
Are new players headed the wrong way? - Azer Video

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didn't watch all, it was too long

Azer is probably mad cuz he hasn't made much pp lately. :)
Why is it so hard to understand that people enjoy progress? People enjoy farming pp. Why can't they enjoy progressing skill/pp-wise?

Let's just accept that people are different. And that a pretty good bunch of players actually likes competitiveness. (wow! ikr!)

Infevo wrote:

Why is it so hard to understand that people enjoy progress? People enjoy farming pp. Why can't they enjoy progressing skill/pp-wise?

Let's just accept that people are different. And that a pretty good bunch of players actually likes competitiveness. (wow! ikr!)
It's that they only get better at the pp-relevant components of the game.
There is no good reading required if you're picking the correct maps and you also don't have to get good at rhythms as there are plenty of jumpy 1/2 circle-slider-spam-tvsize-maps without any blueticks to fulfill your pp-needs.
I like the competition too, easily noticeable by the farm on my top ranks but people who only go down this road will have a hard time playing this game as a rhythm game later on as rhythmic understanding isn't rewarded and as a result not acquired by these players.
The further a player proceeds in rank the more important accuracy will become to keep up with progressing. So I'd second guess this point...

And there are numerous players who progress just fine simply by farming pp.

Why are people even bothered by this? I don't see any reason to keep preaching down on other players for their preferences if oneself in fact _enjoys the game_. At this point everything should just be fine.

Stop telling others _how_ to enjoy this game!
Someone make a subtitle for the video please :^)

nvm I watched on smartphone but it didn't appear, it appears fine on pc LOL

edit2: demn the subtitle wasn't reliable

Infevo wrote:

The further a player proceeds in rank the more important accuracy will become to keep up with progressing. So I'd second guess this point...
Getting good accuracy on mentioned 1/2-spam-jump-maps is an easy task though. Even DJ Fuduji has some 98%+ plays on his top ranks. But having good acc on something like this is plain worthless, as the rhythmical complexity is as close to zero as it can get.
Idk how I should judge your statement either cause your acc isn't particularly good, too(I consider 96-97% weighted acc a standard easily achievable by anyone).
It's also not about telling people how to enjoy the game but to stop judging their skill based on their pp and stopping to consider pp as the only accurate measure. This is very hard to do though as pp is a good measure in some sense, but a terrible one in others.
Letting skill show via pp is something that pushes competition-orientated players towards the special type of map like the one linked above, ignoring other components of the game. They are in no way encouraged to play complex maps with doubles, syncopes and all that stuff which leaves them with an extremely one-sided skillset.

ppv2 encourages competition-orientated players to play osu! as an aim-simulator or something similar but not a rhythmgame.
This is not taiko. osu!standard as a game mode has a very solid aim component since half of what you effectivly do is aiming. only because the aiming skill is much more quicker aquired since there are more maps which enforce players to aim properly than actually focus on the rhythm doesn't mean it has less value.
Shouldn't be too much of a surprise the pp algorithm takes aim into account to a very big extent.

People wouldn't play osu!standard if they wanted a mere aiming game and this was all they cared about and had fun with, would they?

Accuracy is an important aspect as well. But its importance doesn't kick in until the OD significantly increases. And as long as we talk about players like me who are nowhere near a skill level of actually having to deal with OD10 and higher this particular stat literally doesn't say anything especially since reading skills, object density and/or particularly too high AR play a lot into it eventually and map pools are absolutely random from one player to another. There are players around my rank who play almost exclusively OD7 and lower. Of course they will achieve a higher accuracy on paper while technically there is no point in comparing.

Btw. try harding for high acc (on any level) can arguably contradict "enjoy game" either.

As long as the pp algorithm is the way it is you cannot blame the players/mappers for abusing it. Instead feel free to make reasonable suggestions in the pp thread or by messaging tom directly.
I'm not talking about accuracy in the sense of being accurate in general though.
It has something to do with being able to read more complex patterns and execute them cleanly.
There are 2.5* OD4 maps out there that turn out to be hard to acc as any OD requires an extent of rhythmic understanding to punish you for misreading or improper execution. Idk how else you want to explain that I struggle do get above 97% on some sub-3* OD6-maps while I'm totally capable of SSing 4* OD7 or even OD8 in some cases(and can get like 92-95% on OD10 provided I don't fail the map and it's not X-encounter-level).

just to name two low* maps that are fairly hard to execute precisely.

So there are different types of low accuracy like in "being unable to keep low UR due to lack of practice", "unable to stream properly" and "being unable to be accurate due to not being able to understand the rhythm".
And the last thing is something that shouldn't be encouraged but is the case very often when highly competitive pp-farmers face technical maps.
I don't even consider myself good at these but whenever I come into a 3-4* multiroom and a decently hard-to-read map is selected I see the people dying all over the place and the only conclusion I can get is that these people don't understand what is happening on their screen and just blindly mash their keyboard while aiming properly.

