
Delta Heavy - Ghost

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Monstrata wrote:

Still don't get why the diff name has to be Clippy4Ever like that.
Also, old BG was a lot better. Why did you have to change it xp.
Fully agree with you, for me old diffname ("Returning") and old BG was better.
Oh, also, can I help you? Thanks.
  1. Да, в Cry Baby я промолчал, но тут, пожалуй, скажу:

    100bit wrote:

    Начнём с того, что разнообразить слайдеры не обязательно. Можно по одному слайдеру на два даунбита, если рассматривать начало/конец. То есть, 00:23:871 (1,2) - не обязательно делать разными. Можно сделать, например, так же, как на 00:26:630 (1,2) . Это и выглядеть будет красивее, как по мне, иначе - путает игрока.
    (вырезка из старого мода, те примеры неактуальны).
    Пример: 00:25:251 (2,1) - по сути идентикал, но их можно подвинуть в начало трека, и так с каждым даунбитом. Надеюсь, нормально понял, если что, найди в ВК.
  2. 00:55:251 (2) - хейтер слайдеров, оканчивающихся на даунбит, уже пришёл! Звучит как старый паттеринг, предлагаю переделать паттерн (пример: 00:55:251 - цикрл, 00:55:596 00:55:596 - 00:55:940 - один слайдер, 00:56:285 - 00:56:630 - другой слайдер; да, так теряется всё разнообразие ритма, которое тут вполне может быть, но ты же сам как-то говорил, что изику не нужно разнообразие... или не ты)
  3. Остальное нормально.
нази бред
00:23:871 (1,2) - реверсивное круговое флоу, однако на 00:29:389 (1,2) ты этот момент игнорируешь (why?), раз уж Монстрата решил пройтись по флоу и всем паттернам сразу.
00:33:527 (3) - раз уж на то пошло, то можно сделать закругление, чтобы по флоу сразу пойти к 00:34:906 (1) , можно даже бланкетом, как тут, при этом тот самый паттерн перестроив
00:42:492 (4,2) - у вас тут оверлап не очень приятный, лучше так не делать, хотя это я дикий хейтер оверлапов.
00:56:975 (1,4) - ^
  1. Бланкеты: 00:37:665 (1,2) - я думал, тут будет больше кривых бланкетов
  2. Начало странное, вообще удивляюсь, как вы его умудряетесь мапать. То ты мапаешь больше на вокал (н-ер 00:25:940 (2,1) ), то вообще его игнорируешь (н-ер 00:27:320 (2,1) , судя по всему, конец двойки должен быть кликейбл, но для этого потребуется менять вообще весь ритм начала, или убирать все рипиты и оставлять чистые 2/1 слайдеры). Тоже самое насчёт НК - совершенно неясно, не понятно, что ты выделяешь и какая зависимость между паттернами и НК (в пример всё тот же 00:25:940 (2,1) или 00:31:458 (2,1) , во втором случае я совершенно потерялся, так как на 00:31:630 - 00:31:803 - 00:31:975 - проскальзывают те самые электро-звуки, которые во время всего киая являются главными, соответственно, 00:31:458 (2) немного сильнее, чем 00:32:147 (1) , однако по НК это не так... привет Диггеру)
  3. 00:36:285 (3,4) - в начале это прямо таки единственный момент, когда встречаются два циркла подряд, есть ли какая-то причина на это? Предлагаю либо заменить этот паттерн на слайдер, либо каждый третий последующий слайдер по даунбиту (проще говоря, 00:39:044 (3) - 00:41:803 (3) ) заменить на два циркла.
  4. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4) - дико забавное движение идёт, но мне как-то не очень нравится. К чему я это всё: 00:40:423 (1,2) - находятся на одном x-axis, 00:41:113 (2,3) - различается на три позиции, 00:41:803 (3,4) - различается аж на пять позиций. Сделай эти паттерны ровнее - для этого зажми шифт и двигай следующий слайдер так, чтобы он вставал ровно с концом предыдущего. Если сложно - спроси в ВК, скрин сделать не могу. Тоже самое на 01:08:009 (1,2) , выглядит ужасно.
  5. 00:46:803 (2,3) - тоже самое, что у Монстраты, такое флоу действительно не очень хорошо играется.
  6. 00:55:596 - 00:55:768 - 00:55:940 - тут драмы идут по методу увеличения громкости (первый - самый тихий и почти незаметный, второй - нормальной громкости, третий - бочка, которая вполне себе заметна даже сквозь электро), и выделять второй по громкости бит цирклом, при этом оставляя 00:55:940 (4) почти незаметным (по сравнению с тем самым цирклом) не есть хорошо. Вспомнив мою диффу, могу предложить только перестройку ритма вот так (курсор на 00:55:251 ), тем самым оставив абсолютно все из драмов слайдерами. Да, тут же я поменял 00:56:458 (6) на два циркла (00:56:458 - 00:56:630 ), чтобы выделить драм, но это опционально.
  7. 01:22:492 (2) - почти тоже самое, что и в начале карты, да и в моём первом моде - разнообразие ритма. Причина как всегда не ясна, но тем не менее и опять же - можно выделить двумя цирклами на 01:23:182 - 01:23:527 .
  8. 01:17:665 (3,4,5,6,1) - пожалуй, самый тяжёлый паттерн из всех, но если его не выделяли до этого - можешь не нёрфить.
  1. Я вообще не понял, зачем на твою диффу отдельный онемешный БГ и как он связан... со всем.
  2. 00:54:906 (3) - 01:05:940 (3) - электро в данном треке выступает наиболее сильным и, соответственно, главным инструментом, пропускать его как-то не очень желательно. Могу только предложить сменить слайдертик на двойку.
  3. 00:48:182 (3,4,5) - выглядит очень маленьким, по сравнению с другими паттернами, я бы скейлнул на 1.2х хотя бы, или того больше. По сути, всё те же самые инструменты, которые звучат дальше, но там джампы побольше будут. Даже 00:57:837 (3,4,5) - и тот больше, хотя треугольник одинаковый.
  4. 01:15:596 (4,5) - как по мне, без бланкета паттерн как-то не очень имеет смысл. И да, если тут действительно предполагался бланкет, то он тут не очень ровный.
  5. 01:19:044 (1) - дикое нази, но с этого момента ближайшие паттерны имеют не очень понятную логику, ибо не подходят по ритму. И ещё - 01:19:044 (1,2) - тут бы побольше джамп, по сравнению с другими он никакой.
  6. 01:28:699 (1) - во-первых, 01:29:216 - не должен иметь никакого звука, ибо там нет вообще никакого эмфейзиса музыки, во-вторых, 01:28:699 - этот гринпоинтпоинт сделать потише. И вообще с громкостью в этой диффе беда - я не ощущаю фидбека в местах, где он определённо должен быть, если играть со стандартным или другим кастомным скином и выключенными in-map хитсаундами (то есть, 01:28:699 - не имеет вообще никаких звуков как таковых, однако хитсаундами фидбек я ощущаю намного больше, чем, например, на 01:06:630 или 01:19:044 ). Если что-то вдруг непонятно - отпиши в вк, Маша знает, как меня найти.

