
20th Century - INNOCENCE

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Hi, from my queue :)

Could only find one possible thing :(
01:18:912 could cut down this slider to not have repeat, and put circle on 01:19:808. Move other circle accordingly.

Same thing as easy :(
00:23:838 cut down the slider to 00:24:061 and create a repeater here

00:08:838 put this note on upcoming 4
00:27:867 put note on slider so stacks
01:20:032 add a note

Also, your insane doesn't reach rankable standards. As it is 3.75*. Ranking Criteria:
00:05:032 put 1 on 3
00:07:494 ^^^ 3 and 5
00:11:076 ^^^ 2 and 5
00:13:091 possible blanket
00:14:658 stack 2 and 4
00:18:912 stack 3 and 1
00:20:927 ^^^ 5 and 2
00:23:838 to 00:24:733 interesting stream...
00:25:405 stack 2 and 4
00:31:226 ^^^ 3 and 5
00:36:151 ^^^
00:44:211 ^^^ 4 and 6
00:47:121 ^^^ 4 and 7
00:54:061 ^^^ 2 and 4
01:05:032 ^^^ 4 and 6
01:06:599 to 01:07:382 interesting stream...
01:12:196 stack 4 and 5

Hope this mod helped ! :D
Froм мy мoddιɴɢ qυeυe

00:06:151 (2) - slight blanket error with 1
00:22:942 (4) - slight blanket error
00:26:524 (3) - ^

00:18:464 (2) - maybe not directly underlapping them?
00:50:479 (2) - really slight blanket error.
00:49:584 (4) - ^
01:01:002 (2) - this slider is a little bit weird. give it another shape if ya want

Heyy, late mod from my modding Q~ :3

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. アイシールド21 <- the Japanese version of the source, maybe you can add it to the tags.

  1. 00:12:196 (3) - Maybe you can move this to the left for better flow... the current seems a little too zig-zaggish...
  2. 00:31:897 (1,3) - Well, I think you want to make a perfect triangle shape here, but I don't like how they almost touching .-. maybe move them apart a bit.
  3. 00:58:091 (2,3) - I think it would be better like this so there won't be polarity problem... but somehow I think ti would be better if (2) is a circle so it wouldn't get to complicated for Easy.
  4. 00:51:599 (3) - Lol, this is almost touching the left side border tho xD
  5. 01:16:673 (1) - this looks kinda weird :v but I guess it's fine.

  1. 00:07:718 (4) - no 1/2 reverse slider here? ;-;
  2. 00:15:330 (3) - Maybe lead this more to (4)'s head it would make the flow from (1) less pointy too.
  3. 00:42:420 Maybe add a note here since I hear pretty big drum and it would emphasize (1) better too.

  1. 00:06:151 Add a note? similar drum sound here.
  2. 00:31:002 (2,3) - there's pretty big drum sound at red tick tho and the vocal is long one too... why not use 1/2 slider here?

  1. 00:01:450 (1,2) - fit better with 1/1 slider tho since there's not really sound at red tick... but maybe you want to make a little pound with that circle so... okay.
  2. 00:03:912 (2,3) - Maybe you can try to ctrl+g these so the slider go first then circle. It would fit the long guitar sound and the drum simultaneously :D
  3. 00:09:061 (2,3) - ^ this too since the big sound is here 00:09:285 and there's a different sound at 00:09:061
  4. 01:16:226 (1,2) - This kind of stack is hard to hit tbh ;-;
  5. 01:19:808 (1) - Is this kind of slider still rankable these days .-. I heard they are not...

Not much :3 good map~
Good luck ^^
Touchdown! (3,79 stars, 287 notes)

  • 00:01:450 (1) - you should use faster sv to emphasise the big "clap" sound.
    00:01:897 (2) - i don't see why you need 2.50x ds. maybe to implement with 00:01:450 (1)'s clap?
    00:09:733 (6,7,8) - was this mistake? can you tell me why 00:09:733 (6,7,8) - isn't all stacked? idk if this is unrankable issue either~
    00:23:390 (1) - i don't see a need for the huge sv change. i think circle would be better replacement of slider. like this:
    00:24:285 (1,2,3,4) - this part of the stream should be 1.0x ds i think because way too spaced. but spacing between 00:24:621 (4,1) - is fine.
    00:33:576 (7,1) - same problem with 00:09:733 (6,7,8). this is probably intentional but i wanna know why
    00:38:614 (5,6) - i dont see point on stacking here. try something like this:
    00:44:435 (5) - the current angle plays out pretty cramped. i'd suggest moving this note to x:53 y:157
    00:59:658 (1) - it's better to align with stream like so:
    01:10:405 (4) - flow randomly stops here, prefer it if you stacked it on 01:09:509 (1) - 's head.
    01:18:464 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - cool ass pattern!

