Thats not worth of getting a Kds.handsome wrote:
kds plz
Thats not worth of getting a Kds.handsome wrote:
kds plz
just kiddingCome[Back]Home wrote:
Thats not worth of getting a Kds.handsome wrote:
kds plz
Combo1 : 242,170,72
Combo2 : 39,134,239
Combo3 : 199,54,105
Combo4 : 208,157,242
Squirrel wrote:
hey there!
mod from my queue
.. und mal ganz dreist auf Deutsch ~ uwu
General// sonst soweit n ziemlich gutes mapset, nur noch nen paar Vorschläge -
- wenn du nich vor hast das Video einzuschließen, schneid den Anfang raus? 13 Sekunden Stille is nich so vorteilhaft für FileSize
- Qualität vom Audio file is nich die beste, nutz doch die 192kbps, das is das erlaubte Maximum
(wenn du nen 192kbps file brauchst, ich hab eins, einfach Bescheid sagen c: .. da fehlt aber die Stille am Anfang) Das währe nett :3- such dir Combo Colours? irgendwas was zum Hintergrund passt am besten
die hier zB! \o/[Colours]
Combo1 : 242,170,72
Combo2 : 39,134,239
Combo3 : 199,54,105
Combo4 : 208,157,242- in der Kiai Time der normal-whistle hitsound passt (imo) nich so gut zum Song. :/
ich fand den eher störend, vllt kannst du ja noch einen finden der besser zur Musik passt?
(letzte Kiai Time ausgeschlossen, das is angenehmer zu hören. c: ) Ich find irgendwie dass es passt, Geschmackssache![]()
- 00:38:288 - unnecessary green line, delete Hmm, k, obwohl es am Gameplay nichts ändert
- 00:41:688 (4,1,2) - movement könnte hier nen bisschen angenehmer sein, musst nur 1 nen bisschen rotieren und anders setzen - done
- 00:45:288 (1,2,3) - sieht gut aus, kann Anfänger aber ganz schnell verwirren, weil die noch nich so auf die Zahlen achten usw. dann klicken sie 3 und vergessen den Circle. du kannst das aber recht gut umbauen um das zu vermeiden, blanket bleibt erhalten - Ich glaube nicht dass das notwendig ist
ähnlich hier 03:29:686 (2,3) - rotier 3 doch nen bisschen? - ^- 01:15:688 (3,4,1) - movement hier is auch so naja ;-; ich würd ja 01:17:288 (1) - mit 01:18:888 (3) - tauschen, also dass man nach 4 erst nach links geht und dann nach rechts, das passt besser zum vorherigen Movement done
- 01:55:687 (1,1) - die sind too close für Easy. 1500ms oder mindestens bis zum nächsten downbeat, mehr dazu hier > t/241019
kannst den Slider einfach durch nen Cirlce bei 02:03:687 ersetzen Habs jetzt einfach mal gemacht
das gleiche Problem auch bei 02:40:486 (1,1) - hier kannst du den Spinner ruhig kürzen, dass er eher endet Habe ihn gekürzt- 02:05:687 (2,3) - tick changes in Easy solltest du vermeiden, die sind recht schwierig zu lesen, da haben Anfänger einfach noch nich genug Erfahrung.
du kannst aber 02:05:687 (2) - einfach etwas verlängern und statt 02:08:087 (4) - auch nen Slider nehmen, der dann halt vorher anfängt:
wenn dir der rhythmus nich gefällt kannst du auch noch etwas umbauen und sowas versuchen:Ich werde es ändern wenn ich nochmals darauf angesprochen werde
- 03:12:086 (4,1) - super minor, aber versuch bei solchen blankets mal noch nen Anker einzufügen, dann kriegst du das viel genauer hin - done
- 03:34:885 (1) - der NC is glaub ich eher verwirrend. nur weil du das sampleset änderst musst du nich zwingend ne andere Combofarbe nehmen
wenn Kiai jetzt auf 03:34:485 (4) - enden würde wär das noch sinnvoll, aber wieso am Ende der Kiai extra noch NC .o. Ist weg- 04:05:285 (3) - letzter Anker nach 276|354, dann is die Bewegung hinterher viel angenehmer und passender Ich find das passte so
- 04:06:885 (1,2,3) - auch minor, aber blanket.. mreeh. geht besser Naja, es geht also ist es in Ordnung. Ich bin kein blanket fan haha
- AR is nen bisschen hoch, auch bei Hard.. momentan sieht die Spread so aus 3/6/8/8.5 .. nich wirklich balanced :n Habe nen BAT gefragt er meinte sie sei in Ordnung
- bei CS auch, 3/3.8/4/4 .. ich würd runter gehen auf 3.4 - 3.6, dann musst du zwar einmal durch die Diff gehen und die Distanzen fixen, aber das wär's wert o; Ne, so eine CS ist nicht wirklich nötig in einer Normal.
das solltest du eh machen, was mir beim Testplay nämlich aufgefallen is, is dass viele Objects einfach leicht überlappen, was nich so gut aussieht und unnötig verwirrt. Beispiele, wo das besonders auffällt > Das versuche ich zu ändern
01:01:288 (1,2,3,4) -
01:13:288 (6,1) - (nur minimal aber fällt halt auf wenn man's einmal gesehen hat)
01:20:488 (1,2) -
01:23:488 (7,1) -
usw. vllt solltest du einfach DS auf 1.3 setzen? dann is nich alles so zusammengestaucht und nen großer Unterschied zu 1.2 is es nich
machst du teilweise eh schon, bei 00:38:088 (1,2) - zum Beispiel Das war ausversehen, und ich bleibe lieber bei 1.2 sry- 00:43:688 (4) - wieso kein ctrl+g (+ Distanz anpassen)? das is sooo viel angenehmer zu spielen
nich nur hier aber durchweg durch die Diff.. in höheren Stufen is das nich so tragend, aber in Easy und Normal solltest du vllt bisschen mehr auf flow achten, damit sich die Spieler besser auf den Rhythmus konzentrieren können. sowas führt dann zu unnötiger Verwirrung > keine Lust mehr die map zu spielen. was schade wär :/ (ich sag nich dass das bei allen so is, aber es gibt auch solche Leute)
besonders aufgefallen is mir 01:16:088 (5,6,1) - das spielt sich so - - wirklich viel besser Ich denke mal das viele ein anderes Verständnis für einen Flow haben, daher gibt es ja auch verschiedene mappingstyles. Ich denke ehrlich dass das so ganz in Ordnung ist.- 00:55:688 (4,5) - der reverse passt imo nich so gut, vor allem weil er auf dem downbeat endet, du könntest das versuchen:
Nur weil er auf einem Downbeat endet passt er nicht?
- 01:21:088 (2,3,4) - movement kannst du hier verbessern wenn du statt dem Zickzack im Kreis gehst. so - (säh mit 1.3 DS so gut aus '_' ..) Meiner Meinung nach sieht das sogar schlimmer aus. Tut mir Leid, aber ich werde es so lassen
- 02:12:487 (2,3) - keine Stacks unter Sliderends, das is nich lesbar auf dem Skill Level. und auch das einzige mal dass du das in der ganzen diff machst, nimm's lieber raus Ist weg
- 02:14:087 (5) - der Downbeat auf dem der Slider endet sollte klickbar sein, is viel lauter als die anderen Töne - reverse weg und Cirlce stattdessen done
- 03:18:886 (1,1) - 750ms recovery time für Normal is Minimum. ich fänd's aber eig unpassend irwas rauszunehmen, du könntest versuchen den Spinner einfach zu mappen. du hast eh genug spinner drin, einer mehr oder weniger.. ~ 'w' Ich habe ihn fürs erste mal gekürzt
gleiches natürlich hier 04:10:085 (1,1) - und hier 04:35:784 (1,1) -
// die back-forth-stacks sind cool zu spielen und sieht auch sonst eig gut aus. deswegen halt ich mich dementsprechend kurz -Right Back
- wie gesagt, AR is n bisschen too much, imo. wär besser für die spread das zu reduzieren
- 00:44:088 (4) - ich find zu dem Geräusch (Idk wie ich's nenn soll..) passt nen Slider besser als nur nen Circle Ich bin fürn Circle
- 00:49:688 (3,4,5) - space them out? so lange an einem Punkt zu bleiben spielt sich nen bisschen langweilig '-' Aber die Töne im Lied bleiben gleich, da würde das nicht passen...
