
EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 8:06:31 PM

Artist: EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi)
Title: Stay Alive
Source: Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活
Tags: Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Life in a different world from zero Re:zero TV Size ED Ending
BPM: 70
Filesize: 15325kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1.29 stars, 243 notes)
  2. Hard - 4Key (2.86 stars, 627 notes)
  3. Normal - 4Key (2.01 stars, 461 notes)
Download: EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive
Download: EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
MP3, metadata, and timing from
Video by Shad0w1and
-[ AmiShici ]-

part kiai pertama yang blue line gw ragu ada sound dah. kecuali vocal

[EZ]00:27:053 (27053|0,27268|3,27482|0) - ctrl+H?
00:32:625 (32625|0) - harusnya di 00:32:411 - kayak 00:28:982 (28982|0,29411|0) -
00:33:268 (33268|3) - delete. dari awal ga ikut hithat

[NM]00:27:911 (27911|2) - ini hithat? kalo iya brati disini ada hithat 00:28:768 - 00:32:196 -
01:02:411 - 01:03:268 - 01:03:696 - 01:05:839 - 01:06:696 - 01:07:125 - dobel kick drum
01:13:982 - drum

[HD]01:13:982 - drum
01:28:827 - triple

saran aja yg kyak gini 00:14:196 (14196|2) - dbikin 1/16 burst aja si. wkwkwk

Topic Starter

-[ AmiShici ]- wrote:


part kiai pertama yang blue line gw ragu ada sound dah. kecuali vocal iya, itu sengaja ikut vocal, dariipada boring di main gitu2 aja drum nya.

[EZ]00:27:053 (27053|0,27268|3,27482|0) - ctrl+H? kayaknya yg sekarang lebih enak dimain.
00:32:625 (32625|0) - harusnya di 00:32:411 - kayak 00:28:982 (28982|0,29411|0) - nice.
00:33:268 (33268|3) - delete. dari awal ga ikut hithat ^

[NM]00:27:911 (27911|2) - ini hithat? kalo iya brati disini ada hithat 00:28:768 - 00:32:196 - added.
01:02:411 - 01:03:268 - 01:03:696 - 01:05:839 - 01:06:696 - 01:07:125 - dobel kick drum will consider this, niatnya sih mau buat feel mainnya beda sama kiai pertama.
01:13:982 - drum nice.

[HD]01:13:982 - drum ok.
01:28:827 - triple tapi itu kick loh bukan snare, 2 note aja cukup kayaknya.

saran aja yg kyak gini 00:14:196 (14196|2) - dbikin 1/16 burst aja si. wkwkwk will consider this, tapi kek nya kalo mau di burst 1/8 aja ah :3

Thanks ami :)


00:19:982 (19982|1) - masih ada suara panjang kaya ini 00:17:625 (17625|1) -
00:27:053 (27053|3) - ini jugaa
00:32:411 - add lagi like this 00:32:839 -
00:48:696 (48696|2,49553|1,50411|0,51268|1,52125|2) - gw ga denger suara apa2 disini, hapus aja
00:58:125 (58125|3) - ^
01:05:625 (65625|1) - kok F :V
01:03:696 (63696|2) - add lagi buat kick
01:07:125 (67125|0) - ^
01:21:746 - bisa di add lagi di snap 1/8

Emilia is LOVE
Rem is SHIT
Topic Starter

Ibrahim wrote:


00:19:982 (19982|1) - masih ada suara panjang kaya ini 00:17:625 (17625|1) - 00:19:982 (19982|1) - buat kick, 00:17:625 (17625|1) - cover roll sound.
00:27:053 (27053|3) - ini jugaa 00:27:053 (27053|3) - buat hihat, LN untuk cover roll sound.
00:32:411 - add lagi like this 00:32:839 - nice.
00:48:696 (48696|2,49553|1,50411|0,51268|1,52125|2) - gw ga denger suara apa2 disini, hapus aja vocal, daripada drum nya gitu2 aja menidng di timpa vocal juga..
00:58:125 (58125|3) - ^ ^
01:05:625 (65625|1) - kok F :V fixed.
01:03:696 (63696|2) - add lagi buat kick added.
01:07:125 (67125|0) - ^ ^
01:21:746 - bisa di add lagi di snap 1/8 di cover pake 1/2 beat LN buat konsistensi.