Modem wrote:

Hi~ >w<
NM Request
Artist: 20th Century
Diffs: E/N/H/I/I+
Others: None :3
Specified modder(s): Hokichi

Thanks~ :3
Ok, here we go

00:16:673 (5,1) - Improve blanket a little bit

Basically this is a very good Easy, I like it ^^


00:34:584 (5,1) - Maybe change the direction of one of them?
00:39:957 (3,4) - Improve blanket a little bit
00:48:017 (5,1) - Blanket these perhaps?


00:11:972 (5,1) - Improve this blanket
00:23:614 - Place a note here
00:36:375 (6,1) - Seperate these
01:09:509 (1,2) - ^

That's all I've got.
Ah, good luck ^^
Here is a star for the great mapping
from my weekly nm queue


00:12:196 (3) - i think this plays way better flipped horizontally.


00:12:196 (3) - the blanket here is a bit off


00:19:360 (1) - nc perhaps

00:46:226 (1,2) - blanket here could be a bit more perfect.


nothing really stuck out to me here, nice diff


00:23:390 (1) - slider velocity is almost doubled here making for a pretty mean kickslider, i'd say this could be risky going for rank and keeping, but also it seems like it's not too difficult as it's small enough to not really have that much of a sliderbreak risk to it either, so i'm not really sure about it.

00:52:942 (5,6,1) - this is really uncomfortable to play on both mouse and tablet, it's too straight imo. i think you should rethink this section and at the very least add a small curve or something.

nice clean set, good luck with rank!

your sliders are pretty cool
Topic Starter

roshan117 wrote:

From my Queue :)

00:30:106 (3) - The whistle sound on this slider sounds and feels out of place compared to the other hitcircles, and their drum-like sound. Hm, I didn't feel like that, since there's some soft sounded flute melody (um, how did I should call it xd) at this downbeat
00:33:688 (3) - have a hitsound at BOTH the beginning AND the end of the slider I already put the whistle at the head and the finish at the tail of this slider >.<
00:30:106 (5) - the whistle here sounds out of place. use a different hitsound (preferably the same one as all the other ones have) Same reason as above :3

VERY SOLID. The only thing I had an issue with were the hitnoises. I hope this gets ranked in the future! (What anime is this from?) Thanks >/////<. It is from Eyeshield 21. A super awesome american football anime <333333333333
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Naxess wrote:

NM From Queue

Will mod the harder difficulties as requested ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ <- that face is amazing xD Ummm >///////<

[ Touchdown!]
First of all, HP and OD are way too high. At least for a map with 3.79 SR. I was even dying during the play tests xD Wow O.O
It only just got out of range for hard and it's already at both 8 HP and 8 OD...
Also AR 9 isn't really necessary imo.
It almost feels as if you're trying to push it to become a harder difficulty than it should be. Aaaah you got me *cough*
The settings should only be a supporting role imo, to get the difficulty correctly balanced, not to make it harder than what it essentially is.
Here's what I recommend (keeps in line with previous difficulties as well) (also tested it, works fine):
HP 7 Fixed~!
OD 7 Fixed~!
AR 8.5 Fixed~!

00:23:390 - Ouch this slider velocity is sudden. Try slowing it down or simply making it a circle instead.
Unless you know that it'll be there, it's really hard to tell that it'd increase to 2.25 times the previous SV. Indeed. But sorry, I wanna keep it >.<

00:33:576 (7) - Circle is hard to see in this skin, I'd have placed it on 00:33:688 (1) - , since the two sounds are quite similar. Hm, I'll think about it :3

00:58:987 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - 00:59:658 (1,2,3,4,5) - Square streams like this is hard to follow accurately, I'd try curving it instead.
Something like this, for example. Will likely flow better as well, depending on how you'd position 01:00:106 (2,3,4,5) - .
Nice, but sorry, I wanna keep mine ;w; since the following angle of that square stream is not too hard to read :3

01:03:688 (7,8,1) - I'm quite sure spacing like this with 1/2 is going to get confusing right after the same spacing with 01:03:241 (4,5,6) - which is 1/4.
I'm sure just stacking one of them will work better, as there will be a difference between the two in spacing.
For this case I recommend stacking 01:03:688 (7,8,1) - , since most 1/4 streams aren't stacks.
This way it'll be more readable, otherwise you'd probably have to NC them, which wouldn't be preferable due to the combo health boost. Hm, I guess it wasn't too confusing considering the AR is quite fast and I'm sure that the players would be able to differentiate the 1/2 and 1/4 rhythm :3
^ 01:09:061 (5,6,1) - ^
^ 01:16:226 (8,9,1) - ^

01:19:584 - A bit of overlapping here

could rotate 01:19:360 (1) - like this:
Oh my xd. Okay fixed~!