Okorin wrote:

no idea what the russian around here says
Я не сторонник идеального и симметричного (если ты про это)
Твой пример насчёт ритма не очень тбх, есть более подходящие примеры (показывать не буду здесь), а вообще, менять не стану, ибо если начну менять (под корректный ртим), то это уже будет сложно для изика, поэтому я нашёл компромисс и использовал даунбит тут.

Маша, убери гринлайн на изике
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:

Still don't get why the diff name has to be Clippy4Ever like that. Ok then, will "Comeback" fit better? xd

Also, old BG was a lot better. Why did you have to change it xp. Ok, many people said it, so I will return old BG


00:46:803 (2,3) - Problem is now your arrangement is confusing to beginners. Slider 2 is pointed leftward, but you need to go rightward to hit slider 3.
00:50:940 (6,1) - Here too, this is not good flow for beginners.
00:53:699 (5,1) - ^
01:03:354 (2,3) - This arrangement is quite confusing too because of the sharp angle from 2>3.

Your flow in the Normal could still be improved. Right now it's not intuitive xP. Fixed everything by some remapping You totally killed my normal :o
Thx Mr. Monstrata! :)

100bit wrote:

нази бред
00:23:871 (1,2) - реверсивное круговое флоу, однако на 00:29:389 (1,2) ты этот момент игнорируешь (why?), раз уж Монстрата решил пройтись по флоу и всем паттернам сразу. И правда нази бред
00:33:527 (3) - раз уж на то пошло, то можно сделать закругление, чтобы по флоу сразу пойти к 00:34:906 (1) , можно даже бланкетом, как тут, при этом тот самый паттерн перестроив Твой вариант выглядит ужасно, сори
00:42:492 (4,2) - у вас тут оверлап не очень приятный, лучше так не делать, хотя это я дикий хейтер оверлапов. Ладно
00:56:975 (1,4) - ^ Хз че там было, заремапала же
  1. Бланкеты: 00:37:665 (1,2) - я думал, тут будет больше кривых бланкетов Это не должно быть бланкетом лол
  2. Начало странное, вообще удивляюсь, как вы его умудряетесь мапать. То ты мапаешь больше на вокал (н-ер 00:25:940 (2,1) ), то вообще его игнорируешь (н-ер 00:27:320 (2,1) , судя по всему, конец двойки должен быть кликейбл, но для этого потребуется менять вообще весь ритм начала, или убирать все рипиты и оставлять чистые 2/1 слайдеры). Тоже самое насчёт НК - совершенно неясно, не понятно, что ты выделяешь и какая зависимость между паттернами и НК (в пример всё тот же 00:25:940 (2,1) или 00:31:458 (2,1) , во втором случае я совершенно потерялся, так как на 00:31:630 - 00:31:803 - 00:31:975 - проскальзывают те самые электро-звуки, которые во время всего киая являются главными, соответственно, 00:31:458 (2) немного сильнее, чем 00:32:147 (1) , однако по НК это не так... привет Диггеру) Так сложно написано, что я ничего не поняла, но так как Монстрата абсолютно ничего не сказал по этой части, то она должна быть окей
  3. 00:36:285 (3,4) - в начале это прямо таки единственный момент, когда встречаются два циркла подряд, есть ли какая-то причина на это? Предлагаю либо заменить этот паттерн на слайдер, либо каждый третий последующий слайдер по даунбиту (проще говоря, 00:39:044 (3) - 00:41:803 (3) ) заменить на два циркла. Есть: Моё желание
  4. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4) - дико забавное движение идёт, но мне как-то не очень нравится. К чему я это всё: 00:40:423 (1,2) - находятся на одном x-axis, 00:41:113 (2,3) - различается на три позиции, 00:41:803 (3,4) - различается аж на пять позиций. Сделай эти паттерны ровнее - для этого зажми шифт и двигай следующий слайдер так, чтобы он вставал ровно с концом предыдущего. Если сложно - спроси в ВК, скрин сделать не могу. Тоже самое на 01:08:009 (1,2) , выглядит ужасно. Поправила Игрики
