
Hotaru Murasaki - Re:TrymenT

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I Must Decrease
Hello there!

I believe the top diff to be lacking in quality, and am for this reason expressing my ability to veto this bubble for the following reasons:

  1. 01:01:205 (3,8) - slider end has clap hitsound, does not make sense.
  2. 01:12:732 (1,2,3,4) - why are there claps
  3. 01:18:100 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these finishes are way overpowering and not appropriate for a piano
    why on 01:08:311 - does audio randomly drop 40%. If you're going to do a build up you should have a build down as well so the audio drop isnt so sudden and random feeling.
  4. 01:14:942 (1,1,1) - why are these piano hitsounds. they arent accurate to the rhythm
This is the biggest fault of this map, it fails to have cohesion in it's design and as such is very underwhelming and lacking in quality. There isn't really a solid logic of why notes are being placed where they are and I feel that there could be much work done on this map for this reason.

  1. 00:03:100 (4) - uneven slider,
  2. 00:03:890 (1,2,3) - triangle isnt consistent around 5
  3. 00:05:469 (4) - this is up to you but why stack 4 under 1 like this, you should use more of the play field and stop being so center focused.
  4. 00:05:941 (6,1) - why are these two notes overlapping eachother like this, looks sloppy.
  5. 00:08:942 (1,1,1) - spacing is underwhelming and seems out of place, these are strong independent notes, you should try to make them stand out instead of just putting them at some arbitrary distance, maybe stack them slightly or bring them close together.
  6. 00:10:679 (3,1) - why are these slider bodies overlapping, looks bad.
  7. 00:11:469 (1,2) - also these slider designs themselves are questionable as they're not very pleasant to look at.
  8. 00:10:205 (2,3) - why are these two so different visually while 00:11:469 (1,2) - are the same, try for some consistency
  9. 00:16:205 (4,2,3,4) - why overlap these
  10. 00:13:048 (2,4,1) - why are these so clustered
  11. 00:19:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you have tons of editor space to work with yet you lock everything into such a dense area that it makes things just look like chaos, either better utilize the small space style you're going for or spread things out to allow for more consistent spacing between objects.
  12. 00:28:679 (5,1) - slider head and end overlap
  13. 00:29:942 (2,3,4) - why not use more consistent spacing
  14. 00:35:469 (1) - blanket this?
  15. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
  16. 00:44:469 (2,3,4,6) - why are these overlapping
  17. 00:45:574 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why not make an actual star instead of this attempt at one
  18. 00:46:995 (2) - :| overlaps 7 awkwardly,
  19. 00:46:679 (1,3) - this can also be avoided,
  20. 00:48:574 (2,3) - blanket
  21. 00:48:574 (2,1) - if you're going to do overlaps like this atleast center the 2 on the 1 like this
  22. 00:49:363 (1,4,5,6) - these notes are a little close, you'd be better off given them more visual distance
  23. 00:53:153 (1,5,7,8,1) - you can avoid this overlap

  1. 00:06:416 (1) - Why space this object when
  2. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
  3. 00:50:232 (5) - overmapped
  4. 00:52:758 - overmap
  5. 00:53:942 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - not sure if an all circle approach is really best for capturing the rhythm
  6. 01:07:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not sure if all circles is right here since there are strong elongated beats in the vocals
  7. 01:12:100 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - this is just dumb overmap that makes the following drum beat on 01:13:363 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - feel considerably weaker since the notes that follow are actually supported by the music unlike 1:12:100

Xexxar wrote:

  1. 01:12:732 (1,2,3,4) - why are there claps i guess it's because there're actually snare sounds. (depends on eLy)
  2. 01:18:100 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these finishes are way overpowering and not appropriate for a piano this diff respect not only the piano but also drums. why can't i express both?
  3. 01:14:942 (1,1,1) - why are these piano hitsounds. they arent accurate to the rhythm listen to the song more carefully please......
Well... Although i couldn't agree with those points on aesthetics, but since eLy have already removed his diff, i got nothing to say about this now

*sigh* Good luck eLy.
you can't be serious, half of these overlaps/aesthetics stuff isnt even noticeable in actual gameplay

eLy, your map is great, please don't give up because of another's subjective opinions.

in the case where you do decide to bring it back, feel free to call me. I'd be more than happy to go through the diff to tie up some loose ends

Gaia wrote:

you can't be serious, half of these overlaps/aesthetics stuff isnt even noticeable in actual gameplay

eLy, your map is great, please don't give up because of another's subjective opinions.

in the case where you do decide to bring it back, feel free to call me. I'd be more than happy to go through the diff to tie up some loose ends
i actually think that xexxar was right, even tho i dont like him personally.
map itself shud be good enough to get ranked.
Aesthetics isn't a definitive way to judge a map's quality, people find different things aesthetically pleasing, and others prefer to focus on flows/angles/beatpairing concepts instead of just blanketting everything they see.

