
Roselia - LOUDER [CatchTheBeat|Osu]

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Hinsvar wrote:

That's fast lmao
this song is worth the fast

20:05 scanter: hey
20:05 scanter: 01:36:334 (2) -
20:05 scanter: 위치가
20:05 Sylphi: 원래 어디였음?
20:05 scanter: 모르겠음
20:05 scanter: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
20:05 Sylphi: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
20:06 scanter: 41, 68로
20:06 scanter: ㄱㄱ
20:06 scanter: 그리고 01:47:212 (2) -
20:06 scanter: 이거 컨쥐 부탁
20:07 Sylphi: 01:36:334 (2) - 이걸 41, 68로요?
20:08 scanter: 잠시
20:08 scanter: ㅇㅇ
20:08 Sylphi: 위치가 많이 무서운데
20:08 scanter: ㄱㅊ
20:08 Sylphi:
20:08 scanter: 잘 침
20:08 Sylphi: 이런식으로?
20:08 scanter: yes
20:09 scanter: 반도리 붐이 왔다
20:09 scanter: 스펙님 프사도 반도리 캐릭터
20:09 scanter: 그리고 저는 매핑 최초로 숏버전 6성을..
20:09 scanter: 아 예전에 하코네 30초짜리 한 적 있지
20:10 Sylphi: 업뎃 완료
20:10 scanter: 빠르당
20:10 Sylphi: 요즘 보시면 알겠지만 #korean엔 별로 일이 없음
20:10 scanter: ㄹㅇ
20:11 Sylphi: 다들 저혼자 모더할때보다는 나아짐
20:11 Sylphi: 아무래도 모더가 1명이라 깝친거였는듯
20:11 scanter: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
20:11 Sylphi: 그 1명이 #korean 운명 좌지우지 한건 함정
20:11 scanter: ㄹㅇ
20:11 scanter: 킬러
20:12 Sylphi: 아 맞다 제맵 Inner Oni말인데요
20:12 scanter: ㅇㅇ
20:12 Sylphi: 저거 Inner Oni로 보기엔 별도 그렇고
20:12 Sylphi: 난이도 많이 낮지 않음?
20:12 Sylphi: 좀 하기 짜증날 뿐잊 ㅣ
20:12 Sylphi: 거의 이건 더타맵이네요
20:12 Sylphi: 스탠이든 태고든 DT걸어야 5성을 넘겨버리니
20:12 scanter: 예전에 봤을떄
20:12 scanter: 밀도는 오니+ 정도인거같은데
20:12 scanter: 이너오니라 봐도댈꺼같은데
20:12 scanter: 전 난이도 잘 모릅니다
20:12 scanter: 태고는 ㅠ
20:13 Sylphi: 1/6을 좀 늘렸으니 괜찮겠죠 뭐
20:13 scanter: ㄹㅇ
20:13 Sylphi: 프로필 바꿈
20:14 Sylphi: Location: Somewhere on the Earth
20:14 scanter: ㅋㅋㅋ
20:14 Sylphi: Age: 71 years
20:14 scanter: 늙으셨네
20:14 Sylphi: Occupation: A fairy of the wind
20:15 Sylphi: 이전엔 Location이 Atmosphare, Occupation이 Helicopter였음
20:15 scanter: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
20:17 scanter: 님 잠깐 텟플 가능?
20:17 Sylphi: 네
20:17 *scanter is editing [ Roselia - LOUDER [LOUDER]]
20:18 scanter: 생각보다 그렇게 안 어렵..
20:18 scanter: 겠죠?
20:18 scanter: 아마
20:18 scanter: 태고당
20:19 Sylphi: 이거 난이도 있는편인데
20:19 scanter: 엌
20:19 Sylphi: 일단 클리어는 힘들것 같고
20:19 Sylphi: 노펠로 해봐야할듯
20:21 Sylphi: 일단말인데요
20:21 Sylphi: 빠르게 몇가지만 짚고 넘어갑시다
20:21 scanter: 엌
20:21 Sylphi: 일단 총 평가는, 이거 쉬운편 아니고요
20:22 Sylphi: 일부 박자는 읽기가 힘들어요. 이건 제 실력때문일수도 있겠지만, 1/4가 너무 도배되있는것도 이유로 볼수 있을듯
20:22 scanter: ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
20:22 scanter: 고쳐야하나여
20:22 Sylphi: 00:29:971 - 이 파트는 무조껀 고쳐야한다고 봐요
20:22 Sylphi: 너무 심하다 싶을정도로 있음
20:23 scanter: ㅠㅠ
20:23 Sylphi: 유일하게 저파트만 너무 1/4로 도배되있음
20:23 Sylphi: 딱히 그렇게 찍을만한 부분도 안보이고요
20:23 Sylphi: 00:07:817 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 이거 특정 패턴 표현하려는 시도는 좋았는데
20:24 Sylphi: 좀 개선이 필요할거라 생각해요, 커서를 자연스럽게 움직이면서 칠수 있으면 좀 좋긴 할듯
20:24 Sylphi: 뒤로가면 갈수록 커서 움직임을 조금씩 더 아래로 내려야해서 생각보다 많이 불편해요
20:25 scanter: 직선을
20:25 scanter: 곡선으로 바꿈
20:26 scanter: 00:29:971 -
20:26 scanter: 아까 말하신 이 파트는
20:26 scanter: 플레이어들 의견 좀 더 들어보고 고칠께요
20:26 scanter: 에논님이라던가
20:26 scanter: 오면 함 시켜봐야겠
20:27 scanter: 제가 보기에 그렇게 못 할 부분은 아니라고 생각해서
20:27 Sylphi: 그리고 추가적으로 한개더
20:27 Sylphi: 오프셋이 괴멸적으로 안맞아요
20:27 Sylphi: -17정도는 해야할듯
20:27 scanter: 그런가
20:27 scanter: ㅠㅠ
20:27 Sylphi: 네
20:27 scanter: 그러네여
20:28 Sylphi: 드럼쪽에 맞추면 -816이 정확함
20:28 scanter: 그렇게 했음
20:28 scanter: 역시
20:28 scanter: 타이밍 귀신
20:28 Sylphi: -816이면 -18ms에요
20:29 Sylphi: 그 외 흐름이라던가는, 특이한 시도를 하려는 부분을 제외하고는
20:29 Sylphi: 다 괜찮았다고 봐요
20:29 scanter: 꾸엑
20:29 scanter: 감사합니다
20:29 Sylphi: 사실상 1/4 부분도 흐름이 나쁘진 않은데, 거긴 리딩 자체나 오버매핑 의혹이 있으니
20:30 Sylphi: 오프셋 바꾼거로 다시 해보죠
20:32 Sylphi: 아까보단 더 잘쳐지네요
20:32 scanter: 오프셋 문제였네
20:32 Sylphi: 오프셋을 좀 큰폭으로 고쳐서
20:32 Sylphi: 아마 살짝 문제 있을수도 있으니, 그건 다른분들한테도 의견 들어보는게 좋아요
20:33 Sylphi: 원래 크게 바꾸면 좀 오차가 커짐
20:33 scanter: ㅇㅋ
20:33 scanter: ㄹㅇ..
20:33 scanter: 전 타블렛 펜이 어디로갔나 안 보여서
20:33 scanter: 플레이 하고싶어도 못하네요
20:33 scanter: 젠장
20:33 Sylphi: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
20:33 Sylphi: 그리고 소스말인데요
20:33 scanter: ㅇㅇ?
20:34 Sylphi: 제가 알기로는 BanG Dream!이었던걸로 기억하는데
20:34 Sylphi: 게임판은 제목이 다른가요?
20:34 scanter: 아
20:34 scanter: 왜 저렇게썼지
20:34 scanter: 혹시 쿠도스 필요하시면
20:34 scanter: 로그 올리시면 드림
20:35 Sylphi: 있으면 좋기야 하지만
thank you scanter
i like bang dream songs
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Vettel wrote:

