
Tips for streaming with a Laptop Keyboard?

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[ Pingu ] wrote:

Comet wrote:

I stream faster with a laptop keyboard than with a mechanical one.
Is there a technique when you do it? For example, I heard tapping the keys more gently helps it, but yet I still get loads of misses.
Not sure, I just press the keys fast as I can.
I can finish maps like Kamui on SHD with my laptop's keyboard with super low accuracy and not having to use too much force.
I can't even get to 3/4 of FREEDOM DIVE's Another difficulty with my blue switch mechanical keyboard but I my accuracy is much higher with this one.
With a rubber dome keyboard I can stream 240bpm for over 80 notes but it kills my stamina.
I heard that wrist tapping helps alot for stamina on mechanical keyboard but I tried it and I couldn't do it so I stopped.

Anyways: If your keyboard isn't ruined or anything don't blame it for not being fast, if it's ruined get a new one, a mechanical keyboard is preferred, blue switches are the best for gaming and general typing because of their feedback but they're noisy and gamers usually play at night too so they don't prefer those because it annoys their house/roommates, red switches and browns are silent but the red one has no feedback, browns are like blues but without a noisy feedback.

Don't forget, in streaming: Accuracy > speed
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[ Pingu ]

Comet wrote:

Not sure, I just press the keys fast as I can.
I can finish maps like Kamui on SHD with my laptop's keyboard with super low accuracy and not having to use too much force.
I can't even get to 3/4 of FREEDOM DIVE's Another difficulty with my blue switch mechanical keyboard but I my accuracy is much higher with this one.
With a rubber dome keyboard I can stream 240bpm for over 80 notes but it kills my stamina.
I heard that wrist tapping helps alot for stamina on mechanical keyboard but I tried it and I couldn't do it so I stopped.

Anyways: If your keyboard isn't ruined or anything don't blame it for not being fast, if it's ruined get a new one, a mechanical keyboard is preferred, blue switches are the best for gaming and general typing because of their feedback but they're noisy and gamers usually play at night too so they don't prefer those because it annoys their house/roommates, red switches and browns are silent but the red one has no feedback, browns are like blues but without a noisy feedback.

Don't forget, in streaming: Accuracy > speed
What's wrist tapping exactly?
I'd also appreciate some streaming tips, my streaming is pretty pathetic right now. ...

Someone mentioned wrist tapping, is it faster/better? I've just been trying to stream the same way I do single notes - alternating fingers.
Laptop keyboard shouldn't be bottlenecking since top players use laptop keyboards too.

Maybe TS should train more? ;)

ps: From a guy with mechanical keyboard.
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[ Pingu ]

wacats wrote:

ps: From a guy with mechanical keyboard.
That just ruined everything lol
If u are bad at streaming with a laptop keyboar, you ll be bad at streamimg with a mechamical keyboard.
Dont think for 1 second that any problems you are having are caused by your keyboard (unless it was malfunctioning.)

That would be my first step in ur case. Realize YOUR problem.

Im not trying to be mean btw. Im trying to help..

[ Pingu ] wrote:

wacats wrote:

ps: From a guy with mechanical keyboard.
That just ruined everything lol
Awww... But some players can really play well with laptop keyboards. :?

There are people who prefer laptop keyboards over mechanical keyboards too. :)
So your keyboard should not be a problem unless it has some serious problem.

xasuma wrote:

If u are bad at streaming with a laptop keyboar, you ll be bad at streamimg with a mechamical keyboard.
Dont think for 1 second that any problems you are having are caused by your keyboard (unless it was malfunctioning.)

That would be my first step in ur case. Realize YOUR problem.

Im not trying to be mean btw. Im trying to help..
I also use a laptop keyboard.
You're the only one stopping yourself from streaming by blaming your keyboard. Don't expect streaming to be easy just because you have a mech, it's not any different when you still can't control your fingers. Streaming takes loads of practice, and I mean loads. There's no easy way out, so start practicing.
laptop keys broke my fingers
good for accuracy, but stamina drain is too much :^(

im glad i got a mechanical keyboard :^)
I also play with laptop keyboard. What I do is I rarely play stream maps that I have bad acc ( Ranked C or get 100s 50s on stream)
Streaming does require high stamina so it depend on your finger. You should first practice stream at low bpm and start to increase the bpm if you want to test your stamina you can test it on this map just play untill you fail that will determine how long can you stream.
Good luck with enough practice you will eventually can streaming
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[ Pingu ]
Thanks for the feedback guys, I also forgot to mention that my stamina is quite slow, I'm guessing because of the energy in my fingers cus they're quite small. Is there a way to increase stamina as my fingers start to ache when I do a few streams?
finger exercises, push your limits and play a lot of streamy maps
stamina will only increase if you put the effort in
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[ Pingu ]
Ok. ;w;
Laptop and mechanical keyboards aren't that different tbh.
For me, it's easier to stream fast if I put the laptop on a book or a box that gives it leverage near your hands, then let your palm rest on the surface below your book/box/something
Laptop keys have shorter travel distance doesn't it? :D
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

wacats wrote:

Laptop keys have shorter travel distance doesn't it? :D
I don't know really tbh.


When I stream, my finger that uses the Z key alternates to my finger on the left to the middle finger (the middle finger is what I use for the Z key). why doe just why?
Play more streams.

[ Pingu ] wrote:

wacats wrote:

Laptop keys have shorter travel distance doesn't it? :D
I don't know really tbh.


When I stream, my finger that uses the Z key alternates to my finger on the left to the middle finger (the middle finger is what I use for the Z key). why doe just why?
I get that too. I use A and S keys, so I randomly start typing in all caps, and since I capitalize regularly it can look pretty weird.

Doesn't really do anything, it's not like caps will affect gameplay.

[ Dommu ] wrote:

Laptop keyboards can do anything my dude. One day, my friends,and I were doing an Image Material DT (390 bpm) tag play with NoFail, and one friend on a laptop got the long stream and didn't even understream.
Yeah, sure.
Yesterday my friend was streaming 200bpm streams with one finger.
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