
Cash Cash - Everytime We Touch (Feat. MC Oz)

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and move (feat. MC Oz) to artist

00:28:063 (2,1) - Spacing.
01:24:445 (3,1) - ^
01:36:680 (1) - 1/4 repeating slider starting on a 1/4 in a Normal. Right.
02:56:999 (3) - Move down to where the 1 is


00:29:977 (6) - Right a grid

01:45:297 (1) - 1/1 shorter.
01:58:914 (1) - ^
02:43:169 (1) - ^
02:48:488 (1) - I think this is a little soon after the spinner for an Easy, don't you?
03:08:488 (5,1) - GOOD LORD
small IRC mod
Hi! :)

Remember these are just suggestions you can always ignore :P

~All Diffs~

NotShinta wrote:

and move (feat. MC Oz) to artist
- I think you should do this ^
- I also think the Preview Point should be on 01:35:935...

01:13:169 (1) - Flip vertically?

01:36:680 (1) - High Suggestion: I would start the slider on the white tick because the lyrics have more power than the bass you're following atm, but I can see what you're doing with the slider so it's up to you...
01:40:829 (1) - Sliderart <3

No problems here!

Nice and solid map. Good luck ztrot :D
Hi ztrot-sensei!!! Please remember some of theese errors are suggestions, not directions, if i point something out is because i believe it will help your map!

[osz File Scan!]
Everything ok here

Some of the stuff pointed out, can be also said for the copy/pasted spot, so to avoid making a long mod post i'll just point the first instance i see of it.
Maybe add JarJarJacob to tags in case ppl want to find this map by searching his old username?
I think 01:35:722 is a better preview point.

00:16:573 (5) - I dont like how this slider forms a few sharp points on the wave curves, try moving the 3rd waypoint a couple grids down and the 2nd one a couple grids up to achieve something like this?:
As you can see the curves are more smooth in this case
00:58:488 (2) - Is it possible for you to make this slider go around the note in a more circular pattern? you can use the note's approach circle to help yourself out
01:41:892 (4,5,6) - I would prefer if this triplet made a less sharp curve, to not overload this with screenshots, i'll just say to move (6) 6 grids down (if i counted right) to show you what i mean, then rotate all 3 notes anti-clockwise, would make them flow better into the next note.
02:59:126 (3) - I dont like how this note is flying like way over there, i would recommend you put it somewhere centered in the Y axys.

00:40:829 (3) - In this cases having 90 degree angle with the waypoint wont always result in a perfect arc slider, unless this was intentional, i recommend you move the middle waypoint 1 Lv 3 grid to the left and the arc will become better (same for other sliders like this.
00:47:637 (3) - Is this form intentional? otherwise i can provide a more circular one for you:

00:47:637 (1) - Is this shape intentional? otherwise it would look better if it goes around the approach circle of the next note.
02:26:360 (1,2,3,4) - I dont think anti-jumps are a good idea for an Easy
02:51:041 (1,2) - Touches the HP Bar, and this can look ugly imo, i recommend you unstack theese and move them farther down then rearrange the follow up notes for spacing, if you want to keep symmetrical you can do the same with 02:48:488 (1,2) since it comes right after a spinner spacing shouldnt be an issue.

Pretty nice mapset, no technical problems at all, so you can grab a Star~
Topic Starter
k it works
-Oh geez 1.7 SV for an Easy and 1.9 SV for a Normal? (and that BPM isn't low) They both need to be lowered
-I am not going to bubble it like that (I remember what happened last time a map like that was ranked cough)
-Why no kiai anywhere :(

01:14:871 (1) - I don't like things that go up to hp bar (or very close to it) on easier difficulties but that is just me
01:35:297 (5,1) - I would expect these to be spaced out more
01:40:829 (4) - same hp bar comment - and rest of ones like this (change if possible)
02:33:169 (3,1) - same as mentioned before
02:48:488 (1,2) - really don't like this for an easy as approach circle is hard to see for beginners as it goes off screen (and straight after a spinner)
02:51:041 (1,2) - ^