Since the highest diff was deleted, I can't really comment on whether the bubble pop was necessary or not. I will say this though, as a BN, Xexxar does have the right to bubble pop if he absolutely believes the current quality is not rankable.

@Xexxar - my only complaint is that you keep starting your points off with "why". That makes it seem like you are just questioning eLy's intentions and ideas. You should try and say more stuff like "This is not good because..." so the mapper can understand your quality concerns better.

Xexxar wrote:

Hello there!

I believe the top diff to be lacking in quality, and am for this reason expressing my ability to veto this bubble for the following reasons:

This is the biggest fault of this map, it fails to have cohesion in it's design and as such is very underwhelming and lacking in quality. There isn't really a solid logic of why notes are being placed where they are and I feel that there could be much work done on this map for this reason.

  1. 00:03:100 (4) - uneven slider,
    How is this even noticeable in gameplay?
    Although I don't want to talk about other maps, 00:18:948 (1) - in My Hero top diff is this even??? I have no idea why you want others to change something that you yourself don't even follow.
  2. 00:03:890 (1,2,3) - triangle isnt consistent around 5
    Why do you want an equilibrium triangle so much? It is not even necessary here, the mapper can use whatever shape they want for 3 circles in a row. lus such a minor difference won't make anything different.
  3. 00:05:469 (4) - this is up to you but why stack 4 under 1 like this, you should use more of the play field and stop being so center focused.
    Whether stack or overlap or neither, all are fine for placement, idk why you insist on not stacking...00:04:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - these play as a whole and the flow is good.
  4. 00:05:941 (6,1) - why are these two notes overlapping eachother like this, looks sloppy.
    again, overlap like this is fine, it also occurs in a majority of today's maps. So far everything you wrote is your personal opinion and I dont think they make sense.
  5. 00:10:679 (3,1) - why are these slider bodies overlapping, looks bad.
    Looks bad is not a reason to let mapper change it, the overlap is again very decent here, don't force him to change to stack.
  6. 00:11:469 (1,2) - also these slider designs themselves are questionable as they're not very pleasant to look at.
    as they're not very pleasant to look at. are you serious? Then i can say 00:36:091 (1) - in my hero is not pleasant to look at. The fact is 00:11:469 (1,2) - they are the same shape, just flipped. this is totally your personal idea lol
I'm a bit tired to complete rest of reply, and I believe there's no need to do so. Looking at your reasons, almost all of them are 'spacing inconsistency', 'why overlap', 'blanket', 'looks weird'. 'looks bad', 'awkwardly', which 'can be avoided'. But i think your reasons are very ridiculous. While there are 1-2 points that ely can probably polish a bit, most of them are just nazi. I think every map exists flaws, it isn't worthwhile to point out so many nazi and pop the bubble.

In this case, I don't think you are trying to actually help the mapper, but just shooting all nazi at him and waiting for some drama.
eLy please Dont give up >:(
Not every map has to be mapped like your maps, Xexxar. The diff was completely fine, except having a few loose ends, you just exaggerated with your "mods".
I Must Decrease
It's difficult for me to specifically state reasons on why a map is bad when the failure of the mapper lies on the overall construction and not specific elements. For this reason I addressed certain things that I thought to be problematic. I am not doing this because Lasse asked or anything, he simply popped the original bubble before I was going to anyway. While alot of the issues were addressed, namely the overmapping, I still feel like there is many places in which sloppy execution and poor concepts / ideas are present. If you truly believe your map to be free of errors and any issues whatsoever then you may carry on with your delusions.

I find this map to be bad, and therefore I am doing what is necessary to either stop the map from being ranked or wait long enough for the mapper to open their eyes and actively work to improve the quality. But as it's very clear, eLy doesn't care about improving so there is nothing else to be said.
Sad to know people are sitting here arguing over the dumbest shit, can we get a mod to lock this thread already? Toxicity is a very strange thing for a rhythm game. If the map has been graveyards I don't think there is much to do as in progression anymore. People will only come back here for the drama anyways. Feelsbadman
Locking the thread for now since people do nothing but shitpost for the most of time here, going to clean it as well (EDIT: cleaned). Your shitposting doesn't help the mappers at all.

Also, could you guys try to act not that childish? Even when you're pissed about something, this is not the place to let your emotions overtake you. Stay chill, mature and try to respond in polite way, why you don't agree with something instead of posting stupid stuff filled with personal hate. Also stop reacting like that to every bubble pop, as it was said before, it's not the world's end.

Let's try to chill yourself for at least 12 hours, after that you can ask me to unlock this thread, eLy.

