
[resolved] [confirmed] Stuck in creating package when uploading my map

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Last I checked, the limit was 24MB, no idea about marathon maps, and it wouldn't even let me start the upload if my video was larger than that.
The upload I was having trouble with before has a video of just over 18MB, and is working fine for me now without me even touching the video. So if your video was already okay, I don't see why you would need to reencode it now.
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My video doesn't exceed the limit. The problem still exists...
I am having the same issue, no video on my map, the file size is around 7.5 MB

Mine is also stuck at creating preview.. can anybody help?
So I tried to experiment with osu and see if i get it to work.

1. First of all i made a backup of my current map and then deleted the map and redownloaded.I hoped that the map may be already updated but there was a bug showing that it was but it wasnt. the downloaded map was the previous.
2. I opened both of the beatmaps osu files with notepad and compared the metadata but it was the same. no differences.
3. I replaced the current text on the OSU file of the map with the "new" one which i wasnt able to update .
4. Tried to update map. this time i got the "update" button to work and then as the rest i got stuck at the create preview screen.
5. I deleted the map again.( i still have the backup of my newest version of the map)
6. I redownload the map again and voila ! it was the newest version.

It seemed to somehow work and update the map but the create preview thingy stays there for ever :P


the solution i found is.
Backup>delete>redownload>replace text(or the complete file, didnt try that), update > even if it gets stuck at "creating preview" it will still hopefully update the map.

EDIT: I changed something on my map and updated again. i got stuck @ "creating preview" but the map updated successfully ;)
I'm having the same exact problem. The previous post looks like it works half of the time.

I would wait for minutes when saying "Creating Previews" with all of my text in the box.

Turns out, it was updated already, but the text does not show up and when clicking on "This Beatmap's Thread", the topic does not exist. (Not sure if this is totally different problem, but it relates to this)
Shohei Ohtani
Happens to me too

The completion sound still played too, which was weird.
I'm still not completely grasping the situation, bss works fine on my end, so either its a problem with your map in particular oray e something completely different.

Have you tried updating a different beatmap?
Happen to me most of the time I submit mania maps.
^ Yeee, exactly the same for me now. RIP BSS, we knew you well. You worked for basically one day.
+1 Guys

Finally find someone with same problem ;w;

Having the same issue as well, can't submit my new beatmap because of this problem.
Topic Starter
It happens more often than before :?
Enna Alouette
It's happening to me too, once i tried to change the bg on my map orz
had the same thing when attempted to update a graved map. after I resurrected it and it was moved to WIP forum, the upload process has always got stuck at "Creating previews..." part, even though all I added was a new difficulty. in the end, after I cancelled it a couple of times, it proceeded to full submit (it was clear that is was re-uploading audio) and got stuck at previews part again. luckily it did update the map that time, even though I had to click cancel to left editor
Tried also restarting internet and computer, but nothing changed. :(
Is it going to be repaired? Because I cant update my beatmap too -.-
Not really sure what's going on. But sounds like a server side bug. Tentatively confirming.
Trying to upload my first beatmap at the moment, same problem..

Just realised my map actually did upload, even when it was stuck on 'Creating previews...'
Yay i figured a "better current" solution to this problem
As some people have figured out, when your beatmap is stuck at the " Creating preview" it may sometimes get updated/submited.

it seems that it is always /updated/submited but you jsut need to wait a bit( not wait for "creating preview" to finish)

Just update/Submit your map and then go to your profile page and keep refreshing untill you see that your map got updated submited. then simply close the submiting window and you are done :P

I know if I can get to the "Creating preview" I have to wait about 2-3 mins then I can update my map.

But today I stop at here


Ntasuto wrote:

Yay i figured a "better current" solution to this problem
As some people have figured out, when your beatmap is stuck at the " Creating preview" it may sometimes get updated/submited.

it seems that it is always /updated/submited but you jsut need to wait a bit( not wait for "creating preview" to finish)

Just update/Submit your map and then go to your profile page and keep refreshing untill you see that your map got updated submited. then simply close the submiting window and you are done :P

nope :p but description is not uploaded :p you are wrong.

"Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview""Creating preview"
i just want to fix it and upload mah map :
i have the problem too, but i fixed that..

I have an image set, All thing was the picture not in the Map folder. Then I got the picture of my map in the map folder back in and it worked.

Sorry for my bad english :lol:
Ayesha Altugle
More detailed because I have done it in my map and it worked:

1. Go to your beatmap thread for example
2. Edit the first post of that thread
3. there you can change the beatmap description which is located just beneath the --------------- line
4. simply type in your new description
5. then click post
6. open up your beatmap in the beatmap editor and there you can update your beatmap
7. after that follow Ntasuto's post about the solution of stuck in creating package/previews
I can't upload a new map because it's stuck on 'Creating previews...'
When I got stuck on the creating previews part, the map used to get updated and gets shown on my profile. But now that doesn't even happen anymore, I can't get my map updated. I can't even try to update most of the time now...

neonat wrote:

When I got stuck on the creating previews part, the map used to get updated and gets shown on my profile. But now that doesn't even happen anymore, I can't get my map updated. I can't even try to update most of the time now...
Confirms, happened to me too.
yeah, same here
map uploaded but I can't update it and there's no thread for it

[Luanny] wrote:

yeah, same here
map uploaded but I can't update it and there's no thread for it
Having the same issues here, can't do anything either.
too big trouble x_x
i hope this problem is resolved. :(
Shohei Ohtani
This is an on-and-off bug for me. It's been working now, but I've literally done nothing different than what I usually do, lol
it worked some hours ago and now it's failing again
looks like a lucky draw....

[Luanny] wrote:

it worked some hours ago and now it's failing again
same D: it's worked... and failing again.

how how who can fix this :(
Sorry for double post.

now worked o/
BSS troll master.
Seems to be fine now?
Yes it works.

Love Miku:3
Topic Starter
It works now!! Thank you support team!!

Still stuck at Creating preview... D:

However, the map is successfully updated. Just you can't submit anything on the OP via BSS.
yea \:D/

just a little inconvenience that need to change the text in forum :/

but its better now ><
yeah now it's fully working
idk, but it's happening to me... Q_Q

it's my third uploaded map, and it also has a video...
Topic Starter
Maybe u should open a new post?
I have a unicode ', thats why it stops, or i guess
i also can't upload my beatmap

it started with my friend needing to update his gd wich failed several times because of a error where the audio wasn't playing (even with the audio thingy being "audio.mp3" the audio name)
then when i finally got it to work somehow my whole SB got deleted and i couldn't update the beatmap cuz it was stuck at "Creating Package"

Also my map got two ghost diff's

help please
Sandy Hoey
Make a new thread. Old (3 years) threads that are marked should not be posted in.
just try to restart your osu
Sandy Hoey
3. Years. Old.
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