- 00:53:688 (6) - ctrl+g, besser für's movement Gute Idee
- 01:19:288 (7,8,9,1) - die überlappen beim spielen, weil 8+9 ja wegen stack leniency nach oben rücken, schieb sie einfach 10px weiter runter, dann sollte das beim spielen nich mehr zu sehen sein (oder manuell stacken, geht auch) Ist gefixed
- 02:03:287 (2) - falsch gesnappt? Nein
- 02:05:687 (4,5) - ctrl+g, erst slider dann circle, passt besser zu den Vocals, an denen du dich orientierst Hmm, ich find das passt nicht
- 02:45:286 (6,7,8) - knüpft besser an das vorherige an, wenn du 6+7 > ctrl+j und dann richtig platzieren as ist so in Ordnung
- 02:54:886 (3) - ctrl+g, weil movement
ich bin grad zu faul das weiter zu begründen, du weißt denk ich eh was ich meine..done- 03:34:885 (1) - das gleiche wie in E, wieso der NC? Weil dort der Kick nachlässt und auf einmal eine Art Stille herrscht, der NC soll das signalisieren.
- 04:29:885 (3) - der Jump kommt irwie so aus dem nichts. die Stelle is nich irwie lauter als die anderen und es is auch kein neuer Ton da, zu dem das gemappt sein könnte.. > regular spacing? Ist zu den Vocals gemappt, auserdem war das der einzige Weg um einen hässlichen Overlap zu vermeiden
- 04:44:484 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - würd den Stream hier auch normal spacen, weil das nach dem back-forth-stack so awkard is einfach an einem Punkt zu kleben '-' Töne sind konstant, also ist das nicht nötig
und auch das Ende 04:57:684 (7,8,9,10,11) - .. bisschen lw das so ausklingen zu lassen, find ich >:
//sieht auch echt gut aus.. ich persönlich find die star pattern passen nich so gut rein, aber darüber lässt sich ja streiten.. xD
- ich mag custom diffnames ja übertrieben gerne, aber ich bin mir sicher dir fällt was besseres ein als 'right back'. das kommt so häufig in den Vocals vor, das is echt meh ;-; .. aber kann auch sein, dass das nur ich so seh. mir würde spontan sowas wie 'wrong track' (weil sie ja auf den 'right track' will) oder 'Smile' (weil 'to save my smile') besser gefallen
- 00:31:288 (7,8) - wirkt nen bisschen übertrieben, imo. vor allem weil 8 auf so nem schwachen offbeat startet. schieb 8 auf 508|228? Werde ich ändern wenn sich mehr Leute darüber beschweren werden
- 00:56:088 (4,5,6,7) - find den Stack von 4-5 nich so passend, würd bei der Musik einfach erwarten sich weiterzubewegen, weil die weder leiser wird noch unterbrochen oder so Die wird doch unterbrochen 0.0
- 01:16:288 (4,5) - ich vermiss dazwischen auf dem blue tick was. da is auch nen Beat, wie wär's mit nem Circle? Ich hör da nichts sry
- 01:57:287 (1) - da du das 'I' in Hard so schön gemappt hast würd ich vorschlagen das hier auch zu machen. passt gut rein und vor allem is es weird das in einer leichteren Stufe zu haben aber hier dann nich '_' Musste lange überlegen was du meinst, aber habe es nun geändert haha xD
- 02:03:287 (1) - auch falsch gesnappt? Absicht? weil ich hör da keinen Beat oder sonst was. und zu den Vocals gemappt is es nich, sonst würd's eher so aussehen: Es ist zu den Vovals gemappt
- 02:08:887 (3,4,5) - der jump spielt sich nen bisschen komisch, weil sich die Musik kein Stück ändert oder lauter wird > regular spacing? DVon den Vocals wird die Stimmlage höher, daher die Jumps
- 03:34:885 (1) - das gleiche wie in den anderen diffs ^
- 04:17:685 (6) - besser zu spielen wenn du das über 04:17:885 (7) - stackst und nich unter 5 (imo) done
- 04:57:684 (1,2,3,4,5) - gleiche wie in Hard ^
welp, das is alles. hoffe ich konnt helfen! ^w^ Sehr sogar, sorry das ich so stur bin T_T Das ist alles hilfreich nur passt eiiges einfach nicht zu meinem Mappingstyle sorry
wenn irwas unklar is, einfach nachfragen
Good luck! Danke *_*
Avishay wrote:
[Right Back]The map is great, there weren't too many problems, I hope it is fine that I mod just one diff. Thank you very much :3 And it is okay
- 00:39:974 (2,4,5,6) - Stack properly. Done
- 00:44:374 (1) - NC, big white tick and it seems like a good place for a NC done
- 01:24:373 - Lower the hitsound volume here? I think it is a bit high. Its okay
- 01:49:573 - Here you must mute it, since it lands on no beat. Ill change it if more people will point that out
- 01:56:373 (1,2,3) - Try to make the spacing perfect here, and for some reason it looks weird, I am really not sure why. I think its okay
- Also, I think you should lower the hitsound from 01:49:973, since this part is slow and relaxed (I recommend lowering SV as well) No need to
- 01:51:173 (1) - This slider doesn't follow the vocals precisely, try to fix it because there's no beat there. fixed
- 02:05:706 (1) - It is too close to the previous slider, it looks a bit annoying and since the song gets a bit more intense here you should move it away from it. I think its fine. Its not overlaping or anything like that.
- 03:33:571 (5,6,7) - Spacing. fixed
- 03:55:171 (2,3,4) - I think both blankets can be improved a bit here. done
- You can also gradually lower the volume of hitsounds towards the end so it will be nicer.
Fantastica wrote:
a mod come from my queue :3
as requested I'm only mod 2 diffs
[Normal][Right Back]
- 02:09:774 (2) - Make it a better blanket. move 2nd dot to x:303 y:201 - 3rd dot to x:263 y:255 Done
- 02:11:974 (6) - Make it straight with 02:11:374 (5) - . Move 02:11:973 (6) - 1st dot to x:334 y:150 - 2nd dot to x:264 y:153 done
- 03:32:372 (1) - reapir this blanket. move 2nd dot to x:370 y:62 - 3rd dot to x:308 y:115 done
- 04:13:972 (1,2,3) - Uh... I don't like this triangle. move 04:14:772 (3) - to x:213 y:211 done
- ^If Ok.... make 04:14:772 (3) - a better blanket. move 2nd dot to x:265 y:228 - 3rd dot to x:323 y:191 ^
- ^If Ok.... move 04:15:972 (5) - to x:143 y:200 ^
Okay that's all
- 00:24:774 (9) - Just use 1/4... No, 1/6 fits perfectly
- 01:16:773 (4) - this note should be at 01:16:873. move it to stack with 01:16:973 (5) - done
sorry I can't mod all of your diffs
if that mod wasn't help you, don't give me a star :3 It was helpful, thank you very much
Kamidachi wrote:
Hi Hi, you modded my map so I'm gonna 'give it right back'~ I laughed T_T
(Yeah, I did do that)
From my mod queue in response to request:
[General Stuffs][Easy]
- Not sure if it'll be applied at ranking, but I think an electronic, dance, AND/OR bass tag is appropriate. I never changed that.... It was like that suddenly
- Some combos are pretty long, I think most of them are doable and it looks(and sounds) intentional with good reason. Consider just tweaking a couple of these 8+ combos.