thank you scanter
i like bang dream songs
DONE! SD落として5.55だったけど大丈夫かな・・?


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eLy wrote:

DONE! SD落として5.55だったけど大丈夫かな・・?


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Luna- wrote:

:O! long time no see!
CLSW 유키나 사랑해요
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CLSW wrote: 유키나 사랑해요
mod req
Crystal's Captivation
First I think that AR9.4 will fit better since we don't have very tricky patterns, it will also be less shitmissable for sections like from 00:29:956 - to 00:34:879 -

  1. 00:11:494 (1,2) - Pretty shitmissable since the strong beat is more on the end of the slider, I advise you to invert them like this:
  2. 00:19:033 (2,3,4) - Oh full HyperDash will fit much better since the first one is a HyperDash too, but it's just a personal preference.
  3. 00:21:802 (3,4) - Here we can hear a stronger beat at the end of (4), that's why i advice you to make the strongest jump here instead of between (3) and (4)
  4. 00:27:494 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I like it 'v'
  5. 00:29:802 - I think that you forgot a circle here, you can put one to empathize the guitar sound, and also to make the next pattern more catchy.
  6. From 00:29:956 - to 00:34:879 - Try to keep a 2.60x or 2.50x scaling here please, some spacings makes it pretty shitmissable like 00:30:263 (2,3,4) -
  7. 01:18:571 - I'd like to see something similar than 01:08:725 (4,5,6) - since it's the same melody, also don't forget that it's the kiai time so I think that it's better to keep the intensity strong.
  8. 01:37:494 (1,2) - I advise you to put a HyperDash here since it's the end and also to empathize the strong guitar sound.
  9. 01:38:956 (1) - For the spinner I don't think that starting it 1/4 after the last circle is a good idea, try to let at least 1/2
The kiai is pretty clean, good job.

Crystal's EXPERT
Maybe rename the difficulty name from "EXPERT" to "Expert" since we have "Captivation" and not "CAPTIVATION", but that's just personnal.

  1. 00:02:571 (3) - For this one I think that if would fit better if it was symmetric with 00:02:879 (1) - instead of 00:02:110 (2) -
  2. 00:10:571 (2,3) - This one have the same spacing as 00:10:110 (1,2) - but we can clearly hear a difference in intensity in the music, I advise you to bring (3) closer to (2).
  3. 00:11:340 (5,1) - Same thing here, you put a really strong HyperDash yet we can't hear a sound strong enough to deserve it, a 2.05x spacing will fit better.
  4. 00:24:263 (2,3) - A antiflow here would be much funnier, personally I think that it lacks of intensity. Try something like this:
    If you're agree with me, don't forget to Ctrl+H 00:24:879 (1,2) - to keep the HyperDash, and Ctrl+G 00:25:648 (3) - for the consistency.
  5. 00:58:263 (1) - Not a bad concept, but I'd like to see some movement just before the HyperDash to empathize the voice, try something like this:
  6. 01:18:571 - Same thing for the Captivation difficulty, I'd like to see something here too.
  7. 01:38:956 (1) - Same thing for the Captivation difficulty too, try to let at least 1/2 beat before the last spinner please.
I wish you good luck, and hope that my mod will help you.
Topic Starter

Kyuare wrote:

I wish you good luck, and hope that my mod will help you.
thank you sir!
Random mod
These are just suggestions :D

Crystal's EXPERT
  1. Why not make the diff name in default, like Crystal's Rain. Make your Captivation to "EXPERT" diff instead?
  2. 00:24:571 (3) - I hear triplet sounds. Maybe use 1/4 repeating slider, or simply a triple note?
  3. 00:57:648 (3,4,5,6,1) - Its a bit hard (for rain). Maybe reduce DS.
  4. 01:23:648 (3) - triple note instead?
  5. 01:33:494 (3) - ^
Crystal's Captivation
  1. 00:09:956 (3) - Make this a bit slant to the right.
  2. 00:19:802 (5) - ctrl+g?
  3. 00:28:417 (5) - ^
  4. 00:56:879 (2) - Move it a bit farther away from 1
  5. 01:07:187 (3,4,5) - more slant...
  6. 01:18:879 (2) - slant to the left
  7. 01:28:725 (5) - ctrl+g?
  8. 01:37:340 (5) - ^
PS: I love your mapping style
Good luck with the map!
First I would like to explain how's the difficulty name 'Expert' works

Yea I know it has been pronounced as 5th difficulty of osu!standard, but in the game which is compatible 'bandori girls band party', its 4th difficulty is pronounced as 'EXPERT'. (The other difficulties are 'EASY', 'NORMAL', 'HARD'.)

