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puush me
and then just touch me
til I can get my
Omg, it works :D

Nice (:

So you can upload custom skins and screenshots with this?
Will you be raising the file size cap when this goes gold?
Topic Starter
Check the FAQ.
I told you already but now again on osu :)
Puush is really an awesome thing! :D Really great work.
Imageshack Image-Uploader byebye :)
Nakata Yuji
I must say, the capture area command is going to be invaluable for me.
I love puush, but how can I take say, an image and put it in a link with [ img ] tags?

I tried it on another forum and it's not working. :>

Never mind, the forum just rejects the link type. Puush is awesome. (:
Sweet I just got it
it worked great until it for some reason glitched on me
I pushed the shift+ctrl+3 to many times
Woah, decided to try out puush. It's super convenient and easy to use! Just need to get use to the controls and try not to press too much, lol.

osu! related: When can we expect a large update, like say an added feature?
Perfect software! :)

Really, it's so much easier ^^ i deinstall now the old image uploader software 'cause this is really faster, thanks peppy! thanks
Topic Starter

Randy96 wrote:

osu! related: When can we expect a large update, like say an added feature?
Getting your hopes up would be irresponsible of me at this stage.
Just wanted to let you all know, to display the images you upload to puush on other websites that don't accept the link, add /index.png [or a different filetype when those are released], then IMG tags, and voila!

Nakata Yuji
Perhaps you should add in some basic referral program to gain users early. Something like 10 extra megabytes of storage for free users. I don't know, but just throwing it out there.

Nakata Yuji wrote:

Perhaps you should add in some basic referral program to gain users early. Something like 10 extra megabytes of storage for free users. I don't know, but just throwing it out there.
I guess it's not useful right now since we get three months Pro for free.
But yeah, I agree.
had problems with updating till I turned puush off and then on again

Natteke desu wrote:

had problems with updating till I turned puush off and then on again
Same but it says so when you click help, lulz.

still lovin` puush.
What's retention period? How long it keeps the file in database before deleting it?
Topic Starter
Yep, how long the file is available.
Awesome and very convenient. I'll be ditching ImageShack for this lol. :)

Question, though. How do I create a new Pool?
Topic Starter
Creating new pools is one of the "coming soon" features ;).
Awesone Stuff. Good job making these. The links are totally short and easy to use... Thanks for creating this.... :)

EDIT : I hope they're will be multiple file upload... Doing one file at a time is tiresome.... xD
Stickly Man
I gotta say, for the few times I really needed to upload a screenshot, puush was awesome! :D

Great job, I'll be spreading the word!
ive taken one picture and uploaded it but now i cant do another?

CoolBoy963 wrote:

ive taken one picture and uploaded it but now i cant do another?
You can take as many as you want if you're a Pro member [whch everybody is atm].
could be a blog for atrocities??

there should be a moderator there for qe files are not repeated

and could also replace while /

ah not only thin :)
Hey peppy Im now getting a problem with puush

well I pushed ctrl+shift+4 and it didnt let me choose the area I wanted to capture and it gave me a screenshot and then after I manage to get the area choosen, it said puush has stopped working
Topic Starter
Every time you try? Can you explain in more detail? How is it "giving you a screenshot" after failing to let you select an area?
well It only glitched on me 2 times only but I have been using it (that explains the image of Rinnosuke as my avatar right now)
It works great but I think it might be my computer
its been glitchy since like a year ago, like once it said, windows explorer has stopped working, and it asks me if I wanted to restart it or cancel, I have scanned with kaspersky and it only found 2 riskware during quick scan, but it really slowed down my laptop, so I uninstalled it.

it gave me a screenshot when I was using chrome and then again, choose area, glitched, and also one thing it said if I wanted to debug or cancel, so I debuged and the same error, so I canceled

EDIT: Major change I was typing and for some reason it made me choose what area what I wanted to capture!
I just hited Ctrl+shift+4 ONCE and when I typed for a new video, it made me want to choose another area! Even when I wanted to edit this! I had to exit puush!