- Star worthy. \o/
00:51:574 - I feel like a short repeater would go great here just to throw something in the gap and further hype up the next section.<- Just one of these. Under 00:50:775 (3) kinda works, but you may not want it there so wherever preferred. Sounds cool too. done
01:05:175 (1,3) - I like these, however they're vertically un-even. The top of 01:06:775 (3) has a difference of 8 in comparison to 01:05:175 (1) (y:19). Moving (1) fixes this easily to match (3) at y:27. fixed
~This ALSO puts it perfectly symmetrical over the x-axis as well, since it wasn't. :p
~~Might help the next suggestion up a little better too
01:07:975 (4,1) - This could be slightly improved, uneven space. Soo close. done![]()
01:51:574 (1,1) - Being an [Easy] diff, miiiiight want to undo new combo for followpoint purposes. I'm unsure on this one, but its difficulty-based. done
02:01:973 - There's a soft note here that would go well with filling this gap, it's slow enough to keep the 'intended calm' of this part as well. Rhythm keeper circle, kinda. I want a little break there
02:19:973 (1) - Doesn't look intentional, but un-NC suggested for this diff. Also keeps your 1-2-3-4 counts.
02:58:373 (1) - Un-New combo, as well a new combo for 02:58:773 (2). 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 done
03:09:973 (1) - This whole section gets me so hype, dear god. I love it. 03:22:772 (5) - unf.[Hard]
00:54:775 (4,5) - I think (4) would look better if it matched the red point shape of 00:53:175 (2), and gave the curve to 00:55:375 (5) since the lyric being emphasized is strong here. Copy paste is boring in a normal or higher diffs. Thats just my opinion though
02:12:473 (1) - I think common consensus says spinner should be 1/2 beat apart below Hard, not really a big matter though. If changed, place on 02:12:573 (red) and end on big white tick. done
02:22:373 (2,3) - Mismatched spacing/angle. 02:21:773 (1) - could be rotated a little (and moved) to replicate spacing between (2) and (3). Overall map appearance would benefit from this imo.
04:09:372 (4) - Feels overmapped, repeater hit an empty spot. I recommend a pattern with this: Its fine how it is. (4) and (5) under 3 gives a nice gap between 04:09:972 (6) to emphasize the slight pause. It's already a 1.13x gap after stacking the 2 singles, so bumping 04:09:972 (6) up to 1.2x DS isn't much of a pattern change at all.
04:42:571 (1,2) - Could be spaced a tiny bit better. Cosmetic mod. done
I really didn't see much in this diff to note on, pretty solid. Rethink some combos and new combos here and there is all I can really see in addition to below:[Right Back]
04:28:771 (5) - Sliding this over to x:395 y:200 would make this perfect. done
04:33:171 (1,3) - Could be improved slightly as well. Looks fine to me 0.0
Again, really solid. I apologize, I don't have much at all to offer here even after going over it few more times than usual. I really like the sequences you have to transition between rhythms and vocals. I didn't really find any overwhelming parts either, in terms of mapping/overmapping.I did state in my queue I'd only do 3 diffs with 4+mins(12minutes total song time), however I liked this song and mapset a lot. I also didn't find much with my eyes or ears after the Hard difficulty, so I went through all the diffs anyway. :3
04:42:370 (11) - Potential new combo helps the lyric not join the already long combo. Brings it into the beat with the lyric starting halfway through the slider. done 04:42:970 (1) - lands on the "is" after "This" in the lyric. Just a suggestion.
Have a star or two, I'd love to see this in my friend rankings soon. Thank you very much *________________________*
Good luck, and keep it up~
CheezusCrust wrote:
The latest version for all difficulties: initial timing offset values are completely off.
For Right Back, I believe it should be 13275, not 13975 (I honestly cannot tell.), which is strange because this timing value does not fit any other difficulty o.o??
If anyone has an older version maybe check with themEverything is perfectly fine for me lol 0.0
Maybe you have to redownload it again due to mp3 change.
IamKwaN wrote:
hi, sorry for delay
[General][Right Back]
- I found the timing being flawed, use this instead (ah, I use the wrong timing for modding, so only change it after applying mods below):
13959,400,4,2,0,70,1,0- Adjust the size of background to 1366*768 to meet the 16:9 ratio.
- You may want to use custom combo colors to fit with the colour pitchi and atmosphere of the background.
- Snap the preview time after changing the timing.
- Disable widescreen support as the map doesn't have a storyboard.
- I guess metadata is correct: ... meters-per
- 00:13:975 - finish done
- 00:24:774 (9) - this is definitely 1/4 snapped [/color]
- 00:26:774 - starting from here, i am afraid it lacks claps matching with the snare (i mean the constant percussion (drum) sounds), you can try to use the normal-sampleset. done
- 00:36:374 (1,2,3,4) - this parallelogram is crapped fixed
- 00:39:174 (8) - 3/4 slider here is suitable for the wub sound or it is just too hollow for the halt, 04:39:170 (10) - goes similarly I dont want to put a slider there
- 00:49:974 (3,5) - finishes like heads of 00:49:174 (1,2) - done
- 00:58:774 (1,2,3,4,5) - placing regular pentagon by CTRL+SHIFT+D I dont see the problem with this one
- 01:17:973 (11) - finish is too strong for a note with no background cymbal, remove it done
- 01:49:973 (1) - finish, add some whistles on this stanza like 02:03:173 - done
- 01:53:573 (1,2,3,4,5) - it would be a lot greater if you follow the vocal strictly like this: as the background music is so weak and blurred done
- 02:20:372 (7) - NC here done
- 02:26:772 (7) - ^ same for 02:36:172 (7,7,3) - done
- 02:57:172 - Claps instead of that soft whistles for snares Im wasnt following the snares there
- 02:57:972 (1,1) - NCs here are unnecessary fixed
- 03:03:772 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - doublets go derailing with the music, also for the hitsounds, 03:03:972 - 03:04:772 - 03:05:572 - 03:06:372 - stresses are missing, redo the rhythm is necessary i guess done
- 03:11:572 - i personally didn't like the usage of 3/4 sliders in these kiais, the bang bang sounds are quite crispy and not prolonging, rhythm in the last kiai sounds much better It fits with the very soft melodics in the background
- 03:32:371 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you can increase the intensity near the end of the kiai by placing streams done
- 04:01:171 - finish, 04:13:971 (1) - too
- 04:44:170 - place something here for the sake of vocals done
- Hard's rhythm is mostly fine, but some parts are too difficult. I will poke them all below:
00:25:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - fixed
00:45:575 (9,10,11,12) - Triplet is the most difficult patterns which i can accept for such spread There is a triplet now
03:07:573 (5,6,7) - too difficult, replace it by reversed slider done
03:09:372 (3,4,5,6,7) - these also ^ jumps and triplets at the same time fixed
04:00:372 (3,4,5,6,7) - fixed
04:37:571 (3,4,5,6) - fixed
04:45:571 (7,8,9,10,11) - fixed
You either make them kick sliders or simplify the rhythms.- 00:36:975 (2) - CTRL+G this to make the flow more comfortable done
- 00:51:375 (5) - 1/6 snapped done
- 01:59:974 (1) - delete this to follow strictly the vocal done
- 02:05:773 (1,2,4,5,7,8) - these are wrongly snapped, they should be the same as Insane done
- 02:19:173 (1,2,1) - unnecessary NCs, NC at 02:20:373 (3) - instead done
- 02:57:573 (1,1) - ^ done
- 03:11:572 - i have told u above about the usage of 3/4 sliders Same reason as in Insane
- 03:56:172 (5) - NC done
- About the hitsounds, just look at those in Insane session, i'm too lazy and busy to type them all out again.
Easy's rhythm is great, it's neither too easy nor too difficult, probably you can solely focus on hitsounds.
- 03:48:171 - redundant green line fixed
- 00:38:775 (1) - remove NC; please keep the NC pattern simple, i don't see any reasons on playing tricks on it, e.g. 00:45:175 (1) - 02:57:573 (1) - fixed
- 00:43:175 (2,3) - replace by a slider to reduce the density, the BPM isn't that low for consecutive 1/2 circles, same for 01:11:175 (6,7) - 02:08:774 (7,8) - ah, i stop mentioning them all here, explore them yourself C:
- 00:54:775 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - density is too high, simplify the rhythm by putting pauses
- 01:01:175 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - ^
- 02:18:773 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^
- 02:26:773 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
- Basically, the problem of the normal is being too difficult, i am afraid you need to cut quite a number of objects.