I love to follow the original and the '4th' hard difficulty makes sense as its concept of our CtB's 4th difficulty, 'Rain', so I've decided to use this naming as I do.
But at least as Kyuare pointed, I would like to change its name with lower case, other than the first capital letter.

00:58:263 (1) - The transition into the next slider doesn't seem my favorite, so I would like to just follow with guitar sounds.
01:18:571 - Probably it's from keyboard but I don't think it's really a necessary because it's too weak to be spotlighted

I cannot guess how's gonna fit with its AR but at least I wanna wait for the other's opinions, first AR9.6 is fine for its genre regardless of pattern usages

00:11:494 (1,2) - Shitmissable patterns are my characteristic usageUh, I don't think it's really easy to combo break though, in my testplay they all were fine, also its anti-flow jump was fun thing for me
00:19:033 (2,3,4) - Not really satisfying flow though, full HDashes seems a bit of overmap for me
From 00:29:956 - to 00:34:879 - its distances are enough for me and that drum sounds doesn't seem to be weaker and well deserved
01:37:494 (1,2) - Same reason as Expert

00:19:802 (5) - I think it's gonna break the flow, and not my favorite
00:28:417 (5) - same
01:28:725 (5) - and 01:37:340 (5) - same

Rest were fixed, thanks a lot everyone! EXPERT에서 Expert로 난이도 이름 바꿨어요

00:17:494 (1) - 좀더 왼쪽으로 구부리는게 더 받기 편할것같네요
00:18:879 (1,2,3,4) - 1 2 사이를 줄이고 3 4 사이에 하이퍼대쉬를 넣는게 더 자연스러운 패턴이 될것같습니다 또는 4만 왼쪽으로 조금 옮긴다거나
00:26:110 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - 같은 패턴 4번씩이나 반복되는건 좀.. 뒤의 2마디만 부등호모양이라던가 다른 모양으로 바꾸는게 나을것같네요 만약 모양 바꾸는게 그렇다면 거리라도 조절하신다던가
00:50:110 (1,2) - 대쉬컨트롤이 매우 심각하게 꼬여있네요.. 이 SV를 유지하고 싶으시다면 거리라도 줄이시는게 좋을듯 합니다
00:51:033 (1,2) - 00:52:571 (1,2) - ^
00:57:648 (1,2,3) - 대쉬를 끊기에도 유지하기에도 애매하네요
00:58:263 (1) - 도중에 가사가 나오는데 왜 왕복슬라가 유지되고 있는지 모르겠네요 그보다 여기 프리뷰포인트 스냅이 안돼있는것같은데..
01:16:725 (1,2,3) - 57:648과 동일
01:18:110 - 이건 그냥 사족인데 여기에 (커스텀힛사 기준) 휘슬로 노트 하나 넣으면 더 자연스러울수도 있겠네요
01:18:571 - 여기부터 1/4틱 4개 곡선연타 채우는건 어떠신가요
01:27:802 (1,2,3,4) - 하이퍼대쉬가 좀더 많았으면 하는 바람이네요
01:35:033 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - 이전과 동일
01:36:417 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - 비트는 3/3/2로 쪼개졌는데 매핑 패턴은 4/2/1/1로 하셨네요 수정하시는게 좋을것같습니다

패턴이 반복되는게 눈에 너무 확연하게 보입니다.
특히 이 8비트 패턴

[Experthed again (yambabom remix)]

00:34:879 (1) ~ 00:38:879 (2) - 같은 리듬이 반복되면서 지루한감이 없잖아 듭니다. 서클 2개씩 또는 부등호모양 1/4틱 왕복슬라같은걸 섞어도 괜찮다 생각합니다
00:58:263 (1) - 오버도즈와 동일
01:04:725 (2) - 컨버트맵에 자주 있는 패턴이죠.. 오른쪽으로 좀만 옮겨야 불필요한 스페이싱을 줄일수 있을듯합니다
01:05:956 (2) - ^ 얘는 왼쪽
01:18:571 - 오버도즈와 동일

[Platter's Brobe]


슬라이더 틱 2로 늘려야할것같아요

솔직하게 말씀드리자면 비피엠이 그렇게 느린것도 아닌데 공간 활용하는데 있어서 조금 어색한 부분이 있습니다.

뭔가 대충 만드신것같은 느낌이 납니다 칝님 맵 특유의 긴장감도 여기선 느껴지지 않구요.
[난이도 공통]
00:58:263 (1) - 기타 음만 생각하고 넣었습니다. 그리고 반도리 원본채보에 대한 리스펙트를 담은것도 있고요.
01:18:571 - 사실 Kyuare도 이 부분 매핑해보라고 언급하긴 했는데.. 개인적으로는 저는 너무 또 꽉꽉 리듬 우겨넣는건 싫어하고, 또 저 키보드 리듬이 1/4인지 1/6인지 1/8인지도 너무 불투명하고 랭크과정에서 불안해질거 같은데다 드럼만 우선적으로 따르고 싶은 생각도 있고 해서 걍 놔두고싶어요

슬틱 2는 일단 스캔터님 스탠맵셋에서도 동의하시면 하는걸로

안돼 그분은 군대갔어 이제 없어

다 고침 수고링~

00:26:110 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - 개인적으로 진짜 마음에 드는 부분이고 꼭 놔두고싶은데.. 무조건 반복이라고 나쁜건 아니니까요
이건 그냥 반복패턴에 대한 선입견을 플레이어가 얼마나 가지고있느냐에 따라 다른거라 생각하고 있습니다
00:50:110 (1,2) - 00:51:033 (1,2) - 00:52:571 (1,2) - 그정도인가요?? 아니 제가 할땐 진짜 별 문제 없었는데 두번 대시키 탭해주면 진짜 쉽던데
00:57:648 (1,2,3) - 여기도 마찬가지.. 테스트 하면서 한 번도 틀리거나 무빙 흐트러진적이 없네요
01:16:725 (1,2,3) - 여기도 체감상 전혀 문제되지 않는듯, 그냥 대시키 탭만 타이밍 맞춰 해주면 되니까요
01:18:110 - 넣어보고 들어봤는데 저한테는 좀 안어울리는듯
01:35:033 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - same as 00:26:110 (1,2,3,1,2,1) -
01:36:417 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 기타 부분 잘 들어보시면 4/3으로 쪼개져있어요