EDIT 2: Unlocked. Please stay calm and response with reasoning. To all people that love so much to post single letterns or memes or just quote others: don't do it. You are not helping the mappers at all.
Topic Starter

Xexxar wrote:

Hello there!

I believe the top diff to be lacking in quality, and am for this reason expressing my ability to veto this bubble for the following reasons:

  1. 01:01:205 (3,8) - slider end has clap hitsound, does not make sense.
  2. 01:12:732 (1,2,3,4) - why are there claps
  3. 01:18:100 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these finishes are way overpowering and not appropriate for a piano
    why on 01:08:311 - does audio randomly drop 40%. If you're going to do a build up you should have a build down as well so the audio drop isnt so sudden and random feeling.
  4. 01:14:942 (1,1,1) - why are these piano hitsounds. they arent accurate to the rhythm
This is the biggest fault of this map, it fails to have cohesion in it's design and as such is very underwhelming and lacking in quality. There isn't really a solid logic of why notes are being placed where they are and I feel that there could be much work done on this map for this reason.

  1. 00:03:100 (4) - uneven slider,
  2. 00:03:890 (1,2,3) - triangle isnt consistent around 5
  3. 00:05:469 (4) - this is up to you but why stack 4 under 1 like this, you should use more of the play field and stop being so center focused.
  4. 00:05:941 (6,1) - why are these two notes overlapping eachother like this, looks sloppy.
  5. 00:08:942 (1,1,1) - spacing is underwhelming and seems out of place, these are strong independent notes, you should try to make them stand out instead of just putting them at some arbitrary distance, maybe stack them slightly or bring them close together.
  6. 00:10:679 (3,1) - why are these slider bodies overlapping, looks bad.
  7. 00:11:469 (1,2) - also these slider designs themselves are questionable as they're not very pleasant to look at.
  8. 00:10:205 (2,3) - why are these two so different visually while 00:11:469 (1,2) - are the same, try for some consistency
  9. 00:16:205 (4,2,3,4) - why overlap these
  10. 00:13:048 (2,4,1) - why are these so clustered
  11. 00:19:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you have tons of editor space to work with yet you lock everything into such a dense area that it makes things just look like chaos, either better utilize the small space style you're going for or spread things out to allow for more consistent spacing between objects.
  12. 00:28:679 (5,1) - slider head and end overlap
  13. 00:29:942 (2,3,4) - why not use more consistent spacing
  14. 00:35:469 (1) - blanket this?
  15. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
  16. 00:44:469 (2,3,4,6) - why are these overlapping
  17. 00:45:574 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why not make an actual star instead of this attempt at one
  18. 00:46:995 (2) - :| overlaps 7 awkwardly,
  19. 00:46:679 (1,3) - this can also be avoided,
  20. 00:48:574 (2,3) - blanket
  21. 00:48:574 (2,1) - if you're going to do overlaps like this atleast center the 2 on the 1 like this
  22. 00:49:363 (1,4,5,6) - these notes are a little close, you'd be better off given them more visual distance
  23. 00:53:153 (1,5,7,8,1) - you can avoid this overlap

  1. 00:06:416 (1) - Why space this object when
  2. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
  3. 00:50:232 (5) - overmapped
  4. 00:52:758 - overmap
  5. 00:53:942 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - not sure if an all circle approach is really best for capturing the rhythm
  6. 01:07:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not sure if all circles is right here since there are strong elongated beats in the vocals
  7. 01:12:100 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - this is just dumb overmap that makes the following drum beat on 01:13:363 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - feel considerably weaker since the notes that follow are actually supported by the music unlike 1:12:100
Topic Starter
sorry for being emotional

i looks like got angry from bubble pop because lack of explanation, but i'd like to say not because of that here.

1. lasse

he was bubble pop with pointed out 'overmapped'
at least he explained the reason why he thought so.
but there was no solid reason to not be rankable, just he thought this map is overmapped, so bubble pop
even though 'overmapped' is very subjective issue and there are numbers of people who agreed with my style
(got bubbled explaining this very well)

and even he said like this in pm.

i'd say its pretty weird that even there are many people who thinks its alright, but a person can ignore all those opinion
and let make change to his style with only because he is a BN and doesn't like this one.

