
League of Legends

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Man I just played with and against some challenger players and let me tell you, next to them I feel like I'm challenged. No, I probably AM challenged compared to them.
Comfy Slippers
Drop that shit, and come over to low elo. 20+ kills every game. :D

smurfing is way too fun
yeah lmao
Coming back from a short League break, I have my first game against a Maokai Support, as Sona.
Yeaaahhhh ok I have no idea what the flying firetruck happened in the past few weeks in Rioters' minds, but those saplings make me want to leave again already
Is no one really bothered by the INCREDIBLY loud noise those saplings make when they hit 4+ targets from the bush?
haters will say it's faker im sorry

Moon Dancer wrote:

haters will say it's faker im sorry
Is dat you :0
this is from a stream, they gathered skt to play some matches with famous streamers and players from Brazil for charity, was kinda cool
I'll drop the link here in case anyone want to see: (starts somewhere around 01:11:00)
tfw wifi is so shitty u cant watch shit
Mrw I play Tali and hit a perfect W on 3 people, but the W goes through those people's hitboxes without any sort of collision

tfw playing ashe ad, with doran's sword+bfsword and a jarvan with dirk 3 hits me under tower and survives

adc2017 lul
playing ashe is asking to get dove tho

Comfy Slippers

Hika wrote:

playing any immobile adc is asking to get dove tho


anyway, tyler1 is prob getting unbanned soon. Lets fucking go!
Zain Sugieres
tyler1 is the only good player
fafa tyler1 gonna get unbanned
Comfy Slippers
15 min surrender
10 bans
new rift herald
retarded gimmicky rune system for s8
plants (but thats relatively old now)

how to kill a game 101

the only good change (as of late) is the new honor system, patching, on the other hand, is just nerf-buff cycle of the same champions with an occasional rework. So its pointless to even mention these changes.
rito's thought process
"Lets buff fizz, now hes too strong, lets nerf, now hes too weak, lets rework him and give him even more cancerous W, now lets nerf him again, oh.. we forgot to rework ryze for 500th time. Lets do that."
- M o s h i -

Comfy Slippers wrote:

15 min surrender
10 bans
new rift herald
retarded gimmicky rune system for s8
plants (but thats relatively old now)

how to kill a game 101

the only good change (as of late) is the new honor system, patching, on the other hand, is just nerf-buff cycle of the same champions with an occasional rework. So its pointless to even mention these changes.
rito's thought process
"Lets buff fizz, now hes too strong, lets nerf, now hes too weak, lets rework him and give him even more cancerous W, now lets nerf him again, oh.. we forgot to rework ryze for 500th time. Lets do that."

I don't see how 15 min surrender and new Herald ruined the game?

There's always someone who says no on the early surrender, the new rift herald is not that good imo. It's only good if you're already ahead and can 5 man push with it, otherwise you get like one tower with it and that's it. Plants and 10 bans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ doesn't bother me at all. Haven't read about the new runes yet so I can't say anything about that.
unless you play yasuo then i dont see how the 10 bans are a bad thing

btw hextech gunblade is broken and you should build it in any burst champion that gets somewhat close (heck, even stuff like AP nunu and sona are retarded with it)
The Hextech GLP has pretty much the same damage, AOE, with cc attached. Massively underrated item, I definitely recommend it.
Comfy Slippers
@- M o s h i -
It bothers me cause i'm an old player and i feel that they're straying away from the base game mechanic that made them what they are. I hate gimmicks in league, especially when they're unneeded.

And if you think that soloing herald and then proceeding to take turret in 5 seconds is good then you need to think twice. 10 ban system is another comp. scene thing, anyway. Professionals are their targeted audience, solo q is and has been disregarded for a while now.

+the game being League of Tanks is def. not helping.

Good ol' S3.
I miss s2, s3 Unlimited wards were the best
too bad i missed it, since I started in season 5, around Ekko release
also please make new honor system actually matter, this current one is practically unexistent
Comfy Slippers
Mallet-liandry's teemo is the best thing that ever happened. League is fun again.
Try BotRK-Mallet-Runaan
Comfy Slippers
Bork is my third item. I feel like Mallet components help me a lot against bursty matchups and just surviving in-general. I'm also not a big fan of Runaans.

Comfy Slippers wrote:

Bork is my third item. I feel like Mallet components help me a lot against bursty matchups and just surviving in-general. I'm also not a big fan of Runaans.
I run the bruiser-ish build on Teemo, that is really good late game with huge split push potential and also really decent in fights
Runaans helps you push faster and in fights you apply the mallet slow to multiple people
Also my last 2 items are usually ga and visage, so I'm actually tankier than your average teemo
Right now I have a 6-2 win rate in ranked with teemo
Comfy Slippers
The champ is flexible. You don't need to limit yourself to a certain build-path. My core item build is Mallet-Liandry's-BORK, everything else is situational. My main focus is denying the opposing top laner (since it's what teemo is made for). I often end up winning lane and group to end. I don't consider RH to be one of the key aspects of this build + I already said how I don't like it.
Neku Okazaki

Low priority queue

Neku Okazaki wrote:

Low priority queue
Mexican looks a lot like Spanish
Comfy Slippers
so much for delta fox

Chapanya is a monster support, he's a monster player in general. Made these washed up clowns look 2x better.
Can actually kills Target Dummy on Practice Tool mfw

-SayaKai wrote:

Can actually kills Target Dummy on Practice Tool mfw
Grievous Wounds too op smh
mfw I got PROJECT: Fiora on the chest but idk how2play new Fiora because I mastered old Fiora before her current and new Fiora appears.
I think getting skins in this game is too ez
also bless I'm currently g3
Send help, fast.
Im a gangplank main and i have never won against a Jayce before, the game is starting soon
Never won a match or laning phase? Former is disturbing, latter is normal and expected.
Names Josherlayan ( on LoL)
Comfy Slippers
sona is freelo rn
Caput Mortuum
guys pls play aram
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