- 01:55:374 (6,7) - don't stack for such tricky rhythm in between, spread them apart done
This mapset needs more work on spread and hitsounds, let me know if you have any inquiries. Good luck C: Thank you very much :3
Neil Leo wrote:
- Hitsounds are inconsistent. Put claps/whistles on 2 and 4.
- Put combo colors (maybe something related to the nature of the song)
02:19:973 (1) - Remove NC fixed
03:33:972 (4,1) - Avoid 1/4 space between a circle and a spinner. Beginners may take some time to recognize that there is already a spinner there. fixed
04:23:571 (6,1) - ^ fixed
KwaN's so fast!
Alright, thank you very much :3-Bakari- wrote:
- Looks like you've forgotten to resnap all notes and kiai-times in all diffs after changing the offset. It happens with all diffs, so you should re-snap hitobjects in all diffs.fixed
Note: I'm sure you know how to do thet, but in case you forget: Timing > Resnap All Notes- Please go to Song Setup > Storyboarding and disable the Letterbox during reaks options. fixed
- Are you sure about the default como colours? The default ones vary from skin to skin, so it might look really bad depending from the skin. Most people are having other skins ignored anyway, thats why i think its fine
- If I got it right, the normal-hitclap.wav has a little delay. I tried to fix that, and this is what I've got. Can't download it because puush is weird again. Ill try it later again
- 00:15:159 (2,3) - minor -personally, I would move (3) a little away to make the pattern look neater. example done
- 00:31:559 - since a new beat kicks in here, it feels weird to have a sliderend at this point. How about a rhythm like this, so the beat at 00:31:959 - will become more playable. fixed
- 00:47:559 (3,4,1) - this pattern is a little tricky., (1) is too close to (3) and it is placed in an awkward way, so newbies may not notice (4) and click (1). can we organize them more obviously? Example fixed
- 00:51:558 (1) - I strongly suggest you to move the slider away from the previous hitobject, so newbies won't hit it too early by mistake. fixed
- 01:54:558 (4) - a sudden change of the rhythm is really hard to feel and play. Can we move on with simple 1/1 rhythm or sliders? Example fixed
- 03:17:557 (2) - minor - to avoid stacking 3 circles in the same place we can move (2) down. example. New players will be able to read this pattern much better. Moreover, it also improves your flow a little.
Well, I'm okay with this diff. It's a little challenging for an Easy, but the song is asking for it.![]()
- Well, your Slider Velocity here is relatively low, that is why I would use AR5,5. It will balance the diff settings, too. done
- 00:31:559 (4) - minor - placing tail of the slider so close to the previous circle is something a little confusing, can we adjust it a little to make things look neater? Example fixed
Note: same here. :c- 00:37:559 (4) - can't say that the downbeat (00:37:959 ) is mapped in a good way here. I would recommend to make it clickable for players. Here, have a look. fixed
- 01:08:959 (2,3) - on harder diffs, you're using 1/3 snap divisor for this part, on this diff you use 1/2, which sounds pretty much off. Take a good look at the rhythm and avoid the 1/2s at this part, please. fixed (I dont know if i did it right
Note: same happens with 02:05:959 - and I believe there're a few more patterns. Please, make sure to pay attention and fix the 1/3s everywhere in the diff.- 01:14:759 (6) - looks like you've missed a new combo here. It goes off your combo pattern and the chain gets too long, so a new combo is necessary here. done
- 01:51:158 (2) - I believe it should be snapped o the white tick. (tail). It sounds weird to me as it is. done
- 01:58:758 (6) - the slider feels off here as second half of the vocals sticks to the red ticks. So, it should be a repeated 1/2 slider. done
- 04:07:356 (8,1) - if I'm not mistaken, this is the only stack in the whole diff. For that reason I find it very questionable and suggest you to get rid of it since it looks really random. done
I would say that the rhythm needs a little more work, but overall that's a nice diff.[Right Back]
- 00:37:759 (5) - remember the thing about downbeats I've mentioned earlier in other diffs? Same happens here. Take a look at this, maybe? As gor this pattern, an 1/4 slider and an 1/2 slider with a repeat would match here better. Example done
- 00:41:559 (6) - according to the rule, reverse-arrows must be clearly visible, while this one gets covered a little. We can move (6) around, so the overlap will disappear, right? Example. done
- 00:45:559 (9,10,11,1) - having 1/2 and 1/4s in the same stack feels really challenging for a Hard. Can we unstack (1) to make this pattern more playable? Example done
- 01:10:359 (6,7,1) - you have 1/3s and 1/2s in the same combo. Try moving NC from (1) to (7), as this would increase playability and make the rhythm change more clear. done
- 02:08:959 (8) - I think it would be better to remove this circle. The reason is similar with the suggestion above, but this time we can freely remove the circle as there is nothing but some quite vocals. done
- 03:07:957 (6) - it is hard to tell the exact number of repeats in the slider. Personally, I believe that a stream would fit in significantly better here. done
Note: 04:45:554 (7) - as for this one, breaking it into two sliders and a circle would be better, I believe. Example done
Looks pretty nice, I like it!Thanks
- 00:54:758 (4,5) - more like a personal preference, but the jump seems to be really off here. The vocals are calm and a sudden spacing change does not match with it. In case if you want to stress the heavy beat, begin the slider at 00:55:559 - I did ctrl + g on it. I hope thats okay
- 01:17:957 (11) - put a new combo on this circle. It has nothing to do with the previous combo and it will give some extra HP which also nice. done
- 03:06:756 (1,2) - can we use more sliders here? I believe sticking to the main beats would be better here, since this would make mmuch more sense with the music. Example I really dont want to put more sliders there. I had it before and somehow it felt wrong. I hope thats okay
Looks pretty nice to me.
I would say thatthe set is nice. It might need a little more work on rhythm, but overall it's nice. Get a little more (1-3) mods and feel free to call me back when you feel like we're ready!
Thank you very much :3FaiVillager wrote:
Hi~~~from your m4m queue~~
[right back]
generally: well orgnized but a little bit boring because of the simple sliders used(only my thought)
00:17:959 (4) -
is it better?(of course move 5 for certain DS.) done
00:19:159 (7,8) - put them in a line No, because the vocals are getting a bit higher, thats why there is a jump
00:19:959 (9) - humm, place it at another space? maybe done
00:27:159 (3) - y208 or higher than before done
00:29:959 (1) - the two red dots better at 1/3 of the slider i moved it up a little bit
00:42:759 (1) -No, that'd ruin the blanket
01:00:759 (1,2) - 1 and the begin of 2 can be in a line There is no reason too
01:03:759 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - when you use these arrangement think about stack should influence them in game I know that, but it is fine
01:11:959 (2,3) - first part of 3 can be in a line with 2 They are in a line, but not straight down
01:45:159 (1) - erasure No
02:16:759 (1) - same No
02:33:959 (5) - x180 y212 Its okay how it is
03:13:559 (2) - higher Why should it be higher?
04:37:159 (3,4,5,6,7) - remap the stream,not so beautiful? I think it is beautiful
pretty good.but is it a easier ver of right back?
00:20:359 (1,2,3,4) - special response(?) What do you mean?
00:26:159 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - a little bit difficult for 3 star map Its a Hard, 3 stars doesnt mean anything. Its 3 stars because of the BPM
00:39:559 (1,2) - parallel fixed
00:41:559 (6) - not in shape fixed
01:12:759 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - well designed Thanks :3
01:43:559 (1) - erasure No
02:05:559 (9) - delete There is a hitsound on it which is needed
02:41:159 (1) - i suggest change a shape here. fixed
03:09:959 (1) - notes after here is too loud for me, maybe vol down? I think it is okay
03:23:559 (2) - x316 y216 done
04:21:159 (3,5) - pretty different shape,maybe use same curvature here? It has the shape to be blanket with (3)
04:36:359 (1,2) -fixed
this diff's DS is about 1.2x so I suggest use CS 3 cs 3 would ruin the whole diff
00:45:959 (1,3) - better in same shape If more people will point that out. ill chgane it
01:51:159 (1) - a reentry slider is better? No
02:00:359 (2) -fixed
02:24:759 (6) - a straight one is better I dont think so
03:00:359 (1,2) -Its okay how it is
SV is a little high, but pretty fine for me.