언급 안된 부분은 다 고친것
Topic Starter

CLSW wrote:

슬틱 2는 일단 스캔터님 스탠맵셋에서도 동의하시면 하는걸로
캐치에서 슬틱 바꾸는거 상관없으면 그대로 2로 하셔도 댐. 저도 정말 틱 2를 좋아하는데, 개인적으로 이 노래는 (스탠에서) 틱 1이 더 어울려요.

scanter wrote:

CLSW wrote:

슬틱 2는 일단 스캔터님 스탠맵셋에서도 동의하시면 하는걸로
캐치에서 슬틱 바꾸는거 상관없으면 그대로 2로 하셔도 댐. 저도 정말 틱 2를 좋아하는데, 개인적으로 이 노래는 (스탠에서) 틱 1이 더 어울려요.
근데 사실 저도 개인적으로 슬틱 2는 리겜노래가 아닌 이상 딱히 쓰고싶진 않아요
옛날에 뮤직스타트 랭크시켰을때라면 모를까 지금은 아님
Here because scanter ask me for a mod


Too much ctrl+v, actually I don't like this Rain too much but is good.

My only suggestion is to give more fluidity to the streams, I'll give you some scale graduations

00:08:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Scale at 1,25
00:19:033 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Scale at 1,15 and in the next one 00:19:494 (1,2,3) - this 00:19:648 (2) - in x:382 and all 00:19:494 (1,2,3) - in x:397
00:27:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Scale at 1,20 and x:77
00:27:956 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Scale at 1,25 and x:311
00:39:187 (3,4,5,6,7) - Scale at 1,15 and in the same x:455
00:39:648 (8) - ctrl+g and x:200
00:58:263 (1) - How about making this like this?

01:08:725 (3,4,5,6,7) - Scale at 1,10 and x:113
01:16:725 (1,2,3,4) - Scale at 1,10 and x:106
01:17:033 (5,6) - x:257
01:17:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Scale at 1,10 and x:358
01:17:956 (1) - x:486
01:27:956 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Here same, scale at 1,15 and x:313, and the next one 01:28:417 (1,2,3) - in x:115 and 01:28:571 (2) - in x:130
01:36:417 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Scale at 1,20 and x:431
01:36:879 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Scale at 1,25 and x:206
01:37:340 (1) - x:415

That's all for this.

Captivation is pretty good in my opinion, I'm not going to mod it for the moment, if you need help in the future pm me and I'll take a look.

My mods sucks

Have success ranking it c:
Topic Starter

Firis Mistlud wrote:

random mod

00:16:417 (3,1) - 뒤에 1번이 리버스인데 3번 잔상이 완전히 사라지지 않았어요, 저같은 경우에는 볼 수 있었긴 한데 뉴비들이 플레이할때 이 리버스 읽기 상당히 힘들거라고 보입니다.
00:54:571 (4) - 뉴콤보 끊어주시는게 좋을수도?
이지에 1/2 넘 많은데 괜찮은지 모르겠네여. 그리고 개인적으로 키아이에서는 조금 더 박자를 늘려도 될것 같다는 느낌이 듭니당 00:59:802 - 01:02:263 - 이런곳에

슬라속도 1.2밖에 안되는데 BPM때문에 체감상 빠르다는 느낌이 드네여.
00:11:494 - 00:13:956 - 강해보이는 음들인데 슬라이더 꼬리로 표현되니 뭔가 아쉬워요
00:31:033 - 00:33:494 - 1/2를 넣을 필요는 없어보이네요. 그렇게 강한 파트도 아닌것같은데
00:49:648 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 1/2도배가 조금 심해보이는, 굳이 뒷 박자 안 잡아도 되니깐 1/2비트 조금만 빼주세요. 가장 조용한 파트니깐요.

00:09:033 - 비트 하나 추가해봐요. 좀 더 나을듯.
00:10:571 (2,3) - 다른부분 00:13:033 (2,3) - 00:15:494 (2,3) - 00:17:956 (2,3,4) - 00:20:417 (2,3) - etc... 와 비교해볼때 유일하게 점프가 없는 구간인데 일관성에 조금 어긋나지 않을까요?
00:23:802 (1) - 그냥 1/1 슬라 하나만 넣으니 많이 허전해보입니다, 00:21:340 (1,2) - 랑 비슷하게 맞춰봐요
00:28:571 (4) - 얘가 확실히 더 강한 음이잖아요. 강한 음인걸 조금 표현해주셨으면 해요. 점프나 뉴콤이나
00:39:417 - 강한 드럼비트 잇는것 같은데 추가해주시는게?
00:56:725 (2) - 뉴콤보, 굳이 안넣으셔도 됩니당
00:58:263 - 여기 드럼비트 있어요 추가해주세요
01:01:802 (1) - 01:03:033 (1) - 이런 강한데 조금 띄워봐요...
01:12:879 (1) - ^
01:32:725 (1) - 게임모드에서 보면 HP바에 오버랩되는데 조금 피해주세요

[Meep's Insane]
00:04:263 - this part has strong sound, too. slider tail looks little bit weird.
00:05:340 (1,2,3,4) - this stack looks little bit weird for me. not fit with music imo.
00:09:033 - how about add a beat here? this part has a sound
00:10:110 (3) - NC,
00:12:263 (4,1) - DS should be bigger than 00:11:956 (3,4) - ,
00:14:879 (5,1) - ^
00:22:417 (1,4) - stack error.
00:40:110 (2,3) - antijump looks weird in this, 00:40:417 (3,4) - has jump so moving can be awkward imo. Just stacking an be better, oters are, too
00:46:571 (4,5,1) - flow looks weird
00:49:648 (1,2) - I think jump or stacking can be better than this antijump
00:51:571 - 00:51:725 - has beat. if you don't want to add, you don't need to add.
00:58:263 (1,2,3) - visual looks little bit messy, has too many overlap
01:34:571 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - music gets lower, but you increased DS? Dscrease DS.