Emilia is LOVE
Rem is SHIT I DISagreee!!!
Thanks buat mod nya :)

I stayiaeaeaeaeaeaeai

00:02:196 (2196|0) - hmmm ngikutin apa ini? yg LN sebelumnya keliatan ngikutin gitar (padahal nggak terlalu sih 00:00:482 (482|0,696|2) - ini gak LN) tapi gue bingung disini ada suara apa. Ada suara yg nyampe sini sih 00:02:411 - tapi gak tau yg nyampe 00:02:625 - apaan

00:02:625 (2625|3) - end di 00:03:053 - ? rada aneh soalnya suaranya udah ilang yg itu di 00:03:053 -

00:13:768 - di part ini keknya asik kalo ngikutin bassnya juga, soalnya boring juga LN nya dikit la

01:08:625 - sampai 01:11:625 - gausah dua not aja ah disini, buat ngebedain part yg ada cymbal sama yang nggak hmm coba itu ada "jack" feelnya jadi masih lumayan susah juga

01:28:827 (88827|1,88827|3) - gue saranin 3 not aja ini, add di 1

menurut gue ini diff ya... kurang dimaksimalkan penggunaan instrumennya, contohnya bass sama gitar (di part terakhir) kalo di map juga itu instrumen bisa jadi lebih asik mapnya, melihat bpm yg rendah sama kurangnya kemungkinan terjadinya polyrhythm jadi nggak papa lagi kalo menurut gue itu bass juga di map

satu mod doang ini mah
00:08:196 (8196|2,9053|2) - beda instrument, mending gausah disamain. move 00:09:053 (9053|2) - ke 2

00:02:196 (2196|2) - move ke 4, beda instrumen sama 00:01:339 (1339|2) - bhah

00:09:053 (9053|0) - move ke 2

00:37:768 (37768|1) - move ke 3? 21 is just a bit uhhhhh

00:58:125 (58125|0) - move ke 3

01:05:196 (65196|2,65625|1) - swap ini

01:27:559 - paling ngepas sama lagu kalo ini
Hi, Requested in IRC!
I staieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieie alive to mod your map

  1. Widescreen support: Turn Off?

  1. 00:01:339 (1339|0,2196|0) - Try to replace with a ln? Just weird to cut a sound with 2 ln
  2. 01:01:125 (61125|0,61125|1,61339|2,61339|1,61553|2,61553|3) - Might to want to Ctrl+H

  1. 00:38:196 (38196|2,38411|3) - Ctrl+G for better flow?

  1. Seems fine.

I have nothing to say about really low bpm map ;v; since It's easy.
Just feel free to reject and take my 2 stars :)

Rem best
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

I stayiaeaeaeaeaeaeai Si Emilia bisa 'Stay Alive' si Rem cuma bisa 'Wshing' wtf :v

00:02:196 (2196|0) - hmmm ngikutin apa ini? yg LN sebelumnya keliatan ngikutin gitar (padahal nggak terlalu sih 00:00:482 (482|0,696|2) - ini gak LN) tapi gue bingung disini ada suara apa. Ada suara yg nyampe sini sih 00:02:411 - tapi gak tau yg nyampe 00:02:625 - apaan ada kok sound yg sampe situ, ok di bedain deh col nya sama LN yg sebelumnya biar jelas.

00:02:625 (2625|3) - end di 00:03:053 - ? rada aneh soalnya suaranya udah ilang yg itu di 00:03:053 - 00:02:625 (2625|3,3053|2) - sengaja ikut synth apa itu namanya, dan synth itu menguat di 00:03:053 - makanya itu di shield.

00:13:768 - di part ini keknya asik kalo ngikutin bassnya juga, soalnya boring juga LN nya dikit la tapi ini part yg harusnya 'calm' loh, will consider this.

01:08:625 - sampai 01:11:625 - gausah dua not aja ah disini, buat ngebedain part yg ada cymbal sama yang nggak hmm coba itu ada "jack" feelnya jadi masih lumayan susah juga ok, re-arranged, tapi yg di 01:08:625 - tetep di double karena ada cymbalnya.