That's all:D
[Right Back]Sorry if the mod is unsatisfying, it's very hard for me to mod something that has +32SP :^(SPOILER
01:51:159 (1) - I feel like the slider velocity is a bit too high on this slow part
02:05:692 (1) - This one is hard for sightreading (Just pointing it out.)
Can't find anything more.
00:23:159 (10) - Maybe turn this into a circle as it sounds better to me
02:05:559 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This might be too hard for a normal diffSPOILERThis might work
Could not find anything in easy, I'm bad at modding Easy :^)
Still helpful. And i know how youre feelingLazer wrote:
This has been modded many times, I'll try my best ;-;[Right Back]Sorry if the mod is unsatisfying, it's very hard for me to mod something that has +32SP :^(SPOILER
01:51:159 (1) - I feel like the slider velocity is a bit too high on this slow part^But the vocals are pretty strong
02:05:692 (1) - This one is hard for sightreading (Just pointing it out.) Its an insane so it should be alright
Can't find anything more.
00:23:159 (10) - Maybe turn this into a circle as it sounds better to me Fixed
02:05:559 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This might be too hard for a normal diff Fixed. Its 1/2 nowSPOILERThis might work
Could not find anything in easy, I'm bad at modding Easy :^)
Modem wrote:
Modem wrote:
Hi~! For the ticket (> w <)GeneralBg is so cool!!! (o w o)/
...... Wait, why did you use the same colour for combo colours?? (o w o) All of them are orange (o A o)
The player might confuse because of this. Umm.... This is just a suggestion. But, how about change them?
You can use blue, purple, yellow and orange![]()
But, if you still wanna to use orange instead of the other colours then, make them different each other
For example, make one of them as a light orange, then the other is a darker orange, etc. Its not orange at all. Maybe thats your skinEasyChange AR to 3
Kiai time at 03:09:957 isn't snapped (AiMod) please fix itfixed
03:22:756 Here too..... Kiai's end isn't snapped. Please fix it![]()
03:23:156 Same goes here. Kiai's end isn't snapped please fix it![]()
03:35:556 Here too ^
04:01:156 Here as well ^
04:26:770 And here ^
There are DS problem at 01:53:559 , 01:54:559 , and 01:55:759 (AiMod) Fix it by :
Move 01:52:759 (2) to x:424 y:192
Then, move 01:53:959 (3) to x:240 y:76 There is no ds problem 0.0
So, the DS problem will gone
01:49:959 (1) Ummm..... Use finish + clap hitsound in drum additions at this spinner's end No need to
02:11:959 (4) Blanket this note with 02:11:559 (3) done
02:31:559 (1) Use clap + finish hitsound in drum additions at this slider's head done
02:40:759 (4) Instead of stacking it, how about make it into a blanket with 02:40:359 (3) ? The flow will also get better I didnt blanket it, but ive changed the position
02:44:359 (1) Add finish hitsound with 40% volume at this spinner's end. The music strongly suggest itThere is no spinner
04:12:359 (1) I think the stack between this slider's tail with 04:13:959 (1) (at the reverse part) is a bit imperfect fixed
In my opinion, maybe the spinner is too much for an Easy diff. How about reduce it??There is no need to
NormalSame as Easy diff. There are some kiai issues at some parts (o A o)
Kiai time at 03:09:957 isn't snapped (AiMod) please fix it![]()
03:22:756 Here too..... Kiai's end isn't snapped. Please fix it![]()
03:23:156 Same goes here. Kiai's end isn't snapped please fix it![]()
03:35:556 Here too ^
04:01:156 Here as well ^
04:26:770 And here ^
Change AR to 5
01:49:959 (1) Add finish hitsound with 40% volume at this spinner's end. The music strongly suggest itNo need to
01:51:559 (1) Add whistle hitsound at this slider's end Ive added alot of whistles now
01:52:759 (1) Here too. Add whistle hitsound at this note
01:52:959 (2) Here as well. Add whistle hitsound at the head of this slider
01:53:759 (3) Add whistle at this slider's end
01:54:559 (5) Here as well. Add whistle hitsound at this slider's head
01:54:959 (5) Add whistle hitsound at this slider's end
01:55:359 (6) Add whistle hitsound for this note too
01:55:959 (7) ^
02:15:559 (1) Add finish hitsound with 40% volume at this spinner's end. The music strongly suggest it![]()
02:21:759 (1) Remove clap hitsound at this slider's head. It's too loud to follow the vocal with clap I think. You can replace it with whistle while following the vocalNo, ireally want the clap there since at that place there is a clap too in the kiai time
02:23:359 (4) Here too ^
02:28:959 (1) You can add whistle at this slider's reverse part instead of leaving it as a silent partdone
02:30:259 (3) Here too. It will sounds much better if you add whistle at this part![]()
02:31:059 (4) Here too ^
02:31:359 (4) Here as well ^
02:34:559 (1) Remove clap hitsound at this slider's head. It's too loud to follow the vocal with clap I think. You can replace it with whistle while following the vocal![]()
02:36:159 (4) ^
02:41:759 (1) Add whistle at this slider's reverse part instead of leaving it as a silent part
02:44:359 (5) Remove clap hitsound from this note, then replace it with finish instead
03:51:359 (1) Add whistle at this slider's head instead of leaving it as a silent part
03:52:959 (4) ^
03:53:359 (4) ^
03:53:759 (4) ^
03:55:059 (1) ^
03:55:859 (2) ^
03:56:659 (3) ^
03:57:459 (4) ^
03:59:159 (1) Make this spinner longer so it will end at 03:59:559 then, add clap + finish in drum additions hitsound. It'll suits more with the music I guess Recovery time would be too shortHardKiai time at 03:09:957 isn't snapped (AiMod) please fix it![]()
03:22:756 Here too..... Kiai's end isn't snapped. Please fix it![]()
03:23:156 Same goes here. Kiai's end isn't snapped please fix it![]()
03:35:556 Here too ^
04:01:156 Here as well ^
04:26:770 And here ^
Change AR to 7
00:48:759 Add a note + clap (SC1) done
00:51:459 Add a note at this part too. The music suggest itdone
01:49:959 (1) Add finish hitsound with 40% volume at this note. The music strongly suggest it![]()
01:51:159 (2) I think this slider should end at 01:51:559 (big white tick). Not at the 01:51:459 (blue tick) fixed
Nothing more found by me! Nice!! (> w <)Right BackKiai time at 03:09:957 isn't snapped (AiMod) please fix it![]()
03:22:756 Here too..... Kiai's end isn't snapped. Please fix it![]()
03:23:156 Same goes here. Kiai's end isn't snapped please fix it![]()
03:35:556 Here too ^
04:01:156 Here as well ^
04:26:770 And here ^
Change AR to 8
(o w o) Nicely mapped!
That's all!! Good Luck for rank!! (> w <) Thank you very much *_*
In progress..... Please wait (= w =)/
Fortune wrote:
From your queue.doneEasy
- 00:20:359 (1) - why don't you make a clear z-slider like symmetric fixed
- 00:37:959 (3) - bend a little for better flow like this? fixed
- 00:51:559 (1,2) - better blanket fixed
- 01:16:359 (3) - 260||208 fixed
- 01:57:559 (2,1) - I dont want them curvy
- 03:13:559 - why don't you use a slider tick here. Becaue i want the map easy, with long sliders so the players can relax
- 03:19:959 - ^
- 03:53:159 (3) - try this shape done
- 04:21:959 (3) - why don't you tilt to right side
- 00:38:759 (6) - bend a little I think its alright
- 00:40:759 (2) - 245||229 done
- 01:52:959 (2,3) - there's no sound at 01:53:559. try to change the rythm Ive tried to keep the flow.