  5. 00:46:803 (2,3) - тоже самое, что у Монстраты, такое флоу действительно не очень хорошо играется. Поправила в пред. моде
  6. 00:55:596 - 00:55:768 - 00:55:940 - тут драмы идут по методу увеличения громкости (первый - самый тихий и почти незаметный, второй - нормальной громкости, третий - бочка, которая вполне себе заметна даже сквозь электро), и выделять второй по громкости бит цирклом, при этом оставляя 00:55:940 (4) почти незаметным (по сравнению с тем самым цирклом) не есть хорошо. Вспомнив мою диффу, могу предложить только перестройку ритма вот так (курсор на 00:55:251 ), тем самым оставив абсолютно все из драмов слайдерами. Да, тут же я поменял 00:56:458 (6) на два циркла (00:56:458 - 00:56:630 ), чтобы выделить драм, но это опционально. Я там выделяю 2 протяжных звука, думаю, этот ритм здесь лучший для этого
  7. 01:22:492 (2) - почти тоже самое, что и в начале карты, да и в моём первом моде - разнообразие ритма. Причина как всегда не ясна, но тем не менее и опять же - можно выделить двумя цирклами на 01:23:182 - 01:23:527 . Не вижу ничего плохого в этом слайдере и причины его менять тоже, собственно, не вижу
  8. 01:17:665 (3,4,5,6,1) - пожалуй, самый тяжёлый паттерн из всех, но если его не выделяли до этого - можешь не нёрфить. Не писали - не буду нерфить
Спасибо за мод, Копетан

Slayed's Answer:

100bit wrote:

  1. Я вообще не понял, зачем на твою диффу отдельный онемешный БГ и как он связан... со всем. да
  2. 00:54:906 (3) - 01:05:940 (3) - электро в данном треке выступает наиболее сильным и, соответственно, главным инструментом, пропускать его как-то не очень желательно. Могу только предложить сменить слайдертик на двойку. уж один-то раз можно замапать вокал, тем более его тут дефицит
  3. 00:48:182 (3,4,5) - выглядит очень маленьким, по сравнению с другими паттернами, я бы скейлнул на 1.2х хотя бы, или того больше. По сути, всё те же самые инструменты, которые звучат дальше, но там джампы побольше будут. Даже 00:57:837 (3,4,5) - и тот больше, хотя треугольник одинаковый. не очень заметно, на самом деле. оставлю так
  4. 01:15:596 (4,5) - как по мне, без бланкета паттерн как-то не очень имеет смысл. И да, если тут действительно предполагался бланкет, то он тут не очень ровный. это и не должен был быть бланкет
  5. 01:19:044 (1) - дикое нази, но с этого момента ближайшие паттерны имеют не очень понятную логику, ибо не подходят по ритму. И ещё - 01:19:044 (1,2) - тут бы побольше джамп, по сравнению с другими он никакой. очень конструктивно, спасибо. в любом случае, оставлю так, мне нравится
  6. 01:28:699 (1) - во-первых, 01:29:216 - не должен иметь никакого звука, ибо там нет вообще никакого эмфейзиса музыки, во-вторых, 01:28:699 - этот гринпоинтпоинт сделать потише. И вообще с громкостью в этой диффе беда - я не ощущаю фидбека в местах, где он определённо должен быть, если играть со стандартным или другим кастомным скином и выключенными in-map хитсаундами (то есть, 01:28:699 - не имеет вообще никаких звуков как таковых, однако хитсаундами фидбек я ощущаю намного больше, чем, например, на 01:06:630 или 01:19:044 ). Если что-то вдруг непонятно - отпиши в вк, Маша знает, как меня найти. да вроде нормально работает, и монстрата ничего не сказал
о, аниме бг на неаниме трек, кайф
Alright, happy with changes now. Nominated!
Topic Starter
Thanks Mr.Monstrata!
Woohoo, posting on behalf of NeilPerry

NeilPerry wrote:

Hi im wanna offer you some moments which need improvments and polishing before ranking.