2. xexxar

to be honest, i can't even understand why he is even a BN.
in his 'mod', he just said unnecessary mods with named 「Aesthetics」without any decent reason. just bubble pop with very personal opinion.
its very clear to know from azusa's answer

and he answered like this,

i believe everyone knows it. mods are for pointing out of problem and improvement points and suggest to make better quality.
and of course if they are BN, they must have decent level of modding skill
also as monstrata said, is not recommaneded to bubble pop unless he absolutely believes the current quality is not rankable.

then see again what he answered

'It's difficult for me to specifically state reasons on why a map is bad when the failure of the mapper lies on the overall construction and not specific elements.'
'I find this map to be bad'

can't explain why this map is bad, because mappers fault. but this map is bad anyway? does this even make sense?
he just make excuses about his lack of modding skill with saying because mapper is bad.

already deleted by cleaning thread but he also said like

「you'd better check this map for reference」 and linked same re:tryment song inlcluded his guest diff.

and when i checked that map, he used the same way that he said to me shouldn't use this and getting ranked, lol.

i have more absurd things like this, but i think this is enough to explaining.

eLy wrote:

sorry for being emotional
you apologize here and you keep going on with those "idk why he's a bn", "your mods are ununderstandable" why do you just can't take
critism in the right way, why you need to show frustration that way eLy, espacially when you look your twitter and how do you react to those stuff.
doing that to xexxar is pretty rude tbh..
i'm not here to mod your map even tho i agree with xexxar and lasse especially, you shouldn't try and rank maps if you can't take feedbacks and critisim,
espacially in 2017...
just stop that attitude tbh, it's really the bad way how a mapper should be..
I Must Decrease
I gave you certain specific reasons for what I find to be wrong with how you design your aesthetics. I also stated that these things apply generally to the overall construction of the map. The reason why I say "why" for a lot of things is because I cannot see why certain objects are being placed where they are. If you could give me a logical reason for why certain things I addressed are mapped the way you are, I would have no problem removing my bubble pop. But as things look currently, I do not believe you have a reason other than "because I feel like it".

Loctav wrote:

Here is a gist about what has been changed:
  1. We have changed the meaning of bubble pops to be more than what they were. Bubble pops can now be considered as your personal right to veto a beatmap from being Qualified. You are free to pop any bubble if you strongly disagree and therefore veto it to move any further. Obviously, you have to reason this step by telling people why you do this. This gives you the power to push for more quality and eventually stop stuff to be Qualified that is just bad (objectively or subjectively.
Subjectively I believe your map to be bad, and therefore I have bubble popped it. You may not like it but realize that I am not doing this for no reason.
@eLy if you don't agree with xexxar, you can always find new BNs for this map, since now nominations works like a veto, so a new BN can rebbuble this. Anyways I really encourage you to check Xexxar's mod again with cold mind, tbh I believe you can get a compromise with him. ;)
@eLy Don't give up,your map is very good!

Sotarks wrote:

eLy wrote:

sorry for being emotional
you apologize here and you keep going on with those "idk why he's a bn", "your mods are ununderstandable" why do you just can't take
critism in the right way, why you need to show frustration that way eLy, espacially when you look your twitter and how do you react to those stuff.
doing that to xexxar is pretty rude tbh..
i'm not here to mod your map even tho i agree with xexxar and lasse especially, you shouldn't try and rank maps if you can't take feedbacks and critisim,
espacially in 2017...
just stop that attitude tbh, it's really the bad way how a mapper should be..
he already apologized for his attitude, the rest were just serious thoughts from him..
just stop commenting about whose and whose attitude and try to be constructive here zzz

no need to continue flaming this guy
Asahina Momoko
The fact that there's a guy who brings the topic of tweet/twitter despite it's utterly irrelevant here just made me surprised lol.
Hollow Wings
oh ok, i'm out.
I Must Decrease

Hollow Wings wrote:

oh ok, i'm out.
  1. Since you removed final diff you should either use “BGely.jpg” on your light insane diff or remove the file.
  2. Also according to the bot you have unused hitsounds in the map folder, make sure to double check that;
    Unused hitsounds:
  3. About the overlaps that were mentioned previously by other modders. Almost all diffs are mapped using them;
    00:09:574 (3,1) - 00:37:363 (3,1) - 01:05:153 (4,1) - 01:11:469 (2,3) - 01:15:258 (5,1) - 01:25:995 (1,2) - 01:30:416 (3,1) -
    00:02:627 (1,2) - 00:05:469 (3,4) - 00:06:100 (5,1) - 00:08:627 (3,1) - 00:13:205 (2,1) - 00:26:627 (1,2) - 00:30:100 (4,1) - 00:30:416 (1,2) - 00:33:732 (2,1) - 00:40:205 (3,1) - 00:45:258 (5,1) - 00:48:574 (2,3) - 00:50:942 (2,1) - 00:54:416 (1,2) - 01:00:100 (2,1) - 01:03:890 (3,3) - 01:20:942 (1,2) - 01:22:205 (1,1) - 01:25:205 (2,3) -
    [Light Insane]
    00:03:100 (2,1) - 00:13:363 (3,1) - 00:17:784 (1,5) - 00:19:363 (3,6) - 00:18:732 (5,4) - 00:31:995 (5,6,1) - 00:34:679 (3,1) - 00:58:521 (2,5) - 00:59:153 (5,3) - 01:00:100 (4,2) - 01:04:205 (4,1) - 01:07:363 (3,1) - 01:19:363 (3,5) -
    [Lecana’s Insane]
    00:19:363 (3,5) - 01:04:363 (6,9) - 01:14:627 (1,6) -
    [ litoluna's Insane ]
    00:07:679 (1,3) - 01:05:784 (3,1) - 01:11:627 (5,1) -
    [ Cookiezi's Insane ]
    00:06:416 (4,2) - 00:17:627 (8,2) - 00:19:048 (5,8) - 00:23:784 (4,7) - 00:20:469 (2,6) - 00:40:363 (4,2) - 00:49:995 (4,5,6,1) - 01:00:416 (3,4,5,4,1) - 01:06:258 (4,10,3) - 01:14:311 (5,1) –
    [ vellya's Extra ]
    00:04:205 (3,4) - 00:29:784 (7,2) - 00:31:363 (4,2,3,4) - 00:31:679 (1,1) -

