
Morimori Atsushi - PUPA [OsuMania]

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Nivrad00 wrote:

re-PUPA ^^
new page \ :v /
thanks niv <3
sorry for troubling you ;;
can i reserve 1 ticket of pp train?


00:26:551 (26551|0,26551|3,26699|1) - Think you can emphasize these synthssounds if you'd like, just to spice things up. Suggesting the following, I know it breaks some consistency here hence feel free to reject

00:28:927 (28927|3) - Same idea here, just take the idea from ^

00:31:006 (31006|1) - Think you can do a 3-note chord here if you are mapping to cymbals

00:50:016 (50016|2) - Notice that every 2 measures (that means 8 1/1 long), the artist uses a different set of instruments to emphasize the last half a measure, I think you might want to utilize that to make the section here less awkward. I personally think that the 1/4 swings here are rather hard to time and it's really hard to grasp onto the rhythm here since you're doing a 3/4 rhythm on the synth while doing percussion that lies mainly on 1/2s.

- 00:51:798 (51798|2,52392|2) - Take note of this piano here, I think you can utilize that to get rid off 1 of those awkward rhythms
- 00:54:175 (54175|3,54769|3) - Take note of the 1/2 here, the artist used a 1/2 kick rhythm here, so it gets rid of another 3/4 if you want to map that
- 00:56:551 (56551|0,56551|1,56774|2,56848|3,56848|0) - Think the whole 1/1 here is full of 1/4 piano, not sure why is part of it left blank

01:05:685 (65685|2,65907|1,66056|0) - utilize PR here and do 123 instead of 321

01:10:437 (70437|2,70660|1,70808|0) - ^
01:00:932 (60932|2,61155|1,61303|0) - ^
01:15:190 (75190|2,75412|1,75561|0) - ^ (might want to do 234 though since you already have a 1 before it)


00:26:551 (26551|3) - Why not switch it up here and map to the synths? think it's plausible to make it easy while making it less of a monotonous 2-1-2-1-2-1-2 note count

00:58:185 (58185|3,58482|1) - is the gap between the LN end and note needed?

01:00:115 (60115|2) - any reason on why you skipped this 1/1 ?

01:54:769 - kind of odd that you started the stream on a 1/2, think it'd be more comfy if it's on 1/1 as it's easier to time

01:09:026 (69026|3) - What i found odd too was that comparing this to beginner, it's far more easier (it's not a problem that it's easier) but I do feel like this pattern can be swapped with Beginner or is the same as Beginner as these notes in Beginner cover very important sounds in the music (or maybe it's intentional as Beginner seems to be more focused on the synth?)


01:09:323 (69323|3) - Same comment as Normal

01:15:561 (75561|0) - Suggesting to move to 3 or 4 for PR

01:25:660 (85660|3,85883|1,86254|2,86477|1) - If we're looking at Beginners who are planning to SS this, I feel that this may be a tad bit awkward for them to accuracy on considering the LN release specifically, might want to extend both of them by 1/4

01:31:823 (91823|1,92046|2,92194|3,92417|1,92640|2,92789|3) - Note how the pitch rises a tad bit more on the 2nd 234 pattern, thus you might want to move the first 234 to 123 just to mimic that



01:28:036 (88036|0) - No idea why is this a Kick Kick Snare Snare sequence, it should be a Kick Snare Kick Snare or Kick Kick Kick Snare, I don't hear a snare on the 3rd beat

01:18:531 (78531|3) - While I do believe the hitsounding here is... somewhat fine, I think it'd be better if you hitsounded on what you mapped, so in this case, you focused on the synths, so I think the most appropriate action would be to hitsound the notes with the same hitsound throughout if you don't want to keysound as it allows players to know what they hit. Using storyboarded hitsounds are confusing basically, since hitsound is supposed to give feedback and storyboard hitsounding, while it is giving some sort of feedback, it's rather confusing.