00:23:872 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i disagree with this moment. Parts got irregular shapes and placements. the overall concept looks rly randomly. Angle rotations very random and this looks not aesthetical.
00:40:078 (4) - this slider make ryth unconsistent. cuz sound didn't change
00:40:596 - this beat need emphazing. not sliderend at it
00:48:183 (4,1) - this overlap is not aesthetically good. you can avoid it
00:47:665 (2) - this shape looks randomly. it's off-pattering.
00:50:078 (1,2) - unconsistence rythm and bad emphazing on strong beat
00:51:458 (1,2) - this can be more polished
01:02:493 (1,2) - same as i told. shapes looks randomly
01:02:837 (2,3,6) - this should be more neat. many useless ovelaps and looks ugly
01:08:182 - very looks weird that you didn't emphaze this but emphaze pure sound. futherer you emphazed this moment
01:18:528 (5,6) - there should be spaced moment. as before
01:18:528 (5,6,1,2,4,5,1,2,4,5) - beats didn't changed tbh

So overall this map should be MORE polished. Many random moments. i cant catch your concept. most patterns out of pattering and got weird angle rotations. Beats and spacing looks randomly too.
I'll post my own comments later.

Bakari wrote:

Woohoo, posting on behalf of NeilPerry

NeilPerry wrote:

Hi im wanna offer you some moments which need improvments and polishing before ranking.

00:23:872 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i disagree with this moment. Parts got irregular shapes and placements. the overall concept looks rly randomly. Angle rotations very random and this looks not aesthetical.
00:40:078 (4) - this slider make ryth unconsistent. cuz sound didn't change
00:40:596 - this beat need emphazing. not sliderend at it
00:48:183 (4,1) - this overlap is not aesthetically good. you can avoid it
00:47:665 (2) - this shape looks randomly. it's off-pattering.
00:50:078 (1,2) - unconsistence rythm and bad emphazing on strong beat
00:51:458 (1,2) - this can be more polished
01:02:493 (1,2) - same as i told. shapes looks randomly
01:02:837 (2,3,6) - this should be more neat. many useless ovelaps and looks ugly
01:08:182 - very looks weird that you didn't emphaze this but emphaze pure sound. futherer you emphazed this moment
01:18:528 (5,6) - there should be spaced moment. as before
01:18:528 (5,6,1,2,4,5,1,2,4,5) - beats didn't changed tbh

So overall this map should be MORE polished. Many random moments. i cant catch your concept. most patterns out of pattering and got weird angle rotations. Beats and spacing looks randomly too.
I'll post my own comments later.
Do not want to start mess here, just wanted to say this.
So much of IMO moments like slider shapes and "can be polished" (which isn't so informative).
After quarrel with Masha it's seems like you specially wanted to do that mod, not even for improving but for breaking bubble.

NeilPerry wrote:

Hi im wanna offer you some moments which need improvments and polishing before ranking.

00:23:872 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i disagree with this moment. Parts got irregular shapes and placements. the overall concept looks rly randomly. Angle rotations very random and this looks not aesthetical. okay, "aesthetic" is really subjective, it looks really nice for me. also, it has an exact idea behind these curves and angles
00:40:078 (4) - this slider make ryth unconsistent. cuz sound didn't change I do not really get what you're talking about, it's a solid pattern with fine rhythm and flow
00:40:596 - this beat need emphazing. not sliderend at it as long as it goes consistent it's fine — 00:42:492 (1) - / 00:43:182 (1) - / 00:43:872 (1) - / 00:44:561 (1) -
00:48:183 (4,1) - this overlap is not aesthetically good. you can avoid it are you kidding? it's not noticable in game
00:47:665 (2) - this shape looks randomly. it's off-pattering. not really agree. she's using a lot of edgy-shaped slider, so it's fine
00:50:078 (1,2) - unconsistence rythm and bad emphazing on strong beat I kinda agree but at the same time I do not. it goes consistent and in my opinion wouldn't cause problems while playing
00:51:458 (1,2) - this can be more polished you'd rather write an exact concern, because it looks sorta polished
01:02:493 (1,2) - same as i told. shapes looks randomly nope, as I told above
01:02:837 (2,3,6) - this should be more neat. many useless ovelaps and looks ugly as above
01:08:182 - very looks weird that you didn't emphaze this but emphaze pure sound. futherer you emphazed this moment
01:18:528 (5,6) - there should be spaced moment. as before well, it goes really great, I can't see really a problem here.
01:18:528 (5,6,1,2,4,5,1,2,4,5) - beats didn't changed tbh that's what we call acceleration. and this is totally fine

