
OTC Signups

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DJ Enetro wrote:

After signups end, I'll give candidates a week to post speeches in new threads, then I'll open voting for a week then swear in the winners

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DJ Enetro

Stanvord wrote:


By the way, this doesn't count towards actual OT government positions, only the council of OT.
You are new, so I'll explain how things work around here. The OTC (OT Council) runs the sub in the absence of a President and his cabinet. They are like the Unites States Congress or British Parliament. Once there is a president and a presidential cabinet, there is a complex system of checks and balances (that would take WAY too much time to explain here) that keep both powers in check.
Elections for OT President run from 1 December to 1 January at the end of the year, and the president-elect is inaugurated the first Saturday or Sunday of the new year. The term runs for the whole year and the president can rerun for three terms total. The OT Council is replaced every year, but old members can still serve more than once (just not consecutively), with a maximum of five total terms.
So those are the basics of OT politics. I have studied law and politics, feel free to ask me any questions regarding the topic.
Oh, and I'm running for President of OT and it would be too much power if I was on both, so take me off of this one.
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
OT president = OTC President so

DJ Enetro wrote:

OT president = OTC President so
Nonono, they're separate things.
OT president elections are in december and they've always been. Speeches for OT Pres. elections started popping up around December last year, so December is when OT Pres is elected. OTC is a totally different branch of government. Did you not read my long post?
my vote goes to
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

johnmedina999 wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

OT president = OTC President so

Nonono, they're separate things.
OT president elections are in december and they've always been. Speeches for OT Pres. elections started popping up around December last year, so December is when OT Pres is elected. OTC is a totally different branch of government. Did you not read my long post?

Oh I read it alright, but despite your claims there was no official poll so yours doesn't count.
EDIT 2: actually yea go ahead idc at this point. Anyone else wanna sign up?
Sign me up for special forces captain
sign me up for cancer squad

Caradine wrote:

sign me up for cancer squad
oh oh o h me too
-Makishima S-
tl;dr pls, i have ignored OP and dunno what is going on

[Taiga] wrote:

tl;dr pls, i have ignored OP and dunno what is going on
this thread is not that bad

give him a chance, he's better than me :D
i deserve smth high up
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
Blitz, Tae: which positions exactly do you guys want?
a good position
Tae for vice president
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
Blitz? Tae do you agree with Caradine?
uh yeah sure, Blitz will be awake soon-ish so he'll respond then
Alright, I wish to re-sign up for the position as president. It seems as if this Political System is approved by the people, and I work for the people.
So sign me up fam
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
How did yours lose popularity?

DJ Enetro wrote:

How did yours lose popularity?
My thread was derailed. I was planning to start my speeches around October, but I guess I can start earlier than last year.
Looks like this thread is gaining traction despite its screw up. Sign me up for president.

I wonder how far this will go till gets sucked down a void much like everything else recently...
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
Well you've got quite a bunch of competition, as you're running against johnmedina999 who currently has the popular vote.
I have a question: are we not allowed to give speeches until August 15? Because that's pretty dumb. I already have a few ready to go.

johnmedina999 wrote:

I have a question: are we not allowed to give speeches until August 15? Because that's pretty dumb. I already have a few ready to go.
i'm voting for you

Dyl-Byl wrote:

i'm voting for you
You've made the right choice!

DJ Enetro wrote:

Well you've got quite a bunch of competition, as you're running against johnmedina999 who currently has the popular vote.
I don't think some fancy images and wording are keys to this. It's best presented with action. First course is to get rid of the annoying shit threads that keep popping up.
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro

johnmedina999 wrote:

I have a question: are we not allowed to give speeches until August 15? Because that's pretty dumb. I already have a few ready to go.

Yea. Sorry

abraker wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

Well you've got quite a bunch of competition, as you're running against johnmedina999 who currently has the popular vote.
I don't think some fancy images and wording are keys to this. It's best presented with action. First course is to get rid of the annoying shit threads that keep popping up.

Well I'm just the one who facilitates this XD

DJ Enetro wrote:

Well I'm just the one who facilitates this XD
My response was a reaction to yours saying that I have competition. My response is a solution to promote myself in getting the popular vote. Yet you go out and say that you "facilitates this". So you are implying influence over election the popular vote? How rigged are you implying this to be?

No.. no, this won't do. Clearly DJ Enetro has plans on manipulating the election results.
Topic Starter
DJ Enetro
Na. Wait a month and we'll see

DJ Enetro wrote:

Na. Wait a month and we'll see
I will assume this is a joke. There needs to be more transperency to this election.

How will the votes be counted?

Why only allow speeches in such a narrow time period?

How is the Peacekeeping Team/PKT team going to function?

Why are the times in HST and not UTC?

Why is the formatting of the bullet points still so ugly?

Do you not have a computer?

And finally, what is in it for you?

abraker wrote:

DJ Enetro wrote:

Na. Wait a month and we'll see
I will assume this is a joke. There needs to be more transperency to this election.

How will the votes be counted?

Why only allow speeches in such a narrow time period?

How is the Peacekeeping Team/PKT team going to function?

Why are the times in HST and not UTC?

Why is the formatting of the bullet points still so ugly?

Do you not have a computer?

And finally, what is in it for you?
we could use strawpoll or something to vote

Stanvord wrote:

we could use strawpoll or something to vote
See, I was thinking about that, but what if DJ Enetro or anyone else casts multiple votes from various VPN? Then it's rigged!

We need to know how many are going to vote before we start the voting first

abraker wrote:

Stanvord wrote:

we could use strawpoll or something to vote
See, I was thinking about that, but what if DJ Enetro casts multiple votes from various VPN? Then it's rigged!

We need to know how many are going to vote before we start the voting first
We could use u as a middle man if ur so suspicious

Stanvord wrote:

We could use u as a middle man if ur so suspicious
That's what he wants to see happen so he can manipulate votes in his favor! I suggest using someone who has no ties to the elections.

Stanvord wrote:

abraker wrote:

See, I was thinking about that, but what if DJ Enetro casts multiple votes from various VPN? Then it's rigged!

We need to know how many are going to vote before we start the voting first
We could use u as a middle man if ur so suspicious
You mean me as the one who gets the votes to count? That is more ridiculous than these elections.

johnmedina999 wrote:

Stanvord wrote:

We could use u as a middle man if ur so suspicious
That's what he wants to see happen so he can manipulate votes in his favor! I suggest using someone who has no ties to the elections.
I am against using any humans for the vote count.

Think about a strawpoll, but you know how many will vote beforehand. All the true people must vote, but if there will be any extras, then we will know.

abraker wrote:

Think about a strawpoll, but you know how many will vote beforehand. All the true people much vote, but if there will be any extras, then we will know.
But we don't know if these other people are just randoms lurking around or second accounts
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