    [ momoko's Extra ]
    00:15:258 (1,3) - 00:36:099 (3,5) - 00:49:205 (2,5) - 01:15:417 (2,4,3) - 01:24:574 (3,1) -
    [ wkyik's Extra ]
    00:07:363 (4,1,2,3,4,6) - 00:10:205 (1,2) - 00:13:205 (2,4) - 00:13:363 (3,1) - 00:14:784 (4,1) - 00:15:258 (1,2,3,1) - 00:25:995 (3,1) - 00:28:048 (2,4) - 00:31:995 (2,4,1,3) - 00:35:469 (1,3) - 00:43:363 (2,1) - 00:45:890 (2,4) – and many other.
  4. If you look into most of this overlaps they’re all part of how the mappers usually tend to structure more them using overlaps instead of stacks. Only a few cases are actual overlaps and even so, those are cases where the gameplay experience is not affected in terms of readability of the map but mainly from a visual choice that resemble older mapping practice, that imo, is fine. So if it’s not a case of inconsistency or a mistake but a mere choice of not making an ULTRA SOPHISTICADED AESTHETIC thing, all diffs look visually ready for rank.
  1. This soft addition on the hitsound here 01:08:311 (1) – sounds really odd since you just used here to change the sliderslider sound. Mind explaining your reasons here?

  1. 00:50:942 (2,3,1) – This flow could be improved considering that you didn’t quite break the slider regular flow in any other spots. my suggestion
  2. 00:55:995 (2,3,4,5) – The flow there leads the player into 00:56:469 (4) – after this slider 00:55:995 (2) - . The spacing is correct since you want to emphasize this 00:56:311 (3) - , but if you consider the flow of the previous patterns you can potentially lead the player into a trap for no musical change whatsoever 00:55:205 (3,4,5,1,2) - .
[Light Insane]
  1. This flow could be more intuitive while keeping the pattern linear 00:55:995 (2,3,4,5,1) - . Remember that this is a 3* diff . Anti flow jumps are really tricky to this diff range most of the times.
[Lecana’s Insane]
  1. 00:40:521 (1,2,3) - The visual identity of this pattern implies most of the times that the distance between this slider 00:40:521 (1) – to both objects 00:41:469 (2,3) – should be the same. In this case the distance between 00:40:521 (1,2) – is actually bigger than 00:40:521 (1,3) - . Improving the distance here will make the pattern more neat and won’t affect much of how you structured.
  2. Inherented timing points at 01:36:153 and 01:36:205 are not really needed. If you want to keep them you could at least keep them on snap since they look randomly snapped atm.

[ litoluna's Insane ]
  1. The lack of hitsounds on both main verses of the music 00:23:153 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - and 00:32:942 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - is inconsistent with what most of the diffs offered in terms of hitsounding. It’s not wrong since the verses of this songs are so smooth and not hitsounding them won’t lead the players into mistake because soft-hitnormal here provides enough feedback. However, this could be improved with at least a few uses of soft hitfinishes at least on the main transitions 00:27:890 - 00:37:995 -
[Cookiezi’s Insane]
  1. There’s a missing hitsound on this 01:11:469 (1) - . The entire patterns uses strong sounds on downbeats 01:10:521 (6,7,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) – so breaking the usage on this specific spot doesn’t make a lot of sense, even if the music doesn’t really have a big snare sound there.

[ vellya's Extra ]
  1. The lack of the keysounds here 00:02:627 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) – are quite off in terms of consistency. The higher diffs are the ones that can explore the most this resource and seeing it being apply on the insanes and not here is quite odd. Consider using the keysounds provided by the owner of the mapset.
[ momoko's Extra ]
  1. There isn’t much emphasis to this sound here 00:32:942 (1) -. The pattern works indeed specially considering the vocal lead here, but this sound is really important especially considering how it sounds on the music as the most important crash on the drum during the main verse. You can make a gimmick here about the flow changing on this specific part maybe, just keep in mind that as it is now, it’s not noticeable in the map this sound.