Other than some difficulty settings, patterns and spacing, this difficulty should probably be fine.
Yay~! />w</

[ Insane]
Woah, been a while since I didn't know what to point out.
I don't think there are any major issues here, will mod hard as well because of this.
Yay thanks~ />w</

[ Hard]
01:14:435 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - This part feels really strange imo (see below) Eh? O.o
01:14:435 (5,6) - Are different sounds, don't see why they should be stacked. Well, the rhythm feels nice when I stacked them and test played them, so..............
01:14:658 (6,1) - If anything, these two should be stacked. Eh, but I feel more comfortable to blanket them >.<
But then you'd have to emphasize 01:14:882 (1) - more (if they were stacked), because right now it's just a circle.
Could make it a slider? but there's repeats in the way... Hm.......
01:15:106 (2,3,4) - What are up with these repeats? They are up for the drum emphasize from the main music
They begin on red ticks and nothing happens on emphasized ticks like 01:15:330 - and 01:15:778 - .
This could get really confusing for players usually playing this difficulty level, since it's a very uncommon rhythm. Well indeed, to be honest I got kinda confused how to map those drum from the main music since the first drum beats started at the red tick (01:15:106 (2)) =.= , so.........
This is what I suggest:

Unstack red (5) and red (6) and stack red (6) with yellow (1) instead.
Optionally you could use a single slider instead of yellow (4) and yellow (5).

Hm, nice, I'll think about it :3

Other than that... I really don't know what I could point out without being nitpicky, gj.
Thanks~ />w</

[ General]
About the tags:
Are you certain the characters of the series have a strong connection to the song? Indeed. I'm 100% sure, since they were the main characters from this super awesome anime. They were from the Deimon Devil Bat team. See, the first one from the left is the Quarterback (QB) named Hiruma Yoichi (He is a super brutal devil in human form *jk*. But really, watch the entire series, and I guaranteed you would find yourself shiver in every episode he was in), then the second one from the left is Wide Receiver (WR) named Tarō Raimon. Then the third one is the Running Back (RB) named Kobayakawa Sena. He is the main character in this series and even the title itself was taken from the eyeshield that he used at his helmet. Finally, the one on the right side is the Tight End (TE) named Natsuhiko Taki (he is dreadfully hilarious XD). I've watched every episode and bought the manga, every one of them, and collected them even though I've already read them on the internet............. okay, please forget about my embarrassing fangirling side =////=
I just think it's strange that the characters are tagged. Because that characters were in the background, and I did the same in my map before

Either way, don't you also want to add "Yōichi", "Tarō", etc. for greater coverage, instead of just "Yoichi" and "Taro", for example?

I think this may actually be close to ranking, keep up to good work! ^^
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

from my weekly nm queue


00:12:196 (3) - i think this plays way better flipped horizontally. Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;


00:12:196 (3) - the blanket here is a bit off Fixed~!


00:19:360 (1) - nc perhaps It is XD. Okay then, fixed~!

00:46:226 (1,2) - blanket here could be a bit more perfect. Wow, nice <3. Okay, fixed~!


nothing really stuck out to me here, nice diff Thanks~ >w</


00:23:390 (1) - slider velocity is almost doubled here making for a pretty mean kickslider, i'd say this could be risky going for rank and keeping, but also it seems like it's not too difficult as it's small enough to not really have that much of a sliderbreak risk to it either, so i'm not really sure about it. Well, the size is small enough so it wouldn't be too difficult to follow it. I already test playing it before and I'm sure if that slider wouldn't cause a miss or even 100 score even if the player not moving the cursor along the slider :3

00:52:942 (5,6,1) - this is really uncomfortable to play on both mouse and tablet, it's too straight imo. i think you should rethink this section and at the very least add a small curve or something. Hm, I'll think about it :3

nice clean set, good luck with rank! Thanks >w</

your sliders are pretty coolThanks >//////<
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Hokichi wrote:

Modem wrote:

Hi~ >w<
NM Request
Artist: 20th Century
Diffs: E/N/H/I/I+
Others: None :3
Specified modder(s): Hokichi

Thanks~ :3
Ok, here we go Yaaay />v</

00:16:673 (5,1) - Improve blanket a little bit Fixed~!