01:36:680 (1) - put on white tick + add a repeat? sounds odd on blue tick
01:40:829 (1) - lol..nice shape

00:47:212 (3,5) - align?
01:09:871 (1,2) - nazi stacking error (isn't really worth changing)
01:11:041 (6,7) - ^
01:16:573 (8,9) - align?
Nothing really important~

If other MAT's disagree about SV they can bubble but just a star from me~
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

-Oh geez 1.7 SV for an Easy and 1.9 SV for a Normal? (and that BPM isn't low) They both need to be lowered
-I am not going to bubble it like that (I remember what happened last time a map like that was ranked cough)
-Why no kiai anywhere :(

01:14:871 (1) - I don't like things that go up to hp bar (or very close to it) on easier difficulties but that is just me
01:35:297 (5,1) - I would expect these to be spaced out more
01:40:829 (4) - same hp bar comment - and rest of ones like this (change if possible)
02:33:169 (3,1) - same as mentioned before
02:48:488 (1,2) - really don't like this for an easy as approach circle is hard to see for beginners as it goes off screen (and straight after a spinner)
02:51:041 (1,2) - ^

01:36:680 (1) - put on white tick + add a repeat? sounds odd on blue tick
01:40:829 (1) - lol..nice shape

00:47:212 (3,5) - align?
01:09:871 (1,2) - nazi stacking error (isn't really worth changing)
01:11:041 (6,7) - ^
01:16:573 (8,9) - align?
Nothing really important~

If other MAT's disagree about SV they can bubble but just a star from me~
slider vel is fine
....nothing xD

(suggestion) 00:43:382 (5) - since at this point the vocals repeat i think it plays better with a newcombo like you have in insane
02:45:084 (4) - this really needs a new combo, flows MUCH better then
(suggestion) 03:04:658 (5) - since at this point the vocals repeat i think it plays better with a newcombo like you have in insane

....i got nothing xD

well pretty much perfect map set here great job :D

have my star
And everytime we kiss i swear i can fly~
Derekku agrees with me either SV should be lowered or Easy should be renamed to Normal and Normal should be renamed to Normal+

Not going to pop bubble just throwing it out there..
I showed my concern as well, but ztrot agreed to getting it ranked like this, it's not THAT bad and it kind of fits the song after all, in this case i'd say it's the mapper's call
Yeah, Yeah. Em. Cee. Oz.

James2250 wrote:

Derekku agrees with me either SV should be lowered or Easy should be renamed to Normal and Normal should be renamed to Normal+

Not going to pop bubble just throwing it out there..
I wasn't serious about changing the diff names, but I did think that the SV was too high and the distance spacing required too much accuracy/precision for an easy difficulty. The star rating was only low because of the 2-3 white ticks between some beats.

But if ztrot thinks that it's easy enough for the high bpm and such, then I guess I can't argue. (Just please try to make easy EASY next time)
Topic Starter
really I see no need for easy to be so bland it's not that hard or fast
also this rage rating going on english maps suck 5.5
I cry 00:38:807 (6,7,8,9) - T_____T
At least a New combo on (7) would be nice. :x

osuplayer111 wrote:

At least a New combo on (7) would be nice. :x
That would just make it worse. It would have been better to make the 1-2-3-4-5-6 go from right to left to compensate for stack leniency.
Yeah, I think you're right.

But oh well, it's too late :/

ztrot wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, October 04, 2010 at 5:31:50 PM

Artist: Cash Cash
Title: Everytime We Touch (Feat. MC Oz)
Tags: Jarby
BPM: 141
Filesize: 4828kb
Play Time: 03:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.89 stars, 200 notes)
  2. Insane (4.9 stars, 530 notes)
  3. Normal (3.1 stars, 259 notes)
Download: Cash Cash - Everytime We Touch (Feat. MC Oz)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Jarby did some sections in normal thanks Jarby >.<b
and in easy
so good M A P 8-) [quote="Andrea"]Yeah, I think you're right.
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