So overall this map should be MORE polished. Many random moments. i cant catch your concept. most patterns out of pattering and got weird angle rotations. Beats and spacing looks randomly too. no, they doesn't, map is great as I can see, it has idea and structure behind.
Woohoo, posting on behalf of fanzhen0019

fanzhen0019 wrote:

Great map, really polished. Looking forward to rank.

firedigger wrote:

Woohoo, posting on behalf of fanzhen0019

fanzhen0019 wrote:

Great map, really polished. Looking forward for the rank.
Alrighty, all the previous stuff out of the way, let me have a closer look at the set. Please hit me up if you need better explanations/translation.

  1. Not a huge fan of the random anime girls on backgrounds. Would you mind explaining how/why you chose it over the other background, that is connected with the video/artist/song?
  2. Hitsounds drum-hitwhistle11.wav and soft-hitclap11.wav appear to be unused.
  3. I feel like higher difficulties lack Slider Tick Rate 2 as it would work better with the drums intensity.
[Shadren's Easy]
  1. 01:06:630 (3,1) - doesn't look like something you'd want to see given that this is the only overlap on the difficulty. Is this unintentional?
  1. 00:28:699 - the beat standing here represents a different line of vocals, giving it an individual object would be a way better idea. Here, have a look at this
  2. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4) - I'd rather use 1/2 sliders with reverses here. They seem to make more sense with the drum beat.
  3. 01:04:734 (5,2) - do you think these are readable? I'd probably try something like this. If you don't know how to re-arrange the following patterns, you could start with this and work your way to something you'd find lovable.
  4. 01:08:009 (1,3) - minor - a slight overlap doesn't really look that neat. I'd rather try voiding it if I were you.

    Generally speaking, I am not a huge fan of the spacing you have chosen for the kiai times. It appears to have slight overlaps which don't look intended to me. I'd rather stick to the regular x1.2 Spacing or increase to x1,5 to have no overlaps at all. This, however, is just my preference. In no way am I trying to impose it.
[Danii's Hard]
  1. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - what I fail to understand is why you start with higher spacing values and make it lower instead of increaing it as the song tempo goes higher.
  2. 00:46:285 (2) - try to reverse/invert the slider by hitting Ctrl+G, it just seems to flow better.
  3. 00:56:631 (5,1) -I would lower the DS to make this 1/4 gap more readable. This difficulty is meant to introduce 1/4 thythm, spacing them like this could be a bit of an overkill.

    It's a bit sad to see you using high DS for kiai instead of sticking to the same DS and using jumps. Nonetheless, it works, so I guess it is not a bad idea, after all.
[Slayed's Insane]
  1. 00:42:147 (2,3,4) - looks like you are going for an increasing-ds pattern. If that is true, you probably should move (3,4) further apart to keep the spacing increase consistent.
  2. 01:28:527 (8,1) - I'd rather stack (1) with (6), so that the angle of the flow is kept consistent.

    Pretty interesting SV choice.
  1. 00:56:630 (2,1) - I'd probably have these two spaced apart, so that 00:56:458 (1,2,1) - this whole pattern does not feel too contrasting.
  2. 01:17:837 (2,3) - 01:18:528 (5,6) - basically, these two are pretty similar drum patterns, so, how about giving it some kind of a jump? Example

    Kind of agree with comments like 00:48:183 (4,1) - not looking neat, but that's more of a style preference, so I'll let mapper handle it. Not exactly the style I like but it works, I guess.
The overall tructure is okay, the rhythm feels nice. Pretty disappointed it's a cut version, but that's about it. I guess I'll step aside and give it a bit of a cooldown since so many people are posting actively.
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Woohoo, posting on behalf of NeilPerry Woohoo

NeilPerry wrote:

Hi im wanna offer you some moments which need improvments and polishing before ranking. Yay! Thank you very much, NeilPerry!

00:23:872 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i disagree with this moment. Parts got irregular shapes and placements. the overall concept looks rly randomly. Angle rotations very random and this looks not aesthetical.
1st: "Irregular shapes". No, they are not irregular. They are pretty good for me and for all people that played it. Every type of my sliders you can find in new Ranked beatmaps, and what is more, I can find these in your beatmaps. Think about it.
2nd: "Irregular placements". No, they are not irregular. Almost every 2 slider is going backwards according to the slider before, this is not random, this is structure. They are all have constant DS between them, so its not irregular and random too
3rd: "The overall concept looks rly randomly". Only for you, I think. No one of modders, including Monstrata and Bakari, had'nt said anything about it. For me its pretty nice as well.
4th: "Angle rotations very random". Look in 2nd and 3rd point
5th: "This looks not aesthetical".