Basically this is a very good Easy, I like it ^^ Thanks >////<


00:34:584 (5,1) - Maybe change the direction of one of them? Nope sorry, I guess the flow was fine ;w;
00:39:957 (3,4) - Improve blanket a little bit Fixed~!
00:48:017 (5,1) - Blanket these perhaps? It would be nice. But the distance snap was preventing me from doing it ;w;


00:11:972 (5,1) - Improve this blanket Fixed~!
00:23:614 - Place a note here Um, but there's nothing to map over there >.<. Either the vocal and the main music were stopping for awhile at that red tick
00:36:375 (6,1) - Seperate these Nope sorry, I wanna keep them stacked >.<
01:09:509 (1,2) - ^ ^

That's all I've got.
Ah, good luck ^^
Here is a star for the great mapping Woah, thank you very muuuch >////<
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Arusamour wrote:

Touchdown! (3,79 stars, 287 notes)

  • 00:01:450 (1) - you should use faster sv to emphasise the big "clap" sound.
    00:01:897 (2) - i don't see why you need 2.50x ds. maybe to implement with 00:01:450 (1)'s clap? Yup ^^
    00:09:733 (6,7,8) - was this mistake? can you tell me why 00:09:733 (6,7,8) - isn't all stacked? idk if this is unrankable issue either~ It wasn't a mistake since I did that on purpose. The different way of mapping them was actually in order to give the map's rhythm some variety. It wasn't an unrankable issue as well since so many mappers did that :3 and I made the spacing between them weren't that hard >w<
    00:23:390 (1) - i don't see a need for the huge sv change. i think circle would be better replacement of slider. like this:
    Nice, but I want to keep that kick slider for now :3
    00:24:285 (1,2,3,4) - this part of the stream should be 1.0x ds i think because way too spaced. but spacing between 00:24:621 (4,1) - is fine. Nope sorry, I wanna keep them ;w;
    00:33:576 (7,1) - same problem with 00:09:733 (6,7,8). this is probably intentional but i wanna know why Um, this one actually was to increase the difficulty a bit xd
    00:38:614 (5,6) - i dont see point on stacking here. try something like this:
    Nice, but I wanna keep mine sorry ;w;
    00:44:435 (5) - the current angle plays out pretty cramped. i'd suggest moving this note to x:53 y:157 Hm, I guess its position now made a good back and forth jump with 00:44:658 (6) , so I guess I'll keep it >.<
    00:59:658 (1) - it's better to align with stream like so:
    Nice, but nope, sorry ;w;. I wanna keep that square pattern and its position now was actually not too hard to follow :3
    01:10:405 (4) - flow randomly stops here, prefer it if you stacked it on 01:09:509 (1) - 's head. That's because there's nothing to map at those blue tick (01:10:293 (4)), and I want to keep the way 01:10:852 (5) was positioned now, sorry ;w;
    01:18:464 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - cool ass pattern! Thanks >/////<
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

CookieKivi wrote:

Froм мy мoddιɴɢ qυeυe

00:06:151 (2) - slight blanket error with 1 Fixed~!
00:22:942 (4) - slight blanket error color=#00BF00]Fixed~![/color]
00:26:524 (3) - ^ I think that blanket was fine :3

00:18:464 (2) - maybe not directly underlapping them? Nope sorry ;w; I wanna keep it since it made a good flow >.<
00:50:479 (2) - really slight blanket error. Fixed~!
00:49:584 (4) - ^ Fixed~!
01:01:002 (2) - this slider is a little bit weird. give it another shape if ya want Nope sorry ;w; I wanna keep it

c: c: c:

Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

captainlatias wrote:

Hi, from my queue :) Hi! \:D/

Could only find one possible thing :(
01:18:912 could cut down this slider to not have repeat, and put circle on 01:19:808. Move other circle accordingly. Nope, sorry ;w; I wanna keep it >.<

Same thing as easy :(
00:23:838 cut down the slider to 00:24:061 and create a repeater here Nope, sorry ;w; I wanna keep it >.<

00:08:838 put this note on upcoming 4 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:27:867 put note on slider so stacks Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
01:20:032 add a note Nope sorry, there's nothing to follow over there >.<