- 01:55:359 (5,6) - this rythm is too hard for newbies. how about this pattern? Its not too hard
- 04:04:959 (3,4,5) - it seems better -> Its alright how it is
- 04:08:359 (3,4) - balnket Seems alright to me
- 00:16:559 (6) - better flow? done
- 00:20:359 (1,2,3,4,5) - what happened to these shape o.o There is nothing wrong with it
- 00:37:859 - need a note here There was a note before. But i had to delete it
- 03:05:559 (3,5) - better blanket fixed
- 03:08:159 (8) - ^ fixed
- 00:21:159 (4) - bend a little? nvm :p No
- 01:12:959 (5) - ^ ^
- 04:06:359 (8,9) - current flow is awkward. ctrl + g and replace 9 to other place like 123||91 done
- 04:27:159 (2,3) - blanket fixed
- 04:45:559 (1,2,3,4,5) - why don't you unstack these as you did it at hard diff done
Good luck with you ranking! Thank you very much :3
-Bakari- wrote:
[General]Has 55% now
- 01:50:490 - during the calm/quite parts hitsounds feel too loud. Maybe you can make them less loud? minus 10 or 15% from your current volume would do great, I'd say. (That would mean a Soft section with ~60 or 55% volume)
- 04:01:159 - Unsanepped kiai. Please, re-snap properly, kiais must be consistent and snapped. fixed
- 00:25:959 (2,3,1,2,3) - minor - sorta personal preference, but are you sure about the stacked triplet? Probably we could just replace it with a slider to improve playability. It plays perfectly fine, ive had many people testplaying it, now complaints at all
- 00:51:359 (5) - this should be snapped to 1/8, listen to the music, there are 5 clearly audble hits. You can ask anyone else if you are unsure. done
- 01:03:759 (1,2,3) - 01:04:559 (6,7,8) - as the sounds are quite minor here, we can use 1/4 sliders with repeats. Then, the beats at 01:04:959 (9,10) - will give a more impressive effect on players and will fit better. It's sorta hard to explain, just give it a try and you'll feel the difference, I believe. done
- 01:08:892 (2,4) - I've asked around and apparently these are not 1/3s, just the vocals going off music. The actual beats are on 1/4 beats, so I recommend you to double-check the rhythm yourself and probably remove the sliders. Sliders are removed
Note to myself: triplecheck this one more time. I am really in doubt about these ones as they sound really weird. I'll try to contact a QAT or a few more BATs about them to be sure.- 02:21:559 (5,1) - 02:22:359 (2,3,4,5,6) - the jumps feel really exaggerated/forced. The music goes relatively slow/clam here, and that is why those jumps feel really weird. fixed
- 03:13:159 (1) - more like a general suggestion, but I don't really like how those whistles sound on the blue ticks. They sound like they are abused and the music does not suggest adding so much of them. I think that without them it sounds more boring. It feels like there is missing something.
- 04:05:559 (6,7) - minor - after the jumpy part this stack sorta breaks the movement, I would say it feels a little awkward to play. Avoid it if it's possible, please. done
- 04:30:159 (2,3) - minor - whoops, feels a little exaggerated. Are ou sure you want the DS to be this huge? fixed
- 00:48:359 (7,8,1) - due to the way osu! unstacks hit-objects in-game, these ones get overlapped with 00:47:959 (6). So, please, unstack them manually or move them away a little. done
- 01:08:092 (1,3,5) - same as Insane. Please, make sure to doublecheck them. I did. It really sounds like 1/3 to me.
Note: 02:05:692 (1,3,5) - same. Fixed
Note to myself: I really should get more people to check them.- 01:53:759 (5) - this one hardly follows the vcals and does not feel nice at this point. The problem is that it begins on the red tick, therefore, it makes the strong white tick unclickable. Replace the slider with a circle on the white tick? Really, try it, please! fixed
- 03:22:159 (4,1,1) - the unstack here feels too hard to read and new combo does not really help to make it better. Unstacking would be a better idea, if you do it, you can also remove NC from 03:22:759 (1) - since it won't be really necessary here. done
- 00:53:159 (2,4) - minor - you might want to make them symmetrical. Well, honestly, it looks like you wanted them to be symmetrical, so... I never wanted them to be symmetrical because i think thats boring. But ok, fixed.
- 00:58:759 (1) - minor - the reverse arrow is placed here in a misleading way. Mind naking it more obvious? Example done
- 01:04:959 - I don't think this heavy kick is intended to be ignored. Just listen to it, we can't let such a strong beat stay without a hitcircle on it!
- 02:00:959 (3) - I would replace this one with a single circle at 02:01:159 - since this is a Normal diff I believe that players should have a very clean and loud enough track to follow instead of some rather unstable vocals. done
- 02:03:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - the way how they are stacked is a quitestionable one. Mind making the pattern a little more obvious by avoiding the stacks? (3) is really hard to read, atm. Fixed, (i guess)
- 03:06:759 (1) - well, I would remove it and place a couple of sliders sice the spinner feels way too short at this point. But it's up to you. Rough example fixed
- 03:24:359 (4,5,6) - minor - the spacing inconsistency is noticeable here, I would strongly recommend you to fix it. Even though the difference is really smal. Fixed. (I guess)
- 03:54:759 (1,2,3,4) - personally, I would map them with 1/1 objects as 3/4 sliders don't seem to fit well here. Well, I just can't hear how they're matching with the song and they feel pretty foced at this point. fixed
- 04:45:559 (6) - replace with an 1/2 slider and a circle, to stress the last beat of the song. I'm sure this matches in a really great way with the music. Example fixed
- AiMod detecs a few spacing mistakes. please check them. Ive checked them more than once. There are no problems lol
- 03:09:959 - Unsanepped kiai. Please, re-snap properly, kiais must be consistent and snapped. fixed
-Bakari- wrote:
- 03:22:159 (4,5,1) - the spacing is still the same. Let me make it more clear, it should be something like this. I believe that it makes the pattern much more understandable.
- 01:08:359 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:05:692 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the vocals are 1/3 but it would be too complicated, considering that there're only two patterns mapped this way. So I suggest sticking to consistent 1/2 rhythm and following it.
Fixed Everything
- 01:56:759 (3,4,5) - minor - the jump feels a little forced. Are you sure you want to keep it there?
- 01:08:359 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:05:692 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the vocals are 1/3 but it would be too complicated, considering that there're only two patterns mapped this way. So I suggest sticking to consistent 1/2 rhythm and following it.
Call me back. This should be the lasst time, sorry about taking so long.
Spread looks well balanced t me, as well. So, I believe it's okay to go.Desperate-kun wrote:
Imo it's a perfect spread since the density gap between Easy and Normal is equal to the one between Normal and Hard. (The Hard to Insane one is a bit smaller but that doesn't really matter)
Tari wrote:
Checking! <3
- 00:32:359 (4) - I would change this slider to a note, leaving a pause here fits the music well, please try your best to do this one.
- 00:43:959 (2) - You need to make this flipped somewhere else, it flows better and this note is kinda blocked by the notes before. Please do this :
- 01:52:759 (2) - You still need to treat this as normal DS even if the DS is quite obvious, for beginners this can be a possible miss, don't worry you can still keep your symmetry if you move the previous note farther away.
- Please fix all of the above!
The diff spread is awful, rhythms used are almost same as Hard. and thats not good. but its a simple fix you remove some notes.Oh well, going stop now. You need to remove a bunch of circles in Normal, mapping consecutive 1/2 is unacceptable especially since now your basically on-par with the rhythms in the hard. (mapping all red and white ticks) Removing some of the notes will definitely fix the issue.
- 02:19:359 (2) - Remove this note.
- 02:29:759 (2) - ^
- 02:32:159 (2) - ^
- 02:38:559 (2) - ^
- 02:42:559 (2) - ^
- 03:11:359 (3) - ^
- 03:14:559 (3) - ^
- 03:17:759 (3) - ^
- 03:22:159 (4) - ^
- 03:25:359 (5) - ^
- 03:27:359 (3) - ^
- 03:30:159 (2) - ^
- 03:31:759 (5) - ^
- 04:01:759 (2) - ^
- 04:04:759 (2) - ^
- 04:27:359 (2) - ^
- 03:03:559 (1,2,1,2) - The reverses are mapped to nothing. end them at red or white ticks please They are mapped to the soft Melodics in the background which fits perfectly. There is really no need to remove it. But ive fixed everything else
Popping this for now.