01:45:858 (105858|0) - soft-hitwhistle.wav@40% Think you can omit this sample in the LN here, don't think it's really needed, (remove the sample, not the hitsound)


00:26:105 (26105|2) - Why the whistle?
00:26:254 (26254|1) - I think you misplaced that^

00:58:779 (58779|1) - think you're missing a whistle

01:17:343 (77343|3) - I don't think a snare fits, kick would be better imo


00:16:749 (16749|3) - Found it odd that you have a snare sample and didn't use it in this snare stream

White Another

00:32:194 (32194|3) - Sounds like you're missing a kick

00:16:749 (16749|2) - Same comment as Another

For notes
01:44:670 (104670|3) - I... don't see a reason for this specifically, the piano pitch changes quite a lot, I'm not sure about just 3 4 trilling lol
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:


00:26:551 (26551|0,26551|3,26699|1) - Think you can emphasize these synthssounds if you'd like, just to spice things up. Suggesting the following, I know it breaks some consistency here hence feel free to reject | nice idea, but i'm not gonna use double on synth, just like you said, it will break the consistency. put jack to emphasize the synth is enough i think

01:05:685 (65685|2,65907|1,66056|0) - utilize PR here and do 123 instead of 321 | uh sorry? i think the PR is already correct. 01:03:086 - the pitch in here is increasing, while the one in 01:00:709 - is decreasing. and so on
01:10:437 (70437|2,70660|1,70808|0) - ^ | ^
01:00:932 (60932|2,61155|1,61303|0) - ^ | ^
01:15:190 (75190|2,75412|1,75561|0) - ^ | ^


01:00:115 (60115|2) - any reason on why you skipped this 1/1 ? | i'm following the background piano obviously, to match up with the density in 01:09:026

01:09:026 (69026|3) - What i found odd too was that comparing this to beginner, it's far more easier (it's not a problem that it's easier) but I do feel like this pattern can be swapped with Beginner or is the same as Beginner as these notes in Beginner cover very important sounds in the music (or maybe it's intentional as Beginner seems to be more focused on the synth?) | yes it's intentional as you said, if i'm following the synth, the layer at 01:16:155 - will be clashed each other.


01:09:323 (69323|3) - Same comment as Normal | if you do notice the kiai part, they have the same layering (synth), i'm using the same layer at 01:09:026 - to familiarize the pattern so when it came to kiai, the feel when playing wouldn't be kind of sudden

01:15:561 (75561|0) - Suggesting to move to 3 or 4 for PR | i already mention it in Hyper diff
except mentioned above is accepted

Valentrixe wrote:

Evening wrote:


01:05:685 (65685|2,65907|1,66056|0) - utilize PR here and do 123 instead of 321 | uh sorry? i think the PR is already correct. 01:03:086 - the pitch in here is increasing, while the one in 01:00:709 - is decreasing. and so on
01:10:437 (70437|2,70660|1,70808|0) - ^ | ^
01:00:932 (60932|2,61155|1,61303|0) - ^ | ^
01:15:190 (75190|2,75412|1,75561|0) - ^ | ^
are you sure? I'm quite sure you've got it the other way around, higher pitch to the right and lower to the left, I asked Valedict to confirm it and he thinks it's reversed too
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

are you sure? I'm quite sure you've got it the other way around, higher pitch to the right and lower to the left, I asked Valedict to confirm it and he thinks it's reversed too
okay sorry, you're right. my bad
already fixed them

i'm ready :o
should be ok then
go go go
Topic Starter
wow 100 posts \ :v /

minor change on Another diff

changed the pattern in 00:06:947 ~ 00:10:511 - , i just realized that their patterns is as same as 00:02:194 ~ 00:05:759

same applied to 01:56:551 ~ 02:04:571

also changed pattern in 00:14:967 - ( to to balance the jack <3

Everything looks good!

Same BG as this mapset ->

xtrem3x wrote:

Same BG as this mapset ->
15ppl like 2how mathematics fothermucker ayy kwkwkw

btw grats.. `L_`
I think I forgot to tell that this song is also in Deemo (Update 2.4) (iirc)

late to fix tags lol, maybe call someone to add "deemo" to online tags :v
Wah my mod still there on the first page...
so embarassed xd
anyway, congrats for your first quali! really well deserved one.
akhirnya quali jg yaa:'D
eh first page anjir
Wadoo, gg, grats ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)
GRATZ Valen!!!
remixed version of PUPA by me soon owo!
koepoe - koepoe
Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

Same BG as this mapset ->
i got the BG from here: source
i don't even know that mapset in the first place haha

if you want alternative BG you can use this :
simply replace the file inside the folder

it's the same character from touhou btw :^

Surono wrote:

15ppl like 2how mathematics fothermucker ayy kwkwkw

btw grats.. `L_`
ngomong opo sur ;w;
thanks anyway <3

Rivals_7 wrote:

I think I forgot to tell that this song is also in Deemo (Update 2.4) (iirc)

late to fix tags lol, maybe call someone to add "deemo" to online tags :v
don't DQ pls ;w;

DixonBlackwing wrote:

Wah my mod still there on the first page...
so embarassed xd
anyway, congrats for your first quali! really well deserved one.
wkwk sekarang udah jadi BN cie
thanks <3

Leonita wrote:

akhirnya quali jg yaa:'D
eh first page anjir
y :'D

Alsty- wrote:

Wadoo, gg, grats ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)
͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aras25 wrote:

GRATZ Valen!!!
remixed version of PUPA by me soon owo!
Re : end of a dream? :P
w juga ngemap itu sebenernya awkwk

erlinadewi- wrote:

koepoe - koepoe
siang makan nasi kalo malem minum susu :d
ciyeee kena ranked :3

mastah mastah :v
awas aja lu valen, kalau ada lagi pattern yg sama di 2 diff nanti jadi space time 3.0
Topic Starter

ajeemaniz wrote:

awas aja lu valen, kalau ada lagi pattern yg sama di 2 diff nanti jadi space time 3.0
masya allah bang aje
aku khilaf ;;
gratz o/~
first ever qualified map.. gratz :v
Gratz valen >w<)b
My Love SONG IN BMS is qualified,Yeahhhh Gratz
Really good stuff =w=
blooming tea
Topic Starter

Ilham wrote:

gratz o/~
wew akun mu balik? :v

hikikuman wrote:

first ever qualified map.. gratz :v
thanks wkwk

Frostcage wrote:

hey frosty. i did it \:D/

Syadow- wrote:

Gratz valen >w<)b
thanks >w<)b

[Aldebaran] wrote:

My Love SONG IN BMS is qualified,Yeahhhh Gratz
haha i love this song too

Raediaufar wrote:

Really good stuff =w=
not as good as your snow storm =w=


kan udah woe :v

dentek wrote:

thanks! :)


btw if anyone can give me a pattern suggestion for Kagii's White Another on 00:21:501 ~ 00:35:165
i will really appreciate it
zeeb >>:V<<
my fav song in Voez xD

Valentrixe wrote:

btw if anyone can give me a pattern suggestion for Kagii's White Another on 00:21:501 ~ 00:35:165
i will really appreciate it
I couldn't reach you ingame so here is my feedback since your words are kinda unclear and i/we don't know how to handle it.

Overall the Part is okay but my suggestion would be to follow only the really clear sounds with LN's what means following LN's should get removed:
00:21:501 (21501|3) -
00:22:690 (22690|0) -
00:23:878 (23878|3) -
00:25:066 (25066|0) -

00:28:779 (28779|2) - <- No LN sound
00:29:224 (29224|2) - <- No LN sound
00:29:521 (29521|0) - <- No LN sound

00:31:600 (31600|3) -
00:32:194 (32194|0) -
00:33:383 (33383|3) -
00:34:571 (34571|0) -
These you could remove. I know there is a LN sound BUT while playing this sound is absolute not noticeable because you follow with your LNs here a clearly different sound. The main melody, what is cool and you should keep it.
If yes, following LN's should be 1/4 LN's
00:26:551 (26551|0) -
00:26:699 (26699|2) -
00:26:996 (26996|1) -
00:27:293 (27293|2) - (Optional]

00:28:927 (28927|1,29076|3,29373|1,29670|1) - and these here to 1/4 LN's
Following the main melody only with LN's make it way more clear what actually get's played and the 1/4 LN's give it a little piece of variety which is pretty cool.
But anyways, i just give the feedback you asked for.
The part is overall okay for me, just 00:28:779 - to 00:31:006 - is very confusing for me that you follow suddenly the pretty inaudible piano with your LN's. At the first two plays i didn't noticed what you have mapped there with your LN's until i looked into the editor on 25% speed. After i noticed once it's not longer to overhear but still, when you don't know what is mapped it's reaaaally hard to notice.

That's all from my side! Hope this feedback helps you
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

I couldn't reach you ingame so here is my feedback since your words are kinda unclear and i/we don't know how to handle it.