Also, your insane doesn't reach rankable standards. As it is 3.75*. Ranking Criteria: It's fine :3. The QATs usually didn't judge the spread by its Star Dfficulty, but they judge it by each diffs game play to measure the gap between them :3
00:05:032 put 1 on 3 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:07:494 ^^^ 3 and 5 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:11:076 ^^^ 2 and 5 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:13:091 possible blanket Yup, but I prefer straight slider sorry ;w;
00:14:658 stack 2 and 4 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:18:912 stack 3 and 1 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:20:927 ^^^ 5 and 2 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:23:838 to 00:24:733 interesting stream... Thanks >////<
00:25:405 stack 2 and 4 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:31:226 ^^^ 3 and 5 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:36:151 ^^^ Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:44:211 ^^^ 4 and 6 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:47:121 ^^^ 4 and 7 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
00:54:061 ^^^ 2 and 4 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
01:05:032 ^^^ 4 and 6 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
01:06:599 to 01:07:382 interesting stream... Um, thanks again >////<
01:12:196 stack 4 and 5 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;

Hope this mod helped ! :D
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Heyy, late mod from my modding Q~ :3 Yaaaaaay~~~ hanyuu-chan, I miss you sooo muuuch />w</

Red : unrankable (or might be unrankable) issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. アイシールド21 <- the Japanese version of the source, maybe you can add it to the tags. Yeah sure, thanks~ :3

  1. 00:12:196 (3) - Maybe you can move this to the left for better flow... the current seems a little too zig-zaggish... Okay fixed~!
  2. 00:31:897 (1,3) - Well, I think you want to make a perfect triangle shape here, but I don't like how they almost touching .-. maybe move them apart a bit. Nope sorry, I wanna keep it >.<
  3. 00:58:091 (2,3) - I think it would be better like this so there won't be polarity problem... but somehow I think ti would be better if (2) is a circle so it wouldn't get to complicated for Easy. Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
  4. 00:51:599 (3) - Lol, this is almost touching the left side border tho xD Whoopsie XD. Fixed~!
  5. 01:16:673 (1) - this looks kinda weird :v but I guess it's fine. Ahaha XD

  1. 00:07:718 (4) - no 1/2 reverse slider here? ;-; Nope xd
  2. 00:15:330 (3) - Maybe lead this more to (4)'s head it would make the flow from (1) less pointy too. Nope sorry, I did it in purpose o3o
  3. 00:42:420 Maybe add a note here since I hear pretty big drum and it would emphasize (1) better too. Um, but there's nothing to map over there >.<

  1. 00:06:151 Add a note? similar drum sound here. Hm, I'll think about it
  2. 00:31:002 (2,3) - there's pretty big drum sound at red tick tho and the vocal is long one too... why not use 1/2 slider here? Nope sorry, I wanna map it out like that in hard diff to make some gap difference between Hard and Insane diff >.<

  1. 00:01:450 (1,2) - fit better with 1/1 slider tho since there's not really sound at red tick... but maybe you want to make a little pound with that circle so... okay. Yay~
  2. 00:03:912 (2,3) - Maybe you can try to ctrl+g these so the slider go first then circle. It would fit the long guitar sound and the drum simultaneously :D Nice, but I wanna keep them for now :3
  3. 00:09:061 (2,3) - ^ this too since the big sound is here 00:09:285 and there's a different sound at 00:09:061 Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
  4. 01:16:226 (1,2) - This kind of stack is hard to hit tbh ;-; Okay, fixed~! >w</
  5. 01:19:808 (1) - Is this kind of slider still rankable these days .-. I heard they are not... Well, they are still rankable........ I guess................. '=3=

Not much :3 good map~ Thanks >////<
Good luck ^^
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

-Zelos- wrote:

Hi, from my queue~
    but i dont know well that video format or any details. plz check format or size? or other.
  1. 00:24:061 (5,6,1) - maybe, (6) not keep DS Nope sorry I wanna keep it ;w;
  2. 01:15:442 (2) - this stream is hard aiming a little at this point. how about putting (2) up a little?
    Nice, but nope sorry, I wanna keep it >.<
  1. 00:24:733 (1) - putting on left a little. Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
  2. 00:33:241 (6,7,1) - maybe their miss putting? if this stack is your attentin, keep ok Hm, ok? owo'
  3. 01:06:823 (4) - NC? because here is on NC 00:52:382 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - Okay, fixed~!
  4. 01:17:009 (2,3) - i think it is better to put on right a little. i know you stack them to 01:15:666 (4) - . so you dont want to change, keep ok :3 Um, yup =w='
my poor modding skill, didnt find many things sory :(
good luck~
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Kagetsu wrote:

  1. uh... not sure about the source... shouldn't it be アイシールド21 as the official website shows? i would ask IamKwaN for a metadata check lol Sure, I'll ask him later :3
  2. sliderpoint10.png sliderpoint30.png spinner-osu.png files are actually useless, since they aren't used anymore in version2.0+ skins (even default skin is 2.0+ so yea) Hm, okay. Deleted~
  1. 00:03:241 - the rhythm arround this section is a little confusing for me, i believe 00:03:241 (1) - is following guitar, right? because you decided to ignore 00:03:576 - which is a clearly strong beat. with that in mind, the sudden change to drums is kinda odd to hear, id recomend to change 00:03:912 (2,3) - into a 1/1 slider. mapping stuff like 00:03:576 - 00:04:472 - might work well too Yup, I mapped the guitar there :3. Hm, I'll think about it >.<
  2. 00:07:270 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i don't understand the idea behind these jumps, the music is clearly 1/4 here ignoring those drums makes no sense in a insane diff imo maybe convert all those circles into kicksliders? The idea behind these jumps is to emphasize the drum from the main music. If I made them into kicksliders, I'm afraid it would make it overmap ;w;
  3. 00:09:733 (6,7) - transition here isn't the best, because of the linear movement you have to stop the cursor on (6) then continue at the same direction which makes it kinda rough I've already test played it, and it feels fine :3
  4. 00:10:293 - you could add a note here But, there's nothing to map over there ;w;
  5. 00:14:435 - what about on making this clickable?the voice and the snare are really strong on this beat, and there's also a sound on 00:14:323 - so there's no problem on making 00:13:987 (1) - 3/4 instead (i'd say the same for 00:17:569 (1) - ) Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
  6. 00:24:733 - this combo is inconsistent with 00:31:897 - , they're musically equal so they should be mapped the same, you're also ignoring a lot of beats here, stuff like 00:25:964 - 00:26:412 - is worthy to map imo No change, sorry ;w;. And about that ignored beats, it was because since the beginning I only intended to map the music, so.....
  7. 00:31:450 (5) - finish here sounds kinda weird, shouldn't it be a drum clap instead? Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
  8. 00:33:241 (6,7,1) - uh... i've never seen this type of stack on your diff , shouldn't be 00:33:576 (7) - stacked with 00:33:688 (1) - like in your previous patterns? ........ I'll think about it :3
  9. 00:35:479 (1) - 1/1 doesn't fit here imo, you're ignoring 00:35:703 - which is where the vocal change Well, basically I only intended to map the drum here, so it should be fine :3
  10. 00:37:942 - i guess you're trying to map the drums here with the circle spam but the problem is that you're still ignoring some beats so it looks kinda random Well..... =w='
  11. 00:44:882 (1,2) - swap nc? you should at least add NC on 00:45:330 - because of the sv change Sure, fixed~!
  12. 00:51:599 (1,2) - shouldn't they have a clap instead of whistle? Hm, based on the rhythm, it should be whistle over there :3
  13. 01:19:360 (1) - i think this shape could be improved in order to make a neater blanket between 01:19:360 (1,1) - Okay, fixed~!

there are places where the rhythm is inconsistent but i think it's still a good diff, make sure to listen to the song carefully though, because you're also ignoring some beats
good luck!
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:


Unicode Title: INNOCENCE(TV size)
Romanised Title: INNOCENCE (TV size)
Artist: 20th Century
Source: アイシールド21
Tags: EYESHIELD, V6, opening, second, short version, etc.

Reference: from

Good luck!
Thanks for metadata confirmation IamKwaN~ :3
Sorry I'm too noob to critique on maps, but I tried to rip the opening video from one of the episodes. PM me and I can e-mail it to you uwu. I'm also a noob editor, but at at least we have a decent bg video that goes with the song ;_;
Topic Starter

PKDonut617 wrote:

Sorry I'm too noob to critique on maps, but I tried to rip the opening video from one of the episodes. PM me and I can e-mail it to you uwu. I'm also a noob editor, but at at least we have a decent bg video that goes with the song ;_;
Wow. Thank you PKDonut617~!
Topic Starter
Don't have much issue with this, it's been wallmodded a lot but that's because you only applied all the mods at once, the issues were probably mentioned more than once. I'm also not sure how much has changed since last year (please say a lot because I can't find any major issues D:).
amazing job on the hitsounds btw
could probably use a silent hitsound for spinner end since there's no sound after fadeout

HP is way too high on all diffs except easy, I'm aware it was even higher before, but it's still too high now. You have to basically FC to pass, and that's not the point of health in this game.