Namki wrote:

okay, "aesthetic" is really subjective, it looks really nice for me.

00:40:078 (4) - this slider make ryth unconsistent. cuz sound didn't change

Monstrata wrote:

00:40:078 (4,5) - This is better just as a slider. I don't think the extra click is necessary, or adds anything, so how about being consistent here? ;o

00:40:596 - this beat need emphazing. not sliderend at it Lol, r u srsly? Go to your GD and find these sliders, go to Ranked maps, go wherever, you will find tonns of these sliders, because there is a down beat, because there is strong vocal, because these sliders are good
00:48:183 (4,1) - this overlap is not aesthetically good. you can avoid it ehhmmmhmm there is no overlap, dont know what are you talking about
00:47:665 (2) - this shape looks randomly. it's off-pattering. Its not random, the angle of big slider is almost same to small slider. Dont see a reason to change it
00:50:078 (1,2) - unconsistence rythm and bad emphazing on strong beat Of course rhythm is inconsistent, because it... is inconsistent in music??? For me, fast 1/4 slider and breaking flow is very good type of emphasizing
00:51:458 (1,2) - this can be more polished Its absolutely perfect for me, maybe you could do a screenshots or even something and could not tell me "Bad for me remap plz"
01:02:493 (1,2) - same as i told. shapes looks randomly Its edgy slider, and it has very good flow, and whats more the angle is similar to previous slider, so its not random
01:02:837 (2,3,6) - this should be more neat. many useless ovelaps and looks ugly Its perfect for me. There is 1 overlap, and this type of overlaps I use through my map, so its ok. And this isn't ugly
01:08:182 - very looks weird that you didn't emphaze this but emphaze pure sound. futherer you emphazed this moment This sound is VERY weak, there is actually nothing I can emphasize
01:18:528 (5,6) - there should be spaced moment. as before Flow is breaking and I wanna give players kind of rest before last jumps, this pattern is okay
01:18:528 (5,6,1,2,4,5,1,2,4,5) - beats didn't changed tbh I am emphasizing vocal omg

So overall this map should be MORE polished. Many random moments. i cant catch your concept. most patterns out of pattering and got weird angle rotations. Beats and spacing looks randomly too. Dont know what are you talking about, I declined everything in your mod and every point has good explanation from my side, so its your problem, that you cant catch concept or whatever
All in all, thank you for mod, NeilPerry.

Всё, что подчеркнуто в моем ответе - твои ошибки в английском. Реально, подтяни его, а то такой крутой маппер и ужасно знает английский, не очень

Bakari wrote:

Alrighty, all the previous stuff out of the way, let me have a closer look at the set. Please hit me up if you need better explanations/translation.

  1. Not a huge fan of the random anime girls on backgrounds. Would you mind explaining how/why you chose it over the other background, that is connected with the video/artist/song? I'll wait for Slayed's answer, but probably this will be changed Changed
  2. Hitsounds drum-hitwhistle11.wav and soft-hitclap11.wav appear to be unused. Yep, deleted
  3. I feel like higher difficulties lack Slider Tick Rate 2 as it would work better with the drums intensity. Ok, changed
[Shadren's Easy] Shadren asked me to fix his diff
  1. 01:06:630 (3,1) - doesn't look like something you'd want to see given that this is the only overlap on the difficulty. Is this unintentional? Fixed
  1. 00:28:699 - the beat standing here represents a different line of vocals, giving it an individual object would be a way better idea. Here, have a look at this Ok, Fixed
  2. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4) - I'd rather use 1/2 sliders with reverses here. They seem to make more sense with the drum beat. There would be 1/2 repeat sliders spam if I will accept this, I dont like it. The way it mapped now, with sliders with red points, is quite okay for me, it's more simple for beginners, so no reason to change I think
  3. 01:04:734 (5,2) - do you think these are readable? I'd probably try something like this. If you don't know how to re-arrange the following patterns, you could start with this and work your way to something you'd find lovable. Yes, I'm sure about these, I can find many sliders like these in Ranked normals
  4. 01:08:009 (1,3) - minor - a slight overlap doesn't really look that neat. I'd rather try voiding it if I were you. Sure, fixed

    Generally speaking, I am not a huge fan of the spacing you have chosen for the kiai times. It appears to have slight overlaps which don't look intended to me. I'd rather stick to the regular x1.2 Spacing or increase to x1,5 to have no overlaps at all. This, however, is just my preference. In no way am I trying to impose it. If this is not really the problem I will stick to my spacing, because, you know, I remapped this Normal 3 times in 3 last days
  1. 00:56:630 (2,1) - I'd probably have these two spaced apart, so that 00:56:458 (1,2,1) - this whole pattern does not feel too contrasting. Hmm, ok, spaced
  2. 01:17:837 (2,3) - 01:18:528 (5,6) - basically, these two are pretty similar drum patterns, so, how about giving it some kind of a jump? Example Oh, good suggestion, now, with screenshot I can change it

    Kind of agree with comments like 00:48:183 (4,1) - not looking neat, but that's more of a style preference, so I'll let mapper handle it. Not exactly the style I like but it works, I guess. Dont really see a reason to change something
The overall tructure is okay, the rhythm feels nice. Pretty disappointed it's a cut version, but that's about it. I guess I'll step aside and give it a bit of a cooldown since so many people are posting actively.
Thanks for useful mod, Bakari.
Will update Danii's diff tomorrow and call you.