I wasn't requested to mod this, but I came by because I really like this song and tbh this mapset is probably the best in terms of spread and hitsounding. Hopefully you will rank this o/
Topic Starter
i will not rank

ty mod
I Must Decrease
That's a shame that instead of trying to improve your work you merely give up. I feel sorry for the rest of the guest difficulties since most were okay. It's your decision however, good luck on your future mapsets!
Topic Starter

Xexxar wrote:

That's a shame that instead of trying to improve your work you merely give up. I feel sorry for the rest of the guest difficulties since most were okay. It's your decision however, good luck on your future mapsets!
i'm tired of thinking answer of worthless mods. thanks for your 'help'. keep it up

you have to be the most stuck up and childish person i have yet to witness on this game
Yeah Xexxar why you such a bitch, and your mods are worthless Net0. LOL osu! causing more drama than me not having food. Un fucking lucky man . I'm not gonna be conceited but if people had a mindset like mine whew. Things would be much cleaner tbh
ye go for loved instead lul

Kocari wrote:

Yeah Xexxar why you such a bitch, and your mods are worthless Net0. LOL osu! causing more drama than me not having food. Un fucking lucky man . I'm not gonna be conceited but if people had a mindset like mine whew. Things would be much cleaner tbh
Can you state how my mod is worthless? I've pointed a few issues in some diffs and gave some thought about the overlap thing previously mentioned (I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't read that). I believe that any sort of repply on a beatmap thread that is not mod related(either in favor/against) or a positive comment are the complete worthless feedback people should avoid.
I Must Decrease

eLy wrote:

Xexxar wrote:

That's a shame that instead of trying to improve your work you merely give up. I feel sorry for the rest of the guest difficulties since most were okay. It's your decision however, good luck on your future mapsets!
i'm tired of thinking answer of worthless mods. thanks for your 'help'. keep it up

It's hard to think of an answer when there is no reason for why you do what I am complaining about. Instead of trying to defend what you cannot you could decide to improve.


Kocari: :^)

Net0 wrote:

Kocari wrote:

Yeah Xexxar why you such a bitch, and your mods are worthless Net0. LOL osu! causing more drama than me not having food. Un fucking lucky man . I'm not gonna be conceited but if people had a mindset like mine whew. Things would be much cleaner tbh
Can you state how my mod is worthless? I've pointed a few issues in some diffs and gave some thought about the overlap thing previously mentioned (I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't read that). I believe that any sort of repply on a beatmap thread that is not mod related(either in favor/against) or a positive comment are the complete worthless feedback people should avoid.
I think that wasn't meant exactly in a criticizing way tbh (if I understood correctly), so no real need to really explain yourself there.

But honestly, this thread already has enough drama than necessary. eLy explained his reasons as to why he reacted like that and apologized. He also said that he isn't ranking this. If nothing else is going to happen, get a mod to talk to eLy and lock the thread, because honestly, keeping this open is going to make things worse.

If this is going for Loved, then do that and lock this thread. I'm really tired of all this unnecessary drama and many other people are.

On a lighter note, at least it isn't too bad anymkre :^)
Topic Starter
this is problem between me and xexxar. random people shouldn't say something here
i gonna answer his mod just in case, but i don't want talk with him anymore

and it's pretty uesless someone is here to seeking for drama, such like kocari.

if you have anything to say, pm me or just go anywhere else
@Net0 Don't worry I didn't mean to attack you. Your mod is fine, you took the effort and time and you should be appreciated for that. I'm just implying your mod is going to waste if this map is being graveyarded and honestly it feels terrible to me. I don't want drama (The drama started the moment BN popped and you making a meme out of the bubble pop tbh) I only want for this map to be pushed forward and continued. Guess that's too hard to ask these days since everyone is just a keyboard warrior on osu! now. I just care about the work the GDers put in and now it's just down a shithole. Hey but you know, fuck em right. 1 Diff is enough to end an entire 4 months worth of work. Welp that's unfortunate. Don't worry you won't hear from me ever again. I'll look towards people who need help and ask for it. I wonder if this stops future work from you ely. Honestly wanted to see your work get more and more progressive since that's what I look in people and their mapping and that's what I find fun these days. Chao will look forward to something else in the future.
Help the learners, guide the dreamers. Live up to this and maybe osu! can get somewhere as a community.
Topic Starter

Xexxar wrote:

This is the biggest fault of this map, it fails to have cohesion in it's design and as such is very underwhelming and lacking in quality. There isn't really a solid logic of why notes are being placed where they are and I feel that there could be much work done on this map for this reason.