01:28:827 (88827|1,88827|3) - gue saranin 3 not aja ini, add di 1 mau ngebedain sama snare ini jadi cuma 2 note.

menurut gue ini diff ya... kurang dimaksimalkan penggunaan instrumennya, contohnya bass sama gitar (di part terakhir) kalo di map juga itu instrumen bisa jadi lebih asik mapnya, melihat bpm yg rendah sama kurangnya kemungkinan terjadinya polyrhythm jadi nggak papa lagi kalo menurut gue itu bass juga di map nanti dipikir2 lagi enaknya gimana deh.

satu mod doang ini mah
00:08:196 (8196|2,9053|2) - beda instrument, mending gausah disamain. move 00:09:053 (9053|2) - ke 2 ok, dibedain col nya.

00:02:196 (2196|2) - move ke 4, beda instrumen sama 00:01:339 (1339|2) - bhah re-arranged.

00:09:053 (9053|0) - move ke 2 ^

00:37:768 (37768|1) - move ke 3? 21 is just a bit uhhhhh diubah jadi 23.

00:58:125 (58125|0) - move ke 3 ini gapapa lah imo.

01:05:196 (65196|2,65625|1) - swap ini ^

01:27:559 - paling ngepas sama lagu kalo ini tapi balance nya berasa aneh, will consider this.
Thanks Raed buat mod nya :3

-[Apple]- wrote:

Hi, Requested in IRC!
I staieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieie alive to mod your map

  1. Widescreen support: Turn Off?

  1. 00:01:339 (1339|0,2196|0) - Try to replace with a ln? Just weird to cut a sound with 2 ln i think it's fine, i want to make the patern looks 'unique'.
  2. 01:01:125 (61125|0,61125|1,61339|2,61339|1,61553|2,61553|3) - Might to want to Ctrl+H i see, the drum 'pitch' is from higher to lower, but i have no idea (for now) how to make the pattern balance again, will consider this.

  1. 00:38:196 (38196|2,38411|3) - Ctrl+G for better flow? It's fine like this imo.

  1. Seems fine.

I have nothing to say about really low bpm map ;v; since It's easy.
Just feel free to reject and take my 2 stars :)

Rem best Rem is the best, really aaaa >w<
Thanks Apple for mod and stars :)

Mania 4k mod4mod request from my Queue.

Columns: 0|1|2|3

  1. All is fine.
  1. 00:00:054 (54|3) - and if you make a note instead of the LN? (the effect lasts too) 00:00:482 (482|0,696|2,911|1) - I think it's too much for these notes in easy imo
  2. 00:01:982 (1982|0) - delete?
  3. 00:17:196 (17196|0) - ^
  4. 00:18:053 (18053|1) - move column 0?
  5. 00:27:696 (27696|2) - Here I feel it is not necessary for this diff and better is a break
  6. 00:47:196 (47196|3) - in this diff you can ignore for voice because it is too 00:41:196 (41196|0,42911|1,44625|2) - imo
  7. 00:59:839 (59839|1) - delete?
  8. 01:03:911 (63911|1,64125|0) - control + g?
  9. 01:13:768 (73768|3) - move column 1? no repeat as 01:13:339 (73339|3) -
  1. 00:02:625 (2625|0) - this LN is better ends in 00:03:053 - something to balance this diff imo
  2. 01:14:625 (74625|1,74768|0) - control + g? maybe different 01:13:982 (73982|1,74196|0) - it feels good to the other drum
  3. 01:28:827 - no double?

    The rest is fine for me.
  1. 00:00:054 - I think it is better to add a note to follow 00:00:268 (268|1,482|0,696|2) -
  2. 00:03:482 - missing note? in diff normal also it has a note here
    00:10:339 - ^
  3. 00:16:339 - add note to the cymbal?
  4. 00:16:768 - ^
  5. 00:23:196 - ^
  6. 00:23:625 - ^
  7. 00:40:553 (40553|3) - move column 0 and 00:40:768 (40768|1) - column 3 It was somewhat uncomfortable imo
  8. 00:52:768 (52768|2,52768|1) - move column 0|1? but it would be almost the same as 00:54:482 (54482|1,54482|0) - maybe move in 00:54:482 (54482|0) - column 3
  9. 01:28:827 (88827|2) - move column 0?
There is nothing more to say patterns is well done, nice song and map... Good luck~
Topic Starter

Etsu wrote:


Mania 4k mod4mod request from my Queue.