Fast example of farm map (easy 4,7* + DT), free 350pp, this is even better than koigokoro xD
E m i

Tidek wrote:


Fast example of farm map (easy 4,7* + DT), free 350pp, this is even better than koigokoro xD
I Give Up

FrostxE wrote:

Someone make a subtitle for the video please :^)

nvm I watched on smartphone but it didn't appear, it appears fine on pc LOL

edit2: demn the subtitle wasn't reliable
I transcribed it. You may now have my babies.

Hi guys. Today I'll be experimenting with another form of content so please let me know if you enjoy it. As some of you know I'm a huge World of Warcraft fan and I follow a lot of content creators that govern the game. One of the biggest type of content those guys put out is discussion videos and I wanted to try my hand at them as we don't have anyone doing them in the osu community as far as I know. So in this video I wanted to talk about new players and more specifically the direction they're heading in.

We live in an era of players who just want to go fast. Everything must be AR10 or they just can't play it. We also have players looking up to those people and telling themselves they must play AR10 too when it's far too soon in their learning curve to be able to play it. What results of these players is people playing whack-a-mole. They throw all sense of rhythm out the window and just react to fast objects on the screen instead of playing a rhythm game. You can throw these players an AR9 map and they won't know how to play it because they can't read it. Are those players really a problem? Are they really playing a rhythm game? Well, let's remember that this game is community driven. Sometimes the interest of the player base changes and that leaves the older members to tag along because they don't have much choice. What if in 2 years the player base now consist of these people who only play AR10?

Remember when this map came out? (Nhato - Miss You [Selentia]) Remember how the majority of the community absolutely hated it? Yet today many of us now consider it to be one of the greatest maps ever made. I mean few years ago you showed a mapper this map and they will tell you its bad yet for whatever reason today, we like it. Or at least some of us do. It happens all the time. A controversial map inspires other mappers to try this style and expand on it, and then it creates a chain reaction and that results in that controversial mapping style being the new meta.

Players are getting better, and so maps are getting harder and harder to fit their demands. And we will probably reach a point where AR10 is the norm and the players we will consider to be gods are the ones who are now playing whack-a-mole today. Who knows?

Another kind of player in this era is the player who came after the introduction of Tom's PP system and only care about growing that number on their profile. These are the players who spend 100% of their play time talking to Tillerino and just trying to find the next over-weighted map they can set a score on. Generally these players only end up playing DT or no mod at all.

A few years back when we were under the old PP system, PP was all about your ranking on the map, which meant that playing hidden was really rewarding. If you learnt to play it you will get a ton of bonus points just for playing the exact same map. Unfortunately in the new system hidden is only a small percentage bonus and has little to no incentive for a player that's looking to gain PP. What I mean is... If a player has to chose between gaining PP by farming over-weighted DT maps like Koigokoro - which is something that requires no particular learning effort. Or play an AR9 insane with hidden - a mod they've never really used by itself before and it requires them to learn how to read with it. They will obviously choose the DT map over and over because its the path of least resistance. The easiest option.

We've seen more and more tournaments this year. And as someone who's been involved in most of them as a player or as a staff member, I've seen some really good players I've never heard of a year ago. And they're not able to play hidden on its own. These are 3 digit players who can shit out 300pp plays left and right but they can't FC anything with hidden on its own. These players who only care about PP will eventually become the majority of the player base if they aren't already. And you can already see the effects of it: mappers creating maps with the sole purpose of abusing the flaws of the PP system just so most players play their maps because as it is now - as good as the map is - if it's not rewarding to the average player, the average player will not play it.

Some of my best memories in this game come from playing some of the masterpieces people have created - and a big reason why I love the game so much to this day despite it being fundamentally flawed as a rhythm game - is all the wonderful music people have made me discover through their maps and if you haven't spent time in the game at least try to enjoy yourself and discover all the wonderful content people have created. I can only tell ya... Please enjoy game.

That's it for today. I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time.
diz iz a rhythm gaem rhythm gaems arnt supose to hav ranks therfor plz enjoy gam guis pls

>hypocryt dt famer

KukiMonster wrote:

FrostxE wrote:

Someone make a subtitle for the video please :^)

nvm I watched on smartphone but it didn't appear, it appears fine on pc LOL

edit2: demn the subtitle wasn't reliable
I transcribed it. You may now have my babies.

Hi guys. Today I'll be experimenting with another form of content so please let me know if you enjoy it. As some of you know I'm a huge World of Warcraft fan and I follow a lot of content creators that govern the game. One of the biggest type of content those guys put out is discussion videos and I wanted to try my hand at them as we don't have anyone doing them in the osu community as far as I know. So in this video I wanted to talk about new players and more specifically the direction they're heading in.

