the only part with the 1/4 drums is from 02:03:920 - to 02:04:250 - . Remove the 1/4 repeat on 02:03:755 (1) - and 02:04:332 (6) - .
  12. 02:05:898 (6,7,8) - A pattern of slider-slider-circle would make more sense imo.
  13. 02:07:052 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't quite understand why there's a sudden barrage of circles here :(
  14. 02:09:690 - I suggest using 1/1 sliders instead of 1/1 circles in this part.
  15. 02:15:294 (3,4) - Distance?
  16. 02:16:942 (4) - If you're trying to match the vocals... Since the vocal is prolonged here, put a slider here instead of in 02:16:613 (3) - .
  17. 02:17:931 (3) - I don't think the slow-down is needed here.
  18. 02:24:772 (4) - No sound is played here.
  19. 03:14:305 (1,2,3) - If you want to go for a 1/1 gap, make the distances between 03:14:305 (1,2) - and 03:14:635 (2,3) - distinguishable.
Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time in the previous days and I'm sick right now.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

-Harpuia- wrote:

[Fans Insane]
  1. 00:18:920 - For this 1.7x SV, I think it's too much considering the song had only changed in terms of more impactful guitar strums. I suggest either deleting the change or putting it at 1.5x.good idea!
  2. 00:35:157 - Would be better if you could put something here like in 00:27:244 (9,1) - .fixed
  3. 00:37:382 - The vocal here feels like too significant to be missed. Maybe have an object here or something?fix!
  4. 00:42:657 (1,2,3,4) - 00:47:931 (1,2,3,4) - I really recommend making the spacings in these parts the same. I don't think the music has changed yet.fix
  5. 01:01:942 (5,5) - Random sliders imo. It would make a bit more sense to just map them with circles. Meanwhile, 01:01:118 (1,1,1) - can provide some resting points so I think they are fine.Straight to Straight,
  6. 01:36:723 (5,6) - Could've been executed better. I'm really not sure how, but having an NC on 01:36:723 (5) - should be a good start.ok
  7. 01:40:679 (1,2,3) - The slow, clockwise flow on 01:40:679 (1) - being followed by a wide angled counterclockwise flow feels really weird to play imo.
  8. 01:47:766 (2,3,4) - Stack these stack more better i think
  9. 01:48:261 (6) - This could work just fine without the 1/4 drum
  10. 02:01:613 - Here is a great opportunity to map a triple and get rid of the pause.
  11. 02:03:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - In what I can hear the only part with the 1/4 drums is from 02:03:920 - to 02:04:250 - . Remove the 1/4 repeat on 02:03:755 (1) - and 02:04:332 (6) - .
  12. 02:05:898 (6,7,8) - A pattern of slider-slider-circle would make more sense imo.
  13. 02:07:052 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't quite understand why there's a sudden barrage of circles here :(i havent good idea too
  14. 02:09:690 - I suggest using 1/1 sliders instead of 1/1 circles in this part.good idea
  15. 02:15:294 (3,4) - Distance?fix
  16. 02:16:942 (4) - If you're trying to match the vocals... Since the vocal is prolonged here, put a slider here instead of in 02:16:613 (3) - .i catch drum
  17. 02:17:931 (3) - I don't think the slow-down is needed here.i think its good,and i have a 1/4 return slider on next
  18. 02:24:772 (4) - No sound is played it have
  19. 03:14:305 (1,2,3) - If you want to go for a 1/1 gap, make the distances between 03:14:305 (1,2) - and 03:14:635 (2,3) - distinguishable.
Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time in the previous days and I'm sick right now.
Good luck!
Thanks modding!!!very importance :) :)
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