Columns: 0|1|2|3

  1. All is fine.
  1. 00:00:054 (54|3) - and if you make a note instead of the LN? (the effect lasts too) 00:00:482 (482|0,696|2,911|1) - I think it's too much for these notes in easy imo It's not that hard imo.
  2. 00:01:982 (1982|0) - delete? ^
  3. 00:17:196 (17196|0) - ^ Kick + cymbal = 2 notes anyway i added 'W' HS too here, lol.
  4. 00:18:053 (18053|1) - move column 0? It's fine like this imo.
  5. 00:27:696 (27696|2) - Here I feel it is not necessary for this diff and better is a break I can hear the drum kick here, better for consistency.
  6. 00:47:196 (47196|3) - in this diff you can ignore for voice because it is too 00:41:196 (41196|0,42911|1,44625|2) - imo keep, i want to follow the long synth.
  7. 00:59:839 (59839|1) - delete? follow vocal here.
  8. 01:03:911 (63911|1,64125|0) - control + g? current pattern seems fine imo.
  9. 01:13:768 (73768|3) - move column 1? no repeat as 01:13:339 (73339|3) - but i want to avoida same col with 01:14:196 (74196|1) - .
  1. 00:02:625 (2625|0) - this LN is better ends in 00:03:053 - something to balance this diff imo i think it's fine like this, i like to map this kind of pattern in almost all my ranked gd and ranked map.
  2. 01:14:625 (74625|1,74768|0) - control + g? maybe different 01:13:982 (73982|1,74196|0) - it feels good to the other drum keep, better flow imo, since it feels the drum 'pitch' is from higher to lower.
  3. 01:28:827 - no double? no, 'W' HS = 1 note only.

    The rest is fine for me.
  1. 00:00:054 - I think it is better to add a note to follow 00:00:268 (268|1,482|0,696|2) - idk i can't hear anything other than the long synth.
  2. 00:03:482 - missing note? in diff normal also it has a note here deleted in normal diff.
    00:10:339 - ^ ^
  3. 00:16:339 - add note to the cymbal? It's fine with only single LN imo.
  4. 00:16:768 - ^
  5. 00:23:196 - ^
  6. 00:23:625 - ^ ... ^
  7. 00:40:553 (40553|3) - move column 0 and 00:40:768 (40768|1) - column 3 It was somewhat uncomfortable imo i think it's fine, i already ask some player to testplay this map and noone complain about this.
  8. 00:52:768 (52768|2,52768|1) - move column 0|1? but it would be almost the same as 00:54:482 (54482|1,54482|0) - maybe move in 00:54:482 (54482|0) - column 3 keep for variation.
  9. 01:28:827 (88827|2) - move column 0? see this 01:28:404 (88404|0,88616|0,88616|3,88827|3) - i think u already know what i mean.
There is nothing more to say patterns is well done, nice song and map... Good luck~
Thanks for mod and star Etsu :)

Col : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7


  1. BG : ok
  2. Mp3 : ok
  3. Hitsound : ok
  4. Difficulty : ok
  5. Timing: ok
  6. AI Mod : ok


  1. 00:40:768 (40768|1) -move to 1. Just simple suggestion. Same like prev pattern.
  2. 00:41:196 -suggest to adding sv here. Maybe around 0.80-0.90
  3. 00:46:339 -00:48:053 - also it will be better if you can adding sv in here too
  4. 01:03:482 -better to add note for hithat
  5. 01:06:911 -^
  6. 01:28:827 (88827|2,88827|3) -maybe you can change this to 1/4LN


  1. 01:03:482 -pretty much same with hard
  2. 01:06:911 -^


  1. 01:03:482 -pretty much same with hard
  2. 01:06:911 -^
Short mod cuz I think there is not many instrument to follow in this song.
For sv you can apply it only on hard diff.
Good luck on ranking
Mod Done
Topic Starter

Frim4503 wrote:

Col : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7


  1. BG : ok
  2. Mp3 : ok
  3. Hitsound : ok
  4. Difficulty : ok
  5. Timing: ok
  6. AI Mod : ok


  1. 00:40:768 (40768|1) -move to 1. Just simple suggestion. Same like prev pattern. I think it's fine, i want to make variation.
  2. 00:41:196 -suggest to adding sv here. Maybe around 0.80-0.90 hmm, may be i will add Sv at 00:47:196 - .
  3. 00:46:339 -00:48:053 - also it will be better if you can adding sv in here too ^
  4. 01:03:482 -better to add note for hithat ok.
  5. 01:06:911 -^ ^
  6. 01:28:827 (88827|2,88827|3) -maybe you can change this to 1/4LN it's fine like this i think.