EDIT #2:
maybe I should report this in the help and support
Which help and support? osu help and support is for osu. puush is unrelated to osu.

peppy wrote:

Randy96 wrote:

osu! related: When can we expect a large update, like say an added feature?
Getting your hopes up would be irresponsible of me at this stage.
Then allow me. It's gonna be HUUGE! :)

Echo wrote:

Which help and support? osu help and support is for osu. puush is unrelated to osu.
then where
puush doesnt have a help and support
and its really getting annoying with the glitches

MetalMario201 wrote:

Then allow me. It's gonna be HUUGE! :)
@oddysea: you're not being specific enough. You do realise that no one else has come up with your problem? Do you have error messages? You should try to explain it so that people can actually understand your problem, because I certainly can't understand the process by which you're causing puush to crash, or what your problem actually is at all.

Echo wrote:

@oddysea: you're not being specific enough. You do realise that no one else has come up with your problem? Do you have error messages? You should try to explain it so that people can actually understand your problem, because I certainly can't understand the process by which you're causing puush to crash, or what your problem actually is at all.
all I do is after I do the ctrl+shift+4 and choose the area, when I type it wants me to choose an area!
I just hit it ONCE and when typing the + cursor comes up to choose!

oddysea682 wrote:

Echo wrote:

@oddysea: you're not being specific enough. You do realise that no one else has come up with your problem? Do you have error messages? You should try to explain it so that people can actually understand your problem, because I certainly can't understand the process by which you're causing puush to crash, or what your problem actually is at all.
all I do is after I do the ctrl+shift+4 and choose the area, when I type it wants me to choose an area!
I just hit it ONCE and when typing the + cursor comes up to choose!
Are you saying that sometimes when you press ctrl+shft+4 that the "+" cursor doesn't show up but you can still select an area?
If you have Caps Lock on and attempt to type #, $, or %, puush will activate.

You can work around by changing the key bindings to something involving never-used keys like Scroll Lock and PauseBreak.

MetalMario201 wrote:

If you have Caps Lock on and attempt to type #, $, or %, puush will activate.

You can work around by changing the key bindings to something involving never-used keys like Scroll Lock and PauseBreak.
I never have caps lock on but what should I do?
and after using puush when I begin to type, the + cursor comes up and it wants me to choose an area
mess around with the key bindings
other than the ever so annoying random uploads and screenshot taking I think this program is really simple but yet useful.

do want .jpeg feature
I don't know if anyone already reported this, but i received that error

Edit: Running on WinXP SP3

About the retention period...
Does that mean if I upload forum signatures or something like that I need to reupload every week?
If so, then that sucks. :(

aoi-chan97 wrote:

About the retention period...
Does that mean if I upload forum signatures or something like that I need to reupload every week?
If so, then that sucks. :(
Basically, yes you would.

My suggestion would be to use puush for something that you would want to temporarily share with your friends or the like, knowing the file will eventually disappear, and then use something like TinyPic or ImageShack to upload images you want to keep for the near future for in use such as signatures. This way you can quickly share the temporary stuff, and have the necessary stuff last for a much longer while.
An even better suggestion would be to pay for a Pro account :P
Paying for pro isn't really something I can do, I'm 13 and in Malaysia in which USD has a higher value there.
And my parents being strict doesn't help. I'll see if I can talk my mom into paying for the pro.
Topic Starter
While I can't make any promises, I do also feel strongly about the retention period. For now if you aren't considering a pro account, I can recommend using upppy for anything you want permanently available.

Update: for what it's worth, we are reconsidering expiry and it may be removed altogether.
I use puush to UL work files, so I don't really need a Pro unless I really want to UL a 40GB backup or sth. Whatever, expiry ends on Sept.
15US$ is affordable IMHO; it's worth because it will last you for a year though
I see you removed the retention period cap for non-pro, thanks peppy! :)

I'll be using puush for a long time, and I might be able to go pro by the end of the year if things go well :D

Dalles wrote:

I don't know if anyone already reported this, but i received that error

Edit: Running on WinXP SP3

Error Image
Ouch. o.o I didn't seem to encounter that error and I'm running WinXP Pro SP3 too

Uhh, have you tried Running setup as Administrator? (Applies for PC accounts that are not Administrators)
yea yea I know this is an old topic but when I have puush on windows 7 I cant use the key shortcuts to get a screenshot, so I have to right click and choose the command
*EDIT Never mind I got it under control
Way to necro the thread oddysea~ :|
Firo Prochainezo

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Way to necro the thread oddysea~ :|
Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
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