We live in an era of players who just want to go fast. Everything must be AR10 or they just can't play it. We also have players looking up to those people and telling themselves they must play AR10 too when it's far too soon in their learning curve to be able to play it. What results of these players is people playing whack-a-mole. They throw all sense of rhythm out the window and just react to fast objects on the screen instead of playing a rhythm game. You can throw these players an AR9 map and they won't know how to play it because they can't read it. Are those players really a problem? Are they really playing a rhythm game? Well, let's remember that this game is community driven. Sometimes the interest of the player base changes and that leaves the older members to tag along because they don't have much choice. What if in 2 years the player base now consist of these people who only play AR10?

Remember when this map came out? (Nhato - Miss You [Selentia]) Remember how the majority of the community absolutely hated it? Yet today many of us now consider it to be one of the greatest maps ever made. I mean few years ago you showed a mapper this map and they will tell you its bad yet for whatever reason today, we like it. Or at least some of us do. It happens all the time. A controversial map inspires other mappers to try this style and expand on it, and then it creates a chain reaction and that results in that controversial mapping style being the new meta.

Players are getting better, and so maps are getting harder and harder to fit their demands. And we will probably reach a point where AR10 is the norm and the players we will consider to be gods are the ones who are now playing whack-a-mole today. Who knows?

Another kind of player in this era is the player who came after the introduction of Tom's PP system and only care about growing that number on their profile. These are the players who spend 100% of their play time talking to Tillerino and just trying to find the next over-weighted map they can set a score on. Generally these players only end up playing DT or no mod at all.

A few years back when we were under the old PP system, PP was all about your ranking on the map, which meant that playing hidden was really rewarding. If you learnt to play it you will get a ton of bonus points just for playing the exact same map. Unfortunately in the new system hidden is only a small percentage bonus and has little to no incentive for a player that's looking to gain PP. What I mean is... If a player has to chose between gaining PP by farming over-weighted DT maps like Koigokoro - which is something that requires no particular learning effort. Or play an AR9 insane with hidden - a mod they've never really used by itself before and it requires them to learn how to read with it. They will obviously choose the DT map over and over because its the path of least resistance. The easiest option.

We've seen more and more tournaments this year. And as someone who's been involved in most of them as a player or as a staff member, I've seen some really good players I've never heard of a year ago. And they're not able to play hidden on its own. These are 3 digit players who can shit out 300pp plays left and right but they can't FC anything with hidden on its own. These players who only care about PP will eventually become the majority of the player base if they aren't already. And you can already see the effects of it: mappers creating maps with the sole purpose of abusing the flaws of the PP system just so most players play their maps because as it is now - as good as the map is - if it's not rewarding to the average player, the average player will not play it.

Some of my best memories in this game come from playing some of the masterpieces people have created - and a big reason why I love the game so much to this day despite it being fundamentally flawed as a rhythm game - is all the wonderful music people have made me discover through their maps and if you haven't spent time in the game at least try to enjoy yourself and discover all the wonderful content people have created. I can only tell ya... Please enjoy game.

That's it for today. I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time.
Keep in mind the algorithm already takes numerous things into account. It considers so much and frankly it is ridiculous to expect much more from tom when he has already worked so hard on it.

I just demand of everyone criticizing it based of your reasoning and being in a competitive position where it matters to go for the same plays top players have and prove how flawed the player base' thinking is. Of course, there will be players who will be able to fc read intensive maps with high accuracy. However, this particular skill doesn't subsequently mean they are also capable of doing as fine on fast aim maps. It is fundamentally wrong to assume there was a correlation! If that was the case EZ/HD/FL players would dominate the top 50.
Who the hell cares what direction they're heading?

Isn't he one of the people who say to just play to get better and to enjoy it?
E m i

RejectedTaco wrote:

Who the hell cares what direction they're heading?

Isn't he one of the people who say to just play to get better and to enjoy it?
I don't understand what you're saying but I like it xd

Infevo wrote:

Keep in mind the algorithm already takes numerous things into account. It considers so much and frankly it is ridiculous to expect much more from tom when he has already worked so hard on it.

I just demand of everyone criticizing it based of your reasoning and being in a competitive position where it matters to go for the same plays top players have and prove how flawed the player base' thinking is. Of course, there will be players who will be able to fc read intensive maps with high accuracy. However, this particular skill doesn't subsequently mean they are also capable of doing as fine on fast aim maps. It is fundamentally wrong to assume there was a correlation! If that was the case EZ/HD/FL players would dominate the top 50.
Yeah, I don't expect more from Tom even though I have high hopes for the acc/aim-split.
And of course it's wrong to assume a correlation but there are also read-intensive fast aim maps ;)
Kawaii AF
Interesting. As I think of it music is more for the rythem and thats what makes up OSU and it's beatmaps. If you only listen to the music in OSU then that's a problem
HAHAHAHHA I can't believe it's still so relevant with the situation right now.
Is this what we call necroposting?
Topic Starter
-Makishima S-
This thread is so true right now...

... partially thanks to mappers who abuse pp system like... i don't even say what...
Osu standard doesn't matter

Yuudachi-kun wrote:

Osu standardLife doesn't matter

N0thingSpecial wrote:

Yuudachi-kun wrote:

Osu standardLife doesn't matter
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