엑라는 패쓰.
Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:

random mod

00:16:417 (3,1) - 뒤에 1번이 리버스인데 3번 잔상이 완전히 사라지지 않았어요, 저같은 경우에는 볼 수 있었긴 한데 뉴비들이 플레이할때 이 리버스 읽기 상당히 힘들거라고 보입니다. ㅇㅋ 위치 옮겼어요
00:54:571 (4) - 뉴콤보 끊어주시는게 좋을수도?
이지에 1/2 넘 많은데 괜찮은지 모르겠네여. 그리고 개인적으로 키아이에서는 조금 더 박자를 늘려도 될것 같다는 느낌이 듭니당 00:59:802 - 01:02:263 - 이런곳에 같은 지적이 나오면 고쳐볼께요. 1/2가 많긴 하지만 이지 난이도 캡은 2성 이하라서 좀 노말 같더라도 괜찮을 것 같다는 생각이 듭니다.

슬라속도 1.2밖에 안되는데 BPM때문에 체감상 빠르다는 느낌이 드네여. 원래 1.3하려다가 1.2한건데 흠..
00:11:494 - 00:13:956 - 강해보이는 음들인데 슬라이더 꼬리로 표현되니 뭔가 아쉬워요 여기는 괜찮아보여요. 나름 절충해서 찍은 곳
00:31:033 - 00:33:494 - 1/2를 넣을 필요는 없어보이네요. 그렇게 강한 파트도 아닌것같은데 근데 여기 지우면 너무 이지스럽게 바뀔 것 같아서 이대로가 좋은 듯 해요
00:49:648 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 1/2도배가 조금 심해보이는, 굳이 뒷 박자 안 잡아도 되니깐 1/2비트 조금만 빼주세요. 가장 조용한 파트니깐요. 제 의견으로는 이 킥 사운드 파트에 어울리는 리듬은 1/2밖에 없다고 생각해요. 그렇게 못 칠만한 부분도 아니라고 생각하고. 고쳐보려고 노력했지만 서클 하나로만 표현하자니 뭔가 빈 느낌이고, 1/1로 표현하자니 힛사 쪽이 어색하네요.

00:09:033 - 비트 하나 추가해봐요. 좀 더 나을듯. 같은 지적 나오면 고쳐볼께요.
00:10:571 (2,3) - 다른부분 00:13:033 (2,3) - 00:15:494 (2,3) - 00:17:956 (2,3,4) - 00:20:417 (2,3) - etc... 와 비교해볼때 유일하게 점프가 없는 구간인데 일관성에 조금 어긋나지 않을까요? 1->2 사이에 있어서 ㄱㅊ아보임
00:23:802 (1) - 그냥 1/1 슬라 하나만 넣으니 많이 허전해보입니다, 00:21:340 (1,2) - 랑 비슷하게 맞춰봐요 ㅇㅋ
00:28:571 (4) - 얘가 확실히 더 강한 음이잖아요. 강한 음인걸 조금 표현해주셨으면 해요. 점프나 뉴콤이나 ㅇㅋ
00:39:417 - 강한 드럼비트 잇는것 같은데 추가해주시는게? 좀 어려워질 것 같아요
00:56:725 (2) - 뉴콤보, 굳이 안넣으셔도 됩니당 ㅇㅇ. 안 넣어져 있음.
00:58:263 - 여기 드럼비트 있어요 추가해주세요 ㅇㅋ
01:01:802 (1) - 01:03:033 (1) - 이런 강한데 조금 띄워봐요... 여기는 서클이 밀집되어 있어서 그냥 이대로 두는게 낫다고 생각합니다.
01:12:879 (1) - ^ ^
01:32:725 (1) - 게임모드에서 보면 HP바에 오버랩되는데 조금 피해주세요

엑라는 패쓰.
소중한 시간 감사합니다 :D
Expert→Rain 난이도명 바꿔주심이?
난이도의 어려운 정도를 알아볼 수 있으면 상관 없지 않나요
이 컨텐츠를 주로 삼는 게임인 반도리 걸즈밴드파티라는 게임에서 EXPERT는 해당 게임 난이도 체계에서 4단계에 해당되므로 캐치에서도 똑같이 총 5~6단계 구성인 캐치 난이도 체계에서 4단계에 해당하는 Rain에 맞춰서 바꿨어요
A s h e m u
Hi ~ From PM m4m

English : I use google Translation .

Problems were not found to me in Easy and Normal , sry ;w;

  1. 00:58:879 - 00:59:033 -Even if an object was placed in conformity to "LA LA" of the vocal , I thought that it was all right if it was this degree of difficulty .
    If sliders of 1/2 are located, I may be glad for a player!

    good map :o

Meep's Insane
  1. 00:49:648 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - It is a personal opinion, but I think the pattern to place a circle in the terminal of the slider not to be kind to a player.
  2. 00:58:879 (1,1) - I think that I take such a pattern here.
    I thought that such a pattern was good to the utterance of the vocal.

Yuria's Insane
  1. 00:58:879 (2,1) - swap NC ?
    It is 00:58:879 (2) - to strong in the utterance of the vocal. I think that the one where NC is put from here is faithful to rhythm :3

    I can't find other problems . so sorry ;w;

eLy's Extra

  • 最初のL O U D E R面白いのでこのままRankedして欲しいです
  1. 00:50:571 (2) - ベースとギターの音でリズム作られてると思うのでNCの場所はここが適切じゃないかと思いました デデッ↓ペー↑
  2. 00:52:110 (7) - ^
  3. 00:53:033 (2) - ^
  4. 00:57:033 (4) - ここもリズム切り替わるの分かり易くするためにNCあると嬉しいかもです
  5. 01:08:956 (4) - スタックするのどうでしょうか?
  6. 01:28:648 (6) - ^
  7. 01:09:033 (5) - 個人的にこの向きよりも左上に上がっていく形の方が自然な流れに見えそうだと思います

  1. 00:17:494 (1) - Ctrl+G ?