  1. 01:03:482 -pretty much same with hard
  2. 01:06:911 -^ fixed all.


  1. 01:03:482 -pretty much same with hard
  2. 01:06:911 -^ i think it's fine to ignore this sound for easy diff.
Short mod cuz I think there is not many instrument to follow in this song.
For sv you can apply it only on hard diff.
Good luck on ranking
Mod Done
Thanks for mod Frim :)
i stay ie ie ie ie ie ie

ie ike ikkeh ikkeh kimochi aahh~ yamete kudasai

lepi masih otw diperbaiki
Ai steieieieieieieieieiei aliveeeeeee


will shoot some star here... soon :>
yoo dell :3

Old request sorry for delay ><

00:33:482 (33482|1,33696|0) - ctrl + J should be consistent

00:27:268 (27268|3) - delete please, because this sound (tom) same with 00:27:053 - or add ? you choice

00:27:053 - add ? same you did 00:34:125 -
00:57:053 (57053|3) - move 3 please ><
01:05:196 - add one more please, i feel hear cymbal in there

lol this map already good btw....go for ranked ~
Topic Starter

Draftnell wrote:

yoo dell :3

Old request sorry for delay ><

00:33:482 (33482|1,33696|0) - ctrl + J should be consistent current pattern seems better for me.

00:27:268 (27268|3) - delete please, because this sound (tom) same with 00:27:053 - or add ? you choice idk, i can't hear tom drum at 00:27:053 - may be just my headset, will consider this.

00:27:053 - add ? same you did 00:34:125 - same with normal i can't hear tom sound here, will consider this.
00:57:053 (57053|3) - move 3 please >< current pattern seems fine for me.
01:05:196 - add one more please, i feel hear cymbal in there yes, there is a cymbal, but i want to map kick sound + cymbal with only 2 notes to make it different with snare + cymbal = 3 notes, so i'll keep this one.

lol this map already good btw....go for ranked ~
Thanks for mod draft :)
BN check
The .flv format is not recommended for background videos. It glitches really badly on my computer so I'm worried it may not work for other people as well. I highly suggest using an .avi format.
Here's the best conversion I could get:
It lost a little bit of quality, but it's not very apparent. If you're not satisfied with the quality, I encourage you to seek out a higher-quality conversion for yourself

I found a couple of issues with the metadata:
1. I think the artist should be Emilia, not EMILIA. The sites I checked use the former capitalization.
2. There seems to be two different english version of the anime title: "Starting Life in Another World" and "Life in a different world from zero." I think the first one is more common, so I suggest using it instead. Of course, you could use both if you wanted, though it would be a bit repetitive P:
3. You have zero twice in the tags
4. What does ED mean in the tags?
5. Do you know what CV means? I see it on multiple sites (for example, ... tay-alive/ ) but I'm curious ;n;
00:48:053 - and 01:01:768 - Do you think a finish would fit here?

00:53:196 - missing whistle
01:18:026 - this pattern is inconsistent with 00:16:339 -, 00:23:196 -, and 01:24:813 -. I suggest using the same LN pattern all four times
01:28:827 - can I suggest moving this last note to the first lane? it's very prominent and it sounds different from the previous three sounds, so I think switching hands will make it feel more powerful

00:16:339 -, 00:23:196 -, 01:18:026 -, and 01:24:813 - the first two times have similar patterns, but the third and fourth are both different. Maybe you could improve on the consistency
01:28:827 - like in Easy, maybe you can make this last chord feel different somehow. This is just a small suggestion though ^^'

00:04:768 (4768|3) - I think this LN should end at 00:05:411 - for consistency with 00:01:982 - and 00:08:839 -
00:56:625 (56625|3,56625|0,57053|0,57053|3) - just curious, why did you decide to repeat this chord here?
01:14:625 - this section is nice, but there are three minijacks in the left hand and only one minijack in the right hand, which is a bit unbalanced for the hardest part of the map. However, I can't think of a way to fix this without ruining your stair-like shape. I suggest choosing a pattern that is more balanced, but if you prefer the current one I understand
01:18:026 - like on Easy, this is inconsistent
This is such a nice and simple set! The hitsounding is great too.