Overall the Part is okay but my suggestion would be to follow only the really clear sounds with LN's what means following LN's should get removed:
00:21:501 (21501|3) -
00:22:690 (22690|0) -
00:23:878 (23878|3) -
00:25:066 (25066|0) -

00:28:779 (28779|2) - <- No LN sound
00:29:224 (29224|2) - <- No LN sound
00:29:521 (29521|0) - <- No LN sound

00:31:600 (31600|3) -
00:32:194 (32194|0) -
00:33:383 (33383|3) -
00:34:571 (34571|0) -
These you could remove. I know there is a LN sound BUT while playing this sound is absolute not noticeable because you follow with your LNs here a clearly different sound. The main melody, what is cool and you should keep it.
If yes, following LN's should be 1/4 LN's
00:26:551 (26551|0) -
00:26:699 (26699|2) -
00:26:996 (26996|1) -
00:27:293 (27293|2) - (Optional]

00:28:927 (28927|1,29076|3,29373|1,29670|1) - and these here to 1/4 LN's
Following the main melody only with LN's make it way more clear what actually get's played and the 1/4 LN's give it a little piece of variety which is pretty cool.
But anyways, i just give the feedback you asked for.
The part is overall okay for me, just 00:28:779 - to 00:31:006 - is very confusing for me that you follow suddenly the pretty inaudible piano with your LN's. At the first two plays i didn't noticed what you have mapped there with your LN's until i looked into the editor on 25% speed. After i noticed once it's not longer to overhear but still, when you don't know what is mapped it's reaaaally hard to notice.

That's all from my side! Hope this feedback helps you
oh this is great! thanks Feerum

first of all i'm sorry if my words were unclear and made some misunderstanding
i did said it in disqus comment ( ) that i'll fixed this part if this map happen to be DQ'ed, but at the same time kagii and i don't know how to fixed it
that's why i asked for a pattern suggestion
my fault tho, should've asked for DQ first before asking suggestion in the first place haha

i'll fix that LNs part on behalf of kagii
you can DQ this map now

Valentrixe wrote:

you can DQ this map now
With this being said. Disqualified on mappers request!
now both of our M4M map got DQ by request :v
tapi masalah DQnya beda si wkwkwk

(tambahin tag Deemo tuh)
last Another should be "White Another" :arrow: "Black Another" ?
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

now both of our M4M map got DQ by request :v
tapi masalah DQnya beda si wkwkwk

(tambahin tag Deemo tuh)
wkwk berarti emang jodoh
added Deemo & voez on tag

SpectorDG wrote:

last Another should be "White Another" :arrow: "Black Another" ?
nahh White Another is better
Valentrixe edited those LNs in White Another and asked for a rebubble. I think the new stuff look good :)

Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

Valentrixe edited those LNs in White Another and asked for a rebubble. I think the new stuff look good :)

i love you niv
found this while looking through again i guess

White Another

00:36:353 (36353|1,36427|0,36501|1,36576|0,36650|1,36724|0,36873|0,36873|1,36947|0) - quite an odd emphasis on the left hand
00:37:690 (37690|1,37764|0,37838|1,37912|0,37987|1,38061|0) - ^

what's the intention here?
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

found this while looking through again i guess

White Another

00:36:353 (36353|1,36427|0,36501|1,36576|0,36650|1,36724|0,36873|0,36873|1,36947|0) - quite an odd emphasis on the left hand | i stack them on to balance with 00:36:650 (36650|2,36798|2,36798|3,36947|3,36947|2,37095|2,37095|3,37244|3) -
00:37:690 (37690|1,37764|0,37838|1,37912|0,37987|1,38061|0) - ^ | actually the pattern when it got qualified was like this: , i noticed that there are quite a lot amount of notes in col. 3, that's why i move 00:37:838 (37838|1) - to be more balanced
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

i love you too eve
rip 24 hour rule :x
Reverted to Nivrad's Bubble.
There must be 24h between the Bubble and the Qualify
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

Topic Starter

Valentrixe wrote:

Evening wrote:

i love you too eve
wow baru tau harus ada jangka 24 jam antara bubble sm quali. inb4 my ginkiha only took 12 minutes from bubble to qualify:^). gratz btw
Topic Starter

Rido wrote:

wow baru tau harus ada jangka 24 jam antara bubble sm quali. inb4 my ginkiha only took 12 minutes from bubble to qualify:^). gratz btw
new rule
makasih do, hasil didikan lu :>
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