  1. 00:03:100 (4) - uneven slider,
    :arrow: i don't think this have big problem here
  2. 00:03:890 (1,2,3) - triangle isnt consistent around 5
    :arrow: same as above, this isn't something should be changed
  3. 00:05:469 (4) - this is up to you but why stack 4 under 1 like this, you should use more of the play field and stop being so center focused.
    :arrow: don't think here is good place for it
  4. 00:05:941 (6,1) - why are these two notes overlapping eachother like this, looks sloppy.
    :arrow: tell me why not.
  5. 00:08:942 (1,1,1) - spacing is underwhelming and seems out of place, these are strong independent notes, you should try to make them stand out instead of just putting them at some arbitrary distance, maybe stack them slightly or bring them close together.
    :arrow: did you ever checked other difficulties? this pattern used for other difficulties as well and you never mentioning about it.
    still no clue why i should stack here, its already looks good for me.
  6. 00:10:679 (3,1) - why are these slider bodies overlapping, looks bad.
    :arrow: once again, tell me why not. i don't need to fit to your taste
  7. 00:11:469 (1,2) - also these slider designs themselves are questionable as they're not very pleasant to look at.
    :arrow: i have answered about this one already. i hope
    this is same as Re: in very end. here is representation re:lief logo
    its just self-satisfaction but also there are no reason why i have to change here
  8. 00:10:205 (2,3) - why are these two so different visually while 00:11:469 (1,2) - are the same, try for some consistency
    :arrow: ^
  9. 00:16:205 (4,2,3,4) - why overlap these
    :arrow: so why are you questioning about overlapping?
    i often use these style and never found why this is wrong
    again, tell me why not
  10. 00:13:048 (2,4,1) - why are these so clustered
    :arrow: well it might be ok to change this one, but i don't think i have to do this
  11. 00:19:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you have tons of editor space to work with yet you lock everything into such a dense area that it makes things just look like chaos, either better utilize the small space style you're going for or spread things out to allow for more consistent spacing between objects.
    :arrow: there are no problem in flow, also i think it fit well with song as well.
    consistent spacing is not always needed.
  12. 00:28:679 (5,1) - slider head and end overlap
    :arrow: might ok to change this one, but i'd prefer this one for better flow for me
  13. 00:29:942 (2,3,4) - why not use more consistent spacing
    :arrow: are you talking about inconsistency triangles? i'm pretty sure there are a lot of maps like this.
    well, this is not something that make notable difference, so either change or not is ok.
  14. 00:35:469 (1) - blanket this?
    :arrow: comepletely unnecessary
  15. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
    :arrow: did you find this weird? yeah but not for me. also i prioritize flow over aesthetic.
  16. 00:44:469 (2,3,4,6) - why are these overlapping
    :arrow: wow you really hate overlapping lol. same as eariler note
  17. 00:45:574 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - why not make an actual star instead of this attempt at one
    :arrow: because i don't want to. i intended to be 00:45:574 (1,2,3) - triangle here, 00:46:048 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - square here
    if you say need NC, that is probably understandable. but i don't think i should do
  18. 00:46:995 (2) - :| overlaps 7 awkwardly,
    :arrow: i believe don't even need explain about overlapping anymore
  19. 00:46:679 (1,3) - this can also be avoided,
    :arrow: unnecessary. i found flow is good in rectangle right after this one
    rectangle looks weird? yea probably but i don't think i need to change
  20. 00:48:574 (2,3) - blanket
    :arrow: nothing changed when actual gameplay
  21. 00:48:574 (2,1) - if you're going to do overlaps like this atleast center the 2 on the 1 like this
    :arrow: no problem in flow. don't think this is problematic to read in gameplay as well.
  22. 00:49:363 (1,4,5,6) - these notes are a little close, you'd be better off given them more visual distance
    :arrow: 00:49:679 (2,3,4) - i think this is enough for visual distance.
  23. 00:53:153 (1,5,7,8,1) - you can avoid this overlap
    :arrow: same as above

  1. 00:06:416 (1) - Why space this object when
    :arrow: you should explain how this should be changed instead of just questioning my intention.
  2. 00:44:153 (6) - dont you think this is unnaturally high spacing as a result of weird aesthetic choices?
    :arrow: same as i replied 'aesthetics' part. actually lot of people testplayed this as well and none complaint this is hard/weird to play
  3. 00:50:232 (5) - overmapped
    :arrow: i don't think so, if you think it's overmapped you have to say same for other difficulties as well.
  4. 00:52:758 - overmap
    :arrow: here is already changed into kickslider from triple by azusa's mod. either way i don't think its overmapped
  5. 00:53:942 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - not sure if an all circle approach is really best for capturing the rhythm
    :arrow: yes why not? it's might not best way but i can't find any problem here
  6. 01:07:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not sure if all circles is right here since there are strong elongated beats in the vocals
    :arrow: i can't understand what you saying. its not even some ghost notes and clearly i can hear drum sounds.
  7. 01:12:100 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - this is just dumb overmap that makes the following drum beat on 01:13:363 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - feel considerably weaker since the notes that follow are actually supported by the music unlike 1:12:100
    :arrow: again. tell me why not. i don't see any problem here, even i feel comfort to play, what's wrong with it?
here you are. was completely ununderstandable/useless mods for me.