Awaiting your response ^^
Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

BN check
The .flv format is not recommended for background videos. It glitches really badly on my computer so I'm worried it may not work for other people as well. I highly suggest using an .avi format.
Here's the best conversion I could get:
It lost a little bit of quality, but it's not very apparent. If you're not satisfied with the quality, I encourage you to seek out a higher-quality conversion for yourself The video that you give to me, 22 MB hmm i think the size is a bit too big, i will try to find a better video, but sure i will change the video later.

I found a couple of issues with the metadata:
1. I think the artist should be Emilia, not EMILIA. The sites I checked use the former capitalization. The offical site write the artist like this: ( ) , ( , also the picture - the romanised artist in the picture). Also, the std set which already ranked use "EMILIA" as the artist ( ) too.
2. There seems to be two different english version of the anime title: "Starting Life in Another World" and "Life in a different world from zero." I think the first one is more common, so I suggest using it instead. Of course, you could use both if you wanted, though it would be a bit repetitive P: both is fine i think, but i will keep the current one that i use now, as you can see from the re:zero banner in this map description.
3. You have zero twice in the tags my bad, will delete one of them.
4. What does ED mean in the tags? ED = ending, sometimes ppl write ending as "ED".
5. Do you know what CV means? I see it on multiple sites (for example, ... tay-alive/ ) but I'm curious ;n; CV means the "seiyuu" or the character voice.
00:48:053 - and 01:01:768 - Do you think a finish would fit here? the sound is different with 00:50:625 - , 01:04:339 - etc, so i didn't add a finish sound there.

00:53:196 - missing whistle oki.
01:18:026 - this pattern is inconsistent with 00:16:339 -, 00:23:196 -, and 01:24:813 -. I suggest using the same LN pattern all four times i will change 01:24:813 - like 01:18:026 - , for note variation with the other two first part.
01:28:827 - can I suggest moving this last note to the first lane? it's very prominent and it sounds different from the previous three sounds, so I think switching hands will make it feel more powerful oki.

00:16:339 -, 00:23:196 -, 01:18:026 -, and 01:24:813 - the first two times have similar patterns, but the third and fourth are both different. Maybe you could improve on the consistency same with Easy diff, i will change the 4th part same with 3rd part.
01:28:827 - like in Easy, maybe you can make this last chord feel different somehow. This is just a small suggestion though ^^' It's fine like this imo, i don't want to jack this part so i make it like this xd.

00:04:768 (4768|3) - I think this LN should end at 00:05:411 - for consistency with 00:01:982 - and 00:08:839 - ok, fixed in other diff too.
00:56:625 (56625|3,56625|0,57053|0,57053|3) - just curious, why did you decide to repeat this chord here? for guitar i guess, but i decide to change it because ppl keep to mention this part.
01:14:625 - this section is nice, but there are three minijacks in the left hand and only one minijack in the right hand, which is a bit unbalanced for the hardest part of the map. However, I can't think of a way to fix this without ruining your stair-like shape. I suggest choosing a pattern that is more balanced, but if you prefer the current one I understand fixed. now it has 3 mini jack in the right hand and 2 mini jack in the left hand.
01:18:026 - like on Easy, this is inconsistent fixed like other diff as well.
This is such a nice and simple set! The hitsounding is great too. Thanks :)

Awaiting your response ^^
Will edit this post later to see the video and apply the mod as well after i come back from my college. Edited. I will try to find a better video for this map as soon as possible. Thanks Nivrad for check! :)

container does not affect decoding performance in general. the video strings in the container matters. flv is fine.
not sure which command caused lag, but subme=10 might be the reason. consider lower it to 9 in your future encoding for osu.

no kd
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:
container does not affect decoding performance in general. the video strings in the container matters. flv is fine.
not sure which command caused lag, but subme=10 might be the reason. consider lower it to 9 in your future encoding for osu.

no kd
Thanks Shad0w1and for the video! :)

Tbh, i don't know how to encode a video at all, i just copied the previous video from another map and add that map as the credit before this.

Updated and added Shad0w1and as the video credit. Waiting for Nivrad response about this.
Thanks again, Shad0w. The new .flv file still lags on my computer, but we're convinced by now that I'm the only one with this problem.