    It was the map which was rhythmical, and was very pleasant :o
    perfect map xd

Because CTB is out of a specialty, I cannot see it . sorry guys ;w;

so fun map ! good luck :3
Hi .. Mod from Queue ..

General :

* Really good Map :D No errors

Easy :

* I think you should low the volume on kiai section .. cause the finish sound really load and annoying :( .. low it to 90% like the other .. i know you want to make it more fun to play .. but tbh it covers the vocal ..
  1. 00:13:033 - Add circle here .. really strong beat .. and it will follow the rhythm ..
  2. 00:18:879 (2) - Here i suggest for you to move the tail of this slider down a bit .. because it's really hard for the newbie to read it :(
  3. 00:33:648 (3,4) - Fix blanket here ..just move the tail a bit downward ..
  4. 00:43:187 (2,3) - How about if you make these two sliders like 00:40:725 (2,3) - .. it would be nice !
  5. 00:57:494 (2) - I think you should change the tail of this slider .. cause it's hard to follow one direction .. but if you change it it will make it more easier for example : .. like that i feel it's easier ..
  6. 01:01:802 (1,2,3) - Here i feel there is some errors .. how about this ? ..
  7. 01:04:110 (4) - This slider it sounds really off .. how about if you make it start from here 01:04:263 - with finish sound and ends here 01:04:725 -
  8. 01:12:110 - Add circle here .. really strong beat too :(
Normal and Hard diff are fine to me ..
Good luck on Rank this map :D
Topic Starter

A s h e m u wrote:

Hi ~ From PM m4m

English : I use google Translation .

Problems were not found to me in Easy and Normal , sry ;w;

  1. 00:58:879 - 00:59:033 -Even if an object was placed in conformity to "LA LA" of the vocal , I thought that it was all right if it was this degree of difficulty .
    If sliders of 1/2 are located, I may be glad for a player! agree

    good map :o
I can't find other problems . so sorry ;w;[/list]

  1. 00:17:494 (1) - Ctrl+G ? xD

    It was the map which was rhythmical, and was very pleasant :o
    perfect map xd

Because CTB is out of a specialty, I cannot see it . sorry guys ;w;

so fun map ! good luck :3
thank you!

Rose Melody wrote:

Hi .. Mod from Queue ..

General :

* Really good Map :D No errors

Easy :

* I think you should low the volume on kiai section .. cause the finish sound really load and annoying :( .. low it to 90% like the other .. i know you want to make it more fun to play .. but tbh it covers the vocal .. I remapped almost every part. maybe it was gotten better now
  1. 00:13:033 - Add circle here .. really strong beat .. and it will follow the rhythm .. changed 3/2 slider one
  2. 00:18:879 (2) - Here i suggest for you to move the tail of this slider down a bit .. because it's really hard for the newbie to read it :( changed differently
  3. 00:33:648 (3,4) - Fix blanket here ..just move the tail a bit downward .. okay
  4. 00:43:187 (2,3) - How about if you make these two sliders like 00:40:725 (2,3) - .. it would be nice ! changed similarly
  5. 00:57:494 (2) - I think you should change the tail of this slider .. cause it's hard to follow one direction .. but if you change it it will make it more easier for example : .. like that i feel it's easier .. yup
  6. 01:01:802 (1,2,3) - Here i feel there is some errors .. how about this ? .. ^
  7. 01:04:110 (4) - This slider it sounds really off .. how about if you make it start from here 01:04:263 - with finish sound and ends here 01:04:725 - remapped here
  8. 01:12:110 - Add circle here .. really strong beat too :( ^
Normal and Hard diff are fine to me ..
Good luck on Rank this map :D
thanks for your service!
  1. 00:25:187 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 삼각형 패턴 하나하나 회전 시켜줘서 삼각형 돌아가는 느낌을 줘도 괜찮았을 것 같아요.
[eLy's Extra]
  1. 00:17:879 (2) - エクストラだけどこの距離は少しやばいんじゃないですか? At least, making like 00:24:648 (6,7) - 01:23:725 (6,7) - it is better in my opinions.
  2. 00:55:187 - 00:56:417 -ここのNCさんたちはいらないそうです.. 代わりに 00:55:802 - 00:57:033 - ここにNCを入れてみてください。
  3. 00:58:879 (3) - Can you tell me why you made the distance even bigger than the distance between 00:58:879 (3,1) - here? As you could see the following screenshot, 00:58:879 (3) - is connected as 3/4 from previous object and 00:59:033 (1) - is connected as 1/2 from previous object. According to the distance snap logic, 3/4 should has shorter distance than 1/2. Even though a vocal part is starting from 00:58:879 - here, I think there is nothing to make the distnace big that. How about reduce the distance between 00:58:725 (2,3) - ?
[Yuria's Insane]
  1. 이건 그냥 제 취향이긴 한데, 01:21:494 - 01:23:956 - 01:26:417 - 이렇게 피니쉬를 자주 넣을 게 아니라 01:28:879 - 이런 곳을 위해 아껴준다면 피니쉬 소리가 더 신나지 않을까 싶어요. 피니쉬 소리가 너무 자주 나니까 살짝 거슬리는 것 같기도 하고..
[Meep's Insane]
  1. 00:18:571 - I guess you forgot to remove finish the slider of head?
  1. 00:18:571 (4) - 머리에 피니쉬 잘못 들어간 것 같아요.
  2. 00:42:263 - 일관성을 위해서라면 여기에도 피니쉬가 들어갈 필요가 있을 것 같네요.
제 실력으로는 더 잡을 게 없네요. Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Enon wrote:

  1. 00:25:187 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 삼각형 패턴 하나하나 회전 시켜줘서 삼각형 돌아가는 느낌을 줘도 괜찮았을 것 같아요. 이거 바꾸면 주변을 전체적으로 다 바꿔야하는데 어떻게 바꿔야할지 답이 안나오네요.. 좋은 아이디어라 고려는 해보겠습니다.
  1. 00:18:571 (4) - 머리에 피니쉬 잘못 들어간 것 같아요.
  2. 00:42:263 - 일관성을 위해서라면 여기에도 피니쉬가 들어갈 필요가 있을 것 같네요. 18초에 있는걸 뺐어여
제 실력으로는 더 잡을 게 없네요. Good Luck~
NM from my queue


Man, these low-res backgrounds -_-


00:11:494 (1,2,1,2) - I think you should stray away from the 2x ds here a bit as a player doesn't follow 1/4 sliders all the way through anyway so you get a lot more time to do the jump. The way it is now makes it feel a bit cramped and you also chose different ds for gaps after 1/4 sliders here 00:12:879 (2,3) -
This is just subjective so I am only going to mention it here

00:17:340 (7) - stack with 00:17:802 (2) - and not with 00:17:956 (4) - as that just looks weird

00:27:494 (1) - stream starts here and not at 00:27:648 (2) -

00:42:571 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This jump section feels off beacause it relies on the intensity of the vocals but starts with a drumbeat on 00:42:879 (3) - without vocal, this wasn't that bad in the case of the jumpsection starting here 00:40:417 (3) - as the spacing was a lot smaller

00:45:340 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it doesn't feel like the song warrants this object density, yes there is a sound on every note but the notes rely on like 4 different sounds (vocals/piano/drum/weird electronic thingy)

00:47:802 (4,5,6) - owo don't like this large spacing into tiny spacing for the same gap

00:52:571 (1,2) - would use similar spacing like at 00:51:033 (1,2,1,2) -

00:59:187 (1) - no need for NC, there are no important instrumentals or vocals here

01:08:725 (5,6,7,8,9) - how about a curved stream so the flow from the jumpsection into the stream is alot smoother, and oyu can also have nicer circular flow

01:14:879 (4,5) - you have this nice circular flow from 01:13:648 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - and then you switch to this back and forth -jump, maybe keeping it circular would be better and less unexpected

01:15:956 (4,5,6) - making the jump smaller by this much looks weird

01:21:187 (5,6,1) - flow into the slider is pretty bad as you have to make a turn once you get to the sliderhead

Would have liked to mod more but have to go now
Cool map, especially liked how you represented the guitar with those 1/4's
Topic Starter

gottagof4ast wrote:

NM from my queue


Man, these low-res backgrounds -_- I used waifu2x ;w;


00:11:494 (1,2,1,2) - I think you should stray away from the 2x ds here a bit as a player doesn't follow 1/4 sliders all the way through anyway so you get a lot more time to do the jump. The way it is now makes it feel a bit cramped and you also chose different ds for gaps after 1/4 sliders here 00:12:879 (2,3) -
This is just subjective so I am only going to mention it here Dx too strange to play

00:17:340 (7) - stack with 00:17:802 (2) - and not with 00:17:956 (4) - as that just looks weird okay

00:27:494 (1) - stream starts here and not at 00:27:648 (2) - yup

00:42:571 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This jump section feels off beacause it relies on the intensity of the vocals but starts with a drumbeat on 00:42:879 (3) - without vocal, this wasn't that bad in the case of the jumpsection starting here 00:40:417 (3) - as the spacing was a lot smaller okay.
moved starting point about 2 sliders from 00:42:110 here and changed some jump patterns

00:45:340 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - it doesn't feel like the song warrants this object density, yes there is a sound on every note but the notes rely on like 4 different sounds (vocals/piano/drum/weird electronic thingy) I don't think this is not good. if I change this jump, before jump is become meanless

00:47:802 (4,5,6) - owo don't like this large spacing into tiny spacing for the same gap Ctrl + Ged 00:48:263 (6) and 00:48:571 (1)

00:52:571 (1,2) - would use similar spacing like at 00:51:033 (1,2,1,2) - decreased 00:51:494 (2,3,4,5,6) here

00:59:187 (1) - no need for NC, there are no important instrumentals or vocals here I want to emphasize that before kiai

01:08:725 (5,6,7,8,9) - how about a curved stream so the flow from the jumpsection into the stream is alot smoother, and oyu can also have nicer circular flow now seems better
01:14:879 (4,5) - you have this nice circular flow from 01:13:648 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - and then you switch to this back and forth -jump, maybe keeping it circular would be better and less unexpected moved to much better to see

01:15:956 (4,5,6) - making the jump smaller by this much looks weird it was not too bad when I playing

01:21:187 (5,6,1) - flow into the slider is pretty bad as you have to make a turn once you get to the sliderhead seems much good

Would have liked to mod more but have to go now
Cool map, especially liked how you represented the guitar with those 1/4's
thanks for your service \o/
Ujimatsu Chiya

  1. 00:05:033 (5) - 좌표 살짝 위로 올려주시는게 어떨까요? 앞쪽 패턴 밸런스 생각하면 앞뒤 디스턴스 3은 좀 큰거같네요
  2. 00:11:802 (1) - 00:14:263 (3) - 00:21:648 (1) - 00:24:110 (1) - 헤드에 들리는 클렙이 커서 서클로 바꿔서 점프 강조하는게 음악상 더 잘 어울릴거같네요.
  3. 00:14:879 (7) - 반대로 이쪽은 베이스 끄는 소리가 확실히 들리니 1/4로 바꿔주면 좋겠네요. 00:19:802 (10) - 이쪽패턴도 무음 구간 슬라로 처리하셨으니 맞춰서 오버랩 연타말고 스트림연타로 만들어주면 좋을듯
  4. 00:16:725 (3,4) - 차라리 2.1.1 / 2.1.1 배치 생각해서 3 4 번 서클 오버랩 푸시는게 어떨까요? 00:17:187 (6,7,1) - 이쪽 점프랑 연결되게
  5. 01:27:187 (6) - 01:27:494 (8) - 이거 저는 플레이 안되서 모르는데 뉴콤박아주는게 더 좋지않아요? 제가 저런거 쓰고 맵텟받으면 꽤 지적이 들어오는편이라서
[eLy's Extra]
  1. 00:03:648 (1) - idk what you want follow any sound but we can certainly hear better if you make slider's head 00:03:802 - here.
  2. 00:09:340 (4,5,6,7) - it seems to have used much distance compared to music.
  3. you make stack in 01:08:725 (3,4,5) - KiAi part but no stack in 00:17:494 (1,2,3) - common part. it's not sence I think o_o
  4. 00:56:725 (1) - add NC better(?)
[갓갓's Insane]
  1. 하... 매핑 너무 잘하셔서 모딩할게없네요. /me run
  2. 00:39:802 (1,2,3) - 저는 요런 흐름 자체는 그렇게 추천하지는 않는데... 본인이 좋다면 뭐