00:42:644 (1,2,3) - Distances a bit uneven
00:51:599 (3) - wew too close to offscreen lo

01:19:808 (1) - this slider has a bit too much.... what's it called, vibrate idk. Would be better if it did it less like the top diff

00:07:270 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm really not a fan of long sections of 1/2 circles when there could be more interesting rhythm. There are lots of places that 1/4 circles or sliders could/should have been used.
00:30:554 (2) - There's a nice sound on the 1/4 that could be prioritised with a 1/2 slider. Actually it comes up often so not really needing to change, just an idea I thought would work well.

Looks fine, but I don't icon sets that are free pp just by premise
If you tone down that + 00:37:942 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - then you could call me back I guess, someone else would probably look at it if you wanted to keep as is though
Nice to know there're Eyeshield 21 map on pending section :D

by the way, I don't really agree the way you're switching between 1/4 to 1/2 in kiais. Mostly because the song doesn't really have the significant kick drum to really differentiate one from the other, while they have the same spacing visually.
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

Don't have much issue with this, it's been wallmodded a lot but that's because you only applied all the mods at once, the issues were probably mentioned more than once. I'm also not sure how much has changed since last year (please say a lot because I can't find any major issues D:). Yep. It has been changed a lot. Thanks to all these awesome modders (/^▽^)/
amazing job on the hitsounds btw Thank youuu (^▽^)
could probably use a silent hitsound for spinner end since there's no sound after fadeout Okay fixed~!

HP is way too high on all diffs except easy, I'm aware it was even higher before, but it's still too high now. You have to basically FC to pass, and that's not the point of health in this game. Okay, I've lowered down the HP from all diffs except Easy. Hopefully it is fine now owo/

00:42:644 (1,2,3) - Distances a bit uneven Fixed~!
00:51:599 (3) - wew too close to offscreen lo Fixed~!

01:19:808 (1) - this slider has a bit too much.... what's it called, vibrate idk. Would be better if it did it less like the top diff Fixed~!

00:07:270 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm really not a fan of long sections of 1/2 circles when there could be more interesting rhythm. There are lots of places that 1/4 circles or sliders could/should have been used. Okay, added few 1/4 sliders~
00:30:554 (2) - There's a nice sound on the 1/4 that could be prioritised with a 1/2 slider. Actually it comes up often so not really needing to change, just an idea I thought would work well. Um, may I keep it? (⌒▽⌒ゞ I think 2 circles would work better with the current flow >3<

Looks fine, but I don't icon sets that are free pp just by premise (゜▽゜;)
If you tone down that + 00:37:942 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) Okay, added 1/4 sliders as well~!- then you could call me back I guess, someone else would probably look at it if you wanted to keep as is though Then I chose to call you back Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ ....................... If you want (´;д;`) (please?)
Thank you very much Sinnoh~ (≧∇≦)/
Topic Starter

Yohanes wrote:

Nice to know there're Eyeshield 21 map on pending section :D

by the way, I don't really agree the way you're switching between 1/4 to 1/2 in kiais. Mostly because the song doesn't really have the significant kick drum to really differentiate one from the other, while they have the same spacing visually.

Yep. It might have been pretty unnoticeable, but there are few 1/4 drums which are worth to be mapped ;)
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</
woops was gonna post this yesterday but never clicked post
Would probably be better to end the final spinner on the large white tick. Yes there is audible sound, but you can't hear it unless you turn up volume, play isn't doing that though.

01:02:345 (1) - Almost a burai slider, just move the slider point between the red ticks down a bit and it should be better.
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

woops was gonna post this yesterday but never clicked post
Would probably be better to end the final spinner on the large white tick. Yes there is audible sound, but you can't hear it unless you turn up volume, play isn't doing that though. Fixed~!

01:02:345 (1) - Almost a burai slider, just move the slider point between the red ticks down a bit and it should be better. Fixed~!

Thank you very much Sinnoh~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Updated~! >w</
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:


Thank you Sinnoh~! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

  1. 00:06:823 (1) - 00:08:614 (1) - based on your combo structure on your Easy and Normal diffs, these NCs don't seem too necessary
  2. 00:44:435 (3) - consider 1/2 slider for the cymbal on 00:44:435 (3) -
  1. 00:11:076 (2,3) - why stack here but unstack at 00:12:867 (5,6) - ? that kind of inconsistency just feels odd to me, but nothing wrong with it really.
  1. 00:06:375 (3) - would work more effectively as a double repeat 1/4 slider tbh
  2. 00:09:733 (4) - you could just delete this and make 00:09:845 (5,6) - a double; personally i think it'd fit the song's emphasis a lot better since you don't really need the filler rhythm
  3. 00:55:181 (1) - 01:05:927 (1) - 01:07:718 (1) - that initial hump in the slider looks really weird s: any specific reason for it? cause it looks really out of place and plays slightly awkwardly as well
  4. 01:15:106 (2,3,4) - this doesn't play all that well because it doesn't sync up with what the music is actually emphasizing. music is placing emphasis on every white tick, but your rhythm structure places emphasis on the red ticks, so it feels out of place. you could try a rhythm like this:
Insane is fine i guess

