Hello everyone! The General Assistance thread is for members who might be uncertain about something in a beatmap they are not very familiar with. For a better overview of people who might be able to help you with your problem, we created this thread. Feel free to post here with your concerns as well as any discussion. Optional you can directly contact listed people. Additionally, who ever is interested to help, can contact Bakari, IamKwaN and OnosakiHito or post in this thread and we will add you into the list. You are all encouraged to do so if interested, but keep in mind that you should have a decent level of what you are doing!
1. Metadata
If you are unsure if a web site you found is official, ask people with the expetise for these cases. Lately some modders mention download sites as an official source and it makes mappers confused. The reason why websites such as download services and wikipedia can't be an official source is, sometimes labels on them conflict with ones on official websites. In order to prevent future confusion over a metadata issue, do not hesitate to ask the downbelow listed people:2. Timing
Timing a beatmap correctly is one of the most important factors in a beatmap, especially when it contains more than only one timing section, as the hitcircles are subordinated to it. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate timing and offset in a beatmap. Following members can help in this matter:3. Storyboarding and skinning
These following members are able to assist in any storyboard or skin related issues or to answer any questions you might have concerning them:- _Gezo_
- Chaoslitz (skinning and basic storyboarding)
- Deif
- Pereira006 (basic SB commands)
- sheela (basic SB)
- Wafu (general SB and codding assistance)
- ...