1시간 반동안한게 이거라니... 핡... 체력이 딸린다...
잠깐 이지 ~ 하드 갭 확인했는데 뭔가 아슬아슬한거같은데 괜찮겠죠?
Topic Starter

eINess wrote:


  1. 00:05:033 (5) - 좌표 살짝 위로 올려주시는게 어떨까요? 앞쪽 패턴 밸런스 생각하면 앞뒤 디스턴스 3은 좀 큰거같네요 00:05:187 (6,7,1) - 이 부분 클랩때문에 줄이면 이상해지네요
  2. 00:11:802 (1) - 00:14:263 (3) - 00:21:648 (1) - 00:24:110 (1) - 헤드에 들리는 클렙이 커서 서클로 바꿔서 점프 강조하는게 음악상 더 잘 어울릴거같네요. 그러면 01:20:417 이 뒷부분도 다 바꿔야하는데.. 너무 많은 구간을 바꿔야해서 안댈듯.. 지금도 그렇게 큰 문제는 안 보이기도 하구요..
  3. 00:14:879 (7) - 반대로 이쪽은 베이스 끄는 소리가 확실히 들리니 1/4로 바꿔주면 좋겠네요. 00:19:802 (10) - 이쪽패턴도 무음 구간 슬라로 처리하셨으니 맞춰서 오버랩 연타말고 스트림연타로 만들어주면 좋을듯 :thinking:
  4. 00:16:725 (3,4) - 차라리 2.1.1 / 2.1.1 배치 생각해서 3 4 번 서클 오버랩 푸시는게 어떨까요? 00:17:187 (6,7,1) - 이쪽 점프랑 연결되게 고려해보겠습니다. 겹치는거 풀고 패턴을 어떻게 짤지는 당장 생각이 안나네요..
  5. 01:27:187 (6) - 01:27:494 (8) - 이거 저는 플레이 안되서 모르는데 뉴콤박아주는게 더 좋지않아요? 제가 저런거 쓰고 맵텟받으면 꽤 지적이 들어오는편이라서
1시간 반동안한게 이거라니... 핡... 체력이 딸린다...
잠깐 이지 ~ 하드 갭 확인했는데 뭔가 아슬아슬한거같은데 괜찮겠죠? 전 괜찮은거 같은데 흠..
ㄳㄳ 나중에 한꺼번에 업뎃할께요

A s h e m u wrote:

Yuria's Insane
  1. 00:58:879 (2,1) - swap NC ?
    It is 00:58:879 (2) - to strong in the utterance of the vocal. I think that the one where NC is put from here is faithful to rhythm :3 okay

    I can't find other problems . so sorry ;w;

Enon wrote:

[Yuria's Insane]
  1. 이건 그냥 제 취향이긴 한데, 01:21:494 - 01:23:956 - 01:26:417 - 이렇게 피니쉬를 자주 넣을 게 아니라 01:28:879 - 이런 곳을 위해 아껴준다면 피니쉬 소리가 더 신나지 않을까 싶어요. 피니쉬 소리가 너무 자주 나니까 살짝 거슬리는 것 같기도 하고.. 다른 난이도에서도 같은 타이밍에 피니쉬를 사용하고 있어서
    괜찮은거 같아요. 앞부분에도 마찬가지구요.

eINess wrote:

[갓갓's Insane]
  1. 하... 매핑 너무 잘하셔서 모딩할게없네요. /me run
  2. 00:39:802 (1,2,3) - 저는 요런 흐름 자체는 그렇게 추천하지는 않는데... 본인이 좋다면 뭐 제 생각엔 크게 문제는 없는거 같아용.
모딩 감사합니다. Thanks modding. :)

@scanter 뉴콤 부분좀 대신 고쳐주세용 ;ㅅ;
Topic Starter

Yuria wrote:

@scanter 뉴콤 부분좀 대신 고쳐주세용 ;ㅅ;

eINess wrote:

[eLy's Extra]
  1. 00:03:648 (1) - idk what you want follow any sound but we can certainly hear better if you make slider's head 00:03:802 - here.
  2. 00:09:340 (4,5,6,7) - it seems to have used much distance compared to music.
  3. you make stack in 01:08:725 (3,4,5) - KiAi part but no stack in 00:17:494 (1,2,3) - common part. it's not sence I think o_o
  4. 00:56:725 (1) - add NC better(?)
all changed !

thank you for modding ;)

A s h e m u wrote:

eLy's Extra

  • 最初のL O U D E R面白いのでこのままRankedして欲しいです
  1. 00:50:571 (2) - ベースとギターの音でリズム作られてると思うのでNCの場所はここが適切じゃないかと思いました デデッ↓ペー↑
  2. 00:52:110 (7) - ^
  3. 00:53:033 (2) - ^
    :arrow: 00:49:648 (1,2) - ここだけNCが入っていたので上記3つにここに合わせました
  4. 00:57:033 (4) - ここもリズム切り替わるの分かり易くするためにNCあると嬉しいかもです
    :arrow: done

  5. 01:08:956 (4) - スタックするのどうでしょうか?
  6. 01:28:648 (6) - ^
    :arrow: ん~no changeで
  7. 01:09:033 (5) - 個人的にこの向きよりも左上に上がっていく形の方が自然な流れに見えそうだと思います
    :arrow: changed
so fun map ! good luck :3
ty mod ;)
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