Bakari wrote:

Alrighty, all the previous stuff out of the way, let me have a closer look at the set. Please hit me up if you need better explanations/translation.

[Danii's Hard]
  1. 00:40:423 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - what I fail to understand is why you start with higher spacing values and make it lower instead of increaing it as the song tempo goes higher. true
  2. 00:46:285 (2) - try to reverse/invert the slider by hitting Ctrl+G, it just seems to flow better. okay, i'll trust you
  3. 00:56:631 (5,1) -I would lower the DS to make this 1/4 gap more readable. This difficulty is meant to introduce 1/4 thythm, spacing them like this could be a bit of an overkill. moved (5) a bit closer to (1)

    It's a bit sad to see you using high DS for kiai instead of sticking to the same DS and using jumps. Nonetheless, it works, so I guess it is not a bad idea, after all.
The overall tructure is okay, the rhythm feels nice. Pretty disappointed it's a cut version, but that's about it. I guess I'll step aside and give it a bit of a cooldown since so many people are posting actively.
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 45940
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.7
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 8
TimelineZoom: 1.6

Artist:Delta Heavy
ArtistUnicode:Delta Heavy
Version:Danii's Hard
Tags:paradise lost dnb drum'n'bass drum and bass clippy midtempo electro house electronica cutted version DELTΔ HEΔVY Danii Shadren Slayed


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 0,255,255
Combo2 : 0,64,128
Combo3 : 255,255,128


MashaSG wrote:

Bakari wrote:

  1. 01:04:734 (5,2) - do you think these are readable? I'd probably try something like this. If you don't know how to re-arrange the following patterns, you could start with this and work your way to something you'd find lovable. Yes, I'm sure about these, I can find many sliders like these in Ranked normals Just the fact that you saw it somewhere else it doesn't automatically make your patterns any more readable. I'd still insist on changing these.

    Generally speaking, I am not a huge fan of the spacing you have chosen for the kiai times. It appears to have slight overlaps which don't look intended to me. I'd rather stick to the regular x1.2 Spacing or increase to x1,5 to have no overlaps at all. This, however, is just my preference. In no way am I trying to impose it. If this is not really the problem I will stick to my spacing, because, you know, I remapped this Normal 3 times in 3 last days It was intended to be more of a general comment, intended for future use rather than certain changes on this mapset, anyway
Oh, and one (or two, to be more specific) more things. On comeback difficulty there are conflicting volume levels on 00:23:872,, same happens to Slayed's difficulty.
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

  1. 01:04:734 (5,2) - do you think these are readable? I'd probably try something like this. If you don't know how to re-arrange the following patterns, you could start with this and work your way to something you'd find lovable. Yes, I'm sure about these, I can find many sliders like these in Ranked normals Just the fact that you saw it somewhere else it doesn't automatically make your patterns any more readable. I'd still insist on changing these. Ok, fixed

    Generally speaking, I am not a huge fan of the spacing you have chosen for the kiai times. It appears to have slight overlaps which don't look intended to me. I'd rather stick to the regular x1.2 Spacing or increase to x1,5 to have no overlaps at all. This, however, is just my preference. In no way am I trying to impose it. If this is not really the problem I will stick to my spacing, because, you know, I remapped this Normal 3 times in 3 last days It was intended to be more of a general comment, intended for future use rather than certain changes on this mapset, anyway Ok, I will take this in mind

Oh, and one (or two, to be more specific) more things. On comeback difficulty there are conflicting volume levels on 00:23:872,, same happens to Slayed's difficulty. Fixed, if I got you right
Alrighty, let's get the precious bubble back.

Topic Starter
Thanks, Bakari!
hmm do i still need to mod this?
since is bub
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

hmm do i still need to mod this?
since is bub
I think nah, mod this pls if you can:

P.S. Don't take care of Hitsounds since they are WIP

  1. 00:41:113 (4) - you are missing a NC here, since all this part is divided in 4 ticks (white and reds) 00:41:803 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - , seems really inconsistent that you didn't NC 00:41:113 (4) -
  2. 00:48:699 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I have much issues with this rhythm, first to all why 00:49:044 (2) - is an extended slider? there is a sound clearly in 1/2, secondly 00:49:390 (3,4,5,6) - 3 isn't an important beat at all and I believe it shouldn't be mapped as a circle, since you lose the emphasis in 4, 5 and 6 which are the prominet beats in this section, my suggestion a 1/1 slider and then 3 circles.
  3. 01:08:354 (2,4) - there are a lot of 1/4 sliders like this one that doesn't follow anything in the song, they should be mapped as single circles
  4. 00:51:803 (2,3) - other thing that bother me is the spacing, why is this a 1/4 jump 00:51:803 (2,3) - while other similar ones are overlapped for example: 00:53:182 (2,3) - etc, also the spacing is irregular, check 00:54:561 (2,3) - vs 00:53:182 (2,3) - is super inconsistent IMO
Slayed's Insane