  1. 00:09:733 (6) - personally i don't think this note is really all that necessary; it makes placing this triple a lot more awkward when you could just use a double to emphasize 00:09:845 (7,8) -
  2. 01:15:106 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why is the stream here less intense than the one in Insane lol
  3. 01:19:360 (1,1) - slider borders are overlapping; looks unintentional
metadata looks fine, call me back when ready
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

ok (*^▽^*)

  1. 00:06:823 (1) - 00:08:614 (1) - based on your combo structure on your Easy and Normal diffs, these NCs don't seem too necessary Fixed~!
  2. 00:44:435 (3) - consider 1/2 slider for the cymbal on 00:44:435 (3) - Fixed~!
  1. 00:11:076 (2,3) - why stack here but unstack at 00:12:867 (5,6) - ? that kind of inconsistency just feels odd to me, but nothing wrong with it really. Okay, fixed~!
  1. 00:06:375 (3) - would work more effectively as a double repeat 1/4 slider tbh Fixed~!
  2. 00:09:733 (4) - you could just delete this and make 00:09:845 (5,6) - a double; personally i think it'd fit the song's emphasis a lot better since you don't really need the filler rhythm Okay, I changed the rhythm
  3. 00:55:181 (1) - 01:05:927 (1) - 01:07:718 (1) - that initial hump in the slider looks really weird s: any specific reason for it? cause it looks really out of place and plays slightly awkwardly as well Those are to emphasis the vocal X'D
  4. 01:15:106 (2,3,4) - this doesn't play all that well because it doesn't sync up with what the music is actually emphasizing. music is placing emphasis on every white tick, but your rhythm structure places emphasis on the red ticks, so it feels out of place. you could try a rhythm like this:
Insane is fine i guess Yay (*≧▽≦)

  1. 00:09:733 (6) - personally i don't think this note is really all that necessary; it makes placing this triple a lot more awkward when you could just use a double to emphasize 00:09:845 (7,8) - Okay, I removed 00:09:733 (6)
  2. 01:15:106 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why is the stream here less intense than the one in Insane lol Really? I put on more distance snap tho o.o
  3. 01:19:360 (1,1) - slider borders are overlapping; looks unintentional
metadata looks fine, call me back when ready Yayyy thank you very muuuch (≧∇≦)/
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</

Modem wrote:

  1. 01:15:106 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why is the stream here less intense than the one in Insane lol Really? I put on more distance snap tho o.o it’s not spacing, it’s length. the stream in Insane is longer than the one in Touchdown! lol
fix and i’ll qualify
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

Modem wrote:

  1. 01:15:106 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why is the stream here less intense than the one in Insane lol Really? I put on more distance snap tho o.o it’s not spacing, it’s length. the stream in Insane is longer than the one in Touchdown! lol Oh okay fixed~! XD
fix and i’ll qualify o(≧∇≦o)

Updated~! ~ヾ(^∇^)
old anime

edit: oops i don't think you were supposed to have TV Size in the song title, sorry about that ZzZzZzZzZzZz
zz u didn't wait me :roll:
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

old anime

edit: oops i don't think you were supposed to have TV Size in the song title, sorry about that ZzZzZzZzZzZz
Thank youuuu o(^▽^)o

IamKwaN wrote:


Unicode Title: INNOCENCE(TV size)
Romanised Title: INNOCENCE (TV size)
Artist: 20th Century
Source: アイシールド21
Tags: EYESHIELD, V6, opening, second, short version, etc.

Reference: from

Good luck!
I hope the title is alright (๑꒪▿꒪)*
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

zz u didn't wait me :roll:
......\(゜▽゜;) *silently gives a head pat*

Modem wrote:

Doormat wrote:

old anime

edit: oops i don't think you were supposed to have TV Size in the song title, sorry about that ZzZzZzZzZzZz
Thank youuuu o(^▽^)o

IamKwaN wrote:


Unicode Title: INNOCENCE(TV size)
Romanised Title: INNOCENCE (TV size)
Artist: 20th Century
Source: アイシールド21
Tags: EYESHIELD, V6, opening, second, short version, etc.

Reference: from

Good luck!
I hope the title is alright (๑꒪▿꒪)*
ahh ok, it should be fine then, didn’t know there was an updated track listing lol zzzz
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