19:21 Secretpipe: We're gonna IRC man
19:21 *Come[Back]Home is listening to [ Star Driver - 5 Centimeters Per Second]
19:21 Come[Back]Home: You seem to be in a good mod lol
19:21 Secretpipe: nah
19:21 Come[Back]Home: Never saw so many "XD"
19:21 Secretpipe: I'm always like this
19:21 Secretpipe: XD
19:21 Come[Back]Home: xD
19:21 Secretpipe: ohwait
19:21 Secretpipe: LOLOL
19:21 Come[Back]Home: lol
19:21 Come[Back]Home: ?
19:22 Secretpipe: u sais that I wrote too many "XD"
19:22 Secretpipe: And I just wrote one
19:22 Secretpipe: lol
19:22 Come[Back]Home: Well, there are a lot more 0.0
19:22 Secretpipe: yes
19:22 Secretpipe: anyay
19:22 Secretpipe: anyway
19:22 Secretpipe: oh shiet
19:22 Secretpipe: 4x5 min
19:22 Secretpipe: DAMNIT
19:23 Secretpipe: I'm damned
19:23 Secretpipe: also
19:23 Come[Back]Home: Why?
19:23 Secretpipe: Okoratu sent me a PM for adding tags
19:23 Secretpipe: it's long lol
19:23 Come[Back]Home: Hmm, i love to map long songs, i hate it when a song is just 1-2 Mins long
19:23 Secretpipe: really ?
19:23 Come[Back]Home: Yeah
19:24 Secretpipe: I hate do this when the song is boring
19:24 Secretpipe: but we've got hardsyle
19:24 Secretpipe: so it's cool xD
19:24 Come[Back]Home: Haha xD
19:24 *Secretpipe is editing [ Star Driver - 5 Centimeters Per Second [Easy]]
19:24 Secretpipe: so
19:24 Secretpipe: okoratu sent me a pm for tags
19:24 Come[Back]Home: But mapping Hardstyle can be boring, every Hardstyle track has 150 bpm
19:24 Come[Back]Home: Ok, lets get started
19:24 Come[Back]Home: xD
19:25 Secretpipe: Add "Florian Billan" and "D3-Structive Records"
19:25 Secretpipe: in tags
19:25 Secretpipe: for every diff :p
19:26 Secretpipe: Also there's a markpage there LOL
19:26 Secretpipe: unremovable
19:26 Come[Back]Home: Is that wrong?
19:27 Come[Back]Home: I mean, it isnt doing enything to the song
19:27 Secretpipe: the bookmark ? nah
19:27 Secretpipe: nah it's just funny
19:27 Secretpipe: not unrankable too
19:27 Come[Back]Home: xD
19:27 Secretpipe: cause it doesn't affect the timing
19:27 Come[Back]Home: Yeah, changed the mp3, thats how it got there
19:28 Secretpipe: okay~
19:28 Secretpipe: 00:43:959 (2) - If you follow 00:42:759 (1) - 's shape , you must move 00:43:959 (2) - to x:396 y:204
19:29 Secretpipe: but I guess you're gonna deny this because you will need to change all pattern
19:29 Secretpipe: so maybe consider to reduce 00:42:759 (1) - 's shape
19:30 Come[Back]Home: Hmm, can you send me an example if possible?
19:31 Come[Back]Home:
19:31 Come[Back]Home: Is this alright?
19:31 Secretpipe: yeah
19:32 Secretpipe: brb 3min , need to buy some flavour I guess xD
19:32 Secretpipe: I will be back soon !
19:32 Come[Back]Home: Alright :3
19:38 Secretpipe: back
19:39 Come[Back]Home: wb
19:39 Secretpipe: still checking~
19:39 Secretpipe: 00:52:759 (2) - NC should be here nah ?
19:39 Secretpipe: Well , massive beat start at 00:52:359 -
19:40 Secretpipe: So just add a nc at 00:52:759 (2) -
19:40 Come[Back]Home: Done
19:40 Secretpipe: nice!
19:41 Secretpipe: break time !
19:41 Secretpipe: xD
19:41 Come[Back]Home: Im bad at mapping easys btw
19:41 Secretpipe: nah
19:41 Secretpipe: it's good!
19:41 Come[Back]Home: Hmm
19:41 Come[Back]Home: K
19:41 Secretpipe: xD
19:41 Come[Back]Home: Whats wrong with the brealtime?
19:41 Come[Back]Home: break*
19:41 Secretpipe: bah
19:41 Secretpipe: nah
19:41 Secretpipe: nothing wrong XD
19:42 Secretpipe: just said break time
19:42 Come[Back]Home: Oh
19:42 Secretpipe: cause
19:42 Secretpipe: I was at
19:42 Secretpipe: breaktime
19:42 Secretpipe: xD
19:42 Come[Back]Home: Ah xD
19:42 Secretpipe: Flow could be better between theese notes →02:25:159 (1,2) -
19:43 Secretpipe: you have to make the slider's tail toward 02:26:359 (2) -
19:44 Come[Back]Home:
19:44 Come[Back]Home: Like this?
19:44 Secretpipe: 03:06:359 (4) - Well, I think you can move the note in another place for avoiding stacks and adding some originality! Maybe move it to x:192 y:304 ?
19:44 Secretpipe: yeah like this
19:45 Come[Back]Home: Done
19:45 Secretpipe: yay \o/
19:45 Secretpipe: hope my suggestions are useful
19:45 Secretpipe: 03:15:959 (4,1,2) - the triangle's shape can be better!
19:45 Come[Back]Home: They are haha
19:45 Secretpipe: thanks <3
19:46 Secretpipe: 03:20:759 (2,3,4,5) - same
19:46 Secretpipe: 03:25:959 (1,2) - Flow issue here too !
19:46 Secretpipe: 03:30:359 (2,3,4) - triangle too
19:47 Come[Back]Home: fixed all, except that flow issue
19:47 Secretpipe: okay
19:47 Secretpipe: 03:53:159 (3) - A blanket would better fits here
19:48 Secretpipe: for the flow
19:48 Secretpipe: 03:56:359 (3) - here too , you can try to blanket it with 03:57:559 (4) -
19:48 Secretpipe: don't move 03:57:559 (4) - but adjust the slider for make a blanket!
19:49 Come[Back]Home: 03:54:759 (1,3)
19:49 Come[Back]Home: Those two are already blanket
19:49 Secretpipe: oh yeah
19:49 Secretpipe: didn't notice
19:49 Secretpipe: but well
19:50 Secretpipe: keep it xD
19:50 Secretpipe: 04:05:959 (3) - Try to make it toward 04:07:159 (4) -
19:50 Come[Back]Home: xD
19:50 Secretpipe: 04:07:559 (1) - is already doing it
19:51 Secretpipe: and it's okay for Easy !
19:52 Come[Back]Home: Phew, youre pretty fast xD
19:52 Secretpipe: rly ?
19:52 Come[Back]Home: Yeah
19:52 Secretpipe: MAN
19:53 Secretpipe: THE CS IN NORMAL
19:53 Secretpipe: Is too low omg
19:53 Secretpipe: 3.8 is for hard lol
19:53 Secretpipe: put 3.5 for being consistent and make the spread better
19:53 Secretpipe: it's really better
19:54 Come[Back]Home: Done, i hope there wont be any ugly overlaps now
19:54 Secretpipe: It doesn't change all pattern
19:54 Secretpipe: also sry for caps xD
19:54 Come[Back]Home: Its okay haha
19:54 Come[Back]Home: But is cs 3,8 really too low?
19:55 Come[Back]Home: In 2011/12 there were enough maps with cs 4
19:55 Secretpipe: for normal ?