Thanks for clearing up the metadata stuff, Dellvangel. You know much more about it than I do ;n;

Everything else looks great. Bubbled!
Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

Thanks again, Shad0w. The new .flv file still lags on my computer, but we're convinced by now that I'm the only one with this problem.

Thanks for clearing up the metadata stuff, Dellvangel. You know much more about it than I do ;n;

Everything else looks great. Bubbled!
Thank you so much Nivrad! >w<b
Hey. Emillia is best girl

2016-10-29 21:48 Fresh Chicken: Are you stay alive now
2016-10-29 21:49 Dellvangel: ACTION is listening to [ EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive]
2016-10-29 21:49 Dellvangel: haha, yes xd
2016-10-29 21:50 Fresh Chicken: I will do it really fast
2016-10-29 21:50 Fresh Chicken: I'm lazy as fk
2016-10-29 21:50 Fresh Chicken: lol
2016-10-29 21:51 Dellvangel: lol, no problem i think since its only a simple mapset :3
2016-10-29 21:52 Fresh Chicken: .ok
2016-10-29 21:52 Fresh Chicken: normal gogo
2016-10-29 21:52 Fresh Chicken: ez is good
2016-10-29 21:53 Dellvangel: oki xd
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken: 00:21:911 (21911|3,21911|2,22125|1,22125|2,22553|0,22553|1,22768|1,22768|2) - hmm
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken: Have a suggestion
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken:
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken: oh
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken: not this
2016-10-29 21:53 Fresh Chicken:
2016-10-29 21:54 Fresh Chicken: for more constructive pattern
2016-10-29 21:55 Dellvangel: hmm, wait let me see it
2016-10-29 21:56 Dellvangel: oki, applied
2016-10-29 21:56 Dellvangel: semms more balance like that
2016-10-29 21:56 Fresh Chicken: yap
2016-10-29 21:56 Fresh Chicken: 00:48:053 - Using 3 note is fine even if it's normal, this part should be emphasis, what do you think
2016-10-29 21:56 Fresh Chicken: Also give some different than other 2 notes
2016-10-29 21:57 Dellvangel: i think 2 notes is fine :3
2016-10-29 21:57 Fresh Chicken: hmm oki
2016-10-29 21:57 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is editing [ EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive [Hard]]
2016-10-29 21:59 Dellvangel: 00:21:911 - wait, i make this part a bit different for note variation with 00:25:339 (25339|2,25339|3,25553|3,25553|0,25982|0,25982|1,26196|0,26196|3) -
2016-10-29 21:59 Fresh Chicken: 01:28:827 - Should be 3 I think
2016-10-29 22:00 Dellvangel: what di you think? :3
2016-10-29 22:00 Dellvangel: *do
2016-10-29 22:00 Fresh Chicken: Depend on you lol
2016-10-29 22:00 Dellvangel: 2 notes is fine, i dont really like map with triple in normal diff tbh xd
2016-10-29 22:00 Fresh Chicken: it's Hard
2016-10-29 22:00 Fresh Chicken: o.o
2016-10-29 22:01 Dellvangel: ok, i will change 00:21:911 - like my latest screenshoot
2016-10-29 22:01 Dellvangel: oki :3
2016-10-29 22:04 Fresh Chicken: updated?
2016-10-29 22:05 Dellvangel: no mod for hard diff?
2016-10-29 22:05 Fresh Chicken: 01:28:827 - Only thbis
2016-10-29 22:05 Fresh Chicken: this
2016-10-29 22:06 Dellvangel: oh, 2 LN is fine, i think you mod normal diff at that part xd
2016-10-29 22:06 Dellvangel: updating
STAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~~~~IAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~I A~~~~~~~~~LIVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

STAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~~~~IAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~I A~~~~~~~~~LIVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
STAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~~~~IAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~IE~~~~~~~~~I A~~~~~~~~~LIVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *brain power? xd

Thank you so much, Fresh Chicken! >w<b
-[ AmiShici ]-
Topic Starter

-[ AmiShici ]- wrote:

gratz dell \=w=/
mantab jiwa = steady souls
rip translate lol
Portal Opening song, top kangkungkingkang. ... refox-b-ab

Surono wrote:

Portal Opening song, top kangkungkingkang. ... refox-b-ab
oh sur, please :v
elien emang beda uwu
anyway gratz owo)/

Rem Besto grill :<
Wew eteh
Btw gratz mas Dell >w<)b
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