for the above reasons. i don't think contact with him will improve my mapping quality at all. we just have completely different opinion.
hope he won't come back here.
send pm if you have anything to say.
Hollow Wings

Xexxar wrote:

It's hard to think of an answer when there is no reason for why you do what I am complaining about. Instead of trying to defend what you cannot you could decide to improve.


Kocari: :^)
just mention something: subjective mods from your post even declared by yourself, with no fatal mistakes, mapper himself will decide what's necessary to improve his map and what's not.

i heard of subjective pop by bns group is acceptable by ranking progress, well, that's no more than delay it without detail descriptions. bns' mods are same to common modders, can be denied if they are not that "enough to the level this bn wanna give". main point is: those mods do not deserve that pop.

for example, to me, make a part of structure more regular won't be a higher quality choice than just leave it in random placement. then, when some modders or even bns came and complained like "blanket this perfect", "make this triangle in mean delta form", "parallel these two sliders by tiny rotation" so that my map can be improved, i'll simply feedback "nope" because i thought those patterns the opposite way.

it's hard to give advices what mappers truely required, except unrankble issues, others may just suggest rather than force.

btw, if it's rude to refuse answering someone's question, it'll be also rude that the exact question has been asked by someone. no one's on the moral high groud here, please focus on the map itself.

Hollow Wings wrote:

Xexxar wrote:

It's hard to think of an answer when there is no reason for why you do what I am complaining about. Instead of trying to defend what you cannot you could decide to improve.


Kocari: :^)
just mention something: subjective mods from your post even declared by yourself, with no fatal mistakes, mapper himself will decide what's necessary to improve his map and what's not.

i heard of subjective pop by bns group is acceptable by ranking progress, well, that's no more than delay it without detail descriptions. bns' mods are same to common modders, can be denied if they are not that "enough to the level this bn wanna give". main point is: those mods do not deserve that pop.

for example, to me, make a part of structure more regular won't be a higher quality choice than just leave it in random placement. then, when some modders or even bns came and complained like "blanket this perfect", "make this triangle in mean delta form", "parallel these two sliders by tiny rotation" so that my map can be improved, i'll simply feedback "nope" because i thought those patterns the opposite way.

it's hard to give advices what mappers truely required, except unrankble issues, others may just suggest rather than force.

btw, if it's rude to refuse answering someone's question, it'll be also rude that the exact question has been asked by someone. no one's on the moral high groud here, please focus on the map itself.
in other words, fuck quality, do whatever you want, noone gives a shit

viptwo wrote:

in other words, fuck quality, do whatever you want, noone gives a shit
Woah, u're just assuming things now calm down. Quality is rly subjective anyways, what is quality to you might not be quality to another mapper. I'm not saying that quality doesnt matter but he had his own concepts and explained why he did those patterns, it's up to the mapper if he decides to change the map accordingly, it's not your map. You cannot just force him to change everything or most things mods suggest just cuz u think it makes the map increases in "quality". Like Hollow Wings said, it's hard to give precise advice on what to change unless it's an unrankable issue; other than that the mods seem forced here.

- G I D Z - wrote:

viptwo wrote:

in other words, fuck quality, do whatever you want, noone gives a shit
Woah, u're just assuming things now calm down. Quality is rly subjective anyways, what is quality to you might not be quality to another mapper. I'm not saying that quality doesnt matter but he had his own concepts and explained why he did those patterns, it's up to the mapper if he decides to change the map accordingly, it's not your map. You cannot just force him to change everything or most things mods suggest just cuz u think it makes the map increases in "quality". Like Hollow Wings said, it's hard to give precise advice on what to change unless it's an unrankable issue; other than that the mods seem forced here.
That's the issue here. " it's up to the mapper if he decides to change the map accordingly". Why mod at all when the mapper gets to decide after all? Why have a ranked section when the mapper gets to decide what is good and what isnt? Why try to have high quality maps when the mapper gets to decide? The mapper does not get to decide. Period. Xexxar saw an issue and he acted on it. Ely refused to cooperate and overreact instead of going the easy way of fixing stuff and getting a rebubble in a day. There is a (sadly mostly obsolete) ranking process for a reason.
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