19:55 Secretpipe: well
19:55 Secretpipe: it was a really bad idea
19:55 Come[Back]Home: Yeah
19:55 Secretpipe: and it's horrible for normal
19:55 Come[Back]Home: Hmm
19:55 Secretpipe: it's really awesome when playing
19:55 Secretpipe: I love playing normal
19:55 Secretpipe: And normal are the diff I most enjoy play/mapping
19:55 Secretpipe: trust me
19:55 Secretpipe: xD
19:56 Come[Back]Home: xD
19:56 Come[Back]Home: Okay
19:57 Secretpipe: u did it ?
19:58 Come[Back]Home: Yeah
20:01 Secretpipe: 00:37:959 (5,6) -
20:02 Secretpipe: maybe do sth like this?
20:02 Secretpipe:
20:03 Secretpipe: 00:48:759 (4) - Is overlaping with 00:49:559 (2,3) -
20:03 Secretpipe: move it anywhere ?
20:03 Come[Back]Home: You wont notice the overlap when you play
20:03 Secretpipe: with the AR yes
20:04 Come[Back]Home: K
20:04 Come[Back]Home: Hmm
20:04 Come[Back]Home: Fixed
20:04 Secretpipe: did u even tried ? ;;
20:04 Secretpipe: it's seen so fa
20:04 Secretpipe: far
20:05 Come[Back]Home:
20:05 Come[Back]Home: Hmm
20:05 Come[Back]Home:
20:05 Secretpipe: nice
20:05 Secretpipe: I'd need ur skin later
20:05 Secretpipe: XD
20:05 Come[Back]Home: Okay xD
20:06 Secretpipe: xD
20:07 Secretpipe: 02:01:159 (3,4,5) - improve da triangle sir
20:07 Secretpipe: xD
20:07 Secretpipe: 02:08:959 (6) - NC
20:08 Come[Back]Home: Both fixed
20:08 Secretpipe: cool !
20:09 Secretpipe: 02:32:359 (2) - Flow issue here
20:09 Secretpipe: you HAVE to agree with me XD
20:10 Come[Back]Home: Fixed
20:10 Secretpipe: TRIANGLE
20:10 Secretpipe: 02:42:759 (2,3,4) -
20:11 Come[Back]Home: Fixed
20:11 Secretpipe: yay
20:12 Secretpipe: 03:14:759 (3) - this too
20:12 Come[Back]Home: Whats there?
20:12 Secretpipe: a flow issue too
20:12 Secretpipe: 03:17:359 (2) - Well , I think,you can remove the red anchor
20:13 Secretpipe: the slider would have a neater aspect!
20:13 Come[Back]Home: Done
20:13 Come[Back]Home: But i dont get the flow issue haha
20:13 Secretpipe: it doesn't go toward the next note
20:14 Secretpipe: 03:57:959 (1) - Are you sure there's enough time for spin ?
20:14 Come[Back]Home: Yeah
20:14 Come[Back]Home: But, i can remove it ofc
20:15 Secretpipe: yeah
20:15 Secretpipe: you should do it
20:15 Secretpipe: it's really shor
20:15 Come[Back]Home: Ok, its longer now
20:15 Secretpipe: short
20:15 Come[Back]Home: 03:59:559
20:15 Secretpipe: 03:59:959 (1) - you removed 03:59:959 (1) - ?
20:15 Come[Back]Home: Removed the circle here
20:15 Secretpipe: I'M SO PRO
20:15 Secretpipe: I GUESSED IT
20:15 Secretpipe: xD
20:15 Come[Back]Home: Haha xD
20:16 Secretpipe: 04:02:959 (3,4,1) - nice pattern !
20:16 Come[Back]Home: Thanks
20:17 Secretpipe: 04:27:559 (2,3,4) - triangleeeeee
20:17 Secretpipe: 04:30:359 (2) - you can curve it like your cool pattern at 04:02:959 (3,4,1) -
20:17 Secretpipe: and it's enough for normal
20:19 Come[Back]Home: Done
20:20 Secretpipe: !!!
20:21 Come[Back]Home: ? D:
20:21 Secretpipe: WE DID THE HALF
20:21 Secretpipe: xD
20:21 *Secretpipe is editing [ Star Driver - 5 Centimeters Per Second [Hard]]
20:21 Secretpipe: 04:02:959 (3,4,1) -
20:21 Secretpipe: oops
20:21 Secretpipe: 00:25:959 - and 00:26:059 -
20:21 Secretpipe: you need to add some circle there
20:22 Come[Back]Home: I first had Circles there, but some1 requested to delete it, i think it fits much better now
20:22 Secretpipe: nah
20:23 Secretpipe: ppl will miss
20:23 Secretpipe: because the rhythm is weird after you spin
20:23 Come[Back]Home: Hmmmm
20:23 Come[Back]Home: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
20:23 Come[Back]Home: Okay
20:23 Secretpipe: well
20:23 Secretpipe: iit's up to you
20:23 Secretpipe: try to add them
20:23 Secretpipe: and play it
20:23 Secretpipe: and tell me what you think
20:23 Come[Back]Home: There are Circles now
20:24 Secretpipe: 00:52:359 (1,2,3) - NICE
20:24 Secretpipe: I mean triangle ;~;
20:24 Come[Back]Home: No, i really dont want to make that a triangle
20:24 Secretpipe: Okay ;;
20:24 Secretpipe: also , just for remonding , you added the two names in tags ?
20:25 Come[Back]Home: I did
20:25 Secretpipe: nice!
20:29 Secretpipe: and
20:29 Secretpipe: that's all
20:29 Secretpipe: :p
20:29 Come[Back]Home: Yay :3
20:29 Secretpipe: 00:27:059 (2,3) -
20:29 *Secretpipe is editing [ Star Driver - 5 Centimeters Per Second [Right Back]]
20:29 Secretpipe: I thik you should stack them under slider
20:30 Secretpipe: it's really confusing otherwise
20:30 Come[Back]Home: Okay
20:33 Secretpipe: 03:05:459 (2,3) - Same !
20:33 Come[Back]Home: Fixed
20:33 Secretpipe: 03:11:959 (2) - I think you should remove overlap
20:33 Secretpipe: by moving 2 at
20:34 Secretpipe: x372 y360
20:34 Secretpipe: for example
20:34 Secretpipe: 03:13:559 (2) - this too
20:34 Secretpipe: 03:15:159 (2) - ^
20:34 Come[Back]Home: Hmm, i really dont think thats necessary
20:34 Secretpipe: I think so
20:34 Come[Back]Home: Hmm
20:34 Secretpipe: I respect your style though
20:34 Come[Back]Home: Main time is full of that
20:34 Secretpipe: 03:18:359 (2) -
20:34 Secretpipe: yeah
20:35 Secretpipe: but see this pattern for example
20:35 Secretpipe: 03:22:559 (6,1,1) - Here , this is really weird, there's random spacing here , this must be fixed!
20:35 Come[Back]Home: I like those overlaps, it looks kinda ugly when they don't, and its the normal DS after all
20:36 Secretpipe: yeah keep your overlaps
20:36 Come[Back]Home: Fixed the last one
20:37 Secretpipe: about random spacing ?
20:37 Secretpipe: AND
20:37 Secretpipe: we just finished
20:37 Secretpipe: :d/
20:38 Come[Back]Home: Yeah, about the random spacing
20:38 Come[Back]Home: Yay
20:38 Come[Back]Home: xD
20:38 Come[Back]Home: Should i update it (Ill loose my bubble though)
20:38 Secretpipe: you should know sth
20:38 Secretpipe: the bubble will
20:38 Secretpipe: pop
20:39 Secretpipe: but I'm gonna rank
20:39 Secretpipe: baka
Ist erledigtSquirrel wrote:
omg I've been waiting for this!! Congratz for first ranked! :3
osu definitely needs more Hardstyle ~ >w<
btw, magst du rausnehmen woher du's mp3 file hast, ich steh nich gerne in iwelchen Beschreibungen.. pretty please. <3 '__'
Waitwaitwait Secritpipepepep, dafuq.Aka wrote:
okoratuh ;_;
Okoratu wrote:
Waitwaitwait Secritpipepepep, dafuq.Aka wrote:
okoratuh ;_;
You wanted to check this.
-besides i had a headache and felt like puking for the past 9 hours-