
Gundam Wing (German) - Just Communication

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Note: These are pretty minimal issues - the beatmap is fairly solid overall. Just posting a few small suggestions.

The break at 00:48:36 is pretty long - 14 seconds. If you could think of anything to shorten the break, maybe throw in a small section inbetween it, it would reduce the boredom that settles in from waiting 14 seconds.

I didn't hear any whistles/finishes, except in the soft section, which was wholly whistles.

Same suggestions as above, though there was one slider in the soft section that wasn't a whistle. (more variety is good)

Pretty small things; the mapping is very solid.
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Ivalset wrote:

Note: These are pretty minimal issues - the beatmap is fairly solid overall. Just posting a few small suggestions.

The break at 00:48:36 is pretty long - 14 seconds. If you could think of anything to shorten the break, maybe throw in a small section inbetween it, it would reduce the boredom that settles in from waiting 14 seconds.

I didn't hear any whistles/finishes, except in the soft section, which was wholly whistles.

Same suggestions as above, though there was one slider in the soft section that wasn't a whistle. (more variety is good)

Pretty small things; the mapping is very solid.
Tried to add more variety in sounds. Also added a slider in the long pause. I'm could begin the last part a bit sooner and add 2 second pause before the part where it starts now but I fear it wouldn't really fit in how the song itself is structured (which is: introduction- first part- pause- second part - transition- last part). I'll try to look into that anyways.
By the way, I don't like to use finishes in this song because they "cut" the flow of the music. I'm almost exclusively using them on the spinners (though I decided to have more variety between whistles and normal beats).

P.S.: Thank you for looking into it.
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I got 132.03 BPM and 5420 offset at a quick glance
Cyclone's timing seems pretty much correct to me. Even if there are very slight bpm variations they probably don't matter in such a short map.

I see no problems with these two maps. If you feel up to it, try making a harder version with a bit less break time.
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Sinistro asked for the Lyrics:
Zeit und Raum,
wir besuchen die Sterne.
Hand in Hand,
reisen wir mit dem Licht.
Alles was sich je ein Mensch nur erträumt hat,
ist hier in der Zukunft, sie wartet auf mich und auf dich!

Die Welt zerfiel und das Lachen starb
und die Herzen vergaßen in Liebe zu schlagen.
Grau war Tag und kalt war Nacht,
kein Sonnenstrahl brachte uns Hoffnung.

Doch es geschehen Wunder,
glaub an die Kraft!

Im Königreich der Freundschaft wollen wir leben,
das ist unser Ziel!

Zeit und Raum,
wir besuchen die Sterne.
Hand in Hand,
reisen wir mit dem Licht.
Alles was sich je ein Mensch nur erträumt hat,
ist hier in der Zukunft sie wartet auf mich und auf dich!

Time and Space,
We visit the stars,
Hand in Hand
We travel with the light.
All what mankind ever dared to dream off
Is here in the future, it's waiting for me and for you!

The world broke apart, and the laughs died off,
and the hearts forgot how to beat in peace.
Grey was the day, and cold the night,
No Lightray brought us any hope back.

But wonders do happen,
Believe in Strength!

In Friendship Kingdom -
We want live there, that's our goal!

Time and Space,
We visit the stars,
Hand in Hand
We travel with the light.
All what mankind ever dared to dream off
Is here in the future, it's waiting for me and for you!
Card N'FoRcE
Timing seems fine.

00:18:14 (2) - is too close
00:29:00 - why does this break start late?
00:34:95 (3) - is too close
00:41:77 (1) - is too close
00:50:00 - why does this break end early?
01:07:68 (2) - move it to fix spacing of the combo

00:16:32 (1) - is too close, mind the spacing
00:17:69 (1) - same
I noticed you fixed these in 1:07:00, where you made the same combos. So, fix them in the beginning also :P

00:23:37 (1,2) - are confusiong. the previous slider seems longer and the user brakes combo. Fix spacing, pls.
00:26:77 (8,10,11) - just place them a little better. (Use grid level 3)
00:47:00 (4) - same
00:56:77 add a beat here, it sounds better
01:01:54 (4,5,6) - just place them a little better. (Use grid level 3)
01:11:54 (2,3) - put them a little to the right to fix spacing
I think there are other spacing issues but they're minor.
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Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Timing seems fine.

00:18:14 (2) - is too close
00:29:00 - why does this break start late?
00:34:95 (3) - is too close
00:41:77 (1) - is too close
00:50:00 - why does this break end early?
01:07:68 (2) - move it to fix spacing of the combo

00:16:32 (1) - is too close, mind the spacing
00:17:69 (1) - same
I noticed you fixed these in 1:07:00, where you made the same combos. So, fix them in the beginning also :P

00:23:37 (1,2) - are confusiong. the previous slider seems longer and the user brakes combo. Fix spacing, pls.
00:26:77 (8,10,11) - just place them a little better. (Use grid level 3)
00:47:00 (4) - same
00:56:77 add a beat here, it sounds better
01:01:54 (4,5,6) - just place them a little better. (Use grid level 3)
01:11:54 (2,3) - put them a little to the right to fix spacing
I think there are other spacing issues but they're minor.
Fix'd as suggested.
Nothing tripped me up,

I SS'd easy and normal, this is ready for a bubble IMO

lukewarmholiday wrote:

this is ready for a bubble IMO
I concur. Nice job.
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Sinistro wrote:

lukewarmholiday wrote:

this is ready for a bubble IMO
I concur. Nice job.
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Wait, the thoughtbubble disappeared or is it just me?
Restored. It was determined that the bubble was lost because of OP editing by the mapper.
00:17:34 - closer to 2
00:39:73 - make the spacing between this note even (2 and 4)
01:00:63 - make the spacing between this note even (1 and 3)

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00:24:05 (3) - Move 1/4 backwards. Change spacing accordingly.
00:42:23 (2) - Move 1/8 (uh huh) backwards.
00:44:04 (3) - Move 1/8 backwards.
01:14:72 (3) - Move 1/4 forward. Change spacing accordingly.

The above changes for Normal, also:
Have the first spinner start on a white tick so the countdown sounds better.
00:38:14 (3) - Lengthen 1/4. Change spacing accordingly.
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Thanks Sinistro.
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00:17:69 (1) - spacing
00:41:77 (1) - delete 2 and 3, then change 1 to a slider that ends in 00:42:45
00:43:36 (1) - same as above, well not really, but same concept.
00:55:296 - remove this shi-- i mean break
01:02:681 - place a circle here

00:29:165 - remove the break and put it again, see what happens
00:41:77 (1) - same thing
00:43:36 (1) - same thing, you dont need to follow the vocals throughout the song. sometimes its better not to.
00:49:956 - remove the break and put it again, see what happens
00:55:864 - same

nothing, but i dont like those 1/2 note notnewbiefriendly notes.
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Fix'd (hopefully)
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like i said i dont like weird-snapped notes so make it a slider take it or leave it.
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James wrote:

like i said i dont like weird-snapped notes so make it a slider take it or leave it.
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James wrote:

I see no technical issues with this beatmap set. Ranked.

I must also commend your patience and determination in this. :)
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Sinistro wrote:

I see no technical issues with this beatmap set. Ranked.

I must also commend your patience and determination in this. :)
And I must thank you for being patient with all the fixes I had to introduce each time.
Still, I've learned some lessons from this I hope will help me do it better next time without having to fix it 20 times ^^;;
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