  1. 00:54:906 (3) - Why are you ignoring the three prominent beats here? doesn't sounds nice, specially because you are mapping the other similar ones
  2. 01:05:940 (3) - same as above

  1. 00:47:320 (3,4,5) - Spacing, usually these tiny spacing error are fine, but with your current spacing 3 and 4 overlap and 5 doesn't, so you need to fix this.
popping over the rhythm issues in the hardest diff, feel free to poke me in game or forum pm to discuss about them
Topic Starter
Finally some time to answer you

Natsu wrote:


  1. 00:41:113 (4) - you are missing a NC here, since all this part is divided in 4 ticks (white and reds) 00:41:803 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - , seems really inconsistent that you didn't NC 00:41:113 (4) - It doesn't seem to be very inconsistent, but okay, changed!
  2. 00:48:699 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I have much issues with this rhythm, first to all why 00:49:044 (2) - is an extended slider? there is a sound clearly in 1/2, secondly 00:49:390 (3,4,5,6) - 3 isn't an important beat at all and I believe it shouldn't be mapped as a circle, since you lose the emphasis in 4, 5 and 6 which are the prominet beats in this section, my suggestion a 1/1 slider and then 3 circles. I thought about it through this week and here is my position about this:

    1st of all, all these sliders in KIAI are extended because of variety of intensity which is given by these sliders. What I mean: compare 00:47:320 (1) - and 00:47:665 (2) - , as you can hear, there are 2 not similar "powers" or intensities of these soundsб so I want to emphasize it somehow and make these sliders not similar, also, all sounds on such timings like 00:47:837 - is really not loud, more than that in some places 3rd notes are louder, so 1/4 is off choice
    2nd, about taps like this 00:48:010 (3) - . You are right, I can dont map it and just do 1/1 slider, but for me it is really boring, also, I disagree with your opinion about losing emphasis in 4, 5 and 6 taps, you need more concentration and skill to tap 3 note in 1/4 after slider and then aim for 4 5 6 than aiming those after 1/1 sliders, so I guess its not losing emphasize at all
  3. 01:08:354 (2,4) - there are a lot of 1/4 sliders like this one that doesn't follow anything in the song, they should be mapped as single circles Hmm, agree with this, I will remap it, okay
  4. 00:51:803 (2,3) - other thing that bother me is the spacing, why is this a 1/4 jump 00:51:803 (2,3) - while other similar ones are overlapped for example: 00:53:182 (2,3) - etc, also the spacing is irregular, check 00:54:561 (2,3) - vs 00:53:182 (2,3) - is super inconsistent IMO Ok will be fixed!
Slayed's Insane

  1. 00:54:906 (3) - Why are you ignoring the three prominent beats here? doesn't sounds nice, specially because you are mapping the other similar ones well, actually you are right.. but the point is that im trying to diversify the rhythm somehow because the music is being fucking monotone, so following some instruments (vocals in this case) looks loke a good option...
  2. 01:05:940 (3) - same as above same uwu

  1. 00:47:320 (3,4,5) - Spacing, usually these tiny spacing error are fine, but with your current spacing 3 and 4 overlap and 5 doesn't, so you need to fix this. Will be fixed!
popping over the rhythm issues in the hardest diff, feel free to poke me in game or forum pm to discuss about them
Will write you ingame to discuss about future changes
Hit me up once you two come to some kind of an agreement.
I'm glad that you fixed the spacing and the 1/4s, I still think the kiai rhythms aren't nice, but that's just my personal opinion, Bakari and Monstrata feels free to move the map forward :)
Rebub #1 then
aaa.. im always too late to mod, sorry /w\

u can send me another map if you have next one :3
Topic Starter

Kalibe wrote:

aaa.. im always too late to mod, sorry /w\

u can send me another map if you have next one :3
I'll send you tomorrow, prrrr ;)
Topic Starter
Thanks to all people who helped me get this ranked, love ya all :3

there's an annoying sound that sounds like a discord notification 00:40:423 -

gratz though, gud song.
I Must Decrease
Whats the relevance of this BG?

i dont understand u kids and ur toilet music

Xexxar wrote:

Whats the relevance of this BG?

i dont understand u kids and ur toilet music
good shitPOST go౦ԁ sHitPOST👌
wtf this bg. anyway grats
i was waiting for this song to be